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Wednesday, April 25, 2012

U.S. History Question #12

"At the heart of racism is the religious assertion that God made a creative mistake when He brought some people into being."
Racism is nothing new. Racism has plagued different cultures all over the world and stained the pages of history throughout recorded history. Racism didn't wait for the modern world, nor has it faded with time. The Bible speaks of the hatred between the Jews and Gentiles, as well as the conflict between the Samaritans and Jews. Apartheid in South Africa seperated the blacks from the whites for several decades. The genocide of the Jews by the Nazis during World War II is well documented. America hasn't escaped the problem of racism either. From the time of the 3/5 Compromise at the Constitutional Convention through the Civil Rights Act of 1964 whites and blacks clashed in the United States.

Answer the following questions...

Why is racism so common around the world and throughout history?

Does racism still exist in America?

Will the issue of race ever be solved in America? Why or why not?


  1. Racism is so common because people like to think of themselves as the amazing race when in reality, no one is perfect. People always have to have somebody to pick a fight with. Maybe one person in a certain race did one thing wrong, and it caused an eternal war of the races. Some races may cling to people like themselves, so they may be unsure or afraid of differences that other races have. That causes instability between races. Racism is horrible, but it happens every day.
    Racism still exists in America, but it is not as cruel and fierce as it was in the 1960s. It is still horrifying though, and it needs to stop as soon as possible. It still exists everywhere, but not nearly as bad.
    I do not think the issue of race will ever be resolved in America because nobody is perfect. People can try to resolve it, and hopefully it will be stopped, but I don't think it will be resolved any time soon.

    Ethan Powell

  2. Racism is so common because people have always and will always want to be better or more signifigant than the people around them. An easy way to set themselves apart is by race. They try to convince others around them that just because God made them a certain way, that makes them more important. This is an act of selfishness and unrighteous pride. It is completely unbiblical. I also think that some of racism is because of fear of difference. People can become unsteady around others of different races and say things that will put them down to make themselves feel better. People have had these feelings ever since sin entered the world and that is why racism is common throughout history.
    Racism still exists in America today. People are still using their race as an advantage, but it is not nearly as harsh as it was up until the early 1960s.
    The issue racism will never be resolved in America. This is because sin exists in the world, and for as long as there is sin, there will be racism. People can limit racism, but it will never be resolved because no one is perfect.
    Jimmy McCarthy

  3. Racism is so common because nobody is perfect. In racism one race acts mean to another because they think they are the superior race. In a person's mind, you always think you are the best, and sometimes it isn't your fault. Many parents in this generation always talk to their kids and think they are the best. But then in the real world they get turned down. They thought they were perfect, but then they got turned down. This is called political correctness. It has to do with racism because they thought they were the best as in every human mind.
    Racism does still exist in America because some people still think poorly about another type of person. However, racism in America is not as bad as it was in the 1960s or even in the days of slavery.
    Racism will never be solved on this earth. I will say once we can program what other people think, racism will be an everlasting problem. Certain countries are better than others in terms of one country has had more records of racism than another country.
    Jackson Hofmann

  4. Racism is very common because people think that they are superior to one another. They want to put other people down. In the 1950s, whites thought they were superior to blacks. In World War 2, Nazis thought they were superior to the Jews. In Bible times, Jews thought they were superior to Samaritans; Jews and Gentiles also thought they were superior to one another. Racism also exists because sin is fun, and racism is a sin. Putting others down is fun to some people even though it’s wrong. Fear is another reason racism exists. There could be some wise reasons for a person to be afraid of someone from another race. People could fear that the new race might bring harm to them; in Bible times, many wars were fought because of fear that the opposing nation might destroy them. Racism is a common idea in today’s society, but we should try to eliminate it.

    Racism still exists in America. Even though it’s not as extreme as it was in the 50s and 60s, it is still around. All schools and businesses are integrated, and the Declaration of Independence says that all men are created equal, but a lot of people carry racism in their hearts.

    The issue of race will be debated for a long time, but I don’t think that it will ever be completely resolved. There will never be a perfect solution to the problem of racism because nobody is perfect except God.

  5. Racism is and has been such a problem because of human's sinful nature. We often believe we are superior to others when the truth is that we are equal. "There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for we are all one in Christ Jesus" (Galatians 3:28) The bible reminds us of our equality, but people often go against this. We are all brothers and sisters in Christ, so we should not try to better ourselves.

    I believe that racism still exists today. This is sad because after all we have experienced including the Civil Rights movement, shouldn't we have learned from our mistakes? I have heard that some people say that when they saw "The Hunger Games" that they didn't feel compassion for Rue because she was black. I view this as a disgrace. People are equal and there is no reason that you should wish something bad onto anyone especially if you do this because you don't think they are equal to you.

    I hope that one day America will be racism free, but I don't think that will happen. There are some adults now a days that are still racists and they will influence their children and friends to think this way. After their children think this way the pattern will keep going and never end. Racism is an ugly thing and I hope I am wrong and that one day the issue will be resolved. The patterns from the past just don't lead to a perfect ending.

  6. I think racism is so common today because of how some people grow up and because people that still think there better than others. Some people in this world are racist because they grew up in a family that didn’t think highly of other races. People that are rise in families like these usually grow up to think that their race is the best. Some people think their race is better because of the way they are rise, like I just said before, or because of experiences they have had. I don't think the issue of racism will ever be solved.

    There will always be those stubborn people who think that they are better than others. People like this will miss out on a lot because they are not open-minded. I think racism still exist in America because of people unwillingness to let go of the past. Some people don’t want things to change. Some people think that racism is okay.

  7. Its is so common now because of how older people grew up. They grew up in a time of Martin Luther King and that is just what they were taught and it stuck with them. Racism definitely does still exist nowadays. Racism and people who stereotype still exist.Even though we know that racism isn't a good part of our history we still need to learn about it so that we don't have that same mentality. I don't think the issue of race will ever be solved. I think this because some people know about it and try to make it as a comeback if they're in a fight. Also, older people stick with it, and then they tell their grandchildren and they think that because they were taught it. So then it keeps going in that same cycle.

  8. Mariah Cowan(Mar-dog):)May 3, 2012 at 5:03 PM

    Racism has been going on for many generations and shows no sign of ending. It has been passed down for so long because people believe there shouldn’t be equality between some who has darker skin color to them. If you really think about it is so stupid to even let something like this cross you mind. People can’t pick how they look! There is no perfect race. For people always have to make someone feel bad to make them feel more superior.

    Yes, racism is around every corner you turn. There is always going to be someone around you who may judge you for what you look like, or what you believe in. Earth is an unperfected place, and racism is one of its flaws. As Christians, we need to love are neighbor no matter what they look like or what they believe in.

    Unfortunately no, there most likely is no way that America will resolve its issue with racism. Unless God banished racism from the world there will always be a person who disagrees with being equal with a Mexican, a black, and etc. Not everyone like the fact of racism in America and in other parts of the world, in fact there are several protesting about it at this very second. But no, racism will not end until God comes back. At least now, racism is less brutal as it was back in the olden days.

    Mariah Cowan(Mar-dog):)

  9. Racism is wrong and cruel and it was especially cruel in the civil war and before the civil rights act of 1964. Racism usually occurs when someone has a problem or someone thinks they’re better then another race. The world used to thinks slavery wasn’t so bad, so they think racism isn’t so bad. Some people still believe in slavery because sometimes when I’m in the car I’ll see people’s houses that have confederate flags on them. That doesn’t automatically mean they’re because the Georgia flag used to have a confederate flag on it.
    I do not think the idea of racism will ever completely go away, partly because the idea of slavery will never go away. Even at the time of Moses there was slavery in Egypt. God eventually brought the slavery in Egypt to an end. There was also slavery in the civil war and God brought that to an end too. When there was racism in the 1960’s and God also brought the segregation to an end. Just because there was a law against racism doesn’t mean that congress can stop racism everywhere forever. You shouldn’t ever think your better then someone else or that someone else is weird because of what color they are.

  10. Racism has existed ever since there was difference. Individuals and groups of people think they are better than others, or they are intolerant of them, so they try to put them down and make themselves seem better. It really boomed following the Emancipation Proclamation, when slaves were freed. White were so used to thinking they were better than blacks, their attitudes did not change following the Emancipation Proclamation, so they set the two races apart through segregation, which would eventually lead to the Civil Rights movement of the 50’s and 60’s.
    I think racism still exists in America because people still think they are better than others. They look down upon others who they don’t think are “cool” or don’t do something they like to do. They do not appreciate differences in culture, or they don’t understand other cultures, leading to intolerance, which can lead to racism. It is not even direct sometimes, like cutting them in line, but people can exclude someone based on race or sex or nationality. If you don’t let someone sit at your table because they have an accent, that is being racist.
    We can never solve the issue of racism because you cannot change the hearts of others, only God can. No matter what they say, people can still be racist in their hearts. They might not show it, but they could be it. Someone might look like they are perfectly fine with someone, but on the inside they can’t stand them, or they feel superior to them. This is why it will never be solved.

  11. Racism and prejudice stretch very far back. The Egyptians had slaves over 3000 years ago. During the 1800s, slavery was allowed in America. During the Holocaust, millions of Jews were killed in concentration camps. All of these people were put through these events just because they were different. Racism is completely based on difference and assumptions. Sometimes people will judge someone else’s character based on their race, wealth, or clothing. If one person speaks out against a group of people, many will follow. More and more will follow the crowd because if everyone else is doing it then they want to. A fine sounding argument can draw a country to racism and prejudices.

    Racism is still a major issue in America today. Many different people groups are discriminated minimally in different ways. Racism is technically illegal the United States, but people find ways around the law. Mexicans, African-Americans, and other races put down. Racism will never really be destroyed. People will go on hating either because that’s what they were taught or because everyone around them is prejudiced. Americans follow the crowd too often. If we would just stop and think about the world around us sometimes, and then do something about the problems, our country would be a better place.

    Daniel Justice

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Racism is just as big of a problem as it was back in history. It is common because we are all sinners. We are born with a sinful nature, and so we will, in order to make ourselves seem more high and mighty, put others down. They want to make themselves seem either more worthy for others, or more worthy for God. Because we are naturally insecure, now and throughout history, we will bring down another religion or ethnic group.

    Racism does still exist in America today. Just as it was back in the eighteen-hundreds, tension still remains between ethnic groups, white and black especially. Although it is not as bad as it once was, discrimination is a problem. For instance, in the killing of Trayvon Martin, some people believe that Zimmerman killed Trayvon out of racial profiling. If there was no racism in America, nobody would think this, but instead people would think that Zimmerman just killed him.

    Finally, I do not think that the problem of racism will ever be completely resolved. We are still sinners, and that will never change. Although there are ways to prevent racism, there will never be a true cure from this large social problem.
    Anna Kate Peterson

  14. Racism is such a common occurrence in both our society and in societies around the world. This is caused by a group of people who assume they are better than another group because of because of accomplishment, race, or financial status. In most communities, there are a minority among the group in which the majority will discriminate against. With this being so, even the most remote village with people of all the same race can experience prejudice. It is usually when an individual has problems in his or her own life that prejudice happens because they ned something or someone to take their anger or problems out on. This is where they can take it out on the minority.
    Racism does still exist in America because the hearts of people have not changed. Automatically when most people see a gangster-looking black man on the street, their natural instinct is to lock the car door. This is because we often associate one group of people with one thing.
    The issue of prejudice in America will never be solved only because we are all humans. In our human nature, it is natural for us to be prejudiced towards one group of people because it is what you have always known. A rich guy from Buckhead will always be that way and a black drug dealer will always be that way, and it is natural for the two groups to not get along. Even though they might not outwardly express their racism or prejudice, they will always think in their mind that they are superior to that other group of people. So, the growing problem of racism in our country can never be completely fixed because their will always be mental prejudice in peoples' minds.

  15. Racism is very common in the world because most people think they are better than others. We are used to stereotyping and judging people based on how they look or act. When we see someone that looks different then us, we automatically start to point out whats different about them and their flaws.

    Racism does still exist in America. Its not as bad as it was before but people still discriminate against others and judge based on color and race. For example, Trayvon Martin was shot because he "looked" guilty. Zimmerman felt that he looked guilty because he was black and wearing a hoodie. If it were someone of a different race walking down the street, the situation could've been very different. Because of the simple fact that he was black and wearing a hoodie, he was shot.

    The only way there will ever be an end to racism is if people would stop judging people based on their race and differences. The only way people would at least be willing to treat others equally is through God. We just have to pray that one day the issue of racism can be resolved.

  16. Racism is so common because of the differences. For instance, if everyone comes to a party in tuxedoes and dresses, those who come in jeans and a tee shirt will stand out and be discriminated against. In the same way, most people don’t like others going against what is normal, like if everyone is playing a game and some people say no because it isn’t an appropriate game to play. Change and difference can upset some people, and being different can make others team up against you. Racism doesn’t only have to do with the color of your skin, but with cultural background and upbringing. With the Samaritans and the Jews, it wasn’t just how they appeared to each other. Each group was brought up in a different way, making others think they are strange and less important than them.
    I think that racism does still exist in America, but not as bad as it used to be. If a child was brought up knowing that a certain group was wrong or different than them, then they will persecute that group. It all depends on who you are born to and how they raise you. There are some who still tell their children that this group is bad and to stay away from them, and that will continue racism.
    There will always be racism in America, but there will be less of it. This is because less people are being taught that different is bad, but there will always be the same, “Oh, she’s different than me”, feelings going around. Every person is different, and you can’t expect our sinful nature to simply go away. Differences will always be in America, and so will racism, but as our country progresses I think there will be less of it.
    By: Emily Kendrick

  17. Racism is so common because people think they are better than others, or they think because they are different, that they aren't good enough. Also racism is so common because people now a days have many different stereo types for many different kinds of people. Now if you are different your considered something inferior to everything else. Lastly, people judge others by what they look like, which leads them to making wrong assumptions.

    I believe racism still exists today, but it hasn't been very bad recently. So people think it doesn't exist anymore because you don't hear much about it. Racism is shown now a days in many different ways, one being if you saw a white man walking across the street you don't tend to avoid him because he is considered a "safe" person, but if you see a black man walking down the street most try to avoid him because our society considers him a "dangerous" person.

    The issue of racism will never go away because people will always have different opinions and no one will ever agree with everybody else. Also people will always think they are better than another person. Lastly, people won't ever stop judging people because we are all sinful.

  18. Racism is so common because everyone is differnt and people usually like things that are the same. There are also stereotypes which can make someone not think so highly of another. Also a lot of people just don't get along, it can deal with the difference in skin color, religion, etc.
    Yes racism still existed in in the US, there are people who still think blacks and whites should be seperated, but not just with blacks and whites. Racism will always be in the US because everyone has their own opinion or they believe that the world should be how it used to be with slavery or what happened to the jews anything like that. People will always have their opinions for a long time.
    I don't think it will ever be resolved,becuase they way people are raised and then if they still think the same way when they grow up they will carry than to their children and so on and so on. Maybe it will die down eventually but there will always be the slightest bit of racism.

  19. Racism happened throughout history because some people felt like they were superior. They wanted to feel like they were better than others and they treated people badly. It happened over and over because people have a sinful nature and greed and pride can make people act racist. racism is common today because some people like to think that they are better than others. Some people think it is fun to make fun or treat people bad. It also still exists becuase some people can't forgive and forget. People hold on to the past and have resentment in their heart towards a race becuase of the things that happened years ago. I dont think that racism will ever be solved because there will always be people who think they are better than everyone else. This is a prideful way to think and it is a sin but this is something that will always be around. Hopefully it will get better but I dont think that it will ever go away completely.

  20. People thinking they are better than everybody else is a big problem still to today. It was worse earlier. This causes racism and people treating another human being like they are property. After they were declared justice we still didnt like that. We decided that everything we would do would be seprately apart from them. Now this severe case of this doesnt exist today but we still have it. There are some people out there that still they think they are better than other races. This also will show that racism will never go away. No matter what there will always be people that will think they are better than everyone else and even us sometimes are racist to other people.

  21. Racism is common because people are sinners, and they slways want to be superior to others. Humans want to feel good about themselves, and to do that, they put others down. By doing this, it can grow and spread to multiple people, until it becomes 'uncool' to not believe this idea, so people who don't believe in the idea, are always too afraid of not being likeable to those who do believe it. Racsim started with one person, then quickly spread to other people, and then grew so popular, it became an issue that is still debated today. Racism is common because we like to be the 'Top dog.'
    Racism is a big part of America today. It's not good, but it happens. I've seen instances where people will say, "Oh, this race is better than another race." Or, "You just don't like that person because they're this race." Well, most of the time, people don't like someone because of their beliefs or character, not their race. And one race is not better than another race. God made us all equal, so why does one's race matter? it doesn't. Yet, we still, even if it may be joke, talk about a race being better than another.
    No, racism will never end. It might in the very, very, very far future go away, but it is highly unlikely, since we're all sinners. We all want to be better than someone, so we discriminate. For example, if someone you don't like is at a football game, with their family, would you talk to the family because you want to know about them? Or would you avoid the family because you don't like the person who is in the family? Maybe racism will die down. I don't think so, but there's always the slim chance that it will. There's no way to tell, really.

  22. Racism is so common because of stereotypes . Stereotyping is when a race of people or a person has a certain opinion about another race or ethnicity. In America and all over the world racism occurs in cities , suburbs and even rural towns. Since the creation of man there has been racism between the Jews and the Gentiles. It still exists in modern times. Every race is affected by racism from Black to White to Asian and Latinos. It’s happening because people don’t want to accept people for who they are.
    Yes, racism still exists even today, though it might not seem like it, still does. People even do it these days. People of a different race might say negative things and treat each other badly because they may not understand that we are all different in many ways but we are the same also. We are all humans that live on one planet.
    There can be an end to racism but everyone has to look past the skin color and into their personality and heart. Racism can end if the people of the world join as one and don’t look at the color of people’s skin, but their heart.
