As you consider and think about all of the people, events, ideas, and documents we have studied this year in U.S. History, answer the following questions...
What has suprised you the most about the history and people of the United States?
What has disappointed you the most about the people or events of the United States?
What person, idea, or event do you admire the most?

The thing that disapoints me the most would be the civle war. Probably because America was split into to pieces. My favorite part would be WWII. Because I have never bean that far in a history class.
ReplyDeleteWilliam Bell
i think the people of America were stupid for electing a president that does nothing for this country but make it worse. Our president passed a health bill that means nothing but to enforce old people to pay for health insuriance. He is also takeing or not paying for new fighter jets thart we need. The person i admire the most would be our military general because he chose the scar.h. to be our weapon of choice instead of the horrible m4a1
ReplyDeleteliam virrill
This country developed quickly, too quickly, as a result, the country had and has a large amount of of problems,therefore, I really wasn't surprised by anything that much in History Class, that we covered. Now, as for the disappointment in the United States history , I am disapointed the most with the discrimination of race that has been an issue in the country ever since the beginning. The country put the problem to the side, then again, then again, and on and on until the 50's and 60's when the problem was adressed. And, finally, the person I admire the most, would be Teddy Roosevelt, who really cleaned up the country's problems at the turn of the century.
ReplyDeleteWhat disappointed me the most was the fact that people were always trying to be racist, even if they had to avoid rules to do it. After slavery was abolished, Black codes and other ways to openly abuse blacks were established. The person I admire the most would have to be FDR, for all the things he did to get our country out of a depression.
ReplyDeletePeter Keith
Well, the thing that shocks me the most about America's history is that there is a pattern to everything that our country has done. Everyone in our country wants power. Almost everything that we have covered in history class something or someone wanted to be in power over people, machines and land. One person that I admired in the history that we covered was Harry S. Truman because he was such a good president. He was such a good president that as soon as he came into office he had to make one of the biggest decisions in all of America's history and i commend him for that and having to deal with the first half of the Cold War as well. Truman was the first person that came to my mind I probably have 15 other people who I think was amasong MLK, Eisonhower, Cooligde, Teddy Roosevelt, Sunsan B. Anthony,etc; I commend these people because they helped make America a better place.
ReplyDeleteThe thing that I am most disappointed about is the "Freedom of Religion". The public schools aren't even allowed to talk about Jesus. Could our leaders just listen to the paper we based our country on?
ReplyDeleteI am surprised the most by the 2nd atomic bomb because we had just dropped one. We needed to give them a break and at least waited longer.
The woman that inspired me is named Eliza Lucas Pinckney. She read to the slaves on her fathers plantation. She also taught them to read!
There are and were many problems in this country. So i was not really suprised by what we learned. But i was dissapointed in racism. People back then and now a days. It really took me by suprise when i heard how far people would go to hurt one another just because of the color of their skin or religion. I think i admire President FDR the most because he helped the country out when they were in a deep depression.
ReplyDeleteWhat has surprised me the most in history is how when our government thinks of a new idea, most of the time they do not notice how that idea affected us in the past. For example, we should have learned from the Great Depression not to spend money on people or places that we cannot afford. I am most disappointed about race. People certainly should not judge others by their outward appearance because they cannot help what their outward appearance looks like. People should look at the character of other people because that is what everyone can control. I admire Abraham Lincoln because when there was conflict between the North and the South, Lincoln looked at it from both of their points of views.
ReplyDeleteAs we studied American history, I was surprised that rules/rights that seem obvious to us now, took from the beginning of America for people to discover. For example, people didn't realize the horror and obvious evil of racism/slavery until victims of racism attempted to fight back. This is the concept that displeases me the most. Now, if someone was convicted of racism, most people would agree that it is wrong, but in the time of slavery and the civil rights, people would have agreed with racism. How could anyone believe that the color of a person's skin determines their character and human value? Throughout the tough times of the civil rights, the man who I admire the most is MLK. As a young man he fought segregation, endured marches where he was sprayed with fire hoses, he received death threats, he was arrested, and eventually murdered. There are many other possible concepts that come to my mind but I feel this is the most important.
ReplyDeletethe things that disapionted me the most was the civil war, slavery and segragation. the worst thing was some bad things happen and we don't change anything. the thing that was the best was the civil rights movement. it showed the us was willing to change a bad thing.
ReplyDeletethe things that disapionted me the most was the civil war, slavery and segragation. the worst thing was some bad things happen and we don't change anything. the thing that was the best was the civil rights movement. it showed the us was willing to change a bad thing.
ReplyDeleteryan wesley
I think the event that dissapointed me and surprised me the most was learning about how much racial problems we have had. The most fascinating event would have to be World War 1 and World War 2. I knew about them but I didn't know alot about the subject.
ReplyDelete-Rayna Mock
It has been surprising to me to know that we are willing to put others in bad positions to help ourselves. I learned this year that America as a whole is not always the good guy. The way we put aside problems for future generations has disappointed me. I admire George Washington for help create America.
ReplyDeleteWhat has surprised me the most is just how America has changed so much. Also that you have showed us so much debt we are in. It seems lie our country only cares about money and not about helping others out AS MUCH. That was what disappointed me. The person i admire the most is mainly MLK because if he hadn't done the speech things would be very different through out many schools. :)-Margaret
ReplyDeletei was surprised that the U.S sided with Stalin in ww2. I am least proud of the racist past of america. I admire Ronald Reagan as a person.
ReplyDeleteDavid Ballew
I am most surprised when the general in ww2 tried to drop 20 hydrogen bombs on japan. I am most disapointed with the actions of hoover during the resesion. Also I admire Theadore roosavelt for all his accomplishments.
ReplyDeleteI am most shocked and disappointed by the fact that America was founded by Christians as a Nation under God but now we can't pray in school or have the ten commandments posted in a courthouse. We are letting non-christians change the laws in order to keep from offending non-believers instead of standing up for what we believe in and fight for our Christian rights and continue to be "One Nation Under God instead of "One Nation without God". The people that I most respect are the President's that were not ashamed to say that they were Christians and that they prayed about the decisions that they made. Some of those men are George Washington, Ronald Reagan and George Bush. The people that I dont respect are the ones that are afraid of offending people but not afraid of offending God.
ReplyDeleteWhat has surprised me the most is how much our country has changed. We have so much more technology and privileges that we didn't have before. I am shocked hat how much we have been in debt. Its crazy! The person I admire the most is Martin Luther King.He was not afraid to stand up for what was right.He made such an impact on our lives.
ITS MY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Through the year, will everything we have learned, I would have to say that I am most disappointed with the problems America. I know that every country will have its problems but some of our problems were reoccurring things. But the thing most surprising to me is that America has overcome all of those problems and have made it to the point we are at today. Even though we still have problems as a country, we have overcome the ones from the past. The person I admire most is MLK Jr. He took the role of a major leader during the civil rights movement and has inspired me to stand up for the thing that I believe in.
ReplyDeleteMatt Olson
What has suprised me the most is how much our country has changed. People now go of so many diffrent ways of living then in the past. What has dissapointed me the most in the past was segregation. I admire George Washington the most because he founded our country.
ReplyDeleteWhat has surprised me the most about U.S. history is how we react to others unlike ourselves. Like when the Irish potato famine struck, we as North Americans (South Americans call themselves americans too) shunned them and all immigrants, giving them the hard labor for the bare minimal pay. When you think of America, you think that we as the citizens of the U.S. will welcome you and try to get you on your feet. Reality,however,takes a different path.
ReplyDeleteThe thing i found disapointing in the U.S. is the Jim Crow laws and Black Codes, Civil Rights being denied to African Americans, Native Americans, and all newcomers in general in the 1900s. We were all immigrants at one time (except pure blooded Indians), so our treatment of others when they came over from different countries is saddening.
People i admire? There are a few that I've found, actually. First, Theodore Roosevelt. TR was a man who knew what needed to get done, and didn't get caught up in the politics of how to do it. He just did. He knew that the beauty God had bestowed on America had to be kept for our generation today. He was someone who obviously loved the outdoors, and someone who admires creation and the American Dream and tries to protect it is, in my eyes, more valuable as a leader than someone who would rather sit in an office their whole life and push a pencil for an increase in taxes to pay for peoples abortions.
Second, i admire Dwight D. Eisenhower. Eisenhower was another man who knew what needed to be done. At the end of one war, D.E. knew Stalin and the Red Army were evil and communist, and wanted to go to war with them right their, to stop the spread of communism.
-John kendrick
You totally should do blogs all summer, mr. baker. that would be cool.
People constantly depend on the government to do our for us. In the beginning of this country the people had no choice but to get up and make a living for themselves. It is a moral value everyone agrees with but a lot of people don't do. The government is pretty much saying "Okay don't do anything just sit around and we will provide shelter, food, and money for you." I think it's obnoxious. That both suprises me and dissapoints me. I admire the courage and love that MLK showed to his fellow people. He is truely an amazing man and christian to show so much faith that he risked everything to get equality for his country, to show that "seperate but equal" is wrong and not okay what so ever.
ReplyDeleteWhat has shocked me the most in history is that we, Americans, have not learned from the mistakes that we have made in the past. In the 1920's people went crazy, new machines were invented, and lifestyles changed. Then came the Great Depression. Luckily, we dug ourselves out of that one. But now, in 2010, we are trying to spend money to get us out of the deep debt that we are in? How could that possibly help in the long run? Also, there have been some events that have inspired me in history. Now, I am going back to the 1920's again. The "roaring twenties" were a huge time of change for America, and it helped shape our country to what we are today.
ReplyDeleteRace was a big problem in the past and still is today. Martin Luther King is who i most admire because we are not seperated from others anymore, thanks to him. He stood up for what he believed in, and is now one of the most admired people that has ever lived.
Sarah Zschunke
per. 2
What suprised me the most is that the Japs did not surrender after the first atomic bomb. they could have saved around 44,000 people. It disapionted me that France got taken over so quickly. A person i admire would be the Jap that stayed with his orders 30 years after the war.
ReplyDeleteby Sage blackwood
The thing that has surprised me the most throughout U.S. History is how the U.S. and many other countries persevered. When Blacks rights were taken away they didn't give up, they tried to change what had happened and gain their rights back, but they did it in a peaceful manner. Also during WWII when D-day came along and the weather turned out bad and the allies were fighting up hill and when they realized that it would be a huge military fight they could have said it was to hard and given up. But they didn't they fought extra hard and their hard work paid off. Or when their was slavery and the southern states succeeded the North never gave up they fought back and won back the southern states. If it wasn't for courage most of the things that happened a long time ago wouldn't have happened.
ReplyDeleteThe thing that disappointed me was the fact that many issues that our country faced involved unfair treatment to a group of people. Like slavery of blacks or Jim Crow laws or The fact that we had to have a civil rights movement. If we hadn't brought slaves over many issues that caused the Civil War wouldn't have occurred. And it wouldn't have led to the Civil Rights movement because blacks would never have been thought of as less of a person or that whites are "ranked" higher than them.
The event I admire most is WWII because it was a war that was fought in order to protect others. When Hitler put the Jews in Concentration Camps, something had to be done. WWII was that thing. If WWII hadn't happened everything in our lives would be completely different. And our lives would be 100% different.
-Quinn Larimer
prd. 1 5/13/10
The thing that suprised me the most was all the wars America fought. I didn't realize it was that many wars.
ReplyDeleteThe thing that dissapointed me the most is that some people didn't want to change, an example being the Civil War. After the North won people still wanted to have slavery.
The event that I admire the most is the American Revolution because they would never give up to get our freedom.
I think what most has surprised me is how many wars we have gotten in. It seems as if every decade there is a new war and every time America is fighting in it. I guess that is also what I'm most dissapointed about and how many stupid decisions we have made in govt. The person or people I admire the most are probably the most famous presidents.
ReplyDeleteMany events surprised me this year, but the most surprising and most dissapointing was that history tends to repeat itself and we havn't seemed to act uppon that statement. We as Americans have let history repeat itself. For example when we were first founded and we left Europe one would think we would not let something like the revolutionary war happen again. However, the civil war was in many ways similar.
ReplyDeleteOvercoming new challenges has always been a hard task for any country ours included. That it why Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. is my biggest role model, because there was a large task that lay ahead and he took charge and tried to overcome it in a way that was honoring to the Lord.
well, there are alot of events that have occured in the usa that we have covered this yr. one of my favorites to talk about is the civil war. i love talking bout slavery and the founders and how the black people were in such great need. it makes me think more that we shouldnt judge people based on color. martin luther king stood up for that and i think he made a great decision :) and HAPPY BIRTHDAY GABBY!! :D
ReplyDelete- aTp
One thing I admire is that America was once a small country that was only discovered by native americans. Now when you look where we are its hard to believe how far we've come. Our country has improved so much in immigration, culture, society and technoligy etc; One thing that disappointed me about what America is that we always want more power. We are a power hungrey country and that hurts us in the long run. Two of the people that I admire the most are Theodore Roosevelt (the president I had in the project) and Dr. Martin Luther King. They both stood up for what they believed in and didnt do it in a dangerous way. They both did it in a peaceful way. Both MLK and Roosevelt worked hard to help improve our country. That is what I admire about them.
ReplyDelete-Kelsey Butler :)
2 period Civics