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Sunday, October 2, 2011

World Cultures Question #4

Click on the following link and read the article.


Then answer the following question...

What is more accurate...America is a land of freedom FROM religion? Americans have freedom OF religion?


  1. I think Americans have freedom of religion because America is based of different ethnicities coming together to make a bigger and better country. We have a choice whether or not to believe in a God or any other gods. America allows us to believe in any religious beliefs whether it is believing in God or not. There is no religion that is forced upon us therefore we do not have to fight against any religiious laws or flee to another country to escape a religion that is forced upon us. This is the reason the 1st Amendment of the constitution is so important because it guarentees America's citizen that no government entity will use it's religious beliefs to exact power over it's citizen's lives.

  2. Americans is more of a land with freedom of religion. There are people of all races sprawled out all over the country with different restaurants and their own neighborhoods. The American government allows immigrants of all ethnic backgrounds, ancestors, and countries to live here. Although we have racism and discrimination, there are no laws that barricade anyone with the legal documentation to become a citizen of our country. As it says in the first Amendment of the Constitution, “Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or the press, or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

  3. Amertica is a land where we have the freedom of religion, or atleast thats what the founding fathers intended. In America we can have our own religions and express our religions. It's in the first amendment. "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances." It's in the law. It's not right for people to put walls up for our freedom of speech. What that school did and the court did was unconstitutional. It says it right in the first amendment that Congress shall make no law or abriding the freedom of speech. What I don't understand is how our country can turn their backs on what the pilgris came here so long ago to find, freedom from the King and free speech and religion.

  4. There is a difference between what America should do and what they are actually doing about religion conflicts. The first amendment clearly states that everyone has a freedom of religion, yet some people do not honor these laws. Some people believe that because you can be any religion that it’s all or nothing so they prefer to display none. It seems too difficult to represent all culture so they represent none. Religion is what the founding father built the foundation of America on and people treat it like nothing. It upsets me to see people who are lukewarm or nothing at all, they don’t want to put in the commitment of having a faith. I think the U.S. needs to revisit our morals and take a good long look at what we sat down as our beliefs because we’re not acting like the country we used to be.

  5. Overall, we do have a freedom of religion. We can worship whatever we want or preach whatever we want. We can still definitely have freedom of religion in this country. There is a catch though. Us as a single person have freedom of religion by ourselves. If we all have the same religion and wish to take part in it together then that is essentially the same thing (church). The reason I think why they made them take the banners down is exactly what is says in the 1st amendment. We have freedom of religion, but those kids in that classroom were forced to sit in that classroom. That is making them sort of take part in it even though some of them might have not wanted to. Since the kids had to sit there looking at those banners then it is not fair to them because they might not support christianity. So i believe there are just limits to the freedom of religion.

  6. I think the more accurate saying is, the first one, America is the land free of religion. That is what America has come to today. It wasn’t all ways this way though. A major change in religion opinions occurred in the 60’s and 70’s. I’m not sure why but that has drove America into the unreligious slup we are in today.

  7. I honestly wish America is the known as “America of free religion”, but honestly it's not. Laws have kept people from being able to express or show their religion. The article is a great example. He should be allowed to express his religion as should any teacher public school or no. Freedom is the sovereign right of every American because of the first amendment. They cannot and should not be allowed to tell him to put down the banner unless it is overly expressive. If he is trying to convert students, it should be put down. That is because we also have the right from religion and to live with other religions. This whole mess is quite unfair on the teacher who is just being a good guy and expressing his American freedom.

  8. Rachael Lewis said...
    America is known for being freedom of religion. We have similes like 'melting pot'. But yet there are still laws keeping american's from fully expressing their religion. In this article the teacher isn't even aloud to put up a banner of his choice because it has to be with religion. But yet are country claims to be freedom of religion. He should be able to put up any banner of his choice in public or private school. He was not meaning to persuade anyone in any way. He was just honoring God with his banner and yet he go tin trouble for it which was completely unneeded.

  9. America is known all around the world for having freedom of religion even though we should be a land of freedom from religion. Freedom of religion just lets people worship how they want to. Freedom from religion is when we have a choice because the Word says so. They sound close to being the same but they are really no where close to being the same. So the one of these that is most accurate in my opinion would be Freedom of religion not from religion. This is just how it is but I would rather have it the other way around because the Word says that we should be able to make a choice. That is just not how our culture is right now.

  10. Felton said . . .
    I think America shows more freedom of religion than freedom from it. For example many other countries around the world must believe in one religion and one religion only or your punished. But in America you can be of any religion and be able to express that religion as long as you are not disrespecting others religion. I feel as long as people don't just have to believe in one certain religion you have the freedom of it.

  11. I think 'Americans have freedom OF religion' is more accurate. There are many different religions in America, and not every country has a freedom of religion like we do. We have alot of catagories of churches such as, Church of God, Methodist, Baptist, Catholic, and many more. Some countries only let you worship the god they choose. You can worship the god of your choice anytime and anywhere but there are some exceptions. For example, in this article he couldnt have the signs in his classroom saying 'In God We Trust.' We do have the freedom of worship but there are some things they will not let you do.

  12. Will Griffin
    I believe we have freedom of religion. Not all countries have that though, but we don't get our freedom from religion. God placed us on this earth to honor him. Event though there are many different views of God and his story, bu we believe in Christianity. I also believe we are a state with freedom of religion because thats why we revolted against England in the Revolutionary War because they were controlling (taxing) us to much. Also our countries religion is supposed to be Christianity, but isn't completely.
    We have more freedom now because the government doesn't want a revolt.

  13. (CONTINUED) There are also so many different types of immigrants to restrict religion. You can NOT take away someones beliefs. You can sway their opinion, but not change their beliefs. So we are allowed to choose our religion whether it is Christianity or Muslum. That is why I believe our country is a country of free religion.

  14. Ellie(the beast)Rieves.....ducesOctober 6, 2011 at 8:53 PM

    I think America is land that is freedom of religion. Yes the first amendment is freedom of religion, but people keep their religion a personal thing. There are always those few people who really live out there faith, but most will just stick to church. America is not like China were if they figure out your a Christian they kill you, but religion can "turn people off". Meaning if you figure out someone is a Christian you immediatly think the are some perfect church person, but Christians are sinners too. We are also hypocrites all religions are, no one is perfect only Jesus was.We all deserve second chances, and because Jesus died on the cross for us we get those second chances.

    ------Ellie -_-

  15. American's definitely have freedom of religion. In America we can believe what we want to believe; it is guaranteed by the Constitution under the First Amendment. Some people are so focused on things other than God, that it would seem like we were not founded on "One Nation Under God".

    The definition of religion is a belief in and reverence for a supernatural power or powers regarded as a creator and governor of the universe OR a personal or institutionalized system grounded in such belief and worship. I think it's the second part of the definition that the article was about. The banner was in a public bulding (an institution) and it made some people feel uncomfortable, probably because they don't believe in God.

  16. Religion in America. Its a difficult concept to understand. Most people would think they found the answer just by looking at the Bill of Rights. The simple response is yes, Americans do have freedom of religion. The question is further answered by this article. Truly, all Americans have the freedom to practice whatever religion they choose, but "in private". The teacher from the article was asked to take down the banner because it was in public. A true freedom of religion would be being able to practice it at anytime of the day and anywhere. There are many accounts of where someones religious practices are violated because of the "freedom of religion". Although there are violations of public religious freedom, the laws that are in place still allow us to practice whatever religion we would like to a certain extent

  17. America has freedom of religion. Freedom...this word has become one of controversy for a long time. Our country was founded on the principle of religious freedom. Why have so many leaders allowed this word to get so far away from how it was originally meant to be? As Christians, we must all fight hard to secure long lasting freedom for those that come after us. If we just stand around thinking someone else will take care of it, our country will become something totally different from what our founding fathers wanted it to be. We all have rights and the freedom to choose as we want to. The people in the classroom did not have to believe what the banner represented because they have freedom of choice. The teacher was showing his belief in God because he had the right to do it. We all need to stand up for what we believe in because God tells us to do it in the Bible. I'm thankful for my freedom and don't ever want to take it for granted.

  18. I believe that the statement, Americans have freedom of religion. This statement is true because a person can have what ever religion they want to have or don't want to have. I am talking about atheists as well. They are free from religion. So in a way both statements are true. It depends on who is reading them and atheist for example might say that they are not free from religion because they are so surrounded by Christian, jews, catholics, muslims, etc. In the article I read, It was difficult to decide which side I agree with. The principle of the school was in the situation that I described where they might of felt too surrounded by Christians, but Johnson was right that he does have the freedom of religion. The only way to find out what was right and just is to ask God. I for one am very relieved that if I have some sort of situation that I am dealing with that I cannot figure what to do all I have to do is pray and ask God for help. Maybe that is a Sunday school answer, but it is very true.

  19. Alex Herden
    Truthfully if you read about this and many other examples of religious disputes it seems as if america is heading towards freedom from religion. Even though this country was founded and created on Christian beliefs and centered on God. The Government is taking more power and doing things that are clearly unconstitutional. It makes me mad that the Government doesn't just keep it's nose out of business that is clearly defined in amendment one.

    How come we don’t this against other religions as much? I think it's because the Government has less christians in it now and thoes that are in it are not brave enough to stand up for what is right. They Just sit there and let others take over. That is why we are slowly moving to other religions because christians in this day and age are not as aggressive to share the word.

  20. MALLORY (get you some of that) FIELDSOctober 6, 2011 at 10:29 PM

    In my opinion America is freedom of religion. First of all it is the 1st amendment and then we are all the same and we should all deserve to have our own opinions with religion. That is what I think America should be based on. Although, this teacher in the article is ordered to take down personal signs about our "free" religion at our work. And there are many more situations where freedom of religion is not used in America. We say we have free religion, which in most cases we do, but, if there are moments were freedom of religion is taken to court and moments in classrooms and work where we can't pray, then in that case we don't have all the freedom of religion we thought we had.

  21. Bethany van RensburgOctober 6, 2011 at 10:51 PM

    America, like other free countries, stands for freedom of religion. Freedom from religion is a totally different idea and would be more like what a communist or marxist country would stand for. The ruling in both cases mentioned in the article seems incomplete. At a minimum, the ruling should be equal for all teachers promoting their religious or philosophical view. The Christian teacher should not be given a different treatment to the other teachers displaying their religious banners. They either ll come down or they all stay up. That is a democracy. That is America.

  22. Freedom of Religion: A principle that supports the freedom of an individual or community, in public or private, to manifest religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship, and observance.

    Americans have freedom of religion , which is extremely vital to our society . Other countries are not able to worship who they believe in , but we have the special privilege in doing so. Without these rights the government could force us not to follow Christ depending on the dominant religious belief is. We have the freedom not to even belief in religious institutions if we so choose. So in this regard, Americans are allowed freedom from religious dictates, but also freedom of religious preference. This is why our country is unique.

    - Carmyn Cosey

  23. I think that Americans have freedom of religion. People have their choice of what they want to worship. People can choose to worship any god or even nothing at all. The Government or another person can’t make us worship a certain thing. It is guaranteed in the first amendment of the constitution that the people can have freedom of religion. The teacher in this article was forced to take down posters referring to Christianity. He said that they were taking away his freedom of religion. The principal made him take down the poster. To me, a freedom of religion means you can express your beliefs however you want to. In this case he was not allowed to spread the news of his beliefs. What is the difference of putting a poster on a wall and putting a bumper sticker on a car? They are both similar, but no one bothers someone about a bumper sticker. People say that America has a freedom of religion. It is true, but there are many limits to how and where you can express your religion. The school limited where the teacher could put posters about Christ.

  24. I think Americans heave freedom of religion in certain environments like in public schools teachers cant talk about religion which dosent make very much since to me. like kids in private schools are closer to god because we are with our teachers all day and they have the right to put religion in what ever our lesson for the day is, but in this article i dont think they shouldve made this man take his sign down because its not like he was openly preaching to the class and even if he was i dont see why it would matter.

  25. Myles Ferrell

    As Americans we do not have a country of free religion, but one of controlled religion and it needs to stop. In our country many new types of religion and culture is joining our country and it will become difficult for Christians. Right now in our country we are free from religion and we think that just because we are a melting pot, religions will mix as well, but that is not the case. We are trying to protect our border, but what about our overall beliefs. When is this country going to become active instead of passive because this can not last any longer. I can not even go into a public school and pray to my God even though that is one of the things the country was founded on. It makes me sick to think that action will not be done for this national crisis that needs to change right now.

  26. I believe that the second statement, which says that America has the freedom of religion, is more accurate. The first amendment addresses this issue, but the purpose behind it was to give Americans the freedom to worship whatever they want freely. The idea that America is free from religion is saying that people are not forced to participate in any religion, which is true. If they want to stay completely uninvolved, they are allowed to do that. However, I feel like the freedom of religion includes that as well. The word OF in that sentence is used to represent choice. Any American can participate in or follow whatever religion they wish, but if they want to completely ignore it, they have the right to that as well. This is what the founding fathers of the Constitution were trying to accomplish. They were striving to create a peaceful society within which people could follow their own beliefs, yet still be an effective, free community.

  27. Cameron Jenkins (Pedro)!!!!!October 7, 2011 at 1:01 AM

    I believe as Americans we all have the right to have the freedom of religion and religion. In the article on the link that man had the right to keep his sign up even if he was teaching at a public school. What I see public schools as are just barriers that tries to separate the freedom of religion and more and more people are buying into these barriers everyday. We all need to contribute to teach people the word of God and make christianty a positive again

  28. The 1st Amendment of the United States Constitution says that we have freedom of religion. Also, people in America come from all over the world and they still practice their same religion that they did in the country that they used to live in. Many times they pass their religion down to their kids who pass it down to their kids who continue that pattern. I feel that Americans have freedom of religion because we are allowed to make a choice between being a Christian and choosing another religion. I think that it is good that people get to choose what they believe but the bad part about it is that it causes a lot of arguments, fights, and conflict.

    -Evan Johnson

  29. Jordan G...................................October 7, 2011 at 2:00 PM

    I believe that the first amendment gave us a right. It's a right that we as Americans are expected to have. The 1st amendment gives us freedom of religion, this means expressing our religious views freely, without worrying about being punished, or prosecuted. The man in the article had the right to express his religious views and he did. What the man did was his way honoring God. God tells us to spread His word and we will be rewarded in Heaven. It would be a sin to follow the rules and ways of man over the commands of our Heavenly father. Therefore I believe Americans have freedom of religion is a more accurate way to describe the country we live in rather than America is the Land of freedom of religion. For example, in this school this man was not able to express his freedom of religion because of public school policies. Administrators ordered him to take the signs down because they thought it would offend students and/or parents. This school was completely prohibiting what our founding fathers promised us, which is unconstitutional.

  30. I agree with the second statement stated. America is a land with freedom
    of religion. If we were free from religion, that would mean we had no
    religion and were not penalized for not following a certain kind or not following at all. Religion is something that our country was founded on. While writing the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson intended for God to always be apart of our country, and in the courts he still is, weather the cizitens of America accept it and practice it, it is fact.
