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Friday, November 4, 2011

U.S. History Question #6

Was the abolitionist John Brown a hero or a villain?

Pick a side of the argument and make a case why he should be remembered as a hero or a villain.


  1. I think John Brown was a hero in most ways. Something had to happen to end the sectionalism between the North and the South, and John Brown polarized the opinions of the people about slavery. If I were living in that time, I wouldn’t want a war; I would rather have a compromise, but if it came to war, then so be it. John Brown’s actions could be considered wrong, got him hanged, and ended any chance for a compromise between the North and the South, but I think of him as a hero because he wanted to do what was necessary to end slavery because he thought slavery was wrong. Some call him a villain or a madman, but I only think he was fighting for his beliefs. His actions might have been wrong, but I see him as a hero.

  2. I think that this is very opionionated question. I think this is an example of an eye for a eye. You shouldn't get someone back for what they have done.It isn't only the law, God also say this in the Bible. So no matter what the curcumstances you should not get some one back for what they have done. No matter what the extent of it is.

  3. John Brown had good intents, but he had a twisted way of getting them across. Brown said that he thinks all men, white or black, should be treated equal. I totally agree with him in this since.
    But after the Civil war began, he must have gone crazy. He would run into open fire and kill people because they had slaves. I don't think having slaves is a good thing, actually its awful, but law/war should decide their fate. Over all, even the south knew they would lose the war even if they won a few battles.
    John Brown claimed he was a Christian, and in God's eyes, killing is a major crime. Also, if he was strong in his faith, he would have known that everything will work out for the better. If it is God's will, let it be done. John Brown is a hero-gone-bad and I think he should be remembered as one.

  4. I think John Brown was a hero because according to some people, he was the single reason the civil war started. He took 13 whites, 5 blacks and two of his sons into battle to fight against slavery. They fought for about a week before he was caught and hung to death. He was very religious and stood up for what he believed. He thought slavery was wrong because all men are created equal. Some people may not agree on how he fought, but in the end he fought for his beliefs. Standing up for what you believe is not always an easy thing to do and John Brown died for what he believed in.

  5. John Brown became a hero using villainous ways. He tried to end slavery like any other Christian would do that wasn't in this time period. He spent all of his time plotting to end slavery. He even gave up his life because of it. He almost died in all of his other tries too. His actions did cause the war a bit though. However, he did have the best intentions.

    He shouldn't have used violence, and even if he did, he shouldn't have killed people. He could have taken prisoners like he did at Harper's Ferry. I wouldn't want him to still, but beating them up is still not as bad as brutally murdering those unfortunate victims. He should have thought before he acted. Because of his not-so-good ideas, other people died. People on his side and the other side died. His sons even died. The Civil War and tons of deaths are partially his fault.

  6. John Brown was a hero through doing the acts of the villain. He killed many, but he saw it for the right purpose. This purpose was to end the cruel act of slavery. I would say that John Brown was a radical abolitionists. He was the sort of person that would do anything to accomplish his cause. His extreme motivation and sympathy for the African-American population led him to kill many and eventually be one of the causes of the civil war.

    John Brown claimed that he was doing everything for God, and he also claimed that God was on his side. This was true in a way, but I think that he should have used less violence. If God shows mercy to people, then John Brown should have to. The slave owners that he killed were without a doubt guilty, but he should have not killed them. His goal was to abolish slavery, but he was stopped in hiss tracks when he was found guilty for murder. John Brown was later hanged. It depends on what you see slavery to be to decide whether John Brown was a hero or a villain. People that are for slavery will think of him as a villain and visa versa. Even though this is true, I do believe his motivation and courage in his cause motivated the North to eventually abolish slavery in the United States. He is an important character in the history of the United States, and slavery might not have been abolished if it wasn't for him.

  7. I believe that John Brown should be remembered as a hero. He had good intentions, but he went about trying to accomplish his goals the wrong way. He believed that blacks were equal, and he was going to fight for them. Brown thought that slavery was the devil’s work, and he was going to stop it no matter what. Although slavery is bad, there is no reason to kill someone just because they sin against God. We as humans are not perfect, and we will make mistakes. By choosing the wrong approach, John Brown single-handedly started the Civil War. His convictions were right, and that’s why to me, he is remembered as a hero.

  8. John Brown in my opinion died a hero. I think this because he was against slavery and did something about it. You could argue that the decisions he made weren't the best ,but he had a belief and wanted to do something about it. Also I think he died a hero because he was a reason for the Civil War. Some people might say "what", but the civil war was a key element into ending slavery forever. Lastly, I think he died a hero because what he did was wrong but his goal was the right goal. In the end, he wanted slavery to be ended, he just took different steps to do that. Also that doesn't mean what he did was right.
    Mitchell Ryan

  9. John Brown had good intentions but went about getting them in the wrong way.I think that he should have tried a different route. To me he died a hero but going about his heroism.He just wanted slavery to be over even if he had to do the wrong thing to get it to be that way.He took slaves into war to kill slave owners and he got caught quickly. I don't think that was his most wise move. He was eventually executed but to me he still died a hero because his intentions were good.
    Giana Darby

  10. I think John Brown could be both a hero and a villain. I think he was a hero because he had good intentions but I think he tried fixing them the wrong way. I think he could have tried to fix the slavery issue in a more peaceful way instead of killing people. But He could also be considered a villain because he killed people and caused a lot of trouble. This is why I think he died both a hero and a villain.

  11. I think John Brown was both a hero and a villain. He was a hero because he was an abolitionist, a person who wants to put an end to slavery. He was infamous which means he did something wrong before he died but is still well known for it. John Brown marched into Virginia with both blacks and whites and attacked a factory (which made weapons).He did this so that blacks could rise and kill all slave owners. He thought this would be a good way to end slavery. Later on, Virginia’s army found John Brown before he attacked and took him to jail. They later on killed him for what he did or at least what he planned.

    Mariah Cowan

  12. John Brown had good intentions of slavery. He wanted to abolish slavery; he just had a very odd way of getting his point across. Personally I believe John Brown was a hero. Although I think he is a hero, I still think he should have tried to abolish slavery in a different way. He murdered slave owners and set the slaves free. Eventually he did get caught and he was hung. Personally I think he dies a hero.
    Not many people in the deep south or and of the south, especially white men, weren’t going to stand up to try to abolish slavery, that’s why I think he was a hero. John Brown was a brave man to step up and try to abolish slavery, he didn’t believe in not treating all humans equally, although he murdered some humans but he believed he was fine doing that because beating humans and owning them is not right. I totally agree with John Brown and I’m glad he did that because that was a strong reason of the civil war which put an end to most slavery.
    -Olivia Nicholas

  13. I think John Brown was hero because he started the argument over slavery. He saw that slavery was wrong and tried to stop it. He was very religious so that’s what God wanted him to do. He took 13 white men 5 black men and two of his sons to capture an armory. Later when he was caught he gave a note to his black friend before he was hung. That note said that he thought that slavery was bad and it would probably end and it still hasn’t.
    When he rebelled even his sons died. That’s really standing up for what you believe in. John Brown should be remembered as a religious man, who stood up for what he believed in. Also he should be remembered by a villain and a hero because he was hero who killed people which is a crime. Finally, he should also be remembered as the basic start of the civil war.

  14. Even though John Brown considered himself a hero, he became one the wrong way. I think that he is a villain because he knew that this would lead to war. He pretty much raised the Confederate Army and got them wound up that there might be more attacks. So they gathered supplies and weapons and prepared for the worst. Even though John Brown provoked the Civil War, he helped slavery come to a quicker end. He thought he could help by killing, but it was a villainous act. He was a very brave man and helped slaves by sacrificing his life, and then it turned out bad for him in the end. I realize he had good intentions, but he just took it to far, and ended up murdering many.
    Jackson Hofmann

  15. I think John Brown was a villian because he did take a violent action that was not needed. He was viewed as a villian overall by the entire United States because of his effort to secure the armory for the weapons and then continue with the weapons from there. I do admire his will to keep rebeling even when his two sons died and most of his men died. However, he could have approached slavery through congress instead of taking in violent actions.

  16. I think John Brown was a hero, but some of the things violet. John Brown was against slavery and thought the only way to get rid of it was by bloodshed. He was right in saying this but his actions were wrong. The incident at Harpers Ferry was violet, but all he was trying to do was defend the slaves. He is a hero in a way because he was protecting people that needed help. He was also a hero because he risks his life for stranger. John Brown had good intentions but I guess he got carried away. John Brown killed some people, but sometime the hero he to kill his enemy to protect the citizens.

  17. I think John Brown was a hero, but some of the things he did were violet. John Brown was against slavery and thought the only way to get rid of it was by bloodshed. He was right in saying this but his actions were wrong. The incident at Harpers Ferry was violet, but all he was trying to do was defend the slaves. He is a hero in a way because he was protecting people that needed help. He was also a hero because he risks his life for stranger. John Brown had good intentions but I guess he got carried away. John Brown killed some people, but sometime the hero he to kill his enemy to protect the citizens.

  18. In my opinion John Brown was a hero because he was one man that really stood up for what was right. Now he probably could have done this without being so violent and killing a lot of people. Also he didn’t need to invade a factory for guns and supplies. He doesn’t need to fight, even though people say he is one of the main reasons that we had a civil war. So while many people do consider him as a villain because he killed many people. We have to realize the reason why. No one else would even think of standing up to other white pro slave owners. That would be unthinkable to anyone else, so he actually had courage to stand up for what he believed in he just didn’t need to do it in a violent manner.

  19. John Brown was a man full of great intentions, but I think he went too far. He wanted to end slavery, which is great, but I don't think he had to kill a lot of people to reach this goal. Before he was captured and hanged, he started a mini-rebellion with a couple slaves and around a dozen white people, and planned to storm Harper's Ferry Virginia, then travel through the South destroying all of slavery. Great idea, but I think that although killing a bunch of slave owners will probably get many slaves on their side, it isn't the nicest, easiest, or most godly way to sort out a nation's problems.

    He said he was a personal servant from God, who was told directly to stop slavery everywhere. I think overall he was in the right state of mind, trying to end slavery, but personally I think was a radical-abolitionist who would do anything in and not in his power to end this horrible deed. He died a loony man committed for treason, but he never stopped believing he would end slavery for good. he kind of did because he was one of the main causes of the Civil War Though he went a little crazy and overboard, I believe he should be remembered as a hero.
    Anna Kate Peterson

  20. I believe that John Brown was a hero but he took it to the extreme and behaved like a villain when he murdered people. It was good that he stood up for what he beleived in but he kind of went over the edge when he started killing people. I think of him as a hero because it took a lot for him to stand up against slavery and fight for the African Americans to be freed. If he didn't do this the Civil War may not have happened and the slaves may have never been freed. He should be remembered for what he stood for and for the cause that he fought for and not for the crazy way he went about it. John Brown was a Christian man who wanted everyone to be treated equal and he was willing to die for that cause and I think he is a hero for giving his life so that African Americans could be free to live life the same as the white people.

  21. I think john brown was villain because he killed several people even tho it was for slavery. He was thought as a villan and he knew that this was going to lead to war. He tried to end it his way instead of waiting for something to happen, he just caused the war to start sooner. He made it worse. I admire what he did but he shouldn't of gone on and killed several people.

  22. i think john brown was a hero that did villanieous things. he hated slavery and wanted it to end. he thought that god called told him to get rid of slavery. so he tried to take peoples lives to end it.

    he felt like he was doing justice to the people that deserved it. he felt like they needed somebody to stand up for the slaves and help them out.he was doing the right just not in the best way

  23. i think john brown was a hero that did villanieous things. he hated slavery and wanted it to end. he thought that god called told him to get rid of slavery. so he tried to take peoples lives to end it.
    he felt like he was doing justice to the people that deserved it. he felt like they needed somebody to stand up for the slaves and help them out.he was doing the right just not in the best way.

    john brown was a beliver in christ word but didnt feel like slaves desevered what they were getting. john brown felt like everybody was equal. he felt that no man should be treat lesser beacuase of race. he tought that people should love each other. when slavery started in the south it was like he was proned to go kill to stop it and try to hurt others to get slavery to end.

  24. I believe John Brown was a hero. He strongly believed in abolishing slavery, and he did something about it. His ultimate goal, ending slavery, is why I believe he died a hero. From start to finish he had his mind set on putting the struggle and hardship of our country to an end. He wasn't going to let anyone get in his way even if that meant he was going to bring murder into play. Some might say John Brown took his task too far, and I agree with that, but you can't call him a villain for standing up for what this country needed most. He took many sacrifices such as his son's lives and his own for the sake of his cause which is a sign of a good hero. Lastly, people say he started the Civil War. I would say that he played a role in starting the war, but the war was a reason slavery is nonexistent in the United States today.
    Jimmy McCarthy

  25. BY: Emily Kendrick

    John Brown was a hero in a majority of his beliefs. His cause to stop slavery, to treat them correctly, and to give the African-Americans freedom was the right thing to do. He has influenced many in his ideas to stop slavery, and this has more profoundly addressed the need to unite the union, as well as influenced more northerners to fight for the freedom of those who desperately deserve it. He put forth as much effort as to reach to the level of murder, which in all sane minds is never just or allowed, but his thought and emotions towards those being harmed were in the right place.

    As I said before, most of his actions and ideas were just and necessary. But I do know that he was too extreme in the ways he expressed his emotions. He should have never killed anyone, or used any violence in his rallies. Instead, even if his words would be less heard and not expressed so deeply, he should have gone to congress, written petitions, and used calm words to express his ideas. Even though I disagree with his actions, his heart was in the right place.

  26. I believe that John Brown is viewed differently by different people. People that were pro-slavery most likely view John Brown as a villain. They might view him as a villain because he was a cause of slavery to be abolished. They were angry because due to there slaves, there production time was faster, thus making them more money. Once slavery was ended, slave owners weren't making as much money as they were with slaves.This would make them not like John Brown.

    People that are anti-slavery would most likely view John Brown as a hero. The founding fathers though that slavery would just die off, but they were wrong. The north was free of slaves while the south was functioning because of slaves. John Brown played a huge part in ending slavery which the north appreciated greatly.

    I view John Brown as a hero who was willing to do anything to end slavery even if it meant killing innocent people. I also view him as the man who killed slavery, sparked the Civil War, and seeded civil rights. Without John Brown, who knows if there would still be slavery. John Brown made sacrifices for his country that resulted in the end of slavery.

  27. John Brown had good motives but bad methods. He wanted to stop slavery, and he even thought that violence was the only way to stop it. When Israel was conquering the Promised Land, The Lord directly told Joshua to attack the corrupt nation. God may have directly told Brown to raid the South and free the slaves. He had a strong conviction and became a martyr for it. Even though John brown is cursed for treason, the Civil War might not have happened without him. He knew that only fighting would get rid of slavery, and he might have been trying to drive the war on even if he knew death would catch him.
    I will always think of John Brown as a hero. No one knows for sure whether or not he was sound in his Christian faith, but if he was, he is a man worth remembering. Just because the government proved him guilty doesn’t mean he is. The government has made many mistakes. John Brown could be on the wrong side. Many figures including Paul and Martin Luther King used nonviolent protest and won out. John Brown may have been wrong, and he may have been right, but God had a purpose for him; John Brown helped cause the Civil War and get rid of slavery.
    Daniel Justice

  28. I think John Brown is a villain because he murdered people. He took his conviction to such an extreme, it was an obsession. Killing people is wrong and disobedient to God. Murdering a person means that you can't live or take another breath again. You can't feel the beating of your heart. He was a mass murderer, not a hero. Nobody should have to die because they just happened to be walking (or running) past. Too many people were killed because of John Brown. And I'm not talking about in the war. I'm talking about before the war even started. Killing is wrong, and I'm dead set against it (no pun intended).

  29. I believe John Brown was a hero in his beliefs, but a villain in his actions because he thought his purpose in life was to be abolitionists when it wasn’t. While he was focused on abolishing slavery something always went wrong. I believe the results of his actions, which were always corrupt was a message from God showing that this was not His plan for him. He was a hero because he attempted to do the right thing and abolish slavery. Although everything went wrong he was still a hero in heart.

    I also say he is a villain because God has a purpose for all of our lives and John Brown basically went against God’s plan. Whether he knew it or not he still disobeyed God’s purpose and plans for him. Yes he had the heart of a hero, but he still had the actions of a villain.

  30. John Brown is not a hero. He had good ideas, but the way he went about accomplishing his goals were not morally correct. First, because he thought slavery was wrong he decided to start killing all of the slave owners. Not only did he kill them, but he killed them while using God's name to justify his actions. That in my mind is worst sin of all because God doesn't want you to sin and saying that portrays a poor image of God into people's minds. Second, he tried to steal government weapons, making him a traitor as well.

  31. i believe he is a villian. although slavery was wrong, there should not be such bloodshed of innocent people. Using the bible as an escuse is wrong in villonce
