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Thursday, March 22, 2012

U.S. History Question #10

Matthew 7:3- "Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?"

1 Peter 3:8-"Finally, all of you, live in harmony with one another; be sympathetic, love as brothers, be compassionate and humble."

Since the founding of our country Americans have debated the idea of whether the United States should be involved in foreign affairs around the world. Whether or not America should be isolated or not is a major issue and one American citizens, Presidents, and Congressmen have often struggled with and continue to battle in the history of our country. In various cases Americans were told that policing the world was a strategic and moral "must": we were "saving the world" and defending our own national security. In other cases people argue that America has enough of its own problems and should worry about its own domestic issues before it tells everyone else what to do.

Consider the verses above and use your knowledge of history to answer the questions below...

Does America have something great to offer other countries in order to help them out? Is that America's responsibility?

Should America act as the world's caretaker and police and enforce its value on other countries OR only worry about the problems inside the country?


  1. I think America does have at least one thing to offer the world- hope. We are the nation of free men, a land of opportunity,and a place to prosper, if you are willing to work for it. I think we should give people from all countries have the opportunity to live "The American Dream", but I do think, that do give people a good life here, we should work out our problems before giving all the money we don't have to another country. I think it is our responsibility to get our nation under control because if we help other countries while our country is withering, well, there will be a huge problem facing our country. I do not feel, given the state of our country, that it is our responsibility to give all our money or to focus all of our time to other countries when we can barely support our own.
    I do not think that America should act as the world's caretaker or police. We should not fight other countries wars unless it does involve the U.S.A. in that war. They should be able to fight their own battles because they are a country, and if they can't, then they shouldn't be a independent country. Now if this other country really does need our help, and we are allies, and we are somewhat apart of the war, then we should help out, but we shouldn't give free handouts. If we don't help out in that situation, it will probably come back to bite us. For the most part, I think that we need to figure out what's going on in our country first, then possibly help other countries out.
    Anna Kate Peterson

  2. I think as christians we should believe that America should not just sit buy and watch other people suffer while we are relaxing doing nothing. I believe the excuse we don't have enough money is an easy way to get out. Our country spends money on stupid things such as building bridges for animals when we could be helping other countries. People over in Africa are starving while we are basically throwing money away.

    I can also see why people believe it is a horrible thing to be involved in other countries affairs. They are afraid that something awful could happen that could deeply hurt our country. Here's the thing how do you know if you don't try. There have been many times when the U.S. got involved in foreign affaires that helped save thousands of peoples lives. If the U.S had not gotten involved in World War 2 the Nazis could have won and put even more innocent Jews in jail.

    Although I believe the U.S should be involved in some foreign affairs they should not be involved in affairs which has nothing to do with them. They should not be the worlds police and become the worlds empire. The government should be able to control their decisions on wether or not they should be involved.

  3. Yes, I think America does have something to offer.... Jesus. As Christians God wants us to tell everyone in the whole entire world about Jesus. If everyone worked together then we would not have to worry about foreign affairs and etc. If we work together then we will get the job done. It is just like a relationship, just because you get in a fight, over something stupid does not mean that you should walk out on them. If you truly care about them you will stay and work through your problems as a team. This is what our universe needs to work on. We all want to be the person who just gets up and walks out without thinking about how it will affect yourself and others later on. This can cause battles beyond repair. God wants us to realize that we are only hurting ourselves with wars and even, just the simple basic things we do each morning. For example like what kind of food we eat, what kind of music we listen to, and etc. No, I think that everyone should pitch in and help out with the growth of the earth. Yeah, it is fine that America helps with problems inside the country, but I think that the other countries would not see that as fair. Plus, if America was in control then we would be under a whole lot of pressure if they messed something up. We all are equal and it’s about time we start acting like it.
    -Mariah Cowan

  4. America has a unique system of government that we have shared with other nations. We are based on law, while some other countries are based on kings and leaders. However, it is not our responsibility to teach this to other nations. If they want to make a government like ours, we should assist them, but we shouldn’t make people practice our ways.

    We, as a country, shouldn’t be the world’s leader, but we shouldn’t put other countries aside completely. If countries need us, we should help, but let them govern themselves. America should not be the caretakers of the world nor should we control everyone. We should be a balance of the two, assisting other countries but not overly caring for them. We should help our own country first before turning to others. Overall, America should be ready to help, but we shouldn’t help too much.

  5. I feel that we should stay involved with foreign countries. That's how we earned cultural respect to begin with. It's what made America a World Power.

    Our country was built on Christian beliefs. The Bible says that we should help each other in times of trouble or debt because as Christians, pleasing God is a key factor. In 1 Peter 3:8 , it says to be in harmony with each other and that's how it should be.

    When a country has people who are in trouble, one of the wealthier countries like America should step in to help them out. It is our responsibility as Christians to help the "least of these". When we help other countries with our money or our armies, they have to understand that we're going to preach to their people about God and we're going to bring our Bibles with us. That's also what the Bible tells us to do.

  6. America can choose to help other countries out in things like war. Other than that we should mostly stay out of other countries affairs unless we’re involved. It shouldn’t be our responsibility to offer them something to them to help them out. If they think it is our responsibility they’re wrong. When one of our allies is in trouble it is definitely ok to help, and if they’re being attacked.
    America should not be the police around the world. We should just aid the other countries if it necessary. For example in WWII the Nazis had taken over France and Britain, so we just stopped them from taking over the world. We shouldn’t just care about ourselves; we just shouldn’t let other countries take over. Basically we shouldn’t be selfish, but don’t be too protective.

  7. I believe America has something to offer to other countries. America is a country with high technology, natural resources, high education, economic opportunities, religious freedoms, military power, and good overall heath. With so many privileges and so much opportunity there has to be something America can offer. It is Biblical truth to help others. Although America has many problems of its own, that should not be an excuse to not help for the right causes in foreign affairs. There is time to give attention to both foreign and our own problems. America has hope to offer to smaller or less blessed countries through a strong army, knowledgeable doctors and advanced technology. Financial aid may not be a current option given our country's debt, but America still has a responsibility to help other nations.

    America has a solution for its foreign policy that is between being the world's police and being completely isolated, only worrying about the problems inside the country. Foreign affairs that have nothing to do with the U.S. should not draw care or policing. America should be helping other countries in an affair that has something to do with us, but not to the point where it causes a lot of distraction of our own problems.
    Jimmy McCarthy

  8. I believe that America should stay in other country's affairs. America is a land of freedom and peace. One of the things that keeps America going is that it helps other countries. America is home to new opportunities other countries do not have. I think that people in other countries can always rely on us, America is home to one of the best military's and technology in the world. America becomes a true world leader by helping others in there times of need. In the Bible it says that to help others in there times of need. We are always there to support other countries and give them our protection. America is a country of religious freedom, economical success, and the power to the people. America is always the big brother country and should always help other countries.
    Jackson Hofmann

  9. America does have something great to offer other countries. We have a great military and most countries do not have as strong of an army, navy, or air force that America has. Our responsibility is to use our military to fight wars we get sucked into. We should also fight to save helpless and defenseless countries if they get in trouble. Helping other countries isn't our responsibility, but we should still do it as long as it doesn't endanger our own citizens.

    America shouldn't be the world police, or else we will eventually get to much power and become tyrants. Then the world will team up to defeat us, and a huge war would take place. Even though that shouldn't be America's job, we should still be involved a bit in the world affairs. That way we will know what is currently happening, and we can help fight if we need to. The world around us can still affect our country. That is how America should be involved.

    Ethan Powell

  10. America has a lot of things to offer people. One would be that we wont put you in prison if you belive in Christ or any other religion. In America you are free and you also have the right to do what you want which includes worshiping. Also even to just say what you think is right. That doesnt mean people will agree with you but at least you can say it so that people will know. One thing that we shouldnt do with this power is go try to make other counties follow our same rules otherwise we will have World War 3 on our hands an no one wants that.
    One other thing that is great about America is that we have a great army. Our equipment is so high tech if its not the guns then its the un armed air planes. This can mean a loot to other countries but is very good for us. Because they wont want to mess with us they will want to be on our sides which will make us twice as strong as before. But same thing we dont want to pull a Hitler and think we are better than everybody else and try to take over the world. We still want to make more and more friends so that if another war comes we will be more than ready for it.

  11. I think that America has a lot to offer to other countries. With our system of government and rights that we all have, a lot of countries would think they were flying if they came to live in America. While we may have a good system for our country, we have our flaws. For instance, right now our gas prices are really high and our country is in a lot of debt. So if we did take on other countries to be part of America, problems could arise. I don’t think that it is America’s responsibility to help other countries out. Of course it’s a good thing, but we don’t need to be taking care of another country’s problems. To help someone out when they are in trouble is good, but we shouldn’t feel responsible for what happens to them, unless if it is our fault.
    America shouldn’t become the caretaker of the world and enforce America’s system on others. But we also shouldn’t worry only about the problems in our country. If another place is struggling and we have the resources to help, then we should be the first over there to offer our assistance. Everyone has their own idea of what a good government is, and we should respect their choices even if ours is different.

  12. I think that America should say involved with foreign affairs because we as Christians need to spread the word of God to other countries. Also I think that we should stay involved because if we don't, we will lose our reputation as a World Power. Lastly, if we don't go and get involved with other countries they might think we can't protect ourselves and they might bomb us or start a war.
    America should be the police force for many reasons, but at the same time other countries should be able to take care of themselves. We also need to pay attention to our own problems because America isn't being smart of how they giving away lots of money that we don't have and it's getting us in trillions of dollars of debt. The reason we should help be the police force is to set a good example for others to follow. Lastly, America is a good example for other countries to follow and in some ways copy us.
    Mitchell Ryan

  13. I think America is a wonderful place and has much to offer. Clothes, food,and firearms are just some of the things that we can offer. I think that if a country is in need of help for war, and they send a distress call to us, that we should be good neighbors to the country, and help it out.
    We shouldn't necessarily be the police of the ohter countries, but it would be nice of us to help out the other countries. We can't just leave a country hanging. That would be rude and inconsiderate, especially if the country asks us for help.
    -Madison Fry

  14. I believe that the U.S. needs to be involved in world affairs. We are like the leader in a class without a teacher. We as a country are not in charge, but we should lead by example and occasionally step in. We don’t need to be in every war, conflict or issue. But we do need to get involved when it deals with a threat to freedom or basic human rights. We can also share the love of Christ with other nations through our work with organizations like the Red Cross. We are the most advanced country, making it our responsibility to help others who are less fortunate. The people of the United States can help others become better people through Jesus with the help of missionaries visiting and living in other countries. We can also offer the confidence and hope to those in need, just like Franklin Roosevelt did. The United States can provide food and clothes for the homeless in third-world countries to help those in economic trouble. We should be the leader of the classroom.

  15. I beleive that we should help other countries. The United States is known to be a christian country and we need to do what is right when we see other countries doing things that we know are wrong. We need to only get involved when it is absolutely neccesary but we do need to be a leader and stand up for what we beleive is right. I dont think that we should enforce our beliefs on other countries but we should be an example of our beliefs when we do have to get involved.We have a lot to offer because we our a free country and we get to vote on the way we do things where some countries dont give people that option. I think that other countries could learn a lot from us but we should also look at other countries and learn from them when we see that they are doing something right.

  16. i beileve that they should but should not. there is a lot of reason why.we would die without trading and other mecanism for help with other countries.the whole turn of history would be affected there would not some of the wars would have not have been a victory. even though there are bad effects there are some good ones.
    there are things like oil some food and others would not be in the U.S., but there would not be in so much debt if we were not involved in so many affairs. there also some good things such as help and science and current events and helping out neighboring countries and islands, so even thoguh there are bad effects there are good

  17. I believe that while America does have a positive impact on the world, we need to sort out our own problems first. We have trillions of dollars worth of debt over our heads, yet we are still fighting other countries wars. In my opinion we should focus more on our own problems, so we don't turn out to be the next country like greece. We need to ensure our own financial safety before we worry about someone else's.

    Yet, on the flip-side, it would be very difficult to stop the help and support we are giving other countries because they might blame us for abandoning them and then if they lose their battle they could blame us and it would partially be our fault. For example, if we were lending our military support to a country, and then all the sudden we pull out making them lose their war, we have no one to blame but our selfs.

    In conclusion, I think while we our help is important to some countries, we need to focus on our own problems before we decide to go play hero. But we shouldn't just randomly pull out our support because of the consequences that may have.

    Kathleen Stueve

  18. I believe America has a lot to offer people. I think its great for us to help out the other countries, but it's not our responsibility. We have many problems in our country that we should be focused on instead of worrying about other countries.

    We should always find ways to help other people. However, other countries shouldn't just depend on us to take care of them because we are not a perfect country. The minute something goes wrong the other country is gonna want to automatically point the finger at us and make us take the blame.

    I believe that we should just focus on our own country instead of being a caretaker for another country. They should learn how to take responsibility for their own actions We should still find ways to help when its absolutely necessary but for now we should just focus on our own country.

  19. American’s helping out in other countries affairs is not a bad thing, but it is not always the best idea. The Bible doesn’t want us to be hypocrites, but it also tells us to love our neighbors. Reaching out to other countries is a kind undertaking. Missionaries, help for natural disaster victims, and economic support are a few of the good reasons to reach out. Extending power to other nations can also be dangerous. We have fought many wars for other countries that we shouldn’t have. Certain countries even hate us and think that we are trying to take over because of our strong military presence. The key to expansionism is finding the middle ground between complete control and no presence at all.

    America offers help to other nations all the time. Sometimes we give too much; sometimes too little. A government has so many domestic issues to worry about that international problems become second. We as individual people need to take responsibility and offer our hands to the poor and the homeless. Christians also need to go and make disciples in the world; it is our duty. The Government reaching out is not a bad thing, but they shouldn’t have to worry about it. The people should take care of this issue before the government has to.
    Daniel Justice

  20. It would also be rude and inconsiderate if we helped a country that didn't want it. It is a balance between isolationism or imperialism. We should be good neighbors, but that means having a balance between the two beliefs.

    That was a part of my post I forgot to mention. Sorry.
    -Madison Fry

  21. One thing that America has to offer to other counties is supplies.America is has a lot of thing that a lot of other countries don't have. One thing that America has that other counties don't is cleanwater. Here in America we don't have to worry about if our water isclean or not, but in some parts of Africa people don't know if theirwater is clean or not. People in Africa can get extremely sick and even die from drink the unclean water. it would be very good if America helped out by going and building wells in Africa. It would give more people in America jobs and help people get water.I do believe that America should help out other countries. it good to help other people out but you have to make sure that you are
    financially stable. If you broke your arm you wouldn't go help some one else that was hurt you would go get help for yourself. If a
    country is in need and you are able to help them you should because if your country got in to a bad situation nine time out of ten they would help you. If you don't try to help countries when they are in need
    other countries won't want to help you. I don't think it is very smart to become isolated from the rest of the world. If a country is isolated and they get in trouble they may
    not have anyone to help them.

  22. helping othe countries should be a priority to the U.S. We should help other countries but not control them. We should be giving to others and not think of ourselves. We are in a different country, but we are in the same world. we have to work together to keep the world a safe place to live in.

    We can't make other countries not like us and make sure that we all work together as a whol. I fone country is having a hard time we help them. If we are having a hard time we hope someone will help us.

  23. America has supplies, clean water, and other useful stuff that countries need. It's america's respnsebility To help out countries who need our help the most. We need to deliver them from the disaterous condition they may or may not be in.
    I view america as the caretaker and police of the world. America helps people when they need help the most. America also keeps a close eye on countries to moniter what they are doing in able to see if it's a bad thing or a good thing.

  24. sid das bomb brendel u know thats rightMarch 30, 2012 at 1:42 PM

    I think that as America we should offer other countries peace and joy and give them hope. I think that we should friend the other countries and help them in tough situations. Also i think that we shouldnt commit to another country and that we should not become to close becuase they could betray us. Also as america we should not get in to other peoples business and leave it alone incase their is rioting or war because of our decisions. America should not be responsible for people's mistakes or falls, but we should stand up and do the right thing becuase we are america. We should not barg into another country that doesn't want any help, but we should be there just as the good asamaritan and do the right thing.
