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Sunday, May 6, 2012

U.S. History Question #13

As you consider and think about all of the people, events, ideas, and documents we have studied this year in U.S. History, answer the following questions...

What has suprised you the most about the history and people of the United States?

What has disappointed you the most about the people or events of the United States?

What person, idea, or event do you admire the most?


  1. Something that surprised me was that back from the 1860's until about the 1960's was that there were some cases where people in America showed no mercy. If they didn't like something they would let you know it. For example, the Civil War happened mostly because the North didn't like how we had slaves. I'm not saying that us having slaves are o.k. They didn't like one thing and it caused a major war.

    I am dissapointed at how most of the country was racist towards many things. We were racist against African Americans, whether or not people were believers or nonbelievers, or there shape or size etc. I know that being racist against African Americans was a big part of our culture but I think that we should have noticed that something bad was going to come of it. Now it has because after all that time of being mean to others we as a country regret it.

    I admire the soldiers that were apart of the Invasion of Normandy and Omaha beach that survived. I admire them because they knew that there was a high chance that they weren't going to make it out of there. They knew that there was a good chance of dieing because you have to make it around everything to dodge German bullets, and the German's have an advantage because they can see you better because they are up a hill. To me if you know that your going into a situation that you know that you're going to die, and you do it anyway that earns my respect and a lot of other people's too.

  2. One thing that has surprised me about America is our willingness to persevere. When we were still under control of the British, we decided to become our own country. Even the thought of this was a silly idea seeing as we scarcely had an army and navy; we had the best weapon in our arsenal, conviction. Through our perseverance, we defeat the British becoming the United States of America. Also, after gaining independence, people believed in manifest destiny, wanting to own all of the land all the way out to what is now California. This belief is what helped us to own all of this land today.

    One thing that has disappointed me during American history is how we don't always learn from our mistakes. In the time of the Civil War, whites, especially in the South, treated blacks horribly. Slave owners would constantly beat their slaves and treat them like dirt. After the Civil War, many blacks escaped North, but racism was still there. Between 1860 and 1960, the issue of racism was there but not as horrible as it had been. When 1960 rolled around, racism increased, and segregation was everywhere. Whites and blacks were separated in almost everything, even the church. Even though a hundred years had passed, and a new generation had come to power, whites returned to their sinful nature with their grossly treatment of blacks. The whites should have seen what awful mistake they made, and never returned to their old ways, but they did.

    The person I admire most in history is George Washington. He helped us to be a country today. Not only was he a great president, he was also a fearless general in the army that defeated Britain. Once the U.S gained independence, he became our president making critical decisions that helped us blossom as a nation. During the war he could have easily said this is a stupid idea, and we will never gain independence, so why try. But he didn't say the he fearlessly went into battle with one goal in mind; to gain independence. Also, when America became a country he could have been terrified of the immense task, and made cowardly decisions, but he made tough decisions that helped foster the nation. I admire George Washington for being a valiant man that helped America flourish into the nation it is today.

  3. What surprised me most is that we lost our patriotism after the second world war. We never got it back until the 9/11 attack, and then after that, we lost it again. America is a great country; one that stands up to any fight, even if we have no hope of winning. We fight for our freedom, honor, and innocent citizens. So why have we left that? I'm not saying that there are no more patriots left; I'm just saying that there is little patriotism in our society now. We never hear about wars anymore, which I guess is okay, but still, I want to know what goes on in this free country of ours. Since there is little patriotism left, we don't hear about our problems much. We hear our problems on the news, sure, but we don't do anything about it, which is what shocks me, and what I don't like about our society today.
    What dissapoints me about the citizens is that we were so rascist back in the Civil Rights Movement. We judged a person by their skin color, or race, or gender. It dissapoints me because this country was founded on Christian beliefs, yet we had the boldness to disobey those direct commands of our foundning belief, and judge based on appearance. Appearance should be the LAST thing on our minds when we judge someone's character. And even then, it's not even our job to judge people anyway. So why do why did we do it? Why do we do it now?
    I admire President Ronald Regan because he had an amazing government set- up. He did what was best for our country, and we saw true patriotism in him. He brought us a beautiful freedom, and a wonderful economy. I will always try to be like him, and I will turn to his quotes when I can.

  4. What has surprised me the most in American history is the fact that we have made horrible choices, but we have made many positive decisions that have improved our country. Our country today would not be as wonderful as it is if we hadn't gone through history as we did. It is our leaders, our choices, our citizens, and our past that has made us America.
    The event that I admired the most was the D-day Invasion. The courage of the soldiers in battle must have been incredible. If I served then,even if I died, I would still be proud of myself and fellow soldiers. America has had bad moments, but America is great.
    The fact that has disappointed me the most is slavery. It was a big part in America, but that doesn't make it good. It is probably the worst thing that happened in America's past along with racism. I hope those terrible things will never happen again.

    Ethan Powell

  5. What has surprised me most about American history is the amazing amount of courage in our hearts. There were so many tragic stories in the beginning of American history that it completely revved up the people. Nowadays only a few tragic events have occurred, 9/11 being on of them. But the flame of the people has already died out. We are weakening as a country because we aren't going through any hard ships. We are getting lazy and careless and slowly losing our position as the most powerful country.
    Something that disappoints me from American history is The racism. We ended slavery after the Civil War but we still treated The blacks like trash. "separate but equal" was a false statement because we did not treat the slaves equal. We humiliated ourselves as a country by doing these things. Still, America has not learned from their previous mistakes and are now extremely racist toward Mexicans and it will take a while before we learn from that mistake.
    I admire Abraham Lincoln the most out of history. He was honest and wise and helped put an end to the slavery of blacks. It is a shame that he got assassinated because he was one of the best presidents we had. I wish we can find another president that can live up to Lincoln's standards so he or she can shape up the country and make it into the proud one we once where.
    Jackson Hofmann

  6. The one thing that has surprised me the most is that the American people can be so passionate about things that don’t even matter. When prohibition was passed, many people overreacted because they couldn’t drink alcohol. It is better for you to not drink alcohol and it can be addictive. People would risk their lives and break the law, just to get alcohol. The American people’s desperate desire to get alcohol created a growth in organized crime.
    What has disappointed me the most is that some Americans are so hypocritical. We go around telling everyone what’s right and wrong, but our country has its own issues. During World War II, we put Japanese-Americans in internment camps while Hitler had all the Jews in concentration camps. When we freed all the Jews, we did not realize that we had mistreated our own citizens and took away their freedom. Another contradiction and a source of disappointment relates to our government being part of the United Nations. The United Nations are trying to end all the fighting on Earth, but we have done nothing to help that.
    I have to admire the average American of the 1940’s the most because of what they did to support their country. Men and women worked all day to build weapons and machines so we could beat the dictators of the Earth. Our enemies never would’ve beaten us as a nation, but the people of the United States helped win the war for those countries that would have been beaten.

  7. What has inspired me the most about U.S history is how we never lose hope. Throughout U.S history people have been determine to get things done. For example before the American Revolution people were determine to get independence. Even though people like John Adams and George Washington knew could be killed for speaking out against the government they still tried. Another example of America's determination is Operation Overlord. The military knew Operation Overlord was very risky. They also knew that many people would die, but they were willing to do anything to stop Germany.

    What has disappointed me the most about American history is how judged mental we are. Americans are so quick to judge people and make false accusations. For example, during the Red Scare people assumed that immigrants were communist. Irish people were also accused of causing all the crime in the U.S. Another example of discrimination is during slavery and after slavery. People thought that blacks were too dumb to do anything. People thought that blacks were not as good as whites just because of their skin color.

    The person I admire the most in U.S. history is MLK Jr. He spoke for what he believed in. He showed how smart black are, and he also change the way that the world thought of blacks. Without the help of MLK Jr. I don't think black would have come as far as they are now.

  8. When you think about America, what comes to mind? Family? Happiness? Freedom? The thing that surprised me the most this year in history class is how my view of America has changed when I saw how our ancestors reacted to different situations. When the Civil War began, most people chose sides because of personal gain or where they lived. I was shocked that more people wouldn't have stood up and said, "This is wrong." It is also reoccurring with WW2 and Civil Rights Movement. It makes me wonder how much pressure we can take as a whole if we are so easily divided.

    The second answer falls into my first answer a little. I am disappointed at how divided we are as a country. Religion, race, gender, social status, and ethnicity are just a few lines in our society. In the past, America has been able to doge the evidential question: How much pressure can America really take before we divide? When the Civil War began, the South was very quickly separated from the North, and frankly, it scares me to think it could happen again.

    In our nation's history, I admire the idea of freedom.The reason I admire the idea of freedom, is that it is exactly that, an idea. But America has set it as a goal. Having impossible goal makes us better as a country because we will never give up, until we have split at the seams striving for an idea and not a goal.
    Natalie Bell

  9. There are many things in history that can be surprising and disappointing. The one thing that surprises (confuses) me the most in is probably how whites treated blacks. If we really think about it what did blacks ever do to us except try to be our friends? Whites can be conceded, whites ruined blacks futures and their kids futures. It’s weird to think about one of my friends great maybe even great, great grandparents were being persecuted because of nothing. They went through so much for no reason. This is something in our history that caught me off guard because you really see how cruel people can be.

    A thing that disappoints me in our history is that Herbert Hoover our president during the Great Depression, is that he did nothing to get us out of it. It makes me angry to think that he became president to help America even through its hardships, but yet he did nothing to help us. I know that he must have felt guilty after his term ended because everyone must have hated him and thanked God for President Franklin D. Roosevelt. It disappoints me when people just sit around thinking, and never doing while others are suffering.

    I admire all those people both blacks and whites who stood up during Martin L King Jr. Era to end segregation. For Example the freedom rides, when they (both white and blacks) got on buses and road to the south. Many gave their lives to end this horrible era of segregation, for example Martin L. King risked his life to end all of blacks suffering.

    Mariah Cowan (for the last time):(

  10. The thing that suprises me the most is that no matter what America never gives up and we keep fighting. We see this through the whole timeline. In The American Revoultion, Britian was really beating us up and we didnt look like we could win the fight. Hearing this story I thought that we would give up and win another way. But somehow America had enough courage and hope to keep fighting. Even when we relized we couldnt win we kept figting and tried to think of new ways to fight and help win the war.
    A disappointing event in our history would be almost all of it to me. At first this makes me sound bad but when you think about it its not. We have really mistreated other races our whole lives and we had no reason too. They hadnt done one bad thing to us ever. In fact whenever they tried to get something they wanted they would do it politely and calmly. They wouldnt do anything to harm or even scare us and yet we used them as slaves. A main point in history that is really sad is the 3/5 compromise. It really makes me relize how bad it was. To just think that they were saying a human being was only worth 3/5's of a person is outragous. If that was me words could not even come close to describing what I would be thinking.
    The people I admire the most would be the brave US. soldiers that went to the D-Day invasion. This kind of goes back to my first point and how America never gives up. Thats because we have men fighting like the guys on Omaha beach. I could have never of had enough courage to run out there knowing that there was an even greater chance that i could die. This really shows how America can be great.

    Jonathan Wood

  11. What surprises me most about American history is the fight from each citizen to be the best country. Examples of this start with the Revolutionary War and how the Patriots fought so hard with the odds against them to form their own country. Another example is their fight against the USSR in the Arm's Race and the Space Race. At all times American citizens strove to be the best they could be. The examples of this go on and on.
    What disappoints me most about American history is how far we have come away from the principles this country was founded on. George Washington and the Founding Fathers established this nation on Christian ideas and principles. Look at us now. From times like the 1920's when social change was a theme to racial issues in the 1950's and 60's, and even more recent is people trying to prevent references to God such as in the Pledge of Allegiance, America is falling away from Biblical principles.
    I admire the D-day invasion the most in our country's history. The bravery and courage in which those soldiers fought with is something to be proud of. For me, it is impossible to put myself in one of those soldiers shoes. How they won the battle, I don't know, but I truly admire the valor with which they fought.
    Jimmy McCarthy

  12. What surprised me the most in U.S. History was the fact that we were willing to fight for what we believed in. I had thought of the U.S. as full of lazy people and as a lazy nation, but that wasn't always true. I was pleasantly surprised at the way the citizens of the U.S. joined together and fought with the same determination and drive. Also, although they were at fault and eventually lost, I admired that the confederate states stood up for what they believed in and fought for it.

    What disappoints me the most about the U.S. is how no one ever stood up to slavery sooner. Thomas Jefferson knew that slavery was completely wrong but he and many others just accepted it as a fact of life. They didn't want to admit that it was wrong because then they'd feel obliged to do something about it. Even after the Civil War was over, people still treated blacks as second-class because they didn't want to lose their pride in saying they were wrong. It really surprises me that slavery didn't end earlier.

    A person I really admire form U.S. History is MLK Jr. He had a very strategic mind in that he didn't use violence to get his point across. In fact, and he probably was fully aware of this, if they had used violence to protest, it would just better instill in whites' minds that they were second-class and don't deserve the same rights as whites. I also admire that he was willing to die for the equality of backs and whites.

    Anna Kate Peterson

  13. What surprises me most about our history was no matter how tough a time was the people still supported our country and fought for us. This started as early as the Revolutionary War. We were starting a new country and nobody knew how this was going to turn out. Also during wars no matter if we were loosing our soldiers kept fighting and the citizens kept supporting out soldiers. Going into WWII we had just come out of WWI and our country was in a depression, and for the brave young men to go fight in this war or any war is very courageous. No matter what the people in American stay loyal to their country which surprised me that so many people would not give up on our country.
    In the past our history has also been disappointing. One major thing was slavery. The fact that we treated blacks as property because of their skin color is awful. Even after slavery was outlawed blacks were still discriminated against. Everything was separate from blacks and they were looked down upon. Looking back at these parts of history just makes you appreciate even more what the people in the past had to live through so that our future would be better.
    Someone i admire would probably be any U.S soldier. They have so much courage to go out and fight for our country. I really admire
    the soldiers from WWII who went to D-day because they knew they were most likely going to die and they wouldn't survive this battle but they went out and fought anyway.

  14. What suprises me most about our history is the various amount of wars we have been in. Also the bravery of the soldiers and the men who actually wanted to particpate in war. Honestly i don't think i could ever bring my self to doing that, its hard to be away from your family not knowing if you are ever going to see them again or not.

    What has dissapointed me the most about American history is that we kind of judge by like first imperrison or are just being judemental. Obviously we judged a lot of diffrent countries and we stereotype groups of people a lot. We were and still are a judgemental nation and we can try to work on it but on the past we just judged by what we saw

    I admire George Washington becuase he fought at war and was are first president. He did a lot for our country while it was like us beginning to become a country. He was a very respectable person, and it seemed like a lot of people relly respected him and he was a very well liked man.

  15. What surprises me the most about American history is the people's willingness to perservere and serve their country. This is evident from the very start of the country when the colonists fought for their rights against the cruel British who were misusing them. This goes on to the Civil war, where people were devoted to their side or view. They were even willing to die for what they wished. Even though the reason for which they were fighting may not have been the best, there boldness is still admirable. This also continues onto the two world wars, but most specifically, the second world war. In the midst of the greatest economic depression in history, people were able to rise back up stronger than ever before because we were all united in the cause.
    What disappoints me the most about American history is how the people make such bad decisions. In the continental congress meetings back when there were still colonies, the founding fathers did not think about the growing issue of slavery, thinking that it would just die off on its own, but it rose to such an issue that it almost tore the country apart. It also led to immense racism and prejudice towards the African-American race and the Civil Rights Movements of the 50s and 60s.
    I admire Abraham Lincoln the most because he was one of our best presidents. He overcame adversaries and came out stronger than before. He was a war president, which is already a very stressful job, but he was also the president responsible for keeping the country together. If the Union had not succeeded, Abraham Lincoln would have had a very bad name, so he had immense courage. He knew that he would possibly die for his country, but he accepted death. He said that he would die for his country, and he ended up doing just that. His honesty, trustfulness, and boldness are what I admire him most for.

  16. What surprised me most about American History is how after disaster people in the United States rally around each other to try and do anything that would help the cause. Just how in 9/11, the U.S. rallied and would do anything to help the U.S. kill whoever caused the disaster to happen. Also it shocks me that people at the same time can say that 9/11 was fake. It's amazing what a country can do if they all are on the same page in what they want to do.

    I am disappointed that like I said before, people can say that such a disaster like 9/11 could be fake. It disgusts me when I hear people saying that it's fake because they are disrespecting the families that had their own family members killed in 9/11. It just shows how some people in America will do anything to get money. That is what America can't turn into.

    I admire the men and women who enroll in the Army. I admire and respect them for fighting and risking their lives to keep our freedom in the U.S. Army veterans from WW2 I respect the most because of the D-Day invasion. Kids that were from 18 to 22 years old were put in that position that they probably will die, we very courageous in knowing what will happen and not backing down from it. The U.S. Army veterans I respect for all that they do for us without asking for anything in return.
    Mitchell Ryan

  17. The most surprising event in my mind is racism. In the Declaration, it says “All men are created equal”, but we have never really followed that. Some people can make the excuse that slaves were never really people, but we as Christians know that that’s not true. The 3/5 Compromise, the Civil War, the Brown vs. Board of Education incident, and many others show that America has never really solved the issue of racism. As a country, we should have the ability to do almost everything, but we can’t get rid of racism.

    What has disappointed me most about America is how insulting our culture has become. Drug addictions, illegal alcohol consumption, tobacco, violent video games, r-rated movies, and inappropriate online content have left a bad scar on America. We have become a disgrace in the face of the world. We should be better than this. We should try to clean up our image. I think, if we work as a country, we can fix ourselves.

    The American military is the most impressive group of people in America. They fight for our freedom while expecting nothing in return. They humbly sacrifice their lives for their country. We should be the ones sacrificing our lives for our country, but the military takes our place as Jesus took our place on the cross. A soldier is a perfect example of what a person should be. Strength, bravery, diligence, honor, selflessness, and respect are traits everyone should have. The military is admirable and is a great feature of our country.

  18. Many events of America’s history have surprised me. The biggest thing that surprised me is the fact that America has gone through many trials in it’s past, but it’s one of the most successful countries in the world. When we came to America we didn’t want to have independence right then because nothing happened to us yet. After the king of England started taxing us we took action, made a difference, and gained are independence. I guess that means that the more trials you go through really does make you stronger.
    One of the most sad things about the our country is that we believe that all men were created equal, like in the declaration of independence, but we don’t treat blacks with respect like we should. Slavery was in the time period that was probably one of the darkest times in American history. Even though slavery was abolished, blacks were still treated without respect. Blacks were finally treated with respect after the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was passed, which ended segregation.
    The person I admire the most throughout history is probably Abraham Lincoln. He passed the emancipation proclamation and it made slavery forbidden. He had great character, ended the war by defeating the south, and he passed the law which ended slavery.

  19. - World War Two
    - The reason why it surprised me is because I never knew it was such an era that the U.S. was the dominant power at the time. I learned that there was an economic take off and that everyone was so innovative and influential. Throughout the studies America reached a high standard through trying hard and technology. This is one thing that surprised me the most.
    - Another thing from World War Two that surprised me was The Battle of Normandy. I never knew that there was a battle so gruesome and so bloody. When I learned about this I was surprised because I had never seen something in that category. Even though such a battle brought sadness and grief I was interested to learn more and hear more surprising things about this battle. The main reason why I was surprised because of the horror but the interesting topic it brought.
    - The one person who surprised me was Martin Luther King Jr. He surprised me through his ability to withstand things. I knew he was humble throughout his years and always tried to advocate for nonviolent protest and wanted others to follow in his footsteps. He was truly blessed with God’s gift of wisdom and humbleness.
    - One event that disappointed was the Civil Rights Movement. This disappointed me because blacks had to suffer during segregation. I feel that people were criticized because of their skin color. God made humans in his image. This also disappoints me that in the constitution that it says treat every man equally, but they did not fulfill that rule. Black hardship paved the way for other races such as Hispanics and Asians. Even though it did there is still discrimination in the world.

    Theodore Roosevelt is who I most admire. I admire him for his strength and diligence to get the job done. He made the Americans strong and was never afraid of a challenge. Roosevelt was a great thinker and made critical choices in strenuous times. He modeled what it means to be a leader to the Americans at that time. He knew exactly what the country…. at that time. He loved to help out and wanted to make America an amazing place and wanted to make everyone happy while having a strong, progressive government

  20. What surprises me most about U.S history is our willingness to stand up for what we believe in. We have had a tremendous amount of wars and we don't understand the amount of courage and bravery it takes to be a soldier. Soldiers don't have the privilege to see their families everyday or have a lot of fun like we normally do. So it takes a lot for them to just willingly go and fight, and risk their lives just for our freedom and country.

    There are many different events that come from history and our past that disappointed me. The one that disappointed me most was when whites treated blacks unfairly. During this time period, there was a lot of racism, and segregation going on. There were segregated schools, churches, restaurants, etc. It was very unfair for blacks because they basically had little to no rights. The Jim Crow laws prohibited them from holding office, owning guns and much more. This was very disappointing because God created each of us in His own image, and He created us to be equal.

    I admire Martin Luther King Jr the most because of his great leadership skills, and his bravery. During the Civil Rights Movement, he played a big role by basically trying to bring the people together as one. The role that he took on requires bravery, patience, and courage. Its not easy to just try and bring an entire nation together as one. I admire him today because without him we probably wouldn't be living the way we do, where schools aren't segregated or churches or restaurants. So Martin Luther King has helped us to treat each other equally and come together as one.

  21. What surprises me the most is how often History repeats itself. Humans tend to make the same pattern over generations. We seem to grow stronger and then fall back down in an endless cycle. Its also surprising how no one ever notices that they are making the same mistake someone else die 50 years ago.

    What disappoints me the most is America's superiority complex. We seem to always be looking down on others and being judgmental when we are really just calling the kettle black. We look down upon foreigners who enter our country and people who are different than the majority. We also seem to stereotype other countries. As a country we seem to be the ones who wish to go valiantly parading into a was to pay hero when it is foolish action.

    I admire the president the most because he has the most judgmental job in the country. If he makes one mistake, the whole world comes to jeer at him. He also has a highly stressful job that requires more than one person's opinion. But, when you re the leader of the country people seem to be too scared to share their opinion.

  22. What surprises me is that history often shows us standing to what we believe in. The wars that we have fought and won were for a good cause. We often forget what our ancestors have done for us.

    What did disapoint me was that slavery was not ended sooner and blacks did not get the respect they needed until the 1960s. Our founding fathers should have thought about slavery and what it may cause in the future. Instead, they just sat back and allowed us to deal with it which caused the Civil War.

    I admire the presidents the most. They have to make big decisions often that affect our lifestyle. The president should have the upmost respect even though he may make a bad decision every once in a while. Sometimes you got to think what would you do in that position and how much stress would you have that comes with the job.

  23. The thing that has suprised me the most is that Americans continue to mess up over the same kind of things. If people had gotten rid of slavery in the Declaration of Independance, then there would have never been so many mess ups. Other problems were that they continued to mess up by not ending slavery in the Articles of confederation or the Constitution. It shouldnt have tooken a war to end slavery.
    The thing that suprised me the most in American history was the terrible actions we took to the native americans. We came over here, but then we booted them out of their land and forced them to live in segregation areas. It was wrong and not nessesary. I wish that the leaders of America didn't do that.
    The person I like the most in american history is Abraham Lincon. During a time of trouble and hardship, he was staying strong and took control of the country. He made the hard but right decisions, and the country became a better place because of him.
    By: Emily Kendrick

  24. I'd prefer to be respected.Sometines if you respect someone , liking them can become easier than if you don't respect them at all. Usually if tyou don't respect someone , you won't have the desire to like them. I know that nothing can bother me unless I let it bother me. I'm the one who decides whose opinion matters to me at the end of the day. Then I can go on and attempt the Herculean task of trying to get everyone to like me.If you respect me, I'll respect you, regardless of how I really feel about you. If you treat me nicely, I'll treat you nicely. Being respected is worth more to me than being liked.

  25. America has many surprises, but the biggest one to me is how it changes. The United States has changed so much since it was created, for good and for bad. Its people can adapt to new situations very quickly, and our culture can change in the blink of an eye. Sometimes, change is good. When our country is on the brink of a war, we can shift gears to war. Yet change can be bad. Over the past century, we have become very lazy. We are not as great as we used to be. It is surprising how fast the U.S. can change and our how our country becomes different.

    The prejudice and racism is a terrible part of our history. It is disappointing that people took so long to change their attitude towards blacks, and when they did, they moved on to another people group to discriminate. Prejudice has existed since the beginning of time but it was extremely bad in America. Slavery, Racism, and Prejudice were terrible and disappointing parts of our history.

    The one person in American history that I admire most is Abraham Lincoln. His part in the Civil War was a huge burden but he bore it with a straight back. He was a man with good morals and great character. He was the one who finally stood up against slavery. If he hadn’t been assassinated, our country would have bonded more easily and Jim Crow laws might have been destroyed sooner. In my life, I wish I could be more like Abraham Lincoln. He is my favorite person in U.S. history.

    Daniel Justice
