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Tuesday, September 14, 2010

World Cultures Question #2

Discuss the following questions with a parent and respond in the comments section...

How much of your life is devoted to being entertained? Can you be entertained too much? Does the Bible say anything about entertainment?


  1. There are definetely days when I find that I am entertaining myself on a screen for way too long of a time. People can definetely be entertained too much. Entertainment is not a sin unless that is where someone's heart is placed and is the only thing that they care about in life. If someone limits their entertainment and places their heart in God, then they are not sinning. The bible talks about entertainment in Matthew 6:19-21. This verse commands us not to store treasures on earth, but to store treasures in heaven because wherever your treasures are, your heart will be there also.

  2. I definitely spend a lot of my time entertaining my self with electronics. I also spend a lot of my time begging for things to entertain my self with because entertainment is like an addiction. I don't really think you can have too much entertainment unless you put these things before God. Whatever we put before God is an idol.
    ~ Gabrielle Boswell :):)

  3. I think that about 20% is devoted to entertainment.Yes you can be entertained too much because there is so much entertainment available to people. It's just like food there is so much available to people, especially in America, that we can be consumed with it. Proverbs says there is a time for laughter and a merry heart is like a medicine. But Proverbs also councils us to seek wisdom first and understanding as well.

  4. Proverbs 12:11" He who works his land will have abundant food, but he who chases fantasies lacks judgement" I would say 35% of my life is devoted to entertainment. You can easily be entertained to much. The 30 year old nerds who live with their moms and only olay video games have too much enertainment so yes you can have to much entertainment. ne thing the bible says about that is in Proverbs 12:11.

  5. I think my life has a significant amount of entertainment. But i think one can be entertained too much if you are entertained too much you will become obssesed and you life will become consumed and you will not beable to do anything the bible dosent make a completely direct refferance to entertainment but it does say things about being lazy and working hard basicly it says if you always want to be entertained you will fail and if you work and don’t always want entertainment u will be succesful.

  6. The answer depends on the definition of entertainment. In Bible times entertainment most likely meant a nice meal, maybe some dancing or singing, and a good nights sleep. Today, when we think of entertainment we think of television, parties, restaurants, and theaters. One type of these entertainments is healthy, and the other turns a persons brain into a swamp. As a family, we do not depend on today’s definition of entertainment at all. It’s true that a movie once in a while or a relaxing vacation is pleasing to us, but we do not devote ourselves to such attractions. Instead, I would say that our lifestyle fits the “Bible Times” entertainment scene. Still, usually we do not even have time to be entertained due to work. Certainly, people can be entertained too much. People pay for entertainment to get away from work, harsh brain activity, and troubles. While being entertained, people’s brains do little to no work. All the work is done for them. The Bible says that the world was made for people to enjoy, and we, as a family, believe that means to enjoy as a self-improving way. For example, reading a book would classify as entertainment, but it would classify as a brain stimulating entertainment versus a watching a movie where no thinking occurs. Entertainment is a large part of America’s culture today, and people should be careful about how much time they spend on it.
    -Rachel Hicks

  7. Entertainment can definitely take up people's lives, including my own. Most of the time I do spend time on my ipod or in front of the T.V. However, that is not always a bad thing as long as we spend as much time being entertained as we do praying or reading the Bible. We definitely can be entertained too much eventually if we stop spending time with God. In Hebrews 13:2 the Bible says we can be entertained, but we need to also entertain others including God. Therefore, we need to balance out our time with God and electronics because by entertaining God we are worshiping Him.
    -Megan Schwarzkopf

  8. Hebrews 13:5 "Keep your life free from love of money, and be content with what you have, for he has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.”" A big part of my life is devoted to being entertained or entertaining. I deffinetly think that people can be entertained to much. If someone sat in front of the TV all day they would be idolizing entertainment. I think that at a point when you start to idolize entertainment then there is to much of it. In Hebrews 13:5 the verse explains that you have to love one thing, God or money/entertainment.
    -Kristen Fikse

  9. In 1 Corinthians 15:33 it says "bad company corrupts good character". So if "bad entertainment is put in front of you, you have a choice to take it or leave it. "Bad company" can corrupt you. So yes, I think you can be entertained too much by "bad entertainment".
    I spend about 15% of my life with entertainment. Whether it's watching a movie, playing on the computer, or listening to music. I know when I listen to Christian music during the day, I'm in a better mood than when I listen to non-Christian music. Entertainment can be good or bad. Their are choices, either good or bad and choosing wisely will help in the long run.

    Megan Fikse (and parents)

  10. I think a lot of life nowadays is about entertainment you see kids walking around with headphones in or looking at a video game screen or just on the computer all day long. This has become a idol for the world, and in one of the commandments God said You shall not make for yourself an idol in the form of anything this is disobeying a commandment God has given for us.

  11. The majority of my time is devoted to being entertained. Everyone gets so caught up in trying to fill their life with fun things that they end up losing sight of what is important in life and begin to feel empty. I think it is absolutely possible to become too entertained. People become obsessive with finding entertainment and it becomes their idol. The bible says if you pursue entertainment, distractions, and other worldly things rather than following him it can be bad. It doesn't mean it is bad but the overuse of it is.

  12. Although I do not watch TV, I often find myself using my I-touch and phone a bit too much. It can be a distraction from God and from your family and friends. Entertainment can become a severe problem, especially in the U.S. Everything seems to run on entertainment.

    The bible does say a couple of things on entertainment.
    -Let us purify ourselves from everything that contaminates body and spirit (2 Corinthians 7:1). In this specific verse, it says that entertainment can be okay as long as it is maintained. As long as it does not distract or corrupt the mind, body and spirit, entertainment is not always bad.

    -Naomy Grand'Pierre
    Period 6

  13. Quinn Larimer and ParentsSeptember 21, 2010 at 6:04 PM

    Anywhere from 5%-10% of my day is spent being entertained. The saying, "too much of a good thing," can defiantly applies here. If all you do is spend time playing video games, watching tv, or listening to music it can become very harmful to your brain. It also keeps you from interacting with friends and family, challenging yourself, and doing fun and productive activities. Too much entertainment can become addicting, the more you watch, the more you want to watch. In 2010 almost all forms of entertainment are very expensive. Alot of times your money can be put to better uses, like charity. The Bible says that idle time should be spent honoring God. If you are spending too much time with entertainment that it is out weighing you time with God, then it becomes an issue. If you are not careful the time you spend entertaining yourself can bend in the come an idle and stand in the way of you developing a personal relationship with Christ.
    Quinn Larimer 9/21/10

  14. I spend some of my relaxation time with entertainment, like Tv or listening to my Ipod. But i wouldn't call myself obsessed. Some people definitely are obsessed, like people you see walking around always plugged into headphones. But entertainment isn't always bad. Hanging with your friends could be called entertainment as well as watching tv for 5 hours straight. The Bible says to Honor God in all that we do, so even when we are entertaining ourselves, we should keep that in mind.

  15. I would say that most of any persons' life is dedicated to entertainment. TV, Music, and books are some of the most common things that we entertain ourselves with. But, we also entertain ourselves with sports. It may not seem like sports are just entertainment, but what else would it be? Its definitely not academics. There is a point where entertainment becomes to much of a priority, but unless you put entertainment before God, its really not bad.The Bible says that we shouldn't get addicted to anything because then it would be in front of God.Im not saying entertainment is bad, but we need to keep God before everything else.

  16. if i said that i dont spend time being entertained i would be lying. With all there is today (internet, i pod, tv, and mayn more things) its pretty much assured that some of my time will be spent on entertainment. There is the possiblity that we will be entertained to much, and thats when it becomes a bad thing. i do not know a verse about entertainment but i think that God wants us to have fun, but to make sure that the fun is balanced with hard work
    -audrey garrett

  17. My life is very devoted to being entertained. I hate to say it, but without entertainment I get very bored. Yes, you can be entertained to much some people I know just spend their entire life on their phone and computer. Sometimes they tell me that looking to much at their computer screen gives them a headache. The bible says that we should not spend all are lifes being entertained, but spend time with family and enjoy are life!

  18. alot of my life is being devoted to entertainment. I hate to say it it, but its true. Actually it isn't all bad but it shouldnt ever be an idol ever! also i think with these things, we should atleast limit them cus it we are on them all the time we can get addicted!
    ~ansley pritchett =)

  19. About 10% of my life is devoted to entertainment. Yes you can be entertained too much by watching tv, playing video games and more. 1 Corinthians 15:33 says "Do not be misled: Bad company corrupts good character".
    Ryann Farmer and Barbara Farmer

  20. I think that about 45 percent of my life is entertainment. like watching football and other sports. I think that i sometimes find my self inside all day and just watch TV or other things. entertainment ca take the form of an idol. God says to have no idols. So too much entertainment can be very bad in your relationship with God.

    David Ballew

  21. Kristina Harrington said...

    There are many times when i feel like entertainment controls my life.I enjoy watching television and listning to music.However, I have to Remind myself of what my priorites are.These priorites are doing my homework and reading my bible.If i alow entertiantment to consume me it could have a negative effect on my future.Psalm 24 says The earth is the Lord's, and all its fullness, the world and those who dwell in.Since everting belongs to the lord I should use these resources wisely.Therefore, I will not let entertainment consume me.my future.Psalm 24 says The earth is the Lord's, and all its fullness, the world and those who dwell in.Since everting belongs to the lord I should use these resources wisely.Therefore, I will not let entertainment consume me.

  22. In our life we are enertained alot. Me personally i liked to be entertained constantly because if im not life is boring. Im not sure if the bible says anything about enetertainment. It probably says focus on the Lord but for me it is nice to be entertained.

  23. In my life im deffinetly entertained to much. I have days where i spend to much time on the computer or on my phone.I like being entertained but i dont think i always need to be entertained by the tv or computer.You should also be entertained by the Bible and a book and many other things. Im not sure if it does say in the Bible about entertainment. If were being entertained to much then our time is spent on there then prasing God or reading the Bible.
    -Rayna Mock

  24. I do like to be entertained. I'm not the sort of person that likes to sit and listen to a lecture all day long. I like to be entertained by going and having fun and doing sports, games, and active stuff. But I also believe that when a person is so consumed in always being entertained, they have two problems. One, they don't learn patients. Two, they dedicate too much time to trying to be constantly active instead of sitting back for a minute, and spending some time with God. I love to be entertained, But I do believe that people can be entertained too much if it is the wrong thing. Mary Kendrick

  25. I know I spend too much time on entertainment. I want to be entertained all of the time. I like to be entertained at home, in the car, and even at school and church. I always want to be playing a game, play on the computer, or watch a show. I know this is not good because sometimes I want to do that instead of what I should be doing. My parents get on to me alot for that. The Bible says, "Set your mind on things above, and not on things of earth." This relates to entertainment because God wants us to focus on Him and things that matter and not on physical things that won't mean anything when we die.

    -Sage Blackwood

  26. I love to have something entertain me but not for hours! I have to say though that I like being on my electronics a lot and I should probably spend less time doing those things and learning more about God. Yes, I think that you can be entertained to much. Example all those boys and grown men out there that sit around and play C.O.D for like the whole day. No verse in the bible says we can not do entertainment, but a good verse would be The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full (John 10:10).

  27. Entertainment is a vague word. Entertainment can be clasifided from video games to a lexure in class. Specifically electronic devices are such a distraction. Too much of texting, watching t.v., playing C.O.D., and listening to your i-pod is not only bad for your brain, but for your soul. You get your eyes on earthy items and off of heavenly gifts. The Lord gives us tons of blessings, such as the ability of athleticism or maybe you are blessed with a gift to learn. We should use our heavenly gifts not our earthly sinful ones. T.V., for example, all the shows that populate the channels are about sex, drugs, alchohol. Things that as Christians we should stear away from. We should direct our eyes to the Lord and away from the lit up screen in from of us.
    ~Madeline Terry
    Period 6

  28. i spend some of my day trying to be entertained. I have a busy schedule and a lot of hw. i don't have a lot of time at all to play video games or computer or tv. i enjoy a book at the end of the day, but doesn't everybody? I think the line between enough and too much is somewhere around when all you think about is what video game you will play next. My dad says there is a verse in the bible that says to keep your mind focused on wholesome things. And, as we all know, not all entertainement is wholesome.

  29. when you say the word entertainment the first words that come to mind are t.v. video games music and computers. these can consume your life but if you limit them then you will not let themconsume your life. in exodus twenty verse 2 it is the first commandment. it says that you should have no other god before Him.if you let entertainment consume your life it is becoming a god to replace the real God. t.v. does not really consume me or my family. normally we are too busy running around with our heads cut off to sit down and watch that useless screen. most families in the u.s. are what i consider couch potato families because all they do is sit in front of a screen all day letting their brains rot away. when i am not doing homework i normally spend my time doing more beneficial things like reading,of building my lego robot, or creating some other sort of whacko contraption of sorts.we should spend mor time with the Lord and less time in front of the useless brain rotting screen.

    jake fikse
    period 6
    oh and mr. baker if you grade this on spelling or grammar i failed.

  30. I would say there is a part of my day dedicated to entertainment. Wether it is watching TV or playing on the computer, most everything is a form of entertainment. I think that there is a healthy dosage of entertainment. While there is nothing wrong with entertainment there is a point where to much entertainment is bad. For example, if you are putting off your time with God to watch TV that is not a good thing. Basically what you are telling God is that a TV show is more important than Him. In the Bible it says that there shall be none before Him and in that case you would be putting TV before Him. Also entertainment can be bad if what you are watching or doing is unholy. The Bible says that if you fill your mind with unholy actions and words, unholy actions and words will come out in your everyday life.

  31. Honestly, a ton of my life is filled with entertainment. There are so many forms of entertainment these days that we are entertained without even thinking about it. Television, video games, laptops/computers, sports... almost everything in our life is due to entertainment. Although, some families try to ignore some forms of it. They usually try to keep away from electronics and focus on spending time with each other. But, unfortunately these kinds of families are very rare in the United States. In my life, when i get home from tennis practice, we eat dinner, and then i run upstairs to do homework and listen to music, while my brother escapes to down stairs to play video games. But is there such thing as TOO MUCH entertainment? In my opinion, if someones life is being consumed by the next new piece of technology, and they are not focusing on what is important, that is too much. It is definitely fine to have entertainment in our lives, but we cant get overwhelmed.
    -Sarah Zschunke
    World Cultures
    Period 5

  32. Maybe about a little more than a quater of my life is being occupied with entertainment. With all these new options of entertainment such as texting , video games, and tv it is hard to keep yourself from being entertainment. I think its even easier for us who live in America to entertain ourself too much because everyday there is a new game or a new phone that you want. There are clues about this all through the Bible. The Lord knows that it is easy for us human beings to get addicted to things that are fun. He wants us to enjoy ourself through things we like but also have a well balanced life, and have a good relationship with him.

    -Courtney Alexander

  33. I think that a little less than half of my days are spent on entertainment. We have so many ways that we can be entertained,such as tv, books, movies, and lots of other ways. I think that we can easily be to much entertained, because most things that we do are entertaining to a certain degree. Also if we didn't have entertainment we would be lazy and sleep all day. The Bible does say that we should not be so worried about our earthly possesions, because they will not go with us when we die.

  34. many of my days are spent in front of my computer,cell phone or t.v. But, if I am not doing these things, I tend to be board. I think that people need to stop being focused on always having something to do. We can't expect to always have somthing to entertain us. Many people out there don't even have the choice to be enetertained. I think that we need to focus on God and make sure that he is always in the number one spot.

  35. Entertainment takes up about 15% of my usual day. The first of the ten commandments basicaily says not to put anything in front of God. And if you are putting tv, video game and things like that first then God is not first. On a worldly view entertainment is good and people can watch way to much tv. In my family i am onley allowed to watch tv or play video games on fridays or on saturdays.

    William Bell

  36. Many aspects of my life is devoted to entertainment whether its sports news or technology. Entertainment is makes up most of my day. I have practice for sports, use my phone, listen to music, etc; God says in the Bible that we should not have any idols and nothing should be put in front of God. Entertainment often makes us forget that even though it is good at the time. Without entertainment though, America wouldn't be the same.
    -Kelsey Butler period 6

  37. Robby Keough
    Our culture is extremely involved in being entertained. If our country didnt have video games and television, then our counrty would go crazy. Maybe 1% of all teeneagers n America don't play video games.

  38. I think i spend to much of my time with video games and t.v.. The bibles says that you should have no idles so if you spend a lot of time trying to entertain yourself and it takes the focus from your relationship with God you have an idle. So limit your time and entertain yourself with the word of god
    Bailey Combs

  39. Most all americans devote their lives to being entertained because that is the era we have entered into. I won't lie that in my life I do like to be entertained a lot. People can definitley be entertained too much because there is so much propoganda and television and other electronics in America. A little entertainment is ok but somtimes people will spend their lives doing nothing but. The bible says we should not idolize and always keep His Word at heart.

  40. I think that half of the time in our life are consumed by electronics. There is such thing as to much electronics becuase if you are on it to long then you wont pklay outside and be a kid. Also it takes away your time wih God so limit yourself with entertainment.

  41. I spend much of my time entertaining myself with my iPod and watching TV. I think you can be entertained too much because I believe that I am because that's how i spend most of my time. The bible doesn't say anything about entertainment but it talks about idols. Many people in out world today see entertainment as an idol and they don't spend as much time with God.
    Matt Olson

