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Sunday, February 27, 2011

World Cultures AND U.S. History Question #11

Click on the following link and read the article...


Then answer the following questions...

1. The boy wrestler issued this statement regarding his decision not to wrestle, "As a matter of conscience and my faith I do not believe that it is appropriate for a boy to engage a girl in this manner." Is his view of women truly Biblical?

2. Do you agree with the writer? Why or why not?

3. Would the writer have the same opinion if the boy was a follower of another religion?


  1. I think that Women should have the same importance as Men. Reading in-between the lines it seemed as if he was using the bible as an excuse on discouraging women. I personally disagree with what he thinks because in the bible it says that everyone was created equal. I also think that the reason why women weren't as important back in time, is because many people refered to the bible and how it says "men/man" and not "woman". But if you are truley devoted to being a christian then you will understand that God meant everyone not just one gender. So, if the writer where from a different religion then his views might be different depending on what religion he is refering to and what that religion thinks.

  2. i do agree with the boy. The Bible does not say to not wrestle girls, but it does say to flee from impure thoughts.If I were using "religious reasons", I would probably have talked about about the impure thoughts that might come up while being that close and personal with a girl. It might be silly to some people, but as a teenage boy, i can see that as a problem. He might have some other reason, but that is one idea I came up with for why my religion might keep me from wrestling a girl. I don't think it's right to pound on a girl either, but that is more from my opinion than my religion.

    I also do not agree with the writer. He is making fun of the kid about his religious excuse for not wrestling. Our country has the freedom of religion, so this boy is fine to exercise his without worrying about being made fun of especially by an adult. It seems people are more skeptical about Christians, even though they are tolerant of other religions. If this boy were Islamic, I don't think the writer would have been so interested in making fun of him because it is not politically correct in our country.

    Sage Blackwood

  3. I think it is not biblical. Women should be treated equal. He was thinking he should not wrestle her because she was a girl. He was acting as though he was better than her just because she was a girl and he was a boy. Then the girl beat him because he put his guard down. This probably really embarresed him and probably humbled him.

  4. Felton L. Smith II thinks...

    No because God wants us to treat each other equally but he acted as if she was below him and that she couldn't handle being wrestled by a boy.

    Yes and no because you shouldn't judge people by their race and their beliefs because the boy may not have been a Christian which means they may have different ways of thinking but the girl chose to do that and knew what she was getting into. So she should have the right to make her own decisions and if you forfeit your just making it easier on her to succeed in her goal to win and become a better wrestler and have a better record.

    No because he may not fully understand their religion and they couldn't criticize him because they wouldn't now what he was talking about

  5. I do think he is using the Bible as an excuse but wrestling is a tuff sport. Iam a wrestler and it can get really violent. I would do the same if I had to wrestle a girl because I want to respect them and not hurt them. The male wrestler was probaly coming from the perspective of respect not that much Biblical.

  6. I agree with the writer in this certain case. Though writers usually distort things I believe that their opinion is best. Nowhere in the bible does it mention that girls and boys can’t compete in a sport that they are both committed to. The boy should have considered the affects that his decision would have on the girl he forfeited to. Now there is a media buzz and she can’t get out of it. She must also feel embarrassed that the boy basically said he above wrestling her. He put her below in ways that go against the bible and what Christians believe in. We are supposed to treat each other equally and I believe that he acted against Christianity. The girl signed up to wrestle, she knew what she was getting into he had no right to humiliate that way. The media would have perceived him in the same way no matter what his beliefs but they might have hit him harder because he expressed his opinion through his beliefs. However he should not have been put in a position like that. It was unfair for him to have worked that hard only to draw out. The adults should have intervened, for he was too young to make a decision like that. Still, he should have wrestled her in the perspective that she would suffer from is decision as he would.

  7. No it is not bibical because we are told to treat everyone equaly. He should not of backed down. She wanted to fight so she should of been let to. It wouldn't be faire to say that she can't play because she is a girl and it isn't be faire to say that the guy couldn't try to win. The girl could be stornger than him but they woldn't of found out if they didn't compete. SO if the girl wants to wrestle she should be able to do it.

  8. I believe that neither the boy or the girl did anything wrong in this situation. The boy must be truely commited to his religion. To give up everything you have wanted because you do not feel as if it alright for you to wrestle against a girl is an honorable thing to do. The boy must be very strong in his motives and beliefs and to go far, you have to believe in something.

    I also think that if the girl wants to wrestle she should be allowed to do it. Women should have all of the same rights as men. If a girl wants to fight in the army, she can. If a girl wants to be a fireman, policeman, or any other defender of people, she can. If we allow girls to fight in the army and risk their lives for their country, then why can't they compete in a high school divison wrestling team?

    I think that the writer was right about the girl, but incorrect in his view of the boy. It was the boys own desicion not to compete against the girl and he should be able to follow his morals without being ridiculed for it.
    -Grace Langella p.5

  9. I believe he is right. This has nothing to do with equal rights. It is about religion, and no matter what you take of it he is trying to follow what he believes in. That is the honorable thing to do. I think it is also biblical, and men shouldn't engage in wrestling with women. It would be awkward and it would be frowned upon in most modern societies.
    The writer is wrong, and is just trying to stir up some media. The media is trying to make and interesting story. They shouldn't be criticizing this guy on behalf of his religion. That is insulting to his whole religion. If they did that to Christianity, that writer would be fired. The whole thing is a news story that has completely gone wrong.
    I don't think he would be writing this if it was a about a major religion. He would be protested and fired. The writer might even be in one of the major religions and that might sway his opinion. I believe that as a Christian it is not my place to criticize other religions.

  10. I feel his view of women is biblical. While it may not say "do not wrestle women" he felt it was not honoring women. He claimed it was not the right way to respect them. Besides the fact that you are wrestling and touching a girl you are also physically harming her.
    I do not agree with the writer. He seemed to feel that just because she was a tomboy that it was ok. If she is a tomboy she is still a girl and is viewed as one. The writer did not agree.
    I feel the writer would have the same view if he was another religion. If he was muslim then the writer would still be confused because their religion does not give religion .On the other hand he may would not agree. I feel it would depend on the religion.
    Cole Barber
    period 5

  11. The boy wrestler's opinion of women is not Biblical; it's a twisted interpretation of respecting women. If the girl wanted to wrestle, he should have respected her decision and wrestled her. Even though he is truly devoted to his religion and that is honorable, he should not have refused to wrestle her. He should have foreseen the media hurricane and emotional consequences (girl's embarrassment/humiliation) that his actions caused. God's plan was for men and women to be treated equally, but that is obviously not the case in today's culture.

    I agree with the writer because the boy should have wrestled the girl and respected her decision, but I also think the writer criticized the boy too much. The boy made the wrong decision, but he thought he was making the right one based on his religion, and you have to respect him for that.

    The writer would not have the same opinion as the boy if he was a follower of another religion because different religions have different beliefs, values, and morals.

  12. I am not sure what to say because this seems to me more like a moral issue if anything more than a religous issue. I believe you sould respect women but by deniying to wreastle the girl he is in away disrespecting her this can be looked at from numerous standpoints for example I could say that Galatians 3:28 says "There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus." However I would have to say that this is a moral belief for him.

    Even though im not sure if this is religious it seems to me that the writer is implying that religon is being used as a cover so I dont agree with the writer because he is sort of making a joke out of the whole thing.

    Yes because the writer thought this was just another oppertunity to dicount a religous argument.

  13. 1. I think that to wrestle women is not biblical. We should treat them as equals and respect them just as much as any man, but to wrestle against one would be to much, at least for me. This may just be a moral decision that is totally my opinion, but I think women should be treated equally, but God made men different from women and that it should stay separate. Then again you could say that for any competition, so truly i don't know.
    2. I think the writer was a little harsh, or at least bias towards the boy. I agree with the writer but he/she put it in a way that seemed mean and unkind. He could have put multiple other ways, but he/she didn't.
    3. The writer would have probably had a different opinion if it were a different religion. The Christian religion is not respected at all nowadays, and that is nobodies fault except the Christians. By the way we have been acting nobody believes Christianity is a sacred religion and it should be taken lightly.

  14. I believe that males and females are created equal. Don’t get me wrong on that. However, I would not want to wrestle a girl. I know, since I am a wrestler myself, what goes on, on the wrestling mat. I would no wrestle a girl, because I don’t believe it is biblical to touch a member of the opposite gender in that way. When you wrestle there are multiple “nasty” things that go on. Some of them are, putting your hand in between their legs, you putting your head in-between their legs, having face to face contact, hip riding (which is basically being behind the person, with your arms around them and your hips touching their hips), having someone on their stomach on your back, the possibility of one of their body parts in your mouth (especially the chest and arm pits). I wound not want any person of the opposite sex doing these things to me. Lots of times in wrestling you try and grab any body part you can on the other person. If you grab the wrong place on a member of the other sex, that is like sexual contact. God says in the Good Book that we aren’t supposed to do that until we are married. That to me is like sexual immortality. Wrestling is a tough, violent sport. I wouldn’t want to hurt a girl. That is extremely rude. I believe that the writer would have had a different opinion if he was of a different religion.

  15. Harlan..........(Wait for it)..............KYLE!March 2, 2011 at 6:55 PM

    Well, it depends. The bible does not specifically say 'don't wrestle with girls', but if he feels that it would be wrong to , then he should follow that instance. Yes, guys should not get into a fist fight with girls, but Casey is a wrestler-she is ok with wrestling. He shouldn't be worried about hurting her or anything like that, but if God is telling him not to , then he shouldn't do it.
    Now I don't agree with the writer. This writer only showed one side of the story. Im sure that there are many other reporters that have written things from the guys side. If the guy was from a different religion, then I don't think the article would be any different. This writer seems to focus more on the fact that the boy didn't want to fight her - not his reasons behind it.

    This concludes my blog answer.
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    Thank You.

  16. I think the boy had a lot of courage to forfeit the match and i admire him for that. He strongly believed that he was not supposed to fight the girl because it dint seem right to him and he respected her. Although in the bible is doesn't specifically say men are not allowed to fight girls its more a matter of respecting the girl. Men are meant to fight and women are supposed to be respected. The writer was completely wrong. HE obviously was not a christian or if he was he wants a very good one. He totally made fun of the boy wrestler because of his belief and that was wrong. The boy was aloud to have his own opinion and should not have gotten ridiculed for that.

  17. I believe that everyone is equal. Girls can do everything a boy can do. Although there are some things I don't think that is right for a boy to physically fight or wrestle a girl. Its amazing how brave she is, but I would consider that she wrestle girls and guys wrestle guys. If it involves girls getting hurt then i advise them not to encounter with each other. I'm not saying guys are always tougher than girls....i'm not saying that at all. Some people may think I'm being unchristian by saying thats its not right to be equal in sports. It's like some sports guys shouldn't be in and girls shouldn't be in together. Another point is saying a guy shouldn't be on a cheer competition and I agree thats a girl competition not a guys. Just as wrestling is a guys not a girls. Everyone can have there opinion without being judged and the writer shouldn't been so harsh. -Mallory

  18. Biblical. God made everyone and loves them in the same way, and doesn't value anyone more than another. I have never heard of a passage in the Bible saying that women can't wrestle men, so I don't see what is wrong with it. Yes wrestling is a contact sport, but both of the competiters went into the contest knowing that. If Joel could get a redo, I think he should have wrestled Cassy.

    I think that the writer is right when he thinks that Joel should have wrestled Cassy. It was Cassy's decision to come into the contest, and she knew what could happen, so I think Joel should have respected her decision more. Still, I think that the writer was a little hard on Joel, because he had a tough decision, and its a decision I would not want to be faced with.

    I think that the writer might have had a different oppinion if Joel was a follower of another religeon. I think that he may have respected the decision if Joel did follow another religeon. Personally, I think that the writer was trying a little bit to make Christianity look bad.

  19. I think that it would be okay. I don't know a verse in the bible where a woman can't do a contact sport or wrestle with a man. Everyone is equal so why change the rules just in wrestling? I do agree with the writer. Cassy and Joel should have wrestled. But, He really sounded like he was saying christianity was bad because Joel did that. Not all christians are the same and forfiegthing a match doesn't make Joel and his family bad people. I think it would be different but not that much if Joel was another religeon. If anything, I think he would have been even meaner to another religeon.

  20. No, he looked down upon women. He thought that he was too good to wrestle a girl. The bible says that all people are created equal. He was ranking himself higher than the girl. I agree and disagree with the writer. I think that the boy should face the girl if she really wants to. She signed up for wresting and knows what she was getting into. The writer still needs to cut the boy some slack. He didn’t want to be responsible for hurting a girl. The writer can’t judge the boy when he wasn’t in the same situation. He might have done the same thing if he had the choice. I think that different religions might change the writers view of the situation.

  21. The bible says to respect others. But it was the girls choice to wrestle and he needs to respect her choice. He should have wrestled her since she made the choice to start wrestling which is mainly a guys' sport. She knew that she would be wrestling boys and she was ok with that. The boy should have respected her choices and just wrestled her.
    I do agree with the writer. She was right when she said that respecting Cassy would have been to wrestle her. The problems that the situation caused for Cassy were enormous and they weren't even her fault. The reporter was a little hard on the boy though. He probably didn't feel comfortable wrestling Cassy and used religion as an excuse. We as Christians need to respect the boy by respecting his decisions.
    I think that the outcome would have been different if the religion were different. People tend to be kinder and more understanding towards other religions. People feel that Christians are hypocrites so they don't respect their choices and opinions all the time.
    Quinn Larimer
    period 6

  22. I think he should have wrestled her. He knew she wasn't new to wrestling and he wouldn't have hurt her that bad. Though if it was obvious that he could have wrestled her and seriously injured/paralyzed her then it would have been acceptable for him to default. But as he said, she wanted to take a risk to do a sport she loved. Him saying it was "against his faith" was just an excuse. God tells us to treat everyone as equal to another, but he treated her like she was weaker than him.

    I agree with the writer for many reasons. He was right when he said honoring Cassy would be to fight her. Also that is what she wanted to do.
    I also think the writer would have a different opinion if the religion was different. Because other religions might say to treat women in different ways.

  23. God made us all equal so it should not matter if it was a girl or a guy he was wrestling. Girls can do anything a guy can do. It was the girls choice to wrestle so the boy should have wrestled her. She knew what she would be getting into if she joined wrestling.
    Yes, I do agree with the writer. No where in the Bible does it say that men can not wrestle girls. The trouble it caused the girl was not her fault and there was no way she could of controlled it. Yes, I do think that the writers opinion would of changed if the religion were different. She probably would of been kinder towards the guys reasons because of the religion.
    -Rayna M.

  24. Yes god made evreyone equal but come on we are not the same if this is such a big deal they ned to separait wrestleing turnaments. If i was in the guys position i would probabaly forfit also. They put the boy in a wierd position and he decided to not wrestle her and they blew this out of proportion.
    william bell

  25. I think it is Biblical. When me and my brother start to wrestle my dad says he can't hit me because I'm a girl. But I don't think that boys are better than girls. A girl can fight just as good as boy can and we can look better doing it. In some cases I agree with the writer, but I don't think whoever set up the matches shouldn't have done that. I'm not sure if the writer would have a different opinion.
    Ellie B-)

  26. I think the boy’s view of women is not Biblical. God said that everyone is created equal. Boys and girls can do the same activities and sports. I agree and disagree with the writer. I agree that the boy should have had a little more respect for the girl, but the writer is being harsh towards the boy’s religious reason for not wrestling the girl. The boy should have competed with the girl. Cassy really wanted to win and with the boy refusing to wrestle her created a huge mess. The writer would have had a different opinion because the writer has different opinions on different religions.

    Megan Fikse
    World Cultures
    Period 6

  27. John Canon Brody Cantrell(MIDFIELDER)March 3, 2011 at 5:28 PM

    Yes, I think it is biblical manner to do what he did. I agree that he should of gave the girl what she wanted and fight her, but i also think he should not have in a few ways. Up until the 20th century men thought women should stay in the house or farm. Now that has changed and they have the right to play any sport they want, but i also agree with the boy in not fighting her. so it is an even tie of what i agree on...

  28. The boy should've restled the girl. If his mindset was right he would not think about bad things when he restled her. His statement isn't Biblical because everyone is equal. She chose what path she wanted to take and stuck with it, even if it meant ridicule. But I think the author was a little harsh on the guy, just because he backed down for religious beliefs. I mean everyone is entitled to their own choices, but he could've wrestled the girl. The writer said it was wrong to back down just because of religious beliefs, but it isn't if you believe strongly in what you believe. The writer may have a different opinion if the boy was a follower of another religion.

    Kristen Fikse. per. 5

  29. I believe that the it is truly biblical to treat women equal and yet with great respect, In the world system and timing of WW1 women were being regarded more and more of equals with men. In Gods order and perspective he says that women are " fellow heirs with men". He also says that when he created both man and women he created men to fulfill a certain will and call in relation to a women. I agree with the writer because it is Gods view of women equally skilled they are created to complement one another not fulfill the same rolls. The writer would probably not have the same view because it would not be biblical. IN summary, I am surprisingly encourage that someone would stand to oppose the worlds system and stand for Gods perspective on men and women.
    Rachael Lewis:)

  30. I believe that men and women are both created equally. I think the boy should have wrestled the girl, because he was obviously underestimating her by thinking he would hurt her or all of the negative effects. The girl could have easily beat him. Now I respect that he cared for the girl, and didn't want her to get hurt or anything, but i still think he should have honored her opinion and wrestled her.

  31. The girl can be just as good as the boys. He should have wrestled the girl because if she didn't want a fight she wouldnt be out there. he underestimated her. The writer might have changed the beleifs if it was not christian based but he should have fought.

  32. 1. It is not in the bible about that girls fighting guys is wrong it doesn't even speak about it so the Boy is wrong about that but the bible does tell you to respect the other gender so not fighting her he respected her.
    2. the writer is mainly focusing on how the boy was scared to fight a girl when he didn't want to because he respected her. Maybe he should of wrestled her because it was a tournament but I do not agree with the writer.
    3. I'm not sure because it depends on the writer's beliefs but probably so because no religion talks about girls wrestling.

  33. Anonymous.....actually it bethany van rensburg!!!March 3, 2011 at 6:38 PM

    I think that there are two sides to the story. In the bible it doesn't say that ''you may not wrestle girls in tournaments'' but I think that girls can do whatever boys can. I disagree with the writer. He shouldn't be so angry at the poor boy for not playing in 1 tournament. The boy should have still wrestled so that everyone wouldn't get into a riot. But then again he might go easier on her then he would do to a boy. If they make it such a big deal of refusing then we should split up wrestling matches. The writer presumably has different religious views. If he was a Christian he wouldn't be so hard on the boys faith.
    -The one and only
    Bethany Van Rensburg!!

  34. i think that the boy was right and wrong at the same time. I do think that the boy was right in trying to respect her and himself by not wrestling. When people wrestle their bodies come in contact all of the time. So I do see exactly where the guy was coming from.
    Also on the other hand if the girl wants to come and get involved in a mostly guy sport she is going to have to take the pain and she is going to have to get up close with a bunch of guys so that is up to her. So there is a right side on both of the parties in this case.

  35. 1. I do not think that the choice that the boy made was biblical,but that is what he believes in. I feel that neither of the two competitors did anything wrong, they were just going with what they believed in. God says in the Bible that everyone is equal, therefore, in my opinion, the boy should have wrestled Cassy.

    2. I do believe that the boy should have wrestled the girl, but I don't think that it is right to make fun of the boy. The writer should have put it in 'nicer' terms because the boy was just going with what he believed in. Therefore I disagree with the writer.

    3. I don't think that the writer would have a different view if the boy was another religion. The writer was mainly making fun of the boy because he thought religion was a 'lame' excuse. What the writer said was not exactly thoughtful, but the boy should have wrestled Cassy.

    ~Megan Schwarzkopf~
    Period 6, World Cultures

  36. The Best Chica in the World.. MIkaela McalpineMarch 3, 2011 at 7:27 PM

    No, I do not believe that his biblical view of women is true because in the bible it does not say that men cannot wrestle women. Yes, I agree with the writer because the boy did not wrestle the girl based on his religion. I would say that it depends on religion that the writer is writing about. In Islamic religion men aren't supposed to touch women outside of family, but other religions can. So, it is pretty much based on religion and what you believe. When the boy says "As a matter of conscience..." he's talking about his morals. I think his descision is based on morals too.

  37. JT says the following:
    I think that his view of women is not biblical. women should have all the same rights as men. God doesnt say that they should be different except that the men were the hunters. That joel kid was just afraid to wreste a girl because if he beat her then people would say he beat a girl. However if he lost the would say he got beat by a girl. I n the first place there should be nothing wrong with that but thats how we think.
    I believe that the writer is totally wrong. first of all if hes not a christian he has no idea if this was truly against the wrestlers religion and the writer made it sound a little dramatic.
    Agian if he was Hindu or Ammish, the writer had no idea what the guidlines for the boys religions were sohe shouldnt have been talking about whether it was right or wrong.


  38. I think his view of women is definitely true. In the bible, it says that men are supposed to respect women and protect them. I really don't think wrestling is a sport for girls. I wrestled for a year and it was miserable. I will never participate in that sport ever again. I do not agree with the writer at all. If I were this guy a would forfeit too. Real men don't hurt girls. I think if the writer had the same morals as me then he wouldn't have said what he said.

  39. I think they boys view of women is completely Biblical. While nowhere in the Bible does it say specifically, "Don't fight girls," it does say to respect women. I don't think someone could be respecting women by fighting them. I do not agree with the writer because he makes the boy seem like a whimp and disrespectful. He is the complete opposite of both those things. I am sure it took a good bit of courage to fight a girl and he was respecting her by not fighting her. People seem to be more attacking of Christianity than any other religion, so he could be making fun of the boy simply because of his religion. However, there is no way to know for sure what religion he is from and what religions he woulf lash out at more than others.

  40. I think that both the boy and the girl were right in a sence. But the Boy was the most right. He didnt care what anybody thought of him or if he lost his dream. He just cared about being respectful. i thought that his only mistake was he didnt even ask the girl her oppinion on the whole idea. he should have just asked her what she thought would have been more respectful. But i also think that the girl and her dad should have been a lot more thankful for the bouy's sincierety. I didagree with the writer because he was bagging the idea of what the Bible says about being respectful to women.

  41. In order to determine if the boy’s view on not wrestling was truly Biblical, is to examine the boy's honest intentions, but only God can truly do that. If the boy was truly praying about the situation and asking God for advice, then the boy was completely right in his deed. The Bible also says: “A kindhearted woman gains respect…” (Proverbs 11:16). However, the boy may have made this decision because of fear that a girl would beat him in wrestling and just said it was through a Biblical view as an excuse. We can never know for sure. I disagree with the writer, because if this boy is truly a Christian, then God did not want him to wrestle in that match for a reason, but the writer is not thinking about respecting girls or God’s plans, but all he is thinking of is aggressiveness and competition. I don’t think the writer would have the same opinion if the boy was a follower of another religion because, in recent years, it has not been popular to be a Christian, but it has been popular to mock Christians.

  42. I think the boy strongly believed in what he was doing because he did not go with the peer presure instead he said what he was going to do and stuck with it. I believe he was wrong though in his veiw of women. despite the fact that he was wrong though the writer was too harsh on the boy because he was not in that persons position. I dont think it would have mattered though what the boy believed in the writer was just going to make the boy look really bad

    Charlie Money

  43. ...evan christopher johnson B-)March 3, 2011 at 9:27 PM

    I think that he made the right decision by not fighting her for two reasons. The first reason is because men are supposed to treat women with respect. The second reason is that if he did fight her, people would look at him as a bad person and he would probrobly make his life extremely hard.

    I don't agree with the writer because I think that wrestling her wouldn't have proved anything, but his choice not to wrestle her showed that he didn't care what people might say about him, he just wanted to do what he thought was right.

    I don't think that the writer would say something different to someone of a different religion, I just think that they were trying to find a way to make him look bad.

    -evan christoher johnson B-)

  44. Ni1_e 8all and if you can't understand it's okay cause there are other like you it says Nile BallMarch 3, 2011 at 9:33 PM

    Actually since I don't know what religeon the boy was I have to agree with the writer. If the boy was a Christian then I think that he should have wrestled the girl. But i do respect his decision because he didn't want to hurt the girl, so he would have to go easy on her. But whats the point of going easy on someone when they're giving their all, you might as well forfeit, which was what he did. If I were him I would have fought her because she can make her own decisions and she knew what she was getting herself into. I do respect girls and I so realize that that would be disrespecting them , but she knew what she was doing and I also have to respect that she's a fighter just like me and she wants to see who's better just like me. And the only difference is tht she's a different sex.

  45. Kristina said...

    I believe he has respect for women He was also biblical because in Proverbs 31 it states that women are like precious rubies. Therefore, I disagree with the wrighter because I think the boy showed a lot of respect for the girl. He was looking out for her and did not want her to get hurt. To be able to determine if the writer would have a different opinion based on the boy following a different religion we would have to know the writer's religion as well. Without knowing the writers religion we are unable to identify the writer's beliefs and customs.

  46. Ryan Wesley,

    I dont think his decision was biblical but it show respect for the girl. i dont know about the guy but who knows what he could have been thinking wrestling a female. If iwere put in the same situation i think i would have done the same thing unless she King Kong on steroids. But on the other hand, when the girl signed up for the team she knew what she was getting herself into. It is a very hard decision to make.

  47. Our society is very confused. Society says that everybody is the same. God doesn’t say everybody is the same! He says that everybody is equal. Men and women are different. That is a proven fact. When society tries to make men and women the same, issues like the wrestling problem evolve. God says in the Bible that men are the ones who are to protect the women. They are supposed to protect the ones who give life to other others. The boy didn’t want to hurt the very person he was supposed to protect. It goes against the Bible. I don’t agree with the writer. She is trying to say that men and women are the same, and they are not. Having equal rights is not the same as being the same. We can have equal rights without being classified as the same people. I don’t think that the writer would have the same opinion if the boy followed a different religion. The writer’s main goal was to ridicule the boy for refusing to hurt a girl. The writer represents our confused society by confusing equal rights from being the same thing.

  48. I believe that everyone should have the same opprotunities and rights. No matter what color skin, gender, or belief. Women should be able to wrestle if one feels like she wants to. Although, in a sport like wrestling, it can get difficult. There are many injuries and positions in wrestling that i don't think are appropriate for a guy and a girl to share. No man should have a goal to slam a girl to the ground. I personally respect the boy for not wrestling in the match. He has actual morals that half of the other boys in the world would not have. There is nothing in the Bible pertaining to the topic of boys fighting girls in wrestling, but boys should treat women with respect and honor, and possibly injuring them is not the right way to go at it. Because of this conflict, I think there should be a seperate division of boys and girls wrestling. If there are many girls wanting to wrestle, they should be able to, but not against the opposite gender who generally have more muscle and strength than girls.
    Sarah Zschunke
    World Cultures per. 5

  49. In the Bible it does not say that boys can wrestle girls, but what he did was the polite thing to do. He didn't want to hurt or injure her so he just bowed out. No, his view was not biblical. I do not agree with the writer. The writer is saying that the boy was wrong for not wrestling the girl. The writer said there was no where in the Bible that told boys not to wrestle girls. Even though it doesn't say that in the Bible, he just wanted to give the girl respect. The writer should respect him for what he did instead of critisizing him. I think that the writer would have the same opinion if the boy had a different religion because no matter what his religion is I think that the boy thought it would be disrespectful to wrestle a girl.

  50. If he is a Christian and truly belives in the bible, he should understand that women are equal to men and that is why God made them in partnership. I agree with the writer in saying that the bible says nothing about we cant treat women the same, but there is a stereotype that makes it seem that way in most countries.I think the writer would not have the same opnion because, even though ot os not true, women are not allowed to do what men do and are segrigated from them.

  51. I think it was brave of the boy to refuse to wrestle. If he had chose to wrestle the headline would have said something like, "Guy breaks girls arm in wrestling. we should respect women. We should not hurt them in the name of competiton. the boys view is biblical even though the writer makes it seem completly wrong. If the boy were of islamic faith maybe the headline would have been, "boy chooses not to fight girl, is he really islam?" I am very suprised about the writers view and how he views the young mans descision.

  52. anonymous.......n.t.p.March 4, 2011 at 7:13 AM

    If someone isn't afraid to play a certain sport or do a certain thing, you should be encouraged to do the same. I agree with the writer when she/he says that there is no where in the BIBLE that says girls can't wrestle boys. If that's the sport she wants to play, let her play it.GOD created us all equally. That is how he sees us from above. It hurts GOD's heart to watch someone try to destroy his perfect picture. The boy didn't have to wrestle Cassy if it was for his religion. But if it was just because he was scared, that would just be wrong.

    -the best

  53. The Bible says treat everyone equal. It does not say treat everone equal except for girls. so yes i think that his Biblical view of this match is wrong. I do agree with the writer his parents should have made him wrestle her, but to be honest the girls and the guys should be in two seperate division.They should never have to wrestle each other but he should have.
    Yes i believe that the writer would have had the same opinion, because his parents should have encouraged him was not a statement that pertained to a specific religion.

  54. I do not think that the boys statement is proven to be biblical. Women should have equal right as men however some rights should be limited. the boy in this story has a right to have this opinion, but he's opinion is not backed up scripture wise. I think that girls should have the right to wrestle . However, I don't think that girls should be allowed to wrestle guys esspecially since there is a difference of strength. If you look through God's scripture, there is no evidence that says don't fight girls. That is just a moral in society. It does say that people need to respect women. i dont believe that wrestling against a girl is disrespecting esspecially since it was their choice to begin with.
    PERIOD 6
    8TH GRADE :D

  55. This was indeed the correct and biblical thing to do. It is said that men should respect women and this kid was following that rule. He was not about to wrestle a girl, because hitting a girl is disrespectful. I don't agree with some of these writer's statements, he makes it sound like the kid was being dumb. Really, though, he was just doing the correct thing. If the boy was another religion, the writer probably would have had more sympathy for the boy. Why? Because here in America, people aren't "aloud" to make fun of one religion but one. That's our religion, Christianity, and I don't like it when people who don't understand our faith and are just being bias for the heck of it make fun of my religion.

    -Jack Bradley

  56. I do not think that this statement the boy made is biblical. State high school rules say that if there is a sport without a girls team, a girl can be a full member of the boys team if she wants to. Anybody should have the right to participate in a sport, and the gender shouldn't matter. I believe the boy lied in saying he quit for "religious reasons", rather he was nervous and was scared that he might be judged or called names. He is basically pulling out the religious card to get out of something he was uncomfortable doing.

    Peter Keith

  57. I do not think that this statement is biblical. Although, i really don't think it is acceptable for boys to fight girls. People can be seriously injured in wrestling, and boys throwing girls down on a mat and using intense position could be sketchy. Although some girls might be caplable of wrestiling boys, i dont think uit is right.
    audrey garrett

  58. I believe that what the boy said was true, it really isn't right to engage women in that manner. The Bible tells us to uplift and honor women, and body slamming them is not the way to do it. I do not agree with the writer because it is a persons choice to not wrestle a girl and it does give off the impression of being morally wrong; not matter how much of a tomboy the girl is. The writer would probably have a different opinion if the boy were Muslim or another religion. Muslims in no way respect women and would never give them the honor of wrestling a man. All of this is morally wrong however, because even though women are completely capable of much strength, it is not right to use violence against them.

  59. Alex herden

    i think the kid was right. it is not right to beat up a girl and i respect him. however i do not see any were in the bible it saying that so he should not default on faith but for other reasons.

  60. Where does it say in the bible that you can't wrestle girls?! I think that this boy had no reason to forfeit. If he really wanted to be nice he would've asked the girl if he was allowed to fight her. I disagree with the writer when he says that he feel bad for the boy and not the girl. It was the boy's choice to not fight the girl, I don't feelbad for him. Instead I feel bad for the girl who got all this unneaded attention from the press!

  61. It doesnt say anything in the bible about not hitting a girl but it is a little smart for him not to hit him. If he was part of another relgiion i thinnk he would of but for a christian boy to reject a girl is a little wimp but shows respect that he doesnt want to harm her.
    Margaret Reed

  62. i think that the boy was correct in feeling that way. i would not have wressled, not because of my religon but just out of decency. it seems wrong to try to hurt a girl. The writer was wrong. the kid had his own choices, just because he feels that he should not wresstle, the writer cant judge a person for their religon. I feel that if the kid had been some other religon than the writer wouldve applaudede him in his decission. it seems that in todays media, if a christian dos something that hee or she feels is right then in the medias eye, he is a horrible and selfrightous christian who is just doing it because they think their religon is beter. I think that the boy was right not to wresstle the girl.

  63. Naomy Grand'PierreMarch 4, 2011 at 8:16 AM

    I think that he should have gone against the girl instead of forfitting his entire competition. But since he was following his religion, i guess he is right. I am not sure if they would have let any other religion, especially christianity, do what he did. The people would probably make fun of others people's religious views.

    Naomy Grand'Pierre
    Period 6

  64. I dont think that the boys vision of women is truely Biblical. For in the Bible the Lord said that the men need to respect women. But if a woman plays a sport you are respecting her by playing her. And doing your best against her and at the show her respect by congratulating. i do agree with the writer. I believe that he wouldnt of made that comment if the boys was of a different religion.

    -Courtney Alexander

  65. I do not think that the boy view is a biblical view, but a matter of concience. The bible does not say anything about competing in sport against th opposite sex. I do think the boy was right to not want to hurt a girl if it is against everything he has been taught. I think he was really courageous. I also think the writer would not have the same opinion if the boy would have been jewish or islamic. This country seems not to want to offend them boy okay with offending Christianity.

  66. In the Bible, God tells men to respect women. Wrestling and intentionally hurting girls is not biblical, so the boy made a wise decision to forfeit the trophy. I do not agree with the writer , because he thinks the boy is using his religion as the defense instead of the belief of the religion. The reporter childishly says, "If my god told me to poke the eldery with sticks, would that make it morally acceptable to others". This is completely irrelevant to forfeiting a match because you respect women and don't wish to harm them. This reporter is most likely not a Christian, and he probably doesn't like Christians. If the boy was the same religion as the reporter, the reporter would agree with him and defend him instead of attacking him with childish insults.

  67. Carmyn Cossey : The article was made to show that a girl was playing in a boy's game which is wrestling. Thats a boys soprt just like football, only boys should play that,only girls should play sofball. That's my opininon everyone has they're own opionion. A girl's body is physically made differently than a boy's body. Its not fair to have diffferent physical bodies playing against eachother.If a man is 205 pounds wrestilng against a 105 man, then the lighter man has a chance to beat the heavier man even though the bigger an has an advantage. Girls against boys is different boy's body is made so they can devolup muscles esier and faster than females so in a fight a boy would probably beat her. Even if a girl is bigger, better in wrestilng in a match they still shouldn't fight because thats like a cow fighting a bull, there both the same animal except one is bigger , more powerful ,and stronger. The write was a little sexus espically at the end when he said he hoped the baby would be a boy. I don't agree with him a all evwen though I think the bo made a good decesion to not fight th girl.That showed the boy had a lot of respect.

    Carmyn Cosey

  68. I don't agree with the fact that the boy shoould wrestle with the girl. It isn't right becuase in the Bible, it says that boys shouldn't wrestle with girls.
    ansley pritchett

  69. . He should be able to wrestle a girl. It doesent say anywhere in the Bible that you cant wrestle a girl. You should not be able to treat someone unfairly. Evreyone is equal.

  70. I think the boy was trying to be respectful by not wrestling the girl. However it almost seems that he is arrogant as well. I think another reason he made his decisision was because he didnt want to hurt or embarrass the girl but the Bible says men and women are created equally this means that the neither the boy or girl had a guaranteed win. If I was the boy I would have based my decision on how the girl felt about wrestling a boy and also on how tough she was.

    Sydney Burke

  71. I think that the boy was being respectful towards to girl by choosing not to wrestle her. I also think that he didn't want to wrestle her because if the boy would have been beaten by the girl, the guy would have been made fun of and embarrassed. There are many possible reasons why the boy chose not to wrestle but those are the two reasons that would have went through my head if I had at wrestle a girl.

    Matt Olson
    Per. 5

  72. The wrestler didn't want to wrestle the girl because he felt that he had to respect her. The view is biblical because God wants us to respect women. He also didn't want towrestle her though for fear of being beaten by a girl. That would have been embarassing if he had lost to her. He was thinking that he could beat her because she was a girl. The writer had the right idea in his mind about his ideas about why he wouldn't wrestle her. I agree with this article.

  73. This view is truly Biblical and He sees women as the Lord does. It is not right to take on the possibility of physically injuring a girl or to have that physical contact in that manner. The Bible speaks against defiling a woman's body and teaches that men should respect women. I think it was poor judgement from the girl to decide to wrestle in that league and poor judgement by the officials to allow it. It puts the boys in the league in a bad position and the lose either way.
