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Wednesday, September 1, 2010

World Cultures Blog Question #1

Discuss the following question with a parent and record both your answers in complete sentences...

What is truly good about the United States of America today?

* Remember to honor God by giving your best effort on these questions.


  1. lidhgoqirogqjhoghrwo'i

    Larry Jones

  2. Parents and my answer: In our country, a person has a right to select his/her own leaders, church, and education. If a person works hard and up to his or her potential, the sky is the limit as to opprotunities.
    Sarah Zschunke (and parents)
    per. 5

  3. My mom came from a country with little freedom, and she loves American because of the abundant choices of lifestyle. In America we can choose our religion, family, house, school, job, and actions. Isn’t it a wonderful feeling to not be caged like a bird unable to fly? America is different from other countries, because it allows us to fly to our full potential. We have great collages, which give us wonderful doctors to heal us, and our strong military will never give up fighting for us. Also, America is still a Christian country, which makes it the shining beacon of light in our world. If America was not Christian we would not have a purpose to live, we would forget the difference between right and wrong, and the crime would flourish. Truly, American is the best country, because of the freedom it provides, and the ability it gives to worship and glorify God like we were created to do.
    Rachel and Natalia Hicks (period 6)

  4. The gov. Trys to protect us we are a free country they try to protect us with homeland security beautiful country side.wouldn't have chosen obamo as president and neither would I. My family and I don't like the health care plan. So I think my mom and I both agree on the same things about the government. Liam virrill

  5. The good thing about America is that we have the freedom of choice. Examples are we have the freedom to go to any school, any church, etc. We also have the freedom to be what we want to be in life.
    Ryann and Barbara Farmer

  6. Christian Beadles and parentsSeptember 6, 2010 at 3:32 PM

    The great thing about America today is having the freedom to exercise your inalienable rights that were given to you by higher power. (God) We dont get told where to go to church or where to go to school. We get to decide. And we get to practice any religion we want as much as we want without being punished.

  7. America has many things that are great about it we just overlook it and take it for granted. We have many freedoms that other countries don't a middle class and many other things that others don't have. Including going to school being able to say what we want watch what we want and do what we like to do. God has given us America to exercise these freedoms
    Marcus Jones and Parents

  8. my parents said that there are still very many things that are truly good about america but the most important one is that we still have the freedom of religion.I would have to agree with my parents that the best thing about america is that we can still worship christ without having to keep it a secret.

  9. Kathryn Bracher and momSeptember 7, 2010 at 5:24 PM

    There are many things that I would change about this country, but there are also many great things about our country. The freedom that is given to us in this country is great. Unlike communist countries, we can go to church and celebrate our religion. We don't have a dictator telling us what to do, so we have our own decisions to make. Another great thing about America is that the main religion is christianity.

  10. There are many things that we said about our country. I said we have the freedom to religion. Also we have great entertainment to keep us busy and we have good money that we dont constantly spend. We also have men and women who fight to protect our country. My dad said we still live in a great time of opportunity to improve ourselves and society. We also have amazing technology to keep us informed and living healthier lives.
    Margaret and Jim Reed :)

  11. The best thing about the United States is all the freedoms and rights that we are given. We have the freedom of speech, which allows us to express our feelings and voice our opinions without being punished. The freedom of press allows us to print and write whatever we want to. Having the freedom of religion allows us to worship our own god in a place of our choosing. Voting is one of the rights that we are given. It allows us to elect government officials by democratic process.
    Another great thing about America is the safety. With all of the wars that are happening all around the world we are fortunate not to have one of them being fought in our country. We are also very lucky to have strong military forces that are willingly serving our country in order to keep everyone in it safe.
    Compared to many countries, we live in a very fortunate one. We have running water, an ample supply of food, and strong military forces. People are looking to much on the negative side of our country like everyone wants money, everyone wants to be famous, and everyone wants to be the best. But truly many things in our country are good and we need to spend more time focusing on that and less time on the negative side.
    Quinn and Kate Larimer

  12. I think that there are so many things about our country that we take for granted. In my opinion, we are the most blessed country in the world and we have the most opportunity. For example, the American dream gives everyone the power to work hard and become successful. America is by far the most wealthy country and the majority of the people have food, clothing, and shelter. Many of the other countries in the world are very poor and have awful economies. Also, I think our country is great because we have the freedom of speech, petition, the right to own guns, and much more. I think these are a few of the many great things about America.

  13. America has a democracy which gives us the right to choose who should lead us, we aren't being told who is going to rule over us like other countries. The freedom of religion is a truely amazing gift that God has delivered to our country. In forgien countries, people are killed for speaking against the "leader's religion" Individual rights give us the freedom to speak on what we believe, and to choose what our life turns out to be.
    ~Madeline, Rachael, and Jeff Terry
    Period 6

  14. I think that as an independent country we have special rights and have the freedom to do things other people in other countries can't do.We have freedom of religeon,speech,etc;.There are so many things that we can do that maybe India, or China can't do.And for God allowing us to have something like that that should just make us want to praise him more and more.

    Nile,and Deloris Ball
    period 5

  15. Kristina Harrington said...

    There are many wonderful previleges that exist to Americans. First of all, we have the right to elect public officials that we feel would best represent us in government. We also have freedom of religion to worship in the manner we choose to. In addition, we can live anywhere in this country that we want to. More importantly, there are vast opportunities available to us to get a great education. Whereas, in some countries, children are deprived of an education. Americans also have the right to representation in a court system.
    All of these previledges and more make America a wonderful place to live.

    Kristina and Adrene Harrington

  16. My mom says that what is good about America is that we have freedoms that are given to us that are not necessarily given to people in other countries. We have the right to share our views, to worship God freely, and to pursue the things we want to pursue- in other countries, some people have their jobs chosen for them.
    I added that we have a history of inventors that have made things to help our country grow and that we have laws that protect us and not harm us. We also have education available for everyone.
    My dad says America is great because of the Marine Corps. (He is a Marine.)

    Andrea, Tommy, and Sage Blackwood
    Period 3

  17. My parents and I both agreed on the same thing that is truly good about America is it's freedom. We have so many different freedoms that we are blessed to have because some other countries don't have them. For example, in Saudi Arabia and Iraq they have to hide to worship God. That is where freedom of religion comes in. We are free to worship God wherever and whenever we want, except in public schools. Another good freedom is that we get to pick who the people are that run our government. Even though sometimes we choose the wrong person we still have that freedom. Although we have many freedoms there still are rules and laws that we have to abide by because if there was no rules and we had all the freedom we wanted then America would be chaotic.
    Kristen Fikse, Mark Fikse, Sally Fikse
    Period 5

  18. The truly good thing about our country is freedom. The freedom of religion is amazing. We can share God with other people without having to hide it or being punished or judged by others. Our country also is developed as we learned in class, we are better off than most of the other countries in the world. We aren't starving, our economy is pretty good compared to other countries, and we have freedom.
    Megan Fikse (and parents) p.6

  19. There are many great things about America. We can have our own religion, everyone can vote, and there is no racial discrimination. Look at whitefield. I'm typing this sitting next to two African Americans in the library. Also, we have the freedom to have as many children as we like. (unlike China.)This country is also fertile with good soil, many different kinds of crops, an array of different climates and surroundings, such as plains, prairies, deserts, mountains, beaches, and Lakes. America is a great country.

    -John Kendrick the coolnes machine

  20. The best thing about America is it's freedom. Many other countries are very strict in regards to freedom. In America, we are allowed to say, dress, beleive, vote anyway we want to.

    My parents also say that anyone can come here to persue the "American Dream". They can come with nothing and if they are determined, they can do anything they dream of.

    America truly is the land of oppurtinity...

    -Naomy Grand'Pierre

  21. After talking to my mom we both decided that America is truly great because of all the freedom we have. We have an outstanding government because unlike other countries we can choose many things like health care, our Presidents, and education. Also we have freedom of religion so we are able to be Christian without anyone stopping us. We can vote for different ideas so it is like we are a piece of the government. America comes with many opportunities and is an amazing place to live.
    -Megan and Renee Schwarzkopf

  22. America is great because of the fact that we have freedom. We don't have dictators like they do in some countrys which is a terrible thing. What comes along with freedom is our freedom of speech. We are aloud to vote for things like presidents, governors, education, who will run for senate and many others. We also have freedom of religion however some of it is being taken away.My mom said she agrees with me that our country is great because of our freedom and for the opportunities that are available in our country.
    ~ Gabrielle and Jayne Boswell :)

  23. America today is much different than when our country was first founded. Although the morals and laws originally formed for this country where good back then the world has changed, so the laws need to change to, wich is a good thing about this country, the ability to change laws through democracy, i know that the domacracy that was once great is now something that is potentialy bad, but the thing that is good is the fact that we are able to change things in this country, that is my opinion my moms opinion is that we have freedom and are still able to openly have freedom of religion (kinda)

  24. America is great because we have some freedoms that people can not take away from us at all. We can say what ever we want and have our own opinion. My mom said living in America gives us many opportunities for education, jobs, freedoms, that are not available in other countries. We have the opportunity to vote for our leaders and have a voice. We also have the freedom to worship God freely without fear.

    David Ballew

  25. America is still great because of the rights we are given and that can't be taken away from us. Also freedoms like religion, speech, and press. Some countries have no choice about who their leader is, and are in dictatorship. Because of the way our government is set up, no one can be president for more than 8 years, so we have change. Also, no one forces us to believe in certain religion, we have the freedom to believe anything we want to.

    Peter Keith

  26. America has grown a lot from what it began as. I think without a doubt that freedom is the best part about the U.S. It's great that we can beleive in the religion that we want to. We will not go to jail if we are caught with the Bible. It's great that we have plent of water and food. We don't have to worry about starving at night. We have a government that if we don't like things we may be able to change them. That is my opinion about the United States

  27. The great thing about the US today is that we are still free. The biggest freedom that we have is the freedom of religion. This is kind of a double edged sword because at one time we were free to worship God and we founded the US on that basis but now we are allowing all of these other religions to become more and more powerful and letting Christianity fall to the side. Hopefully we will realize this and make a change which is another great thing about the US. We do have the right to change things if enough of us stand up and fight against it.

  28. In America we have rights, freedom and a high standard of living. But since we were created our values have dropped at an alarming rate. I think America is a good place to live but we have almost no values, or freedom from values. The second best thing about America is freedom of religion. Lots of other countries don't have freedom to believe what you what to believe. There are countries that you will be killed if you don't believe what they believe.

    William Bell

  29. When people think of the US they thoink freedom. Freedom is something we take advantage of everyday. In America people have freedom of many things. Such as, Freedom of speech, able to go to whatever church you want to, school, and many more. My mother says that that the US is the land of opportunities. People can be whatever they want to be if they work their hardest at it and is passionate about it.

    Courtney Alexander and Joiel Alexander

  30. I think one great thing about America is that we are free. Some countries that are not don't even allow people to leave the country. In America, if you want to go live in say Hong Kong, go ahead! Nobody would hold you back. Also the general being free. We don't have slaves or anything like that. These are some freedoms that I feel Americans take for granted sometimes.
    My mom really likes the freedom of speech.
    Mary and Christy Kendrick

  31. One of the great things about America is that we are simply free. We have many freedoms that we tend to take for granted. Like the freedom to live wherever you want. We could want to go live in say Hong Kong, go ahead! In other countries, some people aren't allowed to do that. Also, the freedom of speech. Americans can say things that they want to say. These freedoms are sometimes taken for granted. But we all need to remember how blessed we are.
    Mary and Christy Kendrick

  32. Parents' answers: What's good about America is the way we respond to world crisis. i.e.- How we helped those affected by the tsunami even though they were Muslim.

    My answer: The best thing about America is our freedom to love and worship Jesus and spread His love. In other countries you would be persecuted which is why I'm so glad that we can show our passion for Him. Lastly, I appreciate that we send missionaries to help people come to know God.

  33. I said that although the economy isn't doing well in america, we don't live in a 3rd world country, where everyone starves or is killed for their religion or anything else! Its good because it is a free country!

    My parents also agreed with me on the "free country" thing and they said it is good that america has stayed together and have been a whole nation for so long its good that they havent broken apart yet.

  34. Although America has its ups and downs, it has been thought of highly. Even though we haven't always been thought of highly most American's like the way our country is. American's have rights to many things such as freedom of religion, freedom of speech and we are able to pick and choose most things we do and do not have to do. America is a free country unlike others which gives us these many opportunities.

    Matt Olson

  35. the good thing about america is our freedom. We have the freedom to go to school where we want, go to church vote, etc. that freedom could also be a bad thing (especially voting). we still are a great country but there is no way we'll be as great as we were unless we make some big changes.

    Ryan Wesley,

  36. bradley davidson and scott davidsonSeptember 9, 2010 at 9:52 PM

    Today in America every citizen is given a multitude of freedoms. We are given the freedom to: elect a leader to govern our country without risk of being threatened, to explain our opinions without risk, and we are given the freedom to worship without risk of persecution. Although, America used to discriminate against other ethnic groups, we have learned that each and every person was and is created equally, so everyone should be treated equally. Most Americans take advantage of our freedoms because we have never known what it is like to not be free. If everyone appreciated our freedoms, America would be an even more awesome country to live in.

  37. The great things about the Unites States today are, first, the things in the constitution, such as, freedom of speech. Then, this is the land of opportunity, a great part of America, this part of America makes it possible for anyone to do anything they want to do with hard work and effort.

  38. One of the privileges in our country is the right to vote. Many people across the world are not allowed to vote. Their leaders are put in place by bias others, or in some cases leaders buy their way to the top. Another right we have is the freedom of speech and religion. We take for granted how blessed we are, that we can go anywhere in the U.S. and proclaim Jesus' name. Another positive aspect of our country is that we are protected. As christians we are protected by God, but also we are protected by a group of brave men and women who the government has put into place. These people not only protect our physical beings, but they protect our freedom.

    Kate MacPhail and Parents

  39. I asked my dad and he said the freedom is wat makes the united states truly great, we have freedoms in this country that are unheard of in others. Also we have a very easy life stlye as a result of this in other countries thay cant go where they want when they want or even wear what they want everything is controlled and they have to always do what they are told and dont have any say what so ever

  40. America's founding fathers created a country based upon both the freedoms in our Bill of Rights and the principals found in the Bible. These freedoms and principals have been carried forward through the years by our political leaders, with occasional lapses to the present time. A citizen has the right to an education, and an equal opportunity to achieve the American dream, which includes even becoming the President. Who would have thought, approximately 50 years ago, during the turmoil and strife to desegregate our public schools, that Americans would elect Barack Obama as our President in 2008. America is the greatest country in the world because it is still, regardless of the political and social differences or its citizens, "one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."
    Sarah Zschunke and Bill Zschunke
    World Cultures
    Per. 5

  41. robbykeough- there are many good things about america today. First of all, we are a free country. We are way more privileged than other countries. Also, we are protected from outside invaders by our military. Our military is extremely strong. We can go to sleep knowing that we won't wake up to a genocide or being kidnapped, like many people do in Africa.

  42. My mom and I said that we live in the land of the free and many people in different countries don't have that. And we also get to freely worship any god (for us Jesus) and not get punished for it. We also have individualisim ( we get to be our own person) Also we live in the Land of Opprotunity where if work hard, and try to prosper we can succeed.
    -Kelsey Butler and Annie Butler period 6

  43. America has a lot of rights. We are able to do things that others can't, such as freedom of religion, speech and the right to bear arms. without all the rights we have, I don't think america would survive. We are so lucky o have what we do.

  44. Though most people think that our government and law enforcement aren't good, they are doing us a lot of good. This is one of the good things about America. Whitout either of them, we would have more violence, riots, and many other things that we do not have problems with today. Another good thing is freedom of religion. If we did not have this, there would be religious persecution.


  45. we have frreedom to choose our job. We can also have our own possessions. This is a freedom some countries do not have. One example is Communist Russia
    Cole Barber

  46. This is America. Where we can dream and make those dreams come true. Isn't that the American dream? To Shape your own destiny no matter what. America is a beacon to impoverished lands all over the globe. This is the land of oportunity. Where if you have a can do attitude, you can make the world yours. Although the American Dream has been tarnished by those that abuse it and mistreet it, i am still proud to be an American. Most of us have no idea how lucky we are to live in a land that offers so much.

  47. Speaking truthfully in The us The only good thing is Our freedom. Our goverment is bad and so is our economy. At least we still have which many countries don't have and that is freedom.
