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Thursday, December 1, 2011

U.S. History Question #7

"It is the weak man who urges compromise, never the strong man."

"All government, indeed every human benefit and enjoyment, every virtue, and every prudent act, is founded on compromise and barter."

"The compromise will always be more expensive than either of the suggestions it is compromising."

When is compromise healthy? When is compromise dangerous?


  1. Compromise can be a way to avoid a war or it can lead to a war. Compromising should be for something that isn't really important. In the Civil War, they didn't compromise on abolishing slavery, which is good. Slavery causes thousands of deaths every day. Abe Lincoln did give the South a chance by letting them keep slavery, but they couldn't get new slaves or spread it to other states. That is really fair rather than abolishing slavery even though though it was a not so smart move by Ol' Abe. If I was the South, I would have agreed, but they were being greedy and not compromising like they wanted to do in the beginning.The Union gave the South a chance, but the South went ahead and blew it. That was the start of their long fall that ended up leading to many deaths that never needed to take place.

    The Civil War made so many people die that it shook the whole world. Soon after it started, the whole world heard about it. The Union wound up winning it and slavery was finally abolished once and for all. As the saying goes, "Good ridance to bad rubbish." Compromising should only take place when it is on something that won't effect anybody else's lives in a negative way. That is the smartest thing to do; although, if they did compromise the war would have ended, but slavery would still be alive and growing. It would soon end in war like it did anyway, and better it was then rather than now when armies have the technology to blow up a whole country. Then the war would never end. Slavery would be alive and growing, flourishing, and thriving. It would destroy the United States of America which took many lifetimes to build up just so it can be torn down if that ever happened.

    Ethan Powell

  2. There is definitely a time when you should and shouldn't compromise. Compromise is a tough subject because there are times when compromise is good and then there are times when it is bad. If you compromise at bad timing, you can run the risk of nobody getting what they want. Instead everybody is arguing on what to compromise, and kind of defeats the purpose of a compromise in the first place. In a compromise, people are trying to stop all of the nagging and arguing and agree to something so they can move on.

    Sometimes you should listen to others advice and stop thinking you're right, which everyone thinks about themselves. With that said there are other times when you know one-hundred percent that you're right and everyone else's idea is morally wrong. When compromising, you should always think, what would Jesus do. If you do that, then you will probably get a pretty good idea if you should compromise in that situation. Compromise is healthy when both sides are morally and logically good, and you don't bicker too much on what will be in the final compromise.Compromise will only cause destruction if one or more sides are not morally correct. There is no use even trying to compromise when you're idea doesn't follow what God would want us to do because it will cause widespread destruction. Your choices don't just affect you, but others around you, so you need to know when to compromise or stick up for your point of view.

    Anna Kate Peterson

  3. Compromise can run into two different extremes. There can be a positive extreme or a negative extreme. Compromise is highly necessary in our society today. The world would be full of dictators and terrorists because no one would be able to agree with each other. This is where compromise comes into to play. You mix the two or more ideas, one person giving up one or more of their views, and a peaceful exchange is given usually in a peaceful manner. In the civil war, Abraham Lincoln expressed a healthy compromise for the ultimate goal of saving the Union. He knew if slavery wasn't permitted in the border states, they might join the confederacy. Abraham Lincoln had to compromise, so he had to permit slavery for the time being.

    Compromise becomes unhealthy when the people cannot agree and it turns into a fight. Also, if they are arguing about something unlawful, a compromise would be all the more destructive in that situation. People could get hurt, and the community would be affected. People can often be selfish and not listen to anyone but themselves. With compromise, that can either become better or worse. It can either help them develop a better personality, or it could make their current personality even worse. Because compromise has two different extremes, you cannot truly say whether compromise is healthy or unhealthy.

  4. Compromise is only healthy when it's a fair compromise. If one side benefits more than the other, it's not a healthy compromise because it can lead to more arguing, and even violence. If both sides benefit evenly, which is hard to have, then there is no arguing or violence. An unhealthy compromise is seen in the Civil War, when President Lincoln let the South keep slavery for a period of time. That compromise benefitted the slave holders. Not too much later, Lincoln makes a new compromise that says all slaves are free, even in the South. That benefits the abolitionists. The South saw slaves as property, and since the Constitution says that the government cannot take away property, the Southerners thought that the compromise was unconstitutional. Not wanting the government to rule them, the South fought because they believed that the government shouldn't take property from them, even though the slaves were live people. Compromise is a hard thing to do. It's especially difficult when both sides are willing to fight for their beliefs.

  5. A compromise can be good or bad, but it just depends who you’re making it with. It is ok when you just want to avoid a war. When you’re just afraid of that person/country you should stand up for yourself. A lot of people don’t do that because; they get bullied maybe by that person. That’s why the little guy always tries to compromise. It’s never the big guy because he’s not afraid of the little guy.
    Compromise led to the Civil War because something was at stake. That something was Slavery. Abraham Lincoln wouldn’t let it happen because he knew Slavery was wrong. This is when Compromise is Dangerous and it lead to a war. In fact, it was the bloodiest war in the History of America.

  6. Compromise is healthy when it’s over something that neither side actually cares about a lot. If one side even cared about something so much then they wouldn’t even compromise. Also compromises can be bad if one side is happier than the other. Like if one kid wants chocolate and the other one wants some too it wouldn’t be fair if the one kid got 3/4 of the chocolate bar and the other kid only got a little. So compromises are good when they are fair. Compromising is dangerous when you don’t think about what you are actually agreeing to. Compromises are bad when you don’t think about it before you agree.

  7. There are definantly times when you should compromise and there are also times that are dangerous to try and compomise. For instance a bad time to compromise would be if you were being held hostage and the criminal tells you not to talk or he would kill you, that would be a bad time.But, when you have a arguement over what shoes you should where with you mother.

    In order for a compromise to be healthy everyone has to agree its fair. An example from the civil war would be when the north and the south fought over who shall get the next new state. But they came to the conclusion that they would split the states among the north and the south.
    Mariah Cowan

  8. Compromise is healthy when the outcome is one that both sides can agree on and it is something that you feel is right. You should compromise in situations instead of fussing and fighting about it. Both sides are going to have their ideas and think that they are correct so when you can work it out peaceful then it is healthy.
    Compromise is unhealthy when you give in and you don't stand up for what you know in your heart is right. You should never give in to peer pressure just because you are the only one fighting for something. If you know that your are right and that it would be wrong to give in then you should not compromise. You should just stand up for yourself and let everyone know that you are right and let them know why you are right and then pray that they will understand and learn from it. Don't continue to argue about it. Pray about it.

  9. Compromising on things can have two different results. One can be good and one can be disastrous. A healthy compromise is when both sides can peacefully agree on something without violence or arguing. When we at least attempt to make a compromise we need to think about if our compromise will be pleasing to someone or will it cause a problem. We should also keep our compromises pleasing to Jesus.

    An unhealthy compromise leads to arguments and violence. For example, when one side has more of an advantage over the other, it leads to conflict. Also in order for a conflict to be healthy, we need to make sure it’s fair.

    If we couldn’t learn how to compromise fairly then we wouldn’t get anywhere in life. We should just pray about our problems and not be violent about them.

  10. Compromise is a great way to settle a small dispute or argument. If two people both want a certain toy or game, compromise by getting two of the game. Or, if there are chores to be done, compromise by assigning one person to one chore and the other person to the other chore one day, then switch chores the next day. Compromise is even good in larger situations such as the Great (Connecticut) Compromise. Both the North and the South got a say in Congress by the Great Compromise’s rules. Compromise can save trouble, save disputes, and even save bloodshed.

    Sometimes, compromise is not the best idea. If one group in Congress is clearly wrong and another group is clearly right, a compromise is not needed. Also, just as the quote stated, "It is the weak man who urges compromise, never the strong man." If two people are in an argument, a strong man and a weak man, and the strong man is winning the fight, the weak man wants a compromise so he gets what he wants. That wouldn’t happen because the strong man would overpower the weak man’s want for a compromise, which could lead to a larger dispute. Compromise is a great tool, but we shouldn’t always use it for settling arguments or disputes.

  11. The act of compromising brings hope for one and defeat for the other. Like the quote says, “It is the weak man who urges compromise, never the strong man.” The hope is for the weak man, who moves closer to his goal through a compromise. It also brings defeat for the strong man, who must sacrifice his goal by compromising. This is what happened in the Civil War. The South felt a little hope when the Union let the Border States have slaves. The Union was placed in a situation where they could not get what they wanted, and had to sacrifice their principle of no slavery in order to obtain those Border States. They had to compromise on a principle that should not be compromised on. This is when compromise becomes harmful. You should never compromise on a principle that deals with other people’s freedom and basic human rights.

  12. Compromise is only dangerous when you compromise with the wrong people. For example, if you are compromisng with the enemy like Arnold Bendict he gave information to the british. like on movies when most "good guys" leak information to the "bad guy" most of the time they die. when people try to compromise it is risk and people follow through with there wager.
    it always good to compromise with a friend,family member or some one you trust because most of the times they follow through so if compromise with the right it normal works out.

    Noah Ruffin

  13. A dangerous compromise would be when the effect would have a large impact on someone or a group of people. If the decision has a lot of effect changing something drastically then it could be very dangerous of bringing something bad into something. A healthy compromise could be when both sides are not dangerous and then it would be okay to compromise. Or when the effect of the decision doesn't impact anyone. Compromising is a good thing to use in making decisions,but it can also effect people drastically.
    -Olivia Nicholas

  14. The first quote says that the weak man always issues a compromise. The weak man thinks that he may get away with something if they come to an agreement. However, if they don;t come to an agreement chaos breaks out. They would get irritated and mad at each other and declare war. It all depends on the situation. In Abraham Lincoln's case many life's were at risk. A good time to compromise would be right after a war because both sides would be tired and weak after the war so when they disagree nobody i sin the mood to start another war with each other. Compromising is always a risk because nobody agrees with each other these days. If you make one mistake, a war could be brought over your head. You have to know the person you are compromising with before you start. If you know what your enemy wants before you compromise, you can get the job done easy. Compromise is a very fragile thing and it can decide a country's fate.
    Jackson Hofmann

  15. I think that a compromise is healthy when you are trying to make people happy and keep a country intact. Compromise is dangerous when it hurts someone.

    For example, it can be dangerous to compromise on religion. There is absolutely no way that you can have a compromise with an atheist and a Christian. It would affect too many people around us and people would become angry. Wars have started over this kind of compromise.

    Sometimes politicians try to compromise things so people will be happy at first, but it might not be good in the long run. Government took prayer out of school and now students bring weapons to school and sometimes they kill their classmates.

  16. Compromise is healthy when both of the decision will benefit the people it effecting in some way. For example, if the government tries to outlaw cutting down trees, a healthy compromise would be saying that you can only cut down trees one Wednesday and Saturday. I think this benefit the people it’s affecting. It benefits normal people because they will still have paper to use, and it benefits environmentally friendly tree huggers because it will most likely make them feel better knowing that fewer trees are being cut down.

    A dangerous compromise usually leads to conflict. For example, if your teacher says she will give everybody a zero on a test, a dangerous compromise would be giving half the class a zero. This only benefits a portion of the class but not the whole class. This could lead to a lot of conflict and a lot of angry parents.

  17. I believe that compromise can be dangerous or healthy depending on the situation. If the compromise you are proposing can harm yourself or others, than it is a dangerous compromise. An example of a dangerous compromise is if somebody wants to have a fight, but you decide a war would be better. You would gather all your friends and family to accomplish something that was just between the two original people. This would be putting many people in harms way to help you, and that would be a dangerous compromise.

    A healthy compromise would be making a compromise that would help yourself and others. An example of a healthy compromise would be if you were at the edge of the cliff, and somebody told you to jump off you would refuse. Although the person daring you would be disappointed, you would have helped yourself.

    The founding fathers most likely had to deal with healthy and dangerous compromise. While under the rule of Britain, the founding fathers decided to do something different. They decided to compromise from all they knew. At first this was a dangerous compromise, but later it turned in to one of the healthiest compromises in American history.

  18. A compromise can be dangorous and healthy in many situations. A dangerous compromise benefits only one person or group. If the government decides to reduce pollution by 50% that would benefit the enviroment but not the industry buisness because it would reduce production and money made. So, they may decide to compromise 25% percent pollution reduction so the industry can still make a decent amount of money. However, the industry business will be mad because they will not be as profitable and the workers may strike because of lower salarys.
    A healthy compromise is what benefits both people or groups. If your sister wants to watch her favorite TV show but you are watching your favorite show you two may compromise to wait until a comercial or until the show is 15 minutes over. That way both people get to watch a fair share of their show.

  19. Compromise can be healthy and unhealthy in different situations. It can be healthy when both parties give up something in order to get something that they wanted. It can be unhealthy when the stronger party takes advantage of the weaker party and ends up with more benefits then the weaker party. That is when compromise can be healthy and unhealthy.

    Marin Winter

  20. A compromise can be a dangerous situation in many cases. For example, the stronger party could possibly take advantage of the weaker party and use it against the weaker party. A safe compromise can be when both parties are in an equal position and play that compromise fairly. Both healthy and unhealthy compromises can either end or prevent war, or it could cause a war.

    -Holden Kilgore

  21. Compromise is not necessarily a good thing, yet it is essential to life. Without compromise, no one would ever accomplish anything in life. The United States government depends on the art of compromise too much. Since not all people want the same laws put into place, these representatives will choose a side. Neither side will fully agree, so they must find a middle point: an idea that combines the two sides’ perspectives. Compromising is the only consistent method to reach an agreement.

    A compromise has its advantages, but it also has its disadvantages. Compromise is a useful method because both sides get part of what they want. However, each side must agree to some of the other side’s opinions. In almost every argument one theory will be right. Once there is a compromise, the correct idea will be woven together with the wrong one. Then, even though the compromise will be partially right, the traces of wrong in it render it worthless. Compromise may be the only way to accomplish anything in life, but it is a tool of evil.
    Daniel Justice

  22. A compromise is not always the right solution. It can be healthy and unhealthy in many different situations. It is healthy when both sides of the argument have equal power or position in their say. When one side dominates, the ruling will not always be fair in the sense that their compromise is the best option. That doesn't mean that the compromise should always be perfectly fair or even. A healthy compromise should result in the right ruling, not the ruling that makes everyone happy.
    When the quote says, "It is the weak man who urges compromise", I completely think it is true. The weak man or side will settle for a fair compromise because they know they are getting a deal out of it. The strong man will not settle for compromise because he knows his side of the argument is right and better for the greater good. Compromise can save trouble and dispute, but it is not always the answer to arguments.
    Jimmy McCarthy

  23. Compromise can be both a positive and a negative thing. When used properly, compromise can be effectively used as a tool to settle debates and arguments. For example, the Connecticut Compromise helped the bickering small and large states reach an agreement. Instead of the sides only having one victor, both sides get part of what they want, so neither of the sides gain nothing from the situation.

    Yet, compromise can also be used to hide manipulation because of the fact that compromise is usually viewed as a positive thing. An example of this would be: If a man wanted to kill half the world, but in order to do so he had to force another man, who loved his family, to work for him, the evil man could convince the other man to work for him by holding his family hostage, and in return for releasing them the other man would have to work for him. This could be called a compromise, but
    it is really just a form of manipulation that exploits someones weaknesses to feign a fair trade, where one really does not exist.

  24. when you try to compromise it can lead to fighting either way. Like my brother and I will try and compromise and one person will still get made if the don't get all of the thing that we were fighting over. But if you use compromising correctly then you could make everybody happy. They used it in the new jersey and the virginia compromise and it turned out to make both sides equal.

    When you make good compromises most of the time people will be thankful and gracious that they actually get something out of the argument. Then some people will still be angry by, if they should win the argument, but they couldn't decided who was correct and made it equal, then they will get angry. That is one side of a compromise. A compromise can be bad, if a coach of a soccer team payed a referee to make bad calls on the opponent. That is a bad compromise. The referee gets money and the coach gets a win. That has happened before in most sports and poker too. They make the dealer arrange the cards so that they win all the time. If we didn't have compromises in the world then we would be in a lot of trouble. That is why we should use it well and make everything fare and don't be greedy about winning.

  25. The civil war is a perfect example of a
    un-healthy compromise. A compromise is not supposed to make both side completely happy, it is ment to have an equal amount of loss on both sides and the North and South could not exept this idea. They wanted evrything to be fair and not have any compromise. A healthy compromise is where both sides exept the fact that there is going to be loss. If you are always worried about losing and not taking risks. Then you are in a bad place. You will never get anywhere in life if you don't take risks. Risks are what are community is based on. If you can't exept that then you have to take the blame for your actions.

  26. A compromise healthy is when a good compromise happens. This is when two people compromise on something that split out evenly and is good. A compromise dangerous is when two people compromise on someones good idea and someones bad idea. It's not healthy because they compromise which some of it good and some of it bad. If one side is bad you shouldn't compromise you should just do the right thing. The civil war is an example of a compromise dangerous. It's bad because they compromised on slavery when they should have just gotten rid of it.
    mitchell ryan

  27. A compromise is healthy when two people discuss in a good manner. They reason and take other peoples ideas. I think these can be actually helpful and give you insight on others beliefs. I also think that compromise can lead to many horrible things and is not the best aspect in marriage. Unhealthy compromise can lead to violence. For example if you want to play outside, but your mom says no and you try to compromise it can lead to a fight. sid brendel

  28. There is definately a time when compromise is healthy and when it is dangerous. If you are compromising on which tv show to watch, this is a time when it is considered ok and even better than just arguing until one person gets their way. On a more serious note, if you are in a job and you need to decide whether to fire people or not, a well compromised decision is just to lower their pay, and not to fire them all together.
    Then again, there are times when compromise is not possible and you have to make the right decision, no matter how difficult. This can be shown if a person has to choose between either doing something wrong, like stealing, or just sitting back and doing nothing, you cant compromise and go half way, you have to either choose to do the right thing or the wrong.

    Emily Kendrick
