"At the heart of racism is the religious assertion that God made a creative mistake when He brought some people into being."
Racism is nothing new. Racism has plagued different cultures all over the world and stained the pages of history throughout recorded history. Racism didn't wait for the modern world, nor has it faded with time. The Bible speaks of the hatred between the Jews and Gentiles, as well as the conflict between the Samaritans and Jews. Apartheid in South Africa seperated the blacks from the whites for several decades. The genocide of the Jews by the Nazis during World War II is well documented. America hasn't escaped the problem of racism either. From the time of the 3/5 Compromise at the Constitutional Convention through the Civil Rights Act of 1964 whites and blacks clashed in the United States.
Answer the following questions...
Why is racism so common around the world and throughout history?
Does racism still exist in America?
Will the issue of race ever be solved in America? Why or why not?
Racism is nothing new. Racism has plagued different cultures all over the world and stained the pages of history throughout recorded history. Racism didn't wait for the modern world, nor has it faded with time. The Bible speaks of the hatred between the Jews and Gentiles, as well as the conflict between the Samaritans and Jews. Apartheid in South Africa seperated the blacks from the whites for several decades. The genocide of the Jews by the Nazis during World War II is well documented. America hasn't escaped the problem of racism either. From the time of the 3/5 Compromise at the Constitutional Convention through the Civil Rights Act of 1964 whites and blacks clashed in the United States.
Answer the following questions...
Why is racism so common around the world and throughout history?
Does racism still exist in America?
Will the issue of race ever be solved in America? Why or why not?
Because we are all sinners, we have a sinful nature and if someone is different than us we most likely are going to judge them. Although racism is not as bad as it was in the past, there are still minor happenings today that are disrespectful to people who are different than us. I believe that because of our sin, the issue of race will never be fully solved. Only God is perfect which means we will judge people by their outward appearance sometimes.
ReplyDeleteThis is probably the most common factor in all of America in the past and present,RACISM! If this world would get out of racism it would be a studly place.People are racist because they feel like they have the upper hand on someone and to prove it they judge them. Don't know anything about them and probably don't want to. They just want to make that person fell as bad as they can.If anyone thinks that racism doesn't exist anymore then you're pretty stupid, because if you can't relize it's all around us then you must be deaf and blind, because racism is everywhere.Even in a Christ Centered Prepatory School like ours. And sadly I don't think racism will ever stop because there's just too much of it around the world and so therefor it can't possibly be stopped,plain and simple.
ReplyDeletePeople will sometimes see people from a different race, ethnic group, ect., and they'll see the actions of those people and automatically think that's the way everybody else in that race or ethnic group behaves. Why? Because humans are not perfect and make mistakes. Racism still exists in America, even today, why? America is still recovering from a different time of hatred and anger. Racism might, one day, be solved, it will take a while, however, since, it has been embedded in our society, in T.V. shows, in radio shows, in plays, in movies, ect.
ReplyDeleteI think racism is so common because many different races are judged so much. If a young person's parents act racist then it is more likely to rub off on the kid and grow up to be racist. This begins to spread and these people become more comfortable around people like them and people who seem to be different are avoided or discriminated. I do think racism exists still in the world today. Everyday at school I hear many racist jokes. I think this problem can be slowly healed but not can never become completely fixed.
ReplyDeleteracism will never end. people sin and everone will see people of other races and ethnic groups as diffrent and we will say things.
ReplyDeleteracism will never end. people sin and everone will see people of other races and ethnic groups as diffrent and we will say things.
ReplyDeleteryan wesley
Racism is common in america because we are sinners and people before us have always wanted the upper hand so they began to judge people. Yes racism does still exist in america. On tv you hear many comediens that make racist jokes. I don't think racism will ever be solved. People will always want to have more power.
ReplyDelete-Rayna Mock
I think racism is so common is because people like to think they are better than other people. It also happens in religions, like Christians tend to think we are better than everyone else. (Even though Christians are to be servants of others.)Racism just happens to be one of the most violent, and anyone in any religion or practice can take part.
ReplyDeleteI think that racism STILL exists in America, and unfortunatly it also exists, even to the tiniest degree in the darkest corner of our hearts, in everyone in Whitefield Academy and in America, not excluding myself. It's not our fault, however, because of grandparents who still have opinions that were formulated during segregation. And it's not our grandparents fault because of their parents and grandparents, ect. It's just an unfortunate curse that has been handed down from generation to generation. (even though it is a dwindling curse, as schools are integrated and people of all colors have equal rights.)
I think that the issue of race will NEVER be completely solved in America, because we see that even people of the same race like to live in the same communities. There are dutch communities, latino communities, african american communities, white communities, any race you can think of. And that is a form of racism right there.
Okay one last thing.(sry my post is so long mr. baker but i have anexample my dad told me.) My dad grew up in a Polish community as a little boy. He says that the Polish people there pushed him around, were mean to him, and just generally shunned and hated on him. Only because he wasn't Polish. This is just one example where racism in the past (on a small scale) occured that was not limited just to whites and blacks. My point is that racism is a disease that is curable only if you lock everyone up in a dark cell theyre whole life so they never know what color they are.
-John Kendrick
I think that racism does exist today. I dont think that it is as bad as it was a long time ago. People are a product of their environment and if there family is racist then they are more likely to be racist also.
ReplyDeleteYes racism does still exist today. It is common around the world because everyone is different. Some people are just not able to accept that we are all different and that some people may have gifts that others were not given. But this is just a part of human nature. I do not think it will ever be solved because people will always be judging others in one way or another.
ReplyDeleteMatt Olson
Per. 2
Racism is so common around the world because everyone judges others. Once they see someone and judge them they begin to develop thoughts about that person, wether they are true or not. Once they meet someone else like the last person they begin to think of the second person the way they did the first person. This soon turns into racism. Everyone does it with out realizing it which is why it is so common. People have judged one another since the beginning of time. Since everyone has always judged each other people have always been racist.
ReplyDeleteRacism does still exists in America. It happens every day, every minute, someone is judged unfairly or (rarely) fairly. Sometimes we don't even mean to be racist but we are. Every time we judge some one we are being racist wether we are aware of it or not. We may not always mean to unfairly judge someone but that is human nature and everyone has and will continue to judge each other until Jesus returns to Earth.
Racism is a problem that is unlikely to be fixed. It is peoples natural instinct to judge. No matter what racism will always exist. Humans were made in God's image but then sin came along and being judge mental is and was part of that sinful nature. As long as there is sin in the world there will always be racism. Since there will always be sin there will always be judge mental and racist people.
-Quinn Larimer
prd 1 4/15/10
Racism is common around the world because we are all sinners. Everyone of us has probably judged someone just because it is human nature. racism definitely exists today and i believe that it will never end. You can't get rid of someones own opinion. Even if they don't say anything about being racist, they probably will still think about it.
ReplyDeleteRacism is very common around the world. Blacks have been judged, whites, jews, all people have been judged and discriminated against. It is human nature. We are all sinners. People now a days might not say anything to your face but they are thinking it. They just know that they will get into some kind of trouble if they do say what they were doing.
ReplyDeleteRacism is a terrible but common thing. Unfortunatly appearance is a major deal in this broken world. Rasism is and will always be present. There is always that one person that will believe in the oast when we should truely move on.
ReplyDeleteRacism still exists today. It is just not as common. People are sinful which means that we are harsh towards one another. You can't get rid of racism 100% but you can try your hardest to not think of others like that. If we set our minds in God, He will let us be more like Him. God is most defiently not racist...He can get rid of our cruel thoughts.
ReplyDeleteWhen we see someone of a differant race doing something bad, we set our minds to think that most of the other people of that race are the same(if that makes sense)
I dont think racism will EVER be solved because of us being sinful.
I hope that made sense!
I think that there is still racism today there are still people who think they are supirior. They think because they are of a different backgroud that they are better than someone else. I do still think racism goes on today, even if it is not apparent. I do not think it will be likely to stop racism, unless you make all people realize that there is no race better than another.
ReplyDeleteRacism is so common because it has been breeded from generation to generation, and it still exist today.
ReplyDeleteYes racism still occours in America.
Racism will never be solved in America unless each amd every person is saved and truly see everyone as God's children.
Yes racism is still here today. People who believe in one race being bad tell others and it spreads around. I dont think racism will every be solved because people are rooted in their own ways. Unless there is a complete miracle it will be here forever.
ReplyDelete~Gabby :)
the reason there is still racism in america is because everyone thinks that they are better than each other. Yes i think that racism still exists today. I think racism will never stop in america. There is no way to make a certain person or race stop thinking that they are better than all.
ReplyDeleteDavid Ballew
racism is common because people are always arguing about who is better, so it was an easy stereotype to judge by color. racism still exists in america, and i think the only way it could ever stop is if everyone suddenly converted to christianity.
ReplyDeletePeter Keith
Racism is common around the world because people can not accept the fact that some people are diffrent from them. Racism still exists in America people still dont accept the fact that people could be a diffrent color. In my opinion the issue of racism wil never stop in America people will ever accept diffrent people.
ReplyDeletethe problem of racism has been aparent throught history because people always want to see their way of life as the only way of life. it will never go away because it will always be handed down throught all the generations
ReplyDeleteRasism is still alive in America today and it effects everyone. If everyone is truthful whites are still prejudice against blacks. The reason we do that is because we want to be considered higher than someone else. Meaning, we want to put ourselves up and put others down to make our self esteem better. Though it still exist it is not as common so it is more hidden. MEaning there is less of it but there is things that people do to haress or it blacks or people from ethnic backrounds in private.
ReplyDelete-Kelsey Butler
Civics 2
No racism will never be solved and it is still here in america. Everytime we utter the word chinese or say yellow people we r beeing racist. A lot people at this school are racist just because they go to a big private school so it is eveident even in our school. We will always be racist no matter what.
ReplyDeleteRacism is always a factor in america. People in this world need to get over the fact of different races in this world. I do not think it will be dissovled in america.
ReplyDeleterascim is bad. people do it all the time in the south thanks to the civil war. it will never be solved.
ReplyDeleteracism will never end. it is thanks to the civil war. sage
ReplyDeleteracism is very common because people dont like other people. white people used black people as slaves so now blacks dont like whites and white treat black peopplle bad/
ReplyDeleteRacism usually occurs because if someone thinks that another person is not like them, it is bad. Racism will never end, and unfortunately will always be a problem in the world that we live in.
ReplyDeleteSarah Zschunke
racism is in our genes. it will never stop sompletely. it will always be a problem.
ReplyDeleteracism is still aparent in todays world even in america
ReplyDeletecontinued from reveous
Racism is so common because people are judged on how they appear and look. People judged black people and thought they were less important because of their skin. Racism is still around but just not as obvious or as brutal. Racism might be solved but prejudice will always be around in the world.
ReplyDeleteSydney Burke
Racism is common through out history because every on thinks they are better than someone else. Also because people what to belive they are higher or above others. Racism is without a dought still in the united states. For me I can see it just going to the store of playing a sport. I don't thing the problem of racism will ever be completely solved there will always be two groups of people with some sort of barrier in between each other.