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Sunday, October 2, 2011

U.S. History Question #4

"If the freedom of speech is taken away then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter." -George Washington

"Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen." Ephesians 4:29

Should freedom of speech always be ensured or are there limits to free speech?

What are those limits?

Should an individuals desires and rights always be the priority or are there times when the greater good of the people should be the top priority?


  1. I believe that freedom of speech is a right given to us that should not be taken away. However I believe that there are some extreme cases where this right could be questioned. If somebody is threatening other peoples lives just to voice their opinion they are abusing a privilege given to us. Another example of abusing this privilege is if you have a t-shirt or license plate that is degrading to other people.Unless this is the case, we have the right to voice our opinion. Who knows maybe voicing our opinion could cause something marvelous to occur.

    I believe that the well being of a human is more important than the desires of a human. Humans are naturally greedy and we will not stop until we have what we have set out for. This means that we will always want more, but most of the time we won't need it. Because we have what we want there is a time when others need to come before our selfish, greedy actions.

  2. Freedom of speech should always be ensured but there are limits that come with it.There has to be some limits because you can't say whatever you want at any time. You have to use common courtesy when you speak in public. You can't comment negatively about someone. For example, it would be rude to say,"Wow that's the ugliest hairstyle I have ever seen."

    You also can't say offensive things. Racial slurs are considered offensive. My father is Japanese-American and he was called an ugly name while we were on a family trip. My dad said he was used to it but I felt angry with the man who said it.

    The greater good of the people should be the top priority because in Mathew God is telling us that we will be accountable for our words. We should be careful about the words that we say and only use words that lift people up.

  3. Freedom of Speech
    Freedom of speech should always be enforced because its part of the first amendment. Freedom of speech should only not be enforced when you’re insulting an individual not a group of people. Some other limits are when the people are more important, like if the parties start making fun of each other. There would be chaos if that happened. The parties can start arguing and possibly start to fight. That’s the reason why nobody makes fun of different parties.
    I think that the people’s rights should be chosen over just one individuals rights. There are times when that person could be more important. The only time that would happen is if that person was Jesus, the Messiah. When that person does that he’s never the winner unless there’s evidence, like in a court case. A few weeks ago a man was executed for a murder, but there was no evidence to it. That’s what I don’t think is fair because he could’ve been innocent.

  4. Freedom of speech is a God-given right and we should be able to have it. Although, I think there should be a limit to certain types of words that you use. Such as, if someone is on TV they shouldn’t be able to say appalling words about others who are in authority over them. Also, people should watch what they post online, even if it is meant as a joke, because people can take it the wrong way. For instance, if you say that you’re going to kill yourself, the people you know will understand you’re kidding, but strangers may think you are serious and call the police. There are also limits when talking to people. You should never insult another person by calling them names and always be aware of your surroundings. Always respecting authority and saying courteous remarks to them is smarter than insulting them wherever you are.
    Although, I can also think of times when not having free speech can influence others for the worse. If your job includes the better good of the public, such as a politician, if you did not tell the people of an issue they wouldn’t know it and try to stop it. Also, if there is someone at your work or school who is influencing others negatively, then you should talk to someone in charge about it.
    Of course your desires and rights should be important to you, but you need to be aware of the situations of others around you. The feelings and ideas of other people should be at the top part of your mind, so that you can be courteous of their feelings. Compassion is a necessity, but if you know that your idea is the right one, by deduction and common sense, then you should stand up for your beliefs.

  5. Freedom of speech is a right that should not be taken away. I believe that freedom of speech is a God-given right and shouldn't be taken away. But, there are limits to that. You shouldn't go up to some one and start cussing at them. Freedom of speech means that if you have an idea about the government or something else, you can share that opinion with others and with the government. If you have an idea about the government talk to your representative. But, make sure you monitor your remarks. It has to be kind, in a way. Freedom of speech is a great way for the government to get ideas about the country and a way to keep the people happy.
    I think that people's ideas should not be top priority because the greater good for the people is better so later on in a situation pertaining to the greater good we will be set. The only time people's ideas will go first is if it has something to do with the greater good. The greater good is important because you will never know what will happen next.
    Jackson Hofmann

  6. I think that freedom of speech shouldn't always be limited but we can't just go aroung saying whatever we want. We can't just insult people to their faces or behind their backs. We all want our ways because thats just how we are. Even though it's wrong thats just how it works... if we all tried to thing about how other people need more help instead of thinking about ourselves the world could be a little better than it is now.We don't wan to just be all oh well look in the Constitution it says we are aloud freedom of speech so im just gonna abuse this privelege and sat whatever i want.

    Then that becomes a problem because they might start to threaten peoples lives. The lives of the people are more important than speaking our minds.Sometimes saying what you think could be a good thing but most of the time its not. Giana Darby

  7. I believe that freedom of speech is a just and God given right. While we enjoy the opportunities that come with freedom of speech, there should be limits to this right. We should not sit silently as George Washington said, but we should be mindful of the words that come from our mouth. There are situations when certain words are not appropriate. Speech should not be used to harass or bully others. Also, it should not be used in any form of racial prejudice or cursing. Speech should not be used for threatening others.

    The greater good of the people should be considered more important than the desires of an individual. By our human nature we tend to be self centered. God tells us to put other's interests and concerns before our own. An example that comes to mind would be building neighborhood sidewalks. There may be a few people who do not want to put a sidewalk in their front yard, but they would not be thinking of the greater good. The sidewalk would be enjoyed by walkers, children, bikers and runners. I think the greater good is always better because it is not "for me" it is "for us".
    Jimmy McCarthy

  8. Freedom of Speech is a right that should not be taken away from us ever. But not voicing something is okay as well if it is protecting someone. Say, in an extreme instance, the world was about to end and only the government knew about it. I think it would be okay not to tell civilians and have them act like always for their last days than to have chaos every where. Also, some consequences are put on our freedom too. In the army, if you have top secret information about our plans for the army, you can't tell anyone. This would be treason and even if we can say what we want, we can be killed for it too.
    I think that the greater good is in a better priority than our own rights. If we are exposed by someone as a country, is it better that someone spoke out or is it dangerous to everyone else's safety? In some sense, freedom of speech can be a great and wonderful joy, because it is. But if you say something stupid or unacceptable, people should endure the consequences.

  9. Freedom of Speech is limited because you can say whatever you want but that doesn't mean there wont be consequenses for what they say. For instance if you stood up in the middle of an important speech and said i hate the president and im going to kill him you will probably go to jail. Also now a days freedom of speech doesnt really exist that much anymore because people don't let people just say whatever they want. They should have their rights first but that isn't the case all the time.

    Mitchell Ryan

  10. I think that freedom of speech is a right that we should always have but I think that people should be careful what they say. I don't think that people should say whatever makes them feel good no matter what. It isn't right to say things that hurt poeple. I also think that it is wrong to spread rumors and lies. We should treat others the way that we want to be treated and I dont think any one likes to be made fun of or talked about in a negative way.
    I also think that there are times when we can't be free to say some things. If someone tells you a secret than you need to keep it to yourself. Some jobs require people to know things that they can't tell other people like the military and the President. They know things that they can't share with the public because of national security. I do agree with what George Washington said. we have to be able to stand up for ourselves. If we can't stand up and say that we disagree with things then we would end up feeling like the colonist did about not having representation. You have to be able to speak up for yourself but do it the right way.

  11. The freedom of speech is a very important part of our country, but there are limits. The freedom of speech allows citizens to give their opinions and thoughts without consequences. Although the freedom of speech is a very important part of how our country operates, there are limits.

    If you are cussing or insulting government officials with racial comments, there are consequences. The phrase "You have the right to remain silent" proves that there are limits to what you can say.

    I believe that the greater good of the people is more important. Pleasing each individual's desires and rights is beyond the government's power. Jesus is the only one capable to please everyone's desire. If the government pleases the majority of the people's desires, most will be happy.

  12. I believe that the freedom of speech is one of the best freedoms to have. I think this because if we cannot voice our problems and opinions, we won't get any thing done in any situation. I do think that the freedom of speech should always be ensured to us. Though we shouldn't take this freedom for granted, we should always think we are able to voice our opinions. But, I also think the Bible goes first. In the Ten Commandments, God says to honor your father and mother. But say they told you to go clean your room, and you don't want to and think your parents are the worst for saying that, you can't just say that they're the worst parents in the world. That would be going against God's word. Or if there is a person in your class who you don't necessarily like, and you know that person doesn't like you, you can go up to that person and say, "Oh, by the way, I hate your guts and hope you fail at everything". That wouldn't be treating that person the way you want to be treated.

    Sometimes you've just got to stop being selfish and look at the big picture. I know that's hard for us, because we always try to get our way, but sometimes we have to think about others. I think that the greater good for all should always be the top priority. We have to be selfless and think of others BEFORE ourselves. Most of the time, if nobody else agrees with you, your idea isn't as good as you think it is. This is what I think about the Freedom of Speech law.

  13. I totally agree with Ephesians 4:29. You should keep your mouth shut if you now you don't need to say something or that will get someone else in trouble. But if you are giving a idea or trying to defened yourself or someone you know from getting hurt, then speak up people want to hear what you have to say.

    A few limits of free speech are, defending yourself ,or a friend from a bully. Freedom of speech is totally fair because you can say what you NEED to say when necessary and when the time is appropriate.

    The Bible says that you should put others before yourself, but some times people are so self centered that all they can think about is "me..me...me...." It hurts to see people who have nothing at all, then look at the rich. I know that God has a reason behind this and everything, even freedom of speech.

    Mariah Cowan

  14. I think that we should be allowed to voice our opinion but not in a way that causes to the people. The people are citizens not Leaders the people should be able to voice their opinion but with respect to the people placed in authority over them by God. So when people raise an argument to the court they should talk with respect and not with profanity and name calling. As you know big cases are on tv and if there was a case where the accuser did not use a foul mouth maybe others would not talk so vulgar.

  15. You should always have the right to voice your opinion. As the verse said, our opinion should not be harmful to others. You should voice your opinion, but at the same time respect others who are with you.Respect should be shown to those over you, for it is impolite not to show respect. God has put them in authority over you. Even though you may not like them, respect is still needed. I think the government should be careful about what how much freedom of speech to give the people. If there is too much, then the world would be chaos and there would be virtually no respect to anyone but their self. This is why the government should limit the amount of freedom given, because a lot of rioting would occur if there was total freedom.
    In some instances, an individual's desires should be met. If there is a government official, they have an advantage over a normal citizen, because they can voice their opinion more. In this instance, their needs can be met. I would say most of the time, though, the government should think for the greater good of the people. They should think how it could benefit everyone, rather than a specific group of people. If congress thought only about themselves, rather than for the good of the people, this would be a very different country. They would be selfish and think about themselves and not about the big picture, which is the key to having an unsuccessful government.

  16. I think freedom of speech should always be allowed. Because it is our choice whether or not we curse and people shouldn't tell us what we can't say if that person wants to go against Bible then they can its there own choice. But I do think that at times you should'nt be allowed to cuss like if you were in public at a kids store or in a movie theater.

    Marin Winter

  17. I believe that freedom of speech is a natural right given to all Americans but there is a time and a place for it. For example, I think its ok to use freedom of speech when you are expressing your opinion about politics or something that relates to politics. You shouldn’t use freedom of speech against people in authority such as teachers and parents. Most people often take this for granted and use it in a disrespectful way.

    I think the greater good of people should be our top priority because you should always put others before yourself. When you only think of yourself, you come off as selfish and self centered. When you put others before you then they return the favor and treat you the way you treated the “So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets.” Matthew 7:12 NIVm. This Bible verse is a great example because it tells us how God wants us to do unto others as we would want them to do for us.

  18. I believe that our right to speak freely should not be compromised unless it interferes with our other rights and laws or our safety. For example, we should not put religious saying in a government run place such as a public school or court room because that interferes with our ability to separate church and state. Another example would be that we should never say something that would compromise our safety, such as randomly screaming, "Fire!" in a crowded place because of the panic and potential damage it could cause to property and other persons.

    Even if our our rights are not restricted, we should have to take responsibility for our words. Because if you tell someone else to go go rob a bank, but threaten them only with words and later try to defend your self saying you were using your freedom of speech, you should be thrown in jail because of the effect your words had on society. The ability to have freedom of speech does not mean you can escape punishment by justifying your actions by the rights you have received. but rather, the right ensure that you will be able to peacefully voice your opinion at any given time.

  19. I believe our right of freedom of speech has its limits. In the verse quoted, it says that we should not say mean things. Just because we have that right doesn't mean we should abuse it.
    I believe the greater good of people is more important than the desires people have. Someone's desire usually ends up with a bad outcome. Our desire usually involves greed or selfishness. We should let other people come before ourselves. We should show them gratitude and encouragement. It says in the bible that we should do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

  20. I don't think freedom of speech should always be ensured. I think there are boundries to things you should say and things you shouldn't say. I think you can have freedom of speech as long as it doesn't interfere with our nations security. I also think the greater good of the people should be top priority over another persons desires.

  21. I feel as if this is not a government deal at all.God gave us this right but with a guideline on what we SHOULD say, not you are going to jail if you do. We need to be example for God because that is one of our main purposes in life. If a non believer sees a man who calls himself a Christian in his eyes cussing and putting other people down he is not going to want to do that. Yet God doesn't say don't talk at all. My personal opinion is it is better to not all at than have unwholesome words come out of your mouth. Still you need to talk to people or even yourself. To me talking to people is the best cure to a problem.

  22. The statement “Freedom of Speech” can be interpreted in many ways. I think that the freedom of speech does have some limits. For example, you are not allowed to yell fire in a movie theater because that could cause someone to panic and hurt themselves. It might seem like a funny joke, but it could just as easily turn serious. Another example is that you are not allowed to publish intentionally untrue things about a private citizen. Even though freedom of speech is a God-given right, there would have to be some limits to it.

    There are many times that the greater good of the people is more important than an individual’s desires. The Bible teaches that you should be aware of the person next to you and be kind in your speech towards them. Jesus taught to be kind and considerate of your neighbor. Even though you have the right to say many things, you need to have the discipline to not say them. The Bible and good manners agree that you shouldn’t say harsh of unkind things to others. Before you say something, you need to think how it could affect others.

  23. There are limts to freedom of speech. Whether people accept those limits or not, that's up to them. People shouldn't say anything unless it's positive, but today's world isn't known for doing that. There are shows about people being negative towards like H8R and songs that put a negative effect on a community. I think it's pretty bad when someone can makae a living off of anothers hate or off curse words in a song. The limits of free speech only goes to the extent of good of what that person believes in. If the good of the people is in your heart then you have made the right decision because now you can only lift someone up, and that is always the way to go. If you think about yourself all the time, what is there to do but put yourself ahead of others and make them feel bad. After you are done talking about yourself and picking yourself up, whose there to help. When you help others, they are there to help you. You can say that the team is the priority because God doesn't want you to be miserable just because you are helpling everyone else. Nobody can ask "what's in it for me."
