Do you agree with this statement?
Give some examples from American culture that prove the previous statement to be true or false.

This is for you (Whitefield students) and me (Mr. Baker) to take ownership of topics discussed in class and common to all of us. Giving me your prepared and educated opinion 13 times during the school year will help your participation grade. So thats 13 posts this school year to get an A on this portion of your overall grade.
Many bad people have achieved amazing things, therefore overshadowing their otherwise bad conduct. Although it was never proven, Kobe Bryant was accused of raping a woman. He said that it was not rape. To get the pressure off of him he told investigators that Shaquille (Shaq) O’Neal raped woman all the time. During this time Kobe was hated and looked down upon. More recently I believe people will first think of Kobe's basketball skills before thinking of that incident. That is only one of many examples of people's achievements overshadowing their poor conduct.
ReplyDeleteI think this statement is false because just because you get rich or famous in life does not mean that you have real character. Even people in high power might do something wrong when no one is looking because they dont realize that god is always wacthing them. The only reason that it could be true is because we as Americans let it be true because we have no se;f control. We don;t work hard and we try to get the easy road out instead of working hard and striving for the best.We try to hide our faith and don't actually show like other religons because in some ways christians are scared. As Americans and Christians we need to become known and follow God's ways by showing his faith to the world.
ReplyDeleteMyles was here # 56
ReplyDeleteI think this statement is not true also. There have been many people that have been very successful. Not only in sports but in music. For example Kanye West disgraced himself by running on the stage of the VMA's while Taylor Swift was getting her award. He stated that beyonce should have won the award. This brought taylor to tears. Kanye has ever since been hated by almost all country music fans. This doesn't mean that someone very successful can't change. Ray Lewis was on trial for a shooting, he is a christian now and has kept a clean record ever since. It matters where you start off, but the key is how you finish.
ReplyDeleteAmerican culture has distorted many people’s priorities. It has caused us to believe that how much you have is more significant than who you are. Reality shows are a perfect example of this theory. These people are paid millions to be rude and vulgar, and the audience eats it up. Celebrities also can carry out their lives in the most ungodly fashion and yet they still make the front page of every magazine. In fact, the celebrities that do well and are Christians are hardly ever mentioned. This proves how twisted and corrupt our media is. Rather than reporting a charity drive they show people doing drugs. It’s a bad display to show kids, the future of America, who determines the next generation. God doesn’t look at the surface, which our whole culture is based on; he looks on the inside, where it counts.
ReplyDeleteEven though many people are successful, that doesn’t mean they have the right intentions. They are just living in vain because their hearts aren’t in the right place, nor can they say they’ve accomplished anything but make a life for people to be entertained by. The way a person carries himself, acts towards others, and shows respect for the things around them really lets someone perceive what kind of person that is. Anyone should be able to learn if you’re considerate, determined, or wise by your intentions not your actions , but if they mix those two things up you are doing something wrong. Even if you are a celebrity, have a lot of money, or can make people laugh, no person can tell who you are unless you make your purpose clear. Every celebrity has been picked on because their actions speak louder than their motives. President Obama is picked on his actions of not taking charge and standing up for the right things but his intentions are good but not loud. Arnold was hurt his bad decisions and his money can’t help him. A person is only held up to the way they conduct themselves because accomplishment can only get you so far.
ReplyDeleteA good example of this is mike vick. He is a QB in the NFL.a few years ago he was arrested for dog fighting. he served his time in prison and is now back in the NFL. he is one of the richest most popular guys around. he didnt act very good but he is still sucsessful.
ReplyDeleteA person should act right and set an example to others. It shouldnt matter how much money they have or how popular they are. They should set an example because God has blessed them with life. A lot of famouse people today don't set a good example for others. For some all the fame goes to there head and they do bad things. As christians we should set an example if we have money or we don't.
ReplyDeleteThis statement is absolutely false. There have been tons of people who have been corrupted because of their achievements . These people get obsessed with themselves and drunk with their accomplishments. Some examples are Charlie sheen and Lindsey Lohan .these to celebrities had huge accomplishments(movies,T.V. Shows,etc.),but in the end the accomplishments did not matter. These to people, that once were amazing , have been corrupted by their success.
ReplyDeleteI disagree with this statement. People do achieve things that make them seem to look better in the eyes of other people. It makes no difference in the eyes of God. Often people spend most of their lives in an effort to obtain wealth and material possessions only to find themselves unhappy and overwhelmed trying to maintain their lifestyle. True happiness is achieved by through honesty, giving, and caring for others. Lindsey Lohan is a good example of someone who has a lot of money and fame, but conducted herself in the wrong way and people do not look at her the same way. Elvis Presley and John Belushi were famous and wealthy and both died from a drug overdose. People do not admire these people the same way they did before because of their poor actions.
ReplyDeleteLuke MiltnerI disagree with statement completely. What a person achieves in life is important, but not more important than the way one acts. Like the Bible says, God's cares about the inside not the outside. He worries about our character instead of what we achieve. Kobe Bryant is a prime example of this in the sports world. Kobe is an incredible basketball player who has trained hard and become rightfully famous for his skill. However, he has no character. He has a past of treating women poorly, being a poor sport, and an unliked person. People will remember how incredible he was but they also will never forget the kind of person he was off the court. No matter how many time he wins the championship, God won't care. He only values the kind of person Kober is.
ReplyDeleteI do not agree with this statement. In todays societies, advertisement makes people want to buy things and have the best things out there. A person cannot be judged on the things they have. Instead they should be looked upon on what they do in life and how they do things. If someone robbed a bank to become the richest person in the world instead of being honest and doing it the right way, they are not what they really say they are because they cheated there way to the top. When people look at someone that has done something impressive they just look at what they have done, not how they got there. The man/woman that has achieved that goal of theirs, did not honestly achieve that goal. Say you are writing a paper, and you just want to be done with it so you can go hang out with friends. So you just start to copy and paste the whole thing, and by the time you are done, you have copy and pasted the whole paper. Just because you finished the paper does not mean you did it the way god would have wanted you to. That is why you have to be honest in things you do, but todays culture makes it hard for people to realize that.
ReplyDeleteI disagree with this statement, because the way you act is more important than what you have. You may think that people care about the things you have and in some cases they might, but the main thing they look at is the way you act and what you make of yourself. It is good to accomplish and achieve things, but when you first meet a person they are going to see you for your acts, not what you have.
ReplyDeleteI disagree completely. Being a good person is determined by how you act. If you are the best basketball player in the world and everyone respects you, you shouldn't act badly. Other people will do bad things because you do. It is never okay to commit a crime no matter who you are. Bad things have been overlooked in the past because of accomplishments. We learned in stone works that Kobe Bryant did a lot of bad things and good things. He even raped a woman. Most people overlook that. They think he's just a good basketball player. Bill Clinton, O.J. Simpson, and Teddy Kennedy have all committed crimes, which have been overlooked. Teddy Kennedy while having an affair and driving drunk killed a woman, and didn't tell anyone. He still became senator for many years after all these crimes.
ReplyDeleteI do not agree with this statement at all. Basically what it is saying is that what you have is more important then the way you act. It honestly doesn't matter what you accomplish, achieve, or how much money you make. Because at the end of the day, God isn't looking down on you and saying, 'Wait ago Billy you made $60000 dollars today! Your a great person now!'
ReplyDeleteNo, instead he is looking on the inside, on what truly matters. Achievements aren't a bad thing, but it's the way you react to your accomplishments. Sometimes accomplishments and achievements can glorify God, but you just have to make sure it doesn't take control over you and make you proud and arrogant and judge character based on accomplishments.
Rachael Lewis said:
ReplyDeleteI disagree with this statement. In my opinion Americans are too caught up in how much money they make and what kind of car they drive.If God doesn't care about money then we shouldn't either. Sure what you accomplish in life is important but its more how you conduct yourself.For example, Miley Cyrus. She has accomplished a lot in her life time but she has lost track with her self throughout it all. Most celebrities have done the same exact thing throughout their life. As christains we should not be compared on accomplishments, we shouldn't be compared at all. God loves us even if we never accomplish anything in our lives.
I disagree because it doesn't matter how much money you have, people should be judged on their character rather than the possesions they have. Many celebreties let money and power corrupt them and start to doing sinful things.
ReplyDeleteI disagree with what the statement is saying. It doesn't matter how many accomplishments you have the only thing that matters is how you carry yourself. If you carry yourself in a good way you will make the right choices but if you were to carry yourself in the wrong way you will go down the wrong path. That is a dark road that you don't want to have to go down. Most people see accomplishments as a sign of power and do the wrong things with it. It is not healthy for people to think that achievements and accomplishments are more important than how you should carry yourself.
ReplyDeleteThe statement is false, but in America we judge individuals by their class, rich, poor, famous, not famous. People want to have attention and great wealth, by receiving those values a person must do an event to get attention. In history people tried many events to get attention for example; the flight attendant, who stole the beer, shouted at the man and hopped of the plane. That was for media attention and it worked, yet he got thrown in prison. When people judge other human beings, they look at the outer appearance, how the person portrays their selves, and where they stand in society. If a person achieves many things and is successful, but has a horrible attitude our society will judge them on what they have done instead of judging their heart. How a person conducts their self is extremely important, but today people will judge a person by their accomplishments instead, which goes against all values of Christianity.
ReplyDelete- Carmyn Cosey
I do not agree with this statement, mainly because people may build themselves fame and fortune, and lose it because of their bad attitude and choices. Bill Belichick is a prime example. he has worked so hard to get to his fame and makes more money than a whole lot of people, but he just wants more. In 2007 Belichick cheated by taping the opposing team (New York Jets) hand signals to read their plays. Of course Belichick was cought and fined $500,000 which was 12% of his 2007 salary (supposedly his salary was 4.2 million). He made a bad decision is taking a risk to gain more. In our society people are judged on popularity, Whether good or bad, That is why we should focus on our character. You can have true happiness in the Lord, even if you have nothing, but earthly possessions corrupt people. The people with the most money are often times the most corrupt people, but the people with nothing have good moral values and appreciate what God has given them.
ReplyDeleteI do not agree with this statement because people today only focus on how popular someone is, how much money they have, and what clothes they wear. That is very stupid for us to judge someone by their achievements and not by their character. So many people today look at peoples achievements and not how they carry themselves or what they do for people. So many famous people carry themselves in horrible ways, but people love them and worship them. They try to be like them. They don't think of what they look like if they do something stupid. I do not agree with this statement and i don't think a mans character is based on how much fame he has or how much earthly items he has.The real way to judge a man is character. How he carry's himself. If its good or if its bad. This statement is false and i don't think its right in Gods eyes.
ReplyDeleteFelton said...
ReplyDeleteI disagree with this statement because no matter how rich or poor a person is they could be a good person or a bad one. Some of the most rich and famous people make some pretty bad decisions and they should have to face the consequence that a poor or middle class person must face. There have been many successful people that have ended up in jail for making the wrong decision. One example of this is Michael Vick. He was sent to jail and served his time for dog fighting. God doesn't say that if you are rich that you have a free pass from being a sinner but that everyone is and those especially who praise their money and accomplishments and boast.
I disagree. Money, achievements and accomplishments don't matter in heaven. God cares how you carry yourself. We are suposed to be representing God as Christians, so it matters how we carry ourselves. If we carry ourselves poorly, then we arn't doing our job of representing God. At the end of the day people arn't going to remember you as the person who did this or had that, but how the person conducted themselves.
ReplyDeleteKristen Corliss
False. I disagree with this statement because anyone can get rich in America, its the American Dream. Somebody who started out of nothing can become rich and famous because of one step. Their salvation is not decided from the amount of money that they have or their success, but it is by how they live their life. Today in American society their are people living at the top of the food chain, but live by the worst codes known. Their deeds are terrible, but they still have a successful time on earth. Nothing is put into an eternal standpoint. The poorest of the poor's may have as little as possible, but they may show the best Character than everyone. Bernie Madoff was one of the richest people ever to step foot in America, but at the same time one of the most corrupt people too. Job from the Bible could have been considered the bottom of the barrel to his city. He stayed faithful to God, and was known as one of the most faithful men to ever touch the Earth
ReplyDeleteI do not agree with this statement. Just because someone accomplishes something, doesn’t mean that they have good character. Professional athletes can take steroids to cheat their way to an achievement. That is morally wrong. That also teaches young kids who admire those athletes to do the wrong thing. It also causes them to lose fans and gain fame in a bad way. Barry Bonds was accused of steroids. That made people doubt his homerun record. It hasn’t been proven, but he has lost a lot of fans in the process. They should make the achievements the right way. Christians need to conduct their lives after Christ. He is the only person to have lived a perfect life. It is more important to spread Jesus through our actions than to break a record. After we die, all of those records don’t mean a thing. The only thing that matters is how we lived our life and if we accepted Christ. Osama bin Laden achieved many things. They were horrible, but drastic. He had great achievements, but conducted his life very poorly. He lived his life to become the number one criminal in the world. Celebrities accomplish great success, but aren’t always holy in their actions. They have millions or billions of dollars and are still unhappy in life. Happiness doesn’t come from material wealth, it comes from a relationship with Christ. That doesn’t mean you can’t accomplish things and conduct a good life. Tim Tebow had many accomplishments and lived his life for God. His eye black would have a bible verse on it and he wasn’t scared to spread the good news of God. Accomplishments are not bad, but they can’t come between the person and God.
ReplyDeleteI completely disagree with this statement, because I feel like the way you conduct yourself is more important than what you accomplish. Tim Tebow is a great example. Yes, people loved him back a Florida for being a great QB but the way he conducted himself in such a Godly manner what was what impressed people. I will always remember Tim Tebow as not only a national champion and a amazing inspiring role model, because at the end of the day when his time of being a football superstar is over he will still be able to stand in front of God, and God won't say " Your a great football player" God will know him for the Godly things he has done. Accomplishing things is great but you cant take your accomplishmens to heaven with you, but you can take your spiritual attributes to heaven with you and the way you conducted yourself while your where on earth.
ReplyDeleteDo I agree with this statement?
Ok, say there is a HUGE race and there is a million dollar prize if you win. The gun fires and everyone starts running, and it turns out your not all that fast. (Not quite sure why you would be running a race if you were slow, but thats not the point.) Soon you realize that you might not win that wonderful million dollars, so you get this brilliant idea in your head to take a shortcut and win unfairly. You do just that, and you win. Everyone cheers for you and praises your wonderfulness.
But your not really that wonderful as you think.
You can win a billion-gagillion prizes in life and they all won't mean a thing if your character issn't right. Like in the Bible (Forgot exactly where it is,) When some rich man gave millions and a poor old woman only gave two pennies, Jesus said the old woman gave more. She had wonderful character and offered up all she had to God, and that was what mattered, even though the rich man gave more worldly possessions. It really doesn't matter how much you have here on earth, the most important thing is how good your character is.
This concludes my blog.
I think that a lot of people would agree with this statement because they live life mainly focusing on gaining publicity by achieving and accomplishing big things, or accumulating the most money/ material things. They neglect to see that they can also gain publicity by conducting themselves and others in a positive way. I disagree with the statement “What a person achieves, accomplishes, or accumulates is more important than the way they conduct themselves” because I think that the way that someone conducts themselves is just as important as what someone achieves, accomplishes, or accumulates. An example in American Culture that proves the statement wrong is with Oprah Winfrey. She has made plenty of money and she has achieved many things, but if her image was immoral and negative, all of her major accomplishments would have as much meaning or value as it does.
ReplyDelete-Evan Johnson☺
Alex Herden
ReplyDeleteI think this statement is completely false. if you cheat your way to the top in life you have earned nothing and the bible says store up riches in heavan not in earth. So if you cheat at everything than how will that be storing up riches in heavan, you shouldn't reallly be even just trying to be noticed and get famous. You should be doing it because you are working at it with all your heart and you are doing it for God and if he puts you in a position where you are famous then do it for him. Some famous sports people probably do it all for the fans and money. The reason i say probably is because i do not know and it is not right judging others. I believe that working and earning things for God is much more important than what you have or just get in life.
I think this statement is completely false. Just because someone has money dosent mean they don't know how to conduct their themselves. For example Oprah Winfrey has loads of money but she is a great woman, she often donates her money to different charties in need and she built a girls school in Africa so they can get a better education. When Oprah did her talk show she often gave back with various gifts. She worked and earned everything she has and she gives some back.
ReplyDeleteI disagree with this statement. The reason why is that people shoudl copnduct themselves in a way that is gloryfing to the Lord. An example of someone who has conducting themselves in a bad way in American history is Lindsy Lohan. She had everything she could ever want and still chose to shoplift. Her reason behind this decision was "just for the thrill of it". She should have been a better role model for the younger genertion and maybe, just maybe she wouldnt be so hated in todays society.
ReplyDeleteI do not agree with this statement. Just because someone accomplishes something does not mean that, that shows good character. Osama Bin Laden achieved many things like blowing up the world trade center and getting away with it for almost a decade, but it was not morally a goon sign of great character. The most famous athletes can take steroids and become a multi millionaire, but in God’s eyes it is not a sign of good character. They gain fame from the wrong reasons, and they gain fame off a lie. A person who has good character is a person with good judgment of human nature and character. As Christians, we are expected to represent how God wants us to act much like Jesus did when he was on Earth. We need to carry out our lives after Christ. After our lives on earth is done all the material things will not mean any thing. The only thing that matters is how well we represented God while we were here. Celebrities accomplish immense accomplishment but aren’t always holy in their actions. Some famous people will have tons of money and still won’t be content. They won’t be happy with their lives. I have heard that happiness doesn’t come from material things, but it comes from a relationship with Christ. The one thing that everyone can be wealthy with is a strong relationship with the Lord. The best thing to do is to think about your accomplishments as things that are glorify God not you. That will show how great the Lord is for helping you achieve these amazing things. In Matthew 5:16 In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven. The Lord explains how all your achievements should be glorifying to him. We should work hard to show how great God is to represent him. Our goal should be to have material things and be a great representative of the Lord. Success is great, but if it prevents you from having a personal relationship with God then it not good.
ReplyDeleteThat statement is false. I believe that if you have a good education and a good job, you will know how to conduct yourself. The way you act is more important than what job you have. If you don’t have good actions or dress a certain way, many people will look down on you and not give you the job or achievements that you deserve. We all should think of the Lord in what we do. We should conduct ourselves in the lord and do everything for him.
ReplyDeleteI disagree with the statement. People usally judge by the results,because its easier to jugde that way ,but i think the process of the results make better outcome. One reason why America is great is the education. In school, teachers, coaches help during the process, and help them to become better students. In school, teachers forgive students more often to give students the chance to become better.They teach you how to conduct themselves in their lives. I believe for students the processes are important than people who socialize in resal lives. The bible tells us having money is not bad thing it says you need to responsible with the money, and make great decisions. Most people who gets alots of money in very short time usually end up losing all the money, or do illegal stuffs.