Matthew 7:3- "Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?"
1 Peter 3:8-"Finally, all of you, live in harmony with one another; be sympathetic, love as brothers, be compassionate and humble."
For nearly a century Americans have debated the idea of whether the United States should be involved in affairs all around the world. Whether or not America should be isolated or not is a major issue and one American citizens, Presidents, and Congressmen have often struggled with and continue to battle in the history of our country. In various cases Americans were told that policing the world was a strategic and moral "must": we were "saving the world" and defending our own national security. In other cases people argue that America has enough of its own problems and should worry about its own domestic issues before it tells everyone else what to do.
Consider the verses from above and answer the questions below...
Should America act as the world's police and worry about the problems of other countries around the world?
Should America enforce its value on other countries or only worry about the problems inside the country?
I believe that America has enough problems without adding the problems of other countries. If we focused on just America, maybe we could improve how much debt were in by lowering it, lower unemployment rates, and lower the crime rate. America needs to stay in America and unless we are attached or affected by other countries' bad desisions than we should not try to control them.
ReplyDelete~Madeline Terry
Period 2
I don't think that America should act as the world police. I believe that when we do this, they country we are policing, will rebel and cause even more problems. Also we need to let other countries sort out their issues without getting involved. When we get involved with out the other country asking us, this creates tension between the two countries. America should also not enforce its value on other countries. Though countries may have corrupt values, we don't need to try to change them. This also goes for worrying about problems inside other countries.
ReplyDeleteSydney Burke
i think that america should just worry about our own problems right now. we are so much debt but we are still wasting our money in countries that we should not be in. After we solve our own problems i think we should start to take a look at some of the other problems in the world. Then we can be the World police. That is what i think.
ReplyDeleteDavid Ballew
I think that the U.S shouldn't get involved unless comepletly necessary. Like in WWI we needed to get involved because it involved some of our things ond objects. But like WWII I think we could have avoided if Pearl Harbor hadn't happend.
ReplyDeleteI don't think that we should worry about other countries problems along with ours.We have so many problems that need to be taken care of that we need to take care of. We should first take care of ours and then we can be the worlds police.
I think it depends on what we are getting involved in. If it isn't necessary then its their problem and that stinks for them. For example, if a huge disaster occurs then like in Haiti or Chile then i think we should help. If it is not worth it then we shouldn't worry about it.
ReplyDeleteI dont think we should care about the other countries. We might get our self into less trouble if we just mind our own bussines.However if a country gets in trouble like Hati then we should help. ~ Gabby:)
ReplyDeleteI think that we need to worry about our own problems before we worry about other countries problems. We are in major debt because we are giving all this money to other countries like Haiti. We need to fix our debt and other problems before we help and start giving our own money to these other countries.
ReplyDeleteI think that the U.S. should only get involved in world affairs if it involves us. We just need to mind our own business and let the other countries work out their own problems. There is no need to interfere unless someone is getting hurt or if someone is in serious trouble. If we stay out of things we are less likely to be in more wars. If we continue to try to metal in other countries' business we are going to get ourselves into trouble. If someone or country is being hurt or unfairly punished then we should take some action. There is no need to take any more action than just helping protect others when they are in danger. The less we meal the less trouble we get ourselves in.
ReplyDeleteQuinn Larimer
prd. 1 3/4/10
I think the U.S. only needs to get involved if it involves us. We are not fully in charge of the world so we shouldn't get in everyone else's buisness. If we don't interfere, we would not get in many wars and we would be a safer and stronger country.
ReplyDeleteGrace Langella
prd.1 3/4/10
I mean every American has struggles already and they have their own problems. If we focus on us Americans maybe we can improve. Our Country is already is major debt and we can fix that by not giving our money away to other countries we should focus on us instead of others.
ReplyDelete-Margaret Reed. :):)
I believe the sawdust verse was dead on. America should help in the world because some countries need help, but we need to directly look at are own problems first to help our country become better. It is the same with people.
ReplyDeleteI belive that the Unites States should be involved to a certain degree but The U.S. needs to stay out of other countries business and adress it's own problems before worrying about other countries. Its like one kid trying to help another kid with his homework before finishing his/her own. Its kind of dumb because it hurt us in the long run.
ReplyDeleteThis is a very difficult issue to discuss because there are two very understandable sides to the argument. For instance look at all America has been doing for Haiti. Although we have been donating money, clothing, ect. This is a very good thing to support all the people there with no housing or clothes to wear but the same thing is current in America. Many people in our own country do not have houses or clothes to wear. We are a much more wealthy country than Haiti so some people thing supporting them is a good thing but others will say that we should take care of the needy people in America before helping others. I believe that not helping those less fortunate people in Haiti is a selfish act. We have made a good decision by helping those people. Therefore, I'm saying that depending on the situation of the other countries, at times we should worry about their problems along with ours. This is not always the thing to do but others may think different.
ReplyDeleteMatt Olson
Per. 2
People that argue about this idea are overlooking the obvious answer.America should offer their support to countries in need.If that means send food, or doctors, or soldiers to help establish a government, America should servant heartively offer support. What America shouldn't do is step into international affairs acting as we are the authority or the police for the world, because we also have problems. When we solve all our problems and everything is perfect in America, then we can act as an authority figure to the world (never going to happen). In saying this I am not denouncing any International assistance. If a country is in need then truly the rest of the world should offer their assistance. If they are not asked for help, they should mind their own business yet still offer their help. In doing this the world will become a better place yet still have flaws.
ReplyDeletei think yes we should help the other countries....if they need help we should help them. if we needed help, we know they would help us. all the countries of the world work together to keep the world going and all. if one person is suffering, we all suffer. even if it is not happening right in your town, it still has effect on you.
ReplyDelete-ansley pritchett
America should and should not be the police. It should be the police, because if other countries are getting hurt, then we should help them. On the other hand, America has it's own problems to fix, and we can't always help countries.
ReplyDeleteI think America should worry about our own problems, because we don't want to enforce all of our problems on other countries.
America should and should not be the police. It should be the police, because if countries are getting hurt, then we can help them. On the other hand, America has it's own problems to fix, and we can't always help countries.
ReplyDeleteI think America should worry about it's own problems, because we don't want to enforce our problems on other countries.
I believe that America has enough problems of its own but sometimes if we don't do a job nobody will. For example, if we didn't help Haiti when it had an earthquake, then they wouldn't have got enough help and many more of the people would have died. On the other hand, I don't think America should have got into World War1. the Allies had everything other control, and even if they didn't, it was not America's buisness.
ReplyDeleteNo America cant control peoples lifes its the people that control their own lifes and should be allowed to do watever they please. :)
ReplyDeletei think America can be the international police but if we are we will be puting more troops and americans in harms way. i dont think America should their value for countries who mayed their own mistakes in warfare. plus America is in a big enough debt. Liam Virrill p.1
ReplyDeletei belive that people should be able to control their own lives and the government shouldnt be able to tell them wat to do.
ReplyDeleteI don't think America should be worried about the World's problems unless the problem has some great affilliation with the US. Not saying, we shouldn't be compassionate towards the other countries, but we should focus on our problems before we focus on those of others. Every time we do decide to help other countries, it results in us losing US citizens to war and chaos.
ReplyDelete- Braelen P.
America should let the rest of the world model themselves after us, we don't have the money or manpower to enforce our values on the rest of the world. Besides this, the Monroe Doctrine states that we only have the diplomatic power to enforce our laws and values in the Western Hemisphere.
ReplyDeletewell I think that depending on the problem you might deal with it and you might not. If you have something going on in your own country deal with that first and dont worry about the other stuff. If not you should decide if you want to interfere depending on the problem
ReplyDeleteI dont think the US should be a world police. Because of this, other countries hate us, and want to rebel even more. the pattern keeps repeating, and at some point we will have to break it.
ReplyDeletePeter Keith
Truley i feal that we sohuld and shouldent be involved in that. Amarica is involved in toomeany affaairs in other countries when the US is not "perficut". And we need to be working with us befor we help others. Not big stick deplomicy!
ReplyDeleteWilliam Bell
i think that we as america should be careful of what we het involved in. i believe that other countries are capable of dealing with their own problems. however, people in hati are not able to fix their currupt government and it is places like this i think we need to help. another situation where i think it is ok for us to help is when there are people who are suffering because of their government. i dont think that it is acceptable for america to stand back and watch while other countries are doing bad things to people and not thinking twice about it. although the Bible says that we should not examine other peoples problems i dont think it means we should stand back while others lives are in jepordy.
ReplyDeleteAmerica needs to be careful of what they do and what decisions they make. We should think about every change that we make in America to insure the changes we make are beneficial to all people.
ReplyDelete-sarah z
per 2
We should take care our problems first. They are important but the ones we usually help don't help us.
ReplyDeleteAmericah Shouldn't force other countries to follow the same rules as us but we should go into other countries and do our best to help them. Only caring about our country is clearly a selfish mistake. Not only would it go against the Bible but also common sense. If you go out and help other countries than in return, they will most likely help you in times of need. Whereas , if you don't go out to help other countries with things like racial, political, and financial issues than they will not be inclined to ever help you. Because of this you would become the enemy of the rest of the world and although America has some of the most advanced weaponry and technology in the world, it is not invincible. God tells us to go out into the world and help others and although it is important to look after and help those in our own country, every other country in the world is just as important. So whether you are a Christian or not, without a doubt you should go out into the world to help others.
ReplyDeleteMicah Owens
no, i think we need to fix ourselves before we fix others. It's the blind leading the blind, in a way. We don't know whats right, unless we refer to the bible. and most people think we shouldn't refer to the bible. so we need to accept others and try to convert them to christianity. -john
ReplyDeleteI believe that we should get involved in the affairs of the world. some may think that we should just mind our own business,but we need to help those that cannot help themselves. that is why we should get involved in world affairs