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Thursday, March 22, 2012

World Cultures Question #10

In Lee Harris' book The Suicide of Reason the writer says the following:

The West (Western Europe, America, etc.) is eliminating the alpha males from our midst, and at a dizzyingly accelerating rate. But in Muslim societies, the alpha male is still alive and well. While we in America are drugging our alpha boys with Ritalin, the Muslims are doing everything in their power to encourage their alpha boys to be tough, aggressive, and ruthless. We are proud if our sons get into a good college; they are proud if their sons die as martyrs. To rid your society of high-testosterone alpha males may bring peace and quiet; but if you have an enemy that is building up an army of alpha boys to hate you fanatically and who have vowed to destroy you, you will be committing suicide.

Discuss the quote with a parent and then answer the following questions...

In what ways is this quote true about males in America? In what ways is the quote false about males in America? Is aggressiveness and toughness not being taught to boys in America?

Do you and your parent agree? Why or why not?


  1. I believe there is truth and false within this quote. Some American kids that grow up with lots of money can become a soft kid who expects everything to be handed to them. There are kids like this in America, but this doesn't make America a weak country. There is also the opposite of these kids in America. There are plenty of kids who grow up underprivileged and have to fight for basic needs which makes them aggressive and have alpha male qualities. If your parents are addicted or abusive you wil probably grow up togh as well. There are people who join the army who may not be alpha males but the job of the military is to turn them into elite soldiers and that is something our military has mastered, and is probably why we have the best military in the world. Coach Fields always says "talent and two dollars only gets you a Gatorade." This can apply to the alpha males. If they are born and raised alpha males, but have no technique or discipline they will stand no chance against our army. The American military is also well funded. If the other army is trying to shoot us from 100 meters with pistols and we have rifles they will not be able to stand a chance against us. America may not be producing as many alpha males as Muslim countries, but in a war that is not all that matters.

  2. This quote does have some truths. There are plenty of kids out there that are rich and soft. They go to private schools and get whatever they want for Christmas and Birthdays. These kids never face trials or tough challenges. This makes them soft and unused to being aggresive. That is why here at Whitefield we sometimes have to create tough situations because it isn't that hard to live the way we do. That doesn't mean there are faults to this quote. There are still plenty of kids that are tough. Kids that are underpriviledged and have to fight for everything. Just look at all the gangs in the US. All of the members of those gangs have learned to be tough and ruthless just to get by. I am not saying it is good we have those gangs, but that just shows that the US does posess aggressive men that aren't afraid of anything. Including muslims. Also, men in our army are trained to be tough and aggressive. They can survive almost anything and will fight till the end. I wouldn't say this aggressiveness is being taught by parents. It is being taught by the circumstances around people. If you living at a high standard then you are less prone to become tough and aggressive because you won't need to. Also, even though muslim societies are creating many alpha males, a bunch of alpha males won't coexist well. That might just create more conflict and hurt them.

  3. This statement is very controversial for there is both truth and lies within it. The information revolution and advanced technology has led to many kids thinking that life will be offered to them on a silver platter. Yet there are many underprivileged kids who have to fight for what they want and their aggressiveness equals results. In America, aggressiveness is punished, such as rough conduct in sports, while in other countries it is encouraged. Males in America are being taught to be tough but aggressive is not looked upon as a positive trait. There are military schools were competitiveness and strong values are encouraged but not plain out ruthlessness. Alpha males are born leaders, but if there are too many a strong foundation will never be established. The Muslims may not have a very strong leadership if there are millions of alpha males who will use ruthlessness as a weapon to gain power. While in the U.S. the few powerful, strong leaders can step up unopposed to take control of the masses and lead them to victory. My dad says that the U.S. has evolved past the strategy of brute force and brutality. Americans have come to value resourcefulness and skill with technology, for brute strength has to eventually bow to wisdom and intelligence.

  4. This quote is very powerful. I agree that in modern day societies we are depriving our alpha boys of aggressiveness and toughness to create peace. This is a great idea, however taking this away from the alpha boys can cause other things that are not good. The Muslim societies rise their alpha boys to be strong, and powerful, and to not give up on anything. In Muslim societies the alpha male is the top dog in the family, usually the father, and the son is raised to be the alpha male. However in societies in the u.s.a. Are not holding the traditions of the alpha male in the family, the mother of the family is now looked at as the leader and top of the family, and the Muslim societies highly highly disagree with those views. Modern day places in the u.s.a are not raising their sons to be the alpha male because the u.s.a is losing its traditions. Males in the u.s.a are not what they use to be, because of cultural diffusion the males of the U.S are not all ways the strong, top dog of the family (usually the family) like they use to be. Those are the points of that statement my father and I believe are true.

  5. This quote makes me really dig in and think about boys in America. Well first of, in some ways, this is very true about boys in America. We are taught to love others and get to godd colleges in some ways. We are taught to do the Christian way and love our eneimeies instead of striking them and ending their reign. That part of the qoute is very true about American boys and my parents agree as well.At the same time though, some coaches and teachers are making us frow out of that and telll us to play agreesive an dwith passion. My dad believes that this is akso the case and most coaches are making tyou ready for the tough life ahead. I think overall though that as Americans, our intelligence will help us make more advanced weapons for our soldiers to use. The point is the qoute is true because in most American boys agressiveness is not being taught. This is because America is mostly Christian. At the same time, some coaches, teaches, and parents belive children need to still be very tough and very agressive.

  6. Although there is some small truth to this quote, most of it is false. It is true because many children in America are very privileged and they have lots of material blessings. Their wealth makes them unaccustomed to fighting for things and being aggressive. However, this is also false because other kids in the U.S. are very underprivileged and they have to fight to get what they want/need.
    This quote is also false about males in America because it implies that being proud of males for getting into a good college is making them weak. Just because boys in America are encouraged for things besides violence, cruelty, and hatred doesn’t necessarily mean that they are becoming less tough.
    Also in the last sentence it says that if America rids its society of alpha males, it will be committing suicide, but this is not true. If anything, having less alpha males can actually help in war. For instance, if there are too many alpha males who are constantly fighting each other to prove their strength, it causes big problems. This internal fighting among the soldiers can severely weaken an army. Also, if the commanders have alpha male qualities, then they may attack when they shouldn’t just to prove that they are stronger than their opponents. The decreasing number of alpha males in the U.S. is actually a good thing in terms of war since they won’t have a narrow-sighted, animalistic point of view, and they can be aggressive while still maintaining control and a clear head.
    Aggressiveness and toughness are being taught to boys in America through controlled, yet competitive and intense, environments, such as athletics. Boys in the U.S. become more aggressive and strong and get rid of too-high testosterone levels through contact sports like football, basketball, and wrestling.
    I discussed this with my parents, and we all agree because we have the same point of view. America produces a variety of gender and personality types capable of winning the strategic war.
    -Logan Pearce

  7. This quote is both true and false. Some American boys grow up in rich families that have everything that they could ever want. In that case, they never have to fight for what they want. They always had everything at their fingertips. When they do not fight for anything, sometimes they can be soft. When they face a real challenge they will not know what to do. But on the other hand, there are some boys who grow up in a poor family. They have to fight for every inch of what they get. That creates alpha males that are tough and aggressive. They grow up in similar atmospheres as the Muslims. Both of them have to fight tooth and nail to get anything valuable. But it is good that everyone is not an alpha male. If everyone was an alpha male, then there could be some serious problems. Not everyone can be number one. If everyone thought they were number one, then there would be fights between them. But it is still good to have some alpha males that can lead everyone else and push them until they become tough and aggressive. I think that aggressiveness and toughness is still being taught to boys in America. Most sports teach those traits to boys. Also, when you make it to the army, they teach you these through intense training. The difference from the Muslims is that the Americans also teach discipline. Toughness and aggressiveness are useless without order. It is like an untrained horse. You have to break it in first before you ride it. A large group of alpha males could be bad because they do not have any discipline, like an untrained horse. That would allow for everyone to do their own thing. When everyone does their own thing, commotion breaks out and causes more problems than the aggressiveness and toughness can overcome.

  8. I would say that this quote is generally true. Muslim kids are brainwashed from a very early age to believe that anything west is their enemies. They are trained to be hard-core, fierce, and aggressive fighters for their beliefs. It is an honor for them to commit genocide. They are becoming alpha-males in the sense that they have faced trials and difficulties. The pressure and expectations for Muslim kids are much higher than that of an American teenager. There are most certainly a large number of tough kids in America, but society is not slanting that way. It is not part of culture to be an alpha-male, and it is especially absent in the life of wealthier kids. In general, families that are financially comfortable will place less responsibility on their sons and the kids will have a less pressured life. I do think that the quote is somewhat false about all American kids being weak. Aggressiveness and toughness is largely taught through sports in America. Outdoor jobs and chores are other contributions as well. But I don’t think that only being an alpha-male is something to strive for. There is more to being a man than just toughness and strength. One must also consider wisdom and their character along with toughness to be a man. God has called Christians to a higher standard than just being an alpha-male. *These are the conjoined opinions after talking about it with both my parents

  9. I think the statement is true because in America there is little no hardship, but in Arab culture they experience hardship almost every day. Because of this, the two cultures are being taught different values. Most kids in America are dropping out of school and getting dead end jobs, so all we worry about is getting in a good school and having a good job. While in Arab culture, they are experiencing hardship so they have to be tough. Take the Palestinians for example; they live in poor Ghettos with harsh living conditions and no positive future. They believe that they have to be tough and ruthless in order to help themselves and above all their families. But in America men aren't acting like men. They leave their sons with their mothers and they never know what a real man looks like. While in Arab culture leaving your family is disgraceful and your family might disown or even kill you. In a way, it's almost encouraged to not act like a man in American Culture.

  10. I think this quote is true and false. There are kids in America who live in a family with alot of money and some kids live poorly. it is true that having alot of money makes you soft ,but money is not everything that makes you soft. the small amount of pressures that kids get are making kids soft. if you are in a situation of genoicing you will have to be tough and be focus on everyhting you do. kids in US dont get the pressures of kids in palestine. however, being poor dosent make you tough. being in the gangs dont make you tough becasue being in the gangs is sign of cowardy. kids go in the gangs to be cool and tries to get ou of the reality. however, kids in palestine do it for their family and country.i dont believe that the environment makes kids tough or not, it is the pressures that kids get and avoiding that pressures like some kids do is the sign of cowardy.

  11. I think that this is partly true and partly false. It's true that kids can't fight in school or they get kicked out. Parents are very over protective. Kids aren't taught to be tough. They are told to be respectful. It is also false because we have advanced as a society and so thing's like violence should be unimportant. In America you are not taught to be aggressive or tough except in your sport that you play. Like in football they teach you to take a hit and not start crying about it. But parents and teachers as a whole don't teach boy's to be tough. In the middle east the toughest male win's and goes on to do something great in their eyes like blow up a building or suicide attacks. My dad and I agree and disagree with this statement. Now wars are not fought hand to hand anymore they are mainly fought with missiles and mines and car bombs and one of the most recent is drones. It doesn't take aggression to hit the button that drops a bomb. That is why America is so powerful because we have figured out the technology to beat the enemy and still be safe.

  12. Males in America have access to any sort of activity and they are not forced to be as tough as they use to be. Our society does not enforce toughness or ruthlessness as the Muslim’s society does. They are pressured to be aggressive and taught that if they do not stand up for their religion or people, the will not make it to “Paradise.” Also, we do not have the struggles they have. We are extremely blessed in every way. Their life revolves around their country and standing up for what they believe, whereas we don’t have to believe in a religion or stand up for anything. We can make it into a college and make our future there. Also, as children, they are brain washed of what they are supposed to do in life, therefor their time is consumed with what people are doing and enforcing their aggressiveness. Where, in America, each family is different and the kids are raised differently. Aggressiveness being taught in America depends on what kind of family you are being raised in and how your childhood unfolded. It is like a pit-bull, if it is raised in a bad home or raised to fight, it will be aggressive and protective, whereas if the dog is raised in a good home, it will be kind and gentle. We think the statement is true, because all parents want their child to grow up and be successful and graduate college, but the Muslims push their children to be martyrs and die for their religion or family.

  13. Bethany Van Rensburg (:March 29, 2012 at 6:53 PM

    I partly believe in this statement, and yet there are some aspects I disagree with. Yes, it is true that violence is not taught to an extreme, but I must object when the statement claims that you are committing suicide by keeping american boys peaceful. I feel that in Muslim countries you almost have to be aggressive in order to fit into their conservative society. In America you have a choice, if you want to be peaceful, you can and if you want to fight against the enemy, you can join the army. There are rules to war, and frankly most of the muslim countries, don't play by rules, because their boys are being brainwashed and told that violence is the only way they will get into paradise. Boys in America are being taught respect, which often leads to a peaceful nature. Boys in Muslim countries don't get taught how to be respectful, that is why you see the abuse of women in most muslim countries. And without having respect for the people around you; you act in violence and have an aggressive attitude especially towards the enemy.

  14. Cameron Jenkins # 1March 29, 2012 at 8:03 PM

    The statement in my opinion both is true and false. I agree we have a problem with giving our young males drugs to help them with their problems that they face daily but we still have a strong set of alpha males in America. We have different perspectives of our alpha males than Muslims. We don't only want our males to be strong, but we also want them to be successful in life. We teach our young boys that education, wealth and power are successful traits of the alpha males in America, while Muslims want their boys to die for their country and become martyrs. Just because our alpha males aren't going to be looked up as killers, doesn't mean they aren't considered to be alpha males by our definition. We still have males that are willing to go and defend our country at any time they are called. My father agrees with my opinion and believes, plenty of young american boys grow up defending our country against people who are taught destroying our country is the only way. He also thinks defending our country against martyrs is the ultimate definition of an alpha male

  15. I have never read history that describes American family’s as raising boy to be aggressive fighters. Americans have encouraged their sons to appreciate freedom and be grateful for their God given rights. In fact, during World War I’s recruitment, Army officers complained that many of those drafted from northeastern states had never fired a weapon. However, with training, they soon proved to have the grit needed to aid France and England to a victory. After World War I, American remained idle and maintained an isolationist attitude, Although once Pearl Harbor was attached, the nation awoke and within a few years built the most powerful military in history. Once again, men with little to no experience in warfare were swiftly trained and were soon battle ready. Within free men sleeps a desire to defend their way of life, and this willingness come from the heart. Muslims are suppressed by their false religion and live under the rule of tyrants. If these men were truly tough, ruthless and aggressive, they would rid themselves of their oppressive rulers as our forefathers did in the late 1700s.

  16. I think its both true and false because now a days boys are soft because they are inside a bubble that protects them and all the kids outside of that bubble arent protected those kids are the ones that arent afraid to fight or get beat, because they dont want to be seen as soft. Now when kids are bullied they go and kill themselves instead of dealing with it. that is probably more "cowardly" than what the martyrs die for. i think the qoute does some justice to the reality in america but its not the whole story. i think aggresiveness and toughness is being tought but it isnt allowed in todays society. for example at school you can get expelled for fighting no matter what. I think that america today just doesnt have the tough edge it used to have. My mom agrees and says that when she was a girl she had to stand up for herself and her brothers and said that if her brothers got beat up in a fight her parents would be mad at her since she was bigger.

  17. This topic is true to some boys in America. They aren't taught by their fathers to be tough. They are influenced by their peers and the media. For some odd reason, many boys think that girls like tough guys that don't take no for an answer and are self centered. That is NOT true for most American girls/women. The media portrays a "real man" to be someone with unnecessarily large muscles, who is rich, and has a woman made out of plastic (Botox) hanging on to their arm all hours of the day.
    Many boys are coming to their senses. Boys these days often times don’t find the need for violence. They know that life isn't all about money, muscles, money, women, money and women. They accept the fact that their talent may be academics and not sports. The amount of "alpha males" may be dropping, but not enough for people to commit suicide out of fear.

  18. I believe that some of this is true about american men and about muslim men. Muslim men are brought up to be ruthless, and it is an honor if they die a martyrs death. Here in america most men find that appalling. Although the men of america are not typically brought up to die a martyrs death most of them have some toughness in them. To be tough doesn't always mean winning a fight, it can be mental to. What I am saying is that men have to go through many trials in their lifetime and to go through these trials they will have to be tough. Some of the quote from Lee Harris' book is not true though. When it states that the only thing american men are achieving is taking retalin he is somewhat wrong. I will definitely not say that all men in america are good people, but many of them are. Men have fought great wars, they have kept our entire country in order, and they have done other things for society. This proves that aggressiveness and toughness has been taught to boys in america. There is no way they could have fought a war and gone through those trials without being tough.
    Anna Reeves McCutcheon

  19. allison:
    Alpha males are like an ox, they can hurt or help the countries. (or religion in this situation) Oxen are strong and powerful and they can help by caring strong things or they can hurt the people or villagers. Muslims have the right idea in the alpha male but they follow that to an extreme. Americans are not radical enough and they don't address the alpha males enough. There is a balance between a extremist and care-less. there should be a balance in all of our lives and God should be the center, we should not spend all our time watching tv or playing sports we should find a balance and put God as our center.
    parent: (dad)
    Modern-day America has diluted the position of the male in society by closing the gender gap. By this, I mean that women are expected to be tougher and men are encouraged to get in touch with our feminine side. God made male and female distinctly different to support each other, but society has said it's okay for males to "weaker" and females to be seen as strong and invincible.
    we both agree that the quote is true but it is extreme. just because america needs alpha males doesn't mean that the should fight and hate. as christians we should accept others even if they do not agree with us, if we aren't careful we could cause problems that cause us to go agents the word. God tells us to love our enemies so we shouldn't hate even though having alpha males is important.

  20. This quote is both true and false. It is true in the sense that some children are privileged and never have to work for anything. If the privileged boys in America never have to work what they have they may never endure hardships or trials. This quote is mostly false because there are also kids with less opportunity, who have to work for what they have. Just because a boy isn't aggressive or ruthless doesn't mean he is weak. Having all alpha males in society isn't necessarily a good thing because they will usually disagree with each other and they will be constantly trying to prove themselves to be superior. When the quote says that having peace and quiet is like suicide I disagree because nothing will get done if every man is an alpha male; they will let their ego and emotions control them before making rational decisions. I discussed the blog with my mom and she agrees with me.

  21. One of the reasons toughness and aggressiveness is not being taught to boys in America is because we are becoming a passive society. One example of this is title nine in the NCAA. Title nine is, you must have just as many men athletes as women. Schools are cutting male scholarships and giving them to women, leaving a gap in alpha males. My father and I believe this quote is true, with gender equity, were women and men have the same jobs, same salary, and same everything. Therefore there is no way an alpha male to go on and be alpha male. we believe that aggressiveness and toughness are being taught but not as it once was and as it is in other countries. I agree with my dad. We are not as aggressive and tough as we were. this s evidenced by some of the laws that are in place today. Like if you got in a fight 20 years ago it was a matter of honor and now it is a suspension for the same thing. people aren't just tough like the use to be and I personally am tired of it. Men need to man up. In your society it is ok to be not tough witch I guess it's ok, but all people can't be passive and weak or in 30 years are leadership will be weak and aggressive, like the America we were founded on.

  22. There is a great deal of truth in this statement but not all Americans are like this and just because we are not aggressive does not mean we are committing suicide. The bible teaches that everything should be in moderation so if one is entirely aggressive it is just as bad as being entirely passive. While there are many aggressive Americans who fight and die for their country there are also many aggressive Americans who are currently in prison. Also while there are many passive Americans who sit around all day and do nothing there are also many passive Americans who accomplish great achievements. My parents and I believe that sports teach Americans to be aggressive and tough but I also believe that America is more willing to be passive than aggressive.

    Charlie Money

  23. In certain ways, males in the Western cultures don't show the bullheadedness as some of the men in the Middle East. This means that more and more men are trying to make a living that doesn't involve violence. In Muslim cultures men are given merit on how strong they are and appear to the rest of the World. The dont worry about having good jobs and having a retirement plan, only about how they can show their power to the rest of the world. To some, this may make the west look as if they have lost the alfa male concept, but for the most part they are wrong. The alfa males in America are the soliders in the military, and more sepcifily, the ones in special ops that go on missions so secret that the public isn't even allowed to know those soldiers exist. Those alfa males fight for the other people in their country so they can have jobs and retiremnet plans. Some people could say that agressiveness is being taught to the young men of Amrica through the media. All the movies with violence influence everyone that watch them in different ways. To some boys they make take the influence as an example to be violent. For example, everything on the news is about violence and about how some person was shot and blah blah blah.

    My parents agree with everything I have said in the paragragh above. They agree becasue they also can see that the military is doing a good job taking the best alpha males and exposing their potential that ends up being equal or better than that of the Muslim terrorists. The best alphs males are ones that follow Jesus because he can be considered the ultimate alpha male because he came to protect all of humankind (like the US military on a bigger scale) and put his life on the line in order to protect us from eternal suffering. Even though he may be considered weak because of his humility, by keeping contol of his temper, and by endering all he was put through, Jesus was able to show the true power he help inside.

  24. This statement has some truth to it. Many American boys grow up without being taught what strength and aggressiveness. They grow up afraid to leave their comfort zone. They are scared to be aggressive with other boys. The media usually leads these boys to be weak. They have painted an image of men being weak and useless. Schools usually do not try to instill these values in America’s boys, but many other people in the boy's lives do. American boys learn aggressiveness and strength and ruthlessness playing sports, and with their fathers and friends. Many American boys have grown up learning to hate the same Muslims, who hate us. They do not want to see our culture and country fall to these fanatics. Many of those same boys grow up to be our soldiers and our marines that fight for our country. They know how to be tough. Those are the "alpha boys" in the American society.

    1. We agree with part of what this passage is saying. Many of Europe's boys and America's boys grow up being soft because of the lack of hardships they face. But even more boys in the "West" have learned how to be tough and ruthless from the sports that they play and from what they hear from others. This is the "West's" "alpha boys".

  25. This quote is telling the truth, but in an overly exaggerated way. The wrong behind it is America is not weak but the truth is America doesn’t force its boys to be tougher. Just because America doesn’t force boys to be tough, doesn’t mean they aren’t. In America there is freedom. Freedom can be a bad thing, but can also be good. A way that freedom can be good is if someone makes an effort to overcome their trials and be successful in life. The Muslims are forced into being tough, but my parents and I believe that making choices on your own will make you stronger in the end. What is there to learn if you don’t have choices? America is not weak. People mature and become tougher by experiencing situation first hand which is a reason why America is strong.

    -Evan Johnson

  26. My dad thinks that young men in America aren’t pressured enough to be tough, smart, and Christ-like men. We both disagree that men should be ruthless. My dad says that men in America don’t want to fight for anything good, but they want to do whatever. There are men in America that fight for a good cause but not enough. The truth to this passage is that while the enemies, Muslims, are growing alpha males, men in America take the easy way out and live without a care. Men should be raised to stand for the right things, help people instead of killing them, and raise more men just like that. Men in America need to stand up, face life’s challenges, and want to beat them. God wants his men to set an example and fight to maintain order. But instead God’s men have been cowards and disgraces. They need to be set back on track by those who stand for God and His word. Men should be peacemakers and leaders, not people that complain, make excuses, and succumb into temptation easily. Blessed are the peacemakers, but I guess nobody wants to be blessed because people are at war with people. Me and my dad agree that men aren’t growing up to be alpha men anymore because the majority don’t want to grow up and the little that do don’t cut it.

  27. Although the quote is somewhat truthful, most of it is false. It is true because many kids in America are very fortunate to be where they are and they have lots of material advantages. Their wealth makes them not used to fighting for things and being violent. However, this is also not true because other children in the U.S. are very unfortunate and they have to struggle to get what they need. This quote is false about boys and men in America because it means that being proud of themselves for getting a good education is a sign of them being weaker, just because boys in America are led to do things that are not cruel and violent does not mean that their becoming less of a man. In America being taught to be aggressive and tough to boys is shown through sports and they gain more testosterone levels through more physical sports like football, basketball, and football. At the end of the passage it says that if the U.S. does not have any alpha males in its society then the U.S. will be committing suicide, but that is not true at all. On the contrary having less alpha males can actually help us in war efforts like when there is a lot of alpha males fighting to show superiority can cause unnecessary problems which can weaken America’s army. The number of alpha males in society is really going to be a good thing for war because they will be able to control themselves and be civil will being aggressive at the same time.
    My parents and I talked about this, and we all had the same perspective that the percentage of alpha males decreasing will help America and that American boys are being taught to become tough in different and better methods than being growing up building a hatred for someone and living your life to want to kill that person.

  28. Rachael Lewis...
    This quote is true and false at the same time. Many people judge most Americans to be rich and stuck up kids that get whatever they want anytime they want it. There are usually two groups of kids that grow up in America. The rich bratty kids and the kids that are honorable and have to fighting for any gift they want to get. People usually see American males and females to be the rich stuck up kind. The difference between Muslim and American males is Muslim males are taught from the beginning to be tough and violent. American males aren't. Toughness and aggressive is not being taught to the majority of the population in America simply because we are a more fortunate country. Being a man isn't about being tough, its about ownership and being honorable. Muslims think that if you can shoot a gun your a man and Americans think that if you can get a high working job you're a man. Both are incorrect, and both need to know the true meaning of the alpha male.

  29. Felton (the best who ever did it) Smith said...
    This quote Is both true and false. There are plenty of boys in America who Are soft. These boys are usually boys who has had everything for them since they were born. This causes these boys to feel that their problems can be solved with money and that they don't have to actually fix the problem the right way. But there are some boys who grow up with barely anything and have to fight for everything they do have. Some of these boys may not even have any family and sorbet may grow up having to fight all their battles by themselves. Another false statement is that boys in America are drug addicts. There are boys in the U.S. who are addicts but not all of us are. One of the true statements made is that people are proud of their sons for getting into college. In America getting into college is a great achievement that takes a lot of work. I dont think that boys in the U.S. aren't taught to be tough but I think that the boys in society learn how to through their parents and activities like sports. Sports teach discipline and in order to be good at themyou have to be tough and play through the pain. Also since in society people look down upon weakness every one wants to not show fear and they don't want to not look tough so they train theirselves to be tough for other people.

  30. I believe that this statement is both true and false because there are facts that can back each one of the up. There are some people in the West that are given everything never have to work or even lift a finger. Then they won't be able to face up to a difficult decision and come out with the right choice and prosper. There are still some that aren't give that and they have nothing they have to face a hardship everyday and they can't back away from it because it will just keep coming back until the own up to it. If the boys aren't aggressive doesn't make them weak. If there are alfa males it isn't always good because they will fight until they have proven themselves to be the best and that will cause a ton of wars. My parents said that they agree with what i had said before because both of the ways stated happen here in the West

  31. This quote is very complex. I think that it is true that our parents would be proud if we went to college, because that is a very hard goal to live up to.That why not all people go to college. For males being raised to be aggressive and tough in our society,I think its true and false because different families raise there kids different ways for a example, A rich fortunate kid my not be as aggressive as a kid born in rough parts of cities. The rich kid has everything handed to them and they never really have a reason to be tough and aggressive because their life is already set. A less fortunate kid will be tougher because of the simple fact they don't have much. their parents teach them they must be tough to survive.Kids in the middle east are also less fortunate which is why they are raised like they are; to be tough and to die for what they believe.

    My mom agrees with me about less fortunate kids being tougher,because the environment they grow up in is tough and if your soft you will get chewed up and spit out.

  32. In this quote there are truth and false things about American males. I believe that it true to a certain extent that we are, not drugging our males with Ritalin, but giving them the medicine if it is needed, but people only do it to calm down the boys. We can’t have boys running around the country acting crazy half the time. This is why we have to give them Ritalin. Without the Ritalin, many people could get hurt or seriously injured. The boys in America are trained to be polite and act like gentlemen, whereas the Muslim boys are trained to be violent and aggressive, and hostile. Some kids in America expect everything to just come to them without question, but Muslim kids fight to get whatever they want. And if they don’t get what they want, they will use violence to get it for themselves. What I don’t believe is that we are drugging the boys with Ritalin. I think that we are only giving them the medicine because it is needed drastically. I think that some of the boys in America are violent and ruthless also. If you grow up in an aggressive and hostile environment, then you are most likely to grow up as an aggressive and hostile child, which is why most Muslims are cruel. I think that aggressiveness is being taught to boys in America somewhat. Most boys in America are taught by their families that if someone is beating you up, then you need to fight back. But on the other hand, some boys in America are taught to “turn the other cheek”.

  33. This is what my dad thinks: Alpha males exhibit remarkable courage and strength, both in character and in action. These are qualities we must revere. I find this quote to be especially true about males in America because we’re in dire need for guidance, and the important role of men for boys is particularly acute. If we expect to reduce the application of Ritalin upon our boys, then men must be present in homes demonstrating foundational virtues of work, marriage, and religion. Sadly, men have abdicated their responsibility by increasing dependence on the government dole rather than the fruits of their own labor. One fifth of all men in their prime working ages are not getting up and going to work. This behavior has a trickle down affect upon the young boy, thus accelerating the rate of eliminating the alpha male. When boys have no manly guidance confusion regarding manhood abounds, including confusion about a proper understanding of virility. This lack of virility exposes them to a dizzying array of cultural signals about what it means to be a man, signals both good and bad. For example, today’s society has made it acceptable for boys to play with Barbie dolls and girls to play with fire trucks. Several centuries ago that was uncommon! In fact, little boys played marbles in the dirt, tackle football in the street, rode on the back of a moving mass transit bus, and fought their best friend only to make up the next day.
    Do we need to produce aggressive, tough, and ruthless boys like Muslims? Perhaps, we can do without the latter; but the key to producing the former two in alpha males resides in creating an environment of positive tradition of manly pride.

  34. There is a true and false to this quote. Boys in the U.S. are not as agressive and are being drugged. The kids in the U.S. don't need to be agressive though. Our society is not as tough as the Middle eastern society and we don't need to be because we have better living conditions and we are comfortable. And yes boys in our society are becoming soft because no one like an agressive male in the family. In our countrey women have rights, but not in the Middle East so agressive men take over the familes and the women can't do much about it. It's thier culture. As young men, they are highly influenced by their father figure, so if their dad wan't them to be a sucide bomber and influence them to do it, then most likeley the boy will. So yes American boys are becoming soft, but they don't have a reason to be agressive. There is a diffrence between tough and agressive. Muslim kids don't really have a choice to be soft because their dads whip them into practically a solider. I think our country isn't commiting suicide by having softer guys in the culture, but they need to step it up when the terrorists attack and not be a pansy. They should step up to the challange.

    My mom agrees that the boys in the U.S. are being drugged, but being agressive is not a good trait to have.

  35. Being aggresive has multiple meanings. One definition could be the measure of how badly you want something or how hard you try. Like in basketball,when your coaches yell'"be aggresive". they mean dont be afraid of giving it your all. And then theres that cheere that cheerleaders chant the yell:be aggresive be be agresive. That type of aggresivness is being taught in America and I have no problem with it. Muslims have other ways of be OVERLY aggresive they will kill anything that stands in their way. I dont think americans should be doing this because we are christians,and as Christians we are callled to love on eachother no matter what. Muslims hate their eneimies and would die trying to eliminate them. I do believe that boys should be touph but not overly aggresive like th Muslim teach their boys to be. My mother and I aggree on all this:)

  36. The men in these countries don't know when enough is enough sometimes. They are trained to be violent and hate from the time that they are young children. While American's do train their sons, but in a different way. The men in the US are wrapped up in sports, so they encourage they're sons to play. The men in the US channel their anger and aggression through games, like football or basketball; not terrorist actions. Also the men in the US aren't so violent because we as a people aren't as strong of believers of our religion as the people in those countries. My mother agrees:)

  37. This quote has many truths but also it is not completly true. While the males in our country are becoming less alpha male compared to these countries where the men are just agressive in every situation. In america the men have more of a disciplined way of being trained. In america violence is not whats on most peoples mind the media,sports , and other activities is what Men are more focused on in America. In these other countries they only care about being the Alpha male and dont know when theyve done enough. People in that country are also just about their religion in America most american are not concerned about religion. My mom also belives this as well.

  38. Alex Herden
    Both of these views are extremes. one is the male that does is raised in America according to this quote is the least agresive and mild. The one raised in the middle east according to this quote is the most violent and extreme as possible. The middle easterns are raised to hate everyone that is not a muslim and the extreme males are raised to kill in gihad.In america some of our people are raised with agressiveness, that is why we have an army but peoples hate and anger in america it is normally towards a bad family member or an american than people of other religion.

    I believe some points of this quote are valid but our boys are not just going to sit here and do nothing if we are attacked.

  39. Well, males are being raised agressive because the crim rate in America is so high. The ones in the middle east are also agressive because some of them are terroritsts. Yes, I do agree that the males are agrsseive.


  40. American boys are not as aggressive compared to Muslims because they are perceived as encouraging their boys to be martyrs. I do not believe that most Muslims feel that way. It is likely just a small element of their society wishes their sons would become martyrs. It goes against human nature that people would want their children to die. Aggression is the motivation behind war. It is important for societies, both Christian and Muslim to be able to channel the aggression of their boys so that they become productive members of society. It is not wise to think that we have to have boys be more aggressive than Muslim extremists. Instead we should be raising all children - boys and girls to be peacemakers.
