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Thursday, January 6, 2011

World Cultures Question #8

Record your answers and your parent's answers to the following questions...

What is "racial profiling"?

Should "racial profiling" be used in airport security?

Is there any Biblical evidence to support your answer?


  1. racial profiling is government activity that has o do with dong something wrong to one specific people group because of race. Racial profiling should not be used in airports, because everytime an arabian come in to an airport everyone gives them the same look, treats them differenty, and watches them. Yes there is the Bible says treat others how you would like to be treated, and they were not the ones who caused 9/11.

  2. Racial profiling is when someone is catagorized based on there apperance or ethnicity and put in a certain "group". I think it should not be used in airports not only because it is not fair but because it jepordizes safety. While they could be focusing on an Islamic man, a real terrorist could be walking by with a bomb.
    A verse that can support this is John 7:24: "Do not judge by appearances, but judge with right judgment.”.

  3. Racial Profiling refers to the discriminatory practice by law enforcement officials of targeting individuals for suspicion of crime based on the individual's race, ethnicity, religion or national origin. I think racial profiling should not be used in airport security. Anyone could be dangerous no matter what their race, or religion is. For example, the shooter in Arizona was white. He wasn't Muslim or of middle eastern ethnicity. He was a caucasian American. The bible says we are all created in God's image so we are all therefore equal. A person's actions based off their heart, not their race or religion.

  4. Racial profiling is when a law enforcement officer investigates a person or group because of their religion or ethnicity without any evidence of crime.Racial profiling should not be used in airports. one man is just as likely to comit a crime as another man even if the are of differrent religion or ethnnicity. In Galatians 3:28 it says "There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus."this means that we should never discriminate in between race or ethnicity.

  5. Racial Profiling is singling out a person or a group of people because of their race. Racial profiling should not be used in airport security because everyone should be checked out as equally, to keep us safe. Matthew 7:12 says "So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets.

    Ryann and Barbara Farmer

  6. Racial profiling is when a law enforcement officer judges somebody because of their appearance and ethnicity.No racial profiling should not be used in airport security. Just because somebody is dressed the way that they are or look the way they do, doesn't mean they should check them. Everyone should be treated equally no matter what they look like. In Romans 10:12 it says, For there is no difference between the Jew and the Greek: for the same Lord over all is rich unto all that call upon God.
    -Rayna Mock

  7. Kristina said...

    Racial profiling is government activity directed at a suspect or group of suspects based solely on race. Certain people shouldn’t be stopped in airports just because of their race. All people are created equal in God’s eyes. Galatians 3:28 says There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female for ye are all one in Christ Jesus. Therefore, since God treats all people equally, we too should treat all people the same. Just because someone may look like a criminal, doesn’t mean they actually are. A person’s character should not be viewed solely on their race.

  8. Racial profiling is government activity directed at a suspect or group of suspects based solely on race. Racial profiling is basically judging other people by their looks. Racial profiling should not be used in airport security, because anyone could be guilty. Anyone no matter how they look could be a "bad guy". When people go to the airport to fly someone, we usually look around us and judge the other people around us by how they look. We do that because of our past and present history of people trying to sneek into airports and across the borders. We do that because of 9/11 and mexicans crossing our borders. Judging other people is wrong, but I can't say I havn't done it before because I have. Galatians 3: 28 says, "There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus." We shouldn't judge other people, because God did not judge us when it was time for Him to take all of our sins and die on the cross.

    Kristen Fikse, period 5

  9. Racial profiling is when government forces use the person's race to decide whether to press charges or not. For example, if a police officer pulled someone over and was not going to press charges, but noticed the person was a different skin color than them. If they then decided to press charges racial profiling would take place. Racial profiling should not be used any where because race does not matter. They don't need to be used in airports and shouldn't be used there because skin color doesn't determine whether a person is bad or good. In the Bible God tells us that we are all equal, "Therefore, just as sin entered the world through one man, and death through sin, and in this way death came to all people, because all sinned" (Romans 5:12). This verse tells us that everyone is equal because we all sin. Therefore, because everyone sins we are all equal no matter what skin color we are. Racial profiling should not be used at all because skin color does not matter to God.
    ~Megan Schwarzkopf~
    Period 6

  10. Racial profiling is asuming or passing judgement that one is of or part or takes part in stereotypical actions of others in their race as well as assuming one is part of the race. In the airport, it is probably best not to racially profile since really anyone could be a terrorist or cause a security threat in some way. There is biblical truth to this, the golden rule, "treat others as you would want to be treated."

  11. Racial profiling is classifying someone with a racial group that can either be good or bad based on how they look. For example, if someone sees a person from the Middle East and they assume they are Muslim, this is racial profiling. It can also be used to associate people with terrorist groups. When you see someone from the Middle East, and you assume they are part of the Taliban, this is also racial profiling. I disagree with the use of racial profiling in airport security. America is becoming a more diverse country everyday and if we specially search each person who looks like they may be related to certain racial groups, the airport will shut down and have serious issues at security checkpoints. God says that we should accept all men and women for despite how they may look or what skin color they may be. I think that God dislikes all the racial profiling in America today. However, this is not to say that we should let anyone onto our planes and into our country.


  12. Racial profiling is considering the race or background early on in the criminal investigation of a person. If a type of person due to skin color or race is considered more likely to be questioned or investigated in criminal behavior even if there is no evidence to support the crime of the person, racial profiling is involved. Even though strong racial profiling is wrong, I think it should be cautioned or looked after a little bit. If we look back in the past terrors or bombings in planes or other areas, mostly are committed by the same type of person. I'm not meaning to say one type of person is all that has done these crimes, but in the airports i think it is a little obscene to take a side older women who already have trouble moving around. Both of my grandmas have been pullen over in the airport security and it usually takes them a while to get through the airport alone, not counting the extra time in security. Although, some of the people who are other races walking through the airport are harmless as well. I think instead of pulling certain people aside in airports, there should just be stronger security in the line so there is no complications on who to examine more closely. In the Bible it says that everybody is the same in God's eyes. We should use that and not try to falsely accuse people of different races for something that they have nothing to do with.
    Sarah Zschunke
    World Cultures per. 5

  13. Racial Profiling refers to the use of an individual’s race by law enforcement people as a key factor in deciding whether to increase enforcement. This type of profiling should be used in airport security. For example, since nineteen out of nineteen of the 9/11 terrorists were Muslim Arabs, the airport should use airport screenings on all Muslim Arabs. This is not racism, because racism is when one race feels superior to another race. When we scan Arabs in airport screenings it is because of the plain facts, and it is not racist that we want to take caution. Therefore racial profiling should be used for airport security. There is Biblical support for my answer. Jesus says: “Love your neighbor as yourself”(Romans 13:9). However, in the same chapter Jesus says: “If you do evil, be afraid; for he [government authority] does not bear the sword in vain; for he is God’s minister, and avenger to execute wrath on him who practices evil”(Romans 13:4). Though the nature of Christians is to love, they also should be cautious and aware of the existence of evil. It’s important for Christians to protect God’s word, their families, and others by taking caution against evil.

  14. Racial profiling is using race or ethnicity to determine whether a person is considered likely to commit a an illegal act or behave in a "predictable" manner. This should not be used in airport security. You are automatically judging someone based on appearance. This is not only wrong, but it is unfair to the individual who is being judged. We are all one in God's eyes and we should use Him as an example and see everyone equally whether it be at the airport or at a in our everyday life.
    -Naomy Grand'Pierre
    Period 6

  15. Racial Profiling is the indentification of certain racial features which are used to make generalizations about wheather a person maybe involved in an illegal activity. I do no think it should be used in aiports because it is not right to stereotype other people and you can make inaccurate judgements of others. Doing this causes the person to feel as though they are below the rest of us. God created all of us, even those who do not believe in him, and the Bible tells us to treat others the way that we wanted to be treated and understand that everyone is created equally.

  16. Racial profiling is government activity directed at a suspect or a group of suspects based solely on race. Racial profiling should not be used in airport security. Just because someone is of a certain race, religion, or nationality, it doesn't mean that they intend to harm someone. Racial profiling should never be used to assume someones religion. For example, just because a person is a Muslim, it doesn't mean that they are a Muslim extremist or that they have evil intensions. In the bible, the story of Esther is an example of racial profiling. She began her life as a slave because she was a jew. And in the end, she became queen. There are many other examples from the bible of how unjust racial profiling is.

    Quinn and Kate Larimer

  17. I think many people get offensive when they hear racial profiling because they think it is stereotyping. In my opinion there is a difference. For example when you are in an airport when say a middle eastern gets more thoroughly searched i don't think that the security people are thinking all middle eastern people are bombers. Instead I think they are thinking that there have been many threats from this region of the world and we want to take extra caution. Stereotyping is a little different. I believe stereotyping is wrong, because you are assuming something about the person just by their appearance. For example we as American's tend to think that all people who look Asian are really smart. Also we think that all people with very tan skin and dark hair are Muslins. While I don't think their is a problem with being cautious in an air port when you see people that are from countries that have posed threats on our country, there is a fine line between stereotyping and profiling. In the Bible it says that we are all created in God's image, therefore we are all similar and no where in the Bible does it say that one race is worse or more dangerous. This means that we need to be aware of the fact that Americans need to have reasonable doubt. Without a reason Americans should not go after a certain person in an air port because of how they look.

  18. Racial profiling is when a law enforcer makes a decision on whether to enforce the law based on the person's ethnicity or race. I think it should be used in airport security beacuse that is partly what helps us aviod an event like 9/11. It may not be right to pull people aside because they look foreign but it may be necessary to prevent a terroist attack like 9/11.
    There is Biblical evidince : 1 Samuel 16:7 The Lord does not ook at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearnce, but the Lord looks at the heart. This means God judges us by our heart not our race so we should do the same. Cole
    In average situations, I feel it is wrong to pull a person aside based solely on race. However, in extreme cases such as border patrol in Arizona, and Jihad Muslim terror threats, there is a reason to question based on race. God desires for us all to love one another based on his love for us, not conditional on our race. Lu Barber
    Cole Barber

  19. racial profiling is almost like a stero type. alot of times when the security guard at the airport will stop a person from iraq this is for no reason. So I think that it is wrong for people to racial profil. God thinks of every one of us is equal. So I think that security should be the same.

  20. yes it is i see all the time everywhere. ya like he's muslim or budist people they are checkd more often cause of all the rumors and stuff go's around .

  21. Racial profiling is somewhat smart but alot racist. You can't judge a person's actions by their skin color. We do this alot when we see mexicans or middle eastern people. I think it shouldn't be used in airport security, bu twe can't be too careful.

    Peter Keith

  22. racial profiling is when someone judges another person for their looks. Racial profiling in airports is useless, most of the time terrorists dont even dress up in their religous robes. they dress as normal people, and act normal too.

    -ian nash

  23. Racial profiling is when people assume things about the other race.Like whats going on in Arizona where cops are stoppping hispanics to see if they are U.S. citizens. Even though it may be bad i think it should be used in airports because most arabic peoople look suspicious. I dont think there is any Biblical eveidence of this.

    -Courtney Alexander

  24. Racial profiling is when you assume that another race is lesser than one. It is being racist and also stereotypical. The Biblie says that all men are equal and created by God. Racial profiling should never be used in airports because even though muslims have bombed planes before, it is unfair to assume that of them.

  25. racial profiling is when someone judges or treats somebody differently just because of their skin color or there social group or their religeon. Racial profiling is not godly because it's judging people without knowing them.

  26. Racial profiling is when you assume something if someone is that race. An example is since you are black you are fast. I dont think there is any biblical evidence supporting this. I don' think racial profiling should be used in airports. anybody could be a terrorists.

  27. Racial profiling is when you judge someone by their outward appearrance or by their religion or background. I think that it is wrong to judge people by their outward appearand. If they judge a specific group why are they suspicious about one group they should be judging everyone because you never know who they are unless you know them as friends or family. Suspisions are high because of 9 11.

    Megan Fikse and Parents
    period 6

  28. Also in the Bible God tells us not to judge others by their outward appearance. I don't think racial profiling should be used in airports because it is singling people out because of their skin color and outward appearrance.

    Megan Fikse and Parents
    period 6

  29. Racial profiling is putting a person in a certain category based off their race. For example, some people have an uneasy feeling when sharing a flight with a middle easterner because of their history of terrorism. this is racial profiling because not all middle easterners are terrorist. Racial profiling is wrong because it is judging a person by their race and not character. Racial profiling isn't shouldn't be used in airports because it is morally wrong. Though it shouldn't be used, it is inevitably used in every international airport because of pass terrorist attacks. It would be almost impossible to eliminate racial profiling because it is a choice taken by individuals not a group. The bible says that humans will inevitably sin so we aren't able to not profile by race but we are able to resist doing it. You can still be safe and resist racial profiling.

  30. Racal profiling is judging or making decisions based on looks, race, religion ect. I think america has a false sense of security and that racial profiling is ok if you are in an airport and you look suspicious you should be pulled over! I think you are crazy to think that they haven't bean doing this for years. Who would be more likely so blow up a plain a suspicious acting musslem or a normal white guy?
    william bell

  31. Me: racial profiling is when you look at someone's skin color and use it to judge character.
    Yes, to an extent. I think that you never hear about white people or even white or black muslims blowing up planes or buildings for a reason. I'm not racist but it seems only Arab muslims get the message from the Qu'Ran to be violent about their religion.
    Jesus says to love our neighbors at much as ourselves, and everyone in the world is our neighbor. Unfortunatley, that wont stop innocent ppl from being killed

  32. ratial profialing is when you judge somebody and suspect the worst from them because of your first glance of their outward appearance. Mant times people in airports do just this when they see a misle eastern person walk through security. most people dont realize that anybody could be anybody. the middle eastern person could be a preacher and the american walking beside him could be a bigger thret than he is. God said that he created us all in His image. We should remember that the next time we walk through airport security, or any other place

  33. Racial profiling is when a group of people judge another group of people by their race or religion. Racial profiling should not be used in the airport just because they look suspicious!
    -Margaret R

  34. racial profile is simply judging people on their color. you shouldn't care what color you are because God made everyone different but equal.In airports we should not judge other people that come in from other countries because we don't know their backgrounds.

  35. I think that racial profiling is extremely common. Unfortunately, everybody has done it at some point in their life. Everybody does it, it just depends on how much you do it. In the U.S. airports, the security guards are really cautious about every Middle Eastern person that comes through. I know it's for the best but it still seems like it's over the top.

  36. racial profiling is "judging" a person based on their appearences or culture. Many people disagree with racial profiling, but i dont see a problem with it. If someone approached me and said i couldnt jump because im white, i wouldnt be offended (thats the only example i could think of). I think that they should practice racial profiling in airports because if there is a suspiciouse person, or someone who looks like a bomber than that person shoulf be apprehended and questioned. If we let them go because it might be "unfair" than we are risking a bombing.
    audrey garrett

  37. Racial Profiling is singling out a certain person or group because they resemble a specfic ethnicty or race. It is judging people on their outward apperance beacuase the resemble a threatening ethnicty or culture. A lot of times esspessially at airports they think its wise to do racial profiling in case of terrorist attacks. For example when ever my family is at the airport they always stop my dad at the security check point just because of his outward apperance. (he is 6"4 dark olive skin) I don't think its right to judge people on how they look which is exactly what racial profiling is. Though some precautions are necessary its rather drastic to turn to racial profiling.
    by. Kelsey Butler
    January 21st 20210
    period 6 :)

  38. Racial profialing is when people jusdge others of the opposite race. It is not what we are called to do in ther Bible. However I kind of think using racial profial at the airport may actually be a good thing for our safety. It may be offencive to people but truly it is a good thing. In thr bible it says not to judge because if you judge you too will be judged. ~Gabrielle Boswell :)

  39. To me racial profiling is judging someone for their race. Everybody's done it and probably in airports because of the bomb threats. If they see someone muslim They immediatley get worried. In the bible I know there is a verse that talks about this I can't remember. Anyway until something really bad happens don't judge.

  40. Racial profiling is when you judge people. There should never be any racial profling anywhere including in airports. No one should be racist and judge. Racism is one of the worst actions you can show. It doesent say to judge people in the Bible.
    JOrdan Smith
