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Friday, August 28, 2009

World Cultures Question #2

Discuss the following questions with your parents and respond in the comments section...

How much of your life is devoted to being entertained? Can you be entertained too much?

Be sure to answer both questions and make sure your name is on your response.


  1. My family loves to travel and have fun family experiences but, day to day my parents don't spend a lot of time trying to keep me occupied. I can sit inside a lot longer than my brother and I probably watch more t.v. shows than my brother. I think you can be entertained too much and when you are, you don't have enough time for your family or more importantly God. I try to be entertained by sports more than anything else (I play football, lacrosse, tennis, and basketball) so I don't need other people to constantly entertain me.
    -Justin Brendel

  2. My mom says twenty five percent of the time she spends being entertained. “With high technology advancing, TV shows screaming, radios blaring, etc, I can be so entertained yet not spending enough alone time with GOD. GOD is my source so to build up my spirit; I need to spend time with him and less on entertainment. It is good to have fun with family, friends and others and I must find time alone away from entertainment to spend with GOD”.
    My father thinks that entertainment and relaxation are important but two hours a day is enough for him.
    Christopher Dewberry

  3. I think that most people devote most of their lives to entertainment. Whether it be entertaining themselves, others, or looking for ways of entertainment. To me, it can be a waste of time. You may get a few good laughs here and there, but you will not find the joy in worldly stuff as you would find the joy in God. Worldly things disappear, but God will never disappear. I think we should spend more time on Him than on our couches watching t.v. I fall short on this and I know it. I don't spend much time during the week on entertainment because of studying and swim team, but the weekends are a different story. I probably either listen to my Ipod, or watch TV about 5-6 hours on the weekend. I do seek entertainment, but I think that it is a part of life, even the Romans did it. They went to the Colloseum. I would consider that entertainmnent. We go to movie theaters and the sports field. I think its all the same thing, and that we need to break free of this habbit. If we are always entertained we will never have time to think, let alone think for ourselves. Being bored is a good thing, it helps you think, focus on what you have done, focus on what you could do, and focus on God. My mom says that it is a good thing to be bored also. She says that it makes you more creative because you have to figure out something to do like draw or build a fort in the backyard. I think people in America have a problem with seeking entertainment more than any other places because we have the technology, t.v.s, and iPods whereas other countries don't have those things. If our generation doesn't learn that entertainment isn't everything and that we need to learn, then America as we know it might be taken away because a lot of other countries are preparing themselves while America is sitting back watching t.v.

  4. In my life i think that entertainment is a pretty big deal,but it doesnt have to be entertained by a person. I am more entertained by my sports, academics, and my friends and family. these things arent bad, but they taje away are time from God, which isnt good! some of the other things I am entertained by like TV, ipod, computers, and things like that are more like timeconsuming and should definatly be limiated. I also think that you can be entertained to much. But as all of the spoiled, material-consuming humans we are once we get something or are entertained we dont want that anymore, we want what someone else has.

    ~Kerry Anna Lemasters

  5. I think that are whole lives are devoted to being entertained. We are always trying to entertain ourselves. We will go to the movies, pool, and mall with our friends. Other things to do are listening to a ipod, watching TV, playing video games, or reading a book. If were not doing anything fun we are probably at school or doing homework. People have always been trying to invent newer and cooler ways for people to entertain themselves. Things are a lot better now. It used to be that instead of watching TV you would sit around and listen to a radio. Even though all this stuff is cool it can be too much. I think that we sometimes spend too much time trying to entertain ourselves. I think that we should go outside and take a walk and just look at the beautiful day God has made. We get so caught up with things in our lives that we tend to push God out of our lives. We need to quit watching TV and spend time with God. Also if all we do all day is watch TV and listen to music we will become lazy and never do anything. I think it is good to have entertainment as long as we don't have to much.

    -Katie Kassis

  6. For me on a daily basis one third of my time is devoted to entertainment. That Doesn't include the occasional party, movie, or sleepover. For my mom, on a daily basis she spends one twelfth of her day on entertainment, but with extra things its more like one third as well. Me and my mom both agree that you can have two much entertainment. Her reason is if you are entertained all the time there is no time for self-evaluation. Examples are knowing your goals, morals, expectations, and beliefs. I agree with what my mom says and I also think people become selfish, arrogant, and demanding with two much entertainment. People are never bored so they have no time to think and they become impatient with everything. We can defiantly start to see that in our society. -Katie Mitcham-

  7. Entertainment is a big part of my life! I spend most to all of my free time entertaining myself or being entertained. After school I always go to cross country which i enjoy. Then when I get home I usually chill and either watch tv or read a book. On weekends most if the time I am always doing something fun, whether it is going to a sleep-over party or just hanging with my family. Being overly entertained, i think is possible only if it distracts you from things that are important. If you can keep your focus on God, family, and school, but still have a lot of fun then I say go for it!!!!!!! But if it is distracting you from God or your family members then it can become a problem and I think the entertainment should be limited. It all depends where your priorities are!!!!

    -Grace Miller

  8. Well for me being entertained isn't a big part of my life because i do so many things and i am always busy. When i am entertained i find it hard to stayed focused on God. Like Justin said i watch way to much tv and play to much call of duty! But thats just me! i also play a lot of sports like (Football, cross country, tennis,and lacrosse).

  9. I'm the kind of person who has to be entertained alott.I dont really like the feeling of doing absolutley nothing. Im not too good at relaxing when its forced upon me. I have my moments when im in the nature and im relaxing reading a book or something. Those are the moments I feel closest to God. I think when you take the time to leave material things behind and just relax, it leaves a space in your heart for God to touch. Most people get caought up in material things and "material people" When you feel up your heart with those kind of thingz, you dont leave room for God. Basically, yes you can be entertained tooo much, especially if you're not letting god become one of those entertainments.
    -Jiniah Bliss

  10. Being entertained is pretty all that I do. Really. I'm always (stress that word) being entertained, and sometimes I don't realize it. Today's society, in America anyway, is completely centered on entertainment. It's taken a hold of me too! Even in class - if I get bored or even if I'm not - I'll just start playing a piano song on the desk to pass time, to give me something to do. If I'm not "entertained" I'll entertain myself by thinking about how I'm going to entertain myself! Every wheel in my head spins constantly and only slows the second I fall asleep. As humans we always have to have something (stress that word) to do. And when we finally slow down because we are utterly exhausted we are still groggily thinking that we need to go to bed. So in my opinion, just thinking (stress that word) about things is a form of entertainment. So in a sense there never can be too much entertainment because it's mentally (talking about thinking here) impossible. For us humans anyway. However, in the sense of watching too much T.V. and playing too many video games, heck yes (stress both words) there can be too much. Finding healthier sources of entertainment are much better (hence the healthier) for people. Read a book! Read the Bible! Read anything! Draw a picture; do not eat when you are bored (that's where the five pounds came from at last weeks doctors' appointment)! Playing outside is a grand thing to do as well. And I close with this: "Go to the ant, you sluggard! Consider her ways and be wise, which, having no captain, overseer or ruler, gathers her supplies in the summer, and gathers her food in the harvest." Proverbs 6:6-8 is telling us bums and lazies to get up, stop being lazy bums and do something productive. Wise Solomon. Wise ants. And above all - "delight yourself in the Lord"!!!

    I'm done with my ranting and rambling.
    ~Alice Fugate~

  11. I say 80 percent of my life is devoted to entertaiment. I love to have fun. also I love it when people make me laugh and when I maqke them laugh but that gets me in trouble sometimes. And sometimes I don't express my happiness to people I act like I'm a dull person but I keep it bottled up and that leads to stress and impatience and I'm very impatient. Also I am fun but funny at the same time. There is a big difference between fun and funny. Fun is when people like to hang around you and you make them laugh but you can also be serious when its time. Funny is when someone tries to make peolpe laugh all the time even when its time to get focus on certain things like God. And speaking of God we should try to entertain Him by giving Him praise because thats what makes Him smile and have laughter of joy. Last I think there is to much entertainment. fIn this world we all want things to go our way so we want things that make us happy. For kids they want toys, for teenagers boyfriends or girlfriends, and for adults money and good jobs. But we all can't have those things, but if we work for it maybe we can, but only if its Gods will. So yes there is to much, but it won't kill us to have a little.

    -Khalen Pinkett

  12. Dear Mr. Baker,
    My parents and I talked this over and agreed that most of your life is devoted to entertainment. We work hard at something so we can relax in it such as a garden. We do most things because we have a goal,"i am going to run every day". We are setting this goal because we want to enjoy the fruits of our labor,to show off our new body, therefor entertainment. As Christians instead of being entertained all the time we are called, by God, to have a servant's heart and go out to entertain others. We can deffinatly be entertained too much, then we get lazy and no longer want to enjoy the fruits of OUR labor but the fruits of some actors labor or something.

  13. my parents and I talked it over and agreed there can be too much time devoted to entertaining. It is ment to be for enjoyment, not to consume your life. I personaly do not struggle with too much TV or video games because I'm occupied most of the time with other things.

    Jonathan Thomas

  14. i personally spend a lot of time being entertained and wanting to be entertained. I can't stand to sit around and be bored all the time. I think it's fun when you have something to do. For entertainment, I like to play sports and watch sports (live and on TV), I like all outdoors activities and water sports. I like to play board games and card games too.

    I think you can be entertained too much, because after awhile that can get boring too. When we are being entertained and not participating, then you don't learn anything.

    I talked about this with my mom and she agreed that entertainment can take many forms. She thinks too much "passive entertainment" (i.e. watching tv) turns you into a surly, lazy child. She doesn't like it when I watch too much tv.

  15. I love being entertained because it keeps you occupied. When I don't get something to do and not do anything, I get extremely bored out of my mind. My life is entertainment. I have sleep overs, friends over, throw the football, play video games, text, read, watch tv, and do homework.

    I think you can be overly entertained because after being entertained for so long, it is entertainment anymore. It becomes routine. That is the point that you realize that you are being overly entertained and that you should stop.


  16. i think that I devote way to much of my life to entertainment. As hunmans one of or main desires is to be entertained. Alot of the time our sources of entertainment are in the media, which can expose you the alot bad things. In my life i feel like during the summer i get bored alot, so my desire is to be entertained. Most of the time i watch t.v or play on the computer when i get bored. But during the school year i am entertained by other things such as school, friends, cheer, and tennis. The point is in life I am always entertained by something, or at last I want to be enteratined with something. I think that alot of the time we do get to much entertainment be cause that is human nature. When I have a choice of going to bed or watching t.v, I choose t.v alot of the time. Also, sometimes i am entertained by some bad things in life, such as bad influences. In Conclusion, i feel that i liked to be entertained alot, but it is not always by the best things.-Caroline Holliday

  17. For me, I would say that a good portion of my life is for entertainment. I don't have as much free time as I would like but I love to have fun. When I am entertained I'm usually with friends or family or doing stuff in my room. As far as being entertained too much, well I think it's always good to be entertained and have a good laugh. I only think it gets to be to much if your entertainment is taking away from your school work and studies. But I LOVE entertainment!!!!!!! I mom doesn't really have and opinion but she says that about half of your life can be devoted to entertainment. My mom says that anything you enjoy or pay to do out of school is almost always entertainment.
    Hannah Hill :)

  18. I think that I have devoted to much of my life to entertainment. I am usually doing something that is keeping me entertained by school, homework, sports, friends, and family etc. I don't think that I am entertained to much because I still am focused on God in all that I do. I do think that people can be overly entertained because the media makes everything seem so big and it easy to become addicted to. And when you become addicted to something it makes that your first priority and so that means that is God is not first which is not good. Also to much entertainment is not good because you can lose friends, because you get to caught up in whatever you like. Even though entertainment keeps you busy it also can be bad too.
    -Ann DuPre

  19. I get bored very easily but sometimes the smallest things can make me occupied. Because of all the high tech junk that surrounds me I have become used to fast and easy and I just feel like i need to be doing something every second. I find my self just walking around my house for an hour not knowing what to do with myself. Because I feel like I don't have anything else important to do I watch tv (probably way more than I should), listen to music, text people, ect. I think that one day so many entertainemnt-ness will evolve to the point where it will corrupt us, and I also think there is such thing as too much entertainment. Or maybe not too much but by the wrong things. I think that family is very important and I always feel entertained with my family and hanging out with friends is also another thing to be entertained by. But the things that poeple create from nothing almost seems wrong, so many people today have become obsessed with these material items, they just shouldn't be number one though. And of course i do love to have fun and laugh alot, but i think the best way to do that is to be with people who u enjoy, who find the same retarded things funny that you do.

    -Anna Long hehe:)

  20. 25% of my life is devoted to being entertained. Yes, you can be entertained too much. If it is easy to be bored too much, then it is easy to being entertained too much. You kinda need a balance.

  21. mr. baker-

    My family does a lot of traveling and we do that to grow closer and well ... be entertained. If you have time to spend why not be entertained during that. So I don't think you can be entertained too much. When almost all of your day is devoted to school and sports you want to have fun in the free time. When you play sports and you like your sport a lot you won't have fun just playing you'll also have fun being in shape and being able to do more things. I'm mainly entertained by people and sports (football,wrestling,tennis). When you can connect to people as quickly and efficiently as you can now and you have as good of friends as i do you'll be bored!!!!

    -Bennett Oklahoma 40-7 Miami OKLAHOMA WINS!!!!!!!!!

  22. i think that a very large amount of my time is devoted to being entertained. i am pretty much always entertained unless i am at school which i am entertained sometimes even then. also i am not entertained when i am doing homework. there an be good or bad entertainment, for example reading would normally be good. i think that you can definetly have too much entertainment, but it is hard when you are bored not to entertain yourself because pretty much any tome you are bored and you find something to do is entertaiment
    -Stephen Bracher

  23. i wouldnt say a ridiculous amount of my life is but i think that thats one of the many things i do. i think that being entertained to much is a big problem. people who just sit around at home all day and dont have a life are the kind of people who are entertained to much. i also belive that things like facebook are a waste of time and that you should go do some extra ciricullar activities like football,choir,band, etc. overall the US is probably the most entertained country in the entire world. but owell were still the most prosperous.

    PS Miami= thugs= loser 40-7!

  24. I think that a lot of someones life is devoted to being entertined. I think that with out entertainment in someone's life they would easily get bored. When you think about it, not everything in life is fun but, when you are bored you always think of entertaining things to think about or do. When people get up to speak in front of other people they want to make sure that the information that they are delivering is put in a way that people will find entertaining. It seems like all of the companies out in the world strive to entertain people. Between movies, books, toys, electronics, ect., everything is entertaining.

  25. My life consists of far too much entertainment. When I wake up in the morning I wake up earlier than i need to just so i can have some time to relax before school. After cross country I walk home and get back into the routine of entertainment. I might watch some T.V., get on the computer, or play video games. If all of these things were taken out of my life than everything would seem empty. It's not necessarily bad to like these things but it becomes bad when they become a major part of our lives, consuming far too much of our time that we could be using for more productive things.

  26. Alot of my life is based on entertainment. Whether it be movies, t.v., vacation, sports, or just screwing around. but, i also have a time for working and while im at school. Being entertained too much can be a problem though. if you screw around during a lecture in class, you might not get some extremely important information you need. this goes for college too. if you do bad in college and fail a class because you were screwing around, its going to be really hard to get a good job. so i think that its good to be entertained, but not too much, because it wont get you very far in life, unless if youre a clown

  27. If you think about it... almost all of our lives are occupied by being entertained. Whether it'd be school, homework, Television, Facebook, or sports, something is always entertaining us. If we were never entertained, our lives would be extremely boring and depressing. But with a fun-filled entertained life, all is good.
    Now I believe that you can and can't be entertained too much. I think that you can be "too entertained" in the same, unhealthy things such as TV and the computer. But it is a very good thing if you consistently entertaining yourself in healthy activities such as sports and academics. This is my thought on the topic of entertaining.

  28. For me being entertained is a huge part of my life. God didnt put us on this earth to be serious all the time, he wants us to have fun!There can be many sources of entertainment. They can vary from the internet, music, TV, and just having fun with friends and goofin off. Now for me, I use all of these sources to my advantage. Everyone I know would probably prefer being entertained to being bored, so why not use the sources God gave us to entertain ourselves! Although, there are times when we need to buckle down and be serious Like during school for instance, in our classes we need to not goof off, and listen to the teacher. So basically I belive that a person can never be overly entertained, but there is always a time to be serious.
    -mary hannah skelton:)

  29. I think that I spend way too much of my time either being entertained, or thinking of ways to entertain myself. I always want to have something to do. There are other forms of entertainment than just watching tv, facebook, and the enternet in general; I know that I am also entertained with sports, and mostly with hanging out with my friends. I think that since we spend so much of our time trying to figure out how to find entertainment, that we don't have the family time that all of us need, and much more importantly, God time. I know that my normal week is just so busy with school, riding, and then homework, so I don't have that much time to make room for my family, let alone God. I think that this is an issue for everyone, we don't have to be entertained all the time. If we just stopped watching the TV or being on facebook, we could have so much more time to spend with God and our families. I'm not saying that enertainment is bad, I'm just saying that if we do have it all the time, it's a little much. You can't really have too much entertainment, it's just how long you choose to be entertained.
    -sydney flemmer

  30. Alot of my life is by being entertained, but I also entertain my self alot. I really am all for technology. I know its not good if you watch alot of t.v or play viedo games so thats why I also have friends and sports, so I will not be a coutch patato. I think you can be entertained too much. I just takes up alot of your free time first of all, and like I said before it's just not healthy to spend your whole day in side when its sunny out. Most of our time should be devoted to God and no our selves.
    -Caitlin Kleefeld

  31. I am constantly being entertained. Sports, school, friends, computer, T.V., the list goes on and on. It is over the top how much us as human beings strive to be entertained. From the Colosseum to the computer we always keep ourselves going, especially me. I need to shift my focus from worldly materials to God. It is too easy for us to be caught up in things and become entertained too much. Sometimes we have to sit back and look at the bigger picture, eternity not life.
    -David Lemasters

  32. As for me I can honestly and non effortly say most of my life is devoted to entertainment. Each day humans thrive to have continous entertaiment throughout our entire life. From infants to the elderly, people everwhere have the need to be entertained through any type of method. However, this distraction isnt always a horrible thing. From this can come thoughts, ideas, or even keep you from a bad situation by keeping your mind off that subject. Mainly, however, in our society lies to much entertainment which could be the cause of some of the problems in our world today. As I said ideas thrive from this distraction however the plans are not always helthy in our world resulting in a criminal part in our history. I believe from to much entertainment can lead to destruction. For me I plan to stay away from to much and hopefully improve on other subjects such as academics, personal athletics, and my relationship with Jesus Christ.
    -Matt Landry

  33. I think that I'm entertained A LOT. I agree with Mary Hannah...I think that life's too short to be constantly worrying, or serious. But like she said, there's definitely places we need/have to settle down and continue with God's plan for us. David made a good point when he said that it is easy for us to get caught up with being entertained. I don't think that it's a matter of being entertained TOO MUCH, I think it has to do with when we know we have to settle down and kind of come back to reality. I think it's up to everyone personally to decide when they need to stop being entertained and listen. I think Americans as a whole are being entertained constantly. For example, last year I had to bring current events to my history class every week, from newspapers, the internet, TV, etc. My mom had to go to about 4-5 drug stores to find a newspaper/news source, the only thing she could find was People magazine, US magazine, National Enquirer, Star, etc. In the end, she had to go to Barnes & Noble to get something that actually had news! This shows that we always have the outlet for being entertained. I think that God created us to be happy people, but I think that we are called to live for other things, not just to be entertained.

    - Emma

  34. mr baker
    i think most of my life i am constantly wanting to be entertained. i can not stand to be bored and have nothing to do. so for my personally i would say more than 85% of my time is spent being entertained.

    i think you can be entertained too much because if you think about it if all you did your whole life was watch television than sooner or later you would actually become bored of being entertained. SO i do think you can be entertained too much
    --------------Frances Hamilton--------------

  35. To much of my life is devoted to entertainment like T.V. and video games but some of my entertainment is my spotrs, school, friends and family. I think about 30% of my life is devoted to entertainment but I want to lower it so i can spend more time with God.Some people can be entertained to much by their parents spoiling them. There is some good entertainment other than T.V. like reading and learning about what God made.

  36. most of my life is constantly entertaining. i think about 60% of humans life's are trying to entertain themselves because 30% of your life is sleeping. i think it is possible to be entertained to much. it is bad to be entertained to much cause then it is routine and you do not appreciate it.

  37. oh my gosh yes.... my life is completely DEVOTED to being entertained. I'de get bored!! I mean... most of my life is devoted to being entertained and I do think you can be entertained to much. It's like a joke being over used. Theres a time to be entertained and a time to focus. *but mostly be entertained* :P

    P.S. Miami got more owned then Georgia Tech is gonna get owned by UNC. Oh yeah i'm going to UNC Miami game! Gonna be awesome. Prediction score.... *sideways 8* to -124356751... UNC wins.


  38. I think that almost all of peoples lives are devoted to entertainment. It is almost like people can't go anywhere with out being entertained. Anything we do has to do with it, like going to the movies and theme parks. I think that we can be entertained to much and stray away from what is really important, God. People need to really listen more at church then at movies and things that don't really matter.

  39. My life is very entertained. with ipods and televison and all of todays technology entertains me.If ididnt entertain myself i probbably would be really bored.

  40. My life is almost totally devoted to being entertained. If its not entertained then i get bored and distracted and focus on anything. Wyhen i cant focus i get irratated and mad at whoevers around me, so i kinda have to be entertained. I gues sometimes it could be a little to much, like in class if im entertained then im distracted by something....unless it's the teacher that is entertaining me


  42. I spend about 5% of my time being enterrained. between school, sleeping, homework, and sports there isnt much time to be entertained. But during the summer its probably 30%, but that is beacause people devote there summer to be entertained. and I think that i could not be entertained to much, well because it is entertaining!

  43. I think that entertainment is something that is occuping the everyday human lifestyle to make sure they laugh, cry get there emotions running. But in my opinion entertainment, there is a time for that and a time for work. and thats how i am. I love sports tv, spongebob all that but at some point you have to get serious and get work done.

  44. Usually people use entertainment to pass time and to enjoy wonderful things in life. But now a days entertainment such as tv,video games,and other things are making amrericans lazy and obeast. Most of my life is spent hanging out,at school or playing sports. I try not to make entertainment my whole life because I coould spending my time doing more important things.
    Elijah weemssss

  45. I like to be entertained. I also like to entertain people whether its telling a joke or doing a crazy dance. Most of my life im being entertained. Whether its watching my favorite actor, listing to the craziness Khalen say in class, or reading a book (which I normally don't do). I also don't think you can be entertained to much. Plus laughung is good for you, especially when your listening to my jokes.
