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Thursday, September 8, 2011

World Cultures Question #2

Discuss the following questions with a parent and respond in the comments section...

How much of your life is devoted to being entertained? Can you be entertained too much? Does the Bible say anything about entertainment?


  1. Mallory ( the amazing) FieldsSeptember 13, 2011 at 6:32 PM

    I would say my life is not a lot but, not a little devoted to entertainment. Probably just like every other teenager, I spend time on my computer and watching tv. I enjoy doing that but I also understand when enough is enough. Watching tv and on the computer too much isn't healthy. Some shows and websites aren't appropriate for our minds to absorb and we tend to start acting and listening to what the culture says. For example, how we need to dress, how we need to act, behave, and how the culture is setting bad examples for us. God wants us to be ourselves and not let any bad influences change the way we act, think, and present ourselves.

  2. A portion of my life is devoted to entertainment.Times when there is not much going on in my life I feel I am more devoted to entertainment than when I am occupied with sports or cheer. I feel I spend as much time watching TV or on my computer as an average teen does. At times I feel I turn to TV to occupy my time. I feel you can be entertained to much by TV and that could begin to occupy a lot of your time. To much TV could also effect how you live your life, and influence what you do and how we act. The Bible doesn't say anything directly about entertainment, but it says do not idelize anything, and to much entertainment could become first priority instead of God, and our relationship with him.

    -ellie :)

  3. I'd say that a good portion of my life is devoted to entertainment. Over the summer I watch TV all the time because I'm not playing sports and there is no school. Even during school, after I finish my homework, I watch sports or a movie to forget about my day. I do think that you can be too entertained. If you have things in your life that you could be doing, like playing sports, or hanging out with friends or family, that you could be doing instead of watching TV. Then you choose to skip them and miss out on a great time, then that is when somebody can be too entertained. The Bible doesn't say anything directly, but in the Ten Commandment, it says that we should have no other gods before the one true God. But if we get so wrapped up in entertainment, and we decide not to have time for God, we have made entertainment an idol and have put it before God. The Bible does tell us not to this and we should always put God before everything else in our lives.

  4. I spend some time watching T.V. and on the computer, but not a lot during the week and only sometimes on the weekend. I watch more T.V. and am on the computer when I have nothing better to do or anything else that I have to do. I think you can be entertained too much because when you become dependent on having something entertaining you aren’t productive. The Bible says we should rest on Sunday so that would imply that one seventh of your life you are being entertained. The Bible says we should watch and listen to things that are good and don’t influence us the wrong way.

  5. My response:Entertainment isn't really a big part of my life. I don't really have time to watch TV anymore because of my insane amount of homework. I listen to music in the car and while doing my homework. You can be entertained too much. If you watch too much TV, you will probably start trying to copy what you see on the shows that you watch. It's human nature to be a copy cat. Hebrews 13:5 says, "Keep your life free from love of money, and be content with what you have, for He has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.”"
    Mom's Response: “Too much of anything is good for nothing” is an old saying that I grew up hearing. I don’t care much for too much external stimulation because if my mind is consumed with entertainment, there won’t be room for much more important information. Paul points out in 1Corinthians 8 that regarding fun and entertainment, I should take care that this right of mine does not somehow become a stumbling block to my weakness.

    The End.

  6. There is a form of entertainment that is good. There is also bad. I put a lot of my free time into TV and Xbox when I should be outside. However, there are moments where entertainment can bring families together. Football has kept me from this though. When i get home I only have time to do my homework and go to bed. I have noticed that I have become more fit as I continue to exercise every day. When summer ends and football starts I am always unfit. Entertainment is a way to take someone's life and change it, how it changes is your choice.

    Entertainment can be good and bad. I dont believe entertainment is mentioned in the bible but if entertainment takes more control than God it is obviously a bad thing!If you are too entertained u you may miss something important in your life. Th best example is God, but you can also get out of shape or many other bad things. I use entertainment like TV and Xbox often but not too much, in my opinion.

  8. Rachael Lewis- Entertainment definitely plays a huge role in my life. Whenever I'm not watching Tv I'm usally on the computer. I feel that entertainment has taken control of our country where most Americans have to be doing something very single minute. I know I always want it have my phone with me all day. I completely believe that you can be consumed too much, most Americans are. The Bible states that we should never let anything distract us from God and I completely believe that entertainment does.As Christians we need to focus on staying in tune with God and not let anything distract us.

  9. Connor: the bible says for our focus to be on God and nothing else. I believe you can be over entertained. Making our Xbox or football game or book an idol before God. I also believe that, that is wrong. God should be first on our list, not football, Xbox, or anything. Most of our life is being entertained. The only time I really focus on God is at chapel, or church, or at a bible study. The rest of the time am being entertained by things like school, football, T.V., when we should be worshiping God, or working for Him.
    Dad: The bible never uses the word “entertainment”. There are many scriptures that could relate to things like entertainment though. Our purpose here on earth is to worship God and teach others about Him. Usually entertainment gets in the way of that. Even at places like church entertainment can become a distraction. Things like singing. I know the bible says make a joyful noise to the Lord, which I firmly believe in. I go to a short of old school church. There is a choir and the sing. But recently I visited a more modern church were there singing involved a band and lights and fog and special effects. I thought it was entertaining. Entertaining was what it was doing, it was also lifting up the Lord but I think it was entertaining more than anything, and distracting people from the lord.

  10. Entertainment does not consume my life that much. Just like a normal teenager I go on the computer to stay in touch with friends and watch T.V., but most of my free time is spent on sports and outside hobbies. Also with all the homework it is hardly even possible to even catch a moment to watch a part of episode. But I listen to the radio in the car and while I'm doing my homework. I equally get entertained and it is very easy to be entertained. It is human nature that makes us find so much appeal in entertainment that it influences our decisions. Many verses like Hebrews 13:5 and 1 Corinthians 8 tells us the bad and good about entertainment. My Mom’s response to this is that “To much of something is not good” Entertainment is good, but not if consumes your life and does not allow you to truly live your life.

  11. Charlie Money

    It is good to have entertainment after you have finished hard work or when you have time to relax. But you should always make sure you have done the hard work first before you go to entertainment. I believe I use entertaiment way too often because it is much more easier to do so. Many times I will find myself watching T.V. or on the computer instead of doing hard work. In the bible God tells us to worship no other gods. I believe that entertainment has turned many christians away from God because christians have started to make entertainment their idol. entertainment is important in some ways but christians have made entertainment too important and we are starting to turn away from God because of it.

    The bible talks about there being seasons in life and there are seasons in my life where it is nose to the grindstone, working long hours and times when I can relax and enjoy the many gifts God has provided me. The bible also talks about everything in moderation, I believe the key to staying healthy and in God's will is both entertainment and hard work. (Parent)

  12. A decent amount of my life is devoted to entertainment like watching t.v., playing video games, watching sports, and many other types of entertainment. Some of it isn't that healthy for me like watching television, playing video games, and playing on the computer. Some are healthy for me and those are the ones that keeps me healthy. There is probably something about to much entertainment but that is mainly about the ones that aren't that healthy for you. I don't think that it mentions anything about entertainment in the Bible.

  13. Luke Miltner: Entertainment is a race downhill that just continuously speeds up. One type of entertainment turns into another and it constantly consumes my time. It’s not always bad though, because often after a long day or week, entertainment is great to simply relax and enjoy. With all the sports, practices and activities I participate in, my time is well balanced for the most part and I don’t waste too much time with it. While entertainment is great every now and then, it can also easily become excessive. Therefore, there must such a thing as too much entertainment, and it can very easily lead to plenty of issues in our lives. First of all, when wrapped up in entertainment, we start to lose sight of reality. The other, and probably more important side of this, is it that it messes with our priorities. Anything that we spend more time with than God can easily become an idol. If we can manage to keep our priorities straight and not over use it, entertainment can actually prove to be helpful towards our lives.

  14. Only a small portion of my life is devoted to being entertained. I go on my computer, listen to music, and watch TV when I have some free time like a regular teenager. However, I’m normally too busy during the week to be entertained and when I do have some free time, I have other hobbies that I participate in. I believe that you can be entertained too much when it keeps you away from things that you should be doing (i.e. chores, homework, spending time with God). The Bible doesn't say anything specifically about entertainment, but it does say that "There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven" (Ecclesiastes 3:1-8). God wants Christians to have a time to relax and to be entertained, but He also wants them to have a time to worship him. Entertainment can be good as long as it does not distract you from your priorities.
    -Logan Pearce

    As a working parent, the majority of my time is obligated to work and family leaving very little time for entertainment. When I watch TV, it is predominantly for information, specifically – news. I believe someone can be overly entertained. Much of the television programs require very little thinking for the viewer. A person could spend too much time receiving unfiltered music and programs. All entertainment is not bad. I do think it can be therapeutic to watch TV or listen to music to remove the stresses of the day. The Bible doesn't say anything specific although I believe we have to be careful not to worship false idols.
    -Parent response

  15. A pretty good bit of my life is entertained during the summer and over breaks, because I get bored easily so I do activities that are entreating and fill a large amount of time. During the school year it isn’t that entreating because of homework, but I do spend time on the computer and watching TV. I mainly do that stuff at night because of school and homework. The Bible doesn’t say anything specifically about entertainment, but God does want us to spend some of our time focusing on Him. It’s okay to do things we enjoy as long as we don’t get too caught up in it and forget about God.
    Kelley Eubanks..

  16. I would say that side I moved, I have spent about half of my free time watching T.V. or playing playstation. I used to be able to go outside at anytime in the day and be able to play baseball/football/airsoft in our coldesac with someone else, but now we live on a hill where there are a couple kids my age/grade around, but I don't hang out with them much because they are nice when we hang out at my house, though when we are at school he acts different to look cool to his friends. So entertainment is much more common in my life now because I am not in the position to go outside and throw the football with someone. You can be entertained to much because electronic entertainment is bad for our brain. I do not believe that the Bible says anything about entertainment, but on rule we should all follow is not to watch inappropriate entertainment.

  17. Kristen C.

    As a normal teenager, my life is kind of devoted to entertainment. I get bored easily on weekends if my friends are out of town or busy. I don't go outside in my backyard and play because I am either doing homework or listening to music and relaxing. Trust me, I love to watch a good movie or show, but too much T.V. makes my eyes bloodshot and I'm more irritable. I get unfocused and all I want to do is watch T.V. instead of helping out my parents, which means me getting in trouble. There is a balance though. Too much, like 8 hours a day, is way too much and no entertainment makes life a little dull. Too much affects our brain and makes us think slower. It also takes over, like not doing your homework because the game was on. The bible doesn't state that you can't have entertainment. God want's us to be happy. That's why he created entertainment for us. God needs to be on top, though. If entertainment takes our eyes off God then it's time to turn of the T.V, Computer, IPod, and focus on him.

  18. Corey Johnson: Most of my life is devoted to being entertained. I get bored easily and I just watch TV or play a video game or listen to music. Over the summer, I am constantly on the computer or watching TV. During the week, I normally don’t watch as much TV because of homework but in my free time I will usually watch TV. Too much entertainment is bad because it leaves no time for work. If you don’t work hard you shouldn’t be entertained wherever and whenever. There is a time and a place for working and playing. The Bible doesn’t say much about entertainment but God wants us to manage our time wisely. The entertainment people did back then was more related to hospitality and entertaining guests.

  19. We, as Americans, and just people in general value entertainment. It gives us time to forget our worries and let our minds go blank. I enjoy entertainment for these reasons as well. Yet if these pleasures are enjoyed too much it can become dangerous. There are cases of people who have become addicted to entertainment such as video games and social media. It is hard to recuperate and get back on track. If we are so impatient for entertainment it can twist our priorities. It makes us forget things that were once important like family and our connection with God. The Bible doesn’t mention entertainment yet God left a day of rest after creating the world. He understands that we need time to rest and entertainment helps us with that. I don’t think entertainment should be excessive but it is a sweet relief after a long day.

  20. A large portion of my life is entertainment. I also believe this is the same for others wether they realize it or not.I dont think entertainment is a wrong thing as long as it does not harm others or yourself. An example of good entertainment is watching movies or going to sports events and plays. An example bad entertainment might be making fun of others for something that he or she cannot help or watching something you know you are not supposed to. There is such thing as too much entertainment, for instance if one only watched movies all day long every day that would not be healthy. In the Bible it does say to relax but it also says to work like you are working for the Lord and not for men. This means that as well as entertainment one should also make sure they are doing whatever their job is to their best ability.

  21. well about most of my spare time is devoted to entertainment. Like watching TV, computer , playstation etc. When i should be outside or doing something productive. Entertainment can be a good thing at times but we shouldnt put it before god.

    -Jordan E .

  22. I think most of my life is devoted to entertainment. When I'm not at football practice or doing homework I'm watching T.V. I think our country abuses it's luxuries by entertaining ourselves too much. The bible also says something about entertainment. “Be careful, however, that the exercise of your freedom does not become a stumbling block to the weak” (1 Corinthians 8:9). I think that means that you can entertain yourself, but you shouldn't do it more than you praise God.

  23. Most of my time is devoted to entertainment. Usually it is with t.v. Sports are a very big entertainment for me and for most people. I think that people can be entertained to much. We can get so caught up in what we are doing that we dont pay enough attention too God. God says that we should take time out of every day and go somewhere quiet and pray. That dosen't mean that we can't be enterained though. We just shouldn't be doing so much that we forget to pray.
    William Charles

  24. Harlan The Great KyleSeptember 15, 2011 at 9:37 PM

    Fantastic blog answer that is so wonderful it's blinding:
    Alright, I'll admit,
    Some of my life is devoted to my entertainment satisfaction.
    No, hold on.
    MOST of my life is devoted to my entertainment satisfaction.
    Thats more like it. Each day, in America especially, we LOVE to be entertained. Most of what we do is for entertainment purposes when you really think about it. I mean, most people make enough money to survive and the extra money goes to what exactly?
    Our entertainment.
    Now its not that entertainment is wrong, its just that our lives consist of a great deal of it. Well... its not wrong until you get too much of it. THEN it turns into a problem. Thats when your brain turns into cheese and into all those other things parents say it will turn into to when they're trying get you to stop watching T.V. Your life can be over run with the desire to be entertained, when really we should be living our lives, not watching someone else's.

    This concludes the blog.

  25. My amount of entertainment varies. Today I spent zero hours of entertainment. During the summer, I spend nearly all hours as entertainment. A regular day is probably about two hours of entertainment. My entertainment is usually T.V. or Computer. Yes, I believe there is such thing as to much entertainment. If you spend all day everyday doing nothing but entertainment, you are probably not being very healthy. The other extreme is much worse "(All work and no play makes Holden a dull boy)". I believe that the bible tells us to balance are work and play. This way we can enjoy our lives and live them at the same time.

  26. I spend quite a bit of my time being entertained by stuff like tv. the computer, and the ps3. I think entertainment is good for us when we have nothing else to do, but now entertainment has started taking away from the stuff we should be doing (ex. reading, practicing a sport. The Lord never says anything about entertainment but i think it is sinning when we start to idolize entertainment and don't devote enough to him instead of entertainment.

  27. I spend at least a quarter of my time reading, watching T.V. and playing on the computer. When I am bored and have nothing else to do, I usually read or watch T.V. I feel that I watch less T.V. than an average teenager because I’m busy with homework and extra-curricular activities during the week. Even though I spend some of my time being entertained, I do not overdose myself with too much of it. Too much of entertainment can cause long-term effects. In the Bible, Matthew 6:24 says “No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other…” When I spend more time reading the Bible than watching TV, I will serve God. But, if I do the opposite then the TV would become my master.

  28. Entertainment is the main focus in many lives of people. I spend most of my time besides sports either watching television or playing a video game that can entertain myself. There are many forms of entertainment, video games, television, computers, can all be showed up as negative forms of entertainment when they are abused. Playing games outdoors or more ways of exercise can also be viewed as positive types of entertainment, but most people don't use them because it requires more effort. God wants us to take care of our bodies, and the bad forms of entertainment that are abused can be harmful to us

  29. If I'm being totally honest, my life is definitely devoted to different kinds of entertainment. The main kind for me is video games and TV. Yes, I feel at times it's too much and makes my mind react or process too quickly. I am a stutterer and a lot of it comes from a fast moving brain. My speech therapist has told me that before. If I spend too much time on video games, my stuttering gets worse. Even though I know it's not good for me, I sometimes do it anyway. God does not want us to be totally devoted to something that takes time away from him. I've been thinking about how important it is to spend time reading God's word and figure out how he wants us to use what we learn from it in our lives each day. As I get older, I know it's going to be important to have discipline and not "play" as much. I think you can have a good balance with entertainment if you make sure you're not going overboard. The Bible says to put no other gods before God. If entertainment becomes a "god", it's too much. I don't want that to happen in my life.

  30. Alex Herden

    I think entertainment takes up a huge portion of most americans life, I am guilty of this sometimes to. When i should be working to get better at everything i am inside watching T.V. or playing xbox or computer. Some enterteinment is ok but to much is really bad. it can control your mind and rot it to the core. It is a gift from God and like all of these we should not abuse them.

    Pilam venit; adepto melior

  31. i dont think my life isnt nearly centered around entertainment. However on the weekend all i look for is entertainment. During the week i cant devote my self to entertainment because of homework, chores and parents. In the bible read Ecclesiates chapter3 verse 2-8 bsically it saying there is a time for everything.

  32. big boss man is tj

  33. In life, our society lives on the Tv. Around America, everyone watches it because we love to be entertained. We usually do not admit it, but music is like a drug that we live on. If entertainment tkades over peoples lives they will have no room in their minds to think for themselves. Our generation grew up on technology and we use it all the time to fullfill our needs. The Bible says to not idol anything else besides God because he is the overall master. Even though we say we do not, everyday some type of object is worshiped just because it entertains the user.

  34. I don’t feel that I am too entertained on the weekdays because I have school and homework, which takes up most of my day so I don’t get any time to do much. On the weekends, I like hanging out with friends, watching television, playing games, and anything entertaining that will fit in my schedule. I do believe that too much entertainment isn’t good for you because you always need time with just you and god. In the bible Colossians 3:17 it says, “And whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him.’’ What I think this verse is trying to say is, we should always think godly whatever we do, even if it is entertaining or not.

    -Cameron Jenkins

  35. I am not entertained too much during the week because i'm so busy with sports and school. I might watch a big football game or basketbell game but there aren't very many more exceptions. On the weekdays i am entertained a lot but it is mostly to take a break from the week and relax. I think that you can defintely be entertained too much. I know quite a few people who are obsessed with entertainment. For example, Call of Duty or a TV show. The bible says that we should not put unwholesome things of thoughts into our body. That includes enertainment. If the entertainment is bad then we shouldn't watch it. If it is okay then I think it is okay unless we obsess over it.

  36. I spend a lot of my day being entertained by something. Very little of my day is spent just sitting around. Someone can be entertained too much. When a form of entertainment becomes a number one priority, then it is too much. That means they put it before God. This is breaking one of the Ten Commandments. God told us that he has to be number one in our lives. When we are overly obsessed with entertainment, we are breaking that commandment and turning away from God.

  37. My mom: 10% of her life is devoted to entertainment.
    Myself:65% of my life is devoted to entertainment
    Yes,you can be entertained too much.When we have too much enertainment we tend to get into the mind set :bigger is better . We get addicted to entertainment and lose focuse on what is really important.

    A Bible verse relating to this:
    Matthew 6:24-"You cannot serve God and money." this relates because it is saying that if we focus on entertaiment/money too much the there will be no room for us to focus on God.

  38. What good is life if it is not enjoyed? Entertainment does not have to be restricted to TV, computers and video games. Depending on how you chose to entertain yourself can be positive or negative. As parents it’s our responsibility to teach and expose our children to meaningful forms of entertainment …plays, musical, museums, travel, attending sports events as a family, dining as a family etc...
    There are scripts that can be interpreted as references to entertainment. Entertainment should not be ungodly, idolized or put before God. One should enjoy the fruits of their labor through positive forms of entertainment, get adequate rest and to serve God at all times.

  39. ╰☆╮ evan johnson ╰☆╮September 15, 2011 at 11:27 PM

    I think that most of my time away from school and sports is devoted to entertainment. I watch TV, use my phone A LOT, go on the computer, and listen to music. I don’t believe that people can get entertained too much but I think that people should have limits to the amount of time they spend with entertainment. In the Bible, God says that entertainment is fine, but He should be our number one priority.
    Not much of my life is devoted to being entertained. There is a possibility that you can be entertained too much. In 1 John 2:15 it states that if any man loves the things in the world than the love for God is not in them.

  40. Myles Mom: If we spent the amount of time "being entertained" with God, how different would our relationship with Him be. I believe that God provides times of rest and that might include listening to music or watching tv. But I agree with Myles, that putting anything before GOD is idolization or loving it more than GOD as stated 1 John 2:15.

  41. i would say some of life is devoted to entertainment. I try to put god first though and my family and friends but sometimes i dont.If more peoples life were devoted to God than entertainment our world would be alot better. entertainment though can be very decieving and people get pulled into it easily.
    -hannah haverty

  42. ui think that our generation spends to much time being entertained.
    we come home from school and the first thing we want to do is watch TV or play xbox.
    Our parents say that if we dont do our chores or clean up our room then we wont be able to watch TV
    TV is a part of our lives, we use it to catch up on recent events ,watch sports or just be entertained.
    I luv TV but sometimes its a little addicting
    humans are creature s of habit and watching TV is a part of our lives so its a hard habit to break


  43. Talking to a parent I figured out that back in time they entertained themselfs the natural way. they didnt have tv's cell phones laptops or anything to that matter. So, we literally spen 99% of 0ur time entertaining our selfs. THe bible says that we need to follow the commandments, so if your entertaining youself in a bad way...you might not be following the bible.

    - Alex Melton

  44. I would say my life is mostly devoted to being entertained. I must be entertained or i will die inside. I even find myself falling asleep as I type this. I believe in too much entertainment. Too much is when I find myself becoming lazy. Those who live on entertainment are lazy people and I don't want to become that person. The Bible says that you should'nt let entertainment get in the way of your connection with the Lord. When I find myself in that predictament I know I have had too much entertainment.-Douglas

  45. I would say i am very devoted to entertainment because im easily bored. I have to be doing something interesting otherwise I die inside. Even as I type this I'm falling asleep. I do believe in too much entertainment. I know I have had too much when I become lazy. Those who live on entertainment live a lazy life, but a boring life is a life wasted. The bible says that entertainment should'nt block you from the Lord, so I know when I have had too much entertainment.

  46. I am a very high maintnence person. This summer, my time was devoted to tanning with my friends when I should have been packing. God says that we are supposed to spend time in his word daily and this summer I didnt. Too much entertainment can be bad for you and it may spoil you.

  47. I do many activites such as ; school work , sports , socializing , so i rarly have time for tv , video games , and the computer. People get addicted to entertainment and start coping their favore actor , singer , or preffesional player. I discused with my parents that too much entertainment will take away your focus of God . The bible says praise , worship, and honor God at all times , and with entertainment that takes away his morals and values. There should be a limit on media , activities that are not God like. We should honor God , and respect our time we use for media, entertainment , and focus on God .
    - Carmyn Cosey

  48. All my life, I don't remeber a day where i haven't watched TV. All Americans life watch TV. SportsCenter, Spongebob Squarepants, video games, etc. I believe that Americans are really lazy, even though I am a case of laziness. You can be entertained too much because then you start acting like the characters on TV. I remember I started acting like Angelica from Rug Rats. I haven't watched it since. The Bible does not say anything about entertainment, we should just be outside playing and not in our recliner watching TV.

  49. Bethany Rozanne Janse Van Rensburg :)September 16, 2011 at 12:44 PM

    Entertainment has a huge impact on american life. Some people think of entertainemnt as a god, for instance some people devote their lives to sports and it can sometimes control their lives. I beleive their is a proper balance for entertainment. For instance you must not watch TV or play Xbox the whole day, so instead of playing Xbox go outside and excerise. Now the bible doesn't say anything specific about entertainment like, "Dont play Xbox today." But he does say that you could not put anything above of him and treat it like an an idol or a god. So entertainment should have a proper balance.

  50. Felton said...
    I spend a great deal of my time entertaining myself and I rarely sit around and do something that I can't enjoy. I can barely go a few minutes without entertaining myself in some way like watching TV, playing a game, or reading a good book. The Lord tells us to not get caught up in the outside world but to focus on him but we all still enjoy being entertained in some way.

  51. William Easterwood-
    i entertain myself alot with Tv and Games. I think you can be over entertained. if you devote some much of your life to TV or something like that then youll be taking time away from you and God. So yes the Bible says dont take time awy from you and God. Leaving him to watch tv defiently falls under that catagory.
