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Friday, October 8, 2010

U.S. History Question #4

"If the freedom of speech is taken away then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter." -George Washington

"Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen." Ephesians 4:29

Should freedom of speech always be ensured or are there limits to free speech?

What are those limits?

Should an individuals desires and rights always be the priority or are there times when the greater good of the people should be the top priority?


  1. There should be limits to freedom of speech. For example, you can't yell "Fire" in a crowded movie theater because it would set off a panicked, mass chaos. People should not be allowed to cause harm to others when they invoke their right to free speech.
    In your personal life you have the right to make your own choices, but just because you have a "right" to do something, doesn't mean it's always the "right" thing to do. I think that the muslim community has the right to build a mosque anywhere they own property. However, I think the greater good should be considered and they should choose somewhere besides Ground Zero. It will divide people if it is built there rather than bringing people together.

  2. Bethany Van Rensburg :DOctober 12, 2010 at 5:57 PM

    I think you should have rights to freedom of speech. I also think there should be limits. For instance, you can't just say whatever you like. Don't let unwholesome talk come out of your mouth for it isn't right. I think there should be a time when the greater good of population should be prioritized. For example basic human rights for all. Like freedom of speech, being able to worship religion of your choice, not being enslaved, etc. After all a nation has to learn to live together in peace and a house divided wont stand.

  3. I believe you should have freedom of speech. That doesn't mean you should say those things. as the bible clearly states. For example, if you were really mad at the government, you could have the right to do, but it would be sinning against Christ. So we should have a strong sense to not say those things but we should have the right to.

  4. we should have the right to speak out for what we think is right. But we should not abuse that right. We can say what we want but we should not let bad things come from our mouth. If you don't have anything nice to say then you should not say anything at all.
    William Charles

  5. Felton Smith said...
    We as a people should have the freedom of speech but there are limits to what you say. We should be able to speak about something freely unless its something that won't help them so tell them what they need to hear so they can fix something or improve on something they need to fix. But if you have nothing good and wholesome to say keep your mouth shut. And at times the greater good of people should be at the top most of priority because if your a selfish person your friends shouldn't just tell you what you want to hear they should tell you to try and be less selfish but not just tear you down about it and call you a terrible person and be mean but help them to be a better friend.

  6. I think the freedom of speech should always be ensured because God endows people with a choice on how to act. The Lord also gives fair consequences with actions. It is my belief that people should place limits on themselves to not let unwholesome come from their mouths. I also think there are times where the greater good of the people should be the top priority. An example of this was when Jesus placed the good of the people (eternal life/salvation) above His own desire to not be crucified.
    -Logan Pearce

    Parent's Response:
    There are limits to the freedom of speech. These limits are the slander of individuals that affect the targeted persons' well being financially, economically, or socially. There is a right to free speech, however sedition or armed uprising against the government should not be allowed. There are times when the greater good should be the top priority (i.e. public works, public health).

  7. I think that the freedom of speech should be ensured. That doesn't mean you can go around and say whatever you want. The freedom of speech is a priviledge that should not be abused. With feedom comes responsibility, which means we need to be responsible with what we say. Anything unnecessary should not be said. The freedom of speech should be limited when it gets out of control and starts to hurt people and their self-confidence.
    There are times when the good of the people need to be the priority. The Bible tells us to put others ahead of self. If the president took care of all his personal needs before the country, the United States would be a disaster and accomplish nothing. Sometimes the citizens need to put some needs of the needy ahead of small needs of their own. Others needs should be important in our lives. Taking care of ourselves is important for life and happiness, but taking others needs in our hands can make us have the happiness and grace of God.

  8. I think that we were givin freedom of speech as a human right...now the way we decide to use our freedom is up to that person. I have a right to say whatever I want...but there will be consequences weather they are good or bad it depends on the situation. So in that case we should have freedom of speech, but we should understand that there is a time and place to say things.

  9. I think that there should be the amazing right of Freedom of Speech but with that comes responsbility. When God says gaurd your mouth, then we should watch what we say and make sure that everything coming out of our mouth is wholesome and righteous.IF Freedom o Speech leads to someone dying such as (Cyb er Bullying) then there should be consequences.
    The own good of the people instead of minorities should come first because usually individuals want what's best for them.
    Carmyn Cosey ッ

  10. i think freedom of speech always needs to have limits. Freedom of speech was made so that the people can speak their minds and to speech what they think is right or wrong. God told us to watch what comes out of our mouths. These to things connect because if we speak our mind to someone and its not pleasing to them you might lose a friend or be avoided. The limits we set in our world can help our own life because, God set a limit of our mouth and if we did not have that people would think we don;t care what we say to each other. Freedom is speech is defiantly good to our country but if we don't watch our words some things may go wrong.

  11. i think freedom of speech always needs to have limits. Freedom of speech was made so that the people can speak their minds and to say what they think is right or wrong. God told us to watch what comes out of our mouths. These to things connect because if we speak our mind to someone and its not pleasing to them, you might lose a friend or be avoided. The limits we set in our world can help our own life because, God set a limit of our mouth and if we did not have that people would think we don't care what we say to each other. Freedom is speech is defiantly good to our country but if we don't watch our words some things may go wrong

  12. madison barnett said...October 14, 2010 at 8:03 PM

    There should be freedom of speech or we would not be able to express ourselves and to give our opinion on what we think the country could approve on. We should not go around and saying anything. Freedom of speech is a privilege and it can be taken away. Taking the privilege away is showing that the government does not value or care about or personal needs. If the government took care of their personal needs before the peoples. The name UNITED STATES would not be true we would not be united at all. Our needs would be relevant to the making of country and it would like having a king who makes all the decisions for us. That is not freedom of speech that is all of what they want in a country.

  13. I think that they're are limits to freedom of speech. A limit is that you can't just go over to someone and say mean things to them.... well you can but it is not what God would want us to do.I think at certain times other peoples are more important. Like right now my dad is having a hard time with his dad and so he has become more important.
    -ellie rieves =)

  14. Personally, I think that there are limits to freedom of speech. You can't just go around being rude to others and saying whatever comes to your mind, but you should be abel to express your opinion. If or when you do express your opinion, do it with respect for others. You should not express it with violence or foul language.
    The greater good for the people should come first. Just because you want something doesn't mean its good for you. God does not give us what we want all the time, but he has a good reason for it. We should be like Christ in that way, so we shouldn't always get what we want, but what we need.

  15. Connor Caffrey
    I think that any legal U.S. citizen should have freedom of speech. I think non U.S. citizens should keep out of our business, like we keep out of theirs. I believe that the good of the good of the country is more important than the good of one man. I think we should always try and contribute to the group even if that means giving up something we really want.

  16. I believe there are times when you need to be quiet. There are also times when you need to speak your opinion. They both can be helpful to your life. Although you should do this, others will not be so humble and will talk. You probably will give into peer pressure and follow them. It is much better to give in to the greater good. Sometimes it is best to leave the group and go on your own path. Which may also be giving up friends.
    -Holden Hosch

  17. I believe we should have the freedom of speech. I think God trusts us to say what's right. I believe both quotes are wise, but the Lords quotes are always wiser. You can look at this from two perspectives, one is God tells us not to let unwholesome words come out of our mouth, we can still do that with freedom of speech it will just test us. Because we will have to make a choice between right and wrong we are not forced one way, we get to make a choice

  18. Megan Rose Byers( right hand man)October 14, 2010 at 10:21 PM

    There are certain limits to Freedom of Speech, they can't limit us by saying we can't say our opinion, but if we say lies about someone that resulted in something bad, that's wrong.
    Yes, there times when the greater good of the people should be the top priority. A country's decision matters more than an individual's decision. we should be able to compromise together. One individual can't just disagree on one thing, and we're not going to do it. Majority rules.

  19. I think that freedom of speech should always be ensured but we should know when to limit ourselves. God created everyone with different thought s and gifts and every voice should be heard. Things that are not appropriate or uplifting to your neighbor should be kept to yourself. The greater good of the people should always be top priority.

    -evan johnson B-)

  20. There are limits to freedom of speech in my opinion. If a person is giving there opinion on how the econmy is going that is okay, but when that person gives a death threat or something like that it must be stopped. The world never says is not okay to debate, but when you cruely insult a person, it is evil and must be stopped. If you do not have something nice to say, keep it to yourself is what I always say.Freedom of speech is a one of the top prioritys in our country, but when it comes to the safety of people the grater good of people come into play.

  21. Natalia Pitter (it's my birthday!!)October 15, 2010 at 6:17 AM

    Although the Constitution allows us freedom of speech, I believe that people shouldn't always have that right. Someone might say "Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me," but words can put an emotional toll on a person that could scar them forever. If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything to say at all. Matthew 12:7 says, "Do unto others as you would like others to do unto you."

    Parents Response:
    This great country gives us the right to express ourselves, however; Psalms 19:14 states: Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer.

  22. I think the freedom of speech should always be ensured. The limits should be that I think that you could probably say anything you want,but around certain people. I thinkm the indivisulas priority should always be on top.

    Mikaela McAlpine

  23. I think that there are limits to the freedom of speech. People just can't go around cussing, because that is disrespectful to others. I think that there are times where the of the people is greater than the needs of a single person. The Bible says to put God first and others second, that means that people should control how the speak, because sometimes others should be put higher than ourselves.

  24. Alex Herden

    I believe that the only limit to freedom of speech should be really bad language like cusing or other things.ut we should be able to speak our minds and share the word of God

  25. Freedom of speech shouldnt be restrained at any point or time. Freedom of speech should be given but people should know when to stop. They should realize and stop when they take it to far. The limit is saying their opinion and and debating it. They shouldnt break out in a riot or use physical actions. There are some points in time when the individual should keep their mouth shut and let the authoritys take charge. Some times people should just keep quiet.

  26. john brody cantrell said...
    I believe that freedom of speech is definitely a privilege, although many people take advantage of it. When bad words come from a person's mouth, the ears of another, or sometimes many ears, hear the words and their minds are corrupted. Some people feel that their opinions should be more valued than others. They want their voice to be heard over another in order to get attention or recognition. God wants our words to be uplifting and positive, not hurtful or condemning to others. God commands us to love one another and that means through our actions and words. The greater good of the people means that the needs of our country should always be a top priority.
