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Friday, November 4, 2011

World Cultures Question #6

Matthew 7:13-14 says, "Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it."

Answer both of the following questions...

What does this verse mean?

What does passing through the small gate and taking the narrow road look like in your own life?


  1. The verse is saying that it is easy to do the wrong thing but it harder to do the opposite. what it would look like in my own life would be to work in and out of school. I suppose for school it would be to study hard and stay focused. Out of school it would be to work harder an get stronger for sports so i can give all that i can when playing.

  2. Taking the narrow road in life is very difficult and can be distorted into different images. Some people can walk down the wide path to destruction believing that they are going down the right, just path instead. Robert Frost said it well in one of his many famous poems “Two roads diverged in a wood, and I-- I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference.” This quote explains that the popular way is not always right and the right way is not always popular. It takes a lot of strength to choose the right side instead of the easy one. God challenges us to do just this and when Christians were being persecuted in Rome they kept to their faith and did not back down. I think they are role models for what we should be in our everyday lives and I hope to be like them in the future.

  3. Rachael Lewis said...
    This verse is explaining the choices we face everyday to do the right thing. We see two roads that have the right choice and bad choice. In this verse it shows ow it is easier to pick the bad road for a little but the good choice will pay off in the end. This verse along with many other verses in the bible show the way humans pick choices mostly on what everyone else is doing or what is more popular choice. BUt with using good judgment and following Gods work we can stay on the road God wants us to be on.

  4. this is what jt says....

    what this verse means is that there are many challenges we face in life. We can take the easy way{wide gate} or the right way{narrow gate}. the narrow gate and the narrow road may seem more treacherous but in the end they will be more rewarding. Its like a book i read called little pilgrims progress. its was about a boy named christian who wanted to make it to the eternal kingdom but in order to get there he had to start and the gate and travel along the trecherous road and never straaying from this road. if he followed these rules and didnt lose his faith he would be rewarded with eternal glory. he was tempted and betrayed but he stayed strong and reached his goal. thats how i see the narrow road, it is very tempting to just give up when the going gets tough but we need to stay strong and persevere.

    Jt morris

  5. In all parts of life the humans want to choose the easy way. In the verse the large gate is going with the wicked ways of the world. It is easy to follow this way therefore it is larger, many people are able to find it. A narrow gate is more difficult to navigate its way through. It represents the hard way through something that actually requires will instead of being lazy.
    In my life it may feel like a relief going through the large gate. In the end I know that there is much more satisfaction knowing that I did the right move instead of taking the lazy way. Being lazy is the ultimate insult, taking the wide gate is inviting yourself onto a short time boat, but long term will get you nowhere. I have choices in life on which road to take. Narrow or wide, video game or study are my two paths. It is easy for me to play a video game because it take little to no effort. Studying is going to be a useful source later on for me to have

  6. The verse is saying that many people take the wide path or the easy way out in life and are mislead to their destruction. It is easy to follow this path because it is apeealing and doesn't take much effort to follow. It is kinda the "go with the flow" way to live life. But the other, narrow road is harder to follow because it isn't easy to make the right choice and maybe say no the drugs in order to stay on the narrow path. That is why few find it because all of the people that follow the wide path have gotten caught up in the world and have taken the easy way out in life. There is no true easy way out in life, so that is why the wide path leads to destruction. In my own life, taking the narrow path is like decideing wiether to do my homework or watch tv. Normally its is difficult for me to stay on the narrow path because I am tired after a long day of school. Even when I'm tired, or life seems hard, I need to remain on the narrow path so i can avoid destruction.

  7. This verse means that it is easy to go down the path that leads to destruction but it is difficult to go down the path that leads to life. That is why it is difficult for some people to find the right path and to stay on the path because most of the time they will go down the destructive path because it is easy to find and stay on the path but it is not a good path to be on. Passing through the small gate and taking the narrow road in my life is like when i have to make a difficult choice and the right choice is like the small gate that will lead me through the narrow road in the right direction.

  8. my response:
    This scripture is saying that it's easy to sin and got off on the wrong path, but to do good is hard and a daily challenge. Also, it states "..only a few only a few find it." In other words, it's hard to overcome your thoughts and do right. Passing through the small gate and taking the narrow road looks like I don't listen to all the wrong thoughts and wrong doings. I do the right things and follow God's example.

    The wide gate is easier to follow, sometimes it is easier to take this gate and not receive the punishment or response to your action. The narrow gate is harder to follow and stay toward but in the end it's worth the reward. Passing through the small gate and taking the narrow road in my life means that I must be in the Word and be very aware of my surroundings, of my friends, and concentrate on doing the right thing. I must always strive to be like Jesus.

  9. Bethany Van Rensburg (:November 10, 2011 at 5:21 PM

    Being a christian isn't an easy walk through the park. In every christians journey there are conflicts and battles. In each individual christians life they have a two main choices, or in this verse 'gates.' The wide gate is the easy option, its the gate that most choose. But God wants us to be set apart from the rest of the world; not just following the crowd. He wants us to choose the narrow, small gate. Choosing the narrow gate may not be the most easiest thing in the world but obeying Gods commands make him pleased and he will reward you with eternal life rather than earthly possessions. Personally i think it's extremely difficult to choose which gate to go through, but thankfully by Gods grace I am reminded to think of how eternal life is far more important than to think of worldly possessions or following the crowd.

  10. Cameron Empanada JenkinsNovember 10, 2011 at 5:36 PM

    Even though many people find the wide road to be the right path doesn’t mean we have to follow. Our goal is to lead people to the right path. Don’t follow the easy path, because in the final results the few who did right will find light while the other path of followers will end up in the dead end wondering what happened but won’t find a way back. Just think about it, would you want to be stuck with those heartless people that are now lost because they couldn’t help themselves. I’m sure we all know the answer to that. So what are you waiting for, every second counts!

  11. john canon brody cantrell said:November 10, 2011 at 6:08 PM

    So many people go through the wide road only to find it the wrong path. As Christians we need to teach people about Jesus in order for them to take the narrow path. That is what God wants us to do for him. Being a Christian doesn't mean fun and games all the time. Christians go through struggles in order to go through the narrow road. The verse is saying that do not take the easy route out of life, for that path leads to your destruction. Instead work hard for the Lord to glorify Him and you will have eternity in heaven. It is kind of like getting stronger or getting better at sports. You have to be disciplined, it may be very painful working for it, but in the end it will be very rewarding. That is the same thing this is saying. Don't take the easy way out of life, but instead work through pains and struggles in reward for eternity with God.

  12. This verse is saying that on the road to heaven and God there is no room for sin and the road will be hard to follow, but rewarding. The wide path may be fun for now but when you get to the end, the gate that will be waiting for you is not going to be Heaven’s. To be a Christian you have to be disciplined enough to understand that all of these earthly things will be nothing eventually, only God will remain. Everyone wants to be known and have fun, and there are two different ways to do this. The sinful way or the Godly way. Just because you are Christian does not mean you can’t have fun, you just can’t do something stupid like drugs or drinking. For me to pass through that small gate is not wasting my time. Sometimes when I get home I just want to forget about homework and watch Tv or take a nap. But I can’t until I finish my homework, do my chores, and study. After I do these things to the best of my ability, then I can enjoy myself. But only after I finish my work. I want to be trusted with the smaller things so eventually I can be trusted with much.

  13. This verse has two meanings. In one sense, it means only a few people will enter through the narrow gate (Christianity) and receive eternal life through Jesus. Most people will go through the wide gate (not accepting Christ) and go to destruction (hell). In another sense, this verse means that it is easier to do the wrong thing. It is easy to follow the world’s sinful ways and do what everybody else is doing, but doing the wrong thing eventually leads to destruction (punishment: grounding, expulsion, jail). Doing the right the thing takes tremendous courage. It is difficult to step away from the crowd and be different because people will often criticize you. However, doing the right thing pays off in the long run. For example, let’s say all of your friends are smoking, and they offer you a cigarette. If you refuse to smoke, your friends will probably make fun of you or stop being your friend. When they die at 30 and you live a long, healthy life, entering the through the narrow gate (not smoking) paid off and entering through the wide gate (smoking) did not.
    However, the above example is not applicable to my own life. In my own life, the wide gate would be media. It is easy to listen to explicit songs and watch inappropriate shows in modern times. It is especially easy to do this when almost everyone is doing it. You’re weird if you can’t stand a little cussing and you have to change the channel as soon as something a little “mature” comes on. To enter through the narrow gate and pass through the small road, I have to detach myself from the world, keep myself from being negatively influenced by media, only listen to clean songs, and only watch appropriate shows.
    -Logan Pearce

    Matthew 7:13-14 says how it is easier and you may think it is better to make a easy decision, slack off or not work your hardest, but really it will lead to destruction. If you take the easy way out in life or chose not to work hard and give your all then you will be punished on earth or you may go to hell. Either way later in life your decisions will come back to you. If you made a bad decision like not working hard in a practice then come game time you will not be at your best. It is harder to always give your all and make the right decision, but if you do it will make you a better person in life.

  15. The verse says that the smaller more challenging road leads you to your greatest hopes and dreams instead of the larger road which leads you a stray. It's saying that the easy way outof thingds is nothe best way. YOu have to work hard at something inorder to recive your reward. If you slack off you won''t get what you are aimig for. The smaller road for me is getting good grades. IT's difficult at times to rfinish my homeowrk or study because I'd rather go do something else. I could take the easy road by not doing homework and not studying but it is betteforme to do my homework and study because these skills I learn now will help me later in life. Just because there is an easier way out doesn't mean it's the right way. Take the road less traveled because you may never know what God has in store.

  16. I think this verse is talking about how sometimes the wrong desicion seems better at the time than the right choice. The devil tries to make the wrong path seem very appealing and sugar coat it. It might seem like everyone else is doing somethibg but that doesnt always mean that yiu should do it to. If we choose to do what we know is right it might seem difficult to do at first but in the end it will benefit you for the better. Choosing the path that seems diffrent from the rest of what the world is doing can be very hard to choose but as christians we should do things for God and not to please the world.
    Sometimes in my life i face forks in the road where one path might be "wider" and it seems like everyone else is going down that path and it seems like i might benefit more from choosing it but normally those benefits are not the right reasons. If i do choose the wider path though in the end it wont be in my best intrest. The right path might be a little rough at times but if i have God on my side i know i can make it through any trial that is put in my way no matter how hard the devil tries to tell me diffrent.
    -hannah haverty

  17. This verse is very self-explanatory. God doesn’t want us to follow the wrong path; he wants us to put our faith in him and follow his path because he has the best plan for our lives. The world persuades you to follow the wrong thing by using a form of persuasion called bandwagon. Bandwagon is simply saying that you should do something because everyone else is doing that, but when we follow the world or sinful people, we can find ourselves in serious trouble and danger. The wide road is the road that everyone takes. The Bible even says that the wide road leads to destruction. Many people take this path, only to find it the wrong path and end up hurting themselves physically or emotionally. The narrow road and small gate is the path that God wants you to follow because he knows what is best for you. Not many people take this path, but just because not many people do not take this path, that is not a reason that you should not take the path too. When we follow the God (aka the narrow road and small gate), we will have eternal life and be with God forever. My life will be amazing and great if I follow the narrow road because I will have God on my side to direct me. Even though I want to be on the right path, it might not be easy to stay on God’s path with all of the influence around me, but if I don’t let that influence get to me then I will be able to stay on God’s path.

  18. This verse is a great quote from the Bible that has its readers really goes in depth inside the verse. It is saying that our long journey to righteousness is a long and tough one. We are tempted by many things to stay on the past that is easiest, but we do not realize that this path leads to our own destruction. As sinners, we want the easy and safe road out so that we will not have to face trials and challenges, but that just is not true. Satan is a huge rock in the road to our salvation to God and Christians cannot just simply avoid him. God tells us in the Bible that our journey will be hard, but we have to just step up and face the challenges. This will make us take the narrow and harder road, but it helps us stay closer to God. In my life, the devil tempts me to not try my hardest in school, sports, and other things in life. By meditating on God’s word, I am able to comprehend that he is trying to knock me off the trail to eternal life with God.

  19. God gave us talents and abilities and i think this verse means the narrow gate is for the people who finds their talents and use the talents wisley. We often say everyone is made equally and it is true but that means nobody is better than the others because of what they have. We should not judge others base of the color of their skins or the things that they are borned with because when it comes to the end everyone is equal from God's eyes. I also think the narrow gate or road means the way that people usually dont try on. Its hard to do something that nobody does for example, Mark,zuckerberg who is a person who had creativity, and the ability to try unusal thing called social network. Who would have thought of a small website that a college student made would turn out to be the most famous webiste around the world. In my life, i think iam trying to find the narrow road for my life but not yet truely found the narrow gate. I think the point of this verse also means what ever the road that the Lord gives you, dont be selfish because everyone has the paths that God wants you to follow

  20. Matthew is talking about our choices in life with the analogy of paths. The decisions we make show who we truly are. In general, there are two types of choices in our lives. I’m not talking about decisions like what to wear or what to eat; the idea is directed towards the type of decisions that regard our purity and godliness. In every situation there is a sinful way out, where it will be easier and will feed your sinful desire. Nine out of ten people probably make that choice and fall into Satan’s trap. As Matthew explains it, this is the wide road that leads to destruction. The other choice given to us is God’s way. This is the hard decision to make, as it will always be difficult as it goes against everything the world will tell us. Instead of rejecting a kid who is being bullied, this path calls for us to stand up for them even if it makes us susceptible to being bullied too. Matthew describes this as the narrow gate that few enter, since it is so difficult. The difficulty is worth it though, as we are following God and true joy is eventually rewarded through serving others.
    This verse could apply to my life in several ways, but it is most helpful in relevant in my sports. I am on a travel team and constantly surrounded by a negative influence. Whether it is language or interests, I have to remember that it’ll be hard to stand up for Christ because they will likely criticize me for it. Even if I have to quietly, I will know that I am making the right decision. Maybe they will even notice my different behavior as I am constantly trying to follow that narrow path that leads to God.

  21. Allison Fiveash: The wide road is full of sin and disobedience, it is free to be wild, and do whatever it wants. It is for unforgiven sinners that do not want to follow God on the tight narrow path. The tight narrow path is sin free and full of happiness. But it is for Christians who are willing to drop everything and follow God, they cannot be lukewarm. My life is full of sin. Sometimes I live by being lukewarm, I feel like I can put school, sports or friends in front of God. When I sin I usually think God will forgive me, I can keep sinning. I always think I will follow God when I am an adult, I can worry about that in high school. I am living by the wide path; I need to fully commit myself to God, and only God.

  22. evan johnson

    This Bible verse is basically saying that it is easier to get wander away from God than to stay 100% focused on Him. People tend to get distracted by material things instead of staying devoted to God which is not right. Unfortunately I am one of those people who get side-tracked from God and now I understand how awful that is. Everyday I focus more on entertainment and my desires that I neglect to spend quality time with God. In my life, passing thru the small gate means that God is my number one priority.

    -evan johnson

  23. This verse is basicall symbolizing our walk with God. There are two gates that you can take- the small one for life or the wide one to destruction. It is easy to take the one to destruction. Because of our human nature, our sin can lead us towards that path. If we walk with God and let him lead us then we can take the narrow path to life. Obviously, more fall to the wide path which shows that it is a challenge to make it to the narrow path and to heaven. The decision to go through either gate is up to you. Passing through the narrow gate is all about choices. If I mess up once and don't correct it then I will mess up more and more untill it leads me to the path of destruction. It is like how a snowball collects more and more snow as it rolls down a hill. If I can focus on God and make the right decision then I can make more and more right deceisions. An example is to try and block out bad influence. Like when an old friend asks me to do something bad that I know isn't right I have to resist the temptation. Also, when I am up late at night, I could skip that last math problem and say I didn't know that that problem was assighned or I could do the right thing and finsih the proble. Those good decisions could lead me to the narrow path.

  24. When this verse says enter the "narrow gate" the narrow gate is really a way of life. And also the "wide gate" is a way of life as well. Of course the wide gate is much easier to enter than it is getting through the narrow gate. God uses the example of gate often one time being if we follow his commands the gates of heaven will be open for all of God's children. I think that Matthew in this verse when he states the "narrow gate" he is talking about following Christ. It isn't easier to go through the "narrow gate as well as it isn't easy being a Christian. We are challenged often by skeptics of our faith. God puts challenges down the road to see how we react to them. Taking the wide open gate is easy. This is when you don't honor God or you are (as God refers to half-Christians as) "luke warm" Christians. This is when you are neither loyal nor unloyall to God, you are almost as if you are in the middle. This way of life is easy, you just depend on God when you need Him but never thank him, and when you only pray to ask for something from Him. Passing through the narrow gate in my life looks like doing the hard things, and standing up when I feel like it is necissary to for what right. It means doing the right things sometimes even if it cost you a friendship with someone if they are a bad influence. God wants us to go down the narrow path now so that the gates of heaven will open wide for us on judgement day

  25. This verse is saying that we need to do the hard thing by staying on the straight and narrow. Anyone can follow the crowd and sin, but that is not what God calls us to do. He wants us to follow Jesus, who is the only way to heaven. If we follow the crowd, the wide road, we will receive eternal destruction in hell. That is easier while we are alive on earth, but in the long run it causes us more pain and suffering. Who would want extreme pain forever? We need to go against what the world tells us and follow God. This is not always easy, but it pays off in the long run. If we stay on the straight and narrow, we can be greeted by God with open arms. All we have to do is to believe in and except Jesus to receive eternal life in heaven with God. An example of this in my life is sports. For a lot of people, sports are their idol and life. They put a sport ahead of God, which is breaking the commandment that God comes first in our lives. I can’t fall into that belief and stray off of the straight and narrow. I can enjoy sports, but I can’t let them reach the number one spot on my list of priorities. If that happens, then I will be on course for eternal destruction. No matter the cost, I must follow God and his son Jesus. Jesus is the only way for me to come anywhere near to having eternal life in heaven.

  26. “Enter through the narrow gate”, I believe this mean’s take the path that is hard and more difficult to travel. It’s harder to follow God, narrow path, than it is another. Not as many people will take the narrow path, most will take the broad path. God is telling us that in order to follow him, we must take the harder path witch is less traveled. God never said having a relationship with him would be easy. That’s why the rewards are so great, because it takes more to get there. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. God tells us that most people will take the wide path which leads to destruction. The wide path is much easier to follow and is extremely tempting, even to Christians. I know I am tempted multiple times a day, by Satan to sin, and take the wide road. The wide road is good, until you have to spend eternity in hell, witch, to me, isn’t that good compared to the rough road which leads to eternal prosperity in heaven with the Lord Jesus Christ. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life and only a few find it. The Path that God wants us to take that leads to him is rough and challenging but after are challenges on earth, God says he rewards us with life, were as the wide road rewards with destruction.
    The narrow gate, in my life, is taking the extra time I have playing x-box or watching T.V. and praying and studding Gods word. And establishing that personal relationship with God that he wants us to have. But that personal relationship comes at a cost. We must take the narrow and less traveled road that requires commitment and passion. That means if there are some of your friends taking about some non-Godly things, we should not get involved with it, or better yet put an end to the sinful action or talk. At my age the wide gate, that is easy, but also leads to destruction, seems very tempting, and it takes a strong bond and love with and for God to stay on the narrow path and not stray. Because Satan is lurking behind every corner looking to bring you to the wide road that leads to destruction.

  27. This verse means that the narrow gate is going to have the harder path but the greatest outcome. The verse doesn’t mean that it is difficult to become a Christian but it is hard to follow the eternal path with God. The wide gate represents the easy path to destruction and hell. Few people decide to walk through the narrow and find eternal life with God. Believing in Jesus is the only way to make it to heaven because he took on our sins and died for us. Following the narrow gate might not always be easy but it is true and right because in the end you spend eternity with God. In my life passing through the small and narrow gate would be focusing on what is important and not being influenced by what’s around me. It is incredibly easy to be influenced and persuaded to do something wrong.

  28. Harlan..........(Wait for it)..............KYLE!November 10, 2011 at 8:16 PM

    Translation to the complicated verse at the top of the page:
    It's simple. To follow the ways of the world is SO much easier than following God. You don't see a bunch of pictures of Jesus in magazines or on billboards advertising the love of God, or the latest fashions being modest skirts and shirts with bible verses on it. No, you see a bunch of Photoshopped models advertising alcohol and how much fun it is to throw your life away.
    This is the majority of what is thrown at our faces everyday, to waste our lives and through out all of our potential. But don't worry, the media does a wonderful job of making it seem logical to do so. To make it seem OK.
    This is why the path of the wicked is so wide.
    Its hard to untangle the real truth from all of the other so called 'truths' out there. To find what God wants us to do instead of what the world wants us to do. This path is small and hard to find, but because of this, the reward is Great - Everlasting life.
    Doesn't get much better than that.
    In my own life, passing through that gate would means blocking out all the other lies that the world feeds to me and focusing on what God wants me to do. Even if this means rejecting whatever trend is 'in' at the moment. If tossing my life down the drain is considered 'in' the oh well, I'm not cool anymore. Too bad so sad, but at least All the losers will end up in heaven, which beats my few moments of being deemed cool by the sinful society we live in.

    Wach your mailbox...

  30. Ellie(the beast)Rieves.....ducesNovember 10, 2011 at 8:36 PM

    I think the verse is saying that it is easier to do the wrong thing. The people who choose the right path will be rewarded with eternal life. Many people will choose the path that is easier or that has less challenges, but Christians should choose the harder path because they know if it is God's will he will lead them through the trials and tribulations of that path. God gave us challenges so he could test our faith and figure out who his true followers are. In life most people will take the gate that it open wider. It is open wide because more people will most likely take that path, but the gate to heavens gates aren't quite as wide because true followers will do anything they can to earn their way into heaven.

    I recently lost my grandfather and the narrow road and small gate are what I look for. I know when my time comes God will take me to be with my grandfather and my grandma. So everyday I can try my best to praise God in everything that I do and thank him for letting have eternal life and be with the ones we ove the most. Soon I will be coming up on the age when drinking drugs and sex are something that seems normal and I need to avoid all of those things and most people won't. Most people will take the wide gate because it is easy, but God calls his believers to take the narrow road because it leads to life.

  31. hi.
    The verse simply states that the path to destruction is an easy one and the path to life is more difficult than many people expect it to be. It is hard to do the right thing but easier to do the wrong. Just because most people are doing the right thing doesn't mean that it's right. For example, homework; many people feel as though they can skip their homework and ask someone for the answers. It is much easier to have it done that way. The problem is that the person copying the homework and the one who did it both know that their actions are wrong. Lazy teenagers think that doing the work themselves “takes too much effort”, “interferes with their social lives” or “they have more important things to do." I always try my hardest to take the most correct path which is usually more difficult. Even though it’s easier to go the wrong way, the right path will take you farther.


  32. Anna Reeves McCutcheon said.........
    This verse means that there is an easy way to do things and a hard way to do things. For example people a lot of the time choose the easy way to do things like do a project the night before a due date or asking your mom to pick up after you. The easy way requires no effort and makes life more simple. The hard way means working for men like you are working for the Lord. The hard way may take longer or maybe its more boring to do, but in the end its worth it. In the end the easy way is not worth it because there are no benefits. No matter what if we work hard and honor God He will recognize our hard work and will reward us in ways that sometimes we can't see. There are times when I must choose which path to take, the wide path or the narrower path. Its almost like not knowing where you are going and coming across a fork in the road not knowing which path to take. I know that God wants me personally and other people as well to take the narrower path. It is definitely harder, but as I said before the benefits that come out of working harder are priceless.

  33. The verse begins describing Heaven as having a narrow entrance. The wide road represents the easy path that people most often take. It is easy to live a sinful life and follow one’s own desires. The narrow road represents a difficult path as it requires greater effort to live a spiritual life according to God’s will. Those who follow God’s will along the narrow road will be prepared to pass through Heaven’s narrow gate to find eternal life. In my life, I understand that I must make wise choices that are consistent with God’s will and consistent with teachings in the Bible. I know that I will be tempted to stray toward the more popular wide road, but I must remain focused on the narrow path in keeping with God’s will.

    tiffany smith

  34. I think this verse best exemplifies what we as teen face every day. It is amazing that even though the Bible was written thousands of years ago it still pertains to today. I think the scripture is talking about peer pressure. In today's society it seems that all the things that lead to destruction like ungodly relationships, drinking and the usage of illegal drugs people are trying in huge droves. People are more likely to want to go to. party, but you have to beg them to go to bible study or church. People seem to run away from anything that is wholesome or desent like christian music, but would rather listen to music that puts down women. Rappers are worshiped by millions but missionarys who help people go unnoticed. The scripture lets us know that many seek after the bad things because it's an easier road to follow because "everyone is doing it". The road to eternal life is hard because you may be alone and will have to make choices that are not popular.

    In my life, I think everyday I face the narrow gate. I am a born again Christian but I am also a teenager who is bombarded by TV and other forms of media showing me all the evil things that the world has to offer. They make it look like it would be so much fun. I have to make the choice of the people I allow into my life, it may mean sometimes I'm left out or not apart of the in crowd. I may be alone in my choices or my opinions and have to defend them alone, but it is worth it if at the end I have eternal life with Jesus.

  35. The verse it saying you have two options in life. You can either go through big wide-open gate and take to bigger path that’s easy to walk on. Or you can choose the small narrow gate with the thin road. So you can take the easy way out or take the harder way of living. Then it says the broad gate leads to destruction and the small gate leads to life. This parts means that the easy way will snow ball into sin and then destruction of your soul, but the small gate will lead to everlasting life in heaven. And at the end it adds in this little part that even when you’re going “yeah, yeah, I’ve heard all this it humbles you instantly. “And only a few find it.”
    In my life this mainly applies to giving into temptation and slaking off or procrastinating. Another problem I have with sin is getting up on Sundays for church. This is constant battle with me wanting to sleep. I said in the wider gate you snow ball in to sin. The same applies for my grades. I don’t study enough for the test because id rather watch TV. Then, I do badly on the test. It also snowballs not just into consciences by then into it just becoming easier and more natural to do the lazy thing. And harder and harder to stop.
    - William Easterwood

  36. Felton said...
    This verse is saying that if you enter through the " narrow gate" it leads you to a broad road which leads to destruction. I think what the intention of this is to show how much easier it is to go down the path that leads to destruction. This is also saying that it's really easy to just do the wrong thing and sin rather than follow God. That part of the verse says many people end up going this path thus showing how easy it is to end up taking this path. The other part of the verse speaks about the small gate leading to the narrow road which is path of life. This road is the harder one to make it into. Fewer people make it into the gate to make it down the world. This shows how few people actually follow God with their whole hearts. It's a lot harder to follow everything God tells us to do and not to do. But it's way easier just to not follow the rules but in the end you get your comeuppance. Even though people feel as if they are going down this path they most likely really aren't because we all sin. I think in order to make it through the small gate I have to take Gods words to heart and use his word in my life every day.

  37. Carmyn Cosey
    Blog Question # 6

    There are two vital choices in life. When humans were born God gave us the ability to have our own mindsets, choices, and emotions. We can either put our faith in God or Satan (in Christianity). If people believe in God and worship him we well live a long prosperous life on earth and in heaven. Many people in the world follow temptation and listen to their sinful nature. It’s easier to sin than do the right deeds that honor God. Therefore the wide gate and broad road that leads to destruction, is open to more people that our naïve, and don’t have the passion for God that longs inside believers hearts. The small gate and narrow road towards heaven have many obstacles that are harder to conquer. Not many people can travel on that small road to life because the guide on that road is Jesus, and he has many expectations that he wants us to follow.
    As Christians, God expects us to take a journey on the small road towards the gates to his Kingdom. Even though the road is a challenge, the treasures that ensue that tiny road are much greater than the consequences that come from the wide road. In my life I want to follow that small road that leads to the joy, peace, and harmony with God. In order to get there I must choose to follow Jesus, and let him guide me on the difficult journey to the most precious gift, serenity with the Lord God.

  38. Matthew 7:13-14 means that if you enter through the gate that is wide and the broad road, you will follow down the path of Satan. Now, if you go down to the small gate, taking the narrow road, you will personally walk down the path with God. It is sad that many people do not see the small gate and narrow road; you will not have a fruitful life with God. Passing through the small gate and taking the narrow road looks very difficult as time goes on for me. It seems like the small gate and narrow road isn't even there when you look for it, but staying with God He can show the path for you and close the gate to destruction for good.

  39. The verse is saying that few people do the hard things in life, but by doing the hard things in life it will ultimately help you in the long run. A lot of people will take the easy way out, but if you do you’ll never get better and life will always. Taking the hard way in life looks like someone who would hard rather than do the bare minimum, Proverbs 13:4 says Lazy people want much but get little, but those who work hard will prosper and be satisfied. I think that verse says that if you work hard you will always reap the benefits you will be satisfied with, but lazy people will want a lot but will reap small benefits if any. Taking the hard way may not always be easy, but it is necessary in order for the journey to be worthwhile.

  40. The verse is explaining how its easy to take the wide road and make easy simple decisions , the narrow road means doing something or making a decision that requires true character its not the easy way. I think this verse also means when having to make a big decision and you have two choices . You can choose the easy path and lead to destruction or take the narrow road and be lead to life and prosperous living. In my life this applies when i have a project or some sort of work i can take the wide road (the easy way)or i can take the narrow road and work to the best of my abilities and get a good grade.

  41. Alex herden
    it is hard to get to heaven and there is only one way to it but to go to hell it is easy and many ways to it. most people go through this gate and don't even think about the other one. I have walked through the small gate and am walking the road but there are side roads and i stray off on them many times.
    sometimes i get stuck on a side road of sin and need help finding my way again

  42. I believe that it means you have to try hard to worship God. The gate of destruction or the gate of sin it very large and is easy to get yourself through. The gate of life is narrow, and you have to truly try hard to get through with everything going on. It is hard to find the gate of life. In my life, it means I will have to work hard to be a Christian. I can't let myself fall into horrible sin and problems of doubt. I have to have faith and try to be a good Christian. I can't rely on Christ dying for us. Gate of life is my faith in Christ while the latter is the road of sin on the way to hell. I will have to work hard to find the gate in my life which is Christ.

  43. The verse means that only the people who work hard and follow christ will find the road that leads to him. But most people give up and then they are lead to destruction. In my own life this means that I have to work hard to honor the lord and in doing this he will help me. And only those who truely believe in him will get to heaven.

  44. The broad road is the easy way out. The broad road is the road most everyone takes. The broad road is the road satan wants you to take. In life, people face many obstacles whether it is alcohol, drugs, or even their weight. Obstacles are a fact in life, but what really matters is how you overcome those obstacles. You can take the easy way and keep living in your problems, or you take the narrow path to overcome them. The “narrow road” leads to victory, triumph, and above all God. This unfathomable prize comes with a cost, though. You actually have to take the path by yourself. No one will be there to hold your hand; you have to accomplish this feat alone. The fact that you must go alone reminds me of another verse. “Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.” When I said no one can take the journey with, I meant no one, but the celestial God. He is the one who goes were you go and will never desert you. God will always be with you on the narrow road, and in the valley of death.

  45. wide and broad is sin. it is easy to go through and is very tempting.

  46. to me this verse states that many people will not take the right action. Also i think of the wrong action seeming to be a lucrative choice because it is a big gate but actually leading to destruction. The right way seems to be a harder choice and less lucrative but it actually leads us to salvation. I think I too often take the wide route because it is more easier and nicer. I do not want to take the narrow route because you have to stand out if you take it and you will have a difficult journey. If i am to not be destroyed i must take the harder route and have eternal life with Jesus.

