Discuss the following questions with a parent and record your answers...
How does the media (tv, internet, news stations, newspapers, commercials, etc.) try to scare people?
Why would the mass media be involved in trying to scare people?
Can you think of any specific examples of how the media may exaggerate things for their gain?
Definitely the media exaggerates there's no question about it but the main question is how the media scares people so,one of the main ways is that they always use the term "The experts say" this or that just because they say the experts doesn't mean that whatever they say is exactly true. The media likes to scare people because when somebody scares someone there just like a bully and do whatever they say. So they always listen to whatever they say so they're always tuned in to the show.The media interview these so called random civilians but the camera has lines in it for the people to say. If you ask me i dont listen to the media because even if they say it's true it's not true.
ReplyDelete- nile
Have you ever noticed how 95% of the time the media only reports negative events and never really says anything? They might tell you all the U.S. casualties but what about the enemy? How many of them have we managed to kill? Or they might over exaggerate some occurrences. For example, swine flu was made a huge deal and the media scared everyone about this "deadly" disease until we figured out it was weaker than the actual flu. They might try to draw people to watch their show out of the fear of what could happen next. The media twists the truth and lies to the public.
ReplyDeleteThe media will try to scare people by always telling the worst casses and try to take everything to the extreme and they always tell the bad before the good. The mass media would be involved for ratings, popularity, and economic gains for busiuess. An example of this could be the news media continues to report that the recession is over because of the gains in the stock market. However unemployment remains high and cosumer spending is low which will lead to inflation and worsen the recession. the exaggeration of the stock market gains is being used to influence consumer sentiment positively.
ReplyDeletethe media will usually tell people about what will happen. its usually a lot of what ifs, like what will happen if you dont vote for a certain political party. specifically, i've seen some stories about the recession being close to and end because gasoline prices have dropped back to normal. this is basically wrong because while it is a good sign, gasoline right now is not our biggest problem.
ReplyDeletePeter Keith
The media trys to scare people by over exaggerating big and small events that occur. By doing this the media will gain more attention and more people will buy the newspapers. I think that during the Plaxico Burress investigation the media exaggerated. All he did was accidently shoot himself in the leg and the case ended up being all over the news which may have caused his jail time to increase because people made such a big deal out of it.
ReplyDeleteLast comment by: Matt Olson Per 2
ReplyDeletei think the media does try to scare people. they do this some times so that people will do what ever they tell them to do and if they don't do it something will happen. Like on tv they say if u do not buy this u will not be cool. I do think the media try's to scare people
ReplyDeleteDavid Ballew
The news and media usually only tells you the bad stuff. FUD-fear uncertainty and doubt. Their gain from lying is that people watch their channel. they also try to tell the bad before the good. The mass media is "lying" to you by only giving you FUD.
ReplyDeleteWilliam Bell
The media tries to scar people because it makes it seem more interesting for the reader. What the get out of it is the people read, watch and buy more of what they do. a specific time the mass media tried to scary us was when they said Mickle Jackson might have been murdered. When he really didn't.
ReplyDeleteby sage
The media tries to scare people so everyone will become more interested in what is going on and they will be more clued in and want to hear about the problem even more. In some stories, the media exagerates and makes a very little problem seem like the most important thing that is going on in the world. The media tends to blow up a story just to get the attention that goes with it. Recently, the media stated that they found Jesus's tomb, which was definately not correct. Another problem with the media is that they don't state when they are wrong about a story, they just let it be.
ReplyDelete-sarah zschunke
The media tries to scare people by making news or current events sound bigger or worse than what they actually are. Media does this because they want people to either what their t.v. channel or go onto their website and be fully focused on the news. An example of the media making things sound bad is when they stated that the world would end in 2012. Everyone knows this is not true because the Bible clearly states that not even Jesus know when the world will end. The media tried to make the fact that the world would end eventually scare people by saying that we only had 2 years left to live.
ReplyDeleteLast post by Sydney Burke
ReplyDeleteI think the media trys to scare people because they like making people believe things that aren't true. Also they think that people want to buy things that scare them. They think that doing things that will scare people will make them watch the show more which is usually what happens. - Rayna Mock
ReplyDeleteIn the media, they will always find the worst possible thing in a situation and emphasize it by making it 10 times worse. The reason they get involved in everything is to cause problems and gossip in many situations. For instance, many political topics that have been associated in the media always end up badly.An example is the views of the past elections. Obama was one of the most media associated people. His views were often misinterpreted and took to the extremes. Often this has effects peoples views of others. The media is a dangerous field because it often makes thngs a whole lot worse!
ReplyDeleteBy. Kelsey Butler
of course the media exaggerates. All they want to do is scare people so they get more money. They scare people by exaggerating which scares everyone, causing more and more people to watch the news. The more people who watch the news the more commercials we watch for the news which makes the news richer by causing that commercial spot to cost more which gives the news more money and that is what most people care about today in life.(Besides some religions.) My dad always told me folllow the money if you want to figure out how something works. The iternet people have fooled me into buying something crappy that I thought would be cool. Always follow the money.
ReplyDeleteThe media normaly makes a bigger deal about situations than they really are. I think the reason may be because either they want you to donate to a fund or they want you to spend more money on magazines or newspapers and watch their channel more. President Obama is one of the biggest people involved in the media. People make a bigger deal about everything he says.
ReplyDeletethe media tries to scare people because they have all the latest gossip on everything. that tends to scare people because usually they try to make things bigger than they sound s0 more corruption happens. the mass media tries to scare people because as soon as it spreads people worry and get frustrated and chaos happens. of course the media tries to exaggerate a whole bunch because if it were the real thing, sometimes it isn't that interesting!
The media tries to scare people by reporting the bad news, such as robberies, murders, and kidnappings. They also try to scare people because once people are scared they want to know more, the more they want to know the more money the company makes. They want to be involved in scaring people because the people will become more dependent upon that company. Most of the time politics is often exaggerated to keep people guessing.
ReplyDelete-Quinn Larimer
prd 1 1/21/10
Have you noticed that the media usually states the negative news more than the positive news? The radio stations, TV stations, newspaper companies, etc... use propaganda to make the negative stories seem more treacherous and intriguing than the boring positive news. They want you to panic so that you might buy what they want you to buy and so on. They are trying to trick you into basically giving them money. An example of this propaganda is the insurance and credit score commercials. They say that there is about to be a flood, or that today could be the day that you get into your first car accident, and without "so and so" car insurance, you could be in serious financial issues. Allstate, a farely popular insurance company asks their commercial viewers, " are you in good hands?". They are clearly trying to intervene with your thoughts about your own insurancce company. Almost every negative story in the media is exaggerated because every single company is greedy, and all they want is your money.
ReplyDeleteBradley Davidson
The Media just about always states the negative and almost never the positive. just about anything that will talk about the latest news, especially tv. When the swine flu was going around, they only spoke of how many people died, not how many didn't or how many are fine. I think the media does this to make people want to stay up to date.
ReplyDeleteThe media definantly exaggerates things alot. They make things bigger than they actually are so people will by the newspaper and magazines. Usually if they tell the truth its really not that interesting. Their always saying negative things and people just want to here the gossip so thats what sells the newspapers and makes tham money.
ReplyDeleteThe media scares people so they can get people to agree with them. If we are afraid of the media, they can get us to do whatever they want, like voting their way. If a bully is bothering a younger child, the younge child will do whatever the bully says because they are afraid. Many people today are afraid that the media will hurt them.
ReplyDeleteThe media can be scary with the way they exaggerate things. Some newspapers can tell you the wrong idea to think ab out it.The tv can show scary chemercials or movies that tell you the world is going to end on a certain year. The media can be involed because they know scareing people can be a good way for entertainment or for them mostly money. Sometimes the media can put up a story that can make you feel afraid but one that lies. In the end I think to the media this is all about money.
ReplyDeleteThe media does try to scare poeple. It is always about money, ratings and advertisement. The media will exagerate to make things sound worse than what they are. An example is like when a storm may or may not be really bad the news will make it sound terrible and everyone rushes out to by things incase they get stormed in or loose power. It keeps the viewers watching and their ratings go up.
ReplyDeletethe media always exaggerates on things. they basicly have to to get people to care. without exaggeration who would be interested in celebrity gosip. if this happened people involved in the media would be broke so you should never fully believe the media.
ReplyDelete:) ryan
I think the media does exaggerate, by blowing news out of proportion, not telling the whole story or lying at times. All to get the biggest audience, which means the best rating, which equals money and awards.It's all about money.
ReplyDeleteThe media is just a public eye of what is happeneing in the world. Even when they report the news they will only interview people that agree with their side or opinion. You will rarely see a new broadcasting station that will show different points of view. An example would be like when the news was talking about Isreal and how they get bombed "all the time". My small group leader went over the summer on a mission trip and said at first she was nervous to go because of the bomb attacks, then she got there and realized that the attacks were so exaggerated it didn't even make sense. The media likes to fool you into believing a lie.
ReplyDelete~Madeline Terry
Period 2
The media try to scare people by making situations worse than they are. They also lie so they get viewers watching or reading there stuff. The nuclear bomb with Korea. How they made it seem worse than it was and they tried to scare us.
ReplyDeleteChristian Beadles
the media would try to scare people so that they could keep them scared and reading. they do it with telling us things like korea wont stand down from their nuclear testing and sutch. they tell us all these things in hope of us keep reading and listening to find out more about the "crisis"
ReplyDeleteThe media scares lots of people. They put u0p scary adds that are not true and they try to scare you. They want to make things more scary than they are to scare you. An example is when theres a robbery they can make it more intense then it really is. Jordan Smith
ReplyDeleteI couldn't talk to my parents but the media tries to scare us so they can get more viewers by making us want to know about the exaggerated problem. Then they exaggerate the truth to make themselves look as if they do a really good job of digging up dirt on people.