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Friday, September 4, 2009

U.S. History Question #3

Discuss the following questions with your family and record both answers in the comments section...

What does it mean to pursue happiness? Does the way a Christian pursues happiness look different than other people? How so?


  1. Malon Linder

    To pursue happiness is to find where you belong in life. I think Christians look at happiness in a very different way than the rest of the world. Christians find their happiness in Christ Jesus and him alone, where as the rest of the world trys to find it with money, drugs and other bad things.

  2. I think to pursue happiness means to go after things that will make you happy. The way christians pursue happiness is very different from non-christians. Christians go after god and jesus and learning about him and reading the Bible. Non-christians go after material item (cars, clothes houses etc.) and even drugs and drinking and a lot of times they don't find happiness, when we do.


  3. I think it means to pursue what you enjoy but only when it's the right thing. I think so because we want to pursue things in a Godly way. Other people might want to pursue happiness selfishly.


  4. To pursue happiness means to make decisions and choose your actions based on what will make you or others happy. A christian pursues happiness based on God and what Jesus would do. Non-christians base their choices on what they think will make themselves happy.

    Quinn Larimer
    prd. 1 9/7/09

  5. I think that to pursue happiness means to do what you think will make you happy. I think Christian pursue happiness by thinking if the action they are about to do will please God or not. I belive that Non-Christians pursue happiness by doing what will please them without thinking if what God thinks about it and just thinking of themselves.
    -Matt Olson

  6. I think that to pursue happiness for non-Christians is to do anything that makes them happy by buying anything that makes them feel good and as long as they are content. For Christians to pursue happiness is to have the joy of the Lord in their hearts and even when they are going through hard times they know that the Lord is with them and can help them through their struggles. Christians also pursue happiness by knowing that when they die that they have only fallen asleep and will have eternal life in heaven.

  7. Pursuing happiness has different definitions for many unbelivers. For some its doing what they want. Others it means to follow their heart and do what they think is right. However, for Christians it has a different meaning. For Christians it means not only doing what you think is right but what God thinks is right. This means making the right choices in relationships, with your money, with your companions and in your walk in faith. Pursuing Happiness also means being content yourself but most importantly others, and God need to be happy too! If you think stealing something might benefit you, THINK about how it would impact others and God. Many times pursuing happiness might lead to mistakes, the only difference is how it ends up. For believers, THEY can ask for forgiveness. Others who don't believe or won't, will not accept Christ and when they die they will be left in the dust (or hell)
    -Kelsey Butler
    7th grade period 2 civics

  8. parents: doing what makes you happy/to please god.
    liam: pursueing what makes you happy in life and do things that make you happy.LIam

  9. a none believer in christ would just pursue his or her happieness.BUT a believer in christ would pursue happieness to please god .Liam

  10. It is kinda like chritians look at it through the look of gods eyes. Other people would think of fame, money, or success as their happiness. Thats why we look through Gods path.
    Margaret Reed

  11. To pursue happiness is to to pursue things in life that make you happy. I think Christians look at happiness in a different way than the rest of other religions and people. Christians find their happiness in Christ Jesus and think if it will make Him happy over what will make themselves happy.

    ryan wesley,

  12. i think it means to go after what you love. Also for a Christian you pursue it because God gave you the ability. Other people do it for a selfish reason.

    Christian Beadles

  13. I believe that the way I pursue my happiness is through friends,family, and Church. Christians pursue their happiness in seeking and growing with the Lord. Non-christians seek happiness through material or worldly things, such as cars, shoes, purses, etc.

  14. i think it means to live a life of laugh fun but under control.no christians can pursue happiness almost any way they want. this is because we all r the same

  15. the persuit of happyness in the eyes of non-christians is to have money,wealth,and power but for a christian it is to follow jesus's calling. only after having an intament relationship with God can you know true happyness

    -Ian Nash

  16. I think to pursue happiness is to like take happiness. A non Christian finds what they think of as happiness by getting money and big houses and non everlasting things. A Christian finds happiness in following Christ and saving other people.

  17. David ballew

    i think that christians find happiness is jesus christ. the rest of the world finds happiness in materials and other things. to purseue happiness means to strive for God

  18. I think for pursuing happiness would be keeping God first and pleasing him! Yes it does look different to other people because they ( non-christians) think that happiness is pleasing themselves and not God! They also think money and materials is happiness!

  19. I think the persuit of happiness means that you can do what you want to do as long as it does not effect others in a negative way. I feel that for christians the persuit of happiness is following what God tells you to do. In the bible it does not guarantee happiness if you follow God, however it says God will be with you. Personally that would make me very happy. The world views happiness very differently. They say that the more stuff you have and the more things you get to do brings you happiness. There is an old story about a man in a small boat and he is sitting in the ocean relaxing and enjoying the waves. A man rides up to him and says,"You should work really hard and get a bigger boat, then you could bring fisherman with you and charge them and make more money and get a bigger boat." The man in the small boat replied, "What would i do after that?" the other man said, "You could get more boats and take out more fisherman and make more money." "And then what replied the other man. "Then you could relax on your boat." the man simply said,"Thats what i am doing now."

    kate macphail

  20. I think the pursuit of happiness is when you do things that make you happy but still be honoring God in what you do. If you are a christian you will find happiness in God alone, not things that we really don't need. People that aren't christian find happiness in material things like money, clothes, electronics, drugs and many other things.

  21. I think to pursue happieness is to do what makes you happy. When Christians pursue happieness it is so much different than non- christians . When Christians pursue happieness they seek God, glorify God and praise God. But when non- christians pursue happieness they do what ever they want, only thinking about themselves.

  22. I think the pursuit of happiness means to live life with a positive attitude and strive to be happy. As a Christian we try to live our life in a way that would please God. Non-Christians choose to live the way that pleases them but they dont think about God. They put themself first. Their happiness depends on material things where a Christian finds true happiness in Christ.

  23. Bradley Davidson
    To pursue happyness means to follow what you believe in. As christians our pursuit will be different from non-christian people. We will pursue God and minister to others about him, because this is what makes us happy. We are to minister about God and love him always. Non-christians' pursuit of happyness will be more to please themselves with material things.

  24. I think that our pursue happiness, you try and chase your dreams towards the way God leads you to go. happiness may be different to us Christians than the worldly people that don't know Christ.

  25. I think the pursuit of happiness means to be able to do what you want to do to be happy but it has to be someting not extream for example if killing someone would make you happy that is crazy you would have to do someting that is sane. To me the pursuit of happiness is to be able to live your life under you own morales to work where you want to work live where you want to live and say what you want to say not to chase after false happiness but true happiness in life.

  26. To pursue happiness means to go after happiness in anyway possible. Some people look for pleasure while some people look for stuff. For Christians this means to glorify God in anyway possible.

  27. The pursuit of happiness is for unreligious and is following what they want to do. The pursuit of happines is also the life choices that make you happy
    Sarah Zschunke

  28. To persue happiness, you need to do what ever you makes you happy, so long as it doesn't make you lazy, or tired. That last part makes the Christian's answer different.

    You need to go and grab life by the horns and make sure you are happy while doing it. The Christians answer is different because we make sure it isn't just for us.

  29. the pursuit of happiness has different meanings to different people. some people think its about having fun and doing what they wnat.But Christians belive that it means hororing god in all we do and livin the life he wants for us.

    Grace Langella

  30. I think to pursue happiness means to follow what u want. But for a christian it means to have a long relationship with jesus christ. If you are not a christian than i think it means to just have a god time in life.

    William Bell,

    Sorry this is late i got sick

  31. I think in some ways yes because some people already have happiness while others are trying to pursue it. Christians have God and they can know that but some people dont have the holy spirit in there hearts and have some trouble.
