Consider all of the parts of the world we have studied this year in World Cultures...
In what ways are people from different parts of the world similar?
Give specific examples.
(Ssssshhhhhh! Don't tell anyone, but I may give extra credit for really good answers. It's the last blog of the year so I might just be generous.)
In what ways are people from different parts of the world similar?
Give specific examples.
(Ssssshhhhhh! Don't tell anyone, but I may give extra credit for really good answers. It's the last blog of the year so I might just be generous.)

People from all over the world all have many differences, but most all people have things in common as well. One thing is that of all the languages that people speak one thing is the same in every language and that is a laugh, everyone laughs there is nobody who does not laugh, so that is one thing that we all have in common is laughter. Another thing that many people all around the world have in common is that we all have love, everyone in this world loves it could be our parents, spouses, or friends. Everyone in this world has a love for someone and that is something that makes us all alike. The last thing that I am going to mention that is common between all people around the world is how we all have been made in Gods’ image whether we believe in him or not we have all been made in his image and are all given a chance to believe in God. those are the ways that all humans around the world no matter their skin color, religon, or where they live are all alike.
ReplyDelete-Stephen Bracher
I think the main characteristic that all humans have in common is we are all greedy and we want the most and we want to be the best at everything. Everything in every culture is based around money and competition. We all want money because we think it can "buy happiness" when really it cannot. Only thing that is really worth having is God in your heart. Most people do not understand that concept and that is why Christianity is not the dominate religion in the world. We all want to provide for our families with nice things and basic
ReplyDeleteessentials like food and water. We all want to be the "hot shot" on the street and we all want to be like that celebrity on the cover of People Magazine. What people do not realize is if you put your trust in God and you rely on God, He will provide for you and your family. People just worry about money and they try to get more and more money. Money is not that big of a deal. It's just paper! It cannot buy you happiness. Only God can get you to happiness. I know a lady who was in debt to the IRS for $400,000 and she had no idea if she could pay it off or not. She called every number that came on her television screen but they just abandoned her. That week, she went to church and talked with her pastor about her problem. The pastor said to her, "Tithe." So she did. The next week she received a letter in the mail stating that her rich great second cousin had just died and she inherited all the money that she had saved up. It was over $2 million!
I think that is a good example of money cannot buy you happiness because she was "buying" happiness and ended up in debt. So in perspective, money is not the most important thing, but it's something that man is obsessed with and it's something that all people have in common... Money obsession.
To me though people have different characteristics that define themselves, there is one major thing as sinners that ive noticed about everyone. Success. Everyone tries to be successful. As to wheather it is true or not, si another topic. Everyone we have learned about try to make theirs lives better. People try to be succesful by doing things to. In America, people tend to work harder at jobs and do anything to make their lives easier and more, lavish. In the middle east, people tended to find oil, and get as much land as possible. In South America and the carribean, drugs are easier to sell to make money. In Europe, success is also a big part of their well beings. In Africa, Though they arent very developed, they still try to make their lives succesful as possible. This is a common thing for people all around the world.
ReplyDelete-Jiniah Blis
There are many ways the people we have studied are similar. First is that all the world cultures we have studied all want more power. They always put money a head of all their values and they all strive to have more and lots of the times, their country goes to ruins. Another reason we are similar is that all the countries that they all have family that they care deeply about. Another one is religion. Every single country had religion that the people believe deeply in and are very faithful. I think there are so many reasons because we are all human and we have the same needs.
ReplyDeleteBrandon Chan
Despite difference in race, where one lives, and religion, people all around the world share many things in common. Because Adam and Eve succumbed to temptation in the Garden of Eden, every person on this earth is born into sin, temptation, and acquire a sinful nature. This sinful nature make us selfish, hopeless, imperfect, and unable to approach the throne of God. But, because of God's grace for ALL of His creation, He sent His Son to die on a cross to allow us to be righteous and without tarnish in God's eyes. Even though this great gift can be obtained by every person, one must choose to believe and accept that God is Sovereign and His Word is true to receive God's grace and forgiveness. Everyone in the world has a choice to receive God, they can all experience God's abundance, and they all have a sinful nature.
ReplyDeleteEvery person on earth is a subject to a sinful lifestyle. Some things that might be recognizable in a human's life is selfishness, pride in one's own accomplishments, and desire. Selfishness is shown through everyday decisions that one makes. For example, if someone had to decide which cookie to take if they knew that they had to give the other to their brother, they would choose the bigger cookie because of their selfishness. People in every tribe, country, and religion group also seek self-gratification. For example, if somebody on the Whitefield Middle School girls soccer team scores six goals during a soccer game against Landmark, they will want everyone to know their accomplishments the next day at school. Another similarity that people everywhere share is desire. The single object that is most admired by people is money. No matter what currency or material it is made out of, money is admired because it shows success, accomplishments, and provides a sense of material possession. Unfortunately, money does not satisfy our crave for success; once we gain the amount of money that we wanted, we always crave more and eventually put money ahead of God. By making money an idol, we are kept from God's great love and kindness. There are many more things that people have in common, but these are some of the most obvious ones.
-Justin Brendel
People are all around have many similarities and many differences. We are all similar in the fact that we are all a Gods children and that we all human. We are also all are selfish this is because we are all sinful. We also like to be recognized by our accomplishments because we are all greedy about lots of things but especially about money. This is not way it should be. We should all be the same in the fact that we put God before anything else.
ReplyDelete*Ann DuPre
People are all different, but our nature is all the same. In every part of the world there have been bad times and good. Most of the bad times are because of peoples selfishness and sinful nature. In every culture people are noticed by their status, if they are rich, poor, or anywhere between they are all noticed and can be rewarded more depending of what they have done in there lives. although there are many similarities the main one is that we are all created under God and are all influenced by sin.
ReplyDelete-Tinsley Stokes
God created us all equal. That is a way we are similar. But we have all difrent cultures and society's. We al have sin in our lives and are not perfect watsover. We also are very greedy and self centered and we care mostly only for ourselfs. We all have the gift of free will. So we can make our own choices and decisions. We know what is right and what is wrong. And since were human and it's part of our nature it's usually a sinful choice.
ReplyDeleteOver this year, we have learned about many different cultures with many different people. There are many different people within every culture, but throughout all of the world there are many similarities. No matter what race, gender, or even tribe that you are from, you still have the same qualities with every person, all around the world. One of the similarities that all people, all around the world have in common is that we all have a family and a herritage. No matter where someone is now, they all started somewhere. Another thing that everyone has in common is that we all have our own minds, and we all think our own way and have our own beliefs. Another thing that untites everyone around the world is religion. There are many different religions around the world, but odds are that someone on another part of the w orld has the same religion as you.
ReplyDeleteThere are many differences and similarities around the world, and qualities that unite us all.
~~~~<3 CASSIE:)
Most people are alike but different at the same time. For example race makes us seem different because of your color but we all act the same. We all cry as babies. We all fuss and cuss and want more than we need. Usually these tendencies aren't taught but just our natural ways of life. But like Iman God created us equal even though we aren't in this society.
ReplyDeleteOf all the people that we have studied I would say most of them are different in some ways and most of them are the same in some ways. Now everyone is different because we come from different countries which makes us look different, act different, and feel different. In America we have a lot of cultures but it all comes from different countries. In Africa they have there own rituals and religions. In Europe its just crazy over there because it's huge! Then in mexico and south america its mostly different but really we kinda connect mostly with them. The reason i said that we can also be the same is that we are all Gods children and we should all see the people around as equal because in God's eyes we are all equal. Now this doesn't mean that we should devote our lives to going out on missionaries and living in Africa for the rest of our lives! In some cases it might mean that to some people. This whole year has been great and we have learned so much thanks Mr. B. We are all the same and also all different in God's eyes. ROLL TIDE ROLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteOther than the millions of things that are different about places all over the world, there are also some similarities. First, everyone on Earth is sinful, and has a sinful nature. In my opinion, we are all born sinful, I mean think about it, we are born crying. Along with everyone's sinful nature, people all over the world are selfish, self-seeking, money absorbed, jealousy, pride, etc. Even though everyone in the world sins, and has these sins, people around the world are also loving, peaceful, caring, etc. Not everywhere in the world is going to be peaceful and loving, but that is a common trait between many countries. Religion is also a big factor in similarities between the world. There are many different religions, but some places have the same basic religions that are all over the world, such as Christianity or Islam. Some countries might not all have freedom of speech, but everyone has their own minds and beliefs. In some ways, we are all similar because we believe in different things. One main similarity between everyone is that we are all humans, and all created by the same God, Jesus Christ. Now, if some countries don't want to believe that, they don't have to, but it's true. These are a few of the reasons why countries all over the world can be alike.
ReplyDelete~Kerry Anna Lemasters~
Every single person, no matter what environment they are in, will always have some similar characteristics to every other human being in the world. There are of course the basic instincts we know as common sense, that even infants share, and there are the deeper, undistinguished traits that even the greatest philosophers of history cannot even come close to understanding. Every person shares the same emotions, such as love, hate, fear, and selfishness. It within these basic emotions that we can discover the truth about human nature, which every single person on the earth shares.
ReplyDeleteSome people say that it is possible to trace some distinct emotions back to other ones, like a tree. In theory, it might make sense, but when put into context, this is also an impossible method. People might say that looking out for oneself, which would fall into the category of selfishness, might cause an emotion like fear but it could also be caused by a concern for another person, which might fall into the category of love. Since there are so many different possibilities for so many different emotions, the tree method doesn’t exactly work. In fact it is this sense of misunderstanding of human nature that is in and of itself, human nature. This is because it symbolizes man’s inquisitive nature, along with humankind’s subconscious knowledge that there is something or someone out there all knowing and in control. This is the main example of people’s similar nature all over the world.
Another example is the constant question of whether humans have a “good” nature or evil one. In terms of “good”, even though Adam and Eve ate from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, they were still made in God’s image. This explains man’s “good” nature. However, it is because they ate from the tree that man became selfish, and developed a sinful nature. So even though billions of different people live in billions of different environments and situations, there are always similar characteristics that go beyond language, appearance, and any other obstacle.
-Micah Owens
people from different sides of the world are very similar. we do sports, like soccer which other countries to also. we all have some of the same religions, we have alot of the same values. in many ways we are the same.
The differences in the cultures we have studied are very present, and can be pin pointed easily. But, the similarities are present as well. One of those being that whether you are from Europe, Africa, the Americas or the Middle East, all people have minds that God gave them. Each and every person has a chance to accept the living God, and to believe that Jesus died for us sinful humans. We might come from a part of the world where fear drives us away from Christ, like the Middle East, but this should not deter us from coming to Jesus, and letting Him be our rock and our strength. In 1 Peter 2: 20-21 the Bible says, "But how is it to your credit if you receive a beating for doing wrong and endure it? But if you suffer for doing good and you endure it, this is commendable before God. To this you were called, because Christ suffered for you, leaving you an example, that you should follow in his steps." This is saying it is not right that one should be hurt because they are following Jesus, but if a follower of Christ is persecuted and they lean on Christ for their support then they will be in good standings with Jesus. Christ Jesus suffered for us sinful humans because He loved us. So, if we have to suffer because we are following Him, so be it. This is why those in the Middle East have no excuse for not giving their lives to Christ, along with the rest of the world. For the Bible says that every man will have an opportunity to accept Christ. No one has any excuses, and no man can say on Judgement Day, well I was never introduced to Christ. So, this is a similarity that all cultures share.
ReplyDeleteAnother similarity is that al humans worship a god of some kind. Even atheistic people, who believe that there are no gods of any kind, do have gods in their life. It may not be as obvious as a person who worships Jesus, or Buddha, but when one treats money, a sports team, celebrities, themselves or their job as the most important thing in their lives, they are worshiping those things. They become those peoples gods, even if they do not call them their gods. Even monotheist, who believes that there is only one god, may put things in their lives that become something that they worship. These people don't even mean to make those things their idols, but they do become gods to them if they do not keep their god first in their lives. A christian has to work very hard to always keep sight of Jesus instead of money or people. Every person, no matter what culture or region in the world, worships a god, and that is an alikeness that is unwavering.
Man has another similarity that they share with the true and only God, and that is that Satan is an evil enemy. Satan is like a thief, he steals away God's people and puts those to do his evil work. People like Hitler, were used by Satan. All humans are put to the test daily, when Satan whispers in humans ears, and makes them lose sight of Jesus and the teachings of the Bible. He tries to blind us, and it is our choice to push him away or to let him use us. When our barriers are broken down and we no longer can say no, he takes over our minds, hearts, and choices. The only way to save us is through Christ. This is something that all humans have to face, and those who do not accept Christ are the ones who will not be able to say no to Satan's alluring calls for us to turn away form what is right.
My parents agree
Grace Miller
people all over the world are different, yet we are alike. for example, we live near lakes, oceans rivers, and any other bodies of water. also we play sports and other things for entertainment. we all look for food, and strive for happiness, we all love, and family means a great deal to people from the deserts of Pakistan to Argentina's mountains. People across the globe listen to music and express themselves through art. people long for equality, and a better life for the children. Religion is worldwide, it does not matter of you are Buddhist or Catholic, religion is a uniting factor for every country. And most of all we are all Gods children, made in his image, to do his works...
ReplyDeleteAs humans, we are all similar because we are God's children, and he is our father. We are all created in God's image for a specific purpose - to be shining light for God in a world that is almost constantly in the dark. As humans, God gives us the choice to pick up our cross and follow him, or be subjected to a world full of sin. Basically, we are loved by our heavenly father in a way that we cannot even begin to comprehend. God amazing love for is something that people all over the world have in common. We all have our heavenly father's arms wide open, we just have to decide if we are going to follow him or follow a world encompassed in sin. Also, we are all born with a sinful nature that is completley unavoidable in our human lives. From the time that Adam and Eve sinned in the Garden of Eden, we or going to sin. It is just a part of life that humans all over the world have in common.
ReplyDeleteAlthough humans all over the world are similar in many ways, we are all still very different. We all see the world through different set of eyes. God gave us all the special gifts and talents so we could all have our own persepectives on life. Also, people all have a different standard for living. People in Africa mights think having water is a luxury, while people in America think having a mansion is a luxury. Also, we are all different because some of us choose to follow God with a passion and pursue becoming more like him. While others choose to cave into the sinful ways of this world. We are all alike because we are God's children, loved by him unconditionaly. We are all different because we have a sinful nature that desires to cave into the evil ways of this world
*Caroline Holliday*
There are millions of people everywhere and God said that each person is individually made diffrently. So there are very few similarities in my opinion. For example im sure that other people who comented on this blog they put that there are many similarities. I beleive it's completly diffrent. Why else would there be wars. Everyone around the world is so diffrent i believe unless every single person on earth became a Christain there could never be world peace. Anyway, that was beside the point. The one simalarity i believe that everysingle person has in there life is sin. Because Adam and Eve had to ruin it for everyone they desided to eat a stupid apple and make everyone born with sin. I wouldn't say things that if you gave someone brownie and they tore it in half and you asked who to give the bigger half to themself or a freind they would always take the bigger half. Some people dont take the bigger half. But when you put things in a better perspective they show human's sefish nature. If someone was offered a million dollars or one dollar knowing that it would be taken from someone else they would probley take the million not caring who's it was. Even then though a perosn might take the small one dollar but sometime in their life they are going to take the bigger half of something in there life.
ReplyDelete****** :D CARA GRACE HILDEBRAND :D *******
We are all related to each other because we were made by God. That is one thing that can never be taken away from us. We all have the same drive to provide for the ones that we love. For instance, if someone we know or are close to is in trouble or sick we are going to help them. No where in the world is someone going to just ignore the issue that they are faced with.
ReplyDeletePeople around the world are united by similarities. One way that people are similar is that they typically live near water. One reason for this is because of trade. Another reason is that when people first moved to different regions, they arrived on the coasts, and usually established settlements there. Another similarity between people around the world is religion. Most everyone believes in something/ someone. Thirdly language unites people. People speak different languages in different regions, but everyone speaks a language. Music is also a key similarity of people around the world, because music speaks every language. Sports also bring people together, no matter where you live. People around the world are very similar, yet completely different at the same time.
ReplyDelete~Sarah Marriott :D
People around the world are united by similarities. One way that people are similar is that they typically live near water. One reason for this is because of trade. Another reason is that when people first moved to different regions, they arrived on the coasts, and usually established settlements there. Another similarity between people around the world is religion. Most everyone believes in something/ someone. Thirdly language unites people. People speak different languages in different regions, but everyone speaks a language. Music is also a key similarity of people around the world, because music speaks every language. Sports also bring people together, no matter where you live. People around the world are very similar, yet completely different at the same time.
ReplyDelete~Sarah Marriott :D
We are all so similar though out the world. God made us all a big part of his world. He made each and everyone of us special in our own way. God made this earth and gave us a choice. That's another thing that we all have in common around the world. We all have freedom of choice. No matter where you are you can choose to love God or not, but he will always love you no matter what. He is a Bible verse on choice. Deuteronomy 30:19 says, This day I call heaven and earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live. It's just saying that we should choose him because he is the way, the truth, and the light. The only thing that isn't similar is that not everyone believes but at least we have a choice. If we didn't we would all be with satan.
There are many similarities between people from different countries. One is we all enjoy either playing or watching some sort of sport. Also, most of the eastern part of the world loves their country or tribe before their own family. Also, most peoples religious belief is extremely important. They will die to attract attention to their religion. People from different countries are similar in many ways these are just a few I can think of.
ReplyDeleteThanks Mr. Baker for all the interesting facts you have taught us this year. You were a great teacher, and I enjoyed your class. You prepared us very well for our years to come in high school.Quack Quack.
Walker Wood
People are alike in many different ways. To me, people are most similar because we have or all will be through major hardships. And if not hardships, we will all go through drastic changes that transform our lives. In Europe, a Bosnian Genocide occurred where the Serbs attacked the Muslim and Croat civilians in many various and gruesome ways. The people in former Yugoslavia have to heal from the trials they have faced, their lives have been affected by the past, and nothing will erase that from their history. Europe has also gone through many changes that make it what it is now. The Enlightenment, Christianity throughout Europe, and the Reformation have all altered the future of Europe. In the Middle East, an extremely ongoing battle between the Israelis and the Palestinians has completely affected the people living in the Middle East. Neighboring countries constantly get in disputes with the country of Israel. The hardship the Jews continue to face has affected the World, and at this point everyone is involved in their disputes. Africa has been through many adversities. Because of poverty, disease, hunger, and suffering because of awful governments, Africa has definitely had their share of hardships. The hardships that they have faced have affected that continent as a whole. And it will continue to transform them through striving to fight against the suffering that the people of Africa face and have faced. Moreover, in South Africa Apartheid was declared where segregation of the people was legalized. The majority blacks were given minority necessities and the minority whites were given majority necessities. Also in Africa a great dispute between the Hutus and the Tutsis has taken place. Their hate for each other shows how tribalism continues to affect the people of Africa. America has it made, compared to the other countries’ tribulations. But I do know for a fact that the people in America go through hardships, whether it is through death, divorce, a loss of a job, or something else. All humans are connected through our suffering. We can come together and build each other up through our troubles. We can grow and change together through our troubles. We can look to the future together through our hardships. And we can hope and have faith together through our sufferings.
ReplyDelete-anna long, smile! ten more days of school! summerrrrrrrrr!
out of all the parts of the world that we have studied, all of the regions we have a few things in common. one is that they all live ad have fairly normal lives like us and other parts of the world. also all of these countries have gone through very rough times. for example, europe during world war 2 was the key target in the end of the war. also the U.S. had 9/11 and also the stock market went down quite a lot. africa had and still has troubles that have to do with disease (like AIDS). many different regions have gone through many troubles much
ReplyDeletegreater than these.
-Harrison Weller
Though there many different countries, languages, cultures, religions and people in the world, we share many of the same things as well. Learning in depth about the whole world, gives you a brighter and clearer perspective on people, and that is what happened to me. First of, we are all children of God; created equally in His image. With that, we all posses a sinful nature. No matter what kind of person someone is, no body is perfect.
ReplyDeleteSecondly, the world shares the same love of sports no matter where their from. That is why the Olympics (international competition) is held every four years. The spirit, passion, and determination, brings people from all around the world together through competition. Every country shares their favorite sport. Whether it would be soccer (or futbol) for latin america and Europe, or track and field for kenya, people love it.
Also, the world shares it's love for food too. Each region of the world has their own cuisine that they are known for. For example, the French are known for wine and cheese and latin america is know for their flavor and mexican flair. Also, Asia is know for their fried rice and Chinese food and America is know for our classic hamburgers and hot dogs. When going to different countries, it is easy to notice that though you might not speak the same language, it is safe to say that "everybody speaks food". This happens all the time, and it is a beautiful thing.
Lastly, everyone in the world has a love for power an money. This passion to be better than others goes hand-and-hand with our sinful nature. People everywhere work hard and are honored if they have a lot of money and success. If they do not have these things, they are normally looked down upon. When people have power, money, and fame they feel better about themselves, but usually abuse it later on. This is common in all continents, countries, cities, towns, and tribes.
These are some of the many similarities that people have throughout the entire world. Even though every one is unique across the globe, there are still thing we all share that bring us together.
p.s.- thanks for a great year mr. baker! i enjoyed it!
Many similarities surround our world's cultures. Similarities such as activities, customs, food, religion, etc. activities could be examples through sports. The most popular sport in the world is soccer and this summer the World Cup will be held in South Africa. A commercial supports the event preeching what the cup is not about. It says it's not about love, hate, communism, socialism, religion, etc. It's about our world comming together for one time. This one advertisment strongly reates to the topic, showing people's love for sports. It throws away our differences and points out the healthy similarites. Our countries relations with different subjects puts our world as one.
ReplyDelete-Matthew Landry(Thanks for a great year and a memorable middle school)
We the people of the world are all similar in one way or another. All people of the world can laugh and they can cry. We all have similar qualities even if we think we are all different. Everyone has a moment in their lives when they are greedy and selfish. Also everyone has a love of money because we think we can't live without it. We also all have an urge to learn new things every day. Also we all like food because there are so many different kinds all over the world. Sports are also a common love for all people of the world weather it is professional or not. We also all go through pain at least once in our lives.
All around the world, people no matter what religion or race, do what they believe in and they try hard. If they are a Muslim, they give their life for their god. If they have a tribe, they work to please the tribe. The people who are poor are most likely the most humble. They enjoy the simple things. In this world, the lower class is growing. Those with power or money more often than not abuse it.
There are many similarities of people around the world. There are similar religions, customs, and lifestyles. Throughout the world there are many Muslims, Christians, Jews, and more. They all worship the same God and our very passionate about there beliefs. Even though all of the different religions may worship differently from others they still have a way in which they honor a god of some sort. Another thing is that every region of the world has there own food. Food is an important part of our culture and most people are good at making food from the are they are from. THere is also a love for sports. The Olympics is a huge world wide sporting event. It is gives people a reason to support their country. It is also a time when all of the countries can come together and forget about any problems going on between countries and just support all of the amazing people that have worked so hard to get there. It is also a time for people to be proud of people from there country. For example in Zimbabwe there are many problems going on in the government but when Kirsty Coventry, a swimmer from Zimbabwe, won a gold medal, it gave people a reason to be proud of there country. Another sporting event is the soccer World Cup. Soccer, or futbol, is a major sport in many countries. The World Cup is another time where people can support their country. Those are just some of the many similarities between countries.
ReplyDelete- Katie Kassis
The cultures of the world and all of the people are connected through God's creation, but incredibly diverse from each other at the same time. Family is something that everyone at some point in their life values. It is a way to spread religion as the Catholics and Muslims do as well as something that feeds one's craving for love. Appearences matter to everyone; everyone worries about how others see them. Americans and some Western Europeans demonstrate this through beauty and possesions. Middle Easterns demostrate this through seeking honor and wisdom. All people have the desire for others to see them as somethig worthwhile; all want worth, attention, admiration, and respect. Americans demonsrtate this in their pursuit of an individual, independent life in which they are each unique and looked up to. Power is what so many strive for in this world, but it can corrupt those in possesion of it. Muslims work relentlessly to spread Islam and ultimatlely gain world domination. In history, European coutries set up multiple colonies which led to European influence in the Americas and Africa. This was done because of Nationalism (comepeting with other countries)and the yearning for power. The human race is deceitful and hypocritical. Many falsely believe that all people are good and sometimes they try to cover up the fact that they are truly all bad by being lighthearted and drawing attention to how great some of them are. Some humans desire perfection and have notions of "World Peace". Hippies believe in this and Buddhists strive to gain peace through their character and teaching things like good kharma to others. However, as seen in Communist Russia, the genocides of Europe, and the tribal warfare going on in Africa, world peace cannot be achieved while sin exists. All of mankind has a certain hardiness about them, an instinct to survive, and a will too endure. Africans have made it through, and are still struggling through, famine, war, disease, and the many changes that are occurring around them. Middle Easterns and Europeans have endured, and are still enduring through, religious conflicts and genocides. Latin America and Asia are developing despite the dictators, communists, and horrible economies that plague many countries in those parts of the world. All people keepgoing and strive to improve in many circumstances, overcoming obstacles along the way. They refuse to ultimately be broken. Everyone is changing constantly, through religion, technology, military strength, power, and politics. Many people within countries desire to be the greatest, so they work hard to become that. They all want to be the ones who inspire and influence the world, like the Europeans did with all of their colonies. Every individual has an element of pride and stubborness in them. "It's all about me" pops into everyone's mind at various points throughout their lives. This ties in to the fact that "all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God" (Romans 3:23). No one wants to believe or acccept that they are sinful, so often they put themselves on pedestals and shimmer and shine so that others will worship them. They want their pride to be fed. Everyone wants to be put their own stamp on the world and appear great, like the Roman Empire. Ultimately, the world is connected in that God made everyone different, and they are all his creation.
ReplyDeleteAll people have many of the same atributes among them. Most are negative, and yet there are some things that have been put in all humans that are very positive. One of the ones all people from all around the world have in common that is not exactly something to be very proud of is our sinfull nature. Ever since the Fall of Eden in that garden so many years ago, all peoples throughout history have been bound by the sin that crept into our world. We have seen it in what we have been studying this year through the fact that everyone seems to wants a gain for themselves, whatever they are doing. In America and Europe, everyone wants to be entertained and have their own way, in the Middle East and Africa the men try to make themselves feel important by practicing polygamy, and we can see all throughout the world, almost all humans have a hunger for money. Also, the great part that most people share in common is a great struggle in life (yes that is a good thing), we all go through similiar situations together. God from the very beginning made a partner for Adam because he knew, there is no way we can survive our lives by ourselves. We are filled with the ability to discern right or wrong, and the ability to accept a Lord, or worship yourself or a false idol. It is the way we use this ability that really matters. People all over the world share their sinfull nature and their ability to choose whether to bring the Earth's Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, into their lives, or to fall into society, living a life of jealousy and greed.
ReplyDeleteThanks Mr. Baker, I learned a bunch of life lessons and important things this year in your class (including how I should never bring in a wimpy apple pie to class ever again).
-David Lemasters
We are all similar in the way that we are trying to survive in this world. We live on this harsh planet everyday with one goal: to survive. We live in fear of death, and rejoicce in life. Some people are mean evil people, while others are holy and godlike. There will always be evil people while there will always be kind people. We all have sinful nature and we all disobey God. Since God is in our lives everyday, we need to obey him. We might look different, but inside we are all the same in God's eyes.
ReplyDeleteThanks Mr. Baker, you've made learning about the world's history so much fun for me. You've showed me how God is everywhere in the world, even in the most Muslim areas. Thanks again and I'll miss you so much next year!!
QUACK!!! :)
-Sydney Flemmer
In the Bible it says that all men are created equal. If you a friend that has the same character traits as you then that means they are just like you. All people in the world are similar because we all believe in a religion. No matter what type of person you are, American or Asian each believe in a religion. Last we are similar because we all relate to our own kind. If you go to another country you would want to find a person you relate to.
ReplyDeleteKhalen Pinkett
There are tons and tons of differences between people in different parts of the world, but there are also many similarities. There's lots of similarities when you just compare skin color and religion, but other than that many people are the same in what they value (family, etc). There are many selfish people in this world, and they all have that in common. People involved in different organizations all have what they are fighting for in common. The biggest, most obvious similarity, is that we all have the same basic needs, we all need food, and clothing. We need love, family, and courage to go through our everyday lives. These are all similarities bewteen people of the world.
ReplyDeleteIn every culture we have studied this year I have noticed that they all have one thing in common. They have religions all over the world. Before I mainly thought that it was only in North America and Europe but after studying I realized that we all need a religion or something bigger than us to lead us through our sinful lives. Fortunately our God, the one true God, has an impact all over the world and there are people in places I never would have even imagined that have great faith and really love the Lord. It is amazing to see how we can all live under the same sun on the same world but have so many differences among us all.
ReplyDeleteEven though many parts of the world are very different, there are also many similarites. One big one is realigon. Throughout the world there are many countries that practice the same beliefs. For example, one of the major religons in America is Christianity as well as in Africa. These are two very different continents but they still believe the same things. There are also many voo-doo following places. Some of these are Haiti and almost they whole continent of Africa.
ReplyDeleteFrances (yeah the last blog is over!!!!!!)
All people of the world have sin. All cheat, lie, and steal. Every single person in every single culture experiences the same needs and wants, some more frivolous than others. All humans have one other thng in common, they need the love of christ. All humans need to be saved from the pits of hell. All people are naturally sinfull and dishonest, and the only thing that can save them all is the love of Jesus Christ. Sin is upon everyone and everyone, even the orphans in Africa to the rich buissness men in India need GOD!
ReplyDeleteBy: Your "pro-choice" debating oponent, Sophie Kemether
people are very different across the globe. When in comparison there are many differences and same qualities in different ways. People are selfish and that is human nature and the same in everyone. We need many things as people and families and friends are very important. There anre many similarites of poeple and that is good in some ways and bad in others.
ReplyDeletenick russell
People in all parts of the world can be very similar and very different. They can be similar in how they act. This is because everyone is made by God and therefore everyone is somewhat alike. Most people think similarly also becuase once again everyone is made by God. Everyone originated from the same thing so therefore everyone has to be sort of similar. Everyone also acts the same because everyone learns how to act from everyone else arounf the world. Everyone has to learn from somebody and we all get influenced by someone to learn how to act. This all leads to everyone acting the same.
ReplyDelete-Dannygail Dean
people all around the world are similar because people all around the world love sports. even though sports can be played in different ways, they still love to follow it, watch it,and play it. they are also similar because we were created by the same person. they might not believe it but its the truth. god creates everyone equal and we are the same people in gods eyes. another thing that they are in common is that almost everyone put family first. everyone loves their family and doesnt want to bring shame to their family.
ReplyDeleteBerto Dryden
people around the world are similiar in religion. One of the main religions seen all over the world is islam. islam is the fastes growing religion in the world and its seen all continents. another similiarity is that people in the same country can not get along or agree with one another. this causes fighting in some areas of the world... people are losing jobs because of the government. and Everbody around the world seems to live in the same areas in there contienent, near the coast. they do that for water supply, food, etc., of the continent isn't developed yet.
ReplyDelete_ Eric lockett -
We have studied different people groups this year... First are that all the world cultures we have studied all want more power and want to be in control of the people that live there. They always want more money and want to make themselves look good. Another reason we are similar is that all the countries that they all care about family that they care deeply about one another religion. Every single country is different all the others but they all have things in common.Dewberry
ReplyDeleteAll of the people have the same characteristics. As in we are all humans and we are technically are all related. Some others are we all have a religion. even if people say they are secular they still believe something. this is how we are all alike
ReplyDeleteyooooo no school. hit me up mr. b IN DA UPPER SCHOOL