What have you learned so far this year about the way people think and act (not their outward appearance or image) all around the world?
What tendencies or sinful temptations are all humans susceptible to?
Give specifc examples from classroom discussion.
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Andres Escobar |
Most people around the world think that they are perfect and other people aren't as good as them. Also, humans are susceptible to greed, as well as anger or hatred at others. When we see somebody that is different from us, we automatically think that they are weird or something is wrong with them. Humans are very mean and racist, and for unjust reasons. If so little as one person of a different race hurts us, we usually tend to hate everybody of that race. This is not fair and is not what Jesus wants us as humans to think of others.
ReplyDeleteBased on this years' knowledge learned, a lot of people in Latin America believe that futbol will help them escape from reality and give them hope, even though if you put your hope in anything but God, it will fail you. An example is how all the poor people loved Pablo Escobar because he loved futbol and donated fields and this gave them immense joy and they loved him no matter how many people he killed and how many times he was jailed. This proves the conciet that happens in everyone's minds around the world. God tells us to strenghthen our minds and not to allow this to happen. -Matt Snyder
ReplyDeleteEveryone (besides Jesus) is sinful. Throughout this semester of World Cultures I have learned that one person will do something spectacular and then others will become jealous. People being jealous leads to hatred which then leads to sin. For instance, through Pablo Escobar's childhood he saw all of the rich people not helping the poor. He then became jealous of them and basically stole money. Then he killed many people and hated many people. Others became jealous of him as well and the cycle continued. This shows that people want to accomplish more things than everyone else. Competition takes place all over because everyone wants to be better than another. People take advantage of the fact that Jesus saved us all, and they sin nonstop.
ReplyDelete~Megan Schwarzkopf~
Period 6
All through out history from bible charachters to dictators and atheletes, they all act in a gnerally same way. They are concerned about themselves and only care about them selves. IN the end they wont hold up for their community and country unless they have God on their side then they get a diferant attitude of caring about others.
ReplyDeleteaudrey garrett
Well, as I see, desperate times call for desperate measures, most people will do whatever it takes to get out of their bad situations. Now, some will actually try to escape poverty, instead of taking the easy route, Then you have those other people who do take the easy route out of poverty and break the law and leading a life of crime. Andres Escobar took the difficult and law-abiding route, got to play in the world cup and became a wealth guy. Then Pablo Escobar took the easy way, breaking the law and giving a lot of his wealth away to get the public on his side. They both ended up dead, but one had a better reputation than the other. Adres will be remembered as a man who always tried and represented the masses of Columbia, born into poverty. Pablo, he will be remembered as an awful criminal, wanted for half his life, no matter how much he gave.
ReplyDeleteAll the people we learned about this year always wantd more ; money power riches. More cities to conquer. Humans are a selfish race we only care about ourselves. People act greedy towards power and drugs.
ReplyDeleteEveryone sins. Usually when people get famous, and start to become known there ego gets the best of them. They usually become to happy, and start to get into trouble. Andres Escobar tried to stay away from all that, because he knew where that would lead hij to. He was forced to go to the events but he still didn't like to.
ReplyDeleteMost of the people we have learned about this year have either stole or had been involved with drugs and illegal things. For example Pablo Escobar sold drugs but he did it because he wanted to give to ther poor.
ReplyDeleteA recent discussion we have had in World Cultures is the two Escobars. We learned that people who grow up poor will most likely do extraordinary things to become the cream of the crop. Andres Escobar for example grew up poor. He wanted to excel in soccer and help his country. Because soccer was the only thing he was good at, he pursued in his dream and wanted it bad enough to get it. Pablo Escobar grew up the same way but he thought that the only way to become good was through stealing or illegal jobs.
ReplyDeleteThese two people depict 3 parts of society. The wealthy and the poor, the good and the bad. All though Pablo and Andres both grew up poor and wanted to help their country, they both had different views and approaches (good and bad) as to how to get great. The other part of society is the rich. It is not often that you find a rich person becoming great in a sport because they know that they will have a meal on the table if they don't make it.
These 3 aspects of life makes things more interesting and adds a twist to the way of the world.
-Naomy Grand'Pierre
Period 6 :)
I have learned the wealthier people become very greedy with money and most of the time, they choose to respond to their money in the wrong ways. Firstly, they arenot spending money in the right ways such as not donating money to poor people or not tithing in church. Secondly, they do not spend their money on beneficial things and end up owing lots of money to the bank. Most people who gain lots of authority over other people will become obsessed with their power by making decisions in order to give them power even if the decision will be a bad decision for the country. Greed is part of human nature which is not good because the result is usually leading continents and countries into corrupt government, debt, etc. Many lower class people have a different response. Poor people become very upset and jealous of rich people because rich people never seem to do anything for the poor. Some poor people respond to this in the wrong sort of ways such as stealing (from the rich), selling drugs, etc. The rich and poor people are both wrong in this situation. Poor people could have looked to God instead of drugs. Rich people could have donated money to the poor. Pablo Escobar demonstrates a great example of a poor person badly influenced by the rich people which resulted in major conflict for Columbia.
ReplyDeleteOut all of the people that we learned about this year, everyone acts differently. Some people want to help their country, like Andres Escobar. Other people such as the Aztecs want to please their gods by killing people and giving them as a sacrifice(which is a sinful). Some tendencies or sinful temptations that all humans are sucseptible to is, thinking that they can do what ever they want. Examples are celebrities like Michael Phelps and Michael Phelps. You have to look at the inside of people, not the outside. God is the one who judges you, and he looks at the heart.
ReplyDeleteRecently we talked about Colombia an Drug dealers with soccer. The government was constantly being bribed with money from the drug dealers and how almost a whole country went into madness from laws being changed and people being murdered. Looking at that money is a key at what people look at and that is what they care about. Even farther back in past tribes like the Aztecs saw the Spanish as gods and treated them that way. The Aztecs were tempted to give them everything and it ended up ending a nation. Greed from people around the world shows what not to do in America but still it is happening.
ReplyDeleteA lot of people around the world try to do the right thing but they do it in the wrong way. Like Pablo Escobar tried to help the poor but trafficking drugs and killing people who get in the way is not the way to do it. Also another example is the Aztecs even though they worshiped the wrong gods they did it very strongly and should be respected for that. Although they didn't need to sacrifice other human beings for their fake god. They do have a good goal in mind but the way they do is a very discerning factor in whether it is good or not. If we converted people to Christianity by putting a gun to people's heads and saying BE A CHRISTIAN OR ELSE!!!!!!!!!!! That is just as bad as not doing it at all.
ReplyDeletePeople think they are better than others. They want what is best for them and they will do almost anything to get it. An example is Pablo Escobar he was very generous, But he killed others who didn't do what he wanted. People think that what they think and their plans are more important than God's. When in reality God is in control whether we like it or not.
ReplyDeleteI have learned that people tend to want power and money. Like in the two escobars Pablo kept controle beacuse he had power and money. He took controle over evreyone and he was a bad person
ReplyDeletewilliam bell
What i have learned for classroom discussion is that people think that they are better than others. People are susceptible to greed, drugs, alcohol, and many more things.Pablo Escobar helped many people just in all the wrong ways. Everything he did came from drug-trafficking. Many people liked him and did what he said, but if somebody didn't like him or disobeyed him they were killed that next day usually.
Well all humans are sinful. Usually a person doesn't sin as much as they would if they were famous. Andrez Escobar was different he stayed humble throughout his carrier and not getting invloved with Pablo Escobar or any of the drug traffickers. Unfortunately, Columbia's golie's ego got the best of him because he thought that he was that awesome that he could go visit a huge drug dealer in the prison and nothing be suspicious with was stupid and got him thrown in jail. Andrez' one mistake costed him his life and also he should've thought about listining to his friends because if he did he might still be living right now.
ReplyDeleteall humans are prone to make a mistake in their life. But all humans suffer from greed. We always want more of what we do not have. Like in a communist government the dictator never wants to give up his power. He only wants to gain. Also with pro athletes they will hold out on a contract until the team will give them what they want because they are so valuable. So that is what most humans are prone to do.
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ReplyDeletePeople today often act before they truly know the situation they are getting into. The world is full of temptations that can deceive us into thinking that everything is okay, when in reality, we are headed down the wrong path. For example, Andres Escabor had a choice to either listen to his friends' wise advice, or choose to go out into the dangerous world and risk his life. He acted before thinking, and went from the comfort of his home and eventually lost his life. He let temptation stand in his way of a prosperous life.
ReplyDeleteEveryone is human, they make mistakes. Everyone in the world has made at least one mistake in his or her life. Nobody's perfect and that is a fact. No matter how hard someone tries, they will always mess up and sin. Also people all around the world are very similar even if they don't look the same. Many people share the same religion or language, while others share the same passions, like sports.
ReplyDeletePeople struggle with all sorts of things like: drugs/alcohol and taking advantage of people like Pablo Escobar, power/strength like many dictators in South America, and putting hope into something that will/possibly will fail you like Andres Escobar.
-Quinn Larimer
prd 6 12/9/10
People think and act according to their status in the world. For example, a rich person in the U.S. might think about getting rid of their money, and trying to find something fun to do. One guy even made a catapult and threw cars with it. A poor person in the slums of peru might think about how they can escape from the reality of having no food or money, and go to a neighborhood soccer game.
ReplyDeleteI believe all humans are susceptible to two things: the love of money, and lust. All of us have commited these, no matter where. I know i have. Everywhere you go, there will be money to be made or material value to be gained. Also there will (at least almost) always be someone attractive of the opposite sex no matter where.
People are basically selfish. There seems to be a tendency for selfish people to beat others down in their effort to acquire power. One example of this is Pablo Escobar. He ruined lives giving people drugs, while he ended up at the top of the world, collecting millions of dollars in the process. Many people idolized Pablo even though his actions were horrid. Eventually, the greedy man was shot, because he wanted even more than what he had.
ReplyDeleteAndres Escobar was a highly talented soccer player who was loved by his fans. Andres had it all. He was rich, talented, and loved. Still, he wanted more fame. The night after making the worst mistake of his soccer career, Andres went out to show his face to his people, and was gunned down. What good is it if a man should gain the whole world, but lose his soul in the process?
It is so easy to fall into temptation. When people get power it makes them want more. Dictators dont like backing down because the power controls them even though they think they are in control.
ReplyDelete~Madeline Terry
I've learned that some people think themselves to be above the law. They think that they can do whatever they want and not get caught. Unfortunately in some corrupt countries this is true. A main example of this is Pablo Escobar. Hu succubed to temptations of buying people of killing them to get his way. He bought politicians so he could change laws and not get extridited and since Colombia was corrupt it worked. Andres Escobar gave in to the temptationto show his face in public and he was murdered even though everyone close to him warned him to not leave the house.
ReplyDeleteHumans in general are all sinners. Over all the people we studied in class, most people have the same goal. All the famous leaders end up making a terrible mistake because of power. Others howver may just make the wrong decision and get a punishment for it anyways. One example is Andres Escobar. He used his talents to start on one of the best soccer teams in the world. However, he was kind of at the wrong place at the wrong time. He did have the choice to stand up to Pablo Escobar but he couldnt knowing death would be the consequence. Pablo on the other hand was trying to do the right thing but didnt exicute it in the right way. but was what he did helping or hurting his country more?
ReplyDelete-Kelsey Butler
december 10th 2010
period 6
All people have sinful nature. everybody has done wrong things.most people have some sort of way to escape reality. nobody is perfect (besides jesus). people do extraordinary things to get noticed. money is a strong temptation and cuases people to do wrong things. pablo escobar grew up in poverty but later on he started selling drugs. he used the money to do good things yet he aquired the money the wrong way. all people are sinful but and do wrong things.
ReplyDeletePeople all around the world are self absorbed in theirselves. They think that it's all about them and how much money they make. Some people don't care about how other people veiw them. For example the two Escobars, one of them was going for good goals because he wanted to escape from reality of being poor. Pablo Escobar wanted money and to help other people, but he helped them in the wrong way. In life poeple are tempted to get fame, money, or just good things that happen to them the wrong way. We are all tempted to do something wrong once in a while. We all live in a fallen world, but that is why Jesus came for us to forgive us.
ReplyDeleteKristen Fikse Per. 5
I have learned that the way people think and act impact their life. The way Pablo Escobar acted by donating soccer equipment and fields to the poor people was good, but the way he thought it out "by giving these people these fields and equipment they will like me more so i dont get pulled out of my country" he was evil. He had good intentions but a bad impact on the country of Colombia. The way Andres Excobar acted was good also the way he thought was good. He gave back to hi country through soccer.Humans are tempted by money and drugs throughout the world. So as christians we should block out those temptations.
ReplyDeleteMegan Fikse
World Cultures
Period 6
I have learned that people tend to want power and money. Like in the two escobars Pablo kept controle beacuse he had power and money. He took controle over evreyone and because he was giving to the comunity everyone looked past him. When Pablo lost his power and was killed everyone whent power crazy and tried to take his "leader" possiton.
ReplyDeleteWilliam Bell
Many tendancies of people around the world is to get money. People do bad and unnecessary things to get lots orf money. They will murder, steal, and destroy... People like Pablo Escobar decided to be a drug dealer to make that dough. Some honest people like Andres Escobar work hard for their dough. Its a good thing that we have people like that in this world!!! :)
ReplyDeletewe have learned about lots of people. some do things to help people and themselves. solme follow their dream. pablo wanted to help people but did it sinfully by making drugs. he also act to get back at the wold and make it a better place
ReplyDeletesageblackwood peroid 3
In World Cultures class this year we have heard about many people who have given into the temptations that they were tested from. For example, Pablo Escobar, sold drugs to make millions of dollars. And later, he got his punnishment with the death penalty. But, also you can go through horrible things in your life and still be a great person. Sometimes, those tragedies make you stronger. Andres Escobar's mother died when he was young and he could either choose between being depressed for the rest of his life or making something of himself, which he chose, and now he is one of the most remembered names in sports history.
ReplyDeleteSarah Zschunke
World Cultures
per. 5
I have learned that many people succumb to their human temptation. Like Pablo Escobar, he showed that he was tempted to make money by that drug business. Also about those latin american dictators when they showed that they were over agreesive for power.
ReplyDeleteCourtney Alexander
ReplyDeletePablo Escabar was an interesting pwerson who made bad choices. In theory he mader sense, however, he became currupt because he sold drugs and was later punished by the death penalty. This is a prime example of someone who was currupt and had control over many people.
ReplyDeleteI have learned that many people live through rogh lifes. I have learned about PABLO eASCOBAR. That he had lived a rough life and has to yet be punished for a small mistake!
ReplyDeleteMargaret Reed
Throughout the world, pleople have different opinions on some topics. These opinions are usually formed from the culture people live in. Like in Columbia, most of their soccer programs were formed from drug trafficing. In other parts of the world this is not used and people view it as wrong. This example shows the different opinions formed in different cultures.
ReplyDeleteMatt Olson
Per. 5
Most people of the world act in a selfish manner because that is human nature. The fans of colombian soccer acted out of selfish thoughts. Their selfishness caused many deaths in Colombia. When Spain and Portugal were exploring Latin America, spain's selfishness affected the amount of land that portugal received. Humans tend to judge people based off their appearence and not their character. As Colombian soccer as an example, judging people's appearance can lead to disaster
ReplyDeleteMost people despite where they are from are selfish and greedy. They put themselves ahead of others, and don’t care much aboubt others. Humans are susceptible to greed, and selfishnees. Most time, people from all around the world fall captive to this temptations. An example is the Columbian soccer team. The players knew that they were putting people’s lives in danger when they played, but continued to play. I think people are more sensitive to their family being in danger. If the players who lost family had known that would have happenbed I suspect they wouldn’t have played in the games. However what happened was a consequence of their selfishness and greed.
ReplyDeleteSyd Burke
Many people everywhere tend to think that they are better than the people around them and that the world revolves around them. They become extremely greedy with the money that they have and don't try to serve others as the bible says we should. People also tend to think that they are always in control and do things that they know are not good. They see that other people are doing these things, or do this to avoid trouble coming to them, but this often causes trouble that they have brought upon themselves.
ReplyDeletePeople all around love power. most are tempted to get it anyway that they can. Like Pablo Escabar, he wanted to keep his power so he killed people who got in his way. Another example is king Harod. Whrn he heard that Jesus was born, he wanted Him killed because he knew that Jesus would win against him effortlessly.
ReplyDeletemary kendrick
all people are suseptible to temptations, even the best of men. Look at the people who were in charge of the prosecutions for the murder the soccer player. they blammed it on the body gaurd. they sent the body gaurd away just for the money that was in for it. there has only been one person in the history of the world, and that was jesus.
ReplyDeleteheeeeeeey! merrrrryy Christmasssss!