In Lee Harris' book The Suicide of Reason the writer says the following:
The West (Western Europe, America, etc.) is eliminating the alpha males from our midst, and at a dizzyingly accelerating rate. But in Muslim societies, the alpha male is still alive and well. While we in America are drugging our alpha boys with Ritalin, the Muslims are doing everything in their power to encourage their alpha boys to be tough, aggressive, and ruthless. We are proud if our sons get into a good college; they are proud if their sons die as martyrs. To rid your society of high-testosterone alpha males may bring peace and quiet; but if you have an enemy that is building up an army of alpha boys to hate you fanatically and who have vowed to destroy you, you will be committing suicide.
Discuss the quote with a parent and then answer the following questions...
In what ways is the quote true? In what ways is the quote false?
Do you and your parent agree? Why or why not?
An alpha male is a natural leader, charismatic, and dominant person....and i don't agree with the statement when it said "The West (Western Europe, America, etc.) is eliminating the alpha males from our midst." Its not that we are eliminating them its just that we have different values. But when the quote said "We are proud if our sons get into a good college." that is true because that is an american value. And the last sentence the statement is false to me because just 'cause they have a bunch of alpha males that like to destroy doesn't mean there invinceble.
ReplyDelete...yes me and my parents agree on what i said...but there answer sounded more sophisticated..
Eric J. Lockett
An alpha male, to me, is one of a higher status, one who is respected by his/her peers, a stud as some would say. It can also be described as the most dangerous, which is obviously what the muslim religion is striving for, according to this quote. I don't agree that we are eliminating our alpha males. I just think we, as one of the best countries in the world, produce a different type of "alpha male" than the muslims. We focus more on education than anything, but we also take pride in living long and succesful lives. To the muslim religion, they don't truly care about living a long life as long as they go down fighting and defending their religion. This ties in to the fact that I disagree with the last statement, which states that we will be commiting suicide, going up against the muslim alpha male. I think there will be no question that we will win this fight. Not only would we come out on top because of our smarts, but also because of our superior military. Thanks to our education, we are able to advance in technology at a higher rate than the muslims. We will most definately win this fight.
ReplyDelete-Braelen P
There is some truth in this quote, but at the same time i do not agree with some of the statements in this quote. In America we are not eliminating the alpha male in our society, just merlely teaching them to be tolerant and to follow the rules. We teach the alpha male to be sensitive, tolerant, and to basically do what they are told. Also, in this quote it is true that in Muslim societies they are teaching completely different values than those taught in America. They are taught to be ruthless and to kill others that do not believe as they do. My parents and i agree on the fact that in America we teach the alpha male to be tolerant, but Muslims teach the alpha males to be martyrs. Our societies have completely different values.
ReplyDelete--Caroline Holliday*
To some extent i agree with this quote. I don't agree with her saying that every Muslim is raised to be a martyr and that ever American male is raised to be a educational person. I agree to some parts of this quote because now a days more American males are not doing "guy stuff" a lot of males aren't playing sports now too! Not every Muslim male though is raised to be a martyr some go off to be doctors and some go off to be scientists. So some parts of the quote i agree with and other parts i don't. My dad and I both agree on this.
ReplyDeleteNoah DiGiorgio
In a way, i do agree with this quote, alpha males in america are being eliminated. You tend to think of the big buff men who save lives as an alpha male. Most amerocan parents libe to know that their sons are being looked up to as a hero figure.
ReplyDeleteBut now... You see many men being treated like little children. More are just proud of their children to mKe a good living ex: getting into a decent college. Yes, people do enjoy seeing their children being "brave and ruthless" but now you even see women step up to doing things like that. Most want their sons to raise a family and be a great father...yet we see more single mothers,and more men still living with their mothers. When boys are little, they want to be a big time rich hero, but soon those values change and they just want to be in their comfort zone. In a way i guess you can call it "suicide" but this gives women a chance to show their independence. I dont agree with parents and america letting alpha males slowly deteriate, but in a way i guess it could be for the better.
-JiniahB. :]
In recent times this opinion is scientically false.. but back in the day what this quote means is stating to become stronger then your enemey. At times we as americans need to fight for our freedom for example ww1 and ww2 so I dont necesarily disagree but what there doing can give the perception that there doing horrrible things. We rasie our kids differently so thats shows our cultural differences, but I can guranteed the longer we weaken our men the more our country will become weaker. I examined how kids have bad attitudes and cry about everything, while muslimes have the balls to protact any of there family and kill any one that stand in there way. The longer we baby sit men the gayer we become the less heart we have to fight for our country. So in general it doesnt look so bad right now but ten to fifteen yrs go by and what a drastic change.
ReplyDeleteGGod hold us in peace amen!
ReplyDeleteI agree and disagree with this quote. I agree that there are becoming fewer alpha males. I do not agree that all muslims want their kids to be martyrs. Many Muslim parents would be proud if their son grew up to be a doctor or lawyer. To us getting in to a good college is important because it is what our society thinks is important. The Muslim society thinks highly of other things.
ReplyDeleteMy parents agree with this.
-Katie Kassis
I both agree and disagree with quote from the book "The reason of suicide". I agree in the sense that we are trying to create a peaceful society, but not with the fact that we are completely eliminating our alpha males. There are still many alpha males in our society but they are just held to a higher standard. It takes more to be a recognized dominate leader then a gun and a bomb strapped to your chest. I think both our cultures are misunderstood to the other and that is why we are so eager to insult one another. Our morals and values are different , our ways of life and religion are worlds apart, and most people are scared of what they do not understand. We value in America education, and beauty, that much could not be said for most muslim people. I am not saying that all muslims are fanatics, in fact most muslims are not, but especially here in America we value the money maker with the high IQ. Thats what makes us proud of one another. Also, the little part that says: "To rid your society of high-testosterone alpha males may bring peace and quiet; but if you have an enemy that is building up an army of alpha boys to hate you fanatically and who have vowed to destroy you, you will be committing suicide." In america we have discovered that having a few brilliant leaders and many soldiers who will obey orders with out question has done the trick in winning our wars. With everybody as the alpha male, no one wants to follow orders, thus creating an erratic army that is completely out of control. This passage has valid points but has left out key facts.
ReplyDeleteKatie Mitcham
I think he is right because we refuse to missile and hurt them back. They build up their "alphas" and we want ours to stay peaceful. Muslims encourage their alphas to be the strongest leaders ever. In a way this is suicide. I do not believe that we are destroying all alphas, but just toning them down from their true potential. I also do not believe every Muslim alpha man is taught to be totally ruthless. I think most Muslims are not all extremists. But I do think that extremists are taught to be stronger than anyone.
ReplyDeleteBrandon Chan
an alpha male is a term used to say "a leader of a specific group". the truths in this quote are that we are prud of our sons getting into good colleges and they are proud of their sons dying as martyrs. they are proud of their sons for doing that because they make vows to destroy a certain society or ethnic group by suicide. my parents agreed with me because they believed the same as me
ReplyDeletesam henrickson
an alpha male is someone who is the dominant person in a group. I think that the fact about trying to go against alpha males is committing suicide. Because they have been trained to fight for what they believe in either until they win or they die. This is true because they are being taught to beat anyone and everyone that comes in their way of what they believe.
ReplyDelete-bennett shilling
In my opinion i disagree with this quote. not every single muslim wants there son to die as a martyr. I think they would love there kid to grow up to be something great. We americans think that getting into a good school it's good because our society says so. So we believe that that's right and acceptable. My parents agree with me
ReplyDeleteIman Kay
The Alpha male is the lead male. I disagree with the author, but not completely. I disagree that you should raise up alpha males as ruthless and fearless. That would be like committing suicide because, then they would just start killing each other. We are teaching our alpha males to do what they are told, and be respectful.If they are told to kill they will kill, but only in response to their authority. My parents agree.
ReplyDelete- WALKER WOOD
I think that this quote is partly true, but not completely true. I do not think that we are eliminating the alpha male from our society, but meerly making them equal. I think that in a way this statement has some communist views, because, what it is pretty much saying is that the alpha male needs to be present in the society that we are in, which is like having rule over everyone. We need to be equal, but we cannot have everyone degrading everyone else.
To me this statement is partly true and partly not. I do believe though, that men are slowly becoming more babied, coddled, and cared for in America. More men live with their mothers or have a girlfriend or wife to take care of them now. Yes everyone is equal but a man’s role is much different from a woman’s, in our present society we are plainly making men into women. I do not think what we are doing is suicide, but I do think that it can show a change in how the world works. No, men should not be ruthless bullies, but their losing all the characteristics that make men, men. I also don’t think there is anything wrong with being proud of your son for getting into college, nor is it wrong to be a martyr for what you believe. I wish that more people would die for a just cause instead of stepping down and denouncing their faith (in Christ), but it is hard. If we do not change the way we are manipulating American men though, couldn’t Muslims come over and do something about the hate that they continue to build up against us? Maybe, just in case, we should be ready to fight instead of turning our men into “sensitive” creatures.
ReplyDelete-anna long :)
Honestly, i think this statement is pretty true. In, America, boys are becoming wimpier. Sure they still love aggressive "manly" sports like football and basketball, but their courage and bravery levels are getting babied and cared for. In muslim countries, they're boys know what it's like to have close to nothing. They are taught from the minute they enter this world to find their own ways of survival. Therefore, they're bravery and courageous instincts are through the roof! Now, when we look back again to our American boys. They get what they want, whether it'd be extremely necessary for survival or not. They have absolutely NO idea what it means to actually be courageous and mentally and physically strong. Sure there might be a couple exceptions here and there, but for the most part this is what's going on.
ReplyDeleteWith saying all of this, when we put the groups of boys side by side and compare them we get a crazy result. The quote/statement that was given sort of explains how they'd be compared. It says how when you have an army of super brave and strong men who trained everyday to fight with ALL they have and to destroy American armies, it doesn't even compare with our troops. Then it goes on to say that because of our lack in preparation of brave, courageous, whole-hearted men, we might as well give up ("commit suicide) As a country, we need to have boys who know what it's like to have nothing. they need to know the feelings and emotions of the everyday people whom they are potentially fighting for. Without this drive and passion, we do have nothing.
This is what i think about the given statement. :)
an alpha male is a person who dominates the people in a particular group. people are removing the alpha males in our society. some things can vary if they are true or not. most people will be proud if their son gets into a college. i don't think it is right that he said that if an army of alpha males are going to kill you, you will commit suicide.
ReplyDelete- Harrison Weller
i think this quote is partly true. but not all of it. some people arent educated and work in McDonals and not all muslims are born to kill us. but guys are definatly not doing guy things much anymore. moms tell their kids not to play with toy guns and swords.
ReplyDeleteJonthan Thomas
An alpha male is the dominating man or animal in a group of particular males. This quote is true because it is basically committing suicide to rid your society of alpha males knowing that an enemy is raising alpha males and brainwashing them by making them passionately hate your society. This quote shows how different the culture in the United States is from the Muslim culture. Sure a man would be thrilled that his son got into a good college, but that a Muslim man would have that same thrill to find that his son died as a martyr. I think the reason for Muslims not getting rid of alpha males is because they want control, power, and rule over America, Western Europe, and any other country they can get their hands on. I think it is also true that America (generally) drugs the alpha males they have with Ritalin because people think that children who are hyper, enjoy war, and find it hard to focus, have a disease. But, in the Muslim culture, people with those symptoms are encouraged and built to their full potential. I can't find anything false in this quote except the fact that the elimination of alpha males in America has not reached a dizzying rate. My mother and I both agree on this quote and have the same thoughts and opinions.
ReplyDelete-Justin Brendel
My mom and I both do not agree with bringing up your son to be an alpha male. I don't think that ridding our society or alpha males, if at all possible, doesn't necessarily put us at risk of not having a military to defend our country. I think it is wrong to make people bring up their sons to be so aggressive. I think people should be able to bring up their sons to be able to love. Nobody knows that these alpha males are not going to be aggressive only to their enemies. God also says we should love one another and making up a society of alpha males is doing the opposite.
ReplyDeleteDannygail Dean
This quote is true because me and many others would say that it is suicide to get rid of the alpha males and then knowing that another army has alpha males that are trained to be more agressive and learning to hate your country with such a passion that they would do anything to destroy you. If your son doesnt get into college then that makes you mad, but when a muslim dad finds his son died and not as a martyr then he would be 10x's more furious. I beleive that the Muslims dont get rid of the alpha males is because they like to be in control and thats the closest they can get is to control the people and try to destroy us but they cant and wont be able to. Muslims find that anyone with something out of the ordinary is one of the best and from then on train them to be the best they can. I dont find anything false in this statement
ReplyDelete-Nick Russell
I think that the alpha male should be eliminated as much as possible. i think that people that think that they can rule everything are idiots. especially the muslim ones. now i know some people will argure that i am a steryotype person. for example, the mexicans. i dont think all mexicans are bad. but i have a reason for the people i like and dislike. and i think, that the alpha male in the muslim religion should be eliminated because they are raising their youth to do very very bad boy things. i dont think killing people is a very nice thing and i think that all people should be able to choose the life that they want. for example, when i grow up, im gonna move back to the country. now if some fool came and said no one is allowed to live in the country, i would get pretty mad. anyway, i dont think the world is a good place for alpha males.
ReplyDelete-Jake they took are jobs Johnston
I disagree with this quote because not all Muslims want to grow up to be vicious soldiers, just like not all Americans want to be teachers or professors. Although America beckons students to focus more on education and Muslims focus on warfare, we all have common traits. This is what the author did not add in the text. Even though many American children are not trained to be soldiers they channel their aggression through sports.
ReplyDeleteChristopher Dewberry
i think my comment is the best
ReplyDelete-Jake they took are jobs Johnston
I do not think that Ritalin is getting rid of our societies Alpha males. I think that using Ritalin is just a way to get around disciplining the kids. Parents would rather use the Ridalin to discipline them, or keep them from being as aggressive. I think that men are becoming Alpha males now based on their ideas and what they accomplish in business and politics. An Alpha male, in our society, is not considered the biggest or most aggressive person any longer. So by saying that we are ridding our society of the Alpha males is false. My dad and I agree on this, but my mom's opinions are different.
ReplyDeleteI do agree with the quote when it is discussing the Alpha men in Muslim countries. The parents and the society is priding themselves in the Alpha men or boys. They find it noble and an honor for them to die for their beliefs. Some Muslim people think that anyone who does not believe what they believe should die, so when their sons die for what they believe it is very respectable. They are taught to be aggressive and unforgiving, and that is honored. Also they are then considered Alpha males. So our society and the Muslim societies' values as an Alpha male is completely different. My mom and dad both agree with me on this.
Grace Miller
I think that this quote is stating that alpha males are dominate men and they all want to seem tough, big, and macho. They want to be the "Leader of the Pack" as my mom would say. I think that Muslims are accused of wanting warfare and nothing else. Do you think that all they want to kill and be killed? No one wants that. They think that it's an honor and they think they have to do it by the government. They want their sons to follow in their footsteps. In America, we want to be successful and that's just an American value. i don't agree with the last sentence because the author is saying that you need a whole bunch of alpha males to protect you from what you're afraid of and that's living in fear. I think that you can stand up for yourself by being able to think. My parents agree with me.
ReplyDeleteThis quote is both true and false. it is true that the alpha male in muslim society is raised to be a ruthless killer and to kill anyone who opposes what they belive in. but it isnt true that americans are eliminating the alpha male. we are just making them not as ruthless and more acceptant of others. the muslims are very violent though and are very commited to what they do.
ReplyDeletemy parents agree.
Alex Manning 100% 3pt shooter
An alpha male is a dominating male over a group of people. i disagree with this quote because i don't think we are or should eliminate our alpha males. the alpha ,ales are the leader of the pack. i agree with this quote because i think it would be suicide to rid your society of alpha males while Muslim societies are building up alpha males to become tough, aggressive, and violent. i think alpha males should be tough, aggressive, and things like that but there are very different goals between our societies. like this quote said, Americans are proud if their child gets into a good college or gets a good job, but in a Muslim society they are proud if their child is a martyr. this is why i agree and disagree with this quote.
ReplyDelete~Kerry Anna Lemasters!~
America, since the adjustment to the idea of womens' rights, has introduced and enforced various feminist ideas to the country. A woman can now do just about anything that a man can do, if she so chooses. Women can be involved in politics, the government, the court, the armed forces, and businesses. "Equal treatment" seems to be the saying with regards to issues over gender. According to Lee Harris, Americans are raising the men to be weaker, not quite as strong as they used to be. In Muslim families however, this is not true. The "alpha male" is still nt in the family and women are still considered weak. As my father explained to me, "The qualities of alpha males are proud, strong, brave, and mean when they need to be." Lee Harris stated that the fathers of these "alpha males" are proud when they die as martyrs. They are as he said, "tough, agressive and ruthless." He also says that peace and quiet can be found in a country with men unlike these, but that if that country's enemy raises their men to be that way, then it will bring the country to ruin. I agree that women are much more prominent in the West and America than they used to be and especially more than in the east, but I do not have an opinion of whether men have become weaker or not than they used to be. From my father's opinion I am leaning more towards the view men are weaker in the West but otherwise I do not have the experience to know. I do not agree that having men who are unlike the alpha males of the East in the West creates peace and quiet. Because the Eastern men are that way, it would create restlessness in the West regardless of whether or not the men were strong enough to face them. But yes, if the men of the West are not strong enough to stand up to the alpha men of the East then it very well could ruin the Western countries. My father agrees that "The West needs to maintain a warrior spirit in order to defend ourselves against violent cultures that attack us."
ReplyDeleteThis quote is scary, but true. Our society likes to talk about peace, love, and happiness; all of this anti-war garbage. Muslims are preparing for a battle beyond all measures against us. If we are too busy making anti-war signs, then bye-bye United States. They won’t stop until they get what they want, or they are defeated. Why not get them before they get us. It is very true that our society looks down upon war as a horrible thing, which it is (this is the part I agree with), but without it where would we be? We wouldn’t be free from Britain, I would be living in the CSA right now… look at the differences war makes. We do give our boys Ritalin at times, for no reason. Back in the day, boys would learn from hunting, farming, or building barns. Now they learn from sitting in a desk all day. This makes us seemingly weaker because our boys are not being taught to kill, they are being taught studies. There should be a happy median between the two; teaching people to kill is awful, and where are we going to be if everyone is too scared to fight… there needs to be something where people are not afraid to stand up for our rights, but are not in it to just destroy a nation. I would say that most everyone who is a legal resident of the US right now would say that they would rather their child get into a good college than die a martyr. There may be some exceptions, but I think that this article hit the nail on the head about the differences of life in our culture, and life in theirs. My mom agrees with this. My mom thinks that since we are a civilized country we are taught to respect everyone, but at some point we have to stand up for our freedom.
ReplyDelete~Sarah Marriott
my daddy and i both agreed that the muslims are training their boys to be ruthless, etc. And the muslims are happy if their boys become martyrs. We disagree one the whole "alpha male" thing. My dad agrees that American society does not celebrate man hood as they used to, aspects of men like inner strength, chivalry and sacrifice.
ReplyDeleteHannah and Mr. Hill
I think that it is not good for muslims to train their boys to wnat to kill people that do don't believe what they do. I also think that it is not good that muslims are proud of their sons when the die as martyrs. I don't thnk that it is bad thing though that then a fathers son gets into college tht he is prud of him. But yes I agree I think maybe Americans are a bit wimpier than they should be but that is because our society babies us.
ReplyDelete*Ann DuPre*
there is a little truth to this statement. well number 1, i do think that american people do have alpha males, just a different type. we focus more on being the alpha males in our education, military, and government. the only reason muslims have alpha males, and boys, is so they can defend their religion. but, mabey if they stop definding it with violence and replace iot with reason there will be no reason to have alpha males that defend must defend the muslim religion or die trying. even though we do ocasionally drug our boys and defend ourselves, at least we started learining in an honorable way, by hunting, and defending the ones we love. the muslims are a stubborn type that wont stop until they get what they want, but i think within time, all the war can stop and eventually we can all be at peace or at least with the help of God. my mama feels the exact same way. but she does diagree with my statement about peace, that since contreversy was brought into the world it was never meant to stop. but, all we can do is try and hope
ReplyDelete-mary hannah skelton
Muslims are very different from normal western people such as the Americans our society is made up of. They do encourage their kids to be suicidal killers in order to basically destroy those different than them in a less sophisticated form of genocide. Americans, more specifically, Christian Americans, are teaching their kids to be kind, tolerant, nice, and make sure not to "hurt anyone's feelings". Not near as extreme as bombings and suicides, but sometimes, we need an alpha male to take charge and tell people the truth. Some people may not like it, most will be outraged, but if one person comes to know Jesus, then an alpha male is very necessary in our society, someone who is not afraid to get down in the dirt for God. The quote is true because Muslims are taught to be extremists their entire lives (although not all are), and it is false because although ridding society of these alpha males may bring quiet, will we really ever have peace in this sinful world?
ReplyDeleteI think there is some truth to this quote. In our modern society we do not value the role of the alpha male the same way the Muslim culture does. It is true that they are trying to build theirs up and teach them to hate all Christians and Americans and trying to make them strong political leaders. But the people of the United States do not agree with those practices and behaviors. In America, we do not train and build up the alpha male like other cultures in the world do we just let ours stay peaceful and blend in with the rest of society. This is some truth to his statement because some of what he is saying is simply facts. I would not go as far as to call the people suicidal but I do believe that men are more babied and not thought of as the strong protective man they once were. I sort of agree and sort of disagree with this statement.
ReplyDeleteI would argue that the Ritalin issue is a small part of a broader change in our Country. Some would label this change which has occurred over the last 30 years as the "feminazation of America" The consequences are vast relating to issues of leadership and male headship (not a did not same dominance). Even in high school subtle changes have occurred where buy simply do not know how to act ion dating relationships. Men are confused as to what their role should be in the current Society and one of the bell weathers of societies in History is the attitude of non married men. Are they decisive and productive or not? Joe Hamilton
ReplyDeleteFor the most part my dad and I agree on the situation. However I think that along with this feminization process there comes this want to be called a man and be a example for others. To be tough and strong also comes along with this. I think we aree about the Muslims in the way that they are trying and trying and working really hard to make sure that their men are tough as nails. This could become a large problem if something is not done about it
-Frances Hamilton
I think that boys are naturally aggressive sometimes, but I think in America we teach boys that there is a time and place for aggression, drive, or whatever you want to call it. I think that from what I read about alpha males, they are more than just naturally aggressive, but dominant leaders and someone that has to be in charge. Sometimes people look up to them and respect them. Sometimes they take their aggression too far. In America, we do teach men to educate themselves and pursue knowledge. We do value college. Men used to have use more outlets for their energy, like hunting, and even though stuff like that is still around you don't have to do it to feed your family. Lots of people say even say its cruel if you are a hunter. I don't think we are intentionally eliminating alpha males but I think in the process of growing as a country and having things easier, we may have eliminated outlets for them. The radical Muslims do push their sons and train them to die for their religion, their honor and their country. But I don't think all Muslims feel this way. I agree that if you don't really need only alpha males to win against an army of other alpha males. I think that raising people to hate other people is more dangerous than just having "alpha-males" because it is the hatred that motivates - and you can turn almost anyone into an aggressive person if you teach them to hate.
ReplyDeleteMy mom wishes that she could read this quote in context of the bigger book. She said that as a country we have to be prepared to defend ourselves, and know the ways that any enemy thinks/works, whether it is radical Muslims or anyone else. But she doesn't think the right answer is to change our values or education, etc., to do so. She also agrees with me that hatred is a driving force and sometimes very scary, but we can't become a country that operates in hatred. She also wonders if anyone thinks Jesus was an alpha-male...because she doesn't!
I think that this is true in that the alpha male is really held up in muslim culture. I also believe that it is held up in American culture too. Being an alpha male is held up in American culture by jocks and popular meatheads. Alpha males in American culture might not be celebrated for a suicidal death for his contry but for beating up the local nerd. I do think that this quote in some ways is false because not every single musslim considers himself the alpha male and wants to kill a bunch of people. My mother think the same way. She says that she thinks the quote is general but generally right.
ReplyDelete~ Sophie Kemether!!!
i think that is is right, to some extent, that guys are raised up to be mean, ruthless, and tough. guys should be strong and be able to take care of themselves. but they should also have the ability to be nice and caring towards certain people.
ReplyDeleteaveri noosinow
What the quotes are syaing is true. Over in the Middle East they are making the "Alpha Males" warriors and we are just trying to find a life style. We arent raising up our teens or kids to fight. Only a select few actually go and fight, but over in the Middle East people learning to fight at a really young age
First off I want to say they are definately not invincible. An alpha male is a natural leader. when it said The West (Western Europe, America, etc.) is eliminating the alpha males, they was talking out of their necks. They are right about us going to college which they are clearly trying to say that we are smarter than them.
ReplyDelete-Pillsbury Doughboy aka Berto
also check out the url
ReplyDeleteIts Ya Boy Again
This quote has some truth to it when it says that if the alpha boys were gone there would be some peace and quiet but it would be wrong if we did so. The quote above is mostly wrong because America isn't purposely drugging the alpha boys with Ritalin. It is the boys choice to take drugs. Also it says that all Muslims encourage their boys to be tough, aggressive and ruthless which is not totally true because not all Muslims are doing that. It is also wrong when it says that all of the West is eliminating their alpha males which is not true.