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Wednesday, September 1, 2010

U.S. History Blog Question #1

Discuss the following questions with one of your parents and record their answer and your answer...

What do you think the "pursuit of happiness" is?

What should that mean to you as a Christian?

* Remember to honor God by giving your best effort on these questions.


  1. dhfg;wouthefheroieqhfoigharphoirfgoqi

    Bob Smith

  2. As a personal definition, the pursuit of happiness as simply one's God given right to commit actions that allow a person to pursue happiness, and anything that prevents this pursuit should be punished. For the next question christians should read the Bible and go to church so that everyone can hav a happy life .......Yaaa

  3. I think the pursuit of happiness is going after a goal. We should set a goal and try and acheive it. God has given us the freedom to try and achieve these goals.

    William Charles

  4. wihrohqriuhgqorhoqih

    Mr. Baker

  5. I think that the pursuit of happyness is being able to pursue a reasonable goal. If someone wanted to be a doctor they could become one, with the correct amount of education. If, for some wierd reason, someone wanted to become a garbage man when they grew up, they could be one. Where ever someone wants to go in life they are allowed to. I think this means that as a Christian I should not judge someone because of where they want to go in life. Instead, we should support them as they attempt to reach their goal.

  6. I think the pursuit of happiness is the freedom to strive for your own personal goals and dreams. These pursuits should be without limitations or scorn from others. It basically means that you can do whatever you heart desires. To me as a Christian, it should mean that I pursue the goal of honoring and serving the Lord all the time.

  7. I think the pursuit of happiness is when you reach for a goal for yourself or for others as well.You could pursue world peace or just making more friends, either way these are a few of our God-given rights that we cling to so dearly. As a christian I think our goal should be honoring Jesus and spreading the word of God.

  8. I think the pursuit of happiness is when you make a goal that you would like to acheive. The pursuits should not be judged ,because it is a God given right. For the next question, christians should not beleive that you receive happiness from others ,but from God.

  9. I think the pursuit of happiness is a God-given right which enables you to do what you want to do with your life, my mother also agrees. For the next question I would say that as Christians this means that we have the freedom to glorify god openely. My mom thinks it should be in accordance of God's will.

  10. Since we are Christians we should encourage people to strive for thier goals and like Madison said we should believe all our happiness comes from God and not man or woman

  11. The pursuit of happiness means we are free to go after our goals in life to make us happy and live life how we want to but that doesn't mean we should pursue every goal and it doesn't mean you can go around breaking laws because you could hurt others. As Christians that means we should obey the bible and strive to keep God's rules and do everything for him.

    Alex Herden

    Parent's response: The pursuit of happiness means that we are all free to go after what we want so long as it does not hurt or interfere with other people. As a Christian, I am free to follow Christ because that makes me happy, to go to church, pray and share or discuss my religious beliefs with others. However, it does not mean I can walk into a different religious organization's worship service, start yelling at them that they are on the wrong path to spiritual fulfillment and they need to stop what they are doing now and come over to my church.

  12. Bethany Van Rensburg :)September 5, 2010 at 7:54 PM

    The pursuit of happiness is simply one's god given right to have actions that allow a person to pursue happiness. People may base their happiness on worldly items. As a christian i have happiness through Christ. The creator of joy and happiness. Happiness only comes from God. It is a gift to be Happy and Joyful. I thank the Lord that i am Happy and content. - Bethany

  13. My mom's response: The Pursuit of Happiness is doing, saying, eating, what ever she likes without guilt or being judged.
    To the second question: As a Christian, there is a constant reminder of the presence of Jesus in her life, therefore she tries to be kind with her words and actions and respect her body by trying to eat well.

    My response: I believe that The Pursuit of Happiness is being able to do anything freely without being judged or with any doubt.
    The second question: Even though you are able to speak and do things freely, you should do it in the acts of God. Before you do something you should always think 'What Would Jesus Do?' :)

  14. The true definition of The Pursuit of Happiness: The Pursuit of happiness is God given rights. Having Trust, Loyalty, and being free. The only way anyone can be free is through Christ. Through Christ anyone can do anything and everything. Philippians 4:13; I can do all things though Christ who strengthens me. Anything You do with and through Christ should make you and others happy. Other God given rights are, freedom of speech. Being able to do things without being judged on how you look on the outside. Doing things without people judging you for what you do or say. To reach the highest goal in The Pursuit of Happiness is to live your life to the fullest with no regrets! Being the best you can be for God and for others. Change is always happening every day, month, and year. But the one thing that never changes in a persons life is The Pursuit of Happiness, and God given Rights. -Mallory Fields

  15. Connor Caffrey
    Connor- I think the pursuit of happiness means, to do whatever you want but still obeying the law. Also to strive to achieve a personal goal, to be free from restraint.

    Leigh Caffrey (Mom) – In my opinion, the pursuit of happiness means to pursue your personal goals, while not impeding the right of others to pursue their own personal goals. Conversely, others should not prohibit your pursuit, as long as the pursuit falls within the legal laws of the land. The word “pursuit” is a verb – an action word. Therefore, the pursuit involves effort. Happiness is not an inalienable right to all – something the government or others owe us. It is one’s own responsibility to act – to pursue – to work hard – to put forth effort to achieve the goals.
    From a Christian perspective, the pursuit of happiness means to strive to obtain the will of God for one’s life (your personal goals are determined by God’s will for your life). When one’s goals are aligned with God’s will, He will grant perseverance and strength to obtain the goals.
    Connor Caffrey- from a Christian perspective I think it means to be free to worship Jesus. Also to obey Gods commandments.

  16. The pursuit of happiness is the liberty to pursue what brings us enjoyment in life as long as it's legal and brings no harm to others. As a Christian it means to obey God, lead the life he has set for you, and bring joy in the name of Christ Jesus. As we follow this plan we discover that serving others is the true pursuit of happiness. -Jay Stanga

  17. John Canon Brody CantrellSeptember 7, 2010 at 6:33 PM

    John Canon Brody Cantrell said.....

    The pursuit of happiness is the right to have joy and spirit without breaking the law or harming others. Since we are Christians it means we should follow the path of the life God has given us and to obey it with all of our
    hearts. Also to never give in to the path of the devil and to obey the 10 commandments.

    -John Canon Brody Cantrell

  18. Parent's Response: The pursuit of happiness is the indvidual doing the things that he/she feel will make them happy with their existence on Earth. To me as a Christian, it should mean that I follow the teachings of the holy word and that my family will believe that Jesus Christ is our Lord and Savior.

  19. I think that the pursuit of happiness is the right to go after a personal goal. We should be able to choose our job and do what makes us happy. The pursuit of happiness is a God-given right that allows us to make our own choices and enables us to fight for our goals. Being a Christian is important for the pursuit of happiness. We need God to help us achieve our goals in life. God is the easiest way for us to pursue and achieve true happiness.

    Debbie Gilbert

    The pursuit of happiness is setting goals in your life that you would like to achieve. God gave us free will to make decisions in our life. We need to look for guidance from God in obtaining our goals and thus achieving happiness.

  20. The pursuit of happiness is a God given right meaning to pursue your goals in life. We should pursue goals in life that bring us happiness. This means we are free but still should obey Jesus Christ. Remember that the pursuit of happiness is a GOD given right. Which means it was given to us from God and can be taken away from us by God. As a Christian we should pursue what makes us happy but with the guidance from God.

  21. john timothy morris-
    The pursuit of happiness is doing what you believe to be fun or enjoying. It's going after that perfect afternoon but staying within the law. It is something that you strongly agree with and enjoy doing. Pursuing happiness could be singing song, drawing pictures or playing golf. still honor the Lord in all you do, so if you win a game you need to praise God for that win. Altogether to me the pursuit of happiness is going after what you believe in and achieving it.

  22. Me- I think that the pursuit of happiness is when you have the right to be happy. You have a right to satisfy yourself (In God). If someone is hurting your true happiness (Joy in God) you have a right to defend yourself.

    My observations and experience have informed me that the active 'pursuit' of happiness in and of itself is often pointless at best and misleading at worst. If my objective in life is to experience pleasure, then I will be led in any number of bad directions. If my focus is on myself and how I feel, I will eventually ruin my relationships and become ever more self absorbed. Happiness cannot be one's direct goal- it is a byproduct of a meaningful and purposeful life.

    Me- The pursuit of happiness as a Christen Is when you take Joy in God. Its when you have Happiness from the true God and nothing else. So we should persue this.

    Parent- The pursuit of happiness from a Christian standpoint is not exactly compatible in the strictest sense. That is not what we are here for on this Earth. Though God has blessed us in a multitude of ways and we are to take in joy in those things which have been given to us- like children, a loving spouse, nice possessions, and the like-our chief purpose in this life is to honor God in all that we do, to give Him thanks, and to tell others about His Love and Faithfulness. If we are consumed with these pursuits we will experience His presence and THAT is pure joy- unspeakable and wonderful! Though our circumstances will always be in flux this side of heaven, we can have lasting joy in Christ.

  23. To me the pursuit of happiness means we have the freedom of living a joyful life that we all enjoy.If that ever leaves us,our world will be lost as we know it.To me as a Christian this means that I will live by God and learn from the bible about Him. If I pursue Jesus I will have an enjoyable life.

  24. Charlie Money

    The pursuit of happieness means that I am free to do any goals I set as long as it is legal. Also if I find happieness in playing baseball I can play baseball and if i find happieness in reading I can read. As a Christian this is very important for me since I can pursue Jesus without the government stopping me.

    Anne Money

    It's impossible to define "happiness", and that's the beauty of the phrase. It's left to each of us to define what "happiness" is going to be and how we're going to go about pursuing it. You don't have the right to find it, or even to know that you're going to go about it the right way.

  25. Based on my parents and myself I truly believe that the pursue of happiness is not just something that comes along. I am free, but along with that comes responsibility and watching my words carefully.

    Having a life were everyone has freedom is a God given right. We may not have been free in Britian's eyes or even our one deliberate country, but we are truly free to believe.

  26. Living long and enjoying the american dream. I enjoy praying and games. This is the pursuit of happiness for me. Although Being able to enjoy life, God, speak and living freely is also a great part of the pursuit of happiness. This is happiness but pursuit means enjoying life with out breaking the rules and following them.

  27. I think the pursuit of happyness is basicaly our overall goal for life. It is what drives us in our lives. Without it everyone would be lost with nothing to do and nothing to strive for. To a christian it should be connecting with God. My pursuit of happyness is ultimately going to heaven. It is the biggest goal of my life and is what drives us as christians. Again, without the pursuit of happyness we wouldn't want, or really need to go to heaven.

    Will Schultz

  28. Momma: Living each day in the moment and being thankful for what we have Following your dreams
    Ellie:Living every day like its your last. Not worrying about yesterday or tomorrow.
    Momma:Putting others before self. Making God first. You choose your attitude and how you look at things and if you focus on being thankful and having gratitude then happiness usually follows.
    Ellie: We choose to wake up in the morning and we choose to put God first. No one makes us put God first or wake up we do that ourself.

  29. I think it means to be able to have a say on things that will make you happy.

  30. As a Christian it means to be able to worship God any time of any day you want to worship him in all you do.

  31. Evan Johnson:

    1. The pursuit of happiness is being able to have the freedom to do what is pleasing to you.

    2. As a christian we have to use that privilege in a way that pleases us but mostly God.

    Angela Johnson(mom):

    1. The pursuit of happiness is living life according to God's holy word.

    2. It is our responsibility as a christian to serve and live according to God's purpose for our life.

  32. Myles (Interview of Mom)September 9, 2010 at 11:09 PM

    My mom thinks the pursuit of happiness is living a life that makes a difference to a larger group, not just herself. She wants to create things which will help generations to come long after she is gone. As a Christian she believes that living according to God's purpose for her, is really the pursuit of joy not just happiness.

  33. I think the pursuit of happiness is finding what all is right for you, for example the kind of people that are in your life and the kind of lifestyle that you want to have. As a Christian to me this means making wise choices and obeying God's commands.
    Anna Reeves McCutcheon

    Its searching for joy and all aspects of life. This means to look to God to find joy
    Anna Reeves Mom

  34. anonymous says...
    1.The freedom to life in such a way that you can obtain a sense of fulfillment in life.

    2.AS Christians we should seek fulfillment and happiness by aligning our actions and activities with the will of God for his people and things that are pleasing to him.

  35. Das ma bestie_Carmyn yhu sooo smart lol

    Jarriel Lark#3
