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Friday, September 11, 2009

World Cultures Blog Question #4

Click on the link below and the read the article...


Answer the following questions with your parents...

Where should this girl end up?

Do you think this is a case of "radical" Islam or "fundamental" Islam?


  1. I think that Rifqa should be able to stay in Florida. Also, because they live in the United States, I think that Rifqa should be able to choose her religion without anyone going against her choice. Rifqa's parents should accept their daughters choice because she obviously is not going to change. I think that this is a case of "fundamental" Islam because the Bary family doesn't attend a mosque regularly or practice many Islamic beliefs. Also, when Mr. Bary said that he wanted his daughter back no matter what religion she was proves that the Bary family doesn't want to make this dispute any worse.
    -Justin Brendel

  2. I think that she should also stay in FL. just like Justin said. Rifqa is now a citizen in the US, she should be able to choose what religion she wants to be apart of. It's her choice and she shouldn't have to hide or conceal anything. Her parents are just being meanie-heads because Rifqa can choose to be whatever she wants no matter what her parents are. I think this is fundamental Islam the Bary family doesn't take their religion seriously enough.
    -annie sickling

  3. Sarah Marriott!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!September 13, 2009 at 5:36 PM

    I think that she should go back to live with her parents. Technically she is a minor because she is 17 and they have custody over her. Besides since they are U.S. citizens they have to follow the law, and if they do try to hurt her in any way, that would be child abuse, and they would be sent to jail. This is definatly not radical Islam. But it isn't really fundamental Islam either because of the things they do. Fundamentalists don't like Western influences, so they wouldn't have let her be a cheerleader. Also in the picture he is wearing a necktie, which a fundamentalist would never do. Also fundamental Islamists don't like to associate with non-Muslims, but in the article it says that one of his friends is a Christian. The fundamentalist also think that women should stay at home and not get an education because they arn't equal, but the reason they live where they do is for her to go to school. The only questionable part is that fundamental Islamists believe that it is ok to murder someone if they convert. If she is telling the truth about them wanting to kill her, then they are fundamentalist, but if they, her parents, are telling the truth then they aren't passionate fundamentalists. To me this all comes down to who is telling the truth and who is not.
    ~Sarah Marriott!!!!!

  4. Rifqa Bary is very brave for her move. I see how her parents are upset with her and under her religion you only serve there god, and others should be killed. By her actions, its obvious her parents would be this vicious with there threats. In my personal opinion i believe she should be able to stay in FLO RIDA.Like annie said "its her decision". But you can't blame the parents for what they have said. They have been in america for almost ten years now. As Brian Williams said," I didn't belive her at first", this is saying she could be lying. But once you think about it she has no reason to lie about her case. She made a great decision in my opinion in becoming a christian, but she knew she was going to have to face the consequences no matter what. She's in a broken family, her views are very different from her families. Overall, She is her own woman, a citzen of the U.S.A, she can now use her own mind....
    By: e money aka elijah weems God's child love all my bros and sistas

  5. Shout out to MR. Baker!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    #1 Teacher time all of

  6. i think that she should be able to stay in Florida because she is a us citizen. I think that america is a free country that she should be able to worship freely. Even though her parents say that its not a big deal i think that she worships a different religion. but if she doesn't want to then she shouldn't have to. i hope that the Government should let her stay where ever she wants to but thats my decision. its up to the government to make that decision. overall i think that she should get to stay in Florida.

  7. I think she should stay in Florida and not fear being prosocuted or murdered. That is terrible that even in America, people get threatened to be killed unless they switch back to Islam. I think the government should let her go any where she wants because she seems mature enough to know what she wants to do and has a single minded pursuit until she is allowed to be a christian. I think the government wouldn't go so far as to force someone to live where they don't want to be. I think this is radical Islam. Them threatening to kill her is going to far and I think that she should get to live where ever she wants. It is shocking to her this going on in the US because I thought this only happened in the Middle East and parts like that.
    -Brandon Chan

  8. I think she should stay where the lord takes her. She and her lawer shoukd pray about it and find out what god wants her to do, not what she or her parents want to do. I deffinatly think that this is radical islam, i mean i dont care who you are or where you are from you should not be threatinig anyone.

  9. My opinoin to this topic would be that i think that she should be able to stay in Florida. but like Sophie, i think that we all should pray for them because God knows whats going on, and its his plan. Also, she is an American , she has her rights! Her parents should let her be a Christain if she wants to, and hopefully they will become Christains. Rifqa can make her own decisions, and her parents should just accept it. Another point of view would be that she is only 17, and her parents technicaly have custody over her. then again, her parents might be very dangerous. even though they've said a few times,"i'm ok with her being a Christain". i still dont believe that because they also threatened to kill her multipule times.the main thing i wanted to say was that God has everything in control!

    ~Kerry Anna Lemasters

  10. I think that this girl is very courages. I do think she has done the right thing. Standing up for your faith is a very amazing thing that most people just can't do. I do think that this is partial case of radical Islam. I do think that her life was in terrible danger in many ways, than one. Im saying partial because I see it from a parents view that they just want to be with their daughter. But In this country you have so many cases of this kind of situation, where it ends up in death. So I can't really tell. Thats what we think.
    -Sherm-the-Perm Hardy

  11. I think that this girl should go back to her parents because she is 17 and under their custody. But, if her parents are truly threatening her, she should not have to go back home because that is risking her life. Also, she did say that she would die for her faith, so she might make the choice to go back home. I think that this is both radical and fundamental islam. It is more fundamental because in the islam religion it says to kill anyone who does not follow the same religion, so her parents are basically following the rules of their religion. Also, you kind of say this is radical islam because it is their own daughter ,give her a break!! But i think it is basically just crazy that a young girl should have to go through this is the U.S, a FREE COUNTRY!!!!!!-Caroline Holliday

  12. I think this girl is very brave and courageous. She stood up for her beliefs and will not stop no matter what. Since they live in the United States and Rifqa is seventeen, I clearly think that Rifqa should be able to choose her religion without anyone going against her choice. I think this is radical Islamic because no one should be threatening to kill people just because they don’t eat the way you do OR they wash their hands different than you do. It does not make you or them better. Rifqa's parents should respect their daughter’s choice because she obviously is not going to change. I also think she should stay in Florida because she is almost an adult now. She should be able to decide where she wants to live.

    Christopher Dewberry

  13. I think she should go back to Ohio but still be able to be a Christian. I believe she should go back home becauseam, thats her family. She should be with her family because thats whats best for you. My dad always told me, at the end of the day, the only people you can trust is your mom, dad, and your siblings, or in your case Mr. Baker, the only person you can trust is your wife and your parents (i dont know if you have any siblings). I think this is radical islam because if it wasnt, we wouldnt be doing thins blog question. if it was fundamental, Rifqa wouldnt be in Florida because her parents was threatning to kill her. That is what a radical islam person would do.
    -BeRtO dRyDeN-
    #1 on the Field
    #1 in your Heart

  14. i htink that she should go back to her parents house. i think that because she might be lying, because if her parents really were radical muslims they wouldn't let her be a cheerleader, because over there, they dont even let them wear regular clothes, they have to wear a full body cloak, so theyre not that much of "radical" muslims, so theyre probably not being serious about killing her

  15. I think Rifqa should be able to stay were she wants to stay. And if that is away from her parents then it is her choice not the governments. Her parents could be lying about the threats, or Rifqa could. But if she was she is probably not a Christian, and it is all a hoax so she could get away from her parents. I think that is a mix between the both. If they let her be a cheerleader than they are not to serious. But death threats are pretty madure.

  16. I think Rifqa should not have to go back to her parents home if she doesn't want to. As long as she is taken care of in a foster home or something then she is fine where she is. if she feels as if her life is in danger or that she is being threatened then she should be able to leave home.
    this is Radical Islam to a high degree. to get so angry that you would kill your daughter because of a believe she has is insane. If they don't agree with her then they don't have to talk about it or acknowledge it, but to threaten and kill your daughter is crazy. Even being angry with her is better than killing because of a religion.

    Grace Miller, Your Favorite Student!!!!!!!!!

  17. I think that the girl should stay in flordia even though she is techonly not suppose to because she is a minor. She should say in Flordia because she obevously knows what she wants and is not going to change her mind.She said i will die for my religion so i think that if she goes back that is exactly what she will do. i deffeenty think that she should be able to be a christain because it is a free county! i think taht this a radical islam because it is their daughter and they should not be treating her.
    Ann DuPre

  18. This girl is, as far as I can tell, an extremely strong believer. I'm sure she's read in the Bilbe that if you follow Jesus, you will be persecuted. And she has. As to where she should end up, I'm not entirely sure. I don't think it's for me to say whther she should end up here of there, because it's in God's hands. God might have her die for her faith, should she return to her parents, or the parents could be telling the truth and "just want her back". On the other hand, it might be God's will that the girl stays with the foster family in Florida and that she lives and possibly helps other people with the same problems get through these types of situations. As I said, I'm not entirley(stress that word) sure where she should end up. However, I'm leaning towards, if she is meant to live, her staying in Florida. If her she was prepared to run away and go all the way down to Florida from Ohio, she was seriously afraid for her life. That's no laughing matter. But her father's Christian best friend did say that he "cares more about his children than anything". So is she to go back to her parents? Is she to stay in Florida? I cannot say. It's not in my hands.
    I think that it depends on the how you look at it as to whether this is an example of fundamental or radical islam. The girl obviously thought that her parents were serious enough to feel the need to flee all the way to Florida. That would mean that they were probably radical Islams. However, it said she was becoming obsessed with looking at examples of persecution around the world. Her fear of being murdered could have clouded her judgement. Her parents say it doesn't matter what religion she practices, and they don't attend a mosque regularily. That indicates fundamentalism. So it really depends on whether or not they really mean it when they say they'll kill her. If they believe in their religion enough, they are radical and only their family really knows that. But my sister has told me of other converts who believe that they eventually will be killed for their conversion. Therefore, I lean more towards that they are indeed radical Islams.
    ~Alice Fugate~

  19. At first you would think that this girl is crazy and she should just go back to her parents because they do "own" her. But then you think about where Riqfa is coming from. She is being threatened by her own parents. If that were me that would kind of confuse me mentally. For someone who is seventeen and has that much stress i wouldn't know what to do. But in the article it says that she is so commited to christianity that she would die for her own faith. You could make a case that her parents have custody over her and could have a major influence on where she is religiously or you could just say the the U.S. is a free country! This is definately radical islam. If you would go so far as to kill you own child just so they don't join another religion is going way too far. - bennett shilling

  20. I belive whatever God has instore for her will turn out to be the correct and safe way. However my opinion is that she should remain a florida citzen and not live with her threatening parents. Staying in florida will mean she may remain a christian and strengthen the incredible faith she already has and stay away from the danger at home. From all of this comes a good part. This is that she made the relation between her and Christ strong each painful moment. This islam is radical because i think nobody should threaten anyone with the penalty of harm or death. THis story was a horrible story but a good story to think about because of how she exampled her faith even in front of her own family and how God can change anyone from any sort of backround.
    -Matt Landry

  21. I think that she technically should go back to her parents because she is still technically supposed to be theirs, but I think that if they really are threatening to kill her because of her faith then she should be able to get as far away from them as she can. I also think that they are in the US even if their religon is Muslim they are in the US and the US is a free country and you can have whatever belief that you want so they shouldnt be able to take her back if they really are threatening to kill her because they hve to abide by the rules of the United States and so that girl can have any faith that she wants in the US.-Stephen Bracher

  22. First of all I want to start out by saying, this girl is amazing!! I admire her so much for her faith and this is the only thing I know about her!!!!

    I think she should go back with her parents. Then she would be presented with the opportunity to share Jesus with all of her family. If her parents still pose as a threat though, she should stay at the foster home.

    I think she should go back to live with her parents. Technically, she is still under their authority. There seems to be no concrete evidence of death threats, and with all this media attention, these parents are under a tremendous amount scrutiny. Honoring your parents can be difficult, but she can be an incredible witness to her entire family - of grace, love and forgiveness. I'm unsure of the context of "radical" islam vs. "fundamental" islam, so I am not able to draw a conclusion on that question. The family doesn't seem to be orthodox in their practice of Islam. - Margaret Hamilton

  23. I think she should choose where she wants to go. Also it is dumb that she has to go through this because this is America a free country. It's not completely radical but still kinda crazy. I think the best place for her now is florida. She can grow in her faith and not be mentally abused.

  24. I believe that she should chose. I mean sure not all her accusations more be true and maybe some of her parents claims are false also, so that's why I say you leave it up to her for where ever she would like to go. Of course she would chose Florida because it sounds like she feels safe and can express her beliefs there without being constantly harassed. Unfortunately, although I believe this is what should happen, I don't think it will happen. I believe that her parents will win in court because she does technically belong to them. This I would view as kind of a mix of radical and fundamental.
    - David Lemasters

  25. Even though it is a case where she gets to so what she wants I think that she should do what is right for her. Not only did she have choices, but she has already made her decision. I personally think that she should go away from her parents but she should go somewhere safe. I think that in trial, her parents might have just been saying those things to get thier daughter back. Then again, I think she might need to give her parents another chance in excepting her and her relgion. I think that her parents should have just excepted the fact that she was who she was and she was going to make her own decesions.

  26. I think she should go back with her parents.First of all she is still a minor and second of all her parents never gave her premission to move out or gave her up to foster parents.they would be fundamintal islams. I belive so because the very rarly went to the mosque anyway.
    Jonathan Thomas

  27. I think she should end up where she wants, or atleast with her foster parents. She should be where she wants because she is almost grown and is going to college next year.
    I think that her parents practiced radical islam, because they wanted to kill her if she was a christian or practiced christianity.

    -ERiC LockETt

  28. Personally, my take on this situation is that Rifqa should be able to do what she wants. She's 17, and you really don't know if she's telling the truth or not. Regardless, I think she should stay with her foster family until they get things figured out. I also think this is radical Islam. Although at times, it could be fundamental because of the way they let her dance and cheerlead, which was against their Islamic rules.

    Braelen Phillips

  29. I don't think we have enough information for me to from an opinion about where she should live. So far we only know what she's said about her parents, and what they've said about her. They need to research more and find out who's story is true. On one hand, Bary is a minor, and like Jonathan said, she doesn't even have permission to leave and live somewhere else, so as her rightful guardians they should decide where she should go. On the other hand, if Bary's story is true, the government should allow her to leave to save her life. Her parent's say that they love her, and don't care about what religion Bary practices, and I think that is partially true because if they were strict, they would not let her be a cheerleader - so that kind of disproves Bary's story. But, until they investigate more, I don't know.

  30. we think that it is her desision to go back to her parents or not. she believes in christianity and her parents don't so it would be hard to do both religions at once.

    i think it is radical islam because they were forcing her to come back her their own ways.

    -Harrison Weller

  31. I think she should be able to stay in Florida. But I'm also sort of in the middle. On one side I believe her parents love her and just want her back. But on the other side I think she could potentially get hurt if she went back to Ohio. So at this point no one has any way of knowing because each side of the story is different so its a matter of trusting one or the other. If her parents really did tell her what they did, then it's a matter of life and death and she has all the right to remain in Florida. But if it's not that way then she is still under eighteen and technically still should live with her parents. Umm, I looked up fundamental and radical Islam because I have no idea what either of them mean and I still don't really understand which is which. I would say its fundamental with a hint of radical (if I have the definitions correct). If Rifqa is telling the truth and her parents did threaten her with her life than it seems a little radical. Plus the article said they didn't exactly practice on a regular basis. But still Rifqa could be lying and there was no threatening and there just plain old muslims going on with their practiced lives and don't care if she does practice another religion.

    -Anna Long =:)

  32. i think that she should just go where she wants and if she feels threatened by her parents she shouldnt have to go home. i think that this isnt a religious kind of question like it was intended to be. i think that this was more of a question of freedom. this is obviously radical because her parents were trying to force back into thier religion.

    Alex Manning
    GT had a bad game and even the worst can get lucky

  33. I think she shouldnt go back to her parents because she may get hurt. Its a bad idea to go back to where she is in danger and she needs to go where she is safe and can believe in what she wants to.

    ~Tinsley :)

  34. Ok.... first of all -that story is pretty amazing in the way she trusts God so much and is willing to move out of her own house so she can actually maintain a healthy relationship with God.
    But anyway..... I think that she should stay in Florida with the Lorenzes for a lot of reasons. First of all it seems that they will have a better, more positive and uplifting attitude towards Rifqa and her christianity. Also, it will probably be a lot more comfortable knowing that she won't be at any risk of dying because of her faith in Christ.
    But i guess if you really think about it, as long as she is 100% safe living with her parents, then she might be a little better off there because she can try to share the gospel with her parents. Who knows... maybe with God's help she can help them live an amazing life with Christ too.
    To sum it all up.... God does everything for a reason, so wherever she does end up, i'm sure something great will happen, as long as she prays for it to alot. :)
    (Go Virginia Tech... (: )

  35. I think that girl should end up back with her parents with full protection with people watching over her. I think this unless the parents are proven wrong and they did threaten to kill her if she was a Christian. Also if her parents were proven wrong and guilty of saying they would kill her I would say for her to end up with a family that could take her in or adopt her and take her to church and everything. I also think that this is radical islam.
    walker wood go miami beat tech 33-17 go canes!!!!!

  36. This girl should be able to choose. Her parents said at the end of the passage that she could be a christian if she came home. But if she came home, things might never be the same and if she stays she will probably miss her parents and friends alot. so whatever she chooses, she should be able to be a christian. I think this is radical Islam.

  37. I think Rifqa should have a choice on what religion she is. She should be able to stay in Florida with her foster parents because she is obviously frightened that her parents might kill her because she is Christian and not Muslim. In one of the books Rifqa reads is about Christianity and it says that "radical Islam is a reflection of a spirtual thirst that can only be quenched through the teachings and the life of Christ" and I think that is exactly what she wants.

  38. i think that she should be able to live wherever she wants. and i dont think that she was lying, because who would go through that much troble. in this case i think itis radical islam.
    -averi noosinow

  39. I think that this girl should have the right to live where ever she wants. shes almost eighteen so then she is on her own. i think this is a case of radical islam. her parents want her to die if she believes in christ.

    -Caitlin Kleefeld

  40. I think that she should be allowed to live where ever she wants to. I dont think it would be right to make her life with her parents after they gave her death threats. This is radical Islam because her parents want to kill her just because she is a christian.

    Cara Grace

  41. I think she should be allowed to stay a christian to practice her own religon. And she is being threatened because of her beliefs. Her family is persecuting her. And rejecting her just because shes diffrent

  42. I think this girl should have a choice of where she wants to go because it's only right because she is the only one who really knows what her parents are saying to her. She should decide what she wants to do because it's her life and if her parents are that bad they don't need to be making decisions for her because they are going to choose the wrong thing for her. I think this is radical Islam because it is a thirst for religion and she has a strong thirst to become a better Christian and that's exactly what she needs.
    -Nick Russell

  43. i think she sould end up inn a christian environment. only becuase of how she is being raised she needs to get out. i think this is radical islam. I think her family should also support her and not critisize. -Peter

  44. I think the girl should get to live where ever she wants. It is a free country. I think this is radical Islam because her parents said they were going to kill her.
    -Katie K
