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Tuesday, September 20, 2011

U.S. History Question #3

"Far better is it to dare mighty things, to win glorius triumphs, even though checkered by failure... than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much, because they live in a gray twilight that knows not victory nor defeat." -Theodore Roosevelt

"The aim of the wise is not to secure pleasure, but to avoid pain." -Aristotle

 Which of the quotes do you think is a better model of how to live your life? Why?


  1. I believe Theodore Roosevelt's quote is a better model of how to live your life because it's saying that its better to try things and fail at it than to not try because you are afraid to fail.

    I also think its saying to surround yourself with positive people than those who doubt themselves and live in negativity.

  2. I think Aristole's quote is a better model of how to live because it says to try not to aim for high things that are unreachable at your point. Also, it says not to cause yourself pain, which means to surrond yourself with good people instead of ones who will have a bad influence on you. Also, do not do things that you know are wrong that will affect you at the moment or later on in life.

  3. I think the first quote is a better way to live your life. If you make an attempt at something, yet you are not successful, at least you know you tried. One of my favorite phrases is “It’s better to try and fail than to never try at all”. When Aristotle said that "The aim of the wise is not to secure pleasure, but to avoid pain”, he was being too overprotective of himself. In the Bible, Jesus said “Go, make disciples of men”. Paul did such a thing, and was arrested for doing so. Even when he was sitting in jail, knowing he was probably going to die, he still wrote letters to the churches and friends, sang songs of joy, and never stopped praying. These were the very things that got him in jail, but he continued to do them. Connecting that to Theodore Roosevelt’s quote, a failed attempt is, in my perspective of things, better than no attempt.

  4. I think Theodore Roosevelt's speech is a better way to live your life. It's saying that it's better to try things and fail. If you live all your life being scared of trying something new, you might end up with regrets.

    You want to enjoy your life rather than play it safe.

  5. I think that Theodore Roosevelt's quote is a better quote to live by. I think this because its better to try and fail then not try something and be afraid of failure. This quote in my opinion apples to almost everyone. It apples to everyone because most of the time you don't try something new is because you are afraid o messing up. Lastly, you want to live a life without regrets, so if you just don't do something because your afraid to fail, you will regret a lot of the decisions you will make in your life.

  6. I think that Theodore Roosevelt's quote is a better representation of how to live your life. You should live your live to the fullest and not be afraid to fail. You should also know how to fail. You shouldn't be ashamed of your failure, but take pride in it. And you should be able to laugh at yourself and try again. I also think that when you win you should be happy and joyful, but you shouldn't rub it in others faces. That is gloating and it will get you nowhere in life, but humility will.

    I also think this quote means that you shouldn't hang out with people who neither win nor loose. It's no fun being around people who always play it safe have fun or live on the edge a little bit. Sometimes, these are the people that are afraid of what others think or say about them, can't take a joke and don't have the word "competitive" in their vocabulary. They don't care about winning or loosing, they just want to stay on the sidelines. This is why I think Roosevelt's quote better represents the way to live life.

  7. I think that Theodore Roosevelt's quote is a better way to live your life. He is saying that it is better to try daring things that to just being boring and regular. You need to find the exciting things in life and just go for. I remember in Mrs. Pinkett-Smith's classroom she has a sign that said it is better to try and fail than to not try at all because you learn from your mistakes if you try. You want to take your life and have as much excitement as possible. You need to go out and try new things and activities. I remember when I was younger I went to go play paintball for the first time. It was scary because I saw the people before us go out of the play area and the were covered with bruises and paint. But, once I got out there, I kicked some serious butt and had a great time with it. Bottom line, go out and try new things, face your fears because you might love it. That is why I agree with the first quote.
    Jackson Hofmann

  8. I believe that Theodore Roosevelt's quote is a better way to live your life. He tells you that it is better to try and fail than to not try at all. This is hard for some people that want to succeed but also do not want to fail. Instead of dwelling in your failures of the past use them to help you in the future. You should never be disappointed or ashamed of your failure knowing the benefits that are waiting to come farther in the future.

    Roosevelt also says not to brag to others who are affraid to try mighty and glorious things. He also says that these people live in a gray twilight of fear. This is why we must try bold things so we will not be affraid of life. Theodore Roosevelt's quote paves the way to success in life.

  9. I believe Theodore Roosevelt's quote is a more accurate way to live your life. He says that it is better to try and give your best effort with the possibility of failing than to live avoiding difficulties. Great triumphs can only be accomplished through hard work. Even with failure, there is always something to be learned from your mistakes. God calls us to be followers of Christ. That includes giving our best at all costs. To never experience failure or fortune would be an empty and meaningless life.

    An example that comes to mind in my life was when I was afraid to tryout for a travel baseball team. I overcame my fear, made the team, and gave myself the opportunity to become a better player. Paul once said, "endure hardship with us like a good soldier of Christ Jesus." I think Paul summed it up just right. Anyone can do anything with the help of Jesus Christ.
    Jimmy McCarhy

  10. i think Theodore Roosevlet's quote is a better model for life because he is saying to try and fail than to not try at all. He is saying that trying is a good thing even if you know that you are going to fail or are afraid to fail. some people won't even try because they know that they aren't going to do as well as they hoped. I can say that i haven't always tried because sometimes i am afraid of failing but what Theodore is saying this life style is better than Aristotle's way because the wise are going to have pain in their life no matter what. Everyone goes through some type of pain wether its mental or physical.
    So Aristotle, to me, isn't correct in his quote. Theodore is correct and i fully agree with him. he says to not brag at others he says the ones that do live in a gray twilight of fear. His quote shows us the way to live our lives. Some people find it very hard not to brag ... which means that it is something that probaly everyone needs to work on. Giana Darby

  11. Theodore Roosevelt

    Theodore made up some very interesting points in his quote. He is saying in the first part of the quote to live your life to the fullest. Always to think the unexpected, doing the actions that some can’t bring themselves to do. To be a visionary, watching for excitement and opportunities to come your way. The next part he says, “ to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure…” which means to me that you should know before hand that there will be victories, but you will not win everything you try to do. We should be prepared, so not to be too hard on ourselves, but to brush ourselves off and keep moving toward our goal.

    Then he goes on and says not to hang around people who are lukewarm, for they can influence us to only do the bare minimum, and not exceeding our tasks. This is because they don’t feel the urge to live our lives the best way we can, because they cant find an extreme to go to, neither victory or defeat.

  12. Theodore Roosevelt

    His quote was better because he’s saying to have challenges in our life is better than not. Aristotle is saying that its better to avoid pain then to have it. Theodore Roosevelt is right because he’s saying that you shouldn’t be scared. He is saying that you should stand up for yourself once in a while. He’s also saying that’s its smart to try and fail then to never try at all.
    Aristotle was saying that we should avoid situations that you are going to try and fail in. Although he says that Theodore Roosevelt thinks the opposite thing they’re both still right in their own way. Aristotle was saying that why should you go through all of the trouble to try when you know your going to fail. I still think that Theodore Roosevelt has a better point on how to live your life.

  13. I believe that Theodore Roosevelt's quote made more sense because he is saying to live your life to the fullest, and not wimp out when your scared. He is saying even if you fail get back up and try again. He is pointing out that it doesn't matter if you're scared or out of your comfort zone stick with what is fun and where you can have the best time. Also he is saying get ready for excitement to come your way.

    For example, I had not played basketball for one year and I thought I would not be good enough to make the team. So I tried out anyways and turns out that I made the team and had a great basketball experience. Now, I can't wait till basketball season begins!!

    Sid Brendel

  14. I think that Theodore Roosevelt's quote is the quote that I would choose to live by because it is much better to always try your best and risk failing than to never try at all. My parents have always told me that they want me to do my best in everything that I do and they will be proud of me no matter what. They only get upset if I don't try my best. My mom says that I should do everything as if I am doing it for Jesus and that I should take pride in my work. I think this helps me because instead of getting really down if I make a bad grade, I think about whether or not I really tried my best. If I did, then I have to accept my grade but if I didnt then it is my own fault. Also I think that when I am playing sports that winning is nice but failure sometimes help too. It keeps you grounded and humble and it helps you to appreciate the times that you do win. If you won everything that you did then winning would become boring and you would become very prideful and brag and stuff. So, when I lose my mom always says taht it builds character. My dad always says that even the pro baseball players only succeed 1 out of 3 times when they come up to bat. That helps me when I am playing baseball because I know that I don't have to get a hit every time that I get up to bat. It also makes playing more fun when you know that you don't always have to be the winner. As long as I do my best and do my part then my dad will be proud no matter what. I also think that losing makes you a nicer winner because you know how it feels to lose and you treat people nicer when you have been in their position before so that is why I choose his quote.

  15. I think that Aristotle's quote better describes how we should live our life. The quote states how we should not just try to get what we want, but we should make sure we do not cause ourselves pain because of our attempts to be successful. It is wiser to build a safety net under you to catch you if you fall, than to try to climb the ladder with luck alone, because without building the net how will you survive if you fall? The net insures that if you make a wrong decision you have something to rely on until you fix the problem. For example, if you put all of your life saving into paying for your presidential campaign and you do not get elected, you will have no money to live off of and you will cause yourself pain. But if you wait several years and save money so you do not have to use your life savings, you can be sure that if you fail you will still be able to live comfortably.

  16. "Far better is it to dare mighty things, to win glorius triumphs, even though checkered by failure... than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much, because they live in a gray twilight that knows not victory nor defeat." -Theodore Roosevelt

    I believe that Theodore Roosevelt has and amazing statement. He said that even though you may have chance to fail you need to take a leap of faith. I know that Mr.Baker knows that our football team really struggles with this concept some people go into the game saying they are going to fail. Everyone knows that is not a good way to start of a game ether. Being scared for me is a drive. For example if someone tells me that I am to scared to do something I would think twice about doing it, well unless they are saying I dare you to jump of a cliff.

    Theodore stated this better than I know, because if you don't try at all your chances decrease tremendously, but if you put forth an effort you have much greater chances. It is better to try and fail than fail to try.

  17. I think the Theodore Roosevelt better describes how we should live our life. Because its basically saying its better to try and fail then to never try at all. Which is a good way to live your life. For example, if you want to be on a team but don't think you'll make it, its better to try out because at least then you'll have a chance at making the team. Where as if you don't try out you don't even have a chance at making the team. This is why I think Theodore Roosevelt's quote is a better way to live your life

    Marin Winter

  18. I think that Theodore Roosevelt's quote is a better standard on how to live your life. He is basically saying that it is better to try than not to try at all. Aristotle's quote is saying to just stay in it. He is pretty much saying that you should not try, but rather just hang in. That is not a true principle you should apply to your life. You should try to all your might and do your best, rather than the opposite. You shouldn't be afraid to stand up and do mighty things. After you do something, you should be confident that you have done your best with what you have just done. I strongly disagree with Aristotle's quote, because it does not motivate you to do your best.

    You should also have a mentality to achieve more. If you just don't care about what you are doing, you will never succeed. Theodore Roosevelt does a good job in expelling the difference between those who work hard and those who don't. Even though you will be checkered by failure, you will get better if you learn from your mistakes. This is why Theodore Roosevelt's quote better exemplifies a better way to lead your life, rather than Aristotle's view. If you avoid failure, you will never get anywhere in life. You will always stay at the bottom.

  19. I think that Theodore Roosevelt’s quote is a better example of life. It tells that no matter what, always live your life to the fullest. And, don’t slack off and ruin your life because of one mistake. God does not want us to give up, for example, say no one likes you. Would you stop your life just because you are lonely? God loves you and he put you on this earth for a reason! Don’t be ashamed to be yourself. And, don’t try to be someone you’re not. Have some fun with yourself, throw your shoulders back and forget about all your troubles. Live life without regrets! For example I didn’t think that I would make it far in swimming, look at me now, I ALMOST MADE IT TO STATE. All you need to do is add a little more practice and effort.

    Mariah Cowan

  20. The first quote made a better model on hos to live your life. It is better to try and fail than to not try at all. To not take risks is to say that you have already admit defeat. To do that shows that you will not allow yourself to succeed. All great things come from taking a risk. The colonists to a great risk fighting the British and now look at the country they have built. They took the chance and created one of the most prosperous world power.

    When you take a risk you are saying that you can overcome the odds. You do your part and the results are left up to God. By taking a risk you are preparing to succeed. God says for us to take that risk and trust in Him. When you take a risk it shows that you are prepared to trust in God and leave the results to him. Therefore I strongly encourage taking risks and leaving the results to God

  21. I think Theodore Roosevelt's quote is a better example of how to live your life. If you don't try without a a risk of failure, then why try at all? Say NASA thought leaving earth was a bad idea because we didn't know what was beyond our planet. What would the U.S. be like today without its space program? Countless fifth grade classrooms would be empty from planet diagrams. Computers screens would be empty from cosmos and meteoroids. If NASA has the courage to do what has never been done, shouldn't we?
    For example, when I was a kid, I was terrified of riding airplanes. If I had let my fear control my life, I would have never gone to japan or Finland or even fly down to my great uncle's funeral. I would have missed out on so much, and is that how we are supposed to live our lives? No, its not. We should put ourselves out there to better the world and move forward with life, not to give up and never progress for fear of the future.
