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Thursday, December 1, 2011

World Cultures Question #7

Consider all of the people and cultures that we have talked about in class this year...

What tendencies or sinful temptations are all humans susceptible to?

Give at least three specifc examples that we have studied in class this year.


  1. Humans fall prey to temptation easily and it is only through God that we resist them. Dictatorship is a result of peoples’ desire for power and wealth. Many countries have been demolished by these people who will stop at nothing to control anything and everything. Haiti, for example, used to be a charming island in the Caribbean, filled with wealth and prosperity. After the revolution, Haiti was reduced to rubble and was begging for a leader, and so ran the course of greed and self-indulgence that has left Haiti one of the poorest countries in the world. Another object that triggers our greed is money. Money itself is not a bad thing, we couldn’t survive without it, but it turns people in to monsters and serenity into chaos. Drug dealers are examples of greed, they make millions of dollars on drugs that can kill people and leave them permanently damaged. They bribed officials and struck down any opposing force, whether a threat or not to ensure their shady business dealings continued. They had enough wealth to live comfortably and never work again yet they still wanted more and it led to they’re untimely demise. Fame also tempts us in many ways, a longing to be known to belong. It also pressures us to act a certain way and do certain things that we know aren’t right. Andres Escobar was one to fall prey to the pressure of fame. He didn’t want to be friends with Pablo Escobar, the drug lord, or visit him in jail, but he felt like he was forced to though he could go to jail for it like his teammate did. The devil sets these things in our lives to lead us down the path of destruction. We must take strength in God to help reject these temptations and give ourselves to him.

  2. All humans are susceptible to temptation, power, money and illegal immigration are three types of temptation. We studied Fidel Castro, the dictator of Cuba. Dictators may start out with a good mindset to save the country from war or other problems. However, they are often overwhelmed with the love of power and start to use the power they have for their own benefit versus for the benefit of the people. Fidel Castro is an example of a dictator who has ruled based on his personal beliefs not for the people. Money is another temptation. In the US we have a Free Market Economy which is ruled by competition. It can inspire people to seek self-interest which can lead to greed. Businesses are owned by private individuals and not by the government. This makes the business owners desire laws that help their business and protect their income. Some believe that Free Market Economies make the rich richer and the poor poorer and that it results in greater corruption and leads to dishonest business practice. Selling illegal drugs is another temptation. We studied about the illegal immigrants coming into the US without going through the process to be allowed in the U.S. legally . They came here illegally because they were tempted to just get in the easy way. It was tempting for the people already in the U.S. to go and help the people come illegally. So they can be reunited with their family.

  3. In life, people can fall into many temptations as shown throughout history people are vunerable to distractions such as power, money, and attempts to make life better though ways that aren't neccessarily legal. So far in this year we have learned about the greed and corruption of capitalism, and the slavery of Latin America by the Spanish. First off, Capitalism is a system where the rich get richer and the poor get poorer, so so far it is all about money. Then there is the greed of people who are so rich that they don't know what to do with their money, but still think that enough money is one dollar more than the they have. The there is also the slavery of the natives by the Spanish in order to make money off of case crops such as sugar. These slaves weren't getting paid for their work and were harshly treated by most of their owners. This was all to get money for the home country. The second major tempation that people are mislead by is power. Just looking at all the dictators that Latin America had and still has is enough to prove that power can turn into a problem. People like Castor, Pinchot of Chile, Peron of Argentina, and Noriega of Panama are al example of people that gained power and used it in bad ways. Countries like Cuba have suffered greatly because of these men, so I think that it is safe to consider power a major temptation that humans come across in their lives. The third tempation is doing things illegally like crossing the US border without the Us knowing, and drug traficing. Drug trading could also fall under the catagor of money because the sale of drugs brings in so much cash. This is still illegal, but the temptation of making an easy fortune is too much for some people, and they become drug traders. The drugs are then smuggled into the US against the law. This is kinda like how illegal immigrants get into the country. Illgal immigrants try to get into the country from Mexico without the US approving. This can lead to a number of problems because they aren't paying taxes, and they are sending their children to our schools, which are payed for by the taxes of my mom, dad, and any other US citizen. I understand why they came to the Us illegally, but that still doesn't make what they do right. Temptation is a huge obsticle in life, and so many fall into it's grasp. People need to understand and see the many temptations in life if they are to avoid them, and avoid sinning.

    people are susceptible to all sins. people can be power hungry, greedy, attention hungry and much more. Dictators sometimes start with good ideals but end up falling to the temptation of greed and/or power. Drug dealers gain money and power with total disregard for people's life because they know they are breaking the law and giving people things that will hurt them. Brett Farve was in need of attention. I fell that he "retired" so many times is because he wanted the attention. He wanted the attention of games without having to work in practice and training camp

  5. People are tempted by all types of sin, whether it is money, prosperity, or happiness. Three of the things we have talked about are the end is greater than the means, money, capitalist system of government. The end is greater than the means says that whatever you do is ok if you reach a certain goal. This is a sin because people will kill each other over money, which is uncalled for. It is a form of sin that every human struggles with. The main example you see in day to day life is people doing whatever they can to be happier than they are,"to have one more penny than they already have. The second example is money. You may be thinking that money isn't a sin, and you're right, but people make it part of a sin. People look at money as an idol; they can never get enough. People put money above God because they think they can buy happiness, but you can't. One millionare was once asked,"What will it take to make you happy?" Is the question I believe he asked and the man said,"One more penny than I already have!" This man is addicted to money and he is never satisfied.The third and final thing I will talk about is the Capitalist Government system. This is one of the most corrupt systems of government, mainly because it makes the lower class poorer than they already are, and the higher class richer than they are. God says in the Bible,"All men are created equal.", and we need to make that more enforced in our country because many people think they are better than other people. So in the end, all people are corrupted by sin, while some more than others, but what sets us apart is who tries the hardest to resist temptation.

  6. People are constantly challenged by sinful temptations such as greed, power and jealousy. Greed is a common problem within the U.S. economy given that it is a capitalist system. Under capitalism, people are able to achieve great wealth if the desire to take risks and work hard. However, many fail to recognize a need to provide to others in need who are unable to succeed in our competitive system. Greed is also a problem in Latin American countries as indicated by the surging drug trade. Also, the government regulates our economy in an effort to prevent abuse within the system. Greed causes some to cheat the system and/or disobey policies regarding fair trade. Power is a problem within all governments. Politicians often trade their integrity in search of advancement is their respective governments. Dictators such as Castro rose to power by dividing the Cuban nation and promising hope and change to the poor. These promises were quickly forgotten once power was gained. Pablo Escobar on the other hand, gave soccer fields to the poor but was a villain to the wealthy individuals in his nation. Jealousy is another temptation that is throughout many cultures. People often overlook the gifts God has given them and desire possessions belonging to others. The dictators motioned above, were also driven by jealousy of those with more wealth them themselves.
    tiffany smith

  7. As humans, we all have many temptations in life. God brings us to things to use Him to help us get through it, although we should use Him with everything, not just our problems. The first example I have is with dictatorship. The dictators would do cruel, malice things just for power. They wanted to rule everything, and they would do anything just for the taste of power. Next, we have talked about the love for money being a big sin in America. Anyone would do anything for wealth, as the dictators would do for power. They illegally sell drugs and illegally immigrate to become something in life. Lastly, Pablo Escobar is an example of sinful temptations. He sold drugs to become rich and had a futbol team to advance his popularity. He helped the poor, but the rich didn’t like him. He later became president so he wouldn’t have to get taken out and sent to the American jail because of drug trafficking. Later, they found him and he died. God brings temptations in life to make us closer to Him. We have to be strong and face them with the faith He gives us.

  8. There are many tendencies and sinful temptations that humans are susceptible to. Everyone wants money, or sometimes drugs but it matters how you control your minds and always put God first. I think many people in Latin America tend to do sinful things because they didnt believe in true God. For example, the dictatorship after the independence is one example of wanting power by taking people's rights.It started with good idea of helping countries in Latin America but it turned out horrible by the sinful action of only certain people that would affect millions of people. Another example would be capitalism. capitalism is also made with great idea of "everyone is equal"but turned out to be "everyone says everyone is equal." the main reason it dosent work is becasue rich people become richer and poor people become poorer. Even they say they distribute money equally but they actually dont. The government gets more money and take people's rights by forcing them to think of certain things. The last temptaion would be the drug tade in Latin America.He made people to have faith in him by donating money to poor people but the truth was just a way to not get arrested from America. When I heard about this story i personally think the government let pablo to do anything because he earns so many money and donates his money to the soccer teams and to poor people. so the tempation wasnt only Pablo,it was also the governemt. The reasons why we see these problems are simply cause they didnt have faith in God. Without God is like living without family.Its much more harder to live without him.

  9. Humans are Gods wonderful creation, but we are susceptible to sin. These are put here by God himself to test us. We are trusted by money, drugs, drinking, and sex. These are just a few, no matter how long we are on the earth we will sin. An example is then conquistadores they wanted to spread the word but by force. This is a sin, killing people for the Lord may seem right but when you think about it murder is wrong. Another example is dictatorship. Some of these dictators might have even gotten into office for a good reason, but all the power corrupted them. They don't care about the people anymore they care about themselves. The power and money have ruined them. My last example is Pablo Escobar. He was like a modern day Robin Hood, but Robin Hood never sold drugs. Although his intentions were right he went about doing it the wrong way. He gave to the poor and kept the country in shape but killing people and selling drugs was not the right to do that.

    Humans aren’t perfect; it is literally impossible especially with all the sinful nature that surrounds us. Individuals are different though, so one person might be more susceptible to a certain sin more than another person. As we have studied throughout this year, a constant greed for power and money quite has been quite apparent. When people see even a slight possibility to earn money or fame, they will immediately go after it, regardless of what it might take to obtain it. These people’s greed often blinds them from reality, and they do impulsive and horrid things to obtain their dream of power. Even if they do obtain the money, fame, and power, it doesn’t last or truly bring happiness.
    Pablo Escobar came from a poor, humble beginning. He wanted to escape from his situation of poverty and become rich, but felt like the only way was through illegal profits like stealing and drugs. Pablo was willing to disregard his purity to become rich because he thought the money would bring him a happy life. Not only that, but his greediness continued as he killed a vast amount of people on his way. First, his drive for money and power made him numb to any sort of purity. But he was also hurting others as he took away their lives for his own selfish desires.
    As a whole, the dictator era in Latin America was much like Pablo Escobar’s situation. Numerous countries had just gained independence from Spain and Portugal. While in their early years, many countries had dictators in control to help get them out of the poverty and poor economic situations they were suffering from. These dictators posed as reformists, and centered all the power into a small group of people. They wanted the power, but when they got it, they failed largely. Dictators can positively affect a country for a short period of time, but they wouldn’t give up the power they had because of greed and hurt many economies and countries as a whole.
    America’s economy is full of greed. Capitalism isn’t a bad system, but it leaves open and almost encourages greed. Companies like Nike manufacture in other countries because it is cheaper, but they take away the much-needed American jobs. Wealthy people thrive in capitalist economies because it is easier to stay wealthy, and their greed blinds America into not worrying about others who aren’t as fortunate. It is easy for those to be greedy and worry about only themselves while others struggle everyday to find a meal.
    Humans can very easily be tempted into all types of sin. When people are under the spotlight though, it is often greed and the desire for money and power that gets to them. History doesn’t lie, and has clearly shown that only the faithful and strong successfully remain holy in such a tempting world.

  11. All humans are tempted by bad things. It comes with our sinful nature. people constantly are trying to take control of things like money or power. It isn't good that we want these things but it happenes anyway because of the devil. A good example are dictators. Dictators take advantage of a country that is in need of help. Fidel Castro took advantage of Cuba and took over as leader. Sometimes people even use brute force and violence to get what they want like Castro.
    Another example is Spain. They came to Latin America and destroyed the Mayas and the Aztecs. They were power hungry and took advantage of the people who thought they were Gods. Spain and Portugal were both fighting for land. Then with the land they brought slaves and they took natives and made them work for them. They did this to grow crops that they couldn't in Europe. All because of money.

    Another example is the drug lords in Columbia. Especially Pablo Escobar who was the leader of the drug trafficking. When he was little he was very poor. he didn't want to be that way anymore so he decided to start selling drugs. his greed made him the worst criminal in Columbia. He was always trying to make more money and get richer. He basically ran Columbia. The police were afraid of him and the poor loved him because he gave money to them.
    The poor didn't care how he got his money because if they exposed him they wouldn't get any money.
    People are constantly having to deal with sin and greed. god has it here to test our faith and see if we would do the right thing.

  12. Considering that humans are not perfect, and we do sin, we are suscepitble to anything. Humans are suscepitble to greed, drugs, and the devil. Of course, we get tempted by these temptations alomost everyday, so it is important that we have a strong walk with God so that we do not fall into these temptations.

    An example of a human giving into a sinful temptation would be Pablo Escobar. Pablo is the notorious drug lord who killed many people. Pablo was a poor kid that grew up loving soccer, so he did many good things for Columbia. Anyway, he was greedy and wanted money so he fell into that greedy temptation and died in the end.
    Another example would be dictators. Yes, dictators can be helpful, or they can destroy. Dictators fall into the category of temptation of the devil. They sometimes want to destroy(like hitler and wipe out all the Jews), or they can be good.
    My last example would just be humans. They can fall into any trap, especially if they are not Christians or if they do not have a strong walk with God.

  13. Felton L Smith II said..
    Everyone has many sinful tendencies and are tempted to do sinful things. One of these sinful tendencies is greed. Some dictators start off attempting to help the people and have good intentions for the growth of their country. But as they move forward in their rule they gain a lot of power and don't want to lose it so they strike fear in people's heart so they don't try to take that power away. This extreme want of power and doing anything to get that power is sinful because you're acting as if you have more power than God or you're attempting to be more powerful. Also I think drug dealers do what they do because of the moony they get from it. They do it over and over again because of their love of money.But all of the bad people they begin to make relationships with can end up getting the drug dealer killed if they don't do what they want. This love of money is a sin. Also the dealer has no regard for the people he sells the drugs too because he knows what he's selling can be fatal. All he cares about is money and they end up putting that in front of God. Another event in history was when the Spanish came over to Latin America and invaded the the indigenous people's land they forced their religion and ways of life on the native people. The lord feels that you shouldn't be violent ever and that you should treat others as you would like to be treated. A throughout history humans have been known to be sinful and have sinful temptations when we really shouldvekept our eyes on God.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Everyone in this world is sinful. Everyone sins but it is up to them to determine what choices there going to make and how those choices will affect them. An example is greed, the desire to obtain wealth, goods, or things of value for your own gain. Some people like Fidel Castro take leadership and greed to another level. He told his people he will make their country better, and nobody has it better than them. What he really does is take their money and he doesn’t care who you are and what you do, as long as he gets his money and you’re not in his way.
    Pablo Escobar was also a greedy man and never knew when to stop. Sure he helped the poor in his country and donated, but he was also selling drugs to obtain wealth, which is illegal. What makes it even worse is that he didn’t care. If you got in his way, he would get his people and kill you. He was heartless and was only donating to have more people on his side.
    In the end, there is no reason for people to be greedy because it won’t matter. Greed is a sinful act and those who commit acts of greed will definitely have to answer to God.

  16. All humans can fall into sin and temptation. An example of that is the caudillos in latin america. After many countries had gained there independence, they didn't know what to do. So they decided to have dictators rise to power. They could have done the right thing and handed the power back once the government was settled but they were power thirsty and kept the power. Power is a big way of sinful tempation. Another example is the drug trafficking in columbia. Pablo Escobar may have helped the poor, but he still just wanted money. He stopped nothing and he was blinded by sin so he even murdered people for money. My last example is the U.S. economy. Capitalism isn't bad, but it can be a big temptation. It is based off greed, and people are just always wanting more. So anywhere from power to greed to money can really cause people to fall into very big temtation.

  17. Pablo Escabar was someone that had a very sinful nature. He would kill a reff because of a bad call. He only cared about money, drugs, and soccer. He let the money get to his head and he began to do stupid things out of ignorance.
    Dictators also had many sins in power. Many took the lives of innocent citizens. They did it because the power got to their head, and they wanted to make sure they could stay on top so they did stupid things so they could stay on top.
    Many people who choose to immigrate illegally are also driven by sinful nature. They choose to come to America illegally which is a sin. They had a choice and they choose the sinful way.

  18. Rachael Lewis said....
    As humans we are always going to struggle with temptations and sin. We have a sinful nature and the only thing we can do is ask God for forgiveness and accept that we act this way. One example that came to mind that shows our sinful nature is dictators. In my opinion dictators aren't a solution to any problem because they are sinners too and they can't lead us well. They just want the power and the fame they think they deserve. Another example is illegal immigration. I understand that they need to come to America for a better life for them and their family but, coming to america against the law is a sinful action. htey could of come to America the right way but, made the wrong choose. The last example is Pablo Escobar. He was a selfish, ignorant, and deceitful man who didn't care about anyone but himself. He sinned by trading drugs and killing people for no reason. This shows how we as sinful natured people give in to temptation. Sometimes we only look out for ourselves just like Pablo did. We will always struggle with qualities like these but the most we can do is lean on God for help to make the right choices that well help us grow with our relationship with God and grow as people.

  19. Allison Fiveash:
    Humans are like a bolder; they always have a weak spot and can collapse. Humans are sinful and no human on earth has never ever sinned but Jesus Christ. Every human has a weak spot and has greed. Greed is a horrible sin most humans have experienced in their daily lives. Greed causes people to do things they wouldn’t normally do. Humans are too greedy and they are not the people they want to be when greed steps in.
    Greed causes many problems in the world. For example, Pablo Escobar always wanted more, so he killed everyone who got in his way. Pablo always had problems with greed. He never was satisfied with what he had. When he was put in jail, he had a whole soccer field put in because he wasn’t satisfied with a regular jail cell. Also if his team wouldn’t win, he would bribe the referees and if they didn’t make the Columbians win he would kill them. Pablo Escobar had much greed and many South Americans had to pay.
    People are not who they want to be when greed is in play. The world is sinful and no one can resist greed. Greed is a tiger looking to attack us in the back. People don’t always know it’s coming and it can stab you in the back. Because of greed people have lost so much, friends, family, and even their own life. greed is unhealthy and it never survives with God present. Humans never know when greed gets out of hand because their life is great while others suffer.

  20. All humans are susceptible to greed, self-centeredness, and power-hunger. History has given several examples of people who gave in to these sinful tendencies.
    Pablo Escobar was a drug-trafficker who was extremely greedy. He sold illegal drugs so that he could become rich. His sinful love of money consumed him. He would do anything, even something illegal, even something that could potentially kill or harm someone, just to make money.
    Many European settlers gave into self-centeredness. They came onto foreign land, threatened the inhabitants with guns, and forced them to work. For example, the Spanish settlers forced the Native Americans in Latin America to help them produce sugar. The Spanish didn’t care about how the Native Americans felt about their land being taking over. They didn’t care about how unfair it was that the Native Americans were forced to work as slaves just because the high demand in Europe for sugar made it a very profitable business. They just saw an opportunity to improve their own lives; they didn’t care about anyone else. They didn’t follow the Golden Rule in the Bible which says to treat others how you want to be treated.
    Dictators are power-hungry. The caudillos and other dictators in Latin America may have started out with good intentions, but they eventually were blinded by the desire for power. They abused their power and took rights away from people. Also, they became paranoid and began killing anyone who threatened their power since they had become so attached to being in control.
    People are tempted by greed, self-centeredness, and power-hunger every day. Even though it is in our human nature to give into these tendencies, we must pray to God and allow Him to help us to remain strong and resist Satan’s temptations.
    -Logan Pearce

  21. Everyone eventually attempts to get more power through corruption because of their basic human greed. Pablo Escobar wasn't really a problem to the government until he started to corrupt the government and the people of Columbia. He tried to become higher and more powerful and because of his greed for more the government finally said enough is enough, and they tried to stop him. Pablo isn't the only one to commit sins before. The dictators of Latin America completely took advantage of their countries. They were so greedy and corrupt that they would steal money from their countries, and they would elevate themselves above the other citizens of the country. Their greed led to many of the being considered villains especially when they started killing people who didn't agree with them. The final example is Conquistadors who violently let their greed control them, and they wiped out multiple empires including the Aztecs and the Incas specifically because they wanted more land and power. They murdered and violently killed the empires of Latin America for their own corrupt purposes. All of these different examples killed and stole for gain power and to sustain their greedy appetites. It is easy to point fingers at these people, but they sinned just like every one of us has. All humans are born with these sinful tendencies and temptations and only through Christ can we be healed. If Jesus can forgive them, then so can we.

  22. Humans are susceptible to lots sinful desires. One of the main subsections is money. People are naturally greedy, we always want more for are selves. This is not always a bad thing. One example of it being good is in sports. In sports we should always want more, one more yard, one more base or one more goal. It’s that hunger, and that never being content that drives greatness, but it can also lead to horrific sin. A greed for money often can result in this sin. People like Pablo Escobar. Even though he gave the money for good and to the poor it was still sinful because it was and still is illegal to grow and sell illegal, unauthorized drugs. The other reason it is sinful was, he and his gang killed people and corrupted a fair system of government, to cover there mistakes. The extreme greed, doing whatever it takes to get it, for money is sinful and unfortunately many people succumb to this horrible sin.
    Another temptation is power. Being in power is not a bad thing, but it can get out of hand extremely quickly. That is why in America, we have a system of checks and balances, to make sure no one has too much power or too much authority. People like being in charge, making people follow your rules, and do what you tell them, but people get carried away sometimes. Like in the case of the Latin American dictators. They rose to power shortly after they gained independence, because they were power hungry and they drove there countries right into the ground, and its still happing today, take Cuba’s dictator Castro, for example. All the people in Cuba have suffered because of him. They can’t get modern day technology because he doesn’t like most of the technological advanced countries. Just an example of someone falling in to temptation to sinfully corrupt a country.
    Another sinful act humans often fall prey to is taking things to far, taking drastic, unnecessary actions on a small or non- important event. I know that I sometimes make a game or argument too far because of a since of pride, I would want to prove myself and come out with a reason why I was right or better.an example we have talked about is Andres Escobar. He was killed because somebody took it to far. He messed up in a game, he didn’t kill JFK or blow up a building he just made an honest error, and anyone who says they have never done so is a liar. Peoples sinful pride allows them to fall into the sinful act of taking things to far.

  23. All humans are sinful therefore, we could fall into any type of sin or temptations. We are all sinful the moment we are born, we don't learn how to be jealous or greedy, its just our human nature. One example in US history is the great depression. The main drive was the greediness of money. Many people were living the life, but not the life Jesus wants us to. Another example of a man who chose a wrong path, was Pablo Escabor. Yes, he helped the poor and made soccer fields around every corner. But if you really think of his legacy, all you think about is the killing, lying, cold blooded man. That's not probably the legacy he thought he would leave when he was younger... And he probably didn't think of all the people and friendships he was hurting because of his actions. The last example is a man who did not fall into the temptations and traps, even though surrounded by them, is Andres Escobar. Andres legacy was very different from Pablo's, both people lived in the same country, but both people had very different legacy's. Andres died as a hero because he made the choice not to fall into 'what the crowd was doing.' Everything is your choice, you can decide to make the right choice by the grace of God.

  24. Humans everywhere are susceptible to tmeptation. one major temtation humans are susceptible to is greed. All humans are susceptible to greed.Once we get alot of money or power we become corrupt. Pablo Escobar is a prime example. He had a bad childhood and began to sell drugs. Once he stated gettinng money he couldn't stop selling drugs, he strated killing people and thought the rules didn't apply to him. He was corrupt with power. Another example are the caudillos of Latin America. They were angry at Europe for their poor living conditions, but once they came in power they advantage of their people and did the same thing Europe did. Some of the dictators came into power with good intentions, but that just shows how susceptible we are to temptation. Another example is the celeberties or rappers in our country. Sometimes it seems likr the can't go five months without going to jail. It's because they have been corrupt by the money and the fame they have recieved. But sometimes we can help fuel their behavior. No matter what they do if they make a song we like we act like whayever they did never happened, instead oh holding the accountable. Thoose who are greedy really hurt themselves and don't really help their situation. Proverbs 28:25
    says "The greedy stir up conflict, but those who trust in the Lord will prosper."
    The verse is saying greedy people really cause more harm to themselves, but if you trust in the Lord you will truly prosper.

  25. As humans, we are very sinful people and will never be perfect. We as humans do three sins and those are lie, cheat, and steal. We lie because we are afraid of the consequences of our actions. By lying though, it just makes everything worse and we end up getting into worse trouble than before. This is like when Kobe Bryant lied about raping a girl and blamed it on his teammate. Cheating is another crucial problem with our society because we think we can get away with it. Though we may cheat and sometimes get away with it, eventually we will be caught and have to face the consequences. When Tiger Woods cheated on his wife he broke a serious commitment which is cheating. The next important issue is stealing which is the worst in my opinion because you are taking something that does not belong to you. An object that someone brought with their hard earned money and someone decides to steal it. When Bill Murray falsified investments, he stole citizen’s hard owned money which is wrong. All of these sins are horrible, but we cannot stop them because we are sinful creatures.

  26. hi.
    This year, we have talked about Fidel Castro, Pablo Escobar, and Spain taking over the land of the Native Americans. Fidel Castro is a communist ruler. He restricts people from leaving Cuba because of how selfish he is. In a Communist economy, you are not allowed to open your own business because the government owns all properties. You are not allowed freedom of religion because if the people realize what the Word of God is, they will understand that what the gov’t is doing in wrong.
    Pablo Escobar was a hero to the poor but a thief to the rich. He stole from the rich to give to the poor. Pablo probably believed that his deeds balanced out with doing something negative to the rich to benefit the poor. His country was oblivious to his schemes because he was a liar. I he’d made $2 million probably only 1million was made from soccer and the other million was made from selling drugs. Instead of ratting himself out about how he was so wealthy, he covered up his drug sales by saying that all of the money was made from soccer.
    In To Kill a Mockingbird, Atticus Finch tells Scout that she should walk around in another person’s shoes to see their perspective of the situation. Spain probably never walked around in the shoes of the Native Americans when they decided to colonize their lands. They probably wanted Gold and Glory more than they wanted to spread Catholicism.

  27. Humans are susceptible to all kinds of sin like drugs, money, lust for power , murder, etc. We are sinful creatures, that's why God sent his son. As humans we tend to do what pleases us like money and wealth. Take Pablo Escobar for example, he grew up poor and her decided to take from the rich and give to the poor. In his quest for money, he would murder people who were against him. He became so wrapped up in his sin and lust for money that her would throw people out and dispose of them like garbage. He was the boss. If you went against him, he took your life. The drug gangs didn't care if you had a family. If you argued, like Andres Escobar, they would kill you on the spot. All they wanted was money and power and had no remorse for murdering people as long as they made a profit. It's the same with capitalism accept they didn't go kill you if you stepped in their way. Capitalism is good for the economy, but many people fall under the temptation of money so they cheat people for their own profit. They will sometimes steal from others because they want money. The lust for more money which amounts to power which pulls them deeper into sin. This is not all true for all those who participate in Capitalism, it is only true for few who have fallen into the temptation of not being happy with what they have and will knock others down in order to get it. Dictators are the same way. They say they will do what is best for the country and then they get elected into office. Then they don't keep true to their word and become more hungry for power so they will hurt the county's economy and leave it in shambles, like Haiti. It was under a dictatorship after it's freedom from Portugal and now look at it. One of the most poorest countries in the world. Dictators will hurt their people to gain more power and not care about those who elected them into office, history has shown that multiple times. All humans are susceptible to temptations and Satan is trying hard to push us towards those temptations,. What we must do is go to God and ask for forgiveness and help, that's why he gave us Jesus. He gave us his son to overcome our sin and walk with him once more.

  28. All humans are susceptible to sin. In history, we have discussed several examples of sin and human nature. Pablo Escobar is one example of letting sin lead your life. Pablo Escobar was a drug lord and he killed many people along with drug trafficking. Pablo’s love of money misled him and he could no longer see right from wrong. Pablo would have done anything for his money and drugs and that didn’t do him any good. Another example of sinful tendencies is dictators. Dictators are willing to do anything to gain power. The caudillos started out with good intent but in the end they became power hungry and controlling. Dictators let their selfishness control them until they become a psychotic maniac. The last example, of sinful tendencies is how the Spanish treated the Native Americans. The Spanish came over to Latin America to colonize it. When the Spanish made it to Latin America they realized that there were already people living there. The Spanish rudely took over and made the Native Americans slaves. The Spanish fell into sin because they only cared about the glory for their country and not how the Native Americans would feel. Even though humans have a sinful nature we should count on God to help us.

  29. ✩ evan johnson ✩December 6, 2011 at 11:09 PM

    There have been many times when people have fallen into sinful temptations. Everyone sins, “for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23). Temptations come from numerous places but most of them come from peers. A time in history, when someone gave into sinful temptation was when those men killed Andrés Escobar. They didn’t take the time to consider the perspective of Andrés, his friends, or his family. Another example is when Spain conquered the Aztecs. Spain didn’t consider the perspective of the Aztecs. They were just doing what they thought would benefit them. The last example is when the illegal immigrants snuck into America. I understand that they were just seeking freedom, but that want fair to the immigrants who entered the United States of America legally.

    -✩evan johnson✩

  30. Humans have a history of sinning and taking God given things and turning them into something they are not meant to be. These are usually three things and they are money, power and land. Money was obviously not given to us as a sin but us humans have turned it into a sometimes unhealthy contribution to our society. Like in the Two Escobars they took money and changed a God given game of soccer into a drug-lord controlled game. Money got people killed, money at one point changed Columbian soccer. Money is a temptation, money was even used in the Bible. now it wasn't used in the same form that we use today in dollar bills, but they had forms of buying and coins that represented value, and it wasn't used like this.Another God given contribution is leadership.People always want power and in the Two Escobars, Pablo Escobar would do anything to gain power. He would kill people that opposed him, he got guns and people on his side. Now there were leaders in the Bible and they didn't gain there respected power by killing people. They gained it by being a rightful God chosen leader.
    Many years ago Spain and Portugal took over Native American colonies. They over powered the people living there by there weapons,and their knowledge. They did this all for land. I believe this was a sin because Spain and Portugal showed no care that there was a colony living there and showed the Native American colonies very little respect.
    Therefore thats why I believe money,power and land are the three most sin susceptible temptations things we have in the world.

  31. Humans disobey Gods word and fall into temptation very easily. That is not what God wants us to do. People are power hungry, greedy, and dishonest. Pablo Escobar was very power hungry. He became rich and took out anyone who opposed him. When the U.S. wanted to extradite him, he paid the Government to vote against it. He became too powerful which led to the U.S. getting involved. When the U.S. took him out, the balance shifted and more people committed crimes. The other drug dealers were greedy. They wanted to take away Pablo’s power and take it for themselves. Even though they were better off than everyone else, it still wasn’t enough. No matter how much power they gained, they wouldn’t be satisfied. The drug dealers were also dishonest on how they made their money. They would try to cover up how they really made their money, drugs. They would say they made more money legally than they actually did. They were completely lying to the Government on how they made so much money. These three sins are things that God advises us not to do.

  32. History has given several examples of people who gave in to these sinful habits or traits.
    All humans are vulnerable to greed, power-hunger, and self centeredness.
    Pablo Escobar was a wealthy drug-trafficker who was extremely greedy, power and money hungry. His sinful love of money consumed him. He sold illegal drugs so that he could become rich and powerful. He would do anything, even something illegal, even something that could definitely kill or injure someone, just for money and power.
    Many European settlers gave into self-centeredness. They came onto foreign land, threatened the people with guns, and forced them to work for no benefit for them. They knew it was not a fair fight, but they intimidated the Native Americansand forced them into slavery. The Spanish settlers forced the Native Americans in Latin America to help them produce, the main crop, sugar. The Spanish didn’t care about how the Native Americans felt about their land being taking over or the pain that they felt from disease and the loss of their rights. They didn’t care about how unreasonable it was that the Native Americans were forced to work as slaves just because in Europe, a place where they had never been before, there was a high demand for sugar making Europe a profit that won’t even help them. They just saw an opportunity to advance their own lives; they didn’t care about anyone else, but themselves which proves how selfish and self-centered they are. They say that they are Catholic and they follow God’s word, but in reality they are only following their own rules.
    Dictators are power-hungry. The caudillos and other dictators in Latin America may have started out with good goal to benefit their people, but they eventually were blinded by the desire for power and money. They abused their power and took rights away from people. Also, the shock of someone trying to take their throne made them go on a killing spree to kill anyone who they felt where a threat. The Dictators were shallow and insecure that was what led to to kill everyone out of fear and intimidation.
    People are tempted by greed, self-centeredness, and power-hunger every day because our role models believe, but too much of anything is bad. Even though human nature tries to give into these tendencies, we must pray and honor God and allow Him to guide us down the right path and to remain well-built in our faith and resist Satan’s persuasions.

  33. Harlan Kyle the GreatDecember 7, 2011 at 6:30 AM

    Human nature and sinful tendencies. Well, We kinda are all susceptible to everything. Greed, lying, stealing, jealously, etc. etc. We all have done pretty much everythingGod views sin all the same. He even says that no matter what you do or how 'bad' your sin is, He views it all the same - sin is sin. Some people are more susceptible to certain kinds of sin than others, but we all have fallen into it, which is all God sees. An example: When we shoved the native Americans out of their homes so that we could have more room for ourselves - Greed. That wasn't exactly the nicest thing in the world to do.
    another Ex: Slaves. Again, not the nicest thing to do. And even after the slaves were set free, we still were extremely raciest. I even think that now days we still have racism going around. Last Ex: I think we covered a bit of the holocaust and Hitler. He wasn't exactly the most charming man in the world. Sending Jews to their death for no good reason wasn't a very godly action now was it? This shows how cruel satin can manipulate humans like puppets into doing his will.
    All of us have sinned, and there is no avoiding that fact. Its written plain as day in history.
    This concludes the blog answer.

  34. In all cultures we fall into sin for certain reasons. Each place on earth has its faults. We all have in common some of the same sins though. I think with all people of all cultures, escaping from reality is a thing that everyone struggles with. We think that life is to difficult so we do drugs and other things to escape what is going on in our lives. This is a sign of laziness. People around the world are lazy and don't want to face the fact of real life problems.

  35. accepting temptation is one of mans fatal flaws. the devil tempted jesus in the desert but jesus was strong and avoided falling into the devils wishes. However for man it is not that simple, we forget who we are and the devil twists us to his wishes. some examples of these people are:
    1.) The prosecuter in the murder of Andre Escobar- The Galagon brothers tempted the prosecuter into convincing the court that they were not responsible for the murder but the bodyguard was. Even though the prosecuter was supposed to be truthful and honest he fell into the hands of temptations.
    2.) The referees in Colombia's soccer games- The refs were supposed to call a fair game, however they were tempted with money by the druglords so it was never close to a fair game because they knew it would not end well in the druglords team did not win
    3.) the other druglords besides Pablo escobar- after pablo was killed the many other druglords were tempted by the power that was up for grabs. they knew it would be dangerous but the money and power they would gain was a big enough incentive for them.

    This is just 3 examples of people being tempted into what most men want in the world, power and money. we'd all like to think that we are not susceptible to temptation's power, but it is sad to say that every human is very susceptible to these types of things.

    -jt morris

  36. Sin and temptation cause people to reject their past values and take on a sinful nature. This is showed when the Conquistadors came to Latin America for power and money. They were ruthless to the natives all for Three G's. Another example of sinful nature is fame. Andres Escobar fell into the fame temptation by visiting Pablo in prison. He felt pressured by fame to visit him after all of the time and money Pablo had put into their team. In addition, people lose their values when they want power. An example of this is the Dictators. When they wanted power after the revolutions but the people wouldn’t give it to them, they took it by force.

  37. Sin and temptation cause people to reject their past values and take on a sinful nature. This is showed when the Conquistadors came to Latin America for power and money. They were ruthless to the natives all for Three G's. Another example of sinful nature is fame. Andres Escobar fell into the fame temptation by visiting Pablo in prison. He felt pressured by fame to visit him after all of the time and money Pablo had put into their team. In addition, people lose their values when they want power. An example of this is the Dictators. When they wanted power after the revolutions but the people wouldn’t give it to them, they took it by force.

  38. all humans are susectible to sin. it all started when adam ate from the garden and it opened killing and a lot of other bad things into this world. people sin everyday by lying stealing and murdering. one example was when the spanish came in and wiped out the mayans, incas, and aztecs. i understand that they were not christian but i dont think god would have wanted them to kill all of them, thats wrong. the aztecs, mayans, and incas had sinful cultures to they are the ones who used human sacrifice to please their gods. the last example is the white americans persecuting blacks and killing them. they called themselves christians yet they hung and burned blacks.

  39. Sinful nature is human nature. Everyone has sinful nature in their lifes. Everyone had sinned in their life except Jesus. Three examples of sinful people are Pablo Escobar, the Galagon brothers, and the dictators. Pablo Escobar was a prime example of temptation. He was tempted for power and money. Also the Galagon brother were tempted for money and they were greedy for killing Andres Escobar and getting money. The last example is the dictators who will kill for money and power.

  40. Sinful natures of people are common occurrences in countries government and famous people. People tend to want power. Many dictators take power by force. They kill people and pay them to gain power. They do this and once they have power they use it to get money and make every one praise them. They can do whatever they want and if someone disagrees they kill them. It is a sinful nature to want power and abuse just for you. Many of the dictators from Latin America were guilty of this. They talked there way to the top and killed others in their way. It was kill or be killed.
    Another thing that people use is drugs. They disgrace their bodies and ruin them. Pablo Escobar is an example of this. Although he was trying to help poor people he used wrong means to achieve his goals. He killed many people because of his drug selling and many people’s lives were ruined because of his drugs.
    Money is another thing of sinful nature. People become greedy and do whatever they can to get money. An example of this is Pablo Escobar. He was grown poor and with little money. When he became involved in drug trafficking it was for money. He wanted to change his life and others lives.

  41. Humans all eventuall fall under the spells of either greed fame or power. We have learnd about several examples of this.Recently we learned about the two escobars. Pablo fell under the spell of greed .Once he started selling drugs and making so much money he was unable to stop. However andres did not get obsessed with fame.so many people get addicted to this fame ,but andres stayed from the temptation.The thirst for power was usually from the dictators.We have learned from Mr.Lezcano about his Cuban communist government and how badly he wanted to leave.when communist get all the power they abbuse it.They want control over everyone and everything and if someone gets in the way they elimanate them. All humans fall prey to these sinful addictions of greed power and fame. another example of what we have learned is the indeninous people of Latin america. They were stubbornly rooted in their belief of power.They wanted (especially the Aztecs) to rule the world.They became so interested in the power they would sacrifice people in order to get closer to the gods.They became so infused with the idea of power the started to consider themselves equal to the gods. Greed power and fame our sinful temptations that have happened animmense amout in history .As Christians we should try and avoid falling under these terrible spells.

  42. Many people are sinful in this world, and we have covered most of them. We fall into temptations. Recently we learned about the escobars. Pablo Esvobar fell under the power of greed. When he didnt get something he wanted, he killed them. Dictators were sinful too. When they had the power to help the economy, they abusedtheir power. They tookm advatage of the people & they used them. They took all of their money & stuff Sydney Wingate

  43. There are many sinful tendacies that happened in our history.Human nature does what we desire , not what is right in God's eyes. The spanish weamted gold and more country space , so they interrupted the comfotable lives that the Latins had. Pablo Escobar fell under lies, grief , and selfishness.The dictators under the Cuban society , took people's hope in life. Many times in our past history there has been sinful people making self-centered actions. Looking back in history at our mistakes, hopefully in the future all nations can become one , without the sins our human nature creates.

  44. many people have the tendency to lie. people lie to "try" to get out of a situation. some people lie to gain power or popularity, for example dictators like Joseph Stalin. another sinful tendency humans have is idols. many people struggle with this because they have a hobby or sport they are very avid about and love it so much. because so many people focus on so many earthly things they do not see gods powers and the work he does in their own and others lives. god gave every person there special talent and he wants them to use it to the best of their ability but use it for him because after all he was the one who created you and gave you that talent, and if it wasn't for him you wouldn't even have that talent. another common sin for humans is the abuse of substances, sadly, for many adults and some teenagers this is a problem. god made this earth for humans and put everything on this earth for a reason. he did not want us to use substances for wrong reasons for example, alcohol, drugs, technology, etc... God made every person for a reason and he loves each and every person even when we mess up and our sinful nature get the best of us, but god says he will never face us with a challenge we can NOT overcome with the power of god and jesus. unfortunately a lot of the time our sinful nature does get the best of us but god will always forgive us as long as we are sincere and love him.
