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Thursday, October 20, 2011

World Cultures Question #5

Record your answers and your parent's answers to the following questions...

What is "racial profiling"?

Should "racial profiling" be used in airport security?

Are there any benefits to "racial profiling"?


  1. My answer...
    Racial profiling is when a race is discriminated on by what bad things have been caused by that race in the past. So racail profiling in a sense could come from stereotypes. I dont think it should be used because if that comes down to a tactic that they must use for security. then they should just invest in some new type of security scanning machine or somethn. Sometime in airport security it might be useful because if a policeman guessed and accused that person he could be right. However at the sametime he might be wrong and a situation would occur.

  2. Parents...
    Racial profiling is scrutinizing a specific sector of individuals soley on their physical appearance.

    Some may feel that is a necessary evil. Racial profiling should not be used in American airports. Moreover, one must beg the question - "What is the profile?", "Who identified the profile and why?", "Is the profile identified without bias?" Usually the racial profile would be an individual not a part of the dominant culture, not as powerful and influential. Safety is a concern for everyone. How does one profile a domestic terrorist like Timothy McVeigh or Eric Robert Rudolph?

    Racial profiling allows some to feel safe and alienate others. Racial profiling posssibly being a necessary evil divides the country, creating deep seated hurts that take decades if not longer to heal. Consider the Japenese Americans placed in internment camps who were born second generation Americans; never setting foot in Japan. Imagine the hurt. Crime is unfortunate and often difficult to identify means to manage effectively. Utilize the "What would Jesus DO" approach."

  3. Racial Profiling is basically when the government accuses someone of a crime just because of their race. They pretty much only base it off their skin color. Lots of people take this as offence and they don't like it when the government does it. Facts don't lie. There might be a higher criminal rate for one race than another. Muslims have in the past had many offences in the airport. This is what it comes down to - will you not have racial profiling and risk many americans lives, or will you have to use racial profiling to make sure americans lives are not sacrificed just by calling someone out because of what they look like. In my eyes, I would rather have racial profiling in airports. Just because it happened once does not mean it won't happen again.I don't want americans livs being risked. I don't think anyone wants a repeat of 9/11. It is a fault in our history and we lost so many lives and if we don't do racial profiling then it could happen again. On the other hand, racial profiling is a bad thing. Just because someone looks a certian way doesn't mean they should be mistreated. That is one of the few cases where racial profiling is necessary.


    Racial profiling or steriotyping is setting apart and treating differently a certain ethnic group due to historical assumptions that may or may not be true. For example, a person of muslim origin might receive greater scrutiny in airport security due to a perceived greater threat of terrorism. Conversley, more may be expected of an asian student in the classroom due to a perception that asians are more gifted academically.

    I think in few cases racial profiling is warrented - airport security is one of them. In my mind I would rather an ethnic group be offended than innocent lives to be lost. I would be far more comfortable flying if I knew that the ethnic groups who considered americans public enemy number one were being more closely watched. I am not advocating unkind or rough treatment, but if some members of a higher risk group are detained a bit longer in airport security, unfortunately it has become a necessary evil in our world.

    In general, I believe racial profiling to reveal underlying prejudice and should be rejected at all cost.

  4. Connor: I believe that racial profiling is judging someone by their race. It can also be judging someone by gender or religion.
    I strongly believe that racial profiling should be used in airport security. I find it better that someone is delayed 2 minutes and feel discriminated than a whole plane of people being killed and also endangering the lives of those on the ground as well. 100’s of lives is more important to me than just 1 persons feelings get hurt for just a 2 minutes quick check to make sure everyone will be safe. And I say if you don’t like it get out of our country!!! We don’t need you if you’re going to make a big deal over everyone being safe. I think America, population over 307 million would be o.k. if a few people left the country over their feelings getting hurt. Although I don’t think anyone would leave though. I think they would make a big fuss over it for a few weeks and then get over it. I mean quit acting like a 3 year old and get over it. It’s not going to hurt to get patted down at the airport, put your big boy or girl britches on and get over it. I also believe that if you are the T.S.A. agent that you use moral values when screening or patting someone down. Don’t be too rough with someone or chose to pat a woman down just because they look good, that the problem with racial profiling. People ain’t got the good enough since good gave them to know when and how it’s except able to pat someone down, or any other sort of security check.
    There are many benefits to racial profiling. Too legally and non-discrimitivly racial profile you have to pat down or check other people as well. So if I would pick out 5 guys wearing towels on their head to pat down because I think there on the up and up, I would previously and after I check them would have to pick people that I don’t think are on the up and up to pat down or check so I didn’t seem like I was racial profiling or just picking people with towels on their heads, which is really the only people, and people of foreign suspicion, that T.S.A. people would need to do more screening than regularly need. Every time T.S.A. has to pat someone down, or do extra screening, it cost the government money. If I could just do the 5 guys wearing towels and not the other people, that I have to do to do the people with towels on their heads, it would save the government lots of money.
    Dad: Racial profiling is classifying people into an ethnic group in order to monitor their behavior.
    Racial profiling should be allowed in airports in airport security, in order to make security more effective, while all persons should be screened before boarding a commercial airliner. Profiling could tighten security to a particular interest of group and monitor their movements to provide greater intelligence about there where about.
    Benefits to racial profiling would be increased security, higher intelligence and lower cost for security. It also would enhance the population to become more aware of their surroundings, this using the population as a monitoring device.

  5. Bethany♥Van☺Rensburg✯October 26, 2011 at 7:55 PM

    By definition: Racial profiling refers to the use of an individual’s race or ethnicity by law enforcement personnel as a key factor in deciding whether to engage in enforcement (e.g. make a traffic stop or arrest).
    I think racial profiling should only be used as a final precautionary measure when examining suspicious people. However the police/authority at airports should not just discriminate purely on the basis of race or heritage. Also culture dress should not be confused with religious attire. For example: If a headdress is being worn by a woman and she has dark skin, we should not assume she is a muslim, she could even be a Christian for all we know! The only benefits of racial profiling i can think of is only if its being used in a extreme security situation.

    There is a statistical correlation between the propensity for crime and underlying socio-economic and demographic factors. We should not ignore these when making choices about which groupings should receive extra scrutiny in areas of high density and captive audiences eg. airports; planes; stadiums; etc.

  6. Emily: There has been much debate and dissension over racial profiling. Some see it as necessary for security procedures while others see it as racist and degrading. I personally believe that determining whether a person is dangerous by their skin color or clothes is not the right way to go about doing things. Just because someone looks a certain way doesn’t mean they are a threat to our country. If every person with a certain look was stop to be inspected it would take a lot of effort and embarrassment to whoever was being scrutinized. I think that if everyone went through the same procedures to secure peoples safety the debate of racism would over and people would be treated equally. Racial profiling is just another way of judging a book by its cover and it needs to be stopped.
    Parent: Racial Profiling is the practice of focusing the energy of security forces based on people’s race and appearance. Racial Profiling in and of itself is not an effective method of preventing security because it focuses too much on race. It should not be relied on exclusively because the criminal element will simply find a way to appear differently and avoid the racial profiling. Profiling, however, focuses on specific attributes that terrorists typically exhibit. Israel has used profiling in its effort to secure its airways and has been quite successful in the prevention of crimes in its airways. They have had only one hijacking in their over 60 years of providing security to Israeli air travelers.

  7. Hi.
    Racial profiling is when someone looks at a person by the history of their race and judges them.

    I believe that racial profiling should not be used in airports. Airports should have the amount of security for everyone that they would use for someone who is "suspicious".

    There can be some benefits to racial profiling but most of the time; people will take it as racism. Someone may see an African American person with their hands in their pockets and their hood on walking out of a store with the mindset that they have stolen something. The person may have taken something and the person may have not. In order for us to find out, we can’t seem like a racist person.

    My mommy’s response:

    If a person’s race or cultural background is the primary reason to suspect an individual of breaking the law that would be considered as racial profiling.

    No. Racial profiling should not be used in airport security. The process is extremely time-consuming but to implement security measures, EVERYONE should be screened. If people who are stereotyped as terrorists want to cause harm on an airplane or in an airport they don’t necessarily have to be dressed or look the part. While authorities might be harassing or racial profiling others the real perpetrators can blend in unnoticed-wolves in sheep clothing.

    I don’t believe there are any benefits to racial profiling. Then again…I might be taking this stand as I have felt the wrath of racial profiling when I lived in the North East and shopped in high-end stores. So often, authorities are proven wrong by judging a person by his race or cultural background. We are a society that is so easily fooled for while we are paying attention to someone’s appearance and image, we often miss the mark of how people are revealing themselves to us by their deeds. Matthew 7:16-You shall know them by their fruits (deeds).


  8. me:
    Racial profiling is discriminating someone by their race or cultural background. It is not assuming someone is a criminal just because of what they look like. I believe racial profiling should be allowed in airports, because of the 911 incident. Everyone grieves over this occurrence, but we should take ownership and know it is capable of happening again. Therefore, it should be allowed in airports. A benefit of racial profiling is it narrows down suspects for people who did crimes.

    Racial profiling is being prejudice against one group of people in cases of investigative type work, or picking out someone because you think they don't act or believe as you do. In some cases racial profiling could be very beneficial in an airport. It could shorten the time it took to find terrorists or people trying to carry on drugs or weapons. A benefit of racial profiling is the elimination of suspects. If I had a certain physical description of a suspect and their were a group of several different races of people I could select the group of people that were as the suspects image.

  9. Taber:
    Racial profiling is having thoughts about someone because of their race. It does not have to be just about them being a criminal or not, it also has to do with what they eat where, they live, or even how they talk. I think it should be used in airports because yes it can save the lives of millions of people and if you think about it, it have might have saved us from 911. Even though it is not right, it could save lives and killing people is an even bigger offense.

    I believe that all "racial profiling" amounts to is using previous facts to help predict future activities. Using the best information we have to predict future events is the basis of our all of our decision making - our stock markets, choice of schools, even the weather. Why would we not use all of the information we have to help make our mass transportation systems more safe?

  10. Racial profiling is using a person's race to judge if the person is a criminal. Basically, its a sterotype. Personally, i do think that racial profiling should be used in airport security. Many new people come to the US through airplanes, some that means that there could be new threats entering the country undected. If racial profiling was used, the suspect should be told that it is for the security of the US. I would rather that, than have 9/11 happen all over again. If I were arrested just because I looked suspicious, I might be upset, but I would get over it. The US isnt't to blame, it is just trying to keep its borders safe, so terrorists are the people to blame. I also think that there are benifits to racial profiling because if one terrorist plan is prevented then that method already has payed for itself. People aren't perfect, they make mistakes. Beacsue of the sin inside people, things like racial profiling have to exist and nothing can be done about that.

    Parent: Racial profiling includes assuming all people of a certain race could be a threat to community or national safety. It definitely could be of benefit in airport security. If security is looking for a Swedish thief, then those of Mexican descent could be ignored in the search. In the U.S., if most illegal aliens are from Mexico, then being stopped to have papers checked should be something they expect. And, if they're not doing anything wrong, then they have nothing to fear.

  11. Ellie rieves and friendsOctober 27, 2011 at 7:33 PM

    Racial profiling is judging someone because of their race. It is very unfair and if your a criminal of a different race say Mexican you automatically have a bad stamp on you. You have a slim chance of not facing a charge.I feel under certain occasions racial profiling is okay in airports. If you are muslin than i feel it is a good idea to check them. I feel their are beifits to racial profiling because some could be terrorists and ir is a good idea to check their background. No because unless 100% of people are the same race than it shouldn't be put into action.

    Making asumptions about someone by the way they look.No,because unless a 100% of people that hyjack a plane are the same race than no.If people know that you are profling they will alter the way they appear or try to attract people that look different.

  12. I believe racial profiling is blaming someone of something because of their race and what someone of their race has done in the past. Like Americans discriminate against Muslims or who they think are Muslims because of 911. I believe using racial profiling at the airport is not completely wrong because we have had occasions like 911 happen before by Muslims. Airport security should be more of a precaution than racial profiling. There are some benefits because more than one Muslim has tried to bomb an airplane or do something harmful. It is not only Muslims that do these things and we never know when someone is going to do this so they should be precautionary, but not act like they have to be lenient because they do not want to be marked as racial profiling.
    My father defined racial profiling as “singling out individuals of a particular race because others of that same race hive a high probability of meeting a predetermined profile. In many cases, the predetermined profiles are based on perceived acts as opposed to prior acts. For example, Japanese Americans were singled out during World War II and placed in holding camps because it was believed that they may be sympathetic to their homeland and provide troop movement and other intelligence to the Japanese navy. However, given that the Japanese citizens were placed in camps at the start of the war, there would be no postwar acts that would justify a rationale that a higher percentage of these citizens would commit espionage over above others Americans that were sympathetic to socialism or communism. ”

  13. Racial profiling is wrong. It is accusing people of doing things because of their past. That is very wrong. It is not christianlike to judge people because of their race or skin color. In the bible it says love your neighbor as yourself. We need to do that so that we can follow Gods orders. That will help our lives so much. For example, muslims in airports are considered terrorists in most peoples eyes. Little kids are afraid of them because of what they have heard about them. Even though some muslims are terrorists we still should not do this. The airport system should check everyone and not just muslims. Some airports try to cover it up by checking a random normal looking person, but people can see that. They know that they are just trying to cover it up. As americans, and especially christians, we should not judge people from their race. The bible states it!

  14. Racial profiling is singleing out or persecuting a person becasue they fit a certain physical, or religious stereotype.. In this post 911 era, I understand the fear we have about certain nationalities or religious group that seek to cause harm to our country. I don't think racial profiling should be used in our airports because there also home grown terrorist like Timothy McVeigh, who don't fit the description of a Muslim extremist. Innocent law abiding Americans would be pulled for extra screening because of the color of their skin or the clothes they are wearing. When the "all amearcan" individual from Oklahoma may be allowed to get on a plane with plans to do as much damage as the terrortist in the middle east.

    Madison's Mom said:
    Racial profiling should be illegal at airports because to categorize or criminalize an individual because of their ethnicity or religious beleif does not stop extremist from harming us. I think security should be handled the same way the medical profession handled the AIDS epidemic. We instituted something called "Universal Precautions" which simply means we treat all patients and their body fluids as if they have AIDS whether they do or not. Everyone should should be "profiled" as a potential terrorist, and that way maybe no one will slip through the cracks. We can never be 100% sure of who is a terrorist or not.

  15. My opinion:
    Racial profiling is when someone judges someone by their ethnic background or by what they look like. I am guilty of this terrible action. For example when i someone wearing their pants low or wearing chains i instantly become afraid and uncomfortable. I JUDGE that person by their looks and automatically assume that I know them. I think that the this person is a thug and will try and harm me. The truth is I don't even now this person and that i don't have the right to make assumptions based on their looks. Airports are another example of racial profiling. When an Islamic/middle eastern man comes through security people tend to be a little more precautious. The first word that pops into everyone’s head is "terrorist". I can see the reasons for why people do this. Different reasons include 9/11, various attempts in airports, and Osama Bin Laden. These events and people have changed Americans’ eyes. We no longer see the actual person we see the outside appearance and race of a person. Instead of thinking of adjectives like kind, honest, smart, Christ-like we think of adjectives like ugly, white, black, Hispanic, or Middle Eastern. The third question asks if there are benefits to racial profiling. Benefits? When you racially profile someone you are created an opinion of them by their looks without getting to know them, personally. This, in my opinion is wrong and there are NO BENEFITS.

    God made us ALL in HIS image, but we have distorted that image into something it's not.

    Racial Profiling occurs when law enforcement officials use race or ethnic background as the primary reason to question or investigate an individual.
    “RACIAL” profiling should not be allowed in our airports. However, I do believe that ”PROFILING” could and should be used to promote safety in all types of public environments, not just airports. Race or ethnic background should not be the only or even the primary determinate for enforcing our laws. We should utilize ALL the data possible to improve safety.

    Me: I believe racial profiling is judging someone by the color of their skin. Racial profiling can also be judging by religion or other aspects of life. I believe that racial profiling should not be used in airport security. If someone is wearing a turban it is okay to take them for questioning, or make their security check tighter. Some people may say that is racial profiling because most people that wear turbans are a certain race. This is true but I believe if I wore I turban to the airport (which I never would) I would also be looked at as suspicious. I don't believe that any good can come from racial profiling.
    Mom: to project an assumption about a person based on their race. No. Using a person's race as the key factor for law enforcement to determine whether to proceed violates basic civil rights. I can't think of any benefits. In some cases it might narrow the pool of suspects but it could also be narrowed by other factors than simply race. :)

  17. Felton said...
    Racial profiling is the government activity in which people of a certain race are said to be a certain way. I feel racial profiling should be used in airport scurity because airplanes are a major form of transportation. They are used to transport people all the way across the world. We should take all precautions to keep our country safe. I feel they should question anyone who seems suspicious. One major benifit of racil profiling is possibly saving someone's life or save a major monument in american history. Racial profiling has possibly saved multiple americans lifes during some wars by putting people in Internment Camps to make sure spies wouldn't enter the country.

  18. Racial profiling is when you identfy someone by ther race and think different about them just because the color of their skin.A great example of racial profiling is when a person that looks like an illegal alien can be stopped by the police and asked for citizenship to show that they are legal. There should be some type of racial profilng in the airport because there are some type of people that will do things to the extreme and that is bad, but not everybody should get stopped because they look like someone that would do bad. I dont belive that there are many benifits to racial profilng and will hurt some of the families that are agaist it. I am not for or aganst racial profiling because there are negatives and positives that i clearly understand

  19. Jordan G..............................October 27, 2011 at 8:50 PM

    Me: I think racial profiling is blaming or accusing someone with out knowing them based on their race. Usually racial profiling is done to a race we sometimes feel uncomfortable around. Like in airports if you see a middle-eastern we as Americans always think the worse o them, and we don't even know them. Mexicans are allowed to just be randomly pulled over and questioned because of their race. They can be a complete legal citizen and be questioned like they are some type of criminal. I don't think racial profiling should be used at Airports, they shouldn't be checked over any normal American. Now I know as Americans we can't just pretend like 911 never happened. We can't assume that all Middle-Easterners are just American lovers and their are no more terrorist plotting an attack. But we can't punish the whole society for the stupidity of some suicide bomber years ago. Both of my parents agree we should have a reason for every action and questioning we do to a person. Imagine if we were to move to a new country and years ago we had some people hate their country so much that the bombed to major buildings in their country. Would it be fair if we searched while we are just driving or even just at the airport trying to catch a flight? My mom says that in America we are granted to all be treated equal and if us normal Americans aren't just randomly searched then they shouldn't be either.

  20. Student:Luke M.
    Racial profiling is judging someone based on their race and trying to decide their character/personality.
    Racial profiling is a sin and should be frowned upon. We should not encourage people, and especially security officers, to guess and assume that people are dangerous just because of their appearance. The leaders of our country should not allow security to walk around and check certain people because of their race. However, there is a difference between judging by appearance and race. For example airport security shouldn’t be so tight to where officers can’t check a person in all black with obviously suspicious activity. There is though, a place where we need to draw the line. Random checks because of one’s ethnicity are just wrong, therefore racial profiling shouldn’t be allowed in airport security. There are no rules to it because it mainly based on opinion.
    Without a doubt, racial profiling would definitely increase safety on flights, or at least give me more peace of mind. But when I put myself in those people’s shoes I simply cannot support it. What if they are innocent and get checked. Is that right? My idea would just be to increase security all over, so that everyone is equally checked and now more thoroughly checked than before. History proves that other races are not the only ones who sabotage can flight. The process of getting through airports would be even more complicated and take longer, but a slower and safer process is worth the time. We shouldn’t sacrifice lives just because we are impatient. Racial profiling shouldn’t be supported at all, so if America wants to increase safety in airports, raise the bar for everyone instead of endorsing the sin of judging others.
    Racial profiling is an insidious problem that has been around since the beginning of time. One of its roots is fear. During the captivity of the Israelites in Egypt, Pharaoh ordered all the Hebrew baby boys to be drowned out of fear that Egypt would be overtaken by them, because the Hebrews were growing so large in number. Another root of racial profiling is pride, as in Hitler and his attempt to create a master race. It seems to be the human (sinful) condition to view one race as superior to another and therefore judge others based on their race or nationality. This is not the way God views us (“For the LORD does not see as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.” 1 Samuel 16:6-8), therefore, it is sin. I have a very good friend who grew up as a young black girl in the South, during the civil rights era. She remembers colored water fountains and bathrooms, as well as her brother being arrested for marching and demonstrating. She was damaged by this experience and grew up hating all white people, until the Lord showed her that her heart was the same as the people she hated: judging people based upon the color of their skin.

  21. this is what jt says:
    In short racial profiling is when someone is accused of something just because of their race. like when mexicans are accused of being illegal immagrants or islamic people are seen only as terrorist.
    i know that after 9/11 they would just check muslims in the airport to see if they were terrorist but after they started protesting that it was racia profiling they stopped and now they just check random people. i think this is needed but they should be careful about picking too much one a certain type of people(black, white, mexican, amish, jewish, etc.)
    i dont believe that there are benifits to racial profiling but thats just my opionion. if we had more racial profiling i think there would be more protests, people would try to change they way they look and people would lose even more trust in the govt. because the govt. doesnt trust them.

    parent(dad):Racial profiling is the tendency to group certain people together and make negative assumptions about that group of people. In the 1950-60's is was called discrimination- today under the interests of national security it is called racial profiling
    I think racial profiling should not be used in airports or anywhere else. I have not seen evidence that it has protected American any better then good old observant citizens who call law enforcement when something doesn't look right.
    If done correctly and by someone with the correct training, I am sure there are benefits to racial profiling. However there shoudl always be two indivduals involved to oversee the profiling of an individual and they shoudl be recorded for future training if possible.

  22. Kristen: Racial profiling is the use of an individual's race by police to decide whether to engage in enforcement. Racial profiling in airports is a big argument in America. Some accuse it is racist and wrong while others argue that it is necessary for our countries safety. This is a hard argument. I believe that it is racist but that it is sort of necessary. The most famous acts of terror have been done by people of the Muslim race and until al Qaeda has been full stop I believe that more acts of terrorism will be attempted. I don't think it is necessary to stop the racial profiling in airports because it is racist. People will be racist. It's just a fact of life. Sure it's terrible but true. I believe that if a Muslim who is shifty eyed and nervous and he poses a threat to the safety of other people then I say take him down. The same with a shifty eyed Caucasian and any other race. It's not a point of racism, it is a point of this countries safety.

    Parent: Racial profiling is the practice of categorizing people based on their appearance and ethnic background in an attempt to identify potential threats. Profiling is used by all law enforcement agencies as well as airport TSAs.
    Should "racial profiling" be used in airport security? Yes. Airport security should use all means possible to identify potential threats to the public. I don't see racial profiling in this instance as unconstitutional. The TSAs are using this profiling to identify people they feel need closer scrutiny in the screening process based on information provided by government Intel. These people are not being charged higher fares, they are not being discriminated against. They are simply being subject to higher scrutiny based on security alerts and notices.
    Are there any benefits to "racial profiling"? While this practice may accelerate the screening process it can also allow potential threats to slip through security if this is the only policy used to identify who to single out for additional scrutiny. It can be a useful tool in the arsenal, but it should not be the only tool used.

  23. Sydney’s response:
    There are many definitions of “racial profiling”:
    • Racial Profiling is taking a person’s race and using it as the primary factor to accuse them of doing something wrong or engage in enforcement (i.e. making a traffic stop or arrest)
    • Racial Profiling is a form of discrimination, by when the law uses a person’s race, cultural background, or ethnicity as the key factor to suspect that the individual has broken the law
    The most common form of racial profiling is DWB (Driving while black). This arose from the practice of racial profiling. Some people believe that African Americans are more likely to engage in criminal activity. African Americans frequently complain that police officers pull them over because of their race and stereotypes linked to their race. Racial profiling should not be used in airport security. I understand that pulling people aside is for our protection and safety, but it is mean and cruel to do that because of a person’s race. Just because you suspect that a person is bad, that doesn’t mean that they really are bad. Have you ever heard the statement don’t judge a book by its cover? This applies to racial profiling because you are a judging the way a person’s looks or a person’s race.
    There are no benefits to racial profiling. Racial Profiling only creates conflict between other races. It also makes different races and ethnicities to feel unequal.
    Parents’ response:
    Racial profiling is assuming that someone is MORE LIKELY to be the perpetrator of a crime because their appearance matches the race of the suspect. Using this definition as a benchmark I personally feel it’s completely legitimate and have nothing to do with racism. Unequivocally speaking, it should be used in airports simply because our history will always be marred by the worse tragedy (September 11, 2001) on American soil by those who hate freedom. However, to be beneficial it must be used legitimately. I think along with FACTS coupled with the use of distinguishing characteristics to narrow down suspects and find people who commit crimes diminishes its illegitimacy.

  24. Racial profiling is looking at someone from a different country and making assumptions about them. Just because someone is from pakistan or is middle eastern does not mean that they are some sort of terrorist. For all we know they could be a christian, a regular everyday follower of God. Or say that someone is chinese, we automatically assume that they are ninjas and even if we are just kidding it can be very offensive to they look like. It would be the same as someone from another country calling you a hillbilly or a redneck. In the airport, ever since 9/11 middle eastern looking people were assumed to be terrorists. Racial profiling can be racist, but for airport security I think they take more time making sure that someone from another country isn't caring anything they should not. It is good to worry about safety, but we must be careful because racial profiling is very offensive. I believe that there really aren't any benefits to racial profiling. It is not needed and we need to be kinder to people from other countries. We need to be more welcoming to them because America is supposed to be a place of support and equality. Humans are not perfect, but we need to try to be more kind to others. Anna Reeves

    Racial profiling is making assumption about someone purely based on the way they look.Racial profiling should be used in airport security because in a time of national security crisis we cannot be too careful. If you catch somebody then the benefits could save lives. ARMs Mom

  25. Racial Profiling: The practice of substituting skin color for evidence as grounds for suspicion.
    Racial Profiling is offensive and rude towards multi-racial humans. Police can check for “terrorist suspicions”, without doing it in an offensive way. One time when I went to the airport an innocent middle-aged lady that was dressed in all black and had a wrap over her head was pulled over to be carefully examined. The lady was in front of me in the security line, minding her own business not doing anything wrong, and the metal detector did not even beep, but they still examined her. The metal detector also didn’t beep for me as I walked through, yet the security did not carefully examine me. Racial Profiling should not be allowed in airports, because someone looks like a terrorist does not mean you can stop them carefully to suspect them. That is rude, and offensive and completely unnecessary of the person whom has no weapons or bombs on them. I don’t see any beneficial outcomes of racial profiling, but an outcome I do see is an innocent foreigner feelings completely crushed because of the color of their skin.

    Carmyn Cosey 10/28/11 – Blog Question # 5

  26. Alex Herden
    My answer:
    1: using a certain races past to predict who is most likely to commit crimes. Like say you are airport security, you might be more suspicious of Iraqis than your average white man because some of them have flown planes into buildings and everyday white and black people haven’t.
    2: Honestly it could be used and can help but by now we have been invaded so much it is impossible to tell. One of the terrorist leaders is an American citizen so now a day it could be anyone. So while it can’t hurt in some cases it could be ineffective. It will help our security tighten down and possibly stop some crimes so it seems good to me.
    3: The benefits of racial profiling are it helps us catch some criminals it tightens security so people are less likely to try crimes and it helps by giving us a slightly accurate image of the “bad guy”. I think in what would help us more is profiling in general but it can help our men put a face on the enemy.

    1: When the police use historical data to analyze the race of someone who committed a crime to predict the race of someone who will commit a crime.
    2: I think profiling may be useful but profiling considers additional factors including race. Some crimes are statistically committed time and time again by a group of individuals which the police can predict. If there is graffiti on the airport building, the police are not going to start looking at people in their seventies for that crime and somebody who steals a purse in the airport will most likely be younger and able to run fast.
    3: I think there are benefits to profiling but not just racial profiling. If the police know that a certain crime is most often committed by white males between the ages of 25-45, they can narrow their search.

  27. allison fiveash: Racial profiling is like a knife, it kills people with one touch. Racial profiling is found extremely offensive in many cultures today. Racial profiling is looking at a person and thinking they are up to no good. I am defiantly guilty of this sin, if I see a scary looking man, I always think of the worst. I always think people living on the streets are poor, because they spent their money on drugs. I feel horrible for stereotyping and beliving what is on the news. Racial profiling is bad for the government, because it causes a rupture in our economy if people are raciest. For example during the civil rights movement and the bus boycott that caused many transportation businesses an extreme amount of money. Everyone sins therefore there is always going to be racial profiling, but I believe people should think before they go gossiping , being raciest.

  28. Racial profiling refers to the practice by law enforcement officials of targeting individuals for suspicion of crime based on the individual's race, ethnicity, religion or national origin. A historical example of racial profiling occurred during World War II. After Japan bombed Pearl Harbor, the United States government sent Japanese immigrants who were living in America to internment camps. Even though the immigrants may or may not have had anything to do with the attack, they were still punished without concrete evidence; they were simply punished because the nation where they were originally from bombed America. Racial profiling attributes certain characteristics to certain ethnic groups, is based on stereotypes, and wrongfully assumes that everyone of the same ethnicity behaves the same way.
    Racial profiling should not be used in airport security. Police officers should not be able accuse someone of a crime just because they look a certain way. People should not be judged based on their race; they should be judged based on the content of their character. 1 Samuel 16:7 says, “Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” We, as Christians, should follow God’s example and actually take the time to identify if a person could be a criminal before accusing them of a crime. Racial profiling should not be used in airport security because the Lord calls His people to judge people by their character, not their outward appearance.
    The benefits of racial profiling are that it can allow law enforcement officials to identify criminals more easily and that it leads to better national security. However, law enforcement officials can also accuse people of crimes when they are innocent, which is extremely offensive and humiliating to the person who is wrongfully accused. Put yourself in someone else’s shoes. How would you feel if you were accused of something just because of how you look? The drawbacks of racial profiling, such as it being discriminatory, stereotypical, and morally wrong, outweigh the benefits of it allowing criminals to be identified more easily and making the country more secure.
    -Logan Pearce

    Racial profiling is unjust system to screen individuals for potential crimes based on their physical appearance and racial identity.
    Racial profiling should not be used in airport security. There is no distinct physical appearance that defines a criminal or a terrorist. Better luggage screening, body scanning, and carry-on screening would be more effective and fair than racial profiling in identifying suspects. It is very easy when you are not a part of one of the minority groups to say that racial profiling should be used in airport security. It may be easy for personal prejudice to cloud the decision of how and when to use racial profiling.
    There are no benefits to racial profiling. It lets criminals who do not match the particular racial profile to evade or slip through identification by the law enforcement resources. Potential perpetrators have a free pass, and it is only after they have committed the crime that they are caught/brought to justice.
    -Parents Response

  29. Harlan..........(Wait for it)..............KYLE!October 27, 2011 at 9:53 PM

    Mother: Racial profiling is controversial technique used in security and law enforcement whereby consideration of one's race or ethnicity is used to gauge the threat of illegal activity of an individual or group.

    Harlan The great:
    Personally, I think If anyone looks suspicious, they can be searched in the airport. This could mean that if a country has a REALLY bad reputation for bombing American citizens, then it would make sense to search anyone from that country. Its not meant to offend anyone, its just a precaution. Yes, I think it sometimes has its benefits. You could stop a horrible tourist from killing half of America! I wouldn't be offended if the airport had to search me because of where Im from. If America had a reputation to bomb pedestrians, then search away. Its just a safety procedure, its not meant to offend anyone.

  30. Racial profiling is when you judge someone on their outside appearance and what they wear. They also judge the color of the person's skin, this is being prejudice, and this is exactly what God does not want us to do. Now the case wwith airport security is that since people have been attacked by certain races, everytime one of them decides to get on a plane, everyone freaks out. Since 9/11, racial profiling has been a common problem in airports because as Americans, we believe that all muslims are evil just because a few muslims decided to attack our country. In my opnion there are no benefits to this because we descreminate people and there is no other way to put it, but just plan wrong, and there is no way around it.

    Parents: I believe that racial profiling is singling out a certain race, and assuming that certain race commited a certain crime. No, judging people on the color of their skin is never okay. There are no benefits because it could lead investogators down the wrong path in a case of crime. We should find better ways to screen passengers in airport sercurity

  31. Racial profiling is when you judge someone on their outside appearance and what they wear. They also judge the color of the person's skin, this is being prejudice, and this is exactly what God does not want us to do. Now the case with airport security is that since people have been attacked by certain races, every time one of them decides to get on a plane, everyone freaks out. Since 9/11, racial profiling has been a common problem in airports because as Americans, we believe that all Muslims are evil just because a few Muslims decided to attack our country. In my opinion there are no benefits to this because we discriminate people and there is no other way to put it, but just plain wrong, and there is no way around it.

    Parents: I believe that racial profiling is singling out a certain race, and assuming that certain race committed a certain crime. No, judging people on the color of their skin is never okay. There are no benefits because it could lead investigators down the wrong path in a case of crime. We should find better ways to screen passengers in airport security.

  32. To me racial profiling is when a person or a group judges someone because of their race. For example after 9/11 a lot of Muslims were looked down upon by Americans because of the stereotype that all Muslims are terrorist which is not true. I think racial profiling should be used at airport security because if you stop and think if it wasn't used many people who are potential terrorist could get stuff past the security check, But anyone can get pulled aside to get their belongings checked not just Muslims or people who look like they may be a terrorist. There are benefits to racial profiling to a certain extent like if you automatically assume someone might cause harm to them because they are in a labeled scary or harmful race . Thats not good and its not fair. The only benefit in my opinion is that you can narrow down suspects of a crime for example if a witness said a Mexican committed a crime a person of another race wouldn't get accuses

  33. Racial Profiling is the discrimination of a person based on their race and appearance. I think that in some cases it is alright to use it in airport security. If a certain race was hijacking planes, and someone of that race looked suspicious, then they could be pulled over. I think that it should only be used in cases of serious emergency. It should only be activated if the American people are in grave danger. Most of the time, it should not be used. If someone is pulled aside for no reason except for race, then it is wrong. That would be judging and against the bible. If someone is pulled over, then we should treat them kindly. The bible says to love your enemies as yourself. Many people find racial profiling offensive. If we look at it from their perspective, it would seem outrageous to be pulled out of line for being who I am. Even though it is being racist, there are some benefits of racial profiling. It allows for suspicious people to be pulled over. If this had been in effect for 9/11, then it might not have happened. It can help stop other attacks from happening again. I think it should be a suspicious person, not a race. If someone has a mask on, then they could be pulled aside. An ordinary citizen of a certain race shouldn’t be pulled over to be racist. They must look dangerous and like they could harm the lives of other people. All people are sinners, and anyone could cause damage. Every race has corrupt people that can cause damage to others.
    Racial profiling is discriminating against an individual base on their cultural background or race. Since the September 11 terrorist attacks, people of Arab descent have been under more scrutiny at airports and other locations. I am not sure if statistics indicate this policy is actually working. Racial profiling should not be used in airport security. There are not any benefits to racial profiling.

  34. Racial profiling is when somebody has a different opinion of another person because of their race or the way they talk and the way they look. Some people make fun of others just because the way they look. They treat them differently not because of the way they are inside but because of the way they look on the outside. I don’t think that they should use it in an airport security. If you are going to search one person because the way they look you should do it to everyone. The Bible says that we should treat everyone equally and if we use racial profiling we will be going against the Word of God. Racial profiling is something that I disagree with but I think there are some benefits to it like it will show you what a group of people might think, react, and what they have been exposed to.

    Racial profiling is assuming a person belongs to a certain group of people based on the way they look and dress. I travel globally on a frequent basis and I believe racial profiling often reflects the prejudices of a given culture. The problem with using racial profiling in airport security is at least two fold. First, innocent people are unfairly treated and subject to scrutiny simply because of how they look. Second, it reinforces prejudices that already exist in a culture. The holocaust could be described as racial profiling. Another issue is that once it is known that racial profiling is a practice in an airport, it will be grandma who smuggles the bomb. The benefits to racial profiling if it could be used without prejudice would be to better anticipate how a given group of people might react to a given situation. This could help in crowd control and communication to a diverse population.

  35. Racial profiling is any police initiated action that relies on race and ethnicity and not behavior or information. I don’t think racial profiling should be used in airports because it is discriminatory and demeaning. No one wants to be pulled over in the airport to be question just based upon their race. Racial profiling is rude and obnoxious. The airport authorities basically just look at someone and question them because of their skin color. Racial profiling in airports isn’t all negative because it could be used to better security and increase safety in airports. People may notice more suspicious behavior and report it. If an airport authority uses racial profiling I believe that it can help reduce problems in the airport. Although racial profiling has pros and cons as everything does, I believe that the cons outweigh the benefits.
    Parent Answer: Assuming a person is suspicious, guilty or dangerous based upon their appearance is racial profiling. I don’t believe that racial profiling should be used in airport security. Safety measures should be applied to all passengers. Making assumptions about a person’s character is more of a danger to our safety and it opens the door to complacency and opens the door to an “innocent” looking person slipping by and causing harm because they looked harmless. Crazy doesn’t necessarily have an appearance which is why it is so risky to think we can assess a person’s moral fiber just by looking at them. Racial profiling can potentially increase negative stereotypes and increase the divide in human race relations.
    I do not believe that there are any benefits to racial profiling.

  36. MALLORY (get you some of that) FIELDSOctober 27, 2011 at 10:33 PM

    Racial profiling is discriminating a person by their race. It is wrong and should not be used and it is stereotyping others based on outward appearance.Ever since 9/11 happened airports have been more aware of who and what goes into the planes. I think that's its not a bad thing to be aware and awake. But, going to far is when a certain race is more discriminated than others. Racial profiling makes security be more aware of their surroundings to keep everyone safe. Although, from the point of view of a Muslim guy having to be starred at in airport lines or in America. Its not ok when he hasn't caused any harm, its just called stereotyping and its never ok. -Mallory Fields

  37. Parent: The racial profilling is wrong because its juding other people by their skin colors. I dont think racial profiling should be used in the airport. Its simmiar to jeering people by their actions that they didnt even its the actions that their race did. People are made equally and people make different mistakes. Trey Noh : i think racial profilling itself is wrong but i think it should be used in airport. In the airport, they probably dont start racial profillinfpg unless some events happen. We cant avoid everything but in the airport we should avoid because incident like 911 happend faster than a lightening. We should not use racial profilling places like restaurant or public places becasue thats being rude to the people. If you think again we are not going to only racial profill certain race it could be white peoole, african American or asian. If we can stop possible terriost we should do it becasue we dont incident like 911 to happen again in US

  38. Evan:

    Racial profiling is when a law enforcer uses a person’s race as the main motive to suspect an individual has broken the law. It is basically stereotyping someone. Racial profiling should not be used in airport security, but if someone does look suspicious, security needs to be cautious and make sure that nothing is going to go wrong because sometimes people are attempting to do something foolish and detrimental. The airport security doesn’t need to just assume someone is up to cryptic actions based on their race alone. The only benefit to racial profiling is that it is a way to prevent crimes and law breaking. The bad thing would be that people would get offended because they are being accused of something major just by their background.

    Racial profiling is when people in authority make an assumption based solely on a person’s race or cultural background, that they have broken the law. No, they should not use it in airport security. Racial profiling is discriminatory and should never be used. No, there are no benefits to racial profiling. Accusations should be based on cause and not race.

  39. Racial profiling is when you are assuming by someone's appearance that they may be more likely to be guilty. I believe it may be offensive. Although it can also be very helpful, the reason people assume they are guilty is because history has shown people who look like them have been guilty more often. Sometimes political correctness is very inefficient; Is an eighty-year-old women really a threat, when there is a Middle Eastern man travelling alone with a box cutter? I also believe it is necessary in the airport, but they should not be politically correct. They should use their common sense about who to check. Safety is the priority not trying not to offend people.

  40. racial profiling is like being prejudice. you dont know anything about that person but you make decisions on there background anyway. I dont think it should be used in airports because a white person could be as likely to blow up the plane as an arab. I do not think anyone should use racial profilling because it is against the bible. God created each of us equally it is only what we do with our lives that make a difference in our lives. when we only base our opinions on peoples history then we are sinning against God. racial profiling is only detrimental to our society because when we use it as a basis of fact we become predjudice which leads to racism which leads to extreme hate and we sin against God

    charlie money

  41. Racial profiling is when someone olooks at another person and since they look different then they think that they are weird. For example when someoune in the United States sees a Mexican they think that they are an illegal immagrant. Another example is when someone sees a muslim they think that that person wants to blow up a building or something.I think that racial profiling should be used a little bit tin airports. I think that it should be used to see weather or not a person looks suspiciouse or not. For example a little muslim girl who is about five shouldn't be interigated because it might scare her forever and she probably isn't going to blow up a plan. I don't think that racial profiling is very helpful. It could be used lightly in the airport but not really anywhere else.
    William Charles

  42. Racial profiling is when you think something about someone because of their race. I don’t think racial profiling shouldn’t be used no matter what happens. Just because someone of your race does something wrong doesn’t mean everyone of that race should be judged; only God can do that. Sometimes there are benefits to racial profiling like if a group of a certain race does something wrong there is a chance that you can catch a suspect. But you have to ask yourself, would you want someone to profile you like that?
