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Wednesday, April 25, 2012

World Cultures Question #12

Using the internet, research one Christian-based, non-profit organization that provides aid to Africa and answer the following questions:
1.What is the name of the organization?

2.In which African nations does the organization provide aid?

3.What is the goal of the organization?

4. How does the purpose of their goals reflect Christian values?

5. Would you be interested in working with this organization? Why or why not?

6. Provide the link to the organization's website.


  1. 1 the organization is named pilgrim
    2 pilgrim is based and working in Uganda
    3 the goal of pilgrim is "to restore hope and dignity to those devastated by war, poverty or disease".
    4 The bible tells us to help people that are hurt or cannot help themselves and that is what this organization does.
    5 I would not be interested in working with this organization because the only listed way they have to help them is by giving money, but if I could help in another way I would
    6 http://www.pilgrimafrica.org/index.cfm

  2. 1. The name of the organization is African Orphan Outreach.

    2. African Orphan Outreach provides aid to Kenya.

    3. The goal of African Orphan Outreach is "to connect people who want to share the love of Christ by providing a home and care for orphaned children amid the AIDS pandemic in Africa."

    4. Their goals reflects Christian values because the Bible tells us to help orphans. Isaiah 1:17 says, "Help the oppressed. Defend the orphan."

    5. I would be interested in working with this organization because there are a variety of ways to help orphans. You can either sponsor a child or travel to Kenya on a mission trip and work in an orphanage.


  3. 1.) Feed my Lambs
    3.)To open tuition free schools in impoverished areas, so that they can empower the next-gen with widom and academics
    4.)its someone giving to the less fortunate and donating time and money to them.
    5.) probably not just because they mainly hire people to teach the children and im probably not good at controlling 50 screaming little kids.

  4. 1. The name of the organization is a Amazima Ministries.

    2. They work with orphans and poor children in Uganda.

    3. The goal for Amazima Ministries is to "connect their friends in Uganda with their friends around the world", and to help the orphans and poor children with sponsorships.

    4. Amazima in Lugandan means "truth." Amazima Ministries desires to reveal the truth of God's unconditional love through Jesus Christ to the people of Uganda. Revealing the truth of the Lord to others is supported by the Bible; God tells us to help others even the least of his flock.

    5. I would be interested in working with this group. They children of Uganda deserve help, and I believe I could help them by making a donation to their ministries.

    6. http://www.amazima.org/history.html

  5. 1. Mission Africa Incorporated

    2. Mission Africa Inc. helps in Ghana

    3. Mission Africa Inc.’s goal is to “develop global partners to offer humanitarian assistance to the needy of Africa with a branch in Ghana

    4. As Jesus explains in Matthew, “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.” (Matthew 25:40) We are all supposed to serve those around us and be selfless. This organization is willingly giving and the people are devoting themselves to caring for less fortunate people. They are actively spreading the Gospel like God instructs us to.

    5. The idea of missionary work is not exactly appealing to me, but God never said it would be easy. I would seriously consider helping in Ghana if given the opportunity to go. This organization has very good intentions, and I would like to at least help by donating if I actually had a helpful amount of money.

    6. http://www.missionafricainc.org/index.php?p=1&c=Home

  6. 1. The name of the organization is Open Christian Center.

    2. The Open Christian Center provides aid to Kawiti, Kenya.

    3. The Open Christian Center's goal is to provide clothes, food, and education to the children with no parents, home, and in deep poverty.

    4. The Bible says to do unto others as you would want them to do to you. This organization follows this Golden Rule, because, obviously, if they were in these children's situations, they would want someone to reach out to them.

    5. I would be very interested in helping this organization. I think it would be interesting to travel with them and interact with all of the little kids and help them. Also, I could help by sponsoring a child, which I already do for another organization.

    6. http://www.openchristiancenter.org/

  7. Elizabeth WeaverMay 2, 2012 at 5:51 PM

    1. OpeN Christian Center

    2. Kawati, Kenya

    3. The organization works with the children who live in a very perished environment along with AIDS. Most of the children have lost one parent possibly both and are left alone. The organization’s goal is to give the children nourishing meals, clothing, medical attention, and education.

    4. OpeN strives to help the children who are in rough areas of Kenya, and providing them with things that they need, that we being Americans take for granted. When they help the children they are sharing the word of God.

    5. I would most definitely work with them, in hope of saving many lives in Kenya, and spreading the word of God with the children.

    6. http://www.openchristiancenter.org/

  8. 1.) Pilgrim Africa

    2.) Mostly Uganda

    3.) Their aim is to have skilled, innovative job creators graduate with cutting-edge knowledge, personal integrity, and leadership abilities, to serve and transform communities in Uganda, Africa, and the global community. Pilgrim Africa also wants to help with malaria. Ten percent of the death rates caused in the world are in Africa alone. They believe that that percentage should be drastically lowered.

    4.) Pilgrim Africa's long-term goal is to help people move from extreme poverty to prosperity and health. They celebrate the love of Christ Jesus boldly giving themselves in service to others regardless of economic, religious, or social standing.

    5.) I would be involved in any Christian non-profit organization that helps people that are less fortunate live a better life. And the fact that this organization is based in another country makes it even better.

    6.) http://www.pilgrimafrica.org/index.cfm

    (What is going on with the NBA??? Stupid decision Amar'e. Stupid.)

  9. Connor C affrey
    The name of the organization I choose is Pilgrim Africa. This group provides mission work in Uganda. Their mission is to restore hope and dignity to those devastated by war, poverty or disease. Their long-term goal is to help people move from extreme poverty to sustainable prosperity and health. They celebrate the love of Christ Jesus that generates wholeness and creativity, boldly giving their selves in service to others regardless of economic, religious, or social standing. One reason I would be excited about working with this group is because they have lots of schools. I would love to be able to teach less privilege children about things I learn and take for granted so often. another reason I would be enthrall about working with this organization is because they have many health clinics and doctors' offices. It would be a great opportunity to serve these people with such blessings as medicine

  10. 1. Pilgrim Africa

    2. Uganda

    3. To provide relief and psyco social report to refugees. Also to store dignity and hope in the people devastated by war, diseases, and poverty.

    4. They're helping people no matter what.

    5. Yes because these people are helping people in need for nothing in return and without any discrimination.

    6. http://www.pilgrimafrica.org/

  11. Corey Johnson
    1. Pilgrim
    2. Soroti, Uganda
    3. Their goal is to return hope to people who have been hurt by war, poverty and disease. Their long term goal is to over people for extreme poverty to prosperity. They celebrate the love of Jesus Christ and help people no matter where they come from.
    4. Their purpose reflects Christain values because they are selfless and care about other people enough to give up their time and help others.
    5. I would be interested in working with this organization because it would give me an oppurtunity to give back and spread the gospel.
    6. http://www.pilgrimafrica.org/index.cfm

  12. 1.Mission Africa Inc.

    2.They work in Ghana

    3.Their goal is to “develop partners around the globe to seek humanitarian assistance for the Spiritual and Natural development of Africa.”

    4.Their goal is to spread awareness and evoke compassion in others to help the less fortunate in Ghana. Also, they spread Christianity which is what God directed the disciples and all of his children to do. He directed us to love our neighbor which is the moral that this organization is based upon.

    5.I would be interested in working for the organization because I believe that it would be a unique experience and I would enjoy helping others. It would also help me realize how fortunate I am to be living in America, and how well the lord has blessed me.


  13. 1.Little Dresses for Africa
    2.Zimbawe and Malawi
    3.Their goal is to to give dresses and give pants to young boys and girls throughout Africa.There thought process is by helping the children, a seed will be planted in their hearts and they will follow Christ.
    4.They beleive by aiding the poor, they will help benefit the process of them becoming a Christian. They belive no matter what circumstance you come from, God can always help you.
    5.I would possiblt be interrested in working for the organazation because I can tell God's children abou the gospel. I could read the bible and build friendships with people half way across the world.

  14. 1. Pilgrim Africa

    2. Uganda

    3. to restore hope and dignity to those devestated by war, poverty, and disease

    4. they want to get the people to become "pilgrims" so they can reach heaven and by doing that goal people will be able to have something to strive or hope for

    5. i would be interested in working with pilgrim africa because they want to help those people who's dreams have been lost and feel unwanted and forgotten and those are the people that really need help

    6. http://www.pilgrimafrica.org/

  15. 1. The Water Project

    2. Kenya, Sudan, Sierra Leone, and Zambia

    3. To provide clean safe drinking water

    4. They believe by helping people in africa they are following Christian values in helping people of all backgrounds and faiths for the benefit of helping all people.

    5. I would be interested in working with this organization because they are not only digging wells, they are maintaining them and educating the people affected by the well the importance of this well and how to use it.

    6. http://thewaterproject.org/

    Charlie Money

  16. 1. It is called Amazima Ministries.

    2. Amazima Ministries works in Uganda.

    3. They want to connect their friends in Uganda with their friends around the world
    4. Amazima Ministries wants to reveal the truth of God's unconditional love through Jesus Christ to the people of Uganda.
    5. I waould like to help the poor children.
    6. http://www.amazima.org/history.html

    evan johnson

  17. 1. It is called OpeN Christian Center
    2. They work in Kawati community of Kenya
    3. They help an area devastated by poverty and AIDS get back on their feet.
    4. They are serving a community that is struggling and ministers to them by service
    5. I would love to serve and minister to the people and be able to give my time.
    6. http://www.openchristiancenter.org/

  18. The Sydster (aka Sydney Wingate)May 3, 2012 at 6:36 PM

    1.The name of the organization is called Pilgrim Africa.
    2.They serve in Uganda.
    3.Their long term goal is to help people move from extreme poverty to sustainable prosperity and health. They celebrate the love of Christ Jesus that generates wholeness and creativity, boldly giving themselves in service to others regardless of economic, religious, or social standing.
    4.Their goal reflects Christian values because they are thinking of others instead of themselves. That is good in the eyes of God. Instead of using time on themselves, they are helping others and using the time on them.
    5.I would be interested in working with them because this organization would teach me to be selfless. I’m not too selfish but sometimes I need to put others ahead of myself. This would be a good opportunity to work with different people and share what I already know to others who need the help.

  19. Rachael Lewis
    1. Pilgram Africa
    3.Their mission is to restore hope and dignity to those devastated by war, poverty or disease.
    4.God wants us as his children, to help one another as we would help ourselves. This organization reaches out to people who are less fortunate and can't get their feet back on the ground. They show the glory of God by providing medicine and care for the sick, using their time and money on a better cause.
    5.Yes, because I would love to be apart of something that is the opposite of selfish. Knowing that I would be helping an amazing cause to help innocence people would be a great accomplishment. We don't just need to know Gods word, we need to live it. With this organization we can live His word.

  20. william EasterwoodMay 3, 2012 at 7:18 PM

    1) World vision
    2) Rwanda, Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Lesotho, Mozambique, Malawi, Swaziland, South Africa, Zambia, Congo, Z.I.M., Ghana, Mali, Niger, Senegal, and Sierra Leone.
    3) “World Vision is an international partnership of Christians whose mission is to follow our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in working with the poor and oppressed to promote human transformation, seek justice, and bear witness to the good news of the Kingdom of God.” They spread Christianity, feed, and provide education for children and families in poverty stricken countries.
    4) They spread Christianity, stand against injustice, help those who are weaker, and portray a loving message of Christ to the world.
    5) I would because I don’t have to do anything to help families in poverty.

  21. william EasterwoodMay 3, 2012 at 7:20 PM

    6) < http://www.worldvision.org/?open&lpos=top_img_logo >

  22. Allison Fiveash

    1. OpeN Christian Center
    2. Kenya and Kawati
    3. to help kids who have lost parents and loved ones are struggling on a daily basis to survive helps children receive meals, clothing, medical attention, and education, and anything else a young child needs to survive.
    3. the organization is run by christians and the whole idea is Christian, putting others ahead of self and spreading the word of God to those who don't know him
    5. i would want to work for this organization because it helps kids in need. it doesn't seem selfish or needy, it seems as if they really care about the kids and want to benefit them. it would be hard to do because i would have to put others ahead of myself but it would be a life changing experience to learn about selfless kids in third world countries.

  23. Allison Fiveash

    6. http://www.openchristiancenter.org/

  24. Megan Rose Byers:DMay 3, 2012 at 7:38 PM

    1. Christian Partners in Africa

    2. Mainly Kampala, Uganda
    3. Their aim is to befriend and work alongside vulnerable people in Africa. See their basic needs satisfied and dignity and hope restored. See them living in just, peaceful and harmonious relationships, with each other, with the outside world and with God. Also to see them realize their full potential.
    4. They do not teach Africans about God forcefully. They primarily educate and help them with child care. By doing this, they demonstrate how God wants us to serve others. They help children in their education because they want to show the how much Jesus cares about children. They want to demonstrate Godly traits through their lives, not in forceful tactics.
    5. Yes, because I believe that it is a Christian’s job to spread the word. It doesn’t matter to me what organization it is, I just want God’s word to be delivered to those who are in desperate need of it. Non-profit organizations are, in my opinion, better because it is our Christian duty to tell people the good news; it is our responsibility. Therefore we should not have to be paid for our responsibilities.
    6. https://www.facebook.com/christianpartnersinafrica/info

  25. 1. Pilgrim Africa
    2. It is based in Uganda
    3. To restore hope and dignity to those devastated by war, poverty or disease
    4. God wants us to help the sick and the poor Pilgrim is able to do this in a place where the people need it the most.
    5. I would like to work for this organization because i agree with what they do and I think it would be a great learning experience.
    6. http://www.pilgrimafrica.org/index.cfm/page/Mission-Vision-and-Values


  26. 1. Pilgram Africa
    3.Pilagram Africa's mission is to restore hope and dignity to those devastated by war, poverty or disease.
    4.There are not many hope in countries like Uganda, and by heping people in Uganada, not only they can be christian, they help them become educated and be safe.
    5. Yes, I will like to work in this orgaization. Since I am so blessed,I think I will share my blessings. it is very exciting to be a part of something that is bigger than me, so if i help kids who are in need i become something bigger than just me. Few people get the oppourtunites that I have, so if i can share my oppoutunities and gifts that the Lord gave me, i will love to help.
    6. http://www.pilgrimafrica.org/index.cfm/page/Mission-Vision-and-Values

  27. 1. Pilgrim
    2. Teso region of northeastern Uganda
    3.Provide an edusation that relates to Africa, emphasize self-directed problem-based learning and entrepreneurship, setting where students strive for excellence, and aim to model the humility and love expressed by Christ's witness and service.
    4.They want to help the less fortunate even though it can be dificult.They sacrafice to help the ignorant instead of taking the easy way out and assisting the smart and wise. They take the leap of faith to put all their efforts into helping others and spreading Christianity through their deeds. Not teaching in poor countries is okay if it's not your gift from God. These people are praised because they use their gift to the limit.
    5.If God plans for me to become a missionary, i would be glad to serve, but if my talents are needed else where, I'll be else where.

  28. 1.What is the name of the organization? The name of the organization is Food for the Hungry

    2.In which African nations does the organization provide aid? They provide aid in Burundi, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ethiopia, Kenya, Mozambique, Rwanda, South Sudan, and Uganda

    3.What is the goal of the organization? Their ultimate goal is to help the communities in africa overcome poverty

    4. How does the purpose of their goals reflect Christian values? They work to put others ahead of themselves

    5. Would you be interested in working with this organization? Why or why not? I would be interested pin working with Food for the hungry because it would be a great learning experience for me and I could learn how to be thankful for what I have.

    6. Provide the link to the organization's website. http://www.fh.org/

  29. 1. Pan African Christian Aids Network
    2. Burkina Faso, Liberia, Swaziland, Madagascar, Uganda, Sierra Leone
    3. Approach the topic of HIV/AIDS in a Christian response that educates people. They promote strengthening a network of Churches throughout the continent of Africa and held the fight against HIV/AIDS.
    4. As Christians we are to fight for things that a pure or truthful. People that are highly exposed to Satan’s deadly disease is not pure. It is our job to educate and help others to fight off against this disease. PACAN is an example of fighting for purity. Also we are called to evangelize to all places. The organization builds up Churches, which is what we should do as Christians.
    5. I would be interested in working with this organization because after watching the movie Yesterday, I realized how detrimental the disease can be to not only a person but an entire continent.
    6. http://www.pacanet.net

  30. 1. Pilgrim Africa
    2. they provide aid to Uganda
    3.Pilgrim Africa has been working for the last 5 years in integrated malaria control interventions in the NE of Uganda, and this year has an $800,000 grant from Global Fund Round 10 to bring lifesaving training in the use of rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs) for malaria diagnosis in very rural areas.
    4. Well Jesus often helped sick people get well, this organization is just trying to help reduce the number of deaths from malaria
    5. I would work with this cause because I believe what they are doing can really benefit Uganda and reduce the death tolls from malaria

  31. 1. 410 Bridge

    2. Kenya

    3. The goal of the organization is to create a community leadership team that decides what the community needs. Then they raise funds and supplies for the project the community decides on. then they send supplies and people in to help with the projects to create a sustainable community and spread Gods word throughout the community to establish a strong Christian environment.

    4. 1st peter 4:10 is the verse there organization was named after and uses in their mission work. They do not just give the village food and supplies they teach them how to use it and have a sustainable community; this is much like the ancient Chinese proverb “give a man a fish he will and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime”. This proverb involves many Christian values such as helping others.

    5. Although I think it would be interesting to work with a community and help it grow and get to know people there I don’t think I would work for this organization. However I would like to temporarily work with the organization and go to visit some of the communities they help.

    6. www.410bridge.org

  32. 1) Pan African Christain AIDS Network
    2) Madagascar, Liberia, Swaziland, Burkina Faso, Uganda, Namibia, Zambia, and Seirra Leone
    3) Exists to link churches in and to Africa and to enhace their HIV/AIDS responces, and to enhance the churches in Africa
    4) By strenghtening the relationship of churches in Africa as well as helping to fight of HIV and AIDS, Pan Africa is able to help give Christainity a presence in Africa as well as helping the Word of God to spread to the patients that the organization treates
    5) I probably wouldn't be interested in helping out with the organization because they help lots of sick people which isn't a bad thing, just I don't really want to be a doctor, and plus, it would be hard fo me to find out that any of my patients had died. I would probably blame their death on myself and that doesn't make me interested in helping.
    6) http://www.pacanet.net/

  33. 1. Pilgrim

    2. Uganda

    3. The goal is to give the people the best education that they can with what the have they want the people to learn so that they are able to prosper and get and maintain a good paying job that the enjoy.

    4. They are doing it not being forced to but because they were called to it.

    5. I would because it is a great thing to help others. It is sad to think what they are going through and I want to be apart of helping them.

    6. http://www.pilgrimafrica.org/

  34. 1.) Pilgrim is the name of the organization.
    2.) Pilgrim is in Uganda.
    3.) The Pilgrims goal is to restore hope and dignity to those devastated by war, poverty, and disease. They celebrate the love of Christ Jesus that generates wholeness and creativity, boldly giving themselves in service to others regardless of economic, religious, or social standing.
    4.) Jesus would do anything for us and I think Pilgrim is providing many things to the people of Uganda without hesitation. Jesus would do the same for us. They are also demonstrating the love of Christ and His love He has for others.
    5.) I would love to be apart of Pilgrim because I would enjoy spreading Gods love and message to others who need it. I would also love to help the people of Uganda get out of poverty and give them hope to start a new and healthy life with God in their hearts.
    6.) http://www.pilgrimafrica.org/index.cfm

  35. 1) World Vision
    2) They provide help in Burundi, Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda, Lesotho, Mozambique, Malawi, Swaziland, Zambia, Congo – DRC, Zimbabwe, Ghana, Niger, Senegal, and Sierra Leone.
    3) The goal is to “work with the poor and oppressed to promote human transformation, seek justice, and bear witness to the good news of the Kingdom of God.”
    4) On their webpage, they explain that they are Christian-based, “We seek to follow Jesus — in his identification with the poor, the powerless, the afflicted, the oppressed, and the marginalized; in his special concern for children; in his respect for the dignity bestowed equally on women and men; in his challenge to unjust attitudes and systems; in his call to share resources with each other; in his love for all people without discrimination or conditions; in his offer of new life through faith in him…We maintain our Christian identity while being sensitive to the diverse contexts in which we express that identity.” They are showing Christian values because they are putting others ahead of themselves, and they are loving their neighbor as themselves. That is what God commands us to do in the Bible.
    5) I would be interested in working with this organization. They follow God and strive to be as much like Jesus as they can. Also, they are helping others that are in dire need of help. If I worked with this organization, then I could help someone in need. That would be one less starving family, or one less child without education in the world.
    6) http://www.worldvision.org/?lpos=top_drp_HomeButton

  36. 1. Urban Poor Children Organization
    2. Ghana
    3. This organization exist to support urban poor , brilliant but needy children, to undergo any training of their choice.
    4.God directs in the Bible to help the less fortunate especially children. This organization seeks to better the lives of these little ones.
    6. I would love to work with this organization because I feel very fortunate to receive the education I am receiving and would love to be able to give other children especially poor children the same opportunities.

  37. 1. Habitat for Humanity International

    2. Provides to many nations such as:
    Angola, Burundi, Central African Republic*, Democratic Republic of Congo*, Egypt, Ethiopia, Ghana, Cote d'Ivoire, Jordan, Kenya, Lebanon, Lesotho, Liberia, Madagascar, Malawi, Mozambique, Nigeria, Rwanda, Sierra Leone,SouthAfrica, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe

    3. "They are dedicated to eliminating substandard housing and homelessness worldwide and to making adequate, affordable shelter a matter of conscience and action. Ministry was founded on the conviction that every man, woman and child should have a simple, decent place to live in dignity and safety." Non-profit organization ergo they preform these wonderful actions all from the heart.

    4. They follow the teachings of Jesus Christ, we must love and care for one another. Love must not be words only— it must be true love, which shows itself in action. Habitat provides an opportunity for people to put their faith and love into action. They bring diverse groups of people together to make affordable housing and better communities a reality for everyone.

    5. I wouldn’t be interested in working with this group because before the less foutunamte need a place to live , they need food , water and mediacal attention. I would like to aid the poor with those necessities prior to building houses for them.

    6. http://www.habitat.org/how/christian.aspx

  38. 1.Hope Missions Ministries
    3."To make disciples of all people in all nations by mobilizing and empowering individuals and churches into holistic missions which make a positive difference in their communities. To transform these communities through the implemenation of programs which affect all areas of community life including: health, education, economic empowerment and advocacy, working through the local church and community leaders without compromise to the Word of God."
    4. The Bilble says "If you pour yourself out for the hungry and satisfy the desire of the afflicted, then shall your light rise in the darkness and your gloom be as the noonday." Isaiah 58:10 The organization is devoted to helping the poor, and they a commited to doing it no matter what it takes without compromising the Bible.
    5.I would be intrested because I woukd be able to teach people about God and his word, but I do think that the organization should work on providing the bare neceties like food, water and shelter. The organization should also look to expand outside of Malawi.

  39. 1. Open Christian Care
    2. Kenya
    3. Give kids norishing meals, education, clothing, and medical attention
    4. They help the needy and send care to those in need while spreading the word.
    5. I would like to work for this organization becaus I beleive strongly in what they do.
    6. http://www.openchristiancenter.org/

  40. Mikaela McAlpineMay 4, 2012 at 1:51 PM

    1.) Make a Difference

    2.) Zimbabwe

    3.)To provide relief from poverty, sickness and distress in any part of the world and in particular the continent of Africa, and in furtherance of this object to provide relief by the provision of facilities of all kinds, support services and equipment generally calculated to reduce the need, hardship or distress of such persons, and to promote awareness of poverty in Africa and elsewhere generally.

    4.) Because Christians help people and that's what there organization is doing.

    5.)Yes, I would like to be with this organiztion because helping people is what God wants us to do, and I intend on serving God.

    6.) http://www.aid2africa.co.uk/a2a_background.htm

  41. 1. The organization is Pilgrim Africa
    2. The organization is located in Uganda
    3. The organization helps with education and health care. “Our mission is to restore hope and dignity to those devastated by war, poverty or disease.”
    4. As Christian’s we need to help those in need that cannot help themselves.
    5. I would be interested in working with this organization because their goals for the organization are helpful to rebuild parts of Africa that have fallen.
    6. http://www.pilgrimafrica.org/

    Tiffany Smith

  42. 1. pilgrim Africa
    2. uganda
    3. they are trying to help people move from extreme pverty into sustainable prosperity and health
    4.chritains should put others ahead of selves and bring people to christ
    5.i would like to work with them beciause i respect what they are trying todo for those in need
