"Far better is it to dare mighty things, to win glorius triumphs, even though checkered by failure... than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much, because they live in a gray twilight that knows not victory nor defeat." -Theodore Roosevelt

"The aim of the wise is not to secure pleasure, but to avoid pain." -Aristotle
Is there anything wrong with avoiding pain?
They mean you should Try new things. But it's ok to be somewhat afraid. You should try to avoid pain, but sometimes you can't .
ReplyDeletePeter Keith
I don't think that there is anything wrong with avoiding pain. However if avoiding pain is keep doing you from doing amazing things in your life, then you should go for the amazing thing your trying to do and not worry about the pain. But if it is a minor thing that you can go around and not be affected by skipping because it has pain then it might be reasonable to skip this event.
ReplyDeleteSydney Burke
I think that avoiding pain is not good because when you avoid pain you're not experiencing anything. Say a baby doesn't know what a needle is, say he pokes himself with it if he doesn't feel any pain then he'll do it again,but if he feels pain then he knows not to mess with that object again.My point is , is that if you don't feel pain you won't learn from your mistakes.
No i don't think it is bad to avoid pain at situations in your life that are not important, but i think it is bad to let your fear of getting hurt get in the way of what you really want to do in your life. The pain in life is mostly inevitable, but if you try to avoid it, you might miss out on something great.
ReplyDelete-sarah zschunke
There is nothing wrong with avoiding pain. Pain is furtful and not fun to deal with. Avoiding pain isn't bad unless it gets out of control. If your whole life-style changes then avoiding pain is wrong. If you change just to avoid pain then there is something wrong with avoiding pain. If you just make small changes then there is nothing wrong with avoiding pain. It just depends on how you do it.
ReplyDelete-Quinn Larimer
prd. 1 10/27/09
There is nothing wrong with avoiding pain, but sometimes it is necessary to take a risk. If you never try new things because you are afraid of pain and failure you will miss an opportunity to suceed.
ReplyDeleteNo there is nothing wrong with avoiding pain. Sometimes though it is wrong to avoid pain,because if you did avoid pain all the time you would be afraid to try/do new things.
ReplyDelete-Rayna Mock
I do not believe you can "avoid" pain. I guess if you wanted to, you could make yourself without feeling and emotionless, but you would never understand how good things are without the bad times. God uses the bad and painful times to bring us closer to him on the other side. We must learn to live with the bad and good times. You become more grateful when times are better after the worse times.
ReplyDeleteMadeline Terry
I think there is something wrong with avoiding pain. Only because pain is an emotion and God gave you emotions so you may express them to be able to have a good and wonderful life. I think it is bad to not express pain cause when you have pain usually someone close to you or someone that has had the same kind of pain you have can help you. You are always going to have pain and you cant avoid it. It just something that happens and something that everyone has.
There is nothing wrong with avoiding pain. All it means is that you either did not work hard or you are one full of himself. if you do feel pain you did every thing right in gods eyes.
ReplyDeletePain teaches us valauble lessons. It pulls us closer to God and lets us know that He is always there. Also, painful expiriences help us comfort other when they are going through tough situations. Pain can help us in many different ways
ReplyDeleteGrace Langella period 1
there is nothing wrong with avoiding pain. Pain mostly comes from doing something extrodinary in your life. If all you do is waste your life being safe then there is no point. all the adventure would be gone from life
ReplyDeleteI feel that avoiding pain isnt bad but i personly think you sould try new things i think that avoiding pain isnt good though. It will keep you from trying new things.
ReplyDeletei do thing that you should not aviod pain because you should tell everything that's on your heart and sometimes it may need come out
ReplyDeletei think there is nothing wrong with avoiding pain. You can never avoid pain if God does not want you to though. But there is nothing wrong with that though
ReplyDeleteDavid Ballew
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ReplyDeletei think that since Jesus is our standard we should do like he did and face pain, but i do not think we should just let pain happen. if someone comes up to us and says i am going to pinch you then obviously you should not let them. however emotional pain can be good for us at times. it can help us to be drawn to God and love him more. some of Gods most important lessons have been taught through pain and suffering. also if we expirence pain it makes us appriciate the good times so much more.
ReplyDeleteI don't think it is a bad thing to avoid pain. I also think that avoiding pain can end up hurting you. In some cases you may not want to endure pain but if you avoid it, you may come to a point where there is something more painful than what you avoided before. The reason avoiding pain can be a good thing is that it can save you from being mentaly it phisically hurt. In some situations, pain can be one of your fears. In this case avoiding pain is like avoiding one of your fears. If you are afraid of your fears and you are always trying to avoid them you will never be able to over come them. Another reason this can be a good thing is because you can never avoid pain if God wants you to go through it. Because of all this, I believe that avoiding pain can be a good thing and and bad thing.
ReplyDelete-Matt Olson
Per. 2
-Matt Olson
Per. 2
Avoiding pain is wrong, you only keep on hurting yourself. Trying to avoid pain is like trying to avoid a train when it is 2 feet away from you. If you stay on the tracks you get hurt, if you try to get off the tracks, you as well are injured.
ReplyDeleteNo, there is nothing wrong with avoiding pain. Pain could be good or pain could be bad. When there is pain that you don't need, then you need to avoid it. Sometimes we need to go through pain at tough times. But it is okay to avoid pain.
ReplyDeleteTo some extent there is nothing wrong with avoiding pain. However, a person should go through a certain amount of pain in there life anyway. Without pain we can't learn from our mistakes.
I do not think there is anything wrong with avoiding pain. Pain could be good and bad. You never to avoid pain some pain can help you in life.
ReplyDeleteI dont think hiding pain is a bad thing. Some pain can actually help you in life. It can help you grow as a person. However it can also be bad.
ReplyDeleteNo there is nothing wrong with avoiding pain. Why get more pain you dont have to get
I believe there is nothing wrong with pain If you don't need to have the painm then don't have it. But if you must have it, then suck it up
ReplyDeleteNo i think it is ok to avoide pain. But if you avoid pain you wil not learn. Butr aristautal and theodor rosavelt where both very smart so i gues that is an excption.
ReplyDeletewilliam bell
there is nothing wrong with avioding pain. If it is an extremly important that you endure it then you endure it but if pain is not needed then why go through it?
ReplyDeleteI think that there is nothing wrong with avoiding pain. Pain is the time when we can learn lessons. When we have pain we must perserver through it and do our best to stay tough.
ReplyDeleteSorry i couldn't talk to my parents but i don't think so. Even Jesus tried to get out of dying on the cross. Pain is something humans naturally try to avoid.
I dont think there is anything wrong with avoiding pain. It may kinda hurt worse if you avoid the physical pain. but we you are emotionally hurt you should try to like work it out with the person then letting it bother you
ReplyDeleteI you aviod pain in your life for things for events you can choose to do or not than you will not be prepared for things like deaths in the family or unexpected or unavoidable things. Also if you fear defeat than nothing great in life will happen you will never try anything.
ReplyDelete- ryan wesley