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Friday, August 21, 2009

U.S. History Question #1

Romans 13:1 says, "Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God."

Were the colonists disobeying God when they claimed and fought for their independence from Great Britain? Why or why not?


  1. You should be able to see your comments now after you respond to the questions.

  2. No, because they were being treated falsely. The war may not have been in Gods true intentions, but they needed to be free from the british to live a free life.

    ~Tinsley :)

  3. i cant c mine

  4. N0. I think that they were obeying God because they were fighting for their freedom. They wanted to be able to live free to worship God. They followed their heart and did what they felt was right. As a Christian we have to do what we feel is right not what the government says is right.

  5. I think the colinists werefollowing God and doing what they were supposed to do. the british were acting meanly and taxing them too highly. The needed more rights

    Grace Langella

  6. I think that the colonists were disobeying God because they were killing people but i also belive that they were doing what they thought they needed to do in order to get their freedom and be able to follow God.
    -Matt Olson

  7. i think it is right because they wanted to brake free from britain. liam :)

  8. I wish i had posted on the first blog ever two last year, but here it is.
    I think you can argue that the israelites rose up against egypt, in a way. Sometimes rebellion is just and righteous, but not always. The good thing is that the new americans gave the king of england PLENTY of warning.
