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Sunday, September 27, 2009

World Cultures Question #6

Answer the following questions...

What is the "prosperity gospel"? (use the internet to find the answer)

What do your parents think of the "prosperity gospel"?

Is there any truth to it?


  1. Prosperity gospel says that people that God favor basically are the ones who succeed the most in life. In the Bible it states that God helps those who believe God and study His holy word. I believe in prosperity gospel because in Matthew 7:7 it says ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. This means God will help you through all things. Christopher
    While GOD does speak of prosperity and give examples of person of great riches like David and Solomon, HE also speaks of working, sacrificing, and loving. To me, GOD’S answers are yes, no and maybe later. If life were all sunshine, we wouldn’t be able to appreciate the rain. Jacqueline Dewberry

  2. Prosperity gospel is a belif that is centered around God giving matirials to those he favors... I dont think there is a whole lot of truth to prosperity gospel. i think that God loves all people equal. i don't think that God whould just give them stuff (part 1) jake johnston

  3. The prosperity Gospel is the belief that God provides material prosperity for those He favors. I think that this is a very misunderstood concept because God does say that he will bless those who love and follow them, but he doesnt necessarilly say that it will be fiancial or material prosperity. A great example of this in the bible is David. Before he became king God blessed David with lots of wisdom, strength, and kindness. David followed and loved God but in the begining of his life God did not bless him financially. Also, there are definetely people who are blessed with material things because they have followed God and he has CHOSEN to bless them. Then there are people who follow God but he has CHOSEN to bless them in other areas of their lives. -caroline holliday

  4. I think that God will bless those who follow him but it will not necessarily be in material things. He chooses who he wants to bless and how he wants to bless everyone and it might not be with material things. -becky holliday(caroline's mom)

  5. I just watched a video on John Pipers opinion on the prosperity gospel. I agree with him on some of his points. God isn't going to make us rich just because we don't believe in the prosperity gospel. It isn't even thee real gospel and we are taking this to people who have nothing and telling them if they believe this they'll be extremely rich. Thats not right, its a big lie, and thee only way you will get anything is if God choose to give it to you. -Katie Mitcham

    I don't believe in the prosperity gospel. I believe we set people up for extreme disappointment when we preach/teach the prosperity gospel. God loves to bless and his blessings are not limited to and do not necessarily include wealth, health and prosperity. His blessings sometimes come in the form of testing and trials where we learn that God is enough and sufficient to meet us where we are. - Debbie Mitcham

  6. i think that prosperity gospel is not real. - Gip Johnston

  7. Prosperity gospel means that God provides material things to those who he favors. I think that half of this is true. God provides to all people, even those who don't believe in Him, and not just to those who He favors. Material things? Not so much; exspecially those who He favors, because God doesn't really love any one person more than another. I think that God does provide everythings to everyone. One because He has made everything and He has made a path that He wishes us to follow. So for my final answer, I think that the "God provides" part is in every way true, but the "material things to those who he favors" is not true at all.
    -sydney flemmer

  8. The prosperity gospel is pretty much the notion that God provides material prosperity for those He favors. I think this is true in a way. God does bless the ones who honor him but he does not favor one over the other. The Lord loves all even the ones who dont believe in him. So in a sense God blesses those who do his bidding but he does not pick favorites.

    <3 Sophie

  9. p.s My mom i and i disscused it so we feel the same way

  10. The prosperity gospel says that God provides material things for people when they get to heaven. It also says that he only gives it to people he likes. I don't think it is true. God does bless us with wonderful things but he blesses everyone not just the people he favors. We also don't know if God will bless us with material things or other gifts. God also loves us even if we don't believe in him.
    -Katie Kassis

  11. The prosperity gospel is a religious belief centered around the notion that God provides material prosperity for those He favors. I don't think this is true because in the bible it says that God has unfailing love for everything that He has created. This shows and proves that God doesn't favor any one person more than another. Also, the prosperity gospel is implying that the people who are successful with material things are successful because God favors them. This also is not true because the people who are successful are successful because God has blessed them: not because He favors them over someone else. God chooses to bless people in different ways, and although sometimes we cannot provide an explanation, God always has an ultimate plan for our lives.
    -Justin Brendel

    I do not agree with the prosperity gospel. I don't think that wealth and riches defines you as someone that God has blessed. There are many poor people in the world who love God with a much purer heart than those who have riches. God wants our undivided love and the more stuff you have the easier it is to have idols and put other things before Him. It doesn't make sense that he would choose to bless all those he favored with prosperity. He loves us all equally! I think that if God gives you great wealth it is so that you can give it all away for his kingdom. God's blessings come in many shapes and forms and he knows exactly what each individual's needs are and they aren't always monetary.
    -julie sandman

  12. Prosperity Gospel is basically saying that God gives material things to ones he favors. In my opinion, that statement is half true. I dont think that God favors anyone. We are loved equally, christians and non-christians. Maybe people with more faith seem to live a better life because they have God with them all the time, but that's because they try to remain positive. You sometimes see the "best" and most faithful christians in the worst situations. No one's life is perfect, and for people too believe that it is, especially because God favors them, is just wrong.
    -Jiniah V. Bliss <3

    I went to my father and he thinks the same as i do.
    GO Bliss' !!!!

  13. Prosperity Gospel is the believing that God will look with favor on other people and looking down on other people. it also means that God will give those he looks favor on things that they want and think they need. i think that this "Prosperity Gospel" is totally wrong. i think this because God loves us all the same. he treats all the same and cares for us all the same. i think that if we all didn't believe in the "Prosperity Gospel" then we would all be happy and love each other. we would also not boast about the gifts that God has given us. but if we all believed in this "Prosperity Gospel" then we would always brag about how God looks on us with more favor than that other person. we would not even focus on God but we focus on our selves we would think its all about us.

  14. The prosperity gospel is that God provides material prosperity to those who he favors in life. I definately do not agree with this. I think spiritual gifts have a lot to do with this. If you have a spiritual gift that means that God has chosen for that part of your life to be gifted. You aren't good at that because he favors you over everyone else. Even though He says that people who follow Him will be blessed He doesn't mean with material things.

    My parents agree

  15. Prosperity Gospel means that God gives material prosperity for those he favors. I think that it is wrong, because I think God doesn't favor people. I mean some people might be better christians but in the end God loves everyone equally . God does reward people for their good doings though, but other people are punished for their bad doings but then again we are all sinners. My mom disagrees. She says God what's us to be faithful in giving of what we have. Material things do not equal happiness.

    -caitlin kleefeld

  16. I do not believe that God blesses His followers with material items and wealth. My understanding of the Prosperity Gospel and Prosperity Theology is that if you believe in God and follow His ways you will be blessed materially in this life. I believe that if you believe in God and follow His ways and enter into a relationship with him that he will take care of your needs during this life but that your real reward is in eternal life. If it is true that we receive our reward in material things during this life than what about eternal life? Jesus promised that if we entered into a relationship with him that our needs would be met like the flowers and birds so we do not need to worry. This does not mean that we will all be materially rich but God will provide what is needed, we have to decide how to use it.

  17. Prosperity gospel is baciaclly saying if your a good Chirstain God is going to give you wealth and material odjects because he thinks that we are good enough for them. I toatally and completely disagree. First of all i think that God doesnt allow others to be rich simply because he likes them i think he wants you to use the money that he allows you to have and be a good stuard and use your money as an oppertunity fo you to reach people that maybe live somewhere elese like on a missiontrip. God has a plan for everyone and i believe each thing he puts in your life is for a purpose if God gives you money than he has a plan for you to use it to glorify him not to go out and spend it on earthly treasures. I do not belive there is any truth to the prosperity "gospel". My parents agreee, but unfortunatlly they are not here to write anything.

    CARA GRACE! :):):):):):):):):):):)

  18. Prosperity gospel I guess is trying to say depending on how you act as a good or bad Christian God will make you famous or wealthier than others. Frankly I’m going to have to disagree because I know a couple of good Christians that have skewered up but are very good people. God isn’t picky at all and this would be called “picking favorites”.

  19. My parents and i think that the prosperity gospel is that God provides material things for thoses he favors. I think that this is true in someways but in other it is not. The Bible says that God will bless the one that honor him but he does not favor one person over all the rest. The Bible also says that God loves everyone even the ones that dont believe in him.
    ~Ann DuPre

  20. We think that prosperity gospel is not true and true at the same time. God does not favor any one on this earth. But at the same time he loves the ones who loves Him, thanks Him, and praises Him. There is half and half truth in prosperity gospel.

    -Harrison Weller

  21. The followers of the Prosperity Gospel believe that those who are favored by God will be financially and materially successful. They believe that nothing really bad will come out of your believing in God. Their religion is all about what "I will get out of this". I don't believe in this because the Bible tells us to be humble and to give to others. Christianity isn't about us, it's about God, our Savior. The only truth I see in the Prosperity Gospel is that when we receive Jesus and follow Him we are unimaginably rich. When we give we receive, and "store up for ourselves(yourselves) treasures in Heaven". We are prosperous in Jesus Christ, but not in the way the followers of the Prosperity Gospel think. ~Alice Fugate~

    I believe that God never promises His followers will be rich or blessed in a worldly sense. They might be but not because they are Christians. Many of the greatest saints of the church have been poor and persecuted people, and Jesus said that we must be willing to give up everything for the sake of the gospel. He didn't promise us wealth but actually promised that we would have troubles in this world if we follow Him. (Bob Fugate)

  22. I think that there is absolutely no truth in prosperity gospel. It tells you that God favors certain people. That is absolutely wrong because God thinks of everyone the same whether you are a missionary or a gang leader. God doesn't have favorites. He is fair and square.
    -Frances Hamilton

    I don't think that the prosperity gospel is much of a gospel. Gospel means good news - in the context of scripture, it is the good news of God. There is nothing Biblical about the prosperity gospel. People see the prosperity gospel as a way to get something out of God if they perform a certain way. The focus becomes themselves rather than God. That is simply not how God works.
    -Margaret Hamilton

  23. I think that this religious belief is not real. I think God provides blessings for those who follow his commands and believes in his word and everything in it. But I do not think that God favors certain people. I think that makes no sense at all.
    - Pat Hardy

  24. posperity gospel isnt true at all. God doesnt favor any one group of people. he provides materials to everyone no matter who they are. even if they are of a different religeon he tries miracles on them to see if they realize that is it God that they need to be worshipping. God is a fair God and he loves all people the same. He doesnt favor one group of people

  25. I think that the Prosperity Gospel is not correct. Idont think God has favorites either! I also think that material items dont define you as bieng someone who God blessed. Another thing is that the Prosperity Gospel is against the Bible. One was its against the Bible is that the Bible says that good works dont get you into heaven, but this is what the Prosperity Gospel is syaing. The second reason this is against the Bible is that the Bible also says that God loves everyone. God doesnt just love that wealthy, famous, or the important people! In the Old Testament God always took care of the poor,sick, and the people everyone else looked down on.this is why i totally disagree with the Prosperity Gospel!

    ~Kerry Anna

  26. prosperity gospel is the belief god will reward you for your faith. my parents do not believe in prosperity gospel. i do not think it is very accurate. they listen to the good stuff and ignore the "take up your cross" part completely.

    Jonathan Thomas

  27. The prosperity gospel is basically God having favor on people who do good things and rewarding them with material things. My mom thinks that it is not necessarily true because there are many very good Christians who have devoted their lives to preaching, teaching and winning others for Christ who are not rewarded with material things. Preachers and missionaries are not usually the most wealthly people in their communities but have followed God's will very closely. I thinkthat God doesnt do this because it is just not what happens in the world. I also think that he does this to be a trial or tribulation.

  28. The prosperity gospel is the belief that people that God favors will do well in life and he will reward them with material things. I think that this statement is some what true. I don't think that God particually favors any certain people because he has unconditional love. Though I believe that I think that if you believe in God and praise God, you will be rewarded. Just as if you pray for things to happen or someone to get better, God has a plan for you and all that you do.


  29. Prosperity Gospel is the belief that the people that God favors will receive good things and wealth. People that believe in Prosperity Gospel believe that if you believe in him nothing bad will ever happen to you. I believe that people who love and believe in Christ go through good and bad experiences, are successful or unsuccessful, and some are wealthy and some are not. I think if you have faith in God you will sometimes be rewarded with eternal life.

  30. God made us all equally in his image and from what the Bible says he loves us all equally and that proves enough for me. Basically what I am saying is that the "prosperity gospel" is pathetic and absolutely ridiculous. Sure if you pray to God he will give you spiritual help, but look at those missionaries in tribal towns that no one has ever heard of, are they materially blessed? No, I wouldn't say that they exactly have millions, but they have something that is much more valuable that God does give only to believers. They have the peace, joy, and unconditional love that only God can give. Being a believer doesn't make sense to most, and so maybe that's why they made this egotistical statement that those with God have more stuff. If only they knew the real gifts that came along with Christ.
    -David Lemasters

  31. The prosperity gospel is the belief that the Lord rewards or provides material things for those who do his will. Also it says that he favors those who do well. I do not believe in the prosperity gospel. God loves us all equally and although he sometimes tests us he does not show favor. I am sure there are many times every day that he is more pleased with someone but that never means he could love or not love anyone any less. In the new testimate, Paul devoted his life and existence to leading others to Christ. The Lord loves him and is incredibly proud of him for that but he loves us from birth as much as anyone could ever comprehend. In many cases we are all just blessed that the Lord has provided us with these thing and many times we do not at all deserve them. He is an amazing and fair God.
    -Mary Beth Newkirk

  32. Prosperity gospel is believeing that if God favors you than he will reward you with material gifts. Some people belive that the prosperity gospel is true. In my life and probably all Christians lives they believe that God doesn't favor anyone. I think God treats us all as equals in his own eyes. God will not give you material things just because he favors you but he will help your life to become better. My mom agrees with me.

  33. I think Sophie really said it well. Prosperity gospel is kinda the belief that God favors some people over others, and blesses them with material possessions. God loves us equally, so he's not going to favor one over the other, but I do believe he blesses those who are faithful to Him. And, I believe that having God's favor does not necessarily mean He will bless us with material things. Think about Christian's in countries that are being persecuted, and have no material wealth. I think that God is going to honor those who are willing to die and be faithful to him. So why aren't they rich in material things? I don't believe in the prosperity gospel.

    My mom thinks the prosperity gospel is a destructive interpretation of the scriptures. Mostly because it focuses people on personal happiness and what they can receive from God. Christianity should be the worship of God for who He is and what He has done for us rather than what we can get from Him. The Bible tells us that we who "lose our life" will find it. It talks about giving up our lives for the gospel. She says the material things we possess are all gifts from God that we should be thankful for..but God doesn't owe us anything - that having wealth may or may not be a "sign" of God's blessing, but not having wealth is certainly not a "sign" of his disfavor.

    When she was in college she had two roommates who attended a church that preached prosperity. She went to a Bible study with them once and the preacher actually said that if you drove around an old beat up car it was a bad "witness" for Christianity. (My mom drove around just that!). Mom said in the end when things didn't go their way, they worried that they didn't have enough faith...and tried all kinds of ways to "muster" it up....She said believing in the prosperity gospel not only messed up the true meaning of the gospel...but hurt them individually as well.

    - Emma and Heidi Wright

  34. Annie, Gail, and Jack Sickling are studs!October 1, 2009 at 8:04 PM

    Prosperity gospel is a religious belief centered around the notion that God provides material prosperity for those He favors. My parents don't believe that at all because gives gifts and talents to all people. Also God doesn't play favorites. He loves all of his children. No, there is no truth becasue it says in the Bible that God loves all of his children big, small, white, black, christian or non-christian. GOD DOESN'T PLAY FAVORITES! And even if he did(which he totally wouldn't) he wouldn't the better talent to his favorite and the bad talent to his second favorite. I mean come on! God is not that low!

  35. sorry forgot to put give in between "he wouldn't _____ the better talent"


    and also He between "because ___ gives"

  36. The prosperity gospel is the belief that God will reward you for good deeds. I dont think it has any truth to it because God knows our needs and fullfils them in odd, but awesome ways, so we dont need to worry about our deeds and what we do thats "good".
    -sam henrickson

  37. I believe that if you follow God's word and you fullfil and obey his commandments, you will have a prosperous/succesful life.
    -Patrick Henrickson (Sam's dad)

  38. The prosperity gospel is the belief that the people who do good for God will be the ones to succeed in life. In my eyes and as well as my parents we think that it has some truth because the ones who please God by doing the right things. It just depends what your motive is when you are abiding by it. Like it would be better to please God by doing good things not so you can get and earthly reward but a reward in Heaven where it counts for real!!!!!!

    -Nick R.....

  39. The prosperity gospel is the belief that God gives material things to the people he favors most. God doesnt favor one person more than another, he loves everyone equally. But God does bless some poeple more than others. He puts certain circumstances or situatons in our lives to create the life he wants us to live and experience. Example: if someone's parents are getting a divorce, this can bring you closer and strengthen your walk with Christ. Just as someone who has the world in his or her fingertips can never feel the warmth of God, so can someone who has Nothing feel God glowing in their lives. P.S.- My mom doesn't believe in the prosperity gospel.

    *anna long =)*

  40. Prosperity theology- (also known as prosperity doctrine, health and wealth, prosperity gospel) is a religious belief centered around the notion that God provides material prosperity for those He favors
    God doesnt prefer anyone over anyone. every one is equal to him. sometimes God might even put something bad in your life to make it better. like if your momo died youde come closer to God. but God will bless you if youre closer to him not because youre better than someone else
    PS Miami is gunna get crushed by OU

  41. The prosperity gospel says that God gives material things to people who he favors. It also says that people are more succsesful with material things if God favors. I do not agree with the Prosperity Gospel because it is saying that God will give you material things if he likes you but God doesnt even like material things very much because there is a verse in the bible saying that no material things on earth are good because they do not last. I think that God will bless some people for different reasons but not with material things. Also God favors everyone equally so he wouldnt give only to the people that he favors because then everyone would be blessed with material things.-stephen bracher

    My Mom agrees

  42. I think that if you have a good relationship with God, he will help you prosper. Although this might not happen right away, it will happen if you keep your faith strong in the Lord. This prosperity might not always happen right away. God might put you through trials and tribulations just to test how strong you faith really is. When God feels that your relationship is strong enough he will make things in your life so much better. Although, he doesn't give you the riches of prosperity to boast and do what you want with it. He gives it to you to glorify him and use it to bless others. ( Braelen Phillips)

  43. People who believe in the “prosperity gospel” think that God provides material prosperity for those He favors. I don’t think that this is true. Matthew 6:19-21 says, “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there you heart will be also.” So I don’t think that God would give us material possessions if we aren’t suppose to store up material items on earth, because that means that our heart is hear instead of where it should be in Heaven. My mom also said that this was fake. She said that one thing that proves that it isn’t true is what God allowed to happen to Paul. Also in Matthew 19:24 it says, “Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.” And Matthew 19:30 says, “But many who are first will be last, and many who are last will be first.”
    ~Sarah Marriott

  44. Prosperity gospel says that God favors the successful. It also says that God gives material things to those he favors. But this goes against the whole Bible. Doesn't the Bible say that God loves us all equally and unconditionally. Even if he did favor people like the Jews, God never gave them many material things. He even kept them in slavery for years. I think God blesses those who follow him but not with material things. MY Parents agree
    Brandon Chan

  45. the prosperity gospel is the christian theory that if someone prospers in life, God is the reason behind it. If a family prospers, God allowed them to prosper. I think that there is truth in it. God is the reason, source and cause for every thing that happens. God ALLOWS things to happen. If He wants people to prosper, then they will.

  46. The prosperity gospel is a religious belief centered around the notion that God provides material prosperity for those He favors.(Wiki) This statement is completley wrong in a large and improtant way. God loves all people equally and unconditionaly. He has no special privledge for anyone that he favors more because he equaly loves his creation in a whole. My parents say the same and that God provides no material people of higher standard of living. God shares equal love whether your rich or poor.
    -Matt Landry

  47. Okay, so the prosperity gospel is the bielief that God provides material prosperity for only those He favors. WRONG!!! I totally disagree with this statement 100%. First of all, there is no way God "favors" anyone! He all loves us because He made us and He is our Father. Sure he can be disappointed in people, but His love is still unfathemable! And usually when our life gets tough, that's when God shines the most. The only thing that christians have that others don't when it comes to God, is a hope for life and a best friend (GOD) to share it with. This is my opinion on this subject.
    ~elaine sharitz~

    Honestly, when Elaine asked me my opinion about “Prosperity Gospel” tonight, I had no idea what she was talking about. She gave me a definition from Wikipedia. That gave me a good reason to open my Bible. After reading 1 Timothy, I’m convinced that this properity teaching is wrong. It sounds like people who believe this type of gospel are using God to get material things…when instead of God using us. I googled this and found the following:

    Paul warned Timothy about greed in 1 Timothy 6:5, 9-11. These men of “corrupt mind” supposed godliness was a means of gain and their desire for riches was a trap that brought about them “into ruin and destruction” (v. 9). The pursuit of wealth is a dangerous path for Christians and one which God warns about: “For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs” (v. 10). If riches were a reasonable goal for the godly, Jesus would have pursued it. But He did not, preferring instead to have no place to lay His head (Matthew 8:20) and teaching His disciples to do the same. It should also be remembered that the only disciple concerned with wealth was Judas.
    Virginia Sharitz

  48. Berto "Pillsbury Doughboy" DrydenOctober 1, 2009 at 10:57 PM

    i dont believe in the prosperity gospel because it says God favors the people who is sucessful. that is a lie. God made everyone equal and he loves everyone the same way. he doesnt love me more than khalen just because im better than him in everything and he cant stop me(just playing khalen, you know you my homeboy). he loves us both the same no matter what i do or khalen do.

    -Pillsbury Doughboy-
    Phone # is 911
    Emergencies Only

  49. Prosperity gosspel is the belief that God will give to those who deserve them. If a family is doing well God will allow them to do well. God doesnt care about material things he just loves his people and doesnt caere about material things

    -tinsley stokes

  50. the definition of the prosperity gosple states that God provides material prosperity that he favors. i feel this is not true. i feel this way because God would never show favoritism to those he created in his own sight. it may be ture that some of us could chose the wrong path and chose not to fowllow him so we wouldnt get the great benefits from God that we belivers do, but thats theyre own mistake. so if God made us all with our own talents, why would he only chose the ones of us that he basically likes more to have prosperity?
    mom's thougts: she belives this is also untrue. because God blessed us all in diffrent ways and created us indiviualy.
    -mary hannah skelton

  51. I think that the prosperity gospel is an interesting concept. While i do believe that God rewards us for our faith in Him, i don't believe that he necesarrily will. Many times God puts us through hard times and trials when we are at a time of high faith, so it's not necessarily true that he always gives us great rewards,
    Micah Owens

  52. I think that the prosperity gospel is not true.it has some truth as in. God can give you the gift of earning money by getting a good job. Besides that there is no truth in the prosperity gospel. Walker wood

  53. I think prosperity gospel is that if you believe in god yu will prosper. But i don't think its true because even if you believe in God you have to worship him with your praises. It's true in a way because if you do believe in him you will prosper but you have to do more than that.
    - eric lockett

  54. I don't believe in it because it is not like God to be unfair just like its unfair berto is dumb and i'm smart but we are humans.Jk Berto. But like I said He's not unfair. He gives us all a chance to be christian and if you don't take that chance its your fault not His. And when you have to answer to God and He says you are going to hell you cant say its not fair I have to go because he gave you a fair chance to come to Him that is why me and my parents, Who I discussed with, don't believe in it. Khalen Pinkett

  55. The prosperity gospel is God giving to those who ask for things. But God is not a cosmic vending machine. He does not give everything you want. For example, if you want a new bicycle and pray for one, it is always possible that God will make that happen, but God will do so only if it is his will and is part of his plans for you.

    I asked my dad about the prosperity gospel. He says that I should look at God as a loving parent. Loving parents do not give their children everything they want if they just ask sincerely enough or ask enough times. Loving parents consider what is in their children's best interests. My dad is convinced that God loves us and has our best interests at heart, but he has an eternal perspective. Material things will all pass away.

    God gives, that is true. But he gives what he knows is right, not what you think is right.

    Ian Nash
