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Wednesday, January 4, 2012

World Cultures Question #8

Acts 2:44-45 says "All the believers were together and had everything in common. They sold property and possessions to give to anyone who had need."

This verse from Acts is sometimes used by people to try and prove that communism is based on Christian principles.

Is there any truth to the idea that Christianity teaches communism? Why or why not?

Also, ask your parents or grandparents about their memories of the Soviet Union and the Cold War.

Record their answers along with your answer to the first question.


  1. To me, there is nothing that shows communism in Christianity. Your daily living is not forced upon you in anyway. The Bible gives us tips on how we should live and act, but it does not say that you would not be allowed to enter Heaven if you did not follow these words of advice. As Christians, we pray and attend church. It is not mandatory for us to attend every service, although it is good to do so. The only thing in Christianity you HAVE to do is admit you are a sinner, Christ died for you, and He arose from the grave on the third day. There is no truth that Christianity teaches Communism.
    My grandmother remembers that when people would go and try to visit everything was primitive including the bathrooms. Her friends would tell her that when they visited there that children would follow them and beg them for money. Also, she said it was very hard to buy a car then, if you ordered one you would not get it until nine years later.

  2. I believe that communism may look good on paper but is near impossible to implement into real life effectively. In my opinion that quote is better interpreted as you should give back to the poor, not supporting communism. God knows all so he knows that communism would fail and hurt the people within the nation therefore he would not promote it.1 Timothy 5:9-11 says ...and is well known for her good deeds, such as bringing up children, showing hospitality, washing the feet of the Lord’s people, helping those in trouble and devoting herself to all kinds of good deeds. He calls us to help others and that is what i feel this quote is doing.
    MY GRANDPA: It was a very intense time period. There was much fear between USA and Russia (USSR). People were afraid of the nuclear power so much they started building bomb shelters in their yards. Some people thought with all the nuclear power that the world might be destroyed entirely. When the Russians began moving missiles to Cuba our president said that he needed to leave or he would start a war. That was a very intense week.

  3. Communism may appear to be like Christianity but the two beliefs are very different. God gave us the right to free will and we can be saved only by the desire in our hearts and our faith in him. Communism is forced upon the public, fitting everyone into the same mold. Communism, when upheld in countries, always fails and leaves the country in poverty. God’s kingdom has existed since the beginning of time and will last forever. God wants us to devote time to praying and developing a relationship with him. Communism focuses on manual labor and obeying the rules. God expects us to love one another and forgive our enemies while Communism doesn’t include emotions or relationships that God prizes so much.

    Grandfather: It's kind of like being born with a headache: we didn't know anything other than what we were living. We knew the Russians were not our friends, not nice people, but we were completely certain we were good people and they would never be able to harm us. We were certain they would try and harm America, but we just knew we were stronger and better and we would prevail. There was more pride in and confidence about our country. It was a simpler time and looking back on it now, I think it was a better time. We took dimes to school to buy War Bond stamps. I was on the safety patrol in the 6th grade. Each year, we spent a week at the Jacksonville Naval Air Station living in the barracks and eating at the mess hall with the sailors.! When a Navy ship returned from a patrol, it was a huge deal for all the families to be reunited. It was a simpler life then because we were assured nothing but good things were going to happen to us and our country. We did get under our desks in elementary school to practice protecting ourselves us from an atom bomb, in the event the Russians dropped one on us.

  4. Christianity doesn’t support the communism, where the “people” own everything. In those governments today it seems a though the rulers control everything, not the people. While the rulers watch their people become more malnourished. Also in communists governments, the people are told what their profession is, where they live, and so on and so forth, with little to no say in their life. The verse above means to me that if someone decides to give up everything, and give to the poor, they are acting like a missionary would. The person is putting the less fortunate people first, trying to help them, unlike most of the government. God gave us the right to choose our own path, rather it's one we will stay on we don't know, but he gives us free will, and we shouldn't take it for granted.

    My mom remembers the arms race, between the US and Soviet Union. Also growing up with the impression that these people were poor and oppressed.

  5. Holden Hosch:
    Communism has some principles that Christianity has. Communism in theory is also considered good, but don't let that fool you. Communism also goes against several other bible verses that talk about work. Communism can make people lazy, and it can also lead to a hunger for power like Stalin had. It has principles of giving and equality, but people like Stalin make communism a corrupt system. They make people unequal. Also, God gave us the right to choose. In a communist government, the people can't choose because the government controls everything for them. They usually can't even have a religion. I believe their is some truth about how communism has Christian ideals, but it ultimately goes against a lot of Christian ideals.

    Every communist nation of which I am aware considers their leader a God. One of the main fundamentals of Christianity is to believe in God, and you should not worship false idols. I remember feeling very competitive in times during the Olympics and during times of space exploration. I have a good memory of Ronald Reagan and the end of the Cold War. That was the first presidential election that I got to vote in.

    Memories of the Soviet Union and the Cold War:


    There were never any actual battles between the Soviet Union and the United States. It was a cold war (not a hot war). So we mostly just glared at each other across the oceans.

    But every four years we met in the Olympics. The Soviets were so desperate to demonstrate the "superiority" of communism that they shamelessly cheated. Everyone knew their male athletes took steroids and their female athletes took male growth hormones (in fact there was a famous National Lampoon cover parodying this cheating). For the most part, the Soviets and Americans fought to a draw each Olympics.

    The Soviet Union and United States also competed in the race to the moon. The US ultimately prevailed because of superior funding and technology, landing on the moon in 1969. That funding and technology was made possible by capitalism. The Soviets then abandoned their moon-landing efforts.

    The United States and Soviet Union also raced in the development of ICBMs (nuclear weapons capable of reaching the other's country). The US and Soviet Union ultimately made thousands of missiles (even though a few hundred would have sufficed). But the arms race eventually bankrupted the Soviet coffers. It led to the disintegration of the Soviet Union in 1991.

  6. john canon brody cantrellJanuary 12, 2012 at 6:16 PM

    Communism is nothing like Christianity in my opinion. In the bible it says we need to work for ourselves. Communism means that everything is owned by the public, not the ruler or government. I think communism makes you plain lazy and not want to work for things you need. Even though they give to people and make everyone equal, it still is a messed up system! We are lucky to live in the United States where we can choose what we want to do. We are free. Not like communism where the government makes our choices. So there is no truth behind the verse relating to communism. All communism is doing is pulling a curtain over our eyes. My grandfather remembers when the Russians were shipping to Cuba, also another communist country. He remembers when John F. Kennedy sent a blockade down to Cuba to block the Russians from getting into Cuba. So the Russians turned their ships around. My Grandfather was in high school at the time and everybody thought the US was going to war with Russia.

  7. Well i dont believe communism is anything like Christianity. There are alot of differences to me the main difference is how you help and give to people to help them out not because of the fact every thing is fair. communism forces everyone to be completely equal and not all christains' are equal.

    My grandma said that she always remembers that during the cold war "Russia" was the the US nightmare, and how they always to be prepared for bombs. She said that sirens would go off and they would have get under there desk because off all the bomb threats. Even though there were never any actual bombs that came , the cold war was basically just threats .

  8. Christianity and communism are very different. In Christianity we are free. In communism you are not free you are "owned" by the government. They don't let you live your life everything you think you own the government really owns. You have no freedoms in communism.

    My dad remembers always worrying about a nuclear attack. If we attacked them they were ready to attack us right back. You were always living in fear because in the end everyone would probly end up dead.

  9. My grandfather:Christianity is not communism. In communism they take from individuals and give to others.in Christianity people give out of the kindness of their hearts.in communism they give because they have to,but in Christianity people give because they want to.

    Me:Christianity is a religion based on God. god encourages his followers to give to others out of the kindness of their hearts. In communism,instead of giving because they want to they give because they have to.They have to because the government demands it of them. No one physically demands Christians into giving,we just do it.
    I remember in elementary practicing bomb drills .we had to put our arms over our face and go out in the hall to lean against the walls for protection . They also took us to the railroad tracks to practice evacuating . For the Cuban missile crisis,I remember thinking that this meant war. I remememberThey had radio free Europe In which the U.S. would broadcast to other communist countries the truth about things happening in the world in stead of the modified communist version.

  10. Bethany Van RensburgJanuary 12, 2012 at 8:21 PM

    There are differences and similarities between between socialism, communism and Christianity. Communism and socialism can coexist, and aspects of socialism and Christianity can exist, but communism and Christianity are directly in opposition with each other. The socialist idea of sharing possessions, all people being equal, and a sense of community can be found in both communism and Christianity. Where they differ is in their belief in whether of not a god is necessary to accomplish these things. Communism is atheistic (they believe in the non-existence of God), while Christianity is obviously theistic. Human effort can only get us so far with sharing and being fair to each other, but ultimately pride jealousy, greed and other issues with the heart take over. Under Christianity, God is the one who enables us to have a change of heart and a reborn spirit to make it possible. Communism leads to death while Christianity leads to life.

    Dad: Under communism my Dad can remember Russia invading afghanistan and Czechoslovakia forcing people to sumbit rule and putting churches to comply.

  11. Rachael Lewis says....
    I do not believe at all that communism has any control over communism. Christianity is a free religion, meaning that no one is forcing you to love God or believe in any certain concept.when we come to him in our prayers no one forces us to do that at all, which is the opposite of communism. Communism is basically someone ruling over you trying to control your every move. God loves us. He knows he is our father, but he does not force us to come to him and believe in his word. we are completely free in God, with communism you are never truly free.
    Dad: The cold war was a time when people where very nervous. i was constantly worried that they would attack us. we lived over the threats of a war. The soviet union was a bunch of countries who were under control and who always wanted to feel the power over people. I was always afraid something would happen to me and my family.

  12. Christianity and communism have many differences. For instance in communism people are not free to think and do what we want. God made us able to make choices so we can choose to worship him and if you do not believe in him that does not mean that you cannot come to Him. In communism if you rebel you are punished and forgiveness is hard to get. Also, communism is taking from people and giving to others, while this sounds like it would work it does not. Christianity does not take anything away other than sin. Communism will never be like christanity an any way.

    Grandma: She remembers when Russia took most of germany at the end of world war II and she remembers the end when Reagan got russia to tear down the wall therefore, ending the cold war.
    -Taber Wood

  13. The fact of the matter is that though Christians try to prevent it, communism is associated with Christianity. Christians say that in God̢۪s eyes we are all equal because we are created by one ruler. Also in other ways Christianity teaches the complete opposite of communism because in communism one person is a dictator and rules over everyone. In the Christianity belief only God has the right to rule over people and also in communism, the dictator might want people to worship them. If u are a Christian u understand that only God has the power to let people worship him. My dad said he remembers it was an arms race and he remembered the fear of the Russians hitting the USA with nuclear warheads.

  14. Communism has no similarities with Christianity whatsoever. In communism no one makes their own decisions. Their decisions are made for them by the government. If God hadn't wanted us making our own decisions then he would have made us like robots. But God doesn't want us to be like robots. If God doesn't want me to have my decisions made for me then I definitely won't want a human making my decisions for me. Also, the giving and sharing is forced upon people in communism. In Christianity, we don't do it because we are forced too. We do it because it is from inside us to be kind.

    Mom: At my Mom's highschool there was an underground hallway made for if there was a bombing. It was also for bad weather, but if there was any threatens of the soviet union then they would go there.

  15. Mikaela: No, I do not think that there is any truth to the idea that Christianity teaches Communism because I believe that Christianity teaches us how to live by the words of God and the life of Jesus. By definition, "Communism is a social order under which private property is abolished, and all things held in common." I don't see how Christianity can teach communism when they are two totally different things. Christianity does not teach social order; it teaches behavior and how we are supposed to be living by the words of the Bible.
    My parents definitely remember Gorbachev and the differences in the national economic policies of the then USSR versus the U.S. during the Regan years.

  16. I do not think that Christianity supports communism. God wants us to earn what we receive. It is not fair for everyone to get the same amount of possessions. The person that works harder should get more. In the Bible, it says that we reap what we sow, “Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously” (2 Corinthians 9:6). If we put in the effort and work, then we should get more out of it than a person who doesn’t try at all. On the flip side, if we do not try hard, then we should not get the same as a hard worker. A person who sows more work should get more out of it. In communism the hard worker and the lazy worker get the same amount. There is nothing someone can do to gain more success. That means there is no competition to push you to work harder. That leads to more lazy workers, which also goes against Gods word. He tells us to do our best in everything we do.
    My mom remembered that there were fallout shelters in case there was a bomb. When they did duck and cover drills, it was in case of a bomb. That has changed to the duck and cover in case of a tornado. Also, my aunt remembers math problems that dealt with how many nuclear submarines the US and the Soviet Union had. She remembers that those numbers were also posted in the newspapers.

  17. I do not believe that Christianity teaches communism. The verse at the top states that basically all humans are equal in that we all have sinful nature and that many of our customs are the same. I have a hard time believing that God wants communists in the world. Sure this verse wants humans to be equal, but if all humans are equal in all aspects there will be chaos with no main leader. What I mean is that we have the president of the United States which is our main leader. It is much easier to look up to one person to lead our country rather than every person in the country. The president is the main leader, but other politics help him make decisions so in a way everyone gets a say in laws that are passed if not vetoed before they make their way to the president.
    dad:I can remember as a kid I was real young and my mom and I were watching the news, there were all these stories of the salt talks and I kept hearing about how much trouble it was, but I didn't understand why they kept talking about table salt! I later found out that salt was an acronym for STRATEGIC ARMS LIMITATION TREATY. I also remember growing up and in that time we feared the Soviets and they feared us, but in the end great leaders from both countries fixed the problem of the cold war by working together.

  18. ME: I do not think that communism is based on Christian principles. I don't think there any truth to the idea that Christianity teaches communism. It may seem like that they are alike but they aren't because the Christians do it because God called them to do it and communist do it to make everyone equal. Christian aren't like communist at all because communism is that everyone is the same and Christianity everyone should be treated equally but not everyone should be exactly the same God gave everybody different talents some other people can't do but we all have a chance to become successful but not all are willing to work for it.

    DAD: I do remember how competitive the US and The Soviet Union were during all Olympic Events. Remember how proud we were when the US beat USSR in the hockey game for the gold medal. Growing up always listening to news regarding all of the nuclear power the Soviets had.

  19. Ok.
    Pretty much any Christian sermon or preacher will tell you somewhere in there rant about God about sinful human nature. We all have it and there is no denying it. Communism is for a perfect society, A place where we all want to give to others and make sure everyone is treated fairly.
    News flash: Thats not our world.
    Our world wants to keep everything to ourselves. If we tried communism, it would end up in disaster. People would eventually become power thirsty and end up ruining the whole thing. Thats how we were designed to be. If it warn't for God, Christians would be just as greedy as the pigs in Animal Farm. Maybe in a world where everyone was Christian and only wanted the best for others, It might be remotely possible to have something somewhat along the lines of communism. The bible tells us about sinful human nature, which is enough proof to me that communism won't work.

    "Some pigs are a little more equal than others." - Animal farm

    Grand father: He says that he remembers how stressful the 1962 Cuban missile crises was. How close we were to having a nuclear war. Also, his neighbor (Also my dads doctor) happen to be at the Kitchen Debate. :)

    This concludes the wonderful blog of Amazingness.

  20. I do not believe in Christianity teaches

  21. We must first define what we mean by “communism”. A Communism author correctly notes how stubbornly it has defied definition. “One communist’s communism is another communist’s anti-communism,” he says. There are at least two core elements virtually all communism (with a small “c”) have built upon:
    • Common, as opposed to private, ownership of property and the means of production
    • “From each according to their ability, to each according to their need.”

    In the Holy Bible it states, "All the believers were together and had everything in common. They sold property and possessions to give to anyone who had need." (Acts 2:44-45) Many people try and prove that communism is based on Christian principles from reading this verse. God also says in Romans 13:1-2, "Everyone must submit to governing authorities. For all authority comes from God, and those in positions of authority have been placed there by God. So anyone who rebels against authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and they will be punished.” If our government has certain laws and values that conflict the idea of communism, then we must still obey the authority because God commands us too. To me , the Christian and Communism statement neither is true or false, it all falls back to what our Lord and Savior commands us to do as his creations.
    Mothers Answer: “America and Soviet Union were competing to get nuclear power and first to space. The Soviet Union’s SPUTNIK program intimidated America. United States portrayed the Soviet Union by giving it the name ‘Evil Empire’.

  22. I do not think that Christianity teaches communism. The at the top tells us to that all humans are equal in sinful nature and are habits are the same. I don't believe that God wants us to establish or live in a communist society. We all can't be equal because then it would be hard to make decisions. There would be no success in the society to make it better because there would be no limit or above average idea to make things better. The United States as the president to look up to and seek guidance instead of a million people trying to make decisions for the country. We established a system were few different personalities and opinions help the president decide things for the people not just for him. That allowed us to not have a person represent us. rather than for the himself.

    Mom's response: I remember when Russia used to called the USSR. Their citizens stood in lines for food. Everyone stood in lines for goods except government and military officials. We were always in an arms race. Russia was a superpower therefore they were our equal. Soviet athletes were superior to us, because their athletic departments were government sponsored and they start grooming them as infants. I remember being afraid because we thought they would drop a bomb and destroy us all.

  23. The dictionary definition of communism is a theory or system of social organization based on the holding of all property in common, actual ownership being ascribed to the community as a whole or to the state. That definition is very similar to Acts 2:44-45, however I do not think that communism is based off of Christian principles. Communism doesn’t give the choice to decide how things earned are used. God gives us the choice to decide what we do with our provisions. He expects us to make the right choice instead of forcing it upon us.


    Grandparents: Basically people didn’t know what to expect from the Soviet Union so they became paranoid. Americans were fearful of the Soviet Union’s nuclear power so they built bomb shelters. People were so stressed, that they assumed that the world would be destroyed.

  24. Hannah-
    Christianity and communism have many different beliefs. In communism you do not have many choices and the government controls a lot of what you do. God though has given us a choice, we are not forced christianity. Christians have made a choice to accept Christ but in communism you are forced to do whatever they make you. God loves each and every one of us and values every person in the world when in communism they focus more on the group than the individual.

    DAD: I grew up during the cold war with memories that defined a generation. My teacher in second grade Mrs. Ellis would bang on the desks with her ruler during the bomb drills as she ushered us to hide under our tiny wooden desks. I recall sitting with my family watching the news and fearing the worst as Kruscheve threatened war if our Americas ships would not back down from the blockade around Cuba. I remember my Dad seemed worried and was uncharacteristcally somber while we watched the news together.
    The proliferation of nuclear warheads between Russia and America accelerated and informed our world view. We too often wondered not if but how the first nuclear confrontation would ensue. But many years later we were profoundly moved and inspired by the seminal speech in which Reagan called on Gorbachav to " tear down that wall ". In that moment we sensed for the first time the cold war was ending and we would face a new era.
    I was in Germany shortly after the wall was torn down and collected pieces of the wall scattered where once East and West were divided. I left Berlin by train traveling to a wedding in Hamberg. Sitting next to me was a young couple who had grown up in East Germany and for the first time in their young lives were free to take a train deep into the West German countryside. They held hands, laughed and cried as they watched trees and farms and this new world wisk by from their window. In the few hours we sat together I witnessd the indescribable joy and elation they discovered in freedom. A freedom that alluded them all their lives but on this particular day on a train their world changed forever - they were awakened -and for the first time they were free to come and go as they chose. They stared in disbelief out the window. I will never forget the look in their eyes.

    Freedom is a right we must be willing to defend and always cherish - the most valuable lesson of the cold war generation .

  25. Communism may seem like a great idea on paper: if everyone makes the same amount then their is no division in incomes and there are no poop people. Well this does no model Christianity in all ways but it does in some. I think the only way it models Christianity is its mercy for others. Our God is a merciful God and made the ultimate sacrifice for us. Communism to me seem like a sacrifice because for the hard working you are giving up your hard earned money for a so called plan to "end to poverty" This to me is how it models Christianity.
    Even though it models Christianity in that one way, I still greatly disagree with Communism. In a Communism economy everyone obtains the same. This is not what God instructs for us. God basically says that the hard working so gain more than the non working. Its like if there is a determined Orthopedic surgeon that works extremely hard in high school and goes off the a good college and instead of partying he studies and makes good decisions. He then ends pup spending many hard earned years in medical school and captures his dream as a high paying orthopedic surgeon. Why should he gain the same amount as someone who doesn't work, but is still provided with food and the same money he is. The Bible says he who doesn't work doesn't eat, but he who works shall be provided with abundant food. This is why I don't agree with communism and don't think it thoroughly models Christianity.

    Dad's memories of Cold War;
    -The Soviet Union and the United states were trying to build up arms and were both trying to scare and intimidate each other.
    -Americans were extremely intimidated by the Soviet Union's nuclear powers and were constantly paranoid by this.
    -American and Soviet Union were battling for the first man in space and just the two countries were trying to prove who was better than the other.

  26. I believe that the communist have good arguable reason for believing that this versus talks about communism. I personally believe that communism might have Christian values, but people are all human and succumb to sin, such as greed for monetary thing. in communism it is very appealing to people that are all the same and have the same life, job, clothing and wealth, so when an opportunity arises to be more, or better than everyone most people give in to this greedy sin. therefore when that person rises to power they get more than everyone else because it part of our human nature to be this way. a person that rules over their country by themselves is a dictator. most people say they will follow and obey by this versus, and some of them do. but all of the time there is someone who cannot resist the opportunity to be more wealthier than someone else and they rise to power and drive their country into the ground.
    my dad grew up on an army base, in Huntsville Alabama on Redstone arsenal. all the defense contractors had manufacturing facilities around them. all over Huntsville they were building offensive and defensive things for the cold war. when my dad was kid he can remember having nuclear bomb drills in school if they were ever to be hit by one because Huntsville, the rocket and missile capital of the world at that time was a major target to the soviet union. the culture was different because of this. all building were changed from wood and stone to metal and concert to protect from any soviet union bombs. when my dad was first born in Huntsville there was about 13,000 people. when he moved away when he was 18 there 300,000 people, all of them working for NASA, Boeing, Northrop, Grumman, Morton Thiokol, IBM, rocketdyen, and Raytheon for something for the cold war. during that time the U.S. army moved the ballistic missile program to Huntsville as well. everyone in the town was related to the cold war effort and it gave everyone jobs, so Huntsville was a hot target on the map. my grandfather, my dad's dad was officer in charge of two initiative missile systems, the hawk and Nike missiles. both systems were deployed all over the world to assist in the cold war and are still in service today. he often traveled to white sands new Mexico to test these systems. the hawk missile was the first service to air missile and was used if any soviet planes crossed our borders. the Nike was the ballistic missile. they could put a war head of any kind, including nuclear, and hit a target in minutes. ballistic missiles are what most people fear now because they are so quick and hard to destroy, unlike a slow big bomber airplane. when my grandfather retired from the army he went to work for NASA which was also based out of Huntsville, the headquarters for all NASA operations at the time and was a major part of the cold war. he helped build the propulsion system for the Saturn 5 rocket which would take man to the moon and back. my grandmother worked on the first computer to go in an spacecraft which was used when man went to the moon and contained as much information and hard drive as a laptop but was took up 1/8th of the largest spacecraft ever. she worked for IBM at the time who was contracted by NASA for the navigation computers on the Apollo missions. my grandfather fought communism head on in Vietnam and Korea. he was an intelligence officer in Korea and in Vietnam he put out the hawk missile system witch him and his team had previously designed and built.

  27. Felton said...
    Communism may seem to have a few of the same principles as Christianity but they are actually two different things. For example in the bible verse at the top of the page it says that they gave to who needed and in a communist society the government would just take everything from the people leaving them with practically nothing. Also the government controls everything but God gave us the ability to make choices but in a communist society they take that away. Also the person who is in charge is made to look like a god and we are told to not put anything else before God. Also the leader of a communist society place theirselves above everyone else and have no regard for no one else but themselves.

    He remembers there being a lot of segregation in society and how blacks and whites were separated from one another but he didn't remember much about the war itself.

  28. I believe that God wants us to be communists because we should give to any that have need. He commands us to give to others multiple times in the bible. I also believe that as humans we want physical leaders and because of that we have sinful leaders who lead us into disaster like Saul with the Israelites. It is the same with communism. Communism is very biblical ideally because it tells us to give to others but because power corrupts and everyone wants a leader the ideals fade, the leaders gain absolute power, and they misuse it. Because of this inevitable end communism fails and it ends up going against what God tells us to do. Therefore God wants communism but in our world ruled by physical, corruptible leaders it does not work. My mom says that she remembers the Cuban missile crisis and how close we were to world war 3. Any leader willing to throw countless lives away in a nuclear apocalypse is not biblical no matter how good the ideals seem.
    All in all historically communism is not biblical because it defies the very ideals it was founded upon but ideally it is biblical because God commands us to give to others. So like most lies there is a piece of truth in communism being biblical.

    Charlie Money

  29. The Lord does say that we were created equal and that all people were made unique in his own eyes. With that being said we also are not supposed to rely on others to provide for us. Our faith should be in God and not in a government.We should treat all people the equally, but people need to work for what they get. Things should not be handed to us but earned by hard work and dedication. In communism the government hand the people everything needed. The Bible does not speak about being lazy all you want, and getting the blessings that a hard working man. The part of communism that says that people should be treated equal as in how we speak and interact on a daily basis, but not in an economic system.

    It was a scary time. In today's terms it was like LSU vs Alabama

  30. I believe christianity is not tought in communism. there may be some parts to it that seem alike but usualy in communism they take away religion. they force you to worsship the dictator.

  31. I believe that in some aspects god might actually agree in comunist. that he believes that that would be in the best interest for the people. Becaus in communism there would be no poor and no rich and ultimately god might not agree with the rich. Now with most people who are rich should give alot more to the church. since they have more money to give.

  32. In a way no. Comunisum makes no rich and no poor, and people provide for other people. It seems like the perfect plan but its not. God wants us to "teach a man to fish" instead of justing giving him the fish. God wants us to be dependent of him only, not our neighbors or government because then we will be depending on sin.

    Kristen's Grandma:
    She doesn't remember much, but she was a Rosie rivitor and helped build airplanes. Other than that she doesn't remember too much of the war.

  33. Communism is not what Christianity is all about. Communism means that just a very few group of people control what the other people do. Totalitarianism is more similar than Christianity. Few people cannot govern or control what other people do, for they are sinful and don’t know what to do themselves. These people will never know what is right because religion is banned. The leaders can’t protect themselves with Bible verses because they know of none. They are power thirsty, ignorant, selfish, lying, and manipulative human beings. My parents didn’t pay much attention to communism, the Soviet Union, or the Cold War. They do disagree with communism though. They believe that communism strips us of our choice to be great. God gave us a choice to be successful or not and honor him with our best or not. Communism doesn’t allow that. You are not able to honor God with your talent. Everyone is given things and aren’t able to reach their true potential because they are restricted and aren’t need or extraordinary .Communism strips you of character. You can still honor God, but communism doesn’t promote Christianity.

  34. 2 Corinthians 9:7 says "each man should give what they feel and not be forced, for god loves a cheerful giver." communism does not allow a person to be rich, so people who are called to give what others do not have can not do so. communism takes away free will, and god gave man free will so that we can have a choice and so that we are not being controlled like puppets. However, communism controls everyone and people do not have the freedom that christ intended for. communism tries to make everyone equal and everything to be fair, but god made every person differently and we all have different opinions, which leads us to have conflicts in politics and religion. christianity and communism are not alike in any ways, god did not intend for people to be ruled by a communist government.

    mother: I remember President Reagan's years in office and knew that we were in a cold war. The talk of nuclear weapons and who had what and how many was common conversation on TV and in our house. And of course I remember the Berlin Wall coming down and the celebrations all around the world.
