How does/could the current situation in Egypt affect the United States?
What is the Muslim Brotherhood?

This is for you (Whitefield students) and me (Mr. Baker) to take ownership of topics discussed in class and common to all of us. Giving me your prepared and educated opinion 13 times during the school year will help your participation grade. So thats 13 posts this school year to get an A on this portion of your overall grade.
it could affect america by it might create another afgan war. which we would have to send more troops over seas
ReplyDeletethe muslim brotherhood is a group who has been growing in the egypt area and if they gain control of egypt, isreal and many Christians are in trouble. the bible predicts this happening in the final days of the world. the bible says that jerusulem will be trapped in and there will be lots of persecution.
ReplyDeleteIt affects the US because groups that he connections to the Brotherhood, also have connections with the White House. This could lead to many problems within the US, if people start to rebel or if Muslims become extreme. Problems around the world have a big impact on the US no matter where they are.
ReplyDeleteThe Muslim Brotherhood is a group of radical Muslims that are gaining power in Egypt. They are opposing the peace treaty that Egypt has with Isreal, which could be dangerous to them, their country and the world. Right now, they are somewhat of a world-wide threat.
Quinn Larimer
prd. 6 2/16/11
This can effect the US because if the muslims have connection to America then that could lead to tha assassination of the president. Then this could cause world wide chaos. Also Egypt is one of the only allies that we have in the middle east now.
ReplyDeleteThe Muslim Brotherhood is a group of muslims that are extreme. They are starting to gain power in Egypt and they are starting to disobey all of the laws and treaty's.
This can affect the US a lot. If Egypt gets taken over my the Muslim Brotherhood, then Egypt will most likely attack Jordan and Israel, out only other allies in the middle east. Then it is possible that a war will occur with the US and them.
ReplyDeleteThe Muslim Brotherhood is a group a Muslims that go to the extreme to defend their choices. They do radical things, and are not afraid to hurt people or many people to get what they want. They are not only located in Egypt, but many other Middle Eastern countries as well.
Peter Keith
The Muslim Brotherhood is a group of Muslims that want religious dominance in government. The problem with their take over in egypt is the suez canal. Personally i think that is going to be the biggest problem when they jack up the prices to use the canal we will have a huge increase in gas prices. Also when they "infiltrate" the US they believe in suri law which is a very violent form of government.
ReplyDeleteWilliam Bell
Well if the Muslim brotherhood were to come to power in Egypt, that could take out some of the and then we have a large war on our hands. A war could start because the Muslim brotherhood could have more power against America. The Muslim brotherhood is the strongest muslim party in the middle east.
ReplyDeleteThe current situation in Egypt could seriously affect the United States. If the problem goes in the direction of leadership by Muslims, it could mess up the Middle East, and Israel could be threatened. In any case, the oil prices will go higher, and when the price of oil increases, the price of just about everything increases. If Israel should happen to fall, since it’s the only stable democracy in the Middle East, then extreme Islam would take over all the Middle East creating total chaos worldwide! The Muslim Brotherhood is the world’s larges Islamic political group, and the “worlds most influential Islamist movement.” One of their slogans is: “Islam is the solution”. There aren’t any leaders stepping up to take over Egypt now. The Muslim Brotherhood will take over if no one steps up first.
ReplyDeleteEgypt and the Middle East affect our country in many ways. First of all we depend on Egypt and that part of the world for one main thing, oil. Our country runs on oil, and if they cannot get the oil because of fighting then America is going have a fuel shortage. This means that gas prices would raise. However, having a fuel shortage does not just affect the U.S. It affects the entire globe. It means tractors can't get to the fields to tend to crops, it means ambulances cannot get to accidents and it means people can't get to their jobs, which hurts our economy even more. Another challenge one must consider is who will become the leader. Just because you get someone new doesn't mean he is automatically better. When getting new leaders one must take into account the fact that with new leadership may come new problems.
ReplyDeleteAccording to World Magazine the Muslim Brotherhood is a group of Muslim extremists. They are not afraid to go to whatever means necessary to get what they want. They are gaining power in the Middle East and are a large threat throughout the world. When talking about Egypt we as the U.S. cannot act as if this is happening in our own country. Egypt is its own country and has been for 56 years, therefore we cannot tell them who is allowed candidacy in the coming election.
U.S. Senator Saxby Chambliss said in an interview with Jim Galloway, "I don’t know if we could say if the [Muslim Brotherhood] as a whole is made up of radical Islamists. But that part of the world has a lot of extremists in it. And some of those extremists are members of the Muslim Brotherhood."
The Muslim Brotherhood is a group of Muslims who are very threatening to our country. They truly believe in their decisions and to show it, they go to extremes by becoming very dangerous with their actions. Muslims in our country are stereotyped and grouped and we set them with a specific look. Is it wrong? Stereotyping is not necessarily right, but in a situation to where our country could be in jeopardy, it seems smart. They received their stereotype because of their actions and what they have done in the past and I don't think we should forget that so quickly. The Muslim Brotherhood should not be considered harmless and I think we should keep a close eye on them.
ReplyDeleteWe depend on Egypt for many things but oil is one of the most important. If we didn't have a sufficient amount of oil, traveling and migrating would not be easy. We need Egypt for the sake of oil and other resources and without them, America wouldn't be running so smoothly.
Sarah Zschunke
The muslim brotherhood is a high ranking group of muslims that supposedly recruit others in order to join their cause and fight against whoever they see fit. No one truly knows if this is a fact or what their motive might be but we do know that they are causing a lot of religious war and trouble in Egypt currently. The war could affect America because since we've gotten involved a lot already we might just send more troops over there if things heat up more. It could even be a repeat of the Afganistan war.
ReplyDeleteThis affects the United States becuase if a war errupts in the Middle East, we could have to step in a help fellow countries. Thsi would burn our resources and put our troops in danger on the front lines. The Muslim Brotherhood is the best-organized Islamic extremist group in Egypt as of right now. The put the people of Egypt and nearby countries in much danger and have people fearing for their lives. Also they are trying to over-throw the government. This creates many dangerous protests and rallies in the street of countries.
The Muslim Brotherhood is not the type of people we want running one of our primary allies. Egypt is in chaos because of them. America need Egypt for all of its resources and I don't think the Brotherhood would comply with our requests. They hate us, and they make it well-known. The Brotherhood would make our position in the Middle East very tenuous. Unfortunately, I fear that things will only get worse in Egypt.
ReplyDeleteThis could affect the U.S. because we would lose the only "large" country that likes the U.S. in the middle east. This would make it easier for the musliums to take over Isreal. The muslim brother hood is a muslim political group.
ReplyDeleteThe situation in egypt is a bis factor in the us. they are one of the few allies we have in the midle east. we also get vital things from the country such as oil and stuff. also if we loose a respected country's alliance in the middle east than we make ourselves even more vulnerable.
ReplyDelete, ryan wesley,
The Muslim Brotherhood is basically a group of people who support terrorist groups. This could affect the U.S. mainly because if many people support terrorists then they would have more power. It would truly harm the U.S. if we had another terrorist attack like 911. Another reason why this could affect the U.S. is that a lot of what has happened is online. Posts online can be seen anywhere and people from the U.S. could get more involved if they understand what the problems are present. What is happening in Egypt is very dangerous, and in the future it could threaten the U.S.
ReplyDelete~Megan Schwarzkopf~
Period 6
The current situation in Egypt affects the US because we are friends with Egypt. If Egypt's government doesn't take charge of all the people and protesters, which it isn't, they can become very dangerous. It could start a war in Egypt and in the Middle East. Then the US would have to step in.
ReplyDeleteThe Muslim brotherhood is a group of Islamic extremists. They have relations with the White House and so that's bad because they could influence the US. They also had a big part of the egyptian government until they weren't allowed to be in the government anymore.
Kristen per. 5
This affects th United States greatly. First of all if someone who should not be in power, gets power it will majorly affect the United States alliances in the Middle East. If we lose Egypt one of our 3 allies in the middle East we will have virtually no help coming from there. This also could affect our personal lives. People could jack up import prices such as oil, which would cause America and us to have to pay more.
ReplyDeleteThe Muslim Brotherhood is a group of Muslims who are mostly radical. They do not like the U.S or Israel and support terrorists. People in America defend them while their goal is to harm Americans. If they come into power in Egypt it could be bad.Former President Mubarak outlawed them from the Parliment but if a Brotherhood member got into power they could wreak havoc on Egypt and its allies. Their influence in the U.S is also rising. The influence is small but could grow larger if they are not stopped
Cole Barber
Period 5
The chaos in Europe definitely effects the U.S. because somehow we are going to have to get involved. Our military may have to help them and that can weaken our country because we are not focused on protecting ourselves. Also we get oil from the middle east. And because of the problems going on over there they are going to raise the gas prices which means even more money is going out of our wallets when the economy is so bad for us. The Muslim Brotherhood is like a group of terrorist. They want to be the only people so they harm, kill and torture other people so they can become dominate. The fighting in Europe is a huge problem and needs to be resolved as soon as possible because the way things are headed they don't look good.
This could greatly affect the U.S. Our economy could be greatly affected by this event. Much of the world's oil supply comes through the Suez Canal. With the Muslim Brotherhood coming into power they could shut down this canal causing the U.S. oil prices to dramatically raise. This would damage our already fragile economy greatly.
ReplyDeleteThe Muslim Brotherhood is an Islamic organization that is very pro terrorism and hates Israel and the U.S. It could end up being a great threat to these countries and they could provoke a large war. Their influence is growing throughout the world and they must be suppressed.
The Muslim brotherhood is led by a radical group of Muslims who want to make Islam the dominant religion in the world since they will most likely gain lots of power. If Egypt breaks the peace treaty with Israel, the US will have to get involved since we are allies with Israel. If the Muslim Brotherhood comes to power Egypt will most likely be hostile towards the US because they will have the Islamic law.
ReplyDeleteThe Muslim Brotherhood is a group of Islamic people who want to make Islam the main religion in Egypt. The situation going on Egypt affects the U.S. because if Egypts situation were to worsen we would have to step in because we are Allies with them. It also could affect us because our main source for oil is in Egypt and if things got worse or the Muslim Brotherhood came to power they could choose to stop sending oil to us at anytime.
ReplyDelete- Rayna
the muslim brother hood is a branch of islamic radicals.nif they became the leaders of egypt they would compromise the freedoms of egyptians due to their beliefs. also since there is a link established between the muslim brotherhood and the white house the u.s. has some serious security risk. also the muslim brotherhood would have control over the egyptian military and egypt would probably be anti u.s. this means that the u.s. would be at high risk to a terrorist attack and other attack against freedom.
ReplyDeleteJake Fikse
6th period
if this were to keep going on. America would have to choose a side to help out. this would make the other side mad and be against America more. If we don't help the Muslim Brotherhood may take over and turn the country against us. the Muslim Brotherhood is is organization of radical muslims who do not like the US and want to get read of the peace treaty with Israel
Sage Blackwood
kristina harrington said...
ReplyDeleteThe situation in Egypt could seriously affect the United States. For example, the oil prices will increase. Therefore, the oil prices will increase in the US because we get oil from the Middle East. Also, with increased oil prices there will be a direct adverse effect on all aspects of the economy. For example food prices will increase, because it will cost more to transport goods. Lastly a war could occur which could require assistance from the United States.
The Muslim Brotherhood is a religious and political group founded on the belief that Islam is not simply a religion, but a way of life. It advocates a move away from secularism, and a return to the rules of the Quran as a basis for healthy families, communities, and states. The movement officially rejects the use of violent means to secure its goals. Many consider it the forerunner of modern militant Islamism
The situation in the Middle East could affect the U.S. in many ways. It has already affected us by the increase in gas prices. Since they have control over our oil supply, we could not have a lot of our everyday things like gas for our cars and anything that is plastic. The situaltion could also be bad for us if Kadafi stays in power. Because of our relations a few years ago, he might want to start another war. Muslum Brotherhood is a political and religious group that take their religion as a way of life.
The current situation in Egypt affects the US tremendously. The Whitehouse has connections with the Brotherhood. If something goes wrong, the US would be in danger.Womens rights would be lost in Egypt if the Brotherhood took over. National security would be in jeopardy. The Brotherhood would be in control of the egyptian military. The Muslim Brother hood is a group of Egyptian Muslim nationalist movement. They are commited to the Islamic fundamentalist cause and oppose western influence. The worlds safety depends on these months of protests and when they end nobody knows what will happen.....
ReplyDeleteMegan Fikse
World Cultures
period 6
One way the current situation in Egypt could affect the United States by making it harder to get oil. Therefore, oil prices will be be increased, which means gas prices will also increase.
ReplyDeleteThe Muslim Brotherhood is an international Islamic group that started in Egypt and promotes terroism and any other activity to destroy Isreal.
The muslim brotherhood is a group of people that are in Egypt and many other middle eastern countries. They harm people over religious and racial beliefs. If they do take control of Egypt and the other countries war might break out and could involve the US.
ReplyDeleteThe current situation in Egypt can affect the United States. The Muslin Brotherhood is a group of Muslims who are currently gaining power in Egypt. If the Muslim Brotherhood takes over Egypt, they could also take control of other countries and grow their group to be much larger. If they grow larger it could cause a world wide threat and chaos and they might try to control religion in the United States as well.
ReplyDeleteMatt Olson
Per. 5
The Muslim brotherhood is a religious faction that believes in Islam. They are currently gaining power in Egypt .The situation in the middle east could greatly effect the United States. If the shift in power transfers power over to the Muslim brotherhood the US could be in big trouble. First off it would counteract the US counter-terrorism with the rest of the world and we would be a big target for the Muslims.Secondly this could stop a lot of Christians influence in the middle East causing the world to be less Christlike.
ReplyDelete-Marcus Jones
The Muslim brotherhood are people who beleive in Islam and are earning power in the middle east (egypt). This could effect the U.S because if the power goes over to the Muslim brotherhood. It could cause Christians influence to change and terriost people.
ReplyDelete-Margaret R.
The muslim brotherhood, is not a good orginization. It basically makes more people convert to muslim religion. It is not good because the terrorists and freaky people are spreading and not as many Christians are forming because of this. thankyou
ReplyDelete-ansley tift pritchett
the muslim brotherhood is a not a kind, good, or caring orginization. I nthis article it is showing that they are potentialy a huge threat to the us. They are spreading quickly and gaining new members at an alarming rate, and they need to be stopped. I beleive that they need to be stopped because they seem to be a terriorist group that will threaten our safety.
ReplyDeleteaudrey garrett
Well since we are allies with Egypt it affects us a ton. Since the protesters overthrew the government the Muslim brotherhood will probably rise to power. the muslim brotherhood is a network of Islam extremist. Poeple that are suicide bombers and stuff like that.
ReplyDelete-Courtney Alexander
If the current situation in Egypt were to escilate even more, and Egypt was taken over by the muslims, the muslims would be able to take over all the land surrounding Israel and eventually take that over. We are allies with Egypt and Israel so we get oil and gas from them, so the gas prices would go up. If the Muslim Brotherhood took it over, Muslim extemists would control the middle east and most of the oil of the world.
ReplyDeleteBradley DAvidson
This could affect us a lot. Because if the muslim brotherhood takes over Egypt then they would have a chance of starting a war.
ReplyDeleteThe Brotherhood is an organization that is full of destruction and chaos led by Muslims that believe in Islam. They are a large group that are slowly gaining more and more control in Egypt. If they do succeed, it causes many things to be affected. It greatly affects America because the rumors surrounding the Brotherhood have said that they have connections involving the White House. The connections are said to have the power to lead to the assasination of the president and lead to destruct America's government.
ReplyDeleteKelsey Butler
February 25th 2011
Egypt is a major allie for the United Staes. They are one of three major allies in the Middle East. If we lose this allie, we may be in major trouble. Because of its key location and oil, Egypt is a major part of the United States. The Muslim Brotherhood is a goup of Muslims that’s goal is to make the world convert to Islam. They feel like this is the duty that they need to do for their religion and are trying to take over countries, mainly in the Middle East , that are trying to overthrow thei government. Another counrty that they are attemptog to take over is Libya. Both the Muslim Brotherhood is extremely important to the welfare of the United States.
ReplyDeleteGrace Langella p. 5
the muslim brotherhood ,some say, is one of the most organized islamic groups in the middle east, they are striving to take over in several places like lybia and egypt. Egypt is one of the biggest countries in the middle east, meaning they have alot of pull on peoples ideas about things such as christianity and the u.s., not to mention isreal. most of the countries surounding isreal are already hostil to it and isreal is not the largest countries, if you cant tell. In revelations it tells of an attack on isreal coming on all sides and the nations around it come down upon it. it is almost a sign of the end times. The middle east turning agianst the U.S. may hurt our oil prices and our trade with the middle east on a whole. If the Muslim Brotherhood takes Eygypt then im sure america wont be eygypts friend.
ReplyDeleteThis situation could affect America because if Egypt falls into the wrong hands, we would loose a strong and important allie. We need as many countries to remain pro-American and Egypt is a crucial country. The Muslim Brotherhood is a group of extreme Islamics who want to take control of some places like Egypt and Lybia.
ReplyDelete-Naomy G