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Thursday, September 30, 2010

U.S. History Question #3

"Far better is it to dare mighty things, to win glorius triumphs, even though checkered by failure... than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much, because they live in a gray twilight that knows not victory nor defeat." -Theodore Roosevelt


"The aim of the wise is not to secure pleasure, but to avoid pain." -Aristotle
Which of the quotes do you think is a better model of how to live your life? Why?


  1. Bethany Van Rensburg :DOctober 1, 2010 at 5:31 PM

    The quote by Theadore Roosevelt is a much better model to live my life by. You get the most out of life by trying things. But then compared with those who never try things. Id rather try something great then dying without trying anything. The parable of the talents illustrates this point. Those who put their talents to use were rewarded while the person who played it safe and did not use his talent was scolded by the master. This is the same a living in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat that Roosevelt refers to.

  2. I think the quote by Theodore Roosevelt is a better model to live by. Accomplishing something difficult gives me a stronger feeling of success than accomplishing something easy does. Also, the greater risks you take in life, the greater rewards you receive. A fear of failure is not something that should keep you from attempting great things because you can always try, try again. If you never try anything, life becomes dull and pointless—the gray twilight Roosevelt mentions. Roosevelt's quote leads to a more interesting, purposeful life.
    -Logan Pearce
    Parent's Response:
    I think the quote by Theodore Roosevelt is a better model to live by. Life is more interesting when there are challenges involved. In the quote by Aristotle, there is limited personal character development. You have to open yourself up to new things, even though they may be painful. Many great things have been achieved by a person willing to endure personal pain (for example, the early Christians, who were in the religious minority and often persecuted). Roosevelt's quote supports a life lived to the fullest.

  3. I think that Theodore Roosevelt quote is a better example to live life by. In his quote he is saying tha we should live life to the fullest and achieve great things while failing at some things, than to be afraid of failure and not achieve great things because you were afraid of trying. To me if someone goes through life without taking risks, they have wasted their life. I would rather take risks and have a chance of failing than to never try anything that doesn't seem comfortable. In this quote, Roosevelt is trying to persuade the timid not to go though life being scared of failure, but to let it happen when it does, but to strive to avoid it as best as you can.

  4. In my opinion, Theodore Roosevelt's quote is the best way to live your life. It is better to live your life taking chances and experiencing all that it has to offer. Greatness isn't accomplished by hiding in the shadows and neglecting God given opportunities. Playing it safe may keep you from getting hurt, but that is not really living as God intends for us to live.

  5. personaly I like theodore roosevelt's quote because it has more meaning. this quote means that thoose who set high standards are going to face trials and failure but the rewards are incredable. thoose who dont set high standards wont be faced with trials but they wont feel a great content because they havent won something special.

  6. madison barnett saidOctober 6, 2010 at 3:45 PM

    Personally , I think the way you should live your life is what Theodore Roosevelt's quote.Because it gives more describtion on the way you should live.The passage tells you to set goals ,but to acheive the goal you will have to go through trials and disappointments. If you work hard the reward will be amazing.Those who do not set a high goal they won't be living to their full potential in life and there won't be a reward.

  7. I believe that Teddy Roosevelt’s quote is more relevant to the way I live my life. A life without risks is like school without homework, it is just not possible. The harder you try to avoid challenges the more you are hurt by them. Our life would be rich and full of experience if we took on every challenge laid before us. But sometimes we don’t, we back off and say that it’s too much for us. God gives challenges to strengthen our relationship with him as he helps us through. So if we accept challenges and power through there will be rich rewards

  8. Felton Smith said...
    I think that Theodore Roosevelt's quote is a better way to model the way I live my life. Because in life you want to take risks and try new things rather than to be scared to do a something you know is easy. And if you decide to not take risks you'll be scared to take other risks. And if you try to do something that seems impossible than you may try harder and harder to accomplish this task and you'll won't be afraid to try and do new things.

  9. I prefer the quote from Theodore Roosevelt. it is saying that is better to take a chance rather that do nothing your whole life. I believe this because if you dont't take risks then you will never know what could have happened. You should live life to the fullest, and you should'nt waste life.

  10. I think what Theodore Roosevelt said is better for us to live by. He told us that we need to strive for our goals. Sometimes we might fail, but at least we tried. If we don't aim for our goals, then it will be impossible to fail. We might not fail, but we also won't achieve anything in life. If you take risk in life you can be successful and prosperous. If you live to not have pain, then you won't be able to take any risk. You might not have pain, but you are not living to your full potential.
    -Parent Response
    I agree with my son. You can't achieve anything in life without taking risk. Taking risk helps in life by making us more prepared for when pain comes.

  11. I believe that the quote by Theodore Roosevelt is the best. I disagree with the say to just avoid pain, I think you should strive for wisdom instead. I agree that you should give it your all even though you are going to fail. Because we do everything are best for the living and active jesus.
    Connor Caffrey

  12. I agree with aristole here because wise people do not give themselves pleasure by fighting back against bullys but they avoid pain of suspension and the possibiity of getting beat up by telling a teacher. Wise people also do not secure there pleasures by not studying for a test they avoid the pain of failure by studying for one. also wise people do not secure there pleasures because whatever we bind on earth will bound in heaven but when we avoid the pain of having no relationship with God we have eternal joy.

    charlie money

  13. To me Theodore's quote is more relevant to how I live my life.It really says if you set high standards, they dont just get handed to you like low ones, but you have to work for them. So if someone set a goal to be a professional football player, they wouldn't just sign up and be on the Falcons, he would have to practice and work to get there.

  14. I think the quote by Theodore Roosevelt is better. 1st off it is a more uplifting quote and not just because it is longer.It is more uplifting and shows that even if you fail you still are a winner. Even if we are sad there is always someone to make us happy and lift us up. People want to help us succeed. God doesn't care if we win or if we loose he just care that we tried our best.
    ......GO FSU.....!!!!!!

  15. Theodore Roosevelt is saying that it is beeter to try than do nothing at all. If you do nothing but complain about how others are doing wrong then you are as good as the others who are doing nothing. I think that Theodore Roosevelt has the better quote. He is Saying that you should fight instead of give up. If you attept to set goals and achive them then you will get somewhere in life. "If at first you dont succed try try again."

    William Charles

  16. In my opinion, I agree with Aristotle because there is no reason to have the pain of something going wrong if you can avoid it from happening by doing what you need to do. For example, there is no reason to get a flag on a football play if you can just watch the ball and then move. Aristotle is a brillant man and deserves to be recongized for what this truly amazing man, has done.

  17. Theodore Roosevelt's quote is definitely the one I think people should live their life by. Basically, the main idea is it is better to try and fail than to not try at all. You can't shy away from trying to do something amazing just because you're afraid of failing. The people that hide in the shadows afraid are worse than people who tied but failed. Sometimes you have to take risks in life that theres a good chance that you fail, but again it's better than shying away like a wimp.

    Will Schultz

  18. I believe that the Rossevelt coment was better because I belive it was saying live life to its fullest. You never can suceed if you dont try. A lif without risk is a life wasted. Sometimes you have to step up and fight and risk the chance you may lose. In our game against ELCA we had to step it up and put up a fight and we ended up with the win. If we had never played the game we could have never won. In life there are some people who never try and suceed but they never fail. I want to grow up to be someone who gives it there all and trys there hardest even if I lose. Everyday, everyone should live life to the fullest.
    John Timothy Morris

  19. I think Theodore Roosevelt has a good quote but so does Aristotle.They both are ways that are good to live by but I think Theodore Roosevelt has a better quote.It tells even if we lose do not give up.Then if you practice it a ton some day you might win.

  20. The fabulous and amazing Harlan Kyle : )October 7, 2010 at 8:49 PM

    I think that Theodore Roosevelt's quote is the way that we should live our life. If we never take chances or stand out, we will miss out on life. I don't mean that we should risk our lives, or make stupid decisions, but rather stand out for God and stand out among our friends when they gossip or poke fun at others. We should be able to take risks in life, to try something new. I we always played it safe, we wouldn't ever experience pain, or joy for that matter. Avoiding pain would cause you to miss out on SO much on life. You must feel pain ever once in a while taking risks, but when you succeed, It feels much better than if you had played it safe.

  21. I believe both are both hearing and teach good qualities. Although, I agree with Theodore Roosevelt's quote. I believe he is saying that you should strive to believe in what you want to happen and it your life will become better. But if you become a pessimist, you gain nothing but a sad life. Also, It will make you miss out on fun activities. I know that I have acted like this and missed out on something too. I totally believe this quote is true a and if you use this you will have a great life.

  22. Alex Herden
    I believe they are both good quotes but each one involves a different aspect of life so we should apply them both to our lives. this will allow us to lead better lives for Jesus. Although, if i had to pick a favorite it would be Theodore Roosevelt's quote. this one just speaks to me a little more. it says that in life you will have to take risks and fail sometimes to be great.

  23. I like Theodore Roosevelt's quote best because we learn our most important lessons from the mistakes we have made.
    Anna Reeves Mom
    I also like Roosevelt's quote to. Its saying that if we don't take risks or try new things in life then we wont get any where. For example if you went through life sitting on the couch I and I think Im speaking for everyone in the world know for a fact that you wouldn't get any where. God wants us to stand out from the crowd and to try new things. This time I know for a fact that this would get you far in life.
    Anna Reeves

  24. I think the first quote by Theodore Rosevelt's is a better example to live by because he is saying you have to try to be victorious. We have to live life. We can't be scared to take chances. Thats cowardly to me, now i believe both statements are wise but not both of them right. If you don't take chances you will live your whole life thinking ''what if'' or ''I wonder if this would have happened''. You shouldn't have to wonder. Taking chances is how you build wisdom, maybe you do something thats not so smart,well you will know next time not to do it. Also even if we fail or experience pain thats what makes us stronger in life. Thats why i feel the first quote is a better life example and a better modo on how we should live our lives.

    Jordan Greer

  25. I personally think both quotes are great but i have to agree with Teddy Rosavelt. I think that it is better to try and fail than to never try at all. We learn from our mistakes and we need to have experience with something so we know where we can improve.

    eVaN jOhNsOn

  26. I think Theadore Roosevelt is a better quote to live my life by because I think it is better to try and fail, but at least you tried and thats all you can ask of yourself. Also if you wanted to ride a bike and you fall don't give up, you try again until you get. Do you lean left or right or stay in the middle? It is better to try than to not try at all.

    Mikaela McAlpine

  27. In my opion Theodore Roosevelt has a better way of showing how to live life. he is saying to live life with no regets and to give everything your all in all you do. Even though you might lose or fail or fall you get back up and try again no matter how hard it is or how badly you want to stay down. Live in God's eyes, think of life as a road with bumps and cracks but there is also some great stops every body makes on the way. Sometime in your life your wonderful road of life will com e to and end but with God your wonderful road continuos to go on forvever. In everhy minuete of everyday live your life, live your days as if it was your last. Thats what i think Roossevelt was saying in his quote. -Mallory Fields :)
