Imagine you have a friend that really needs help with something; it could be their school work, sports, or social life. You decide to help your friend with their problem because you are really good at whatever it is they need help with. After giving your friend help, they try to take your advice but they mess up and ruin all of the help you gave them. You continue to help over and over again, but they continue to mess up.
What should you do? Do you keep helping? Should you have even helped in the first place? Do you stop helping? How long do you help? Did your help actually hurt them? Can you actually help too much? What does the Bible say about helping others? Does the Bible say anything about helping someone too much?
If i were in this situation, i think i would
ReplyDeletebe very frustrated. Even though i would really want to stop helping them, i would keep trying to explain in different ways. i would try different tecniques and styles to try and get them to finaally understand. But, after a couple of failed attempts i would ask them straight up if they wanted my help. i would question if they were actually listening or just wasting my time. In the bible im almost positive that it never says that you can help someone too much, but sometimes you have make sure that the person or people you are helping are respecting you and your time. This is what i would do.
If i was in this situation, i would be very frustrated. I would probably keep helping them, but i would try to use different tecniques. Hopefully by using different styles and ways to help them, they would finally understand. If they still didnt get it, i would question if they were actually listening. I would question if they were respecting me and my time. If someone fails this many times then im sure anyone who was teaching them would get mad. But, in the bible im sure that it never says you can help too much. It does say, though, to not take advatage of those who are teaching you. This is my opinion on this subject.
After looking up some verses and thinking about it for a second, i truely believe friendship is one of the greatest gifts God has given us. Though not every friend is perfect, they are brought to you for a reason. I believe that the purpose of a friend is to encourage, and "uprise" another. Having a friend that demotes you is like having an enemy closer. Theres many things one can say on the topic. When i looked up bible verses on friendship I saw the word brother alot. Well, first I thought of a literal earthly brother, but when closely looked at I realized when God said that, he meant a strong, faithful, "brother". Often when one thinks of a brother [usually older ones] they think of one who looks out for you in times of trouble, one you look up to etc. I believe this is why God usues the term in the bible. Becuase this is how a friend shoud be viewed. Sure, [for girls especially] a freind is someone you can teel your "Secrets" to, hang out with, etc. But when it comes down to the basics, one wants a reliable friend that has their back. My favorite verse on friend ship follows:
ReplyDelete"Two are better than one,
because they have a good return for their work:
If one falls down,
his friend can help him up.
But pity the man who falls
and has no one to help him up!
Also, if two lie down together, they will keep warm.
But how can one keep warm alone?
Though one may be overpowered,
two can defend themselves.
A cord of three strands is not quickly broken."
[Eccl 4:9-12 New International Version]
I like this verse so much because it basically answers the question you asked us.
Noone is perfect. Our friends are going to mess up, and when they do, you are most likely going to be angry. But even then, One should still "help his friend up"
The bible wasn't made for a certain time when you are going through something and feel like
reading the gospel, or even when good things are happening and you feel like praising.
It is made for ALL the times one is faced with. This answers your question. This verse means even when your friend is messing up all your advice.
Maybe one can "help" too much, because as a friend you want that person to grow and learn for their own.
But regardless of what you do you should still being willing to reach out a hand and help that person up. after all, how can one keep warm alone?
-Jiniah V. Bliss<3 =)
P.s- Srry for length, had alott on my mind [lol]
My opinion is that you should definatly continue to keep helping them. If they really needed the help in the first place they wouldnt have screwed it up on purpose. You should continue to help them until they get it right because you would be one selfish freind if you decide that you should that helping them and that you aren't worth their time. If you decied to stop helping them you really aren't much of a friend. I belive you can help someone to much to where they are at the point where your helping is getting in the way of them figuring it out for themselves. I cannot come up with any verses on hand about God telling us to help others but he has may verses telling us about how he helps us. In Exudus 4:12 it says "Now go; I will help you speak and will teach you what to say." this is God talking to Moses about leading his people out of slavery and God says he will help Moses. I do not know any verses or stories about God telling us about helping others too much. This is my opinion on the subject matter.
ReplyDeleteoh! i forgot to put my name, that was me!( cara grace) the last one :)
ReplyDeleteIN this situation although it would be frustrating, i think the right thing to do is keep helping. It always good to help those who need it unless its something like individual school work. In this instinse we need to perserver and keep on helping. then you dont stop untill they finally get it, you shouldnt abandon your friend after you promised to help them. if the help you give to your friend is actually hurting them, then you would agree together that they dont need your help anymore. I dont know the exact verses but i know it says to help each other but i dont think it says to their work for them.
ReplyDeleteKatie Mitcham
Personally, I would be a little bit aggravated if what I tried to do for someone didn't work out, or failed. I do think that someone shouldn't stop helping someone in need. you need to have faith in what your doing in God's name. If you stop helping someone, if they need help, because you think what you are doing has no use, it is like losing your faith in God. No matter what you go through in life, you shouldn't stop believing in God. So when you are helping someone, don't stop, if they need help you should help them. I think that is what's right.
ReplyDeleteAveri Noosinow!
If I was in this situation, I would continue to help my friend until they succeed in what they are doing. Even though they may fail, I would still help them because I strive to treat others the way I want to be treated. I do not think that you can help someone too much if you are trying different techniques and ways to do what they are struggling to do. If you feel frustrated, walk away, take a break and try again. I would help my friend by demonstrating what to do instead of doing it for them. If I tried to do their work for them then I would be hurting them because they are not learning something new. The Bible tells us in Matthew 25:40, "I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me." When we serve others, we should act like we are directly serving God. By doing this, our attitude should drastically change and we should want to serve with our whole hearts.
ReplyDeleteWhen I first read this circumstance, I immediately thought of our relationship with God. We (even Christians) continue to stray from God even though he has given us a book of directions and pointers. Also, when we stray from him we cry out His name and wail even though He has been beside us the whole time. The amazing thing about this is that God does not get frustrated or angry at us. No matter how far we stray from Him, God will ALWAYS give us a second chance (or third, or fourth, etc.)
-Justin Brendel
I think you should keep helping them and keep giving them advise till they get it right. I think you cannot help them too much, but you could try to help them without giving the right advise. I think it was good to help in the first place and should keep helping till they don't want any help. An overload of helpful advise could possibly hurt a person because of the overwhelming information.
ReplyDeleteBrandon Chan
In terms of helping someone, it really depends on the situation for whether or not you should help them. In this scenario, apparently the person was looking for help, otherwise he would not have taken it. This person however, messed up when he acted on the advice one gave him. If the advice was not effective for him, then there is nothing one can do about it. Other helpful advice may work, but in this scenario, nothing seemsed to have been working. Sometimes when one is helping a friend and the help he offers is not working, there is a point when one has to stop. When a doctor has done all that he can to save a patient but the patient is not getting any better, the doctor cannot do anything else for him. He just has to let the patient go. Of course it is hard to watch someone struggle and not be able to help, but sometimes that is how it is. That does not mean that one should not help people. Their help might be more helpful to someone else. Giving someone one's aid and advice is not a bad thing at all. One does have to be aware of the type of person he is dealing with and what their situation is. In this scenario, there is not enough information to tell whether the help hurt this person. If the situation was a relationship issue then it would more likely have made the person suffer. With the other person involved in that relationship of course. Helping someone too much is in a way possible. It is more how one goes about helping. If he tries way too hard and is constantly in that person's face and not giving him any space or time too think, that is when the helper has gone too far. Being a "worry-whale" about the person in need will not do either of them any good. It will only cause more problems or cloud judgment.
ReplyDeleteIn the Bible there are numerous verses and examples of godly people helping others. They are praised for it and are used as examples for God's followers to imitate. God is the ultimate helper as David reveals to the readers of the Word in the Psalms: "an ever-present help in times of trouble" (Psalm 46:1). Followers of Christ are told to be "imitaters of God, therefore, as dearly loved children" (Ephesians 5:1). Since God is his child's greatest help, then his children ought to help others. It is a way of serving him and others. Specifically, the Bible does not say that one can or cannot help too much. However, there are stories when people simply have to leave it up to God because they can do no more. For instance, when Jesus was arrested and one of his disciples cut off the ear of a soldier, Jesus stopped him from doing anything more and healed the man. The disciple could not do anything to help Jesus, because it was not a part of God's plan. There are points when one cannot do anything else, and he has to let God work out the situation. He is always in control and can use other people or events to help the person in need, for he is the great helper.
~Alice Fugate~
I believe you should still help them even though they have messed up. The bible says to give every one a second chance and to treat others the way you want to be treated. So i think all of us want help all the time and dont want to get abandond. I think everyone should help out all the time. No there is no way you can help to much infact we can never help to much becuase this world needs help eery day. we can though however help to less, we can mabey give them one advice on how to do something and that would be pointless. Sometimes help can hurt, its called the hard truth. The hard truth can be something like putting people down but its the truth. for example if someone is playing a sport with you and they ask for help and all you say is quit the team becuase you arent good at all! Then that is going to hurt the person deeply but it is the truth. A lot of times we give poeple the hard truth and it can hurt us too. So in other words help come in many forms and you can not help to much. you can however help to less so watch out about that. Also keep trying to help that person if he does not successes becuase there is a qout that says if you do not succedd try try again.
ReplyDeleteI think that it depends on one thing, their effort. If you can tell that they are trying, then I would say that you should continue to help them; but if they aren’t trying then I would say to stop helping them. I think that you should always offer help to begin with because that is the Christian thing to do. I would only say to stop helping if they aren’t trying or if they use your help and don’t really need it anymore. You should help until they don’t need your help, or they stop trying. Your help can only hurt them if you lead them in the wrong direction or if they don’t try to help themselves. I think that you can help someone too much because then you are doing all the work for them. There is an old saying, “Give a man a fish; you have fed him for today. Teach a man to fish; and you have fed him for a lifetime”. Sometimes you just have to give them a push and hope they make it, if they don’t then there isn’t much you can do for them but brush them off and push them again. An example of this is at summer league swim team; I noticed this while helping the little kid’s coach. On the first few days the young, inexperienced children are scared, so the parents literally just push them in. The parents obviously know they will either make it to the wall, or the coach will help them, so there is no danger. But sometimes when you help someone, you don’t know if they will “make it to the wall” so you just have to give it a try, and hope it works. The Bible refers to help many times, one of which is Leviticus 25:35-38, " 'If one of your countrymen becomes poor and is unable to support himself among you, help him as you would an alien or a temporary resident, so he can continue to live among you. 36 Do not take interest of any kind [a] from him, but fear your God, so that your countryman may continue to live among you. 37 You must not lend him money at interest or sell him food at a profit. 38 I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of Egypt to give you the land of Canaan and to be your God.’” This means that we should help each other without expecting anything in return. The Bible also says this in 1 Timothy 5:10, “10and is well known for her good deeds, such as bringing up children, showing hospitality, washing the feet of the saints, helping those in trouble and devoting herself to all kinds of good deeds.” I am not aware of anything in the Bible that says that you can help too much.
ReplyDelete- the fish quote is from: http://www.amatecon.com/fish.html
I think you should keep on helping them. First of all you decided to help them in the first place. Second they are your friend and you should help them no matter what. I think if you don't help them then you arent really a friend
ReplyDeleteIf a situation like this evolves in your life you will need a lot of patience to help your friend. No matter what it calls for I think you should continue to aid your helpless friend. If you were on the other side of this relationship what would you want. Walk in someone else's shoes before you start judging the characteristics. Continue to have patience and help them through their obstacle. In the bible it state,"try the patience of my God as well." Therefore we should all bare patience through life's difficult situation
ReplyDelete-Matthew Landry lll lll
lll lll
lllnnnlll (the u)
woops it messed up
ReplyDeleteIn this situation i would be very frustrated and would probably want to just give up, even though that's not the right thing to do. I think you should keep helping your friend until they do it right. It would be cruel to give up on your friend like that, especially after you promised to help them through it. we should be patient with our friend, and be understanding because we all have something we struggle with. (some more than others) If I was the friend, i would want someone sticking with me and helping me until i accomplished the goal. We are all sinners and fail, but we have to live through it and move on. God never gives up on us when we fail in life, he always gives us multiple chances. we need to treat people how we want to be treated, and how God treats us. I don't think you can help someone too much, unless they don't want your help. But, i definatly think you should keep helping your friend even if it takes forever, but to keep helping until they accomplish and fully understand what they are doing.
ReplyDelete~Kerry Anna Lemasters~
if i was in this situation i would keep helping the person until they got it right. if they began to get frustrated, i would tell them to take a break from it to calm down and come back later and try again. i dont think there is such thing as helping too much. the bible doesnt say anything about helping too much either
ReplyDelete-sam henrickson-
no, of course you don't stop helping. you keep trying, and if that doesnt work, try another method of teaching. you can tell them to practice and not give up is the v=best thing they can do.
ReplyDeleteJonathan Thomas
If i was is situation i would be seriously frustrated! But it would all have to depend on if the person asked for my help. If they did i would try my best to help them. If they failed I would keep trying until they succeeded. It would be annoying to keep teaching and re-teaching the same thing, but i would try my best! Helping them too much would be still giving them advice when they do not want it. The bible says to love your nieghbor as yourself and i would want my nieghbor to help me. The bible propably says something about helping too much, like about not trying to take the place of Jesus. This question reminds me of gods love, he shows us what to do, correctly, and we mess it up. Even though we mess up God corrects us and shows us the right path again.
ReplyDelete...............Sophie Kemether............
Ive had this situation before where my friend needed my help with something in school. For about two weeks I hepled him on all of his homework and he thanked me a lot and i said no problem every time... But then we had a test that next week and he failed it. I tohught too myself maybe this is my fault but i never admitted to my mistake. You can always help someone but helping someone to much isn't a good thing at all. This can ruin there life because there using you as their crutch. The bible says help others in need, but if someone only wants your help, even your best firend you shouldn't baby them.
ReplyDeleteOf course, in this situation i would be extremely frustrated, but i wouldn't let this stop me from helping my friend. If i truly am a "friend", i would stick by their side no matter what. That's part of having a healthy, friendly relationship. We're gonna have our ups and downs, but that doesn't mean we can't always have each other's back. I think the best way to solve this problem is to just think of ways to make it more simple, for the person's better understanding. Stick with it, and pray and the Lord will make it happen.
ReplyDeleteBraelen P.
In this situation, I would never stop helping my friend, but i would keep on perservering even when I get frustrated. Galations 6:9 says, "Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up." The Bible clearly says that we should never give up in helping others because if it is God's will, he will make it happen. If I put myself in Jesus's shoes, I know that Jesus would never stop helping someone in need. I could try different ways of helping teach whatever it is to my friend. If i never give up, then i would be showing Jesus's true love, compassion, and perserverance to my friend.
ReplyDelete***Caroline Holliday***
I actually went through this situation a couple of weeks ago. I was helping a little boy I knew from tennis drills. He is tiny and little that he couldn't hit it very hard so he was getting frustruated with himself. He was saying things like he was the worst player in the world and I'm never going to be as good as the other guys in the drills. I showed him different techniques on how to hit the ball hard and he just wasn't understanding them at all. So I tried a different trick with him. I made him sit down for a second and watch and learn. He understands how to hit it a little harder now. He isn't perfect at it yet but he is practicing. So the moral of the story is you can't give up on the person if they don't understand it all the way. Tutors don't give up on us when we don't understand it. When we don't understand things God doesn't give up on us so why should we give up on other people just because they don't understand something. You sit down and work it out with them until the little lightbulb goes off in their heads and then they will understand it.
ReplyDelete~annie Sickling ;-)
If a friend or a person needs help I think you should help them. When they aren't getting it or understanding it, unless they aren't being serious about what they are doing, I think you should continue helping them. I think you should have definitely help them from the start. Until they understand, I think you continue helping them, unless it is obvious that they have not made progress after many, many times of practice. If what you are trying to teach a person is advanced stuff, then trying to teach them that could hurt them. If they were trying to learn how to do a math problem, and you teach them how to do it the hard way, and they aren't very good at math, then by teaching them a difficult problem, you are just making them more confused. Jesus says, that whatever you did for the least of these brothers, you did for me. So, when you do try to sincerely help a person, you are not only helping them, but you are helping Jesus himself. I don't think the Bible says anything about helping one too much. Help is a form of love in my opinion, so when you help them, you are showing them you love them. So, there is never too much help, unless you are just confusing them more.
ReplyDeleteMy parents agree with this.
if this was the situation, i would stop helping that person. yes the bible says to help people but there is a possibility that your help may not be entirely accurate. if you have continued to help someone, and they have continued to fail, it could make you look bad and the person you are trying to help might think you are dumb. i also wouldn't want to make them keep on failing because of me.
ReplyDeletejake johnston
i think that that you should keep helping them. They will probably getit right eventually. Like when I started the french horn. i took lesson and wasnt doing too well. but after a while i got better. The Bible says two are better than one. so you keep giving them advice.
ReplyDeleteif this was the situation, i would stop helping that person. yes the bible says to help people but there is a possibility that your help may not be entirely accurate. if you have continued to help someone, and they continued to to fail, it could make you look bad and that person may think that you are dumb. i also wouldn't want to make them keep on failing because of me.
ReplyDelete-jake johnston-
In this situation, I would probably get very frusterated and really want to give up, but I wouldn't. It is true in life that people learn from their mistakes, but how can they ever learn if they never do the right thing in the first place? They need your help first before they try to figure it out for themselves. I can only think of one situation that help coculd actually hurt you, and that is something that we have talked about before in class. Even though animals are not people, they still need help at times too. But if an animal is hurt in the wild, then taken into captivity and nursed back to health again, then, released back into the wild, you are really hurting them and not helping them because they will not know how to help themselves next time. Also, if you are truely blessed with a gift from God, whether it be accademically or sports, or what ever you are really good at, I think that you should use your gift to help other people so they can get better too. The time that it would not be appropriate to use this gift is if you are using it to brag. For example, if you are a really fast runner, you might try to help people become better runners by always showing them what to do, even if they dont want help. I also think that you should only provide help to a person in need if they ask for it. If you see them sturggling at something, sometimes they just want to figure it out by themselves, and you can come off very annoying if you just come in and start helping them.
ReplyDelete<3~~~Cassie Anne Clementi~~~<3
I think that it is good that you helped. You should keep helping for a little while. I do believe that there is a point that you can't do anymore to help though and you need to turn the problem over to someone who can help more than you. I don't think it was wrong of you to help in the first place either because you were only trying to do the right thing. God always tells us to help others and Jesus was always helping others during his time on earth.I am unsure whether I think you can help too much. I think when you are trying to help someone you are only trying to do good so if you do help too much it was not trying to hurt them. Because the Bible tells us to help others I beleive we should help all we can and when we can't help anymore find someone else to help them.
ReplyDelete-Dannygail Dean!
If I was in this situation I would continue to help my friend no matter how long it takes, because thats what friends are for. The Bible doesn't say anything about not helping your friend it does however say to help your friend. that is what i would do.
ReplyDeleteWalker Wood
I think that you should helping that person until they get it right just like the Bible verse Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work; If one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up! I think that this verse goes along so well with the topic. I think that helping that person didn't hurt them it just makes them want to try harder. The Bible doesn't say about helping anyone too much. In my own opinion I think that you should try to help them even if they don't want your help.
ReplyDelete-Caitlin Kleefeld <3
I imagine that it would be easy to get frustrated with this friend for screwing up your advice time after time. But when we run to God for help and then run away because we don’t like what he has to say, he’s always there to run back to, again. God will never leave us or forsake us, so as Christians trying to be similar to Christ, we must emulate that by being there for our friend even if the friend turns your advice down or screws it up. We must be compassionate, caring, and selfless towards our friend, so that we can lead them in the right direction. I’m not really sure what the Bible says about helping too much but I don’t think we should be so quick to give up on people. God chases after us and when we run away he just kicks up the speed, so we should run after our friends, and help them through whatever the trial or problem is they need help with.
ReplyDelete-anna long*
I would be very frustrated if I was in this situation. I would still keep helping them though. You should never give up on the person. I think you could help someone to much if you are doing stuff for them but if you are just giving them advice then thats fine. After some time the person will get better. They say practice makes perfect, so eventually the person will get it right.
ReplyDelete-Katie Kassis
If I had a friend like that I would keep helping them until they understood it or when they did it right. I would definitely keep helping because you can't be a true friend if you back out on them. If I was given the choice again to decide if I was going to help my friend I would propbably still agree to help them. I would help them as long as they need my help. I don't think my help would hurt because I was just trying to help out my friend and be nice. In the Bible i'm almost positive it says that it is good to help someone in need and that you can't help someone to much. It wouldn't be right to give up on someone after the first couple of tries because God has and never will give up on us.
If I was in this situation i would most defnitely get frusturated! I would keeping helping them even though it would get annoying I would probably begin to think that they where not my true friend because they were not listing to me/taking my advice. But I would try different methods until they finally sucessed. I do not think that there is such a thing a helping some one to much. I also do not think that the Bible says that it is is wrong to help someone to much because God is always helping us and giving us second chances.
ReplyDelete*Ann DuPre*
What you should do first is ask them why they are messing it up if they give you a reason help them fix it but if they don't give you a reason then still try to help them understand what to do, but at the same time you can only do so much to help it is up to them to get right because you can't control their body. What I think is you should help them until you get tired of helping or until they get tired of you helping them because it's not good to give up on your friends no matter how annoying they get never give up on them. Should I have helped them in the first place? Yes but it depends on what they are asking for. If they want you to help them on how to rob a bank obviously you shouldn't because that's stupid, but if they need help on praying and stuff like that then yeah you should. Sometimes you may know if the help hurt them but sometimes you won't. It all depends on how close you are to that person. Or they might just come right out and tell you your help sucked and you just gotta deal with it. Because sometimes your help may work for you but may not for that particular person, no matter how much you think ya'll are alike ya'll are still very different. One bible verse that stood out to me about helping others is Matthew 7:12 Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. So if you want your friend to help you gotta help them in a way you wanna be helped. After thinking about what the Bile says I don't htink there is to much helping because if there was then Jesus wouldn't have died on the cross for our sins because he had already done may miracles before and saved lots of people so he did extra. So therefore there isn't to much help.
ReplyDeleteKhAlEn PiNkEtT
This cause is never lost. The advice given was probably by an expert on the topic so your advice shouldn't have hurt the person. Thomas Edison failed at creating the lightbulb hundreds of times, but he eventually got it right. He most likely had some advice or theories that obviously didn't work out but it wasn't against him. It showed him how not to do it next time.
ReplyDeleteIf your helping this particular person, it would be frustrating. But the Bible says to live the way Jesus did and to strive to do as He did. Jesus could've been frustrated at all the large crowds who swamped Him, or the disciples who asked too many questions. He handled it with patience, and He wouldn't give up on the person in this situation.
i would keep helping them, but after they keep messing up i would get a little angry with them. i wouldn't show the anger towards them because it could possibly pull them down. every time i helped the person i would change up the techniques if im not making in progress with them. over the time period i wouldnt stop helping the person out, because if i do when i try to come back they probably would quit on theirselves if i quited on them.in the bible Hebrews 13:16 says,"Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God." helping the person out is considered doing good, which is what god wants us to do.
ReplyDelete_ Eric Lockett
If my friend wanted my help, I would definitely keep helping. I would hope that'd I'd only stop when my friend told me to - and I hope they'd do the same for me. Sometimes people won't accept help, do as a friend,you can step in and help so as not to make them feel bad. If my friend kept messing up, I'd definitely be a little aggravated. As Christians, we are called to help people, and help them up if they fall. In Jonah 3:1, it says, "And the word of the LORD came unto Jonah the second time, saying..." Even in this short verse we see that God doesn't give up. He went back to help a second time, and that's what we should do with our friends. We are called to try and live like Jesus did, and he was/is always there for us, so that is how we should treat our friends.
ReplyDelete- Emma
I think that they should keep helping them. they will eventually get it right. yes, you should of helped in the first place because it says so in the bible. you help untill they get it right. in the Bible it says you should treat others the way you want to be treated, and the Bible doesnt say anything about helping too much.
ReplyDeleteAlex Manning
I think that if you really are a good friend you wouldn't stop helping them even if they messed up. Or even if they tell you that your help sucked and they don't know what to do. The bible says to help people in need, even if you help them and they fail. If it was school work, they could just work harder and you help them until they understand. If it was sport just practice with them until they are better at whatever it is. If it is their social life, just be a good friend and be there for them. Don't really pitty them, but be the shoulder for them to cry on. Just be there for them even if they fail.
I would help my friend because it is the right thing to do. If they continued to fail i would try help from an outside force and see if they still needed it. The Bible says to help everyone and put others ahead of yourslf. Think of others as yourself and what advice would you give if you were in that situation. i would help the person until they tell me to stoop because i want to be a good friend no matter what. If they continue to seek my help then i would continue to give it. Even if she fails, we all fail at sometimes in our lives and all you can do is your best and try as hard as you can and if you fail then just try again.
ReplyDeletei would help them because it is the right thing to do. The bible said to put others ahead of yourself. Thihnk of others then think of what you would want them to do to you. I would help them if they wanted the help otherwise do what they say. as long as you do your besty that is what matters and thats all you can do anyway. The thought is what counts.
ReplyDeleteNick Russell
i think you should help your friend because that person is your friend. if your friend keeps messin up i think you should keep helping because you started something and you should finish it. the Bible tells us to help those who are in need. your friend was in need in the first place. if they mess up they are still in need, so you you should continue to help them no matter what because you can never help someone to much.
ReplyDeleteJewelz a.k.a Mr. W!ggles
My opinion is that you should keepon helping them. If they really needed the help in the first place they wouldnt have messesd up on purpose. You should want to continue to help them until they get it right because it is the right thing to do. Also God tells in the Bible to help others like other people would help you. If you decied to stop helping them you really not really a good freind. Many people think that just helping someone once is enough but it is not right just to leave them after just once. In the Bible countless amount of people are helped more than once like the Israelites. They did not follow Gods rules a lot but God still lead them to the promise land. This is why we need to keep helping others. Chris Dewberry
ReplyDeleteI think that you should keep helping the person. Sure they may keep failing with your advice but if you are sure the advice you are giving is good advice than by all means keep giving it. Hopefully the person might succed someday and then you helping him would have been the right thing to do all along. So even if the person is failing with your advice keep giving it if you are posoitive that the advice you are giving is good.
ReplyDeleteHenry Mills
Just because someone keeps messing up doesnt mean you stop helping that person. we mess up all the time but God helps us al the time. The Bible says to help others no matter what. If a friend is in need then u need to help out as long as they need help. you can only help to much if they ask you to stop helping, but otherwise you need to help un til they got down what they need to do
It is appsolutely necissary to keep helping that person. We should awlways put others' needs ahead of our own. If we think back to our past, we see that almost all of the infuencial things we have accomplished in our lives were only possible through the people that helped us with them. If they had given up on us, than we would never be where we are to this day, so why should we give up on others? The Bible tells us that we need to put others ahead of ourselves, and just because sometimes it is hard to do, that doesn't mean we should give up on it at all. There are so many impossible things in our lives that God can help us accomplish.
ReplyDeleteMicah Owens