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Tuesday, April 10, 2012

U.S. History Question #11

For U.S. History Blog Question #11 your assignment is to find a veteran of WWII, the Vietnam War, or the Iraq/Afghanistan wars and interview them. Only one veteran needs to be interviewed. Interviews may be done in person, on the phone, or via email. Please keep in mind that war can be a difficult thing for people to talk about so be mindful and respectful of that fact as you complete the interview.

You are responsible for asking them at least five questions. I have provided the first two questions for you and you are required to come up with the other three questions. You will then post the questions and their answers in the comments section of the blog question.

Your blog answer should also include the veteran's name ,their position within the military, and the time period in which they served.

1. Why did you choose to enlist in the military?

2. What was/is the greatest challenge of serving in the military?

3. Student- created question

4. Student-created question

5. Student-created question


  1. Veteran's name: Brad Cousar
    Time period in which he served: 1989-present(2012)
    Position in the military: Pilot who flies a C-130 which is a cargo plane and is used for dropping supplies to troops and landing in small fields.

    !.Why did you choose to enlist in the military?
    I did not enlist in the military, but instead went to the Academy of Military Science in Knoxville, Tennessee where I received my commission. After going through five promotions, I earned the position of Lieutenant Kernel.
    2.What is the greatest challenge of serving in the military?
    Separation. Not seeing my wife and kids for long periods of time is really hard. Being away from my family is definately the biggest challenge for me.
    3.Have you had any encounters with civilians in the countries where you served?
    Yes. I often conduct business with civilians by buying supplies from their companies. But being a pilot there isn't nearly as much time spent with civilians as the men on the ground. They are the ones who go into the villages and try to help out the innocent people.
    4.What was one of the most frightening moments you have been a part of?
    There was a time when we were under attack, and shells(grenades) were being lobbed into our camp. I was scared because I didn't know where the next one was going to land. It could have been anywhere. Also, there was a time when I was being shot at in an airplane, but I wasn't so scared because there was so much going on that I didn't have time to think about it until I landed.
    5. What do you consider your greatest accomplishment in the military?
    I am most proud of leading and serving with the finest people I have ever met. I am honored to work with people who make sacrifices like leaving their families, living through hunger, and sleeping in a tent every night for their country. To be around them means so much and I consider it my greatest accomplishment in the military.
    Jimmy Mccarthy

  2. Veteran's name: Ralph Edward Bounds
    Time Period served: 1942-46
    Position: Radioman; U.S. Navy

    1. Why did you choose to enlist in the military?
    I wanted to help protect our country's freedom.
    2. What was the greatest challenge of serving in the military?
    The hardest thing would be the training and discipline it required.
    3. Was joining the war worth it?
    Yes, beause we won the war.
    4. Is it hard to talk about the war?
    Certain parts are hard to speak of because it brings back memories of bad things I experienced.
    5. Where were you stationed?
    I was stationed in General McArthur's headquarters; Brisbion, Australia; Port Morsbey, New Guinea; Hollandia, New Guinea; Tolosa, Leyte, Phillipine Islands; and on the U.S.S Blessmen, the A.P.D 48, and the U.S.S Littlehales.

  3. Veteran's name: Richard Arvo
    Time period served:1942-1945
    Position: Airforce B-25 gunner

    1. Why did you enlist in the military?
    -I Felt like it was my duty to serve the country
    2. What was the greatest challenge of serving in the military?
    -It was hard to hear of all of the tragedies that many American soldiers experienced. Also, it was tough leaving my family behind and not being sure if I would ever see them again
    3. Did you receive any awards/medals for your achievements?
    - Yes, I earned European African and Middle Eastern Theater ribbon with four stars, I also received an Air medal with one silver oak leaf cluster and four oak leaf clusters.
    4. Do you feel any good came from World War 2?
    -Through all of the tragedies we faced many countries united and put aside their differences for the greater good which shows that we can come together in times of need.
    5. What is your view on the bombs that ended World War 2? Where they justified?
    - I believe that the bombs saved thousands of soldiers lives. If the Allies invaded Japan many lives would be lost and the win not ensured. These bombs returned husbands to their wives and began the rebuilding from all of the damage physical and non-physical that World War 2 caused.

  4. Veteran's name: Jimmy Johnson
    Time Period: 1958-1986 (Korean War, Vietnam War)
    Position: 1958-1961: Infantry paratrooper in 82nd Airborne Division (Army) 2nd Lieutenant (Korean War); 1962-1986: Chaplain (Army) Lieutenant Colonel (Vietnam War)
    1. Why did you choose to enlist in the military?
    -I volunteered for the Draft in the Korean War because I felt it was my duty being a young man in America. So, in high school I was in the ROTC (Reserved Officers Training Corps) Program. I was trained in the infantry to go to Korea, but they sent the veterans and transferred my group to be stationed in Germany to monitor former Nazi soldiers. We taught them about democracy and how to be strong in your religion. After the Korean War (which I didn’t fight in) I decided to become a chaplain, so I went to Emory University in Georgia to get my degree. In 1962, I volunteered to go to Vietnam early to get the hard work over with. I ended the war with the rank of Lieutenant Colonel.
    2. What was/is the greatest challenge of serving in the military?
    -When I went to Vietnam, I was already married with an eight year old child and a 3-month old newborn named April. That was really hard because I knew I was going to be shot at and possibly killed. Another hard part was moving around. I moved to the following places: South Carolina, Vietnam, New York, Virginia, West Virginia, Washington D.C., Germany, and Georgia. Those two situations were extremely challenging.
    3. What were your worst and best experiences in the military?
    Worst- Being shot at was very scary. Every other week, while I was a Chaplain, I spent in the jungle with advisory teams consisting of about 5 soldiers. During that time we would usually get shot at.
    Best- Meeting new people was an exciting time. Traveling around the world was a wonderful experience. While I was in Vietnam, I had a cousin who lived in Singapore that was able to visit. Being introduced to very dedicated soldiers was very heart-warming.
    4. What branch of the military were you in?
    -I was in the army in the infantry in the Korean War. During the Vietnam War, I was a Chaplain, and I ministered for hospitals, soldiers-in-training, an aviation battalion (who taught me how to fly), engineer corps, Germans, villages, rocket units, marines, wounded soldiers sent back to the mainland, 101st Airborne Division and the U.S. Military Force Command.
    5. What was your funniest experience?
    -One night, I was in a Vietnamese motel with my group, and you usually have to sleep under a mosquito net when you are in the jungle. Well, that night at 2 or 3 AM, I started to hear machine guns and explosions, but I thought I was dreaming. So, slowly I got up and got tangled in the mosquito net. When I got out, I hid to protect myself, and my friend said,” Isn’t this great!” I looked at him and said,” Are you nuts!” Then I realized that I wasn’t dreaming. Another time I was performing a wedding and at the rehearsal I told everybody no pictures because a wedding is an act of worship. So, if anybody climbed over the rail to take a picture I would stop the wedding. Sure enough, some walked down the side aisle and climbed over the railing during the wedding. Then I stopped the wedding, turned around, and realized that a candle fell over and caught the altar on fire! Those stories were my funniest experiences during the war.

    Ethan Powell

  5. Veteran's Name: Doryia Allison
    Time Period: 1979- 1988
    Position in the military: Petroleum Supply Specialist/ Sergeant

    1. Why did you choose to enlist in the milatary?
    - I wanted to see the world, meet people of different cultures, and start up a career.
    2. What was the greatest challenge of serving in the military?
    - As a female soldier, the greatest challenge was proving that I could soldier the same as my male counterparts and being successful in doing so
    3. What was your biggest feeling of accomplishment while serving in the military?
    - My biggest accomplishment was being able to quickly excel in rank and supervise a squad of men
    4. What was your most scary moment while serving?
    - Driving up the mountains in Alaska during a snow blizzard
    5. Have you ever regretted serving because of your family, or was it all worth it?
    - I never regret serving. I would do it all again if I could.

  6. Name: Ed Fry
    Position: Lt.
    Time Period: June 1991- June 1996(Iraq)
    Branch of Military: Navy

    1. Why did you enlist as a Naval Officer?
    I had a family history of Naval Officers. My father was a Naval Officer, as well. I was also offered a scholarship to the school.
    2.What was the greatest challenge of serving in the Navy?
    It was hard being away from my family, especially my wife. I had to learn many things also. Like, I had to learn how to run the reactor on board the submarine. I was in charge of the ship, since the Captian could not always be at the bridge, so I was the Officer of Deck.
    3. Was it hard being away from Mom? For instance, how did you feel about missing an important event?
    Honestly, it didn't bother me TOO much, but it was still difficult because I loved her; she was, and is, my wife. I had an adventurous lifestyle, so there wasn't much time to think about home.
    4. What was your first day on the submarine like?
    It was exciting, but we had to work as soon as we arrived. It was cool meeting all the people on board, though.
    5. Were you ever in charge of something?
    Yes, first, I was charge of electircal unit. Then, came the chemistry unit, and the reactor control unit. Finally, this was probably the biggest, I was the Communications Officer.

  7. Soldiers Name: Stanley Swiney

    Position: Built Gas Stations, served as soldiers in France

    Served during: World War 2
    1. Why did you choose to enlist in the military?

    • He and other solider went to save their family, and friends from having to face things that could have happened here, also he was drafted.
    2. What was/is the greatest challenge of serving in the military?

    • Watching my neighbor next to me get killed in matter of seconds, hoping that that will not be me in the next hour.
    3. Did you tell your family what war was like when you get home? Why or why not?

    • No, he did not want people to know how bad it was.
    4. Was the Army how you expected it to be?

    • The Army was a little bit rougher than I expected.
    5. Did you receive any kind of medal for making it out alive?

    • Yes, I received a purple heart, he says, “I guess I was one of the lucky ones.”

  8. Veteran's Name: Rebecca Brummel
    Time Period: 1990-1992
    Position in the military: Infantry Corporal

    1. Why did you choose to enlist in the military?
    -Simply put, it was a time in my life that I needed to change directions and take control of my own life. Get serous about things... the army seemed like a great place to start.
    2. What was the greatest challenge of serving in the military?
    -Being so far from my family and friends with limited access to call or write.
    3.Did you make a lot of friends in the military?
    -You had to! They were your family and friends from you r time with them. You had to rely on each other emotionally for all support. However, after leaving the army, I did not stay in touch with anyone, so I did not make any long term friends.
    4.What was your most rewarding experience in the military?
    - Meeting a high ranked general, firing a M16 off, and throwing a grenade.
    5.What was the best part about joining the military?
    -Making a major decision on my own and not having someone doubting it.
    Jackson Hofmann

  9. Name:Charlie Delpizzo
    Time Served:1965-1993(Vietnam War)
    Position:Naval Aviator

    Why did you enlist in the military?
    Because I saw a good looking poster.

    What was the greatest challenge of serving in the military?
    Learning how to transition from civilian life to military life.

    What happened on your worst day in the war?
    My canopy flew off of my plane because of a mechanical error during flight.

    What was your happiest memory during the war?
    When I got a day off and coming home.

    Did you drop bombs or did you shoot at the enemy?Where and how many times?
    I did both I drop free fall 400 to 500 pound bombs and I shot 20 millimeter bullets at the ground.Also I bombed/shot in the Gulf of Tonkin and that was due east of Vietnam. I bombed/shot at the Vietnamese 85 times.

  10. Veteran’s Name: Fredrick R. Keith
    Position in Air Force: Communications/ Provided support during Vietnam and the first Iraq war (Early 90's). Rank: Two-star General
    Time Period: Vietnam, First Iraq war

    1.Why did you choose to enlist in the Air Force?
    -I chose the Air Force because wanted to fly and I liked to be around air activities, planes and missiles. I did solo in a private plane.
    2.What was the greatest challenge of serving in the Air Force?
    -Staying focused on the mission and later getting the airmen under my command to perform at a high level which they consistently did.
    3.Were you ever extremely nervous while wars were happening?
    -No, but it's not fun to be alerted for deployment and then having to wait.
    4.Do you think the Air Force changed you as a man?
    -Yes, the Air Force stresses leadership and my advances indicate that I met the test.
    5.Would you recommend people to join the Air Force?
    -Yes, it's a good place to develop technical and leadership skills.

  11. Veteran's Name: Donald B. Peterson
    Position in Navy: Blimp Brigade
    Time Period: World War Two

    1: Why did you enlist in the Navy?
    -I enlisted so I could avoid being drafted. If you enlisted, you would be able to choose where you wanted to be, but if you were drafted, you were not able to.
    2: What was the greatest challenge of serving in the Navy?
    -The greatest challenge for me was being physically and mentally fit for life in the military. You had to be able to deal with war in your mind but be ready for it physically, too.
    3: What did you do in the Navy?
    - I was apart of the Blimp Brigade. We would go up in a blimp and search the waters off U.S. coasts for enemy submarines. If we saw them, we would shoot them down.
    4: What was it like being in the blimps so high up?
    - Actually, we would usually fly close to the water, as to get a better look in case submarines. But it was interesting to be up in the clouds at 4000 feet and then down to water up only 300 feet.
    5: What are you most proud of by being in the Navy?
    -Well, just the thought of serving my country was the biggest and most rewarding experience.
    I very much consider my time in the Navy a privilege and I will never forget it.

    Anna Kate Peterson

  12. Name: Joe Kurasz
    Time period: 1944-1945
    Position: 2nd cook/electrician

    1. Why did you choose to enlist in the military?
    -I chose to enlist in the military so I wasn’t drafted in the army.

    2. What was/is the greatest challenge of serving in the military?
    -My ship was about 100 yards behind the USS Texas at the beaches of Normandy on D-Day. They were sent away because they carried fuel, and there was nowhere to unload the fuel. My ship carried bunker fuel for ships and high octane for planes. During battles, I provided support by supplying fuel.

    3. How did your family feel about you leaving?

    -My mother was against me leaving, she didn’t want to lose her son.

    4. What theatre did you serve in?

    -Europe and Pacific.

    5. What places did you see and visit?

    -I saw and visited England, France, Panama, Arabia, Iraq, Philippines, Borneo, Singapore, Japan, Mexico, Hawaii, Tampico, and Aruba. My favorite was Philippines.

  13. Veteran's Name: Thomas Keith
    Position in Army: Medical Core/ Captain
    Time Period: Vietnam/ July 1970-July 1972

    1.Why did you choose to enlist in the military?
    -I was actually drafted from the Doctor's Draft in 1970.

    2.What was the greatest challenge of serving in the military?
    -The biggest challenge for me was seeing so many wounded young men, some with missing limbs.

    3.Would you like to have been in a different branch of the military than you were in?
    -No, I liked being in the Army. It had the largest hospitals.

    4.If you could, would you join the Army again?
    -If I was the same age and under the same circumstances as I was during the war, I would definitly enlist again.

    5.What was daily life like when you were in the Army?
    -Once I was through basic training, it was much like my regular work day in the hospital.

    Daniel Justice

  14. Veteran's Name: John Wood
    Position in Army: Private First Class
    Time Period: 1943-1945

    1.Why did you want to enter the war?
    -I wanted to graduate with all of my friends and my brother in eleventh grade so that also I could skip a year of school too.

    2.How did your mom think about you entering the war?
    -Since i was entering with my brother she was very nervous because she didnt want to lose both of us but at the same time she understood that we had to support our country.

    3.What was the worst thing that you experienced during the war?
    -We liberated a concentration camp in Poland when the Germans were trying to flee and kill as many Jews there as possible.

    4.What was it like clearing the concentration camps?
    -It smelled really bad, and there was a lot of dead people. Sometimes we would try to feed them and they would die from that because there stomach was so stretched out.

    5.Did you earn any awards in the army.
    -2 purple hearts and a bronze meadal. The purple hearts were getting shot in my leg,and a bomb exploding nearby causing me too lose hearing in my one ear. The bronze medal was for my duties in the field at the battle of crossing the river.

    Jonathan Wood

  15. Veteran's Name: Samuel "Pap" Arnold
    Position in Army: Ensign
    Time Period: 1942-1945
    1. Why did you choose to enlist in the military?
    - I joined the Navy because I didn't want to be drafted in the Army.
    2. What was the biggest challenge of serving in the military?
    - I think the hardest part was being away from my family.
    3. Why did you join the Navy if you couldn't swim?
    - I joined the Navy because I'd rather be in the Navy than the Army.
    4. Was your ship ever hit out in the water?
    - Yes, in fact we were torpedoed by the Japanese, and we started sinking so me and a couple other men went down and patched the hole and I got a Bronze Medal for it.
    5. Were you scared when you knew you couldn't swim and you were sinking?
    - No, I knew I had to get the job done.

    Mitchell Ryan

  16. Veteran's Name: Lt. Colonel David Gilkeson
    Postion in army: Lieutenant Colonel
    Time Period: 1985 until present

    1. why did you chose to enlist in the military?
    - I come from a long line of service people my father was in the Air Force as was my grand father so I guess you could say it is in my blood. I am however commissioned which is different from being enlisted. Generally soldiers enlist for a period of a few years and then they are done and can get out of the Army. I am an officer, generally we are commissioned from an ROTC program at a university or West Point and generally stay a longer period but do not have to reenlist as soldiers do on a regular basis.

    2. what was the greatest challenge serving in the military?
    -Probably the single biggest challenge is on the home front. Soldiers in today's army have done repeated deployments which keeps you away from your family. We also have to move fairly frequently for both military education and new assignments. It is usually every two years.

    3. were you drafted or did you volunteer?
    -The draft ended in the early 70s so everyone currently serving in the military today is part of what we call the All Volunteer Force. So, I volunteered.

    4. what was it like to return home? What type of emotions were in your house hold?
    -Coming home is a huge deal, you look forward to it for a long time. The best way I could describe it to you would be to tell you it is like Christmas. You think about it, plan it, build up expectations and then before you know it you are there and it is over. There are certainly ups and downs. Your family has gotten use to you not being there so it is hard to just jump back in.

    5. What was your job in the military.
    -I am still serving as a Military Intelligence Officer at U.S. Army Forces Command in Fort Bragg NC. When I was in Iraq I was on a Military Transition Team that lived, trained and fought with the Iraqi Army.

    Jack FitzGerald

  17. My grandfather served in the Korean War and his name and rank were Capt. Walter Butler. He served from 1951-1957 and he was 23 when he joined.
    1. Why did you choose to enlist in the military?
    He choose to because he had been in the ROTC(Reserve Officers Training Corp)and he was a Lieutenant in the ROTC, so he didn’t really have a choice.
    2. What was/is the greatest challenge of serving in the military?
    The biggest challenge for my grandfather to do is to lead his men into battle, to put his men in danger for a better cause.
    3. What important missions did you go on?
    The biggest and the most key mission was the capture of Chaunchon, Korea
    4. What years did you serve and how many years did you serve?
    My grandfather served from 1951-1957 and he was 23 when he joined the army to invade North Korea. He served for 7years and came home when he was 29.
    5. Do you still know anyone that you served with?
    My grandfather stills knows and sees once in a while a friend of his named Colonel Ben Malcolm that he served with.

  18. Veteran's Name: Jacky Williams
    time period:december 1990- may of 1992

    1.Why did you choose to enlist in the war?
    I choose to be in the military, but didn't want to go to the war.

    2. What was the greatest challenge about being in the war?
    The greatest challenge was being deprived of sleep and the war is really demanding.

    3. what branch of the military were you in?
    The United States Army

    4.Do you still have any friends that served with you?
    Yes. My husband served with me.

    5.Were you happy to return home and get everything back to normal?
    yes. i was tickled pink. i just wanted to go to a fast food resturant and go to a real bathroom.

  19. Name:Chris Grubbs
    Rank:HMS Hospital Coreman 1st class specialist u.s. Navy
    Where: served in Hong Kong. Hiroshima, Nagasaki, North Korea, And North Africa
    1. Why did you enlist?
    I enlisted to serve my country and pay for college.

    2. What was the greatist challenge of serving in the military?
    My greatist challenge was staying alive.

    3. What was the most rewarding thing about serving?
    The most rewarding thing was bringing medical help to poorer communities.

    4. What was your least favorite thing about war?
    My least favorite thing wasthat I was in a war.

    5. What medical things did you do?
    I did Gastrointorology, which is mainly work on the digestive system.

  20. Veteran’s Name: Jack Hughes
    Position within military:Corporal / USMC
    Amount of time served: 4 Years

    1. Why did you choose to enlist in the military?Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor

    2. What was/is the greatest challenge of serving in the military?
    Being away from home/ horrors of combat

    3. What war did you serve in?
    World War II

    4. Where exactly did you go?
    California / Hawaii / Saipan / Tinian / Okinawa / Japan

    5. What is your greatest memory (good or bad) of the time you served?
    1-Being pulled from the ocean after ship was sunk by kamikazee{Japanese suicidal crash attack} then dried off, fed, and put on the beach of Okinawa into combat.2 Good- 10 day train ride from Boot camp{California} to Tennessee and back to California. 3. Bad memory- The night after beach landing, being in the dark feeling alone then hearing the bugles and whistles before the Japanese counterattack knowing that close combat would ensue.

  21. Name: Jim Kendrick
    1.Why did you choose to enlist in the military?
    At the time I was mainly looking for adventure and travel, and just needed some structure in my life
    2.What was the greatest challenge of serving in the military?
    ...I think it would be the many and varied personalities, that I was to encounter, and having to realize that I was just one cog in a very big wheel...
    3. How did your family feel about you enlisting in the military? ...They were all very supportive of me being in the military.... they never thought that I would end up in Viet Nam...That was a shock to them...
    4. What was an interesting experience you went through over seas? I guess getting shot at shortly after arriving over there was the biggest experience that I had...
    5. What was it like in Vietnam?
    Very hot and humid in most places around the Delta, [Mekong Delta]...Horrid odors, smell of the worst kind of odors, I never got used to those smells.... Death was very commonplace, and often bodies left where they fell.... I speak of the Vietnamese, Not Americans.... I saw my share of those also...V.N. was a lovely tropical country, lush vegetation, Palm trees, Triple canapy jungles.... Exotic animals...I never saw too many, but there was a lot of monkeys, some elephants, some large cats...A few large cities such as Siagon, was the Capitol of South VN.... Hue was the Ancient Capitol of South VN...It was called The Imperial City... it was a sight to behold, before war ravaged the lovely city...Hue is pronounced Whey.... In Tet of 1968, Hue and most of the towns and cities of SO VN was ripped to pieces by war.... Tet is the Chinese Lunar New Year, and it is very big in Asia.... it starts Feb. 1 thru March 1.... And Tet of 68 was the make or break for the communists that we were there to destroy.... They lost severely, as we Americans had superior ability to wage war.... VN was a very dry and dirty and smelly place,...Seldom ever did we feel really clean…
    Position in military: I was in the Army Engineers, and our job was to operate construction machinery, I Operated a Bull dozer, and different other pieces of heavy const. equipment...
    Time served: October 66===to May of 68.... During that time I had a 30 day pass to fly back to USA and home, also I had what we call R&R.... rest and recoup...and I went to Hong Kong China,...

    By: Emily Kendrick

  22. Veteran's name: L. Allen Morris
    Time Period: 1941-1945
    Ranking: Naval Admiral's Aide
    1. Why did you choose to enlist in the war?
    In January, 1941, I learned that if I volunteered for my "year of service" in the u. S. Navy, I would be discharged in a year. If I didn't volunteer, I was subject to call-up at any time.
    2.What was the greatest challenge of being in the Navy?
    Natalie Bell
    The hardest part was being away from my wife and daughter.
    3.What was one close call you had?
    When I was in London planning how the navy will assist in Germany's take over, A V-1 Bomb hit a pub across the six blocks from our flat and nearly killed us. We could feel the floor shaking, but no one was hurt.
    4.What is something funny or crazy that happened to you or a friend in the Navy?
    An officer in our personnel department left London every week to visit naval installations throughout the english countryside. He came home one week to find his flat bombed and lost all of his personal items.The officer received a new apartment, clothes, and some furniture, then left again for his weekly inspections. When he returned agin, his new apartment had been bombed and he lost everything again. He was then transferred to the Sates because he was mentally table to carry out the inspections.
    5.Where were you when the war ended?
    I was in Napels, Italy and returned home to Atlanta in October, 1945.

  23. Name:William Reuter
    Rank: Captain U.S Navy
    Years: 1984-present
    Where:U.S, Persian Gulf, Navy carrier
    1.Why did you enlist in the military?
    -I wanted to fly airplanes.
    2.What is the greatest challenge of serving in the military?
    -The time when your on tour, being away from home and family.
    3.Have you ever been in extreme danger?
    -I was flying in enemy territory, with other Russian pilots, not knowing if we were going to be in combat or not.
    4.How many years have you served in the Navy.
    -28 years, I'll be retiring June 1, 2012.
    5.What was the best job you held in the Navy.
    -Chief test pilot for the F-18 flight test squadron.

  24. Veteran's Name: Fred Baker
    Position within military:P.F.C
    Amount of time served:1941-1970

    1. Why did you choose to enlist on the army?
    The Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor.

    2.What was/is the greatest challenge of serving in the military?
    Being away from home.

    3. What war did you serve in?
    World War 2 and Vietnam War

    4. Were you in the marines, navy, or army?
    The marines

    5. Did you do any island hopping since you were a marine?
    Yes. We hooped exotic islands including Tahiti, Cook, and the Samoan Islands.

  25. Name: Eugene Hill
    position: mechanic veintam war
    time perioid: 1962-1982

    1. why did you enlist in the army?
    He did not want to work on a farm and no jobs were available.

    2.what was your greatest challenge in the miltary?
    working on aircraft and making sure aircraft was in the air.

    what was a time you perservered?
    He perservered by working on the alert pad and being attentive to details.

    name some tools you worked with?

    air conditoning units, md3, tiregates and ordinary tools to use one aircrafts

    5 if you could have a moment to change something in the miltary what and why?
    he would change the promotion system they judged off of apr and genral exhaustment to get promoted

  26. Name: Tony Henry
    Positiont:He prepared the helicopters on the aircraft carrier called the USS Independence.
    Time Period: 1967 to 1971 The Vietnam ERA. It was called the Vietnam ERA because he didn't get sent into Vietnam.

    1.Why did you choose to enlist in the military? He chose to enlist because most everyone was being drafted and he felt like if he enlisted in the Marines then he would be trained and prepared for war instead of being sent straight to Vietnam.
    2. What was the greatest challenge of serving in the millitary? Being away from home for so long.
    3. What was your title in the Military? Communications/Navigation Specilaist for A-4 Skyhawk Aircraft
    4. Would you do it again?
    Yes, he would do it again because he was correct about enlisting instead of waiting to be drafted. Once he enlisted, he was trained on how to work on the aircrafts and he was never sent into Vietnam. The USS Independence was in the Mediteranean Sea and was much safer. He also would have had a different mind set if he did it again. The first time he enlisted he wanted to be home in 4 years, so he passed up opportunities to be an officer. If he went back and did it again, he would become an officer.
    5. What was the hardest part about the Vietnam War? His best friend and his cousin both died in Vietnam. He burried his best friend on Saturday and flew to the Dover AIr Force Base in Delaware on Sunday to escort his cousins body to his aunt and uncle. He also helped prepare a helicopter and loaded a bunch of his buddies on it to go to San Juan. They were all excited and joking around and right before they took off one on them said, "We're going to crash and burn Tony." It wasn't long after they left that they did crash and he had to go thru their belongings and ship it back to thier parents.

    My uncle's best friend was Mike Glen. He lived on the land that Whitefield is built on. My uncle helped to get the government to name the bridge that we drive over to get to school the "MIke Glen Bridge."

  27. Name: Winfred Hill
    Position: counterintelligence agent
    Ranking: chief warrant officer
    Time period: 1984-present
    1. Why did you choose to enlist in the military?
    2. What was/is the greatest challenge of serving in the military?
    3. What age were you when you joined the military?
    4. What was the hardest thing you did in airborne school?
    5. have you ever been wounded

    Answer #1: I chose to go into the military because I believe everyone
    has an obligation to enter in the military or do some form of public
    Answer #2: Serving during war time and peace in a volunteer military
    Answer #3: 31 years old
    Answer #4: Jumping out of a plane while in flight
    Answer #5: No

  28. Name: Douglas Gabriel (Grandfather)

    Position: US Marines 1st Division and US Army 216th Combat Engineers

    Time period: 1966-1995

    1. Why did you choose to enlist in the military?
    At the time I graduated High School age 18 there was a VietNam war going on.There was a draft of all 18yr olds which at the present time there is no draft only a volunteer military . I was called to take a physical for the armed forces & past. I received my draft notice shortly after the physical & decided to go into the Marine Corps. @ that time as a volunteer.

    2. What was the greatest challenge of serving in the military?
    The Military builds character,strength, self esteem,leadership, & training of the mind &body while in and after you get out. Semper Fi (always faithful),
    also have the ability to improvise , adapt & overcome situations that may arise to save lives your own or you fellow soldier.

    3. What age did you start your enlistment?
    I was 18 yrs old. Ready to win the world and serve my Country!!!!

    4. Would you do it again? why or why not?
    Yes, I would do it again. To me this keeps us free,freedom of choice and to live in a democracy to protect our homeland; which 3rd world countries do not have.

    5. What advice would you give to a young man wanting to enlist in the military?
    Give it a lot of thought. Not all are cut out for military life. You have to be dedicated.You also have to be able to improvise , adapt & overcome situations.

    6. What branches of the military did you serve and how long in each?
    I served with The US Marines 1st Division 6 yrs. with 1yr service being in Viet Nam. I served with The US Army 216th Combat Engineers Ohio National Guard for 23yrs.This gave me a retirement of 29 yrs total service. Proud to have served and make your life and all have freedom in this USA...
