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Sunday, September 27, 2009

U.S. History Question #6

Talk to one of your parents about the following questions and record their answer and your answer...

If God truly is a God of love and our main goal in life is to "glorify God and enjoy him forever", then why is there so much tragedy and suffering in this world?

What, if any, are the benefits of suffering?


  1. I think that the suffering isn't God's fault because we choose the suffering that we have.I don't think that God makes someone drunk and puts them on the highway so they can kill somebody.I highly doubt that God told terroists to crash into the twin towers. My mom thinks the same thing she said that God doesn't tell someone who makes the choices they make to do them I think he only tries to stop them. The benefits are that people should be more cautious of what they do now that something terrible happend. I think God chooses what choices we make I think He just knows who's life will be lost at the cost of the choice.


  2. we choose to be bad from satten we did the bad deeds not god. there are no beneffits.

  3. Truthfully i think Adam and eve messed it all up, with the help of satan. When the fall of man came we sorta lost all contact with god excpet thrue prayer and evel came into the world. So god didn't intend for the world to be like this its just what happened.

    -william/and parent

  4. I think that he doesnt want us to have suffering but because we bring it upon ourself by disobeying god and being sinful we have floods or tornadoes or anything tha brings destruction to us! I think that the benifits from suffering are learning from our mistakes if you are a christian and something happens you can look at your life and see if there is anything that you did wrong that God was trying to show to you so you could fix it and never do it again!

    Rayna mock

  5. I think that God doesn't put the suffering upon us, but we cause it ourself. God does not make the decision to cheat on a test or even kill somebody for us, but we make it ourself and we deserve the suffering. God is a true and fair god, and we choose our decisions for ourselves, and we bring the suffering, not Him.
    -sarah zschunke (and parents)

  6. Because we - people were born sinners into the world. There are no benefits because we are suffering from wrong peoples deeds.

  7. Madeline Terry (2 Period)September 30, 2009 at 3:45 PM

    I believe that God loves us unconditionally and never intended for the world to be the way it is. When Satin tempted Adam and Eve to eat the fruit from the forbidden tree we all became sinners and caused our own suffering. God uses hard and difficult times in our lives to bring us closer to Him. My mom thinks that we need to lean on God. God did not intend for us to know everything or his purposes. When trouble comes we are to seek his kingdom, seek him in prayer, and be joyful in our relationship with Christ. At the end of the day his grace is sufficient when we are in need.

  8. There is so much tragedy and suffering in the world so that we can have a stronger relationship with God. It is easy to trust God when life is easy and is going very well, but when God throws challenges at us we have to hold on to Him and trust Him through our hard time. There are also challenges in the world because He wants us to learn lessons from our challenges. For example if I get bad grade on a test, I must learn that my best is all that I’ve got and I can’t do any better than my best. The last reason there are hard times in the world is because Adam and Eve ate the apple and God has allowed Satan to bring sin and evil in the world.

  9. Brantley Shields and ParentsSeptember 30, 2009 at 6:42 PM

    Because we live in a fallen world. The suffering brings us closer to Him. He wants us to learn from the challenges Satan puts upon us.

  10. Malon Linder
    No matter what our circumstances we have to make a choice to enjoy life and glorify God. God gives us a choice to do what's right or wrong. Doing the right thing feels good because it is right. Much of the tragedy and suffering is the result of our bad decisions, not God's fault. When we do suffer we can choose to relent to God. We come to him for comfort and guidance. By humbling yourself before Christ, we are drawn to a closer relationship with him.

  11. There is suffering because of Adam and Eve's sin. Because of their poor decisions we have to suffer on Earth but in heaven there will be no suffering. Our benefit for suffering on earth is everlasting life in God if we accept Jesus. This means that there will be no suffering in heaven.


  12. Sydney Burke and Parents

  13. There is pain and suffering in our lives because we live in a fallen world. When we are suffering and we cant handle the situation on our own God is there to provide hope and peace. When we have to rely on him it brings us closer to him and strengthens our faith. When we allow God to carry us during the tough times we become stronger. We learn that God is faithful and he will never leave us or forsake us.
    Tracy Ballew

    The reason there is so much tragedy is because we live in a sinful world and then we have consequences for all of our actions. That can some times lead to a tragedy. In tragedy we grow closer to God.
    David ballew

  14. I believe that all the suffering in the world is brought upon us by us. We cause suffering to happen to us usually when we do bad things. God doesn't make our decisions so if we make a wrong decision that causes us suffering it is our fault. The benefit of suffering is that through the suffering we can glorify God and think of all the wonderful things he has given us.

    -Matt Olson (and parent)

  15. sam fishbeck and parentsOctober 1, 2009 at 7:34 PM

    Part of the reason is the devil is powerfull too and he works through non-believers to cause pain and suffering. I think in the end where we meet Christ in heaven thats when it pays off for all the Christians.

  16. I think that we are the ones that make us suffer. It started with Adem and Eve. when they ate from the tree of good and evil. Then we started to make bad choices and God has punished us for that. The good that can come is the rappture. It is a lot of suffering and pain but it is when god makes his king dome on earth. We should be thanking god for all that he has given us.

    -SAGE -sog-e

  17. God uses tragedy and suffering to teach us lessons. These lessons allow us to praise God better. Also without tragedy and suffering we wouldn't need God. Since there is we are constantly reminded we need God and he is an awesome God for being there for us. That is why we praise him.

  18. And also there are benefits because it constantly reminds us God is here and with us.

  19. God doesnt cause the suffering or tradgedy in our world that is us. He is just teaching us a lesson and testing us to see if we know when we need to praise God. God is still an amzing God for being their for us.
    Margaret Reed.

  20. The world is suffering, because many people in the world don't know Christ.
    The benefits of suffering are people turning toward God.

    Ryann Farmer

    I beleive God allows tragedy and suffering to draw us to him or closer to him. The benefits of suffering is a relationship with God or a more intimate relationship with him.

    Barbara Farmer

  21. My mom says that we have brought tragedy upon ourselves by disobeying God. My mom also thinks "It rains on the just and the unjust." That means that everyone will have hard times whether it is caused by sin or not. There can be value in suffering if it brings you closer to Jesus and you trust Him to see you through it. I agree with my mom. I believe it is also possible to suffer well. What I mean by that is even that they are suffering they take it well and show a good visual of a true Christian

  22. I think that God allows suffering to come upon us to teach us a lesson. I know that for me when there is suffering my relationship with God grows. Suffering shows me that i can't do anything by myself but no matter what it is i can do it with God. there is a story called footprints in the sand. In the story a man is looking in the past and he sees that in the good times there are 2 sets of footprints, but in the hard times there is only 1 set of footprints. the man asks God,"why did you leave me during the hard times." God answers,"those were the times i carried you. you were never alone."
    kate macphail

    We cannot begin to comprehend the love our God has for each one of us, but we (Adam and Eve) chose to disobey God and now live under the consequences of our sin -- in a fallen world. A very wise pastor said and I agree, "that God allows that which He hates to accomplish what He loves." More often than not, we have to experience great difficulty or suffering to understand that we cannot do things on our own and that we must draw near to Christ and kneel at the foot of the cross to find the peace that only Christ can give, regardless of our circumstances.

    Valeria MacPhail

  23. In history so many people faught over beliefs. People would get in dissagreements or arugments over their beliefs. God loves evreyone and has a plan for all of us no matter what we do. I believe that the violence that occurs in life is created by humans and when were weak and lonley thats when Satan temps us to to commit sin. God wants us to learn from are mistakes even if we end up in jail or hurt. After we get punished we eventully learn from are mistake and ask for forgivness. God wants us to learn how to go through life and appreciate all we have and how to worship and glorify him and his son Jesus Christ.

  24. When Adam and Eve sinned in the garden, all the suffering began. I think God gives us suffering because he wants us to draw closer to him. When we sre suffering, we draw closer to God and know that He's in control. My mom fells the same way about this.

    Grace Langella period 1

  25. Sometimes it takes you worrying to make you pray hard and seek God and thru tragedy we often grow closer to God. The Bible says to be thankful for all things and that all things work for the good of those that love him. So, thru faith we know that everything good bad ends up being for the good of the Christian.

  26. i didn't get to talk to my parents but i think that because He is a loving and kind God he gave us free choice to do anything. Thats why people make the wrong choice. The benefits are people then become closer to God in their trouble and begin to rely on him.

  27. there is so much tragedy and suffering because God wants us to learn from our mistakes and to become a better person and have a stronger relationship with Him. If you trust and praise God even through the hard time then God will bless you in many ways. He also does everything for a reason. You might not think it but He does.


  28. "well i believe it is us, not God. It is us who lets satin get into our hearts. We choose not to obey god."

    ,ryan wesley
