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Friday, August 28, 2009

U.S. History Question #2

James Madison once wrote, "Since the general civilization of mankind, I believe there are more instances of the abridgment of freedom of the people by gradual and silent encroachments of those in power than by violent and sudden usurpations."

Discuss the following quote with your parents and answer the following question...

What does this quote mean?

Make sure your name is attached to your response.


  1. This quote is saying that since the beginning, the government usually takes away people’s freedom gradually. The government usually starts out by making laws that sound like they are for a good reason and convince people that the law was made for a good reason, but the government is really creating the law to gradually take away people’s freedom. For an example, the British start out by taxing the colonists little by little and then start taxing the colonists a ton of money. Soon, the British tax the colonists on almost everything that they own. Then it gets even worse to where the British force the colonists to allow them to be able to stay in their houses whenever they want to. Very rarely do people take away people’s freedom by violence like Hitler for example.

  2. This quote means that there are more examples of the government slowly and quietly taking away peoples freedom then just flat out taking it all at one time and telling them about it. A modern day example of this would be if the government said that you could have no more knives. Then the next year they said you could have no more guns. Finally they would say no more weapons period. This is a good example because the government slowly took away peoples freedom to have weapons without letting you know what they would take away next.

    Sydney Burke

  3. This quote means that since the beginig of man kind that there have been more instances where the government has taken away peoples freedom little by little instead of taking away there freedom all at once!!! For example the British tried to take away the colonists freedom by over taxing them!

    Rayna Mock

  4. Ever since the dawn of civilization has wanted his independence, and ever since than others have tried to take control of him but not right away they are sneeky and sly and do it little bits at a time that at first sound wounderful an good yet later on are seen as lies and shells of what they thought it ment.

  5. man in first sentences is missing sry......

  6. When the colonist first arrived in America, they wanted freedom from Britian and wanted to start their own country. Once they got their independence. The government made many laws. They made so many laws to the point that they wanted their independence back.

  7. This quote means that the government has slowly taken away people's rights more and more often than the government has stolen it away quickly all at one time.

  8. Since the beginning of time the government has given laws that sound perfectly fine. But later on they slowly start taking those good laws and turn them into something we dont want. if they started out with a law we dont agree with then the people will get mad. If something happens gradually you dont notice it as much as if it happens suddenly.

  9. After the revolutionary war, the government didn't have much power over states and people. They gradually started taking and taking until the people had little power and freedom.

    Peter Keith

  10. i think it means that he thinks the goverment always changes in to a bad goverment

  11. In this quote, James Madison is warning the citizens to beware of its leaders slowly and secretly taking away power from the people"brick by brick" rather than simply knocking a wall down with a bulldozer. As an example, our leaders can slowly take away a teacher's or student's right to worship God in a school rather than ban any reference to God's name in one law.
    Sarah Zschunke

  12. over time the government has slowly taken away our power rights and freedom. sooner than later we will have none of these promised aspects in the united states.

    ryan wesley

  13. After the revolutionary war, the government had much less power over the states and people. They slowly took the power until the states had little power. If they took it all at once, then they would've fought back. They have also been slowly kicking God out of everything. When my Mom was in public school, they started the day with the Lords Prayer. Public schools can't do that anymore.

  14. Throughout history there are many examples of abuse of power towards the people. The most effective way to abuse power over an extended period of time is to slowly twist the people's way of thinking about right and wrong. Gradually people will become used to the "way it is" and quite often apathetic towards posititve change, thus rewarding the abuse of power. This results in restrictions of freedoms. James Madison feels that this abuse of power is much more common than up front, in your face change.

  15. I think that the quote means that taking away someone's freedom intellectually has happened more often than taking away someone's freedom physically or violently. Some of the rules and the laws that the British put on the colonists were worse than if they acted violently.

    Grace Langella

  16. Jordon Smith( the boy)September 3, 2009 at 9:23 PM

    I think that the quote meant that ever since civilization started people have wanted power and freedom and there has always been a ploblem even if its controling power of trying to get freedom. With power someone fails to keep control or becomes unfair. Also with freedom people wont always let you have it. So there is going to be a problem.

  17. I think we mankind have obused our power of life because there is too much violence in this world. Liam Virrill

  18. This means that little by little people lose their freedom. At times one may not even know it. This is why it is so important to pay attention to what is happening in the world and what our government is doing. Otherwise there may be many changes made before we realize them and can change what has happened.

    kate macphail

  19. Bradley Davidson
    This quote means that since the beginning of mankind governments gradually take freedom away from the people they are to be governing. Usually when citizens lose their freedom they lose it gradually rather than one quick instant in a speech or announcement.

  20. I think that this quote means that our freedom is based upon expressing our opionions and thoughts through effected comunication rather than aggressive nature with the government. I think that Mr. Madison is tryin to say that it is easier to communicate with the government without going into war and that peace is the way to handle conflicts.
    -Matt Olson

  21. well i didn't get to discuss it with my parents because it was really late like 10:40 late but i read some of my classmates posts so i understand it better. i think it means that people are slowly giving power to the government, wich is going against the constitution, like you said in class. Soon we may have a king, or a power that cannot be taken down or impeached or something. I think if there is ever a time for a second revolutionary war, the time could be upon us very soon. -John K.,1st period

  22. this quote basicall states that, well first the population is getting larger and lager today than it used to be, so the government is putting limits to our rights. sometimes limmits are okay but usually we might need the thing the government limited later, and without it, it could effect us and our world.

  23. I think this qoute means that the government takes freedom from the people gradually but it happens all of the time. We don't reconize it as loosing our freedom becuase it isn't violent like a war would be but it can be just as damaging. This happens in a lot of ways. Example: taking prayer out of schools.

  24. This means that people have a better chance of getting together to conversate for their freedom, than having wars and fighting for what they want.

    Ryann Farmer

  25. Malon Linder

    This means that since the beginning of civilization governments have almost always tried to take away the people's freedoms in a gradual process instead by instant force.

  26. After the end of the latest war, the government noticed that slowly they were losing power, So with all there might, they tried to earn it back. In my opinion, their goal was to leave the states with little or no power, so that they can have all control!
    -Kelsey Butler 7th grade whitefield academy period 2

  27. This quote means James Madison thought that throughout history freedom was more often lost little by little rather than by sudden change.

  28. this means that the goverment has taken away peoples rights ! william bell

  29. I think this means that sooner or later, if government is cruel or not, there will be a revolution from it.

  30. i think they r saying that the government gradually takes away freedom from people as the government gets stronger

    david ballew

  31. I think it means that more will be done through voice and action than by violence and harm.
