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Wednesday, April 25, 2012

World Cultures Question #12

Using the internet, research one Christian-based, non-profit organization that provides aid to Africa and answer the following questions:
1.What is the name of the organization?

2.In which African nations does the organization provide aid?

3.What is the goal of the organization?

4. How does the purpose of their goals reflect Christian values?

5. Would you be interested in working with this organization? Why or why not?

6. Provide the link to the organization's website.

U.S. History Question #12

"At the heart of racism is the religious assertion that God made a creative mistake when He brought some people into being."
Racism is nothing new. Racism has plagued different cultures all over the world and stained the pages of history throughout recorded history. Racism didn't wait for the modern world, nor has it faded with time. The Bible speaks of the hatred between the Jews and Gentiles, as well as the conflict between the Samaritans and Jews. Apartheid in South Africa seperated the blacks from the whites for several decades. The genocide of the Jews by the Nazis during World War II is well documented. America hasn't escaped the problem of racism either. From the time of the 3/5 Compromise at the Constitutional Convention through the Civil Rights Act of 1964 whites and blacks clashed in the United States.

Answer the following questions...

Why is racism so common around the world and throughout history?

Does racism still exist in America?

Will the issue of race ever be solved in America? Why or why not?

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

World Cultures Blog Question #11

"Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime." -Chinese Proverb
What does this quote mean and how does it apply to our lives?

How does this quote relate to the issue of poverty?

What is the best way to help those who are poor?

U.S. History Question #11

For U.S. History Blog Question #11 your assignment is to find a veteran of WWII, the Vietnam War, or the Iraq/Afghanistan wars and interview them. Only one veteran needs to be interviewed. Interviews may be done in person, on the phone, or via email. Please keep in mind that war can be a difficult thing for people to talk about so be mindful and respectful of that fact as you complete the interview.

You are responsible for asking them at least five questions. I have provided the first two questions for you and you are required to come up with the other three questions. You will then post the questions and their answers in the comments section of the blog question.

Your blog answer should also include the veteran's name ,their position within the military, and the time period in which they served.

1. Why did you choose to enlist in the military?

2. What was/is the greatest challenge of serving in the military?

3. Student- created question

4. Student-created question

5. Student-created question