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Tuesday, February 15, 2011

U.S. History Question #10

Matthew 7:3- "Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?"

1 Peter 3:8-"Finally, all of you, live in harmony with one another; be sympathetic, love as brothers, be compassionate and humble."

Since the founding of our country Americans have debated the idea of whether the United States should be involved in foreign affairs around the world. Whether or not America should be isolated or not is a major issue and one American citizens, Presidents, and Congressmen have often struggled with and continue to battle in the history of our country. In various cases Americans were told that policing the world was a strategic and moral "must": we were "saving the world" and defending our own national security. In other cases people argue that America has enough of its own problems and should worry about its own domestic issues before it tells everyone else what to do.

Consider the verses above and use your knowledge of history to answer the questions below...

Does America have something great to offer other countries in order to help them out?

Should America act as the world's caretaker and police and enforce its value on other countries OR only worry about the problems inside the country?


  1. Felton says...

    we should try to solve our own problems before we poke our nose into other peoples business, but if they ask for our help and we're able to we should. Even though they may not ask us I think that we should help them get through their hard times because they might not have all the right provisions and tools they need to get back on their feet and stay up. Also helping other country's allows the U.S. to gain more ally's which may help later on in the future.

  2. This a complicated issue fretted over by citizens’ and politicians alike. There is a thin line between proper involvement and micromanaging. Either way the U.S. will. Be criticized. For example, in WWII, America was judged for the lack of involvement while millions of people suffered. Yet when we sent troops over to Iraq/Iran we are judged for overstepping our authority. I believe that we should be involved in the world but not too so that we are telling people how to run their lives. If there is great suffering then is the time to take action and do something. Being involved in every country can lead to fewer allies which we so desperately need. Also, we have our own problems to solve back at home. Our country is in great debt and we have inflation to worry about. If we are involved in the world we should be at limited degree and solve our problems which will help us and our ability to serve others.

  3. I think that sometimes America can help other country's in need. Most of the time we have the political interest's in other countries governments. America does this so that we can have the government that immagrants want to live for and support. I personally think that America has a huge problem at the moment. We are in a colssal amount of debt. So, as for now we really need to fix our debt before we deal with anyone elses. Sometimes you just have to realize that America can stand alone at times and so can everyone else.

    -- Alex Melton <3

  4. We have the best army in the entire world. If we are friends with a country we should help them. But even though we are so powerful we shouldn't go and kill everybody that is are enemy. If we have to fight somewhere near them then they might help us. There are some wars we probably shouldnt have gotten involved. We have the most resorces so we should help when we can. Education is the key to future peace therefore we should defind countries that allow people to be freely educated.

    William Charles

  5. In past history America helped out other countries when there was something to gain from it. America sent billions of dollars to Egypt's government. Hosni Mubarak received a lot of the money, we were allies with him .Because he had control of the passageways that oil tankers use to get oil form the middle east. They also had a peace deal with Israel who is our closest Allie in the Middle East. Now when Saddam Husein invaded Kuwait ,America got involved because they wanted to protect their access to Kuwait's oil so they defended that country. There have been many instances of genocides in Africa yet America didn't get involved because they had nothing to gain from it. So yes we should be the "police"of countries but were not going to be. Everyone has a sinful nature and were going to do what's best for our country before we start helping other countries.

    - Love,
    Carmyn Cosey :)

  6. Well there are different ways of looking at this problem. I think occasionally America needs to get involved to help people, or just to stick up for littler countries that need help. America should do something in those cases. Sometimes we say we are doing that and aren’t, and it really isn't for a good cause. In Vietnam, we tried to save a country, and I think that was justified. In Korea, we tried to save a country, so that was justified. If we attacked China for resources, then that would be unjustified. I feel as long as we are trying to make the world a better place, and then it would be justified. I feel occasionally we should be a caretaker, but if it isn't justified we should avoid it. America should be a friend to countries, and we should help those in need, although we need to fix are problems first. Then we can deal with other countries.

  7. I think we should solve are problems first before we solve other countries. We should at least have a plan to fix our problems before we even start with other countries. We should fix our problems so we can be a role model for other countries to see. I believe if we do these things there will not be many problems, and if there are we should step in and help solve them. Be proactive in the world wide community. And everything we do should be for good not bad, not selfish

  8. There are many ways of looking at the problems of America. Sometimes I feel that America needs to only get involved for justified reasons. When we got involved in Iraq there was no justified reason. When we got involved in Vietnam, we were trying to help the country. When we get involved for selfish reasons like natural resoures it does not make America look any better. Sometimes we should try to help and not be in solitude, but if it is justified we should not do it at all. We need to fix the problems in America before we try to fix some other country. As Matthew 7:3 says "Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?" I do feel that we need to help others like 1 Peter 3:8 says "Finally, all of you, live in harmony with one another; be sympathetic, love as brothers, be compassionate and humble." We need to fix our problems before we before we try to fix other countries.

  9. America does have some good things to offer. We can supply food and supplies to countries in need. We can also provide protection if small poor countries are being harrased. I think we need to be involved in foreighn affairs somewhat. We can help countries and make the world a better place. Sometimes, we go over the top though. We can't start acting like we are in charge of countries that aren't ours. I think it annoys a lot of the countries because we act like we are the boss of other countries. It's fine to help out but we can't go over the top.

  10. I think America has a lot to offer other countries that need help. We has one of the most powerful military in the world. We can also offer our advanced technology. Though we need to help other countries we need to solve our own problems first. Such as we wouldn't go to war if we had a very poor economy, but if we had one of the strongest economies in the world then we would be a large influence in another war betwwen other countries. So we should help other countries, but after we solve our own problems.

  11. America is a wonderful country whom has a extremely powerful military. What this nation has to offer is not experience, but the bright young minds being reared in this country that are now developing more reliable power sources, economic geniuses, and scientist developing the latest technology in every day use and military purposes. The present has little to offer because of the current economy, but it is the future generations of America that will solve a world crisis.
    The United Stats has any domestic problems,too many to begin to list. However hostile countries such, as North Korea, are a direct threat to the safety of this country, and should be promptly addressed by the government. Not all foreign issues are significant enough to draw America's attention. Only problems that could be harmful to America and her allies, along with weak, helpless countries, should be left alone for that country to self evaluate itself just as we currently should.

  12. Anonymous: Not really its Bethany >:DFebruary 23, 2011 at 7:05 PM

    I think that as America we should first deal with our own major problems. If you have too much on your plate to deal with, it gets overwhelming. America can also help other countries that are needy. I think that we could help send money, or food, or any necessary resources or skills. With bringing provisions we could make them our allies which will help in wars and such. But keep in mind that if we share all our secrets and technology they might turn on us and become enemies. I believe that we should at least check up on the world status and if something goes wrong, like North Korea making nuclear weapons, then of course we have to interfere. We also must not do it just for personal gain. For instance, if there was oil or some profit they could get out of it, then we should not go to war over it, and send hundreds of soldiers just to gain profit. On an exceptional basis we should interfere in foreign affairs when national or global security is threatened. If someone's making nuclear weapons and we don't stop them, it could be dangerous to the U.S. and other countries.

    - Bethany Van rensburg :D

  13. Harlan..........(Wait for it)..............KYLE!February 23, 2011 at 7:58 PM

    I think america should stay out other country's problems, to some degree.
    We have enough problems already. We can't handle to go to war with another country when we have not paid back all of our debt. I do think that trading and helping out a country a little is good, but not when we get to the point when we are loosing too much. We should look at what other countrys are doing and keep tabs on them if they are doing anything suspicious, but we shouldn't declare war on them unless we know that they are going to do something bad. I say we should take care of ourselves , before we worry about helping others. If we help too many people and become week, we are not guaranteed help to get back up.

  14. I think that Americans need to solve their own problems before they go help others. How can we worry about others when we also have problems. If someone really does need our help, and we can offer it, then I think we should help. We do have a lot of things to offer other countries, but that doesn’t mean that we are the leader of the world and get to force help on other countries. Like it says in Matthew 7:3, we need to focus on our problems before we focus on other countries. It would make no sense if our Government was corrupt and we storm in to fix their Government. First we need to solve our problems in society. Then we can go around the world and help others to become a better place.

  15. America has come a long way in the last 100 years. We definately have many things to offer other countries. Our country even though we are very young compared to other countries each problem we face us stroger and more prepared for problems in the future. But we shiuld solve our own problems before we help other countries. America has a proven track of fruitful leadership every since our country began. When you sow wisdom and compassiionatre giving and use our resorses to help nations in need, we understand and have seen that as we give and sow into these nations we are reap more grace which will help our nation grow. As the BIle says "as you give you will recieve". But once we solve the problems in our country we will help the other countries through whatever they're going through.

    Rachael Lewis :-)

  16. The question of isolationism vs. imperialism is a question that has troubled politicians and citizens alike. I think that America's republic is something great to offer other countries, but that doesn't mean we should try to force other countries into our system of government. We need to fix the problems in our own country before we try to tell someone else their country is wrong, as Matthew 7:3 says. However, if there is great suffering under a dictator or monarchy, I think the U.S. should get involved. Also, America should provide resources (food, water, shelter, etc.) to countries in need. In addtion, the U.S. should help weak countries by giving them military support, as the U.S. did in World War 2 by entering the war to fight against the Axis powers (Germany, Italy, Japan, Hungary, Romania, and Bulgaria). America should try to fix its own problems before trying to fix other countries, but it should act as the world's caretaker and police and enforce its value on other countries ONLY if the reason is justified.

  17. ...evan christopher johnsonFebruary 24, 2011 at 6:55 PM

    In my oppinion, America does have great things to offer in order to help other countries out. We can help them beacause we have a strong military as well as advanced weapons. Any country could benefit having help from the United States. I think that America should help other countries stabilize their own government, but I also think that they need to focus on their own government as well. It would be hypocritical to try to change other countries but not do the same for our own. Also, America should help less fortunate countries aroung the world recieve the proper necessities that they need to have in order to live.

  18. I think that before we become involved in foreign we shoul settle issues within our own borders. Ther are many problems like the debt or immigration that the government hasn't done enough about, because they are too wrapped up in what is going on around the world. I believe that I we withdrawed from the many places are military is and leaving behind only a same amount of soldiers that will help protect the country they are in, or the base they are stationed at. If we do that, then we should be able to focuse on other things like the debt. Still, we need to show some presence in the world, but before we do so, we need to clean up our act by fixing the many problems in our own country. Only after we done that, we should then be able to make the world a better place.

  19. I think that America has many things to offer. We have modern ideas, safe medicine, and modern warfare ideas. America should always be willing to help if anything goes wrong around the world we should always be willing to lend a helping hand. It is more important before we help anyone else that we make sure that our country is ready to give a time and financial donation. I think we first should make sure that we are okay and then go and see who needs help. People always make sure that them and their family is okay and then go help everyone else. Just like on an airplane you make sure your oxygen mask is on before you help anyone else. America needs to make sure that our oxygen mask is on before we go and help anyone else put theirs on

  20. America has many problems of its own but we should still be involved in the worlds affairs. we should do this because it could help our economy by providing natural resources from other countries. we would also be helping other countries who might help us if we needed their help. If we stay isolated our country might be better but if we fight on our own soil then many of our homes would be destroyed destroying our economy even further.Or we might even be conquered and if that happened then many of our rights that we take for granted could be taken away. if we work in harmony we can then work on the sawdust in our own eye.

    Charlie Money

  21. John Canon Brody CantrellFebruary 24, 2011 at 9:01 PM

    America has alot to offer We have medicine, mechanical ideas, and military ideas. Even though we have many faults, we still should be involved in foreign warfare. If anyone tries to mess with us we need to protect ourselves or go out to their country and fight them. I do think if we fought on our own land, our economy would crumble. Citizens would be terrorized and many other things would happen. It is better to fight somewhere else that way to protect our peoples lives.

    John Brody Cantrell

  22. john Brody- oops my bad about the space...

  23. We need to deal with all of our problems before we start getting involved with everybody elses problems. If we get involved with other peoples problems we will never finish with our own problems. Just like the verse Matthew 7:3- "Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?". It is saying stay out of others bissness until your done with your own problems.

  24. America does have things that can help out other countries. We have money, hard working people, a strong navy, and so much more. For the second question I do not think America should be more of one than the other. I think we should handle both of those,but not be the caretaker of the entire world or just handle the problems within our country. Doing a little bit of each is important. By helping out other countries we can form alliances, and as it says by taking care of our problems we can help the country grow stronger.
    Anna Reeves McCutcheon

  25. I feel like America should take care of there political and other issues going on in the U.S, then try to help other countries. Because how can we try to help, if we are not stable? Just like in Matthew 7:3 how can we to fix other problems if we aren't completely stable ourselves.

  26. It is so much easier to try to fix other people's problems and not see our own. The United States has alot of problems to deal with. I believe that we should help other countries only if they ask for it. Before we try telling them how to fix their problems, we should resolve ours. How would that make us look just going around putting a band-aid on every country that has a problem? We should help ourselves before we help others.

  27. I think that the world is like one big giant body. In the body, we as americans act as the heart. I dont think we are the brain because there are several other countrieslike China who are much smarter than we are. We as Americans should offer our protection and resources to other countries who are in need of help. Im not saying we need to go to every country's help if they are having an easily sovable problem but I think that if they are actually in desparate need then we should go and aid them. However just because we are all big and powerful that doesnt mean that sometimes we dont need other countries help to. Sometimes the heart may lead you to something bad and you need the rest of the body to help it back to something good. I dont think we should be the soul caretaker and i think we should all work together on this world in a calm fashion. We need to be friends with our enemies and work together to have a better world and an even better future.


  28. Yes, I do think that he police officers should inforce its values on other countries because I think it would bring us closer as a nation, then we would not be so didvided anymore

  29. I think that America has a lot to offer to other contries. America has power( we have the best military).We can protect and help our allies with this power. For the second question, I think we should focus on our promblems first. What I mean is that before we help others we need to make sure we are alright.But, I don't think we should be the "world police" because that much powere can lead to corruption. - Megan Rose Byers()
