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Friday, September 18, 2009

U.S. History Question #5

Discuss the following questions with a parent and record both of your answers...

Consider a time in your life when you interpreted something in a different way than it was intended.

What were some problems that resulted from that misinterpretation or lack of communication?

How does the way we interpret what people say, write, or do affect our lives?


  1. One time when i was smaller i thought that my mom told me to get mout orf the car when she didnt so i did and she didnt relize for a little while but then she got mad.we can sometimes interpret things the wrong way

  2. one time i thought that my mom told me to do the dishes it turns out that she told me not to drown the fishes.


  3. one time when i was doing the dishes i told my dad something and he's always interpreting what i say wrong for example once i said that i got an A on a quiz,what he thought i said was can i go out and play ? So i stayed outside for about an hour.The problem was that i didn't have fun playing outside anyway.It affects people because sometimes it could change their lives mentally or physicly or someone could injure someone else or maybe even themselves.


  4. Last week, a classmate told me on Sunday afternoon that we had an English project "due on Monday." I almost had a heart attack. I thought the teacher said Wednesday. I called the teacher, and found out the assignment was due on Tuesday. My interpretation was wrong, I'm glad my friend told me his interpretation and I'm happier that I got the real interpretation from my teacher. Because I called, I turned my assignment in on time on Tuesday. -William Bell

    As a dad, I am happy to see my son listening to his friend and verifying reality with his teacher. I recall similar experiences in high school and college. Only in my experiences, I think I usually missed the due date and lost points for turning in assignments late. I'm glad students today can check the web, email, text, or phone about their assignments. I'm also glad my school days are completed! :-)
    -W. Allen Bell

  5. Sometimes my mom gets frusterated when we are driving somewhere. I would always think that she was mad at me. I never thought that she was frusterated, I thought that I had done something wrong an she was angry at me. Then I would ask her why she was mad at me. She would always explain that she was just frusterated. After I would feel better knowing it wasn't my fault. From these experiences I learned not to jump to conclusions. The problem that resulted from this misunderstanding was us being mad at each other for no reason.
    Quinn Larimer
    prd. 1 9/21/09

    When I was working in the financial industry I misinterpreted instructions from my boss regarding a financial statement. I spent 3 hours working on a spreadsheet only to find out that it was done incorrectly. I had to redo the entire document. I learned to slow down and listen. I also learned to ask questions if I was not completely sure of the instructions.
    -Kate Larimer

    It affects our lives because it can have a good affect or a bad affect on us and those around us. If we follow the rules of the bible we are interperting things through God's eyes. Instead of through our own sinful eyes.
    -Quinn and Kate Larimer

  6. Well one time i thought i heard my teacher say that we had a test on wednesday ! It turns out i miss interpreted it and it was actually thursday! We all can miss interpret things and not know it! But thankfully my friend told me that it was on thursday! It affects our lives easily like if we think that we hav a project due a day after it was really due then it woudld be late and we would get a 0!

    Rayna Mock

  7. Sometimes I misinterpret words that I hear. I think the definition is something totally different that what the real definition is. As a result of my misinterpretation I misuse the words and sound like I'm crazy. The way we interperate things can affect our lives in many ways. It can affect the way we do things or how we do them. For example if someone says to write a paragraph on what a word means and you don't know the true definiton is then the way you write your paragraph will be affected.


  8. One time, a friend told me we had a project on Tuesday, but I had heard it was on wednesday. It turns out I was right, because my friend had a different period than me. If I hadn't have known that, I wouldn't have finished the project on time and it would have been a really bad grade.

    Peter Keith

  9. Misinterpreting words can be so confusing sometimes. Today my brother had to go to work at 4:00 so we had to leave school sooner than usual. He told me to put some pep into my step but i thought he said to get some peppers. I was totally confused. Then i was like "what" and he told me what he actually said and then i understood.

  10. When I was younger I didn’t know there was a such thing as the rapture. I lived my life not worrying about the end of the world. I thought that when the end of the world came that God would take all of the Christians up to heaven. After I grew to be a little bit older I was told about the rapture. This made me very nervous and worried. Sometimes I wondered if I really was a Christian and if I would go to heaven. This interpretation effected some of the ways that I lived.

  11. Well one time when I was in 1st grade I wrote an essay about some story I forgot the name of. When I finished the first draft, I turned it in and Mrs. Taylor graded it. So I went off and started to work on my final draft. I didn't like some of the sentences I had so I took them out and put new ones in. After working about an hour on this, I turned it in, and she graded it again. She said, "John, this paper is different than the other. Do it again, but make sure it's the exact same." Either I didn't know or I heard and forgot or something and had to write it aaaallll out alllll over again. -John

    As a pharmacist I get written prescriptions all day long that I must fill correctly or people end up taking the wrong medications. If I misinterpret a prescription it can be a very dangerous situation! Sometimes people do not know what they are supposed to get at the pharmacy and the doctor's handwriting can be very bad. If there is not absoulte sureness, I have learned not to dispense the medication. It is better to wait and call the doctor to confirm the medication than to risk the person taking the wrong drug. Cheri Kendrick (mom)

    Me and my mom concluded that if you misinterpret things it can not only hurt you but the people around you. Especially if you are a pharmacist or doctor. It is very important to make sure you understand exactly what is expected of you before you run off and do something that risks yourself or other.

  12. Several years ago our adult choir was invited to perform at a workshop. There was a guest composer that played the piano along with a taped recording. She was very flamboyant. I immediately judged her and was somewhat cynical about her performance. After our choir sang, I was going to sneak out before the guest composer spoke. Fortunately my timing was off and I missed my opportunity to slip out. As it turned out, the guest composer was hilarious and through the course of her session I realized just how talented she really was and how wrongly I had judged her. It taught me that you shouldn't judge someone or something on first impressions....you need to take the time to get the rest of the story!

  13. One time at disney world when i was very young my parent s made me go on a ride that I didn't want to go on. Eventually they got me to go on and I had a blast so from that i learned sometimes when your forced to do something it turns out well in the end.

  14. One time i asked a teacher if i could leave the room. The teacher thought i was being disrespectful, but really i was feeling sick. she misunderstood me and i had to explain this to her. this was a bad interpretation because i would have gotten in trouble for something i never ment to do.

    One time my mom was on her first job. she was told to send a fedex package. she forgot to check the saturday delivery box. the package did not arrive on time and the buisiness deal could not close on time.

    kate macphail

  15. One time I forgot to write down the homework so i asked a friend what it was. They told me it was page 52 and I mistakenly wrote 62 and studied the entire wrong thing.

    David Ballew

  16. One time my dad invited a client to a concert at Chastain and the client set up a baby sitter and showed up at the concert with his wife. They were the only two couples at Chastain. My dad had misunderstood the date of the concert. He was really embarrassed but made the best of it by going out to eat at a nearby restaurant.

    David Ballew

  17. My Dad always used the word "Gholly". When I was younger, it seems he always said it when we drove up to the house. So,I thought that was the name for the garage.

    When we interpret what people say, write, or do the wrong way, it can cause problems like misunderstandings and arguments.


    I think misinterpreting what people say, write, or do happens more than we realize. It could be because of how we word it, the tone we use, or the expression we use, and it's causing the interpreter undo stress, ill feelings and/or misunderstandings. Therefore, we should be more concious of how we say things or if you are the interpreter, try to look at it more ways than one.

    Barbara Farmer

  18. My mom said that one time she got a letter from the bank that said she needed flood insurance. She applied for the insurance by the deadline, but didn't realize that the insurence wouldn't go into effect for 60 days. The result was that she had to pay a huge fee!

    Sometimes when i take tests i misinterpret a question. Then, points are taken off, even though i probably knew the answer. The result is getting a bad grade because of careless errors!
    Whenever people misinterpret things, something bad happens. Everyone needs to try to listen and watch what others do more carefully to try to avoid misinterpretaion.

    Grace Langella

    Grace Langella

  19. In 5th grade Mrs. Boone gave us a project. SHe said that we could draw and color something, make a poster or a diagram etc. We had the weekend to do it. I didnt think that it was a major project so I waited to the last minute and I drew a picture and colored it. When I got to school Monday everyone else had really taken a lot of time and effort and there projects looked really good. We all had to stand up in front of the class and show our project and explain it. When it was my turn, I was embarressed. I told my class that I did not take the time that they had all taken and that my project showed the lack of effort on my part. I appoligized to Mrs. Boone and I sat down knowing that I failed that project. Later that day, Mrs. Boone showed me my grade and she gave me an A. She said that I got the A for being honest. I learned my lesson and I try to listen and pay closer attention so that I will know from now on what is expected. It taught me a lesson. I know that my accident was a small one and it only affected me but sometimes misinterpretations can damage friendships or even get you hurt.

  20. A while ago my dad thought taht my mom was going to pick me up. Although my mom thought that my dad was picking me up. Then I while I was at the party nobody picked me up until a hour after the party. I thought I had been forgotten because I hadn't been picked up. This is why we should communicate better in my house. As my dad says this must be a failure to communicate.

  21. One time I told my friend to come bowling with me. For some reason, he didn't bring socks or money. My parents were mad at me for not interpreting what we are doing very well. my parents had to get him money and socks (I think he paid me back later). The point is that I didn't get the point across very well.

  22. Malon Linder

    One time I was in Palm Beach Florida and my family and I had just gone out to dinner. When I crossed the street to go back to my hotel my mom yelled stop so I stopped in the middle of the road. As a result of this poor communication i was almost hit by a car.So never cross the road before looking both ways.

  23. when a really close friend is talking to you and you are just joking together, and they say something that is meaning to be funny but really hurts you, you take it the wrong way. My dad is a lawyer, and he has misinterpreted information about cases before. But he has to go back through it and look closer and think more carefully.
    sarah zschunke

  24. When someone is trying to tell you something thats wrong and you take it the wrong way. My friend a I got in a fight and never have been as good as friends since. All she was trying to do was help me. My parents told me to study harder and I took it the wrong way and I got in trouble.

  25. I thought that democrat was a word for bad and republican was a word for good when I was 4, because I used to watch Fox and they are very conservative.

  26. One time i wanted a coke so i asked my mom if i can have a coke and she said no. Then she was leaving the house and i asked her one more time and she said CHRISTIAN YOU CAN NOT HAVE A COKE. END OF STORY. so when she left i went into the refrigerator and got a ROOTBEER. I still got in trouble for drinking a soda. I had to sit in the corner for 10 minutes. Sometimes you misunderstand people. You think or hear one thing and it is wrong then you can get hurt or in serious trouble.


  27. When I was a junior in high school, I asked my wife, Barbara, to go to a formal dance with me. She accepted, but then two days before the dance her mother called my mother to tell me that Barbara was sick and could not go. I was crushed! I thought that Barbara was being very discourteous because she did not call me herself. I did not know Barbara very well at all when I asked her to the dance. She was new in our school and there were 530 people in each grade. So, I suspected that she was mnaybe getting cold feet at the last second -- maybe her friends had convinced her that I was not "cool" enough to go with her to the dance. She was taking the easy way out by having her mother call my mother.

    Little did I know that she was actually very sick and in bed at the hospital. She was hoping that I would understand that she wanted me to come visit her at the hospital to cheer her up. Both of us ended up with hurt feelings, and we never got together during high school and for many years after that. We met again after college for lunch, and then found out that it was all a big misunderstanding. We were able to laugh about it so many years after the fact. We started seeing each other, fell in love, and got married!

    Brian Nash (Ian's dad)

    I misunderstand my parents sometimes when they think I will know what they mean, and I do not ask for clarification. For example, as we are going out in the car, my dad will ask me to go get the keys on the desk. My dad means the desk in his bedroom, but there are a number of other desks in the house. I then go scrambling through the house looking in various desks where my dad's keys might be, even though I could have aksed him to be more specific so I would know right where to look. It ends up taking me more time than if I would have asked for clarification.

    Ian Nash
