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Thursday, October 20, 2011

U.S. History Question #5

“…for, between the Christianity of this land, and the Christianity of Christ, I recognize the widest possible difference--so wide, that to receive the one as good, pure, and holy, is of necessity to reject the other as bad, corrupt, and wicked. To be the friend of the one, is of necessity to be the enemy of the other. I love the pure, peaceable, and impartial Christianity of Christ: I therefore hate the corrupt, slaveholding, women-whipping, cradle-plundering, partial and hypocritical Christianity of this land. Indeed, I can see no reason, but the most deceitful one, for calling the religion of this land Christianity. I look upon it as the climax of all misnomers, the boldest of all frauds, and the grossest of all libels.” - Frederick Douglass

One of the darkest blemishes in American history is the stain left by slavery. Slavery survived in America for over 200 years. How could it have lasted so long in a country that claimed to be Christian. In fact, there were some Christian leaders, such as R.L. Dabney (Stonewall Jackson's chief of staff and chaplain), during the time of slavery in America that failed to acknowledge the evils of slavery because it was so engrained in Southern culture.

Discuss the following questions with a parent and give both of your answers...

What practices or ways of life are present in our culture today that we generally accept and never really think twice about that are actually an abomination to God?

Why is nothing done to stop them?


  1. I think one of the common issues we have is using the Lord's name in vain. It reminds me of the Challenger. The take off resembles the issue, the explosion resembles you saying His name in vain, and the innocent teacher dying resembles the kid who you exposed the phrase to.

    The best way to stop it is to punish, not to say just to stop. Then, you must ask for forgiveness of the Lord. Only a fool would try to stop it by saying what it is. The reason we can't stop it is because we would always turn back around and then say what we just told someone not to. That is the human nature.
    Jackson Hofmann

  2. I think one of the largest issues that all over the world is music. some of the most known, popularly played music is not appropiate and is against the wishes of our Lord. The most famous artists are not those who want to glorify God with all their heart, but those who talk about worldly things and unhealthy ideas. We usually just don't think about it and atually go along with it, singing along and accepting it like it's normal. When atually, the Lord says we should not transform to this world, because we are strangers in it and should keep our time focused on bringing as many to our true home as we can.

    The world is so large, and so demanding, that it would be very difficult to stop the entire world from listening and creating unhealthy music. As awful as it sounds, the world is evil and doesn't want to change from sinful ways. Everyone likes to listen to music, even if it isn't good for our ears. I wish there was a way to stop it completely, but the best we can do right now is not listen to the music ourselves and try to influence others to find a different choice to allow into their head. Music can be very catchy and influencing, and we need to be careful at what we allow ourselves to listen to.

  3. One of the most popular things, but not always right thing to do is listen to music. Some music is okay, but some is just plain horrible. Although this fact exists with us, we never usually think twice about listening to that bad song once or twice. It has become the "normal" thing to do in our society. Another thing that we usually never think twice about is the movies that we watch. Movies that have been rated "R" are rated that for a reason. It is not right for kids like us to watch "R" rated movies this early on. You never know what is in those movies, but I can almost assure you that it is not pleasing to the Lord.

    Nothing is done to stop kids from listening to and watching bad movies and music, because it has become the normal thing to do. My mom says that it is the weird thing to not do these things, and we should strive to be weird. We should all have the mindset to think if what we are doing is what Jesus would do. I can tell you with upmost confidence that Jesus would not listen to an explicit song. If this is so, then why should we? The world has become a wicked place, with it rising with the more reliance we have on technology. With the world having so many cruel people who do not know the Lord, the more bad movies and songs that are going to be released. It has come to the point where christians cannot do anything to stop this from happening.

  4. I think one of the biggest things wrong with our culture today is celebrities. People think there so great when really there not. They break the law and do things they shouldn't. Yet people still think there great.

    I think one of the reason why people don't do anything about it is because they have thought it to be normal for celebrities to do these things. And they think just because there celebrities they deserve special treatment. People don't really stop and think that these are actual people they can't just run around doing these things they need to be stopped instead they think these are celebrities they can do whatever they want. That is what I think is one of the major things wrong with our culture.

    Marin Winter

  5. A big issue we face can often be modesty, especially for girls. We tell ourselves that because everyone else is doing it, so should we. But as time progresses, we know that shorts will get shorter and shirts will get smaller and smaller, so should we fit in or stand out? Also, language can be a big issue for some of us. But if your mad, should you pull out a slur of cuss words to express yourself? No, just try to calm down and think things over.

    No one does anything about this now because we think the ball has already started rolling and what's the use? We are God's people and we should listen to Him and set our eyes on things other than this world. But every where you turn, there is someone in a skimpy outfit or a song being sung with cussing or profanity in it. It maybe hard to stop cold turkey, but if we can slow down this disastrous course, we can change the worlds outlook of "the norm". We can do something about it, even if its not wearing that dress, our just keeping our cool.

    Natalie Bell

  6. One of the biggest problems in our culture is the influence of the media and celebrities on us. Lots of the things that they say and do, we will say and do.

    My mom and I agree that using HIS name in vain is something that many people in our culture say, so we say it too. We don't even realize that it is bad to say, but it says in the Ten Commandments to not use the HIS name in vain. I hear all the time people on TV shows say O.M.G. and don't think it's bad, but it is an abomination to HIM. Your supposed to call upon the Lord in time of need, or when you praise him. You shouldn't use HIS name loosely and just throw it around. Nothing is done about it because a lot of people are in the habit of saying it, and don't want to seem uncool if they call people out on it. I think that something should be done to stop this, so whenever I hear people say, O.M.G., I call them out on it, and they stop for a while, but then they will start saying it again. It would be hard to stop if you did have a habit in saying that, but if you tried, you would stop.

    Anna Kate Peterson

  7. One of the biggest flaws in our society is the arts media. There are way too many R-rated movies and too many inappropriate songs. There’s a reason that movies are rated. There’s a reason there is a “parental guidance” sticker on the CD. They’re not for children. I am positive that children watching those movies or listening to those songs, is not pleasing the Lord. Those child’s parents are disobeying God by letting them be exposed to those harmful sources at that age.
    I guess the reason nothing is being done to stop it, is because it has become natural to us. We have gotten used to doing it for so long, it has become normal. The reason they let the kids watch or listen to is because people want to see that movie, or they want to download that song. The reason it continues is because people keep buying it. The parents will sometimes give the child whatever they want. That way, whenever the child would ask for something, they would get it. Those parents need to be more assertive and tell the kid “NO”.

  8. My mom and i both agree that one of the most common issuse that people don't address is bad lauguage. Some people are so use to using bad language that they don't even notice they do it. People, even Christans do this. The touge is very powerful, and God wants us to use it for good. I think Christans often for get that the same touge they use bad language with is the same touge they use to praise and worship God. If people thought about this more they would watch the words that come out there mouth. I think bad language effects kids the most. Kids may here there parents use bad language and think that it ok. If a little kid that has grown up with a Christan family, hears one of his parents use bad language he may think it is ok because he may think his parents would never do anything against the Bible.

  9. Well now a days us (kids) think its cool to go see a bad movie. Also in some cases people think its cool to curse. People now a days don't think about what they're doing they just do whatever is "cool" in our society. For example, if your friend is about to go see a R-rated movie and your parents aren't home, you're probably gonna go because your friend is going to think you are a "loser" if you don't go. Also sometimes we as kids try to make the right decisions, but fall into peer pressure. The U.S. government i think doesn't always follow what the founding fathers said our country should be like. Therefor people end up doing the same thing as everyone else which in most cases isn't right. I also think parents need to be more aware of what kids are doing. Lastly, i think it's difficult to stop what our country does is because it has become a routine of doing the same unGodly things.
    mitchell ryan

  10. My dad says that Fredrick Douglas didn’t consider America to be a Christian land. He also felt that because the country aloud slavery and slaves to be physically abused then this was so bad as to be considered Christ like. Even though the USA was considered Christian, most of the acts of slavery were very cruel. Some slave owners were fair and still gave them food it was still very wrong. My dad also thinks that Fredrick Douglas was trying to shame all the real Christians into getting read of slavery. In other words he was trying to get all the people not involved with slavery to fight against it.
    My point of view is that Fredrick Douglas was saying that slavery very cruel. He was also saying that most of the people in America were Christian and how they were because they’re enslaving people of this world. I think he’s also saying that people of this country are distant from God and unholy if they were involved with the slavery of their brothers, and sisters in Christ. I also think he’s saying that if they realized how much of a bad thing they’ve been doing they wouldn’t do it anymore, well at least the Christians probably would stop. That's how the revolutionary war started.
    Preston Bates

  11. Bad language is one thing that we hear all of the time that is not pleasing to God. I hear kids cussing all of the time and it doesn't seem to bother them at all. I think that a lot of parents cuss and their kids hear them and they pick it up. Television has also started having a lot of cussing on television shows. They say words that are considered cuss words but when children see and hear them on television they repeat them. They may not even realize that they are saying bad words. My mom tells me not to repeat a word if I am not a hundred percent sure of what it means. I think that some kids say and do things just to look cool but it is really disappointing to God. Parents may overlook their child cussing if they cuss because they don't wnat to look like a hypocrit. Other parents that hear other people's children cuss don't say anything becuase they don't want to get anyone mad at them. Everyone keeps ignoring it and it just gets worse. Also no one does anything about the cussing on television because they think it is funny and they make a lot of money on those types of shows so no one complains and then television just keeps getting worse and worse. None of this is pleasing to the Lord. The parents shouldn't cuss in front of their children, they shouldn't allow their kids to watch those shows and they should punish the kids if they hear them cussing.

  12. There are many horrible ways of living in our society today. People cuss, only care about themselves, and sometimes even worship money and other Earthly items without actually bowing down. Cussing is intolerable in any lifestyle because it is usually used in a negative way towards others. Caring about only yourself is terrible because The Bible says, "Put others ahead of self." People would ruin the lives of others just to benefit and improve their lives. Worshipping money and other Earthly idols is probably the most anti-Christian thing that I have stated so far. People put money ahead of others and it takes control of the owner's life. They will become money-hungry and will do anything and I mean ANYTHING, just to get more money. It is gut-wrenching and should be stopped.

    Nothing is done to stop these terrible things because no one wants to be an outsider. No one wants to be ridiculed for trying to do what is right, what is Godly, and most of all, what is Christian. People should put a stop to this. They should try their absolute hardest and try to get others to stop to. If everybody would act like Jesus, this wouldn't do this. Before you do anything ever again, just ask yourself this: What Would Jesus Do?

    Ethan Powell

  13. One of the biggest problems was when Momar Gadhafi and Osama Benladen died. Most people celebrated in the streets instead of being sad. We say that we are all Christians but we celebrate a death. I understand that they were terrorist,but if they weren't we wouldn't do that. We also need to be respectful because their family members and friends are hurting right now. Even though ten times more friends and family members in America dread September 11.The bottom line is just because of what someone did doesn't mean that we can be happy when someone dies for us Christians.

  14. Of the many unhealthy practices of our culture, one stands at the top. Abortion is a huge problem in the United States today. My mom believes that people care more about individualism than morality. Basically, people care more about themselves than the well-being of other people. Our Constitution takes advantage of our sinful nature by making us work hard, to make the most money for example. In our culture, people don’t do things or work hard to help other people; we work hard to make life easier for ourselves. The smartest, most diligent person will make the most money if they try.

    Most citizens don’t really care if they’re doing the wrong thing if it has benefits for them. When people give excuses for the bad things they do, most of the time they know they are in the wrong. Yet those people still argue their case, because they know most people can’t come up with an obvious reason, or if they can they are too lazy to fight against the problem. If we as Americans would simply “put others ahead of self”, then we would live in a much better world today.


  15. My mother and I think that the media in general is corrupt. Media today influences us and tries to make us think that we are ugly, and we need to go through plastic surgery to achieve true beauty. This violates God's principles because we are saying that the way God created us wasn't good enough and to correct it we would need to mutilate and destroy our bodies. Yet, no one corrects them because even though they violate God's principles, there are several people in the world who do not believe in God and who would be offended if we removed this from society.

  16. society has many problems one of the few are discrimination.discrimanation is not just race but gender,age and etc.people discrimante you because of your age like some 13 year olds know how to drive but never are able to test out their skils.
    me and my dad agreed along with several other topics. this is one of the most important topics in society and people are blinded by male or female, or 10 or 20.most peopl find race gender age religon the most important of all.

  17. I think that the biggest issue is media, celebrities, music,television. All of things usually say or do something that is inappropriate and not good for our minds. Sometimes they will say something and make it so that it is hinting around the inappropriate comment. Everyone hears this music everyday that cusses and just is plain bad for us and no one does anything about it... i mean sometimes my mom will say "turn that off" or "that isn't good i don't want you listening to that" or something like that. But we don't think to listen because its just the nature of our society today. The celebrities today are all bad role models for anyone and they are trashy and all the girls look skimpy in whatever they wear or do. They are always partying and getting drunk and going to jail every other day... even if they claim to be Christians they act on instinct. The media is all bad they movies are rarely ever good for any of us to see they are all bad again. They have all of this inappropirate scenes or they just put gross images into kids heads. Sometimes the kids can think that life is supposed to be just like that.Oh and the internet that is like the worst because you can do or see anything on the internet and never think that it is wrong because it is publicly shown and it looks o.k. But yes these things are the things that society does nothing about because they do, listen ,watch, search, and act like everything i said. I hope that one day we can work on that to have a better society because this is like a minor subject to them and they really don't care. The Illumianti from what i have heard is a group of singers who try to put stuff into our minds with their singing to make us all believe the wrong things. Im pretty sure these people actually do this they don't seem like Christians or anything of the sort. I know we cat just stop this right away it will take a while for us to even began.
    Giana Darby

  18. In our society today, an example of abomination to God that comes to mind is using language dishonoring to God's holy name. My dad and I agreed a lot of times we hear swearing and cussing language. An example of this can be as simple as someone saying "OMG". Many Christians today use the Lord's name in vain, and it seems like instinct to them. The truth is, using this language is disobedience to God. What we hear and how we translate it can have a serious amount of influence in our lives.

    I feel like there are two main reactions when we think about doing something to stop foul language. We either give in and just think its what we do as sinful humans or look at it as too big a problem to overcome. The basic action we can do to prevent this language is to not use it ourselves. It has become habit for most people to speak whatever comes to their mind. That is why harsh language continues so often today. God wants us to think before we speak.

  19. There are many ways of life in our country that are not necessarily illegal but are frowned upon by God. The KKK is one of them. They claim to be Christians, yet they are against black people. Racial discrimination is another problem. Even though the 13th Amendment abolished slavery and the 15th Amendment gave black men the right to vote, African-Americans are still treated poorly. Bullying is something we, as a school, don’t see very often, yet it is still a major issue outside of Whitefield. A bully can scar someone for life, both physically and mentally. All of these actions do not take into account that all people are created in the image of God. My mom says that she agrees with my points, and also sees our overemphasis on professional athletics as something accepted in our culture, yet is likely something God isn’t pleased with. It seems close to idolatry to her in many cases.

    Some things are done to stop these behaviors, such as laws against racial discrimination and school rules on bullying. Even with these rules, people still practice discrimination because they are sinners. No rule or law can change the sinful nature of man. Sometimes, people treat others wrongly because they are scared of people who are different than them. If people loved each other like God does, no matter what race or origin, we could put an end to these actions. My mom says she does think that there has been progress in accepting people of different races throughout her lifetime, but that until people can grow to see others through God’s eyes, and feel secure in the fact that they are loved by God, there will be poor treatment of others. This grieves God.

  20. I believe one of the major blemishes in society is the pressure to be “perfect.” In society everyone feels like they need to belong and fit in. Magazines and the Media have a major influence in people’s lives as well. When we look at the models in the magazine some of us think “wow!” I want to be like him/her. Most times the men and women we see in the media aren’t always setting the best examples for us. There are women that believe plastic surgery and different surgical operations are the way to be beautiful. This goes against God because it’s basically saying who you are, isn’t good enough. Also, most girls do this because they want to feel loved and accepted. That’s what we would call low self-esteem.
    This issue isn’t usually addressed in society because many people don’t find it a problem, they actually agree. Also, many girls want to be just like the people in the magazines. This is very displeasing to God because he is proud of the way he made us and he made us all different. He expects us all to be pleased with ourselves as well and appreciate the way he made us. And a good life lesson out of this is that looks won’t get you anywhere in life, it’s your heart and what’s on the inside.

    Kamryn Johnson

  21. Sexual immorality, sexual enticement, is what many people do not thing much about these days. They use sexual enticement to get people to buy products by using it in advertisments such as:,TV commercials, magazines, and distribution of preventive methods like birth control. This makes it seem acceptable and okay to participate in sexual activities before marriage.
    It has not been stoped because it improves business in their eyes and when something improves business, they do not want to get rid of it.

  22. one issue all over the world that is a problem is ads on T.V. Ads show bad images of people using a product that tempts people to buy the product. They would think that if they bought the product that the same thing would happen to them. So they would buy the product, get ripped-off and call the number again and ask for a refund. They wouldn't get a refund because that wasn't on the commerci

  23. I think that music is a big issue in todays society. People forget about the words in the music. Some people rate the music on the tune or beat, but I think they forget about the harsh or uncalled words. Also people think if they have certain music your considered cool.
    I think are world needs less music full of uncalled words.sid brendel

  24. I thinks that cussing and R-rated moives are a big problem in todays society. People dont really notice how bad these thinga are. Most of the people seeing and doing these things are by themselves and dont really know God. Lots of these things too people do because of pressure and friends who lead them in this wrong direction. I asked my parents what they thought about our society and they said abortion was wrong. Its killing a child. Even if you dont want it then some other family will. God has a plan for the baby and your ending it. Those are some main problems happening today.
