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Sunday, May 6, 2012

World Cultures Question #13

Would you rather be liked or respected?


Give several reasons for your answer.


  1. I rather be respected than liked, because being respected is much more honorable than just being liked. To me, if someone likes you they have to respect you in some way, shape, or form. Someone could like you, but have no respect for you, because something you have said or have done. Obviously, this would cause them to not like you, therefore why not go the extra mile and strive for the respect rather than just being liked. It is good to be liked and many people love having someone around them all of the time, but respect seems to be a bolder way of being liked.

  2. i would rather be respected than liked because i believe you must give respect to earn respect. you can just be liked, however that does not mean people respect you by appreciating what you do and honoring you. If people respect you, that does not always mean they like you. if you are only respected, people honor you and are understanding and are accepting of your true self. if you are only liked people might not always appreciate your believes and be corporative towards you. to get respect is to have people want to know you and honor you be helping you out with favors you kindly ask of them. however, just being liked a lot of the times just mean they like the way you dress or the hobbies you have and don't think of you as on the same level as them.

  3. I think that I would rather be liked than respected. If you are respected, people may think highly of you, but sometimes thaey will see you as unapproachable and won't be your friend. Also, the respect that you may have is only temporary, and then if you mess up bad enough, then the respect diminshes and you are left with nothing. If you are liked instead, your friends will always be there because they are truly your friends and don't just hang out with you because they respect. You can also break down and tell then things that you couldn't tell them if they only respected you. They would see you as weak andsome of the respect would go away.

  4. I would rather be respected than liked because if people respect you, then it's a higher form of being liked. I think if you're respected then people won't talk about you. On second thought, that's not actually the case. For example, President Barack Obama is respected, or at least he should be, considering all he has accomplished as a person, but people still talk about him! So being respected won't keep people from talking about you (my mom says out of small minds comes small talk). When you're respected, kids and probably adults would ask you questions because they know that you have knowledge that an average person doesn't have.

  5. I would rather be respected than liked. Respect can only be earned one way. It can't be fake. You have earned respect for a reason. You might be tough or superior than others. The biggest way to earn respect is by not being a coward though. If you are a man of God than that is the true way you earn respect. If someone is liked then they could do that any way. You could hang out with bad kids that do ungodly things and be liked by them. No one is going to respect you though. Also, people could still like you if you were not being yourself and being a tool. Just doing the cool thing might get you liked, but that isn't the same thing as being respected. Respect is true, not fake, and earned, so I would much rather be respected.

  6. I want to be respected more than I would want to be liked. The definition of respect is esteem for or a sense of the worth or excellence of a person, a personal quality or ability, or something considered as a manifestation of a personal quality or ability. I believe if someone respects you for a quality you have then they will probably like you as well. If you are liked by many people it could actually be a bad thing. If certain people like you and you become friends with them because they are popular or for social reasons they can probably persuade you into doing something wrong. It is good to be liked as long as you can keep your character and not change who you are, but it is better to be respected.

  7. I would rather be respected than liked. Respect reveals more about a person's character than simply being liked does. A person can be liked for the wrong reasons. For example, people are often liked for being bad, mean, or disrespectful. In these cases even though the person doesn’t have a good character, they are still liked.

    On the other hand, respect has deeper meaning. If someone respects you, that means that they recognize you have good qualities. People are often respected for having a good worth ethic, perseverance, a strong faith, etc. All of these characteristics reveal that a person’s character is pure. Being respected has a deeper and greater meaning than simply being liked because respect comes from the good qualities of a person but being liked can come from bad traits, so I would much rather be respected than liked.

  8. It’s a very hard decision because though many people want to be respected, they want to be liked as well. Respect is a being admired for your accomplishments rather than what people see on the outside. You can be liked for reasons that are shallow or false, but respected can be earned only through truth and hard worked. Some people will do almost anything to be liked and others will respond positively, so the person continues to do it not realizing that they are compromising their dignity for popularity. Respect is earned by being yourself and not conforming to others opinions. I believe that respect is the more important of the two because even the people who dislike cannot insult you for you have achieved great things. Being liked can be superficial though we all crave popularity and a sense of belonging. Earning respect is far more important than popularity because it lasts while popularity fizzles out quickly.

  9. ellie rieves :-{)May 9, 2012 at 6:16 PM

    I would rather be respected than liked. Respect lasts longer than someone liking you. Respect i feel is more important than someone liking you. Liking someone is like a fad, it seems cool at first, and it is, but it fades out and doesn't last. But respect is like a trend. Trends last much longer than fads. They last longer and they are a bigger deal. Respect is a bigger deal because its harder to respect someone than to like them. It doesn't take very much to like someone because its easy. People these days like to do whats easy and thats why friendships and relationships don't last because people don't want to try to make anything work. Its easy to just like a food. Respect is hard because it takes more time and its harder work.

  10. Felton said...
    I would rather be respected than liked. When your respected people know not to mess with you. If you're liked people feel like they can treat you how ever they want. But if your respected that person knows to not pass a line in what they do or say. Also if you're liked people will forget about you in a second. As soon as someone cooler comes along they will forget about you. You would become their second choice. But if your respected they might not hang around you as much as they would if you were liked, but they know not to just forget about them. Also if you try to be liked you will do what ever they want you to so you can stay liked. Even if it is bad. But if you're respected they know not to step to you expecting you to do what they do.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. I would rather be respected than liked. Respect has an extra quality to it. Respect means being honored and admired. People who are respected are generally likeable. Anyone can be liked for doing anything. Respect usually means that you are also liked. Respect is a deeper and more powerful quality. It takes time to earn respect and being liked doesn't take nearly as long.Respect lasts longer than liking as well. People can be liked but not respected. For example, a popular mean girl can be liked but she isn't necessarily respected. Respect is a much more important quality because it means that you are liked and have some sort of pure values.

  13. I would rather be respected because you can liked for bad reasons. For example you can be liked for being funny, people may think your cool and popular, but being respected takes on a whole new meaning. Being respected mean people look up to you, and they admire you. This means they respect you on a higher level than just liking you. To me respect means a lot more than being liked. Also respect last longer than likes. People like new things every week but it takes time for someone to respect someone. Therefore I would rather be respected than liked.

  14. -Connor Caffrey
    I personally would rather be respected. Being liked is not a bad option, but I would personally rather be respected. To be liked, you rely on people to actually like you. You cannot get yourselves to be liked. With respect it can be earned, unlike being liked. If someone likes you they might still be mean to you or pick on you, but if you’re respected they will not want to mess with you out of respect. God does not care if you are liked on this earth. He cares if people honored you and respected you because of you passion for the Lord. People might want to be liked on earth, but it God only cares if you are honored. God was not liked by many people, but all people either have respected him or will once the rapture comes, and the Bible says that we should be like Jesus and he valued respect more than being liked, so we should desire to be respected first, and then we should be liked second.

  15. I would rather be resprcted because you could be around someone and they seem like a nice person so you like them, but they might do something you don't agree with so you don't respect them. Say you're popular at school, people like you because of you're funny or your charisma. But you can't stay out of trouble and you always fall to peer pressure. People you would be liked but no one would respect you because you can't stay out of truoble. Or maybe you're the best athlete at your school, people will like you because you're good at the sport you play, but people might not respect you because of your attitude. Or lastly, you could be a really nice person, so people like you. But people might take advantage of your kindess, because they don't respect you as a person

  16. I would rather be respected. Although it does depend on the reasons why someone respects me or likes me. If the reasons that i am liked or respected are good then i would rather be respected because my achievement would be remembered in awe by many people and i would constantly feel good about what I did. While if I was liked it would only remain between me and my friends and while I myself might know what I did not many others would know. but if I was respected for doing something bad then every time someone brought up what I did I would be constantly reminded but appauded for doing something bad. Yet if I was only liked for doing something bad it would not constantly remind me of what I did because it would not be as known.

    Charlie Money

  17. I would want to be respected. Respect is something you earn by actions. If people respect you, they won't mess with you. You can be liked for almost anything like your hair, how you look, your grades, if you get in trouble, if your "cool", or who you hang out with. You are "liked" but do they respect you? You can be liked one minute or hated the next. It changes, but respect is long lasting. For me, I could care less if I was popular. Popularity doesn't last, respect does.

  18. I would rather be respected than liked. I think that that you are liked if you are respected though. People are sometimes very sensitive, and the very little thing that you do will get them to stop liking you for a period of time; sometimes a day, weeks, months, or even for the rest of your life depending on what you do. Needless to say, you probably wont' be liked forever because friends and people change. You also cant be liked by everyone, whereas you can be respected by everyone. People will remember you if you are respected.You can earn your respect by acheivements that people will remember, unlike being liked just because people like you. I think respect has an extra quality to it; you can be honored and admired. If you are respected then people will probably look up to you. You would also respect yourself along with the other peole who respect you. But if you were like for doing something wrong, you might not respect yourself.

  19. I would rather be respected than liked. When you are respected that means you are not only being liked but being a leader. When you are liked you are not really a leader because people don’t respect you as you much as they would respect the leaders. However, when you are being respected there are a lot of responsibilities that come with it. You are pressured to make no mistakes, and be good role models. However, if you are being liked, you don’t have the pressure or responsibility because you are not respected to good any good stuff. Being the leaders is really difficult, and being respected is also really hard. The leagacy of a respected person and just a regular person is really different. For example, the leagacy of a Abraham Lincoln is totally different than some other presidents becasue people really respect Abraham Lincoln.

  20. Cameron ReadThisBlog JenkinsMay 10, 2012 at 7:56 PM

    Being respected is having people favor you for who you are. People have respect for people that do take the right paths and can get the job done on a daily basis. You earn respect buy doing what right which is leading the right way for others to follow in your footsteps. Any great leader had to earn their respect by leading and doing what was best. If you want to go anywhere in life you have to earn your respect because your respect will determine if someone really likes you or not.
    Being liked is people favoring you for what you have. Most people only like someone for their belongings and they really don’t care for them for the right reasons. This happens plenty of times with celebrities. Most times celebrities will date other celebrities just because of what they own and the way they look on the outside. That is one of the reasons why celebrities can’t stay in a relationship for longer than one year. They like the people for the external features and they end up getting exhausted of them which is why they can’t last long.
    You can be respected but not liked. It is possible to have respect for someone that is smart and gets the job done but that doesn’t mean you have to like them. Many individuals respect Barack Obama for getting the job done but that doesn’t mean they like him. It is easier to be liked and not respected instead of respected and not liked. If you like someone but don’t respect them then you really don’t like them for the right reasons. It is just a daily thing and you get tired of liking people when you don’t have respect for them.
    Many people will lie on this topic and just say that they would rather be respected. They are usually just going with the flow and saying what your mouth says is right. I don’t believe many people have the courage to say that they will rather be liked than respected. Most people want to be accepted instead of isolated so they will do actions to make themselves get noticed and liked. Most people won’t go the respectful way and earn their acceptance by doing what is right. Instead they will just do what everybody else is doing and go the clumsy and wide path.
    This blog has made me think about my future. I can go both ways on this blog. If I were to choose my teenage life I would say I would want to be liked because that would make my life less stressful. I know that being respected is what would be best for me in the long run so I would have to choose being respected.

  21. OMG!!!!!1 look at that blog ^^^^^^^^^

  22. Being liked and respected go hand in hand. To be liked you must be respected and most people who are respected are liked as well. Being respected takes a lot of responsibility. To earn respect you must be liked first. Being respected starts with being liked. Being liked has most of the same traits of being respected such as, kindness, trust, and responsibility. To be respected we must walk with God and people will like us for who we are. God will guide us to be respected and liked. A person can be respected and liked with a balance of fun and business.

  23. Allison Fiveash ^ :)

  24. The terms like and respected can be very similar or very different. Being liked is when people view you as a friend or ally. They don't necessarily trust you or admire you, but they view you as a companion. I personally would prefer to be respected. People may not like you, but they admire you as a sign of honor and character. People would view you as a responsible and humble. They would expect you to make the right choices and to set an example. Being respected is being a godly man or woman who others esteem. I would be very happy if I knew people respected me for who I am.

  25. In my opinion I would rather be more respected than liked. Being respectful is being courteous about my personal life and space and giving me respect shows me others care about me. Showing respect shows you have self respect and that you are aware of your behavior and actions towards others. People should treat everyone like they want to be treated because it shows everyone you have respect for yourself as well. Being liked isn't as important, but it is important for people to like you for good reasons like kindness, funny, and loving. But people just liking you have and having no respect for you is not important. If someone likes me, but has no respect for me then its not important because it makes me feel worthless. I feel that God would want us and others to be respected and not just liked.

  26. Well I would rather be given respect than being liked because one can't happen without the other. Nobody can like somebody without respecting them some how so what is the point. It is like asking the same thing but the word respect better summarizes it than liked. Liked is just so weak of a word. You might be able to be liked without respect but you can be respected without being liked. This statement is very confusing but it is very true. Because the person that you might hate the most you still respect that they stay true to who they are no matter what others think or in another way similar to that but it is true that you give respect to mostly everyone that you know.

  27. John Brody CantrellMay 10, 2012 at 9:50 PM

    I would definitely be respected than like. If you are liked it is a conditional type of relationship. That means you are liked or accepted for a certain purpose. You do not want to be this way because it limits relationships you can have with people in your life. Being respected means you are looked upon as trustworthy, wise, and discerning. A person who is respected is simply allowed to be who God created them to be. They are not guided or directed by who the world thinks they should be. I want to be a man of respect, not liked for temporary reasons.

  28. Although having friends is something most people including myself cherish, I believe being respected will take you places where being liked cant reach. When you are respected there is a strong chance that others will like you, however when people like you that does not necessarily mean respect is involved. I would also consider the fact that just simply being liked will not get you far. It could get you a job but most times that is not enough. Being respected on the other hand could get you a job and eventually a leadership position. Being liked is a first step on the way of being respected in some cases, however you can get there by power, or even lies. Overall, respect will get you places where just being merely liked cannot take you.
    -Taber Wood

  29. I would rather be respected. Someone that you barely know can like you on your first impression. It takes time for someone to respect you. In order to earn respect, you have to do something to deserve it. Respect is earned, and it is not just handed to you. Also, if you are respected, then the person will most likely like you as well. Respect is a deeper feeling than being liked. When you are respected, the person looks up to you and knows you are honorable. Someone can like you, but not look up to you at all. If someone respects you, it is a deeper judgment of who you are. They look at all of your character and all of who you are. They look at you by what you do, not by how you look or dress. Someone who likes you just looks at the things that appease them, not your entire identity.

  30. william EasterwoodMay 10, 2012 at 10:40 PM

    I rather be respected. Being liked is because you’re a likable person. Rather people like you because you do everything you do to please people, which is not being true to yourself. Being respected is having people know that you can do your job well and your strong honorable, you weren’t just the social butterfly Respect is being remembered because you did something that actually meant something to you, people, and to God.

  31. Jordan Edge!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!May 10, 2012 at 11:00 PM

    Being liked is not as important in life as being respected. Kids at our age all want to be a popular kid or just want everyone to like them. I honestly rather be respected than liked because at the end of the day these people that so called like me aren't going to be with me the rest of my life. But being respected last a long time if you carry yourself an appropriate manner then you will get respect and if someone has a great deal of respect for a person then they will eventually like them. Like I have had a great deal of respect for all my current and pass Teachers most of them i ended up liking them. The respect i had for them lead me to liking them. At this age kids put on facades and act like they like you then they might go talking behind your back(which is very cowardly). If these people had respect for the most likely wouldn't talk bad about you.

    Some people stress themselves out because people don't like them or aren't there friends but the truth is not all friends last a life time. Friends come in your life and some come right back out. Being liked means nothing in life if you hold your self to high standards and respect yourself and others around you.

    This blog question really changed the way I looked at being liked or respected and being respected should be the obvious answer.

  32. I would rather be respected than liked. Respect is based off of someone’s character and is really hard to lose. A person can be liked for the wrong reasons. You can stop liking someone in seconds, but it takes a lot to lose respect from someone. For example, people are often liked for being mean and rude. They are liked only because of how they act not their character. Respect is more meaningful then being liked. If someone respects you that means see that you have good character and traits. People are often respected for having a determination towards something they care about or good faith. These traits reveal that the person’s character is good. Being respected by someone has greater meaning than just being liked. You can be liked that does not have any good qualities. Respect comes from having good qualities. Being liked can also mean that you have bad qualities. I would want to be respected rather than being liked.

  33. Rachael Lewis
    I would defiantly rather be respected than liked.Having respect will get you far in life,just being liked won't. Life isn't a popularity contest,no one is going to get a better job for just being liked,or the shouldn't. Without respect from your peers, friends, and parents it would be more difficult to get father in life. To have respect means that you can't be fake or unreal. If you were just liked you could be anyone who you want because all you care about is people's opinions. God never cared about being liked, so why should we?He always did what had to be done, no exceptions. That is one reason why he had such a huge impact on people because he was respected.

  34. Being respected is much more valuable than being liked in life. When people like you it can be for various reasons. They may think you are cool or funny, but those aren’t lasting characteristics. Those are great characteristics to have temporarily, but having others simply like you as a person will not last. When the qualities fade away and you don’t have as many friends when you were liked, you have no diligence or work ethic; you are left with nothing. When you are respected, that will carry from person to person and follow you wherever you go in life. Being liked depends on the person, but if you are the kind of person that acts purely and Godly, you will be noticed. When respect is earned, it means you are a reliable and wise person. Being liked may only last a few days, while being respected will last a life time.

  35. Personally i would rather be respected than liked. Because being respected in life gets you alot further than just being liked. Most people that are respected are also liked so i belive you must first be respected. People will come and go in your life so being liked wont get you as far as being a person who is respected. Sometimes people care so much about if people like them or not they change who they really are, bit if you stop worryng about what others think of you then you can focus on being respected which will last alot more than just being liked. Not everyone liked Jesus but he didnt let that change him and becuase of that he died on the cross for us to take away our sins. So try forgetting about being liked all the time and strive to be respected.

  36. I would rather be respected because there is no point in being liked. Not everyone is going to like everyone and not everyone can please everyone, that is how life goes. Also, I would rather be respected because it is much more difficult to gain respect than to be liked which gives a more accomplished feeling. Usually, when people are respected, they are liked as well. Therefore, being respected would be like killing two birds with one stone. Not only are you being respected, but you are also being liked. The final reason that I would rather be respected opposed to being liked is because I feel like being respected is much more honorable in God's eyes. I could care less what other people think of me because at the end of the day I am not attempting to please them, I am only trying to please God.

    -Evan Johnson

  37. bethany rozanne janse van rensburgMay 11, 2012 at 7:10 AM

    I would rather be respected than being liked. Respect is a deep feeling of admiration, to be liked is to find agreeable, enjoyable, or satisfactory. The key word in that definition is: satisfactory. If something satisfies you; you may like it for a month or two, but then it gets old, and you move on to the next "satisfactory" item. I feel that with respect, it is a long lasting impression. Yes, you can lose respect for someone, but respect is admiration. Which if you are using to glorify God's kingdom, it is much more honorable than being liked. My main point is it is nobody's job to please someone, or "satisfy" them. But with respect you gain so much more then being enjoyable for a short period of time.

  38. I would rather be respected because respect can come from people that like and dislike you. If people like you it can corrupt your way of thought. Respect is better earned and you have to do respectable things to earn it. To get someone to like you you might have to do sinful things. Being liked can only get you so far in life but being respected can get you much further. If someone likes they will not give you a job because of that. You have to earn their respect to get the job.

  39. I would rather be well respected rather than weel liked only because i feel that being an authoritive figure would be a better choice than being a well liked person. Yuo would have that wise prescense and i feel that in being a well respected person you would also become well liked but if your just welll liked therews a very strong chance tyhat you will gain no respect and just be a face for your friends. I woud rather not have friends but have respect by the gerenral than be well liked by friends and seem shallow and not know if im just another person in their system.

    jt morris

  40. I would rather be respected because it is more godly. When peope respect you because people will most likely listen you and treat you better. I can depend on people to respect me because no mattter what they will always listen to you.Respect is a deep feeling of admiiration and being respected is better than being liked. I would earn respect than get liked for free because all things in life you have to earn.In God's eyes it also more Godly because Jesus, the son of God, was more respected than liked because that is the way God wanted everyone to see him. I could care less if other people like me because I am trying to strive to be respected more like God. By being respected people view you as a Godly person. Also by being respected people will listen to you more, and with this prestige, you can bring more people to God and Christ.

  41. I’m going to go against the crowd and say that I would rather be liked over being respected. If people like you, then they obviously have some sliver of respect for you. These two terms could easily be confused though, the definition of respect is:
    “A feeling of deep admiration for someone or something elicited by their abilities, qualities, or achievements”(Webster’s Dictionary).

    The definition of liked is: “Find agreeable, enjoyable, or satisfactory”(Webster’s Dictionary)

    Though their definitions are quite different, people commonly get them mixed. I can justify my thoughts with an example, babysitting. I live on a new street with about eight 3-5 year olds and two newborns. Being the only teenager on the block, I naturally get lots of jobs. These kids do not know me well enough to “respect” me, however, they do know me well enough to like me. I would like to be respected, but I feel like being liked is more important.

  42. I would rather be respected because it seems like a much more valuable concept than being liked. Being liked means that you do what the people around you want you to do instead of what is right in the eye's of the Lord. If you are repected then people look up to you and know that you will do what is right in a troubled situation. Respect comes with hard work and self-discipine. Being liked can come because you do something that others like.

  43. I would rather be respected than liked. When people respect someone, they will most likely listen to you, help you, and like you. You can depend on someone that respects you because no matter what they will always defend you and stand up for you. Respect is valuable because it's what calls us to follow God no matter what we go through, and we will always turn to him for answers because you respect him and know he always as the answers. When kids need answers, they look to there parents, but when christians need answers, they look to God. People think the highest of those they respect, so when they need answers, help, or a friend, they call on those they respect. Respect is also more prestigious because it takes more work earn respect. Since you have to work hard to earn respect, you gain much more joy from it.

  44. I believe I would rather be respected because with respect it sometimes leads to being liked. Also a healthy respect is almost like fear but in a more modest way meaning that they are not scared of you but they know not to mess with you. This is so much better than being liked because respect also can take you a long way. Suppose you are respected by a certain coach that is widely known in the state or nation, then it will come back to you. being liked could also be great but respect is greater

  45. I would rather be respected. Respect is important in any realtionship. You have respect for your parents because God commands you to,and they are in charge of you. Also if someone wanted to go out with someone else,in this instance i would rather be respected. Instead of being just liked by the boy,I would ant to be respected by him. To be liked can be based simply on your looks. To be respected has a deeper meaning and it is further than .skin deep. A person can change if they'like'you,but if someone respects ypu there are few things that can change that. I would rather be respected for me ,and not liked because of my outside appearence

  46. I would much rather be respected than liked. BEing liked means that someone can simply tolerate you. Being respected means that a person not only likes you, but they look up to you. If i had a child and they said, "make me food", I would then know that the child only likes me rather than respects me.

  47. Most would want to say respected because wanting to be liked can make you conform and do things that go agient who you really are to gain friends, but to be honest with myself I would rather be liked. If I was liked rather than respected, I could mess up, and still have people to go to, rather than people just loosing respect. I would rather be loved and well liked rather than having people respect me because could feel like I wouldnt have to impress anyone.

  48. It is more common for someone to want to be liked than respected. To not be liked would be a difficult thing to deal with, but I would rather be respected than liked. If you are not respected, it will live with you forever. I would rather be remembered years in the future as someone who is respected rather than liked. Being liked is nice while you are liked, and it is difficult to not be liked, but it pay off more in the future to be respected. At jobs you would want to be respected over being liked so that you could have a better job. Being respected in life will keep people from walking all over you. If they do not respect you than they will abuse the fact that you will help them.

    Tiffany Smith

  49. just seeing if this blog was still here...

    I guess it is.

  50. We say hello from the Island of Wakikiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!!

  51. i remember this blog

  52. this blog was legit
