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Tuesday, April 10, 2012

World Cultures Blog Question #11

"Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime." -Chinese Proverb
What does this quote mean and how does it apply to our lives?

How does this quote relate to the issue of poverty?

What is the best way to help those who are poor?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. FIRST!!!!!!!!
    That quote basically means that you can't be spoonfed every single day of your life. For example, if I tell my mom that I'm hungry, she won't always just get up from whatever she's doing and make something for me. She'll say, "You are 13 years old. You are old enough to make yourself something to eat."
    That quote relates to poverty in the sense that people constantly try to give the poor money and food. (not to be rude) If the less fortunate would try to attempt to make a better life for themselves and their families, they'll be better off. One person gives a poor single parent of 6 children $50 to spend on food. That would probably be spent in a matter of two days. If someone took the time to help that single parent to get a well paying job to support his or her family he or she won't be so dependent on other people.
    One way we can help the less fortunate is to gradually guide them step by step to a better life.
    Teach them to buy more things with less money. The things that they buy may not be name brand but they have to understand that they can't buy what they can't afford.
    The End

    GO HEAT!!!!!
    D WADE!!!
    and chris boshtritch..... hahaha
    Mario Chalmers is good too.
    and Norris Cole.

  3. The quote means that you can give someone money or food and they'll last for a day. So you would basically have to keep feeding them, but if you give a man the skills he needs to feed himself, he won't need your assistance anymore. This relate to our poverty in the U.S. The government had only read the first part of this proverb. Here they are dolling out cash to those on the streets when they could be doing more good by using the money in other ways. Our country is starting to drown in out debt and giving people and companies bailouts is only going to make it worse. Instead of giving people checks to sit on their butts and not work, send them to centers where they can learn skills that will help them get a job and get of the government. The government should stop giving out money to perfectly able people who are just to lazy to get a job. This would be a large incentive to "learn how to fish" and get a job. So the government should tkae this proverb and put it into action and stop wasting the people's hard earned money.

  4. The quote means that if you give someone money or food one time unless you give them the food or money the next day theyll still be hungry. This relates to poverty because a lot of times people will give the poor person money but what are they going to do the next day. Also in some situations the poor person will be doing drugs so when you give them the money you might be feeding the addiction because you dont know what they are going to do with the money. what would be good for the person is to first if there on drugs get them to a drug rehab and once their done with that try to get them an ducation or a job and make sure the person is staying off the streets.

  5. This quote means that instead of helping someone for a little while you can help him forever. Like if you see a poor person asking for food it is better to try and maybe help him find a job or something instead of giving him money or food. This can relate to poverty just like a poor person. Instead of people just giving them money they should try and help they find jobs. Then they can have something to do and get money instead of just standing on street corners asking for money. Some people don't want to work though. They would rather sit around and wait for a handout from people around town or the government. That is why giving out money to people isn't the right way to handle poverty. America as a whole would benefit way more if we could teach the homeless the skills they need to get a job.

  6. This is an outstanding quote and it means if you just give another person something first of all they will turn out to be a spoiled person but if you teach the person how to get for them selves then they will grow and prosper. It is not good for somebody to make others do the work and they get the reward then they will not learn. It is also a sign of weakness because they are to weak to do it themselves. But if you teach them to do it they don't have to trust somebody to do it for them they will be able to do it as much and whenever they want. This relates to poverty in the U.S. because we are just giving out money and if we where instead helping them get a job they would learn and be more successful. The best way to help the poor is to help them get a job so they can gain money and prosper.

  7. This quote may not literally apply to our life right now, but we can still learn from it and applly it to our lives in different ways. There are still people in our world who need help, and right now in the world there are probably more people who need help than ever before. We have probably all seen people on the streets asking for money. Most of us will not give them any money, including me. The typical excuse is that they will go blow the money on drugs or not put it to good use. Instead of just giving them money which they could waste we could lead them to a shelter where they can be helped forever. If you want to help the poor but don’t want to go out on the street and handout money you can go to a shelter and give them money or supplies, so they can help poor people.

  8. This quote means if you give somebody something that will satisfy them for that day, but if you teach the person how to obtain that thing, he can earn it himself and help others. You can apply this to our school work. If a teacher just gives a student the answer to the question, the kid will accomplish what he/she needed to accomplish that day, but in days to come, how will they get the correct answer if they do not even know how to work out the problem. When we see somebody asking for money on the side of the road, we just give them the money, rather than telling them how they could try to earn money themselves. The best way to help the poor is through coming up with some church outings and informing them about close homeless shelters or outreaches.

  9. The quote means that you can give someone something and they will have it once. They won't know how to do it again. If you teach them how to do it than they will be able to repeat it over and over again. It is sort of like a secret recipe. The person might not tell you but just give you what the recipe makes. But if you are taught the recipe you can make it multiple times to supply yourself forever. Our parents are not supposed to just keep giving us the thing over and over without telling us how. They tell us how so that we can be able to survive on our own when we get older. Instead of just giving a man on the streets money which they would probably just go blow on drugs and alcohol, we could teach them how to use the money correctly to be successful. Maybe we could have the poor that have trouble with spending their money on bad stuff take a class where they can learn when and where to spend their money so they can get out of poverty and become successful.

  10. The quote means that you’ll never learn anything if someone is holding your hand through life. It applies to our life because it’s understandable for someone to do things for when you’re young, but there comes a time when you have to learn to do things on your own or you’ll never become responsible for yourself and others. It relates to poverty because some people with money abused their money and when they lost they didn’t know how to produce for themselves because someone held their hand through life. In order to reduce poverty it must start from the beginning. From a child people should be given responsibilities and taught how to do different things on their own. If we can do that then we cut most of our poverty in half.

  11. This quote is very thoughtful because many of us aren’t willing to go that extra mile to help someone in need. It basically say that teaching a person how to support themselves rather than supporting them yourself will help them more in the end. This applies to our lives because many people believe that they will be spoon-fed rather than doing the work themselves. A way you could help a person who cannot support themselves is to teach them and help them get back on their feet. There are many organizations and shelters who emphasize such technique. Poverty is unfortunate but it can be solved by instructing rather than supplying. When the poor can help themselves and instruct others as they have been instructed. Then it will begin a cycle until poverty is reduced and people are filled with compassion and knowledge to give others.

  12. I think this quote means that you can feed someone everyday, but if you teach them something you can feed them for a lifetime because they have that knowledge which they can use. If you cootninue to feed that person day by day than they will always be expecting you to have food for them, but one day you could run out, and they would not be happy. I think we can teach people in poverty how to use thier money wisely, for instance the Kenyan man that won the marathon got money, and he had no idea what to do with so much money so he gave it all away and very soon he was pack to poverty.He didn't know what to do with all the money he had,and he didn't understand how to save and learn to say no!I think the best way to help people in poverty is to give them food and safe water, give them an education, and teach them about Christianity, so they know that when their life is over they have something good to look forward to.

  13. the quote means, you can someone what they want, but if you teach someone to get it for their selves, they will never ask you for it again. teaching is more valuable than giving. In the same way learning is more valuable than receiving. they best thing to receive or give is knowledge. material things such as money or clothes will all go away eventually, but knowledge can stay with you. This quote means to us is, it is better in the long run to work hard and learn something now than just have everything handed to you. you are supposed to work for what you get and if it is just given to you it will only help you that day, as were if you study it for awhile and learn it, it will help you the rest of your life. we are supposed earn what is given, not be given. A mans wages are not earned but by the sweat of his brow, meaning you have to earn it not be given it. This is similar to the issue of poverty. You can help people by giving them what they want, or help them by giving them what they need witch is a future. a future is a job, to have a job you need an education. the best way to help someone that is poor is to give them an future, which consists of a education and steady job.

  14. The quote means that if you just give money or food to someone, the are techniclly no better off then when they were before. They just have one more thing to eat. But if you teach the same person to work hard and not be lazy, then that same person will be able to feed themselves for a much longer time then if you had just given them stuff. This quote relates to poverty because even if poor people receive help, they still aren't able to sustain themselves. On the other hand, if you teach poor people a skill in which they can make money or food, then they won't be dirt poor anymore and will be able to feed themselves. The best way to help poor people is to help them to get going, by giving them money and then telling them how they can use that money to keep making more money. If they are able to utalize the knowledge that you gave them, then they will know how to get food and not be on the verge of starvation. All in all, this is more help than just giving donations.

  15. Say a person pays another mans taxes for one time and never pays them for that person again. That person will have never learned how to pay his own taxes, and wont be able to pay them the next time around. If the person told the man how to pay his taxes then the man would be able to pay them for the rest of his life. That is what the verse was saying. We must teach people how to do things for themselves, we should not be doing their jobs and priorities for them. This is how it applies to our lives. As a student I can help my piers understand a concept that they don't get instead of doing their homework for them. This quote relates to the issue of poverty for many reasons. One of them is that our government is letting many people stay at home and not go to work while taking money from the people that are hard workers and giving it to the poor people who have made the choice not to work. People in poverty have begun to believe that they do not have to lift another finger and that they will be taken care of. Of course this relates to the citizens who are fully capable of working and simply choose to be lazy. The best way to help those who are poor is to explain to them how to get a job in order to make a solid pay check, and if some of the people are not eligible for certain jobs we can help them to go to a community college or something of that nature. There are plenty ways to help the poor, but one of the very best ways is to teach them how to make their own living.
    Anna Reeves McCutcheon

  16. In my opinion this quote means that you can help people buy providing them things but you are only helping for a while. People don't like to work and earn things so you only add on to their laziness buy giving them what they want. When you teach people to earn their own stuff they won't have to keep begging for more. Also when they get in a habit of working for their belongings they won't need assistance. A great example is giving a homeless person money. When you are too lenient to a homeless person they will just want you to give them things instead of them trying to work for their money. You could guide them back out of poverty buy not letting in when they try to get something from you and just teach them how to work. The relationship between this topic and poverty is that the people that are in poverty just want from others and can't put in the input to work hard. The best way to help them is to just guide them and let them get into the habit of working hard.

    - Greatest man alive No Doubt -

  17. This qoute is a very important and true meaning to the world we all live in today. To my life it means if my parents give me what I want all the time, I will never learn to do anything for myself. If they teach me in the appropiate manner, I will learn how to make my own money and have my own money for a lifetime. This relates extremly well to poverty in Africa becuase it does not matter how much money we give them, if they can not do it by themselves, they will not be sucessful.By colonizing more of Africa we can teach them what to do and aid them to come out of their poverty. I think by sending other Americans and other people from other countries to colonize Africa and upgrade it to modern times.

  18. The quote means that if you give someone something once they will have it but not know how to get it again. If you teach them how to earn or obtain what they need, they will use what they have learned. The quote relates to poverty because most people will just give the poor money. It would be more beneficial for them, if people taught them or assisted them in making money for themselves. They would be able to support themselves without accepting daily handouts. The best way to help the poor is not to just handout money; the best way to help the poor is to help get them started with a new life and help them earn money. If they are able to properly use the knowledge you gave them, then they will know how to make a better life for themselves.

  19. This quote means that if you give food to someone it will only sustain them for single day. On the other hand, if you teach someone how to provide for themselves, they will become self-sufficient and will no longer need your assistance ever again. It basically means that instruction helps more in the long run than a hand-out does. This quote applies to our lives in several different ways. For example, our parents teach us how to take care of ourselves. Instead of them making us breakfast every day, they teach us how to make pancakes or cereal, and we no longer depend on our parents to feed us in the mornings. Another way this applies to our lives is learning how to ride a bike. At first, our mom/dad holds the end of the bike and pushes us along. But our parents can’t be there every day, so they let go of the bike. Even though we may fall as we learn, their instruction helps in the long run because in the future we won’t need our parents to help us ride a bike.

    This quote relates to the issue of poverty because many charities give money to poor people. Even though it’s great that these organizations are trying to help the poor, in actuality, this money only helps those who are in poverty for a little while. Other methods can be used to help the poor for a longer period of time.

    Many poor people work hard and aren’t lazy, but because they have a minimum-wage paying jobs, they are still in poverty. One of the best ways to help these poor people is to give them a good education and/or teach them vocational skills. This will allow them to get a better job, which will enable them to make more money, and as a result they will no longer be in poverty. The other way to help these people is to provide better job opportunities for them. Although the efforts of charities are commendable, their resources and money would be better spent on giving the poor a good education and providing them with jobs.

  20. John Brody CantrellApril 19, 2012 at 8:34 PM

    This quote could mean lots of things. But more than anything, I think it's what God calls us to do as Christians. We are to lead by example in all that we do. If we just give someone something without showing or taking time to teach, we're not doing God's will in our lives. It's sometimes easier and faster just to take care of someone's need rather than taking extra time to teach or direct. Our lives are better because of people that teach us, not just give us what we say or think we need. The quote relates to the issue of poverty because it can be connected to jobs and welfare of places people live. If we just give countries money and not teach or expect them to work and earn more, we're not satisfying the need for very long. They will always be in a state of poverty because they won't learn how to overcome it. We can relate this quote to helping those who are poor by simply doing both. Giving of our time and resources is part of what God commands us to do. Giving a poor person a chance to prove they truly want to earn their way by working, learning, etc. makes us more comfortable when giving our own hard earned money. Be an example in all we do and say, that's what God wants most for us.

  21. Responsibility isn’t just a one-time sort of thing. Responsibility is a lifestyle. Anyone can easily go through life being handfed resources and money. Some people try to take the easy way out on things, and when they have to be responsible with what they have, they don’t know how and blow their money away. This is the kind of person who was simply given a fish. But if a man is taught how to fish, they can continuously be successful. A man who is taught to fish is one who chooses a lifestyle of accountability, and commits himself to using resources efficiently and responsibly. A person who is faithful with little is also faithful with a lot. A person in poverty usually has not used money wisely. Most have not been responsible and spent it on non-lasting things. Even though they might have little, a poor yet responsible man will have a much greater chance at success if they set themselves to it. The best way to help poor people is by giving them resources, but at the same time explaining/ensuring that they know how to use it wisely. Donations are great, but are often utilized poorly and not used in the way the donator intended.

  22. What the quote is saying is that we instead of just giving away our material possessions we should share our wisdom and skills with each other because they are far more valuable than something that will last only a short time. It applies to us because we should not just give poor people free stuff we should teach them how to earn a living, support themselves and be able to sustain their life. This quote relates to poverty because poor people don’t need a bunch of things they need the skills to survive in this world and make a life for themselves. Although giving to poor people is not bad and can help them to get a foundation for life before they start trying to work it would help more to train them on how to get to a better standard of living. The best way to help poor people would be similar to MUST ministry. They do a mix of giving to people in poverty and they have training courses to help people to get jobs. If we set up a large scale operation like this for Africa it could help many of their countries rise out of poverty and stay out.

  23. I think that even as teenagers we can apply this lesson to our lives. We can’t be given everything every day in our lives. We can get what we strive for but only if we work hard, stay strong and stay focused. What this quote is saying in my opinion is that keeping the man full is the goal and we can just give him the fish but hell just be hungry the next day so ultimately we have failed or we can work hard and commit to teaching this man to fish which will keep him fed for a long time so our goal is achieved and success is earned.
    This relates to poverty because we can go and give a guy 10 bucks or we can give him a ride to the job opportunity center. I’m not saying that we should do this to every poor person we see, and im not saying that every person is gonna fly over the rainbow to the job center walk right in and get a six-figure job, but we should make an effort to help out.
    At the bottom of Yahoo© there’s a poll that changes a couple times and today one of the questions was should the government continue to financially support poor people with food stamps and it was:
    a.) Yes that’s the right thing to do as an American
    b.) No the government needs to cut back
    And the funny thing was is that when I voted it was about 50/50 which surprised me because I thought it would drastically be b because it would mean fewer taxes, but I’m just a teenager and I only pay taxes on the food I buy so I don’t really get it yet.
    But yes I think that those less fortunate than us should receive some financial support from the people whether it be us American citizens or Uncle Sam and the rest of the government.

    In the words of Forrest Gump: that’s all I have to say about that.

  24. The quote means that you can’t survive by being serviced throughout life. If you want something, you have to go get it instead of expecting it to come to you. You can’t have things handed to you because you can do more in the long run by learning a new skill instead assuming someone else to do it for you. If you expect people to give you everything, you won’t be successful in life. You benefit more from knowing how to do something oppose to receiving it. The receiver can’t have whatever they obtained after obtaining it, but if they were taught how to obtain it, they could have it as many times as they wanted. We can apply this to our lives by teaching people how to do things, not giving it to them. Most likely, people in poverty have been spoon fed their whole lives. Instead of giving the poor what they want, we need to teach them how to be successful.

    ~evan johnson~

  25. I believe this quote is saying instead of just giving people what they want we should help them learn how to get what they want so that they dont have to rely on others. In our daily lives if people just gave us everything we asked for than we would not be successful cause one day when we have to be independant we wont know how to. It also relates to those in need if we just give them what they need for one day or a week once what we give them is gone they will be back in the same place as before. But if we help them learn how to survive and succeed on their own than they will be able to be indepandant on their own. Like the quote says if you give a fish for a day it only will last a day and that really isnt helping someone but if you help them survive on their own that is truly helping those in need and giving them something to live for. Also just showing them that someone out there cares about them by going on mission trips, and tell them that Gods love is really the only love you need and that he loves each and every one of them.

  26. This is a very important lesson that I have heard of many times. I have used it in many of my essays that we write. I believe this can be applied to our lives in several different ways, but I translate the quote as if you see a man in need that is asking for money. Instead of just giving him money that he may waste, we should buy him some food and help him find a job to earn his own money. We could help him organize his money, so he won't make bad choices. This relates to poverty by showing a way to end generational poverty. The cycle of poverty won't repeat itself. For instance, if we give men in Africa nets to fish, they wouldn't be starving, and the cycle of poverty will end. Instead of giving away food, we should help impoverished areas learn to farm and fish. This investment could potentially solve the problem of poverty in areas like Africa and South America.

  27. It is very easy to give someone a fish for only one day. In that case one could convince themselves that they are a great person while in reality they didnt do much. This quote is saying that to truly feed someone you must take time to teach them how to fish instead of randomly donating a couple of dollars to some charity. If instead of making yourself feel like your doing the right thing and you actualy give people who are in poverty your time not only would they be able to survive but they would be able to help out others with their knowledge. It is better ro help those who are poor by giving them your time instead of just throwing money at them.

    Charlie Money

    This quote explains that people should earn what they make. For example if we just got everything given to us we wouldn't work as hard and we wouldn't appreciate it as much. When people donate they believe they are hoping the people out tremendously but in reality we should teach them how to earn money. The problem with giving people money or things is that it will only last them a little while. Christians should teach the people in poverty to earn money and live through Christ because God always opens a door of opportunity to those in need.

  29. The quote relates to charity and giving. If you simply give someone a small amount of money, that will only allow them to get by for a day or so. However when you give your time to teach someone how to do something of value, they are able to provide for themselves. This applies to our lives by encouraging us to give our time and knowledge to others instead of only giving material items that lose value. People in poverty will remain in poverty if they are simply given money and not taught to earn their money so they can keep providing for their family. Volunteer to teach others and help show them meaningful ways to earn money and improve their lives.

  30. Bethany Van Rensburg :)April 19, 2012 at 9:38 PM

    This statement means if you teach a man a skill like fishing, you can feed him for a lifetime. However if you feed a man a fish, you can only feed him for one day. It is still a nice thought to give a man a fish, your giving someone a gift, but it will only satisfy for a short while. But when you teach someone to do something, you have given them the ability to now use that something forever. This quote relates to poverty, because it states that you cant just give a poor person some money, it will sustain their needs in that moment, but not for long. It means you have to teach that person how to get an income, and become successful. I feel like this is the reason why poverty is increasing in certain areas. Poverty will end when you decide to make an impact, and actually go and teach the people how to work, and provide them with an educational experience, so they learn how to provide for themselves. Most people in poverty work hard, but they don't have the education or tools they need to succeed, if you provide them with these things, they will most likely learn how to provide for themselves and family.

  31. This quote means that wisdom and knowledge is of a greater worth than possessions. It is saying that teaching someone to provide for themselves is more important than giving everything to them. If someone is self-sustaining, then they can go and get everything that they need. If someone gives them something they can use up, then they will not learn to provide for themselves. Eventually they will use it all up and hope that someone else will give them something. This applies because we need to learn to earn our own things. We cannot expect everything to be given to us for free. Also, instead of just handing over money to the poor, we can teach them to work and get them a job. It is more difficult and time consuming, but the products will be much greater in the end. It is like a fruit. You can give someone a fruit and they will eat it and it will be gone. Or you could give them a fruit tree to keep producing more and more fruits. This relates to the issue of poverty because most people are the first person. All we do is give them some money and let them go off, spend it, and end up right back where they were before. That does not help them in the long run. The way we should help the poor is by getting them a job. That way they can start to provide for themselves. It would take longer, but your efforts would multiply. By giving them a job, then they can stop being poor and become an average self-sustaining American.

  32. This quote means that you can give someone something and they will have it until they use it all up. But if you teach them how to get that resource then they can get that resource for theirselves whenever they need it. So if you gave someone who was poor some money they would spend it and then they wouldn't have it anymore. But if you taught them how to get money and keep it they can get and have it not run out. There are plenty of people who give money to people in need which is a good thing but that person might either spend it for the wrong thing or lose it all. The best way to help people living in poverty is by doing as the Bible verse at the top says and teach people how to handle money and get jobs. People could build shelters for people to live in while they get back on their feet. We could teach the poor how to be successful and stay successful.

  33. I think this quote means it is better to teach someone to do something rather than to do something for him. It will benefit him more if they learn and create knowledge from themselves. It will teach him to take care of himself and he will learn instead of just giving him things. Many people today want to be handed things instead of working, but they need to learn that working will help them in life. We can help the poor by getting them into a shelter and getting them involved in ways to help their life and make them get out of poverty.
    -mallory fields

  34. That quote means that you can give someone something that can parish, but if you teach someone a lesson and teach them how to do well with what they have, it can take them much further. This quote applies to our lives by saying that instead of doing something once just to get it done is not as good as doing it to the fullest for a long time. this quote relates to poverty by showing how the poorer people should learn something that will be productive through their whole life and not just for the moment. the best way to help the poor is to first of all, do your part for the country and donate to trusted poverty care companies. another way is to pray for the less fortunate. this quote is an example for the poor by saying that instead of sitting on the streets and not caring they should work for their life and do something, even if it is just a minimum wage job, it will be better than just sitting on the streets. however, not all poor people are poor because of themselves, a lot of times they are born into poverty and/or have disabilities. god calls us to work for him and do good deeds in life with the power of christ, and god has a play with everyone, poor or rich.

  35. This quote means that if you give food to someone it will only help them for a day. If you teach someone how to provide for themselves, they will be able takes care of themselves and they will no longer need you to help them. It means that teaching helps more than just giving them what they need. This quote is represented in many things in our lives. For Example, our parents teach us at a young age to take care of ourselves. Instead of cooking for us whenever we are hungry, they teach how to make food for ourselves. Their instruction on how to take care of ourselves stays with us for years, but if they would just take care of us we would of never learn how to do it. This quote relates to the issues of poverty because many charities give money to poor people. However this method only helps for a little time and the person doesn’t learn how to get money on their own. One of the best ways to help poor people is to teach them how to do jobs or give a good education. Another way to help them is to give them more job opportunities for them. Charities are helpful, but they don’t help the people learn how to make money but they just give it to them. The money should be used to make more opportunities for them to get more jobs and a better education.

  36. The Chinese proverb "Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime" means that helping a man with one necessity is good temporarily , but enforcing change helps a man permanently. Caring for the poor is a very noble. Dependency is not the best trait to have , which many poor people have due to negative outcomes. No matter how well intentioned you are, however, your ministry won’t be effective if you simply provide services for them. The more you give poor people what they can learn to do for themselves, the more you strengthen their dependency. But if you give them what they need most – opportunities – you’ll see real and lasting improvements in their lives. The best thing we can do for poor people , is minister to them and give it to the hands of the Lord.

  37. The quote means giving someone food will only help the for a day, but if you teach them how to get food they will eat for a lifetime. This is like if a teacher gave you an "A" for doing nothing,you will only pass that one thing. If they teach how to earn an "A" and you go by what they say you will have good grades for a lifetime. I think volunteering to the poor is the best way to hep, because when giving them money we dont know what they are going to do with it, not saying all poor people are like that. If you volunteer your time, its more special because you know what your doing for them and its helping, and it probably even makes them feel good that people like us are even caring enough about them to volunteer time to feed them, when Thats a choice we make. I also think praying for them would also help because god does miracles. If they don't know god explain to them your faith.Giving them the basic things people need to survive like blankets water and food would really help them. Some people are afraid or nervous of homeless people, but we shouldnt be afraid because they are human beings just like us. they deserve to get treated as we want to get treated

  38. SyDNey WInGatE ; -)April 20, 2012 at 6:58 AM

    Through this quote I can see how this relates to the issue of poverty. Many people who are in poverty don’t have jobs, never had the energy to get a job, or have been fired or laid-off from their job. All of these issues are really sad and depressing when you think about it. If you see people who need help, then you shouldn’t just simply give them money. That would be the easier way to go: it would be easy for you and them too, and most of the time, the easy way isn’t always the right way to go. If you give a poor person a certain amount of money, that money will not last forever. In fact, it will only last them for a short period of time. The verse says that if you give a man a fish, then you will only feed for one day, but if you teach the man to fish then he will be fed forever. People can’t just give unfortunate people money to support them. We have to teach them and give them an education, so they can get a job. They may not like that idea because they are lazy and aren’t use to working. I’m not saying that all of them are lazy because some of them will take the job and education with gratitude. The best way to help the poor is to give them a job and education. By giving them a job, we can help them learn many new things that they didn’t know about. And since they have the education, it will be easier for them to get a job, so they earn money. They might not like the idea of getting up to work, but in the end they will like the results that they get from working hard.

  39. People in the poverty don’t have jobs, and can’t afford to get a job. This issue has been happening very often and it is very depressing. If people start to help people who are poor by just giving them certain amount of money is not going to help the world to process to a better world. We should educate them so that the world will be full of people of educated people. For example, a person will take an action because they don’t know. It is not that they know what they are about to do, it happens because of the lack of education.

  40. The issue of poverty has been known all throughout history in all parts of the world. The quote has a great significant on the issue of poverty. Today we should not just worry about things that are necessarily in the moment, but for us to think in the future. Something that is going to last longer is much more valuable than a quick pleasure. Having a fish once is only going to help a poor man only temporarily, but have no future effect. Teaching a man how to fish is going to give him a greater purpose. He would be able to provide for himself, and he would be able to have food for himself in the future. The best way to help those whom are poor is to help them to help themselves. Handing them something is never going to get them anywhere, but teaching them how to help themselves is a greater value.

  41. The quote means that if you don't teach a man how to fish then he will starve and die. If you do teach a mean to fish he can feed himself for a lifetime. We can apply this quote to our lives by making our own meals and stop asking our mothers to make food for us. We could help people in need by teaching them life skills and instead of giving them money because that will only satisfy their need for a moment.

    This is Mikaela's blog post. :)

  42. Instead of just helping someone, we should go further and teach them. Life is long and sometimes we need to rely on what we know. If you teach somebody to fend for themselves, you can move on and teach others, and they can help others. It's like when the kid gave Jesus a little fish and bread to feed thousands of people. The kid provided the food and Jesus distributed it more than thought of. That's what you do when you teach. You make people more dependent and smarter and, that is more valuable than one could ever know. This is why poverty in the world is so big because people don't know enough. If poor people were to receive help and learn how to help themselve, the world could move on because the boys have grown into men. And turning a boy into a man is the greatest way you cand help the poor.
