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Wednesday, January 4, 2012

U.S. History Question #8

First, visit the following link to see voting requirements for the state of Georgia:


Then answer the following questions with a parent...

Is voting a right or a privilege?

Should there be limits to who can vote in the United States of America?


  1. We think voting is both a right and a privilege. It's a right because if you are 18 and a citizen, you are allowed to vote. On the other hand, it's a privilege because if you do bad deeds, you won't be able to vote. You should also treat voting as a privilege, meaning you should take advantage of it. I think that if you can, you should vote because you are taking part in the shaping of the U.S.A. and what it will grow to be.

    We think that there should be limits to those who can vote. If there were no limits, then ANYBODY could vote. People from other countries could just fly here and then vote, which is dangerous. Those who don't like the U.S.A. could vote on the certain people who they think would be worst for our country. Limits for voting are very important and should be enforced.

    Anna Kate Peterson

  2. Voting is a right that should be looked at as a privilege. This could be taken away from us that is why it is a privilege and not a right. As long as you stay out of trouble, are mentally unable to vote (this is determined by the court) , and also if you are over 18. There is not many restrictions to vote but there is still some.

    I think there should be a little bit more contractions to vote. We can't make it to hard to get in then it would be unfair. There would have to be a perfect balance and that would be hard to achieve. That is why i think they are not taking action on people who just guess vote. As we have seen this year 7 people can make the difference. All 7 of those votes could be guess orientated. This is why we should stricken these rules.

  3. I think voting is a right that citizens of America have. The founding fathers’ idea for a country was to let the people rule. If we, the people, rule the country, we should have the right to chose who will be in charge of our country. There should be some restrictions, but the majority of the people should be allowed to vote.

    I think there should be limits to who can vote. If you are a toddler, your parents would be tempted to vote for you, which gives them a double vote. Even a six or seven year-old kid would be influenced by his or her parents’ decision. Once you are 18 and independent, the government affects you more, so you should be allowed to affect the government. Being a citizen of America is also crucial to voting. If non- citizens of America were allowed to vote, a non-citizen could change the tide of the vote, pack their bags, and leave. You have to show that you are planning to stay in the country that you possibly changed the total vote of. Also, if you have a serious criminal offense on your criminal record, you shouldn’t be allowed to vote because you might vote for someone who might get you out of prison. A person who has broken the laws shouldn’t be able to influence them. Although voting is a right, there should be limits to voting in America such as age and citizenship so that voting will elect people who represent our country.

  4. My parents and I discussed this over dinner, and we think voting started out as a privilege because you had to be a white male landowner to vote. Over time, it became a right because now that anyone can vote, if you're discriminated against and can't vote because of your race or gender, you can say it is your right.
    There should DEFINATELY be limits to who votes. if a five year old could vote, they would just vote for whoever they were told to vote for, for example, if a man told a kindergartener to vote for someone, they would probably vote for that person. there should be no limits, however, on race or gender for voting. We all have no say in what we look like race-wise or gender-wise, so why bother with it? People are people no matter what they look like.

  5. We both agree that voting is a privilege. In other countries, they are not allowed to vote. The “people in control” pick for them. We as Americans, should be grateful we are even allowed to vote. Other countries have to let their government chose who becomes in charge. Plus, if you have done something wrong the privilege is taken away from you. For example, if someone murdered another person then it would not be fair for him to play on the same battle field as an innocent ninety-eight year old.
    We should not take voting fro granted because many people do. If the rules of voting change and became weaker, we would end up having some wacko as president. If the government got stronger, Congress would end up choosing our president! We should be happy for what we have in the U.S. because many countries do not have freedom like us. This is why we believe that voting is a privilege and not a right.

    Mariah Cowan

  6. I think that voting is a right and a privilege. The reason it is a right is because if someone has all of the requirements for voting in Georgia then you have the right to vote.Also, the reason it is a privilege is because the right to vote can be taken away by someone making a bad choice in their life.

    I think there should be limits to voting on some things, but not on other things. I believe that there should be limits on how old you need top be to vote. I do not think that if someone was put in jail for a felony they can't vote anymore. Especially for Christians mostly because God would want us to forgive and forget and to give them a second chance. I also don't think that there should be limits to voting about race or gender. Mostly because we have already made laws on race and genders voting

  7. I think voting is a right that all American citizens are born with, and it is also a privilege. Its a privilege because it can be taken away from us. It's a right because if you're 18 and over and a citizen then you are allowed to vote.

    I think there should be limits to who can vote and the age you should be to vote. 18 years old is a reasonable age because by that age we should already know a lot about politics, our presidents, and about the people that are running for president, vice president etc. An 8 year old shouldn't be able to vote because they don't know much about the subject or politics. Also a person who has broken the laws or is for a felony shouldn't be able to vote. There shouldn't be limits to the gender or race of people for voting because we were all born to be equal so we should be treated equally.

  8. We think that voting is a right and a privilege. It is a privilege because if you are serving a sentence for committing a crime, then voting will be taken away. It is a right because if you are 18 years old and a United States citizen with a few other requirements, then voting is guaranteed. Some people today consider voting a right and do not think that their vote has any impact on the outcome of an election. When people consider voting more of a a privilege they realize that they are taking part in the building of our country. Voting is something that should be taken seriously as both a right and a privilege.
    There should be limits to who can vote in the United States. Voters should consist of only American citizens. People from other countries could affect elections in a negative way. Children under the age of 18 should not vote because of their limited political knowledge. Lastly, mentally incompetent and those convicted of crime should not be allowed the privilege to vote.
    Jimmy McCarthy

  9. my dad said that voting is a right because it comes with being a citizen. i believe that it also a right that everyone should have.God created us to interact and do his good in the world. people should always be able to vote.

    my dad also said there should be limits when you vote. he said that people under age should not vote and citizens should not vote. i think non citizens and underage people should be able to vote but it won't count just to make them feel good.


  10. my dad said that voting is a right because it comes with being a citizen. i believe that it also a right that everyone should have.God created us to interact and do his good in the world. people should always be able to vote even if they are not a citizens if they are informed about voting then they should not be able to. they shouldn't be able to vote because they my vote for something that could put the country in danger. this could cause war or something worse than that.

    my dad also said there should be limits when you vote. he said that people under age should not vote and citizens should not vote. i think non citizens and underage people should be able to vote but it won't count just to make them feel good. even if they don't count it is a cofidence boost and people that aren't a citizen feel like a citizen. this would both makes underage kids and non citizen happy
    Noah Ruffin

  11. Voting is a privilege. I defend this answer by giving the example of the Middle Eastern countries. Many of the Arab countries do not have the right to vote, but they instead have a harsh dictator ruling their nation. Not many countries have the privilege to vote because they are ruled through a dictatorship. This is why in the United States, voting should not be taken as a right, but rather a privilege because not everyone has that right. If you look at it in a different perspective, living in this country, mostly everyone is allowed to vote, so only if you live in the US or a few other countries, voting is a right earned from age 18 onwards. This is why in America, voting is a right.

    I do not believe that everyone should have the right to vote. I say this only because most people do not even know why they are voting for a certain person. The will just go to the voting place and put any name down because that person sounds good. This is not right. A president should be elected because he has the most promising and best policies compared to the other candidates. If this continues, a terrible president could be elected and ruin parts of our government and country. I think that when someone goes to vote, they should be able to defend why they are voting for that certain person. If they can't, they shouldn't be allowed to vote. I think the current boundaries for voting are good and should not be changed, except for this one idea. Not everyone has the initiative to keep up with politics and know their candidate, so they should not be allowed to vote.

  12. I think voting is a privilege and a right. Some countries do not have the right to vote and it is treated as a privilege that is taken away from everyone and instead are ruled by a vicious or peaceful dictator. However, if you base the question here, in the, U.S., voting is a right that should not be taken from you. Mainly because the Government does not send you a letter saying you cannot vote even if you are not against the rules(meaning you didn't do anything against them).
    I say that there should be some limits and not a lot of them. If there are a lot of limits many people will not be able to vote. Also, the limits can not be too strict and not constitutional. If one state said no Chinese and Hispanic people can not vote, i would view that as too strict and unconstitutional.

  13. I think voting is a right and a privilege. Are founding fathers founded America so that we could have a country where the people rule. The only reasons we vote is to determine who are leaders are. If we didn’t have that our nation would either have a monarchy or an oligarchy. The difference between a right and a privilege is that you have to earn a privilege. With a right though you automatically get one unless you aren’t born in the country.
    I think there should be limits on who can vote. I think foreigners shouldn’t be aloud to vote unless they take a test. That’s what we have though, in other words I agree with the system we have. I agree that you should be required to be eighteen to vote. Your parents might order you to vote for someone and if a lot of people did that votes might be higher.

  14. I believe that voting is a right as well as a privilege. The reason I view it as a right is because if you live in the United States you should be able to determine what happens in the United States. The reason you should be able to do this is because you should be able to give input on what is going to play a major role in your life. The reason i also view it as a privilege is because if you are a convicted felon, you can not vote. This shows that this right is taken away which is considered a privilege.

    I believe there should be limits to voting. I love all of the laws we have regarding who can and cannot vote. One of the laws is anyone under the age of eighteen cannot vote. The reason i think of this as a good law is because a child who is young will not know enough to choose a president wisely. Another good law is that no convicted felon can vote. I think this is a wise law because they would choose the person who they could benefit best from. All of the laws we have regarding voting are great laws that I would not change or add to.

  15. I think voting is a privilege. Our leaders and founding fathers gave us this privilege because most people in the Middle Eastern countries don’t even get to speak what they want or who they want to rule their country. Americans have this privilege given to them.
    I don’t think there should be limits to voting in the U.S to a certain point. I think everyone should be able to vote as long as your 18. I think you should have to be 18 because if not kids wouldn’t know who to vote for and so they would vote for someone just because he has a cool name or something like that. But I do not think they should keep people from voting because of their race or skin color. So I think there should be limits to voting to a certain degree.
    -Olivia Nicholas

  16. Voting is a privilege. Some people in countries don't even get to vote. It countries in poverty like Somalia or the middle east people don't hold any power. We are lucky to live in a country that gives the people the power. The USA is a great country to live in and it gives people the right to vote.
    There should be limits on who can vote. For example, a little kid shouldn't be able to vote because he doesn't know anything. It wouldn't be far because that little kid's vote could off set someones vote who knows what they are talking about. I think also that foreigners can't vote because it is not like they know about our government.
    Jackson Hofmann

  17. Voting is a privilege. If you have done a crime or you aren't mentally stable enough to actually vote than you shouldn't. Since it is a privilege voting should be taken away from you if you really don't deserve it anymore the judge should decide this and let you know. It should be a fair trail if you need it. Also not being able to read is a problem. The age restriction is good because i wouldn't want like a 5 year old having the last vote to make someone our president you really shouldn't 18 i guess your an adult and can make your own decisions.

    Voting shouldn't be handed to the people because their is a lot of people that can make stupid choices that will really affect our country. If we let that happen then that wouldn't be very smart. The younger you are i guess the more you think you know what would be right even if it's not. So pretty much i guess the rules are fine. The truth is i don't watch when presidents are running a lot so if i voted and i haven't paid attention that could lead to something horrible.Giana Darby

  18. Voting is a privilege and not a right. No where in the Constitution does it say that voting is a right. Voting is a privilege and apart of being a responsible citizen of a community.

    Yes I think there should be limits to who can vote. I think in order to vote you have to be informed on the issues, you should have a vested interest in the community, and you should understand where each candidate stands on the issues.I think someone who doesn't know anything about these things should not vote because they can make stupid decisions.

    Marin Winter

  19. Voting is a privilege. Those who have been convicted of a felony lost that privilege. I think that voting privileges should not be given to illegal immigrants. I think there should be a law where you have to take a test to make sure people aren't randomly voting. In conclusion, the Government needs to make more restrictions on who gets to decide the fate of this country.

  20. A right is something that can’t be taken away from you. A privilege is something you are allowed to do, but it can be taken away. Voting is technically a right in America. There are certain limits to voting just as there are restrictions to other rights we have. You have to be 18 to vote, and after voting, you are available for jury duty, but the right to vote can’t be taken away from you unless you commit a crime.

    Voting has advantages and disadvantages. Voting is a great method because everyone has a say in elections. The downside of voting is that every person has an equal say in the country’s future. A random guy of the street has equal power as someone who has spent hours studying the pros and cons of each candidate. I believe that voting should have more restrictions. My mom agrees but thinks that people wouldn’t let things such as literacy or IQ tests would be allowed. Since similar tests were used to keep African Americans from voting before civil rights, many people would shun the idea entirely. Humans always want to be in control of things; if they weren’t allowed to vote, there would be one less thing they were in control of. Voting needs its limits, but any useful restriction laid on it would change America too much. Not many people would agree to this idea. Voting in our country will probably stay the way it is.
    Daniel Justice

  21. Emily Kendrick

    I think voting is a right and a privilege at the same time. It is a right because every person should be able to make the decision of whether or not they want to vote, and then to be able to carry it out. A person should not be limited from the right to vote. A privilege is a different idea entirely. While every person has a right to, that doesn't mean that they should just because they can. A privilege to me is like acceptance from someone for you to be able to vote. Not every person should vote without an understanding of who or what they are voting for.

    In the United States of America, there should be minimum limits to who votes on what. For instance, with the president's election people should take a small "quiz" to see if they understand who they are voting for. Nothing major, just basic concepts such as "which political party is this candidate in?" or "what does this person believe in?". Then if they do not understand and cant give a reasonably close answer, then the person should have two weeks to figure out who they really want to vote for and why. But these tests should be reviewed and created by the Federal government, not each individual state or local area. I think that people take the right to vote too literally, and should care more about what they're doing and believe in their cause.

  22. I think that voting is a right and a priviledge. It is a right when you become 18 if you are a citizen and it is also a priviledge that that can be taken away from you if you commit a felony. There are limits to voting and I a believe that we should have limits. One of the limits is that you have to be a citizen to vote. This prevents terrorist and non-citizens from voting. You also have to live in the state and county that you are voting in becuase you are voting for the leaders of that state and county. It wouldn't be fair if you could go vote in another state or county. You also can only vote once. It wouldn't be fair if you one person could vote over and over again. So, I believe that voting is a right that everyone has and a priviledge that everyone should take advantage of and I am glad that we have limits to who can vote.

  23. I think that voting is thought of as a right to citizen of America, but to someone outside of America, it is a privilege. If you were born in America, you know that once you turn 18 you are allowed to vote (under the state's laws about it) because you haven't had to think about it from a different perspective. But someone who has become a citizen after living somewhere else for a long time may see it as a privilege given to American's. We think of voting as something that comes with age almost; you turn 18 and because your an adult, you get to act like one.

    But some people shouldn't be aloud to vote in my opinion. Not for shallow reasons like skin color or money, but for intelligence and maturity. I know some of my class mates may disagree with me, but I don't think its a good idea to leave the fate of our country to people who can't read/spell at age 18 or older without a disability. Some people I honestly think should not be voting on something that will not only affect their lives, but mine and everyone else's too. I like where the Government is going with the laws about voting, but i just hope they don't go overboard if they decide to change the system.
    Natalie Bell

  24. I think that voting is a privilege not a right. If you get thrown in jail you don't get to vote. Also if voting was a right everyone would be able to vote. I also think that if you don't know anything about what your voting for you shouldn't be able to vote.

    mitchell ryan

  25. I believe it is both. It is a right because you have the power to vote and choose the president instead of the congress choosing it. It is a privilage because not many countries allow you to vote, and it shows that we are a free country, therefore it is considered a privilege.
