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Friday, October 8, 2010

World Cultures Question #4

"The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings; the inherent vice of socialism is the equal sharing of miseries."-Winston Churchill

Answer the following questions with a parent...

What does a Biblical view of money and economics involve? Give Biblical truth and evidence in your answer.

How should Christians balance financial gain with keeping a proper view of money in mind?


  1. well in the bible their were taxes shown through the story of the widow giving up her last coin and giving it as an offering to the church. Being Christians we need to not get greedy and we need to not use the money for bad items such as drugs alcohol and cigarettes but not just the things that are bad for us. We need to look at money as 3 envelops. One for giving, the other for keeping, and the other for saving.

  2. "For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs."(3. 1 Timothy 6:10). There are many different biblical views on money. As Christians, we are called to live a generous life and share our blessings with those who need it. We cannot out give God but we should share the many blessings He gives us. We should not only share our money, bout other God given gifts as well like time, abilities and knowledge.
    "In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said: ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’"(Acts 20:35). It is simple, split your money into three categories. SAVINGS, SPENDING and GIVING. GIVING being the most important of all three.
    -Naomy Grand'Pierre
    and help from Dad.
    Period 6

  3. Jesus said, "It is better to give than to receive."
    1 Timothy 6:10 says " For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs."
    Before there was a currency system, humans lived off the land and through a system of bartering. Early humans understood that you "reaped what you sowed" and God gave "sufficiency for all things." Only when humans adopted the notion of ownership, did the need for placing value on Gods creation through currency become necessary.
    As our current economic system has evolved, the pursuit of wealth through material gain has become necessary. Our challenge is to allow the spirit of God to lead and guide in every way.

    Because we are living in an indulgent, materialistic culture our focus is on material possession and not the kingdom of God.

    I think that trying to do the best in your work is all right but when you do it for money and let money fuel all your desisions it becomes sinful.

    My personal opinon is that money makes the world go round. So as Christian there is no way around money. It is human nature to want money but, we must be lead by the spirit.

  4. The bible says in 1st Timothy 6:7 " For we brougght nothing into the world and we can take nothing out of it." This means we need to always be content and no matter how much money we have we brought none into the world so we can take nothing out. The Bible also says that is you have more money than others you should not be greedy or arrogant with it.
    Christians should be content with what they have and make sure they give their tithes to God. If they are blessed with more money they should be generous with it.

  5. In Luke 19:13 the Bible says: "So he called ten of his servants and gave them ten minas. 'Put this money to work,' he said, 'until I come back.'" Jesus calls all of His believers to use money for the good, not the bad. Money can be excellent to a certain extent. Jesus tells people in the Bible that everyone needs to put money into good use, and that everyone needs to use money to serve the Lord. If people are using money to buy more and more unnecessary items then money becomes a terrible thing. In order for Christians to balance out money they need to use less money when material items rule over God. Then they need to start putting more money to God and balance it out. Therefore money can be good, but Christians should teach other people that in order for money to be valuable everyone needs to balance it out with their life with Christ.
    ~Megan Schwarzkopf~

  6. Acts 8:20 says, "But Peter said unto him, Thy money perish with thee, because thou hast thought that the gift of God may be purchased with money."
    God tells us that money will be no use in Heaven and that there will be no economy in Heaven except for a Utopia. So there is no reason to worship money on Earth because you can't buy your way into Heaven, and money is useless to God. As Christians, we should use money to get things that we need and not idolize it. So it could be OK to have a decent amount of money that you use to support your family, but as soon as money becomes more than just an object for trade, that is when it's a sin.

  7. In 1Timothy 6:10 it says " For the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil." The Biblical view of money is that you should give your first fruits to God. It's ok to be rich as long as you keep God as your focus and your following his commandments. He pretty much says that if you love money your sinning. Your focus isn't on God its on gaining the money for yourself or family."Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth...but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven...For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." Matt. 6:19-21 This is another verse saying that our focus on earth should be on God not on the treasures we receive.
    -Rayna Mock

  8. Kristina Harrington said...

    1 Timothy 6:9 says People who want to get rich fall into temptation and a trap and into many foolish and harmful desires that plunge men into ruin and destruction. God is saying that if we let money consume us we will take our eyes off of him. He wants us to prosper, but he does not want money to be our primary focus. God wants us to be eager to serve others, and not have a burning desire for money. He says you can not serve both him and money. Therefore, Christians need to realize serving God is more important than acquiring money. Money is only temporary but God’s love last for eternity.

  9. In 1 Timothy 6:9 it says "People who want to get rich fall into temptation and a trap and into many foolish and harmful desires that plunge men into ruin and destruction.God is saying if we want to get rich we will fall into temptation and we will ruin and be destroyed.God doesn't want us to lust anything. Nor should we put money as a god or idol before God our true on and only God

  10. Hebrews 13:5 says, "Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said 'Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you." As Christians we are called not to worry about our money and possessions, yet we are often dissatisfied with what we have. I am so blessed, and yet I often still want more stuff. I take for granted that I live in America with a financially blessed family. The Lord says he will look out for us so we do not need to worry about what we have. As Christians we need to spend our money wisely and not keep our money for ourselves.

  11. 1 Timothy 6:10 says, "For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil." When a person's need for material objects grows higher than their need for God, they need to do something else with their money and how they spend it. If we give 10% of what we earn to the church, then it will limit the amount of money that we can spend on other things. This will also help us pay more attention to what really matters, which is the Lord.

  12. Well there are so many verses about money in the Bible. The first one that comes to my mind is 1 Timothy 6:10 which says, "For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil." Well like what I said in class, about how you should have enough money to provide needs for your family and maybe a little extra spending money but not an excess in it. If you had an excess and didn't even save any of it or give it to a foundation or special needs group or something, you are really greedy and selfish and god hates that kind of character.So at least give some away or sve some if you are rich.

  13. 1 Timothy 6:10 says, "For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil." Money and all other material objects have become necessities in most peoples lives. Because money is considered necessary in peoples lives now, they have begun idolizing money and they have changed their life to make more money. Although everyone needs money to live, many people, including Christians, have fallen in love with money. Everyone should still want to work hard to make money but they should not take advantage of the money they make by spending it all on stuff that is not needed.

    Matt Olson

  14. Ecclesiastes 5:10 (New International Version)
    Whoever loves money never has money enough; whoever loves wealth is never satisfied with his income. This too is meaningless.

    God says in HIS word that loving money is completely meaningless. Currently, money is becoming an idol and people are considering it as something they can not live without. Though, it is true our country has made money a necessity. God says several times in the BIble that loving money is evil, or the love of money is meaningless which tells us when we idolize money it is not honoring God. We, as Christians need to think of money not as a idol.
    -Kelsey Butler
    period 6

  15. 10For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs(1 Timothy 6:10) This verse clearly state that money is the root of all evil. In simpler terms this means that money can change people in a negative way. It can make people greedy so that they will do anything for the slightest amount of money. Also they will want more than what they have.
    Once people hear stories about how money destroys familes, marriages, and friendships, they will see how important it is to balance financial gain while having a proper view of money. Also if people do good things such as donate their money, they will be more grounded than others and therefore have a proper view of money.

    Syd Burke

  16. Just because you are ritch it doesnt meen that you are excused from being generouse. God says to give what you have and to be a cheerful giver. Like the woman who gave so little that everybody was acusing her of how little it was and how it doesnt even count. But Jesus says that its the thought that counts. Even though it was hardly anything, Jesus said it was the biggest because the woman gave all she could, while the rest gve a large sum, but it wasnt all that they could give. When we deal with finances and money, we shouldnt be greedy. we should donate to the needy and use our money wisley. I believe that if we do this, God will reward us

    Mary Kendrick

  17. The Bible tells us that the love of money is the root of all evil. Our main focus should not be on money. Matthew 6:19-20 commands us not to store up treasures on earth like money but to store treasures in heaven. The way to store treasures in heaven is by donating money to church and orphans or homeless people. A biblical view on economics would mean not working for money, but working to please the Lord. It is very difficult for christians to balance their money especially if they are wealthy. The way for believers to balance their money is to do anything with it that God is calling them to do.

  18. The Bible tells us that we can either serve God or serve money. I don't think that God wants us to focus on money instead of on him."Acts 20:35" says,"blessed is the man who gives not receives". I think that God wants us to share our money, at least give, and help the poor. We should not be greedy with our money, we should not boast, and make people feel like they are less than you because you hve more money than them.

  19. Ian Nash and Momma NashOctober 14, 2010 at 8:26 PM

    To begin with, you have to understand that everything you have belongs to God. That is the true and proper way to think of it. You are a steward of what He provides. Remember, the Bible tells us not to be proud of what we have accomplished, saying "what do you have that has not been given to you?"(1st Corinthians 4:7) Everything you do with your money, has to start with that understanding.

  20. god says that everything is his and that he owns it all. 1 chronicles 29:11 "Yours oh lord is the greatness and the power and the glory and the majesty and the splendor, for evrything in heaven and earth is yours. Yours oh lord is the kingdom; you are exalted as head over all." It is ok to have money as long as you use it for God's plans and not for your own. God owns all our money so its not really ours at all. thats why we give a tithe to the church. we are giving to God.when you start spending money jusst to get thing you want its not according to gods plans but when you give to the church your using it according to how god wants you to use it. When we gain money(income) we are supposed to give ten percent to the church. we have to manage our money so we can use it for the glory of god as best we can.

  21. A Biblical view of money and economics involve realizing that everything on earth and in heaven is Gods. We do not own anything. It’s ok to earn money and have money, but we have to not be greedy. In Matthew 25:14-30, the parable was about a man who called his servants and gave them talents. He gave the first one five, the second one two, and the third one he gave one. The first two went and made more talents off their talents, but the third one hid his and didn’t use it. God wants us to use our money for good and to not just hide it away. We should not use it poorly though.

    Kristen Fikse, Period 5

  22. Jesus lived as a homeless pauper and thats how he ministered, through poverty. But king David lived like well, a king. Many different ways and levels of riches are shown in the Bible and in all levels of life God honored them. As Christians in todays culture i don't believe that God intends for us to be hobos and live with wondering if we are going to eat tomorrow, but even wit hall the securities we have in money we should not value money more than He intended, like and idol, or for your main goal in life to be wealthy, but to tithe and give of ourselves and money to honor him.
    Audrey Garrett

  23. In the bible it says that the love of money is evil. People should make enough money to support their family. They should not become obsessed with making money to the extent that they ignore God and each other.

    God says that we should be good stewards with all that we are given. This means we should not waste the money that we have and, we should look to increase it like the servant who was given talents.

  24. The Bible says, constantly, to be wise with money. We should, yes be wise with our money, but it is not saying not to earn money, it just says don't spend it like crazy or buy stuff one doesn't really need. As Christians, we should all make sure we donate our fair share and make sure that every penny is spent wisely.

  25. The Bible teaches us to not be toally focused on wealth and to use the money that we make to support our families but also to help others who are in need.

    I believe that if we help others God will reward us by making sure we are comfortable in our life. Money should be used to help us get what we need, not things that are excessive and selfish.

  26. Acts 20:35 says, "It is more blessed to give than to receive". The money we have is not really ours. It is from God and we are to use it wisely. Part of that is in our giving to the church and to those in need. The rest is for us to purchase the things that we need for surviving. This verse says that if we give, then we will be blessed.

    No matter how much we make, it is still God's money that he has blessed us with, so we need to be wise with it.

    The government right now seems give to spend more than it receives and taxes. That seems to have gotten our economy into trouble. In recent years, many people have spent more than they make, which is why there are so many people in debt and houses in foreclosure. God does not want this for us.

    Sage Blackwood and his mom

  27. 1 Timothy says,"Money is the root of all kinds of evil." That is common because people think that money is what keeps them alive and forget that God is in control. The bible says we shall have no other god and if money is more important than money is like god and we are sinning. When dealing with finaces, we need look at money with moderation and know that God provides our needs not money.

  28. The Bible speaks a lot about greed. It tells us how coveting is wrong and that we as Christians should not be too concerned with money and riches. God tells us that if you don't work you will not eat. Therefore I do not believe that working in order to earn a living is wrong. I believe God is telling us that it is when we hold money too highly that money becomes a bad thing. God also tells us that everything comes from Him and that He will provide for all of our needs. This means that no matter what is going on in our economy God will never let us go through any hardship that we are unable to handle.

  29. Over and over again, in our society today, the love of money, instead of love for God, destroys peoples lives. 1 Timothy 6:10 says: "For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil." I do believe that it is acceptable for Christians to want to earn enough money to live comfortably and provide for their families. However, if a Christian's main goal in life is to add money to his or her bank account, that person will soon be spiritually bankrupt. The poorest man, as far as material things in the world, can be the richest in the eyes of the Lord. Obedience and fellowship with God should be a person's primary goal in life, not to earn more money.
    Sarah Zschunke
    World Cultures per. 5

  30. In I Chronicles 29:12 it says "wealth and honor come from you; you are ruler of all things. In your hands are strength and power to exalt and give strength to all." This means that God owns it all even money. People use the environment and their resources to meet their material needs or wants. We should be content with what we have.
    It is ok to prosper. Money is ok as long as you are glorifying God and pleasing him with it. So, Christians should use their money wisely and when using it, use it for your needs not wants by keeping biblical perspective in mind.

    Megan Fikse (and parents)
    World Cultures
    period 6

  31. Me and my dad (mostly my dad) put together a list for Q1:
    1.-We need to be good stewards like in the Parable of the Three Servants. We must take and multiply our talents to bless the master.
    2.-We should give cheerfully for "The Lord loveth a cheerful giver"
    3.-We must "give unto Ceaser that wich is Ceaser's", which means basically to pay taxes
    4.-We should pay those who help us quickly and not wait until "tomorrow"
    5.-The Lord will open the floodgates of heaven and bless our tidthes. We can test Him on this.
    6.-Don't borrow for it is said to be a millstone and the borrow is said to be a servant unto the lender, and if someone borrows from you don't charge intrest.
    Being wise with your money now will help bless others better later because you will have extra. It is always better to give than to recieve, for the eternal blessings of giving include joy from the smile on the recievers face, happiness, and a heavenly reward.

  32. Matthew 6:24 says,"No one can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and Money. 1 Timothy 6:10 says,"For the love of Money is the root of all evil. Hebrews 13:5 says,"Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have.

    Godliness is profitable, but not in a financial sense. We should be humble, trust in God rather than money, and be interested in good deeds, not in bank accounts. We should also desire money for Christ centered purposes, not self-centered purposes.

  33. A Biblical view of money is made up of three important points. First, everything belongs to the Lord including economies and money. Next, if a person is successful, God made them accomplished. Finally, it’s important to invest the money God provides, and honor God in how the money is spent. Instead of loving money, God wants his people to love him: “For we brought nothing into the world, and we can take nothing out of it. But if we have food and clothing, we will be content with that. People who want to get rich fall into temptation and a trap and into many foolish and harmful desires that plunge men into ruin and destruction. For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wondered from faith and pierced themselves with many griefs”(1 Timothy 6:7-10). Christians must be careful to not desire money over God, or they will stray form God’s Word. Since all wealth is given to believers from the Lord, Christians should not have an ego that they are so wonderful and smart. Just because someone might have worked hard for money does not mean they can take credit for the money. God is the one who ultimately blessed them. Christians should do great acts with money like taking care of their family, and like giving money back to the Lord and others. Also, Christians should be careful to not spend an excess of money, or else they will waste God’s gift to them. Money is not a terrible thing when it stands alone, but when greedy people steal, lie, and cheat for money, it becomes an evil enemy. Christians should not let money affect them.
    -Rachel Hicks

  34. A biblical view of money and economics has to do with giving. We are called to take care of eachother which would be more socalist. The bible is not saying that we need to take care of people who arnt trying. Christians should try to ballence money and god we need to have god first in our lives and have money after that. Personly i think Jeasus came to tell us about beleaving in christ and the kingdom of heaven not politics
    William Bell

  35. Money is very important in today's world. It's amazing how easy it is to redirect your eyes to inimportant things such as money. I believe money can change a person completely. (1 Timothy 16) We should share our money with others and not be greedy as so many of us are.

  36. The bible says that we should use are money wisely. We shouldn't take it for granted and that we should give some of it back to God through the church. 1 Timothy 6:10 says, "For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows." This means that desiring money is bad and can lead to the distruction of man. Having money isn't bad unless you desire it all the time and it is all that you think about. Loving money and putting it before God is very bad. Christians should use their money wisely. They need to keep God in mind when spending money and they need to use it for the right purposes. Using money to make you happy never works. Believers need to becareful when they spend money. They need to honor God in all that they do, even what they do with money.
    Quinn Larimer
    prd. 6 10/15/10

  37. As Christians we need to not be greedy of money. But being a sinful nature humans are greedy. i have seen people very greedy in stores and everywhere. people are always trying to make an easy buck. Liam virrill

  38. Saving money is even more important than it was 5 years ago because of the recession. There are people who blow all the money they've earned over the years in a few months. This is not smart at all.nGod wants us to earn our money with good intention. Exampes of these intentions are supporting your family, buying food, and buying a house. If you do this, then you will be able to have a godly, fulfilling life.

  39. I dont think as christians we should make money just to be the richest. We should put in the hard work that goes with it and the money can be a reward for doing good.

  40. JEsus wants us to have a well balanced lifet. through him and allso having many good friends on earth. With these will come peace and we should not focus on one earthly thing.

  41. God doesn't want us to be obseesed with money. He wants us to be obsessed with him. If we put money over him that is wrong. We can make money but it being our only goal is wrong. Through Him we can do anything.

  42. In Matthew 22:21 Jesus says, " Give to Caesar what is Caesar's. and to God what is God's". This verse tells us that everything that we have, comes from God, so as christians we should steward our money as it came from God, because God blessed us with everything we own. We shouldn't be greedy with our money, because God tells us that he will provide each and every day for our needs.

    As christians, we should keep in mind when making profits that God provided all of our finances, so we should earn enough to support our families but be cautious when gaining more and more, because we are human and with a surplus of money, greed will overcome our minds. In the Bible, God tells us of the worship called tithe. This tells us that we should give 10% of our money to God. We should also give God 10% of our time, not just money. These commandments from God are to protect us from greed. He doesn't want our money, he just doesn't what us to have a surplus of money because he knows we are human and that money causes greed.

  43. God doesnt want us to obsses with money. It is good to have it but if we earn it the right way. It is not good to steal or robb someone. Dont try to make miney for the wrong reasons.
    ~Gabrielle boswell

  44. 1 timothy 6:10 for the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil.The boble also says that we should enjoy the fruits of our labor. I think money is a good thing unless you make it an idol. You can have money but you have to use it for good things.
    By: Ryan Wesley

  45. The bible says that if a man does not work, they shall not eat. God believes that if a man does not work for his money he does not deserve it. Many people around the world just think about money and not about others God does not want us to keep our focus on money and not on him

  46. There are some things in our culture that people pass by and dont take the time to take a stand against them. racism is still a problem today. God created us all in His image. just because somebody is from a different place than you, doesnt meen that they are a bad person. God dosesnt like racism and there are so many jokes today in our own nation that nobody has the gutts to stand against.
    Mary Kendrick

  47. Things like having children before marriage. Also cheating on your wife or husband. And certain religions that we accept.
    -Courtney Alexander

  48. Since slavery is part of the southern culture, noone wants to stop it. It is wrong to do this but the southeners were dum and beleived they had the right to. Something sgould have been done to stop it because it was cruel and evil. This is one of the reasons that led to the Civil War.

  49. Slavery is not stopened because nobody has the courage to stand up and fight against it. Everybody know that it is wrong even the people who own slaves. They know it's wrong, but they just want somebody to work for them instead of doing the work by themselves. Slavery is very bad, and i think that somebody needs to stand up and stop it.
