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Thursday, September 30, 2010

World Cultures Question #3

What a person achieves or accomplishes is more important than the way they conduct themselves.

Give some examples from American culture that prove the previous statement to be true.

Give evidence to why this statement is false.


  1. Well it's false because you could be the greatest sports player in the world but if you don't have a good attitude then not that many people or coaches might not want you. But there are some people and coaches (mark richt) who don't care about how their players act and will take them even they get a DUI or sell their jerseys (a.j. green).But I don't recommend being stupid even if you're good.

  2. This statement is not true in my view. Let's say you were the worlds greatest soccer player but your attitude was the worst. You were always acting up and never took you life seriously unless you were playing soccer. Like the Georgia Tech player who got arrested (Robert Hall) for assaulting a girl. Team mates said that they knew him as the best players on the team but he just ruined his opportunity in football by doing a stupid thing!

  3. I think that this statement is false. You can be the worlds best boxer like (Mike Tyson) and have the worst attitude and no one would respect you for you. They would just like you cause you are the best athlete at whatever you do. He would rape girls and not ask permission cause he heard the word YES to much so he thought with anything he asked the answer would always be yes. Would you rather accomplish something great like the super bowl that God does not care about or have a great attitude and honor God in everything you do and be rewarded in the long run. You can still have a great attitude while being the best at something. God does like when you are the best at something because he created you and gave you that talent but it ruins his Glory when you just go off and be the worst person in life and have a horrible attitude.

  4. This is a very false statement; especially when it comes to sports! Let's take Michael Phelps for example. He was the worlds fastest swimmer and he had won 8 gold medals. Everyone loved him and many kids looked up to him. Then, he goes to a friends house and conducts himself poorly and he ended up getting into a lot of trouble. In the end, he eneded up being banned from swimming for 6 months!Another example of a sports figure would be Tiger Woods. He was one of the greatest golf players in the world. Then he went ahead and conducted himself in a very bad way. He not only ruined his reputation, but he ruined his relationship with his family, aswell.Just because you are great in sports or whatever God calls you to be good in, does not give you a proper excuse to run around acting foolish!
    Period 6

  5. In my opinion this statement is definitely false because someone can accomplish great things, but still be a horrible person. For instance, Mike Tyson (who we are learning about in Stoneworks) was the best boxer in the world, however he was a bad guy out of the ring. He would do horrible things to people because he didn't have God with him and thought it was okay because his incredible skills would make up for it. Even though he is good at boxing it doesn't really matter in the long run because that won't determine whether he goes to heaven or not. People need to have a relationship with God and they will then be better on and off the field, ring, etc. Therefore people need to have good actions off the field because then their actions will be even better on the field all because of God.
    ~Megan Schwarzkopf~
    Period 6

  6. I think that this statement is false because even if you acheive something great, but have a bad attitude their attitude about it is more important. If it is bad then say for example if your attitude was bad at a volleyball practice and you were like I don't really care then the coach probably won't play you. Take Tim Tebow for example,(A good one) his attitude was the best he was good at what he did and he had a great attitude. He wanted to represent God in whatever he did, if that was sit on the bench, he would sit on the bench and thank God that he could at least be on a football team. If he was playing he would try his hardest and he would accomplish things for God. His first word out of his mouth when he was being interveiwed at the end of one of Florida's games was I thank God, not in a sarcastic way though. If you achive something really great like winning the Heisman Trophy, but then you conduct yourself poorly what would the world think of you. people wouldn't think oh wow he is really the greatest at football, they would look down on you instead because one bad choice reflects on whatever you do.
    Kristen Fikse Period 5

  7. I dont agree with this statement A person's actions is waaay more important that what the ahcieve. And you reep what you sow. So if you do something bad it doesnt matter if you just accomplished something huge. Several cases in our society have related to this. For instance, Tiger Woods is amzing at golf and everyone loved him. Yet after he cheated on is wife he wasent so popular anymore. Making just one mistake (that at the time you didnt think was so bad) can affect your life majorly and can destroy it.
    PERIOD 6 :)

  8. This statement is so wrong because someone could be great at a certain sport but have a terrible attitude towards life. For instants Tiger Woods was an amazing golfer and even I like him. But after all the things he did I really really don't like him now. Even though hes still just as good at golf I look at him differently and it makes him seem like a worse golfer. I do not respect him at all
    ~Gabrielle Boswell :)

  9. this statement pretty much says that you could be the greatest nba player and have a bad attitude about it.this statement is false because to be really good at something you have to have a good attitude about it otherwise you won't excel at it. take michael phelps for example(before he was caught doing drugs). If he didnt work hard he would have never suceeded in winning 8 gold medals and setting new world records. you have to work hard to excel and to work hard you have to want to work hard and have a good attitude.

  10. I think that the statement is very false. A great example would be A.J. Green. He was highly regarded as one of the best receivers in college football. However, he knew he wasn't supposed to sell his jersey...but he thought because of his skills he could get away with it. Another example would be Mike Tyson. He was a very very good boxer, a world champion. But he took his status too far, and eventually ended up in jail for assault on a girl. Just because you are one of the best at your sport doesn't mean that you can do whatever you want and not get in trouble for it.

  11. Even though I definitely disagree with this statement, there are people who definitely don't have the right mindsets. Tiger Woods has made great achievements, but has a bad attitude and cheats on his wife, but some people excuse him still just because he is a celebrity. Michael Jackson is another person who thought he had it all together until he became messed up from all of his fame. The evidence that proves this statement false is in the Bible many times. One verse in 1 Samuel 16:7 talks about how people look at the outward appearance to judge people, but the Lord looks at the heart and character that people have.

  12. This is a huge lie. If you do not a have a good attitude then no one will like you. Then you will not get a job, but if you are the best you will not reach your full potential. Kobe cheated on his wife but he is still thought of as one of the greatest players on the earth.

    David Ballew

  13. I disagree with this but most everyone one in today's world could care less about how people behave as long as they're talented and have money. For example, Lil Wayne in one of the most loved rappers ever, but right now he is in jail and has made another album in jail. Nobody cares that he is in jail though, even Courtney and Nile are still obsessed with him. I think that as long as your are famous you can get away with a lot more and still be loved world wide.

  14. The American secular does believe that what you achieve is more important than how you get there. Mike Tyson was the world best boxer. He fought like a maniac, and never gave any mercy. All people would say that in the ring, Mike was an extremely accomplished person. Outside the ring, Mike did not receive the same praise. He continually abused girls in ways he did not have permission to. This type of conduct got Mike Tyson into prison. Mike’s behavior outside the ring affected his behavior inside the ring, because while he was in jail, Mike couldn’t fight. When he reached the top of his career, Mike was the best boxer on the planet, but he was also the most miserable human alive. The Americans who are apart from God only care about if people win or lose. They aren’t interested in how people play the game. Mike Tyson won the boxing game, and that’s all the ungodly American’s cared about. God is interested in how people play the game. Do they make good line calls, have a wonderful attitude, and good sportsmanship? If the person doesn’t win, God doesn’t care. He only cares if the person played the game right. Many years ago, my friend idolized Brittany Spears. Now, she definitely does not think very highly of her, because Brittany messed up her life in many ways. She did not play God’s game, but she did play the worldly game that only humans care about. Brittany Spears lost God’s game, but she won the world’s game. Is she a happy person? No, she is not.
    -Rachel Hicks (period 6)

  15. A great example of this is in this picture right here Koby Bryant. Now Koby is one of the best players in the nba but he is a spoiled brat. Whenever his team starts losing a lot he threatens to leave. all he wants is the good things from his team. He sticks with them in the good times but tries to leave in the bad. He should just tough it out and help his team through it. BUT since he is arguably the best player in the NBA this is ok. it doesn't matter if you are the fastest, strongest, coolest, biggest person in the world. How you act is more important than what you do. If there is a jerk who is amazing at everything, and a nice kind kid who is not very good at a lot of things people like the nice kind kid, not the jerl.

  16. A person needs to have the right attitude to play the game. For example, Tiger woods was a good golfer, but after he did those wrong things he wasn't viewed as good because of the attitude and actions he did. If a player doesn't have the right attitude, I doubt the coach will let him play the sport because that negative or bad attitude will effect the whole team. Americans today look at the skill of the athlete and not the attitude sometimes and it messes up the whole game. The statement is false, because God expects believers to conduct themselves in a way that is pleasing to Him during the game and after the game, so that we act like the Christians that we are.

    Megan Fikse
    6th period
    World Cultures

  17. This statement is false most of the time. For example Tiger Woods is the best golfer in the world and the minute a bad thing was said about him people hated him. but humans like to point out the wrong things in someones life. Going back to tiger his whole problem came from a common DUI after running into a tree. then somehow a month later 14 girls claimed to have slept with tiger. The only thing is if i had to take a guess on how many are fakes and in it for publicity or money i'd say probably 10 of them. so the statement is not only false but people enjoy the complete oposite.

    by:ryan wesley

  18. Unfortunitly in this twisted world, people can get away with being idiots and jerks. Miley Cyrus, for example, when I was younger she was a role model to me. I mean how could she not be? Shes pretty, talented, and (thought to be) sweet. I looked up to her. But then she grew up and got her nose pierced and took innapropriate pictures for the world to see! She is still sucsessful. Venessa Hudgens for another example. She took nude pictures and sent them to a co-star! And yet she made four more films after that...if that isn't enough evidence for why this world is so twisted, I dont know what is. It's awful, but it is reality.
    ~Madeline Terry
    Period 6

  19. This statement is false. To be great at a sport or anything in this world you still have to have a great attitude. A great example of this would be Brittany Spears. As many stars now she started out on disney channel, but as she progressed and tried to pull away she got very innapropriate and still is. Even though she went crazy there for awhile people still accepted her when she came back. She still is popular to staring in tv shows and doing music. This world is very crazy and twisted

    -Rayna Mock
    period 5

  20. There are many people who prove this true and some of them are athletes. There are great players who make alot of money, but they choose to do the wrong things. One example is Tiger Woods. He is a great golfer, but he cheated on his wife with many women. But people do not care because he is the world's best golfer. Michael Vick is another example. He ran an illegal dog fighting business. Even though he went to jail and his reputation went down, when he got out of jail, the NFL took him back because he is such a great player.

    The Bible is evidence that it is not true. One verse that talks about conduct being important is Philippians 1:27. It says, "Conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ." We are Christians, so we should listen to God's word. He cares about our behavior.

    Sage Blackwood
    period 3

  21. In our American culture, or any other culture for that matter, what a person achieves is more important than how they conduct themselves. For example, most people agree that Kobe Bryant is one of the greatest NBA players ever, and even if you don't you still enjoy watching his nifty moves and epic dunks. However, when he was convicted of abusing a women he attempted to pay her 5 million$ to convict him of another offense than rape, because he didn't want to be stamped a sexual offender forever. He wanted to accept his punishment and move on because most of his fans would probably forget about the incident and go on admiring him again. Just like we all did when he lead his team to a championship. Although this is the case for some people, other times people only remember the misconduct of the person. For example, O.J Simpson was one of the world's greatest running backs. During college he achieved the highest award possible for a football player. Of course, that was winning the Heisman trophy. He went on to play in the NFL where he became the first running back to rush more than 2,000 yards in a season. Later he was inducted into the Hall of Fame. After his career, he was convicted of armed robbery and murder. After all that O.J has achieved (Heisman HOF), most people still only remember his conviction of murder. In both cases, the people both broke the law of the USA, and so they were both punished. But, in Kobe's case most people forgot about his conviction and still remember him for his athletic skills, but in O.J's case most everyone remembers him for his imprisonment because of murder.

  22. It is hard to believe that that statement could possibly be true. A persons actions reflect just what kind of person they are but just because someone does one thing great doesn't mean that they aren't the same person. For example any rapper out there, anyone. They may make good music but they still live horrible sinful lives. Just because they can make good music doesn't make them anymore good role models.

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. Kristina Harrington said...

    This statement is absolutely false. Even though God is concerned with our accomplishments he is even more concerned by how we live and conduct ourselves. In Matthew Chapter 26:16, what good will it be for a man if he gains the whole world, yet forfeits his soul? For example, many entertainers have fame and fortune, but if they are not saved, their accomplishments are not worth anything. Therefore, if we conduct ourselves in the way God asks us to, then we will be successful and prosperous

  25. I really disagree with that statement. Your attitude and how you conduct yourself is way more important that what you achieve in life. And in most cases, if you have a good attitude you will accomplish more. Just yesterday at tennis, my coach was speaking to everyone about a girl that drills with us. She went to a big tournament, which she was not that successful in, but she won the sportsmanship award. He was saying that he would much rather us win that award and not do as well, then have us win with the wrong approach and attitude.
    Although, some people who conduct themselves badly, still are very successful. An example of this would be some rappers out in the world. Many of them have been to jail, and some are in right now, and yet some of their music is highest on the charts. One day, they will look back on their lives and realize that if they had the talent to be famous and successful, they didn't need to get high every night before a concert, or go to clubs all night.
    In my life, I am going to try to keep everything in line personally with my attitude, and see where that takes me and what i become.

  26. Last blog by Sarah Zschunke, per. 5

  27. I disagree, for example Michael Vick was able to prefom at the highest level of professional football however his poor judgement caused him to make a bad decision regarding the morality of dog fighting. His mistake cost him the achivements of his football career up until that point. Even though he has returned to play professional football, he will be remembered for his mistake more than his accomplishments on the field. This is a good example why conduct is more important than acheivements.

  28. This is a false statement, because for sake of example, a person can be good at something athletic, but not a good person at heart. Mike tyson was a great great fighter. He was 12 years old and could bench 250 lbs! He soon made wrong choices in life, and he soon became "bad" while his talent and fame were good. Morals do matter though, if you have good morals, chances are you will be a good person. If your morals ain't so good, then chances are you will not make wise decisions and choices.
    -ansley p

  29. I disagree with this statement. Character is much more important than actions. There are many people that have done great things in politics, sports, businesses, and entertainment, but just because you do something good that does not make your character better. Sometimes people don't live the most honorable lives, but they do good things. For example Tiger Woods is an amazing golfer. He has won the Masters and many other prestigious golf awards, but he made an enormous mistake and yet people still overlook that mistake because he is such a good golfer. This is not right in my eyes, he is not someone who should be praised even though he is a good athlete, he is not a good influence. Another example of this is Eliot Spitzer, he resigned as the governor of New York two years ago because he was caught regularly seeing prostitutes. Just this month he was given a talk show on CNN. His terrible actions were overlooked and people probably still watch his show despite his actions. God tells us that whoever we are deep inside is what will show in our actions. Therefore, if you are doing terrible things and a few good actions then you are still not a person of good character.

  30. Some evidence of how this is how the american culture thinks is the way O.J. Simpson killed his wife but to the U.S. it was more important that he play football instead of pay for the murder. This is because everyone knew he did it, there was overwhelming evidence was against him, but the jury was rigged so he got off clean.
    I actually have a personal example as to how this statement is false. In the Boy Choir, we used to have a conductor who basically he thought he was more powerful than the Choir board and got too big for his boots. He threw the Choir into a huge hole of debt going against the board and got fired for it, even though he acheived a status of world fame. Basically, even world fame wasn't enough to cover his actions.

  31. I think that that statement is false because you can look at all the great athletes, if they dont behave well they end up going down hill. If you look at Kobe Bryant he's one of the greatest basketball player's in the world got in trouble for messing with that girl, Allen Iverson got in trouble for the same thing, even things aslittle as when Lebron James walked off the court two years ago against the Boston Celtics without shaking anybody's hand. So as you can see even the star athletes or anybody should have a good attitude.

  32. Unfortunately, in today's world the statement seems to be true because society seems to be more interested in the accomplishment of people rather than the way they conduct themselves. Examples are Kobe Bryant and Tiger Woods cheating on their wives. We should see what people do for others as being just as important like Warrick Dun who bought houses for single mothers.

  33. Many people have had great success but are failures in the way they conduct themselves. Some examples from the entertainment industry are Brittany Spears and Lindsey Lohan both became famous and wealthy at a young age but made poor choices as they got older. An example from history is Hitler becoming very powerful and ended up taking advantage of his power and killed the jews. An example from the bible is the disciple Judas, he had a ton of power being Jesus disciple and he abused it, he betrayed Jesus. The bible says: "Even children are known by the way they act, whether their conduct is pure, and whether it is right," (Proverbs 20:11) It is saying that everyone, even children, are known by how they act. Not by what they do. A person could be a great person who conducts himself well but not be very good at anything. God looks at how you act and he is the one who we are ultimately trying to please.

    Quinn Larimer
    period 6

  34. There are two sides to the statement. A couple people who have achieved a lot conduct themselves in a good way. But then some others think they can get away with a lot of things because of many great things they've done in the past. An example of an instance where someone has done great things and conducted themselves in a good way is Lebron James. Him and Kobe Bryant are arguably the best player in the NBA. In his short career he has accomplished a lot and I never hear of him getting in trouble. But a case where someone has achieved a lot then gotten in trouble is when Mick Vick was dogfighting. He had a good career going until he decided to start all the dogfighting stuff. Fortunately for him he was able to come back and play football and start out his season back good. There are other instances where some college athletes get in some sort of trouble and it ruins the rest of their athletic career because after they get in trouble the pro teams don't want them anymore. With all the sides to the statement I believe that most people who have achieved a lot end up getting in some sort of trouble throughout their career.

    Matt Olson
    Per. 5

  35. Micheal Vick is a great example of this. He acts nice, but then by that action it shows how he acts diffrently. People need to understand that he did a very evil thing.

  36. It is defiently not more importnat than the way you conduct. An example of this Tiger Woods and Mike Tyson. It is unfortunate that they had to find out the hard way that they werent bigger than the world.\

  37. This statement is certainly not true, but many people believe that it is. One example of this is Mike Tyson. We learned about the heavy weight champions in Stone Works class with Coach Johnson. This man acted the way he wanted to. He thought because he was a good fighter that he could do whatever he wanted. But he suffered the consequences for not asking permission.

  38. Just because a person is good at something doesnt meen that they have the right character. In Stoneworks, we have been studying Mike Tyson. He is a great example of this. He had a great tallent. But he used it the wrong way and thought that he ws above all else. He was the youngest heavy weight champion. But he conducted himself in such a way that it ruined him. Because of how he conducted himself, what he accomplished doesnt even really matter anymore mary kendrick

  39. In Life there are many sports stars that have done this including Mike Tyson. But there have also been different people in this country that just take what they want and get what they want and that is mostly government people and presidents.

  40. i think this statement is false because if you are on a team and you try at the games or practices why play the sport. For example Aj Green knew selling his jersey was a violation code but he still sold his jersey. Look what happened he got6 suspended for his own actions.
    liam virrill

  41. Tiger Woods is an example of people who have followed this idea,he thought, because of what he had accomplished, he was able to do anything. He thought that his career was too great to ever go down, even with the things he was doing that he knew were wrong. But this is America, celebrities do anything they want all the time. Look at Mike Tyson he was in jail, because he thought he could do whatever he wanted too. Now he has lost almost everything he gained from his boxing career. Of course what these people did was wrong, but they obviously didn't care at the time.

  42. In the US people are all mostly about acheeving things and they dont care about how they get what they want. This dossent apply to evreyone their are stars who can conduct themselvs and arnt allways on the downfall. This is becouse they have some reason to keep them selves in line sadley not yousualy because they want to.
    william bell

  43. This is a false statement in my book. If people don't act right not many people will like them. Many people look at Athletes as role models so there character is tested a lot. Sometimes there is a person that doesn't care about how they are viewed. An example is OJ Simpson, he comitted a murder and is now in jail. He was once an amazing football player and wore a number on his jersey. Now he wears His cell number on his jail clothes.

  44. There are many great athletes in our country, but if they are not good in the heart than it doesn't matter. Mike Tyson was a great example of this. He was the best boxer ever, but he was extremely cocky and prideful.
    This bacame his downfall later.

  45. In our culture, we constantly see athletes achieve great things. However some athletes have bad sportsmanship. Lots of times we see small fight break out on the field or the court.
    This statement is false because no matter how much you achieve, if your morals and attitude aren't right, things will not go well for you. Being good at heart is just as important as achieving excellent things.

    Syd Burke
